A’ AM IHLL IS THE BANNER AG j| 1 ricultural C ounty in Oregon. McMINNVILLE is the county seat ■ and largest town, and the Teleplione-ISeg-ister Is the leading newspaper and best adver- g tising medium. Try it. Ei Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. 1 ELESPHONEEUWithtdVune1.' 1386 VOL. III. NO. 27 M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , august 6,1891. Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. I a deprivation it would be for us to do A NAUGHTY DRUMMER. NEW FARMERS’ALLIANCE. Nature provides that whenever an insect destructive to vegetable life be-1 without them. I was forcibly .remind­ How He Used the Telegraph to Deceive a Sara Somers Tells How This Pastry 5Iay lie ] ed of this last summer, when a stranger Bucolics and Bacteria Join Force« to comes overabundant it is immediately Calbreath & Goucher. Confiding Wife. Made Both Appetizing and Desirable-- attacked by disease, fungus or bacterial, called on a matter of business. À3 he Exterminate the Bugs. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Dried Cherries and How to Prepare which breaks out spontaneously. In was leaving he stopped and looked “No one who has ever been a tele­ Them—How to Utilize the Juice < f M c M innville , ... O regon . 1886 the webworms were so numerous graph operator in a large hotel doubts with admiring eyes at a large cherry When M. Pasteur, a few year ago, Cherries. (Office over Braly’s Bank.) tree that stood by the porch loaded proposed to kill off- the rabbits of Aus­ in Washington that all the trees in the the entire truthfulness of the old say­ streets and parks were stripped by them I have somewhere read a rhyme in with ripe, crimson fruit. I at once in­ tralia by introducing among them a to nakedness. Immediately bacteria ing that ,all men are liars,’ ” he re­ vited him to ascend the ladder and eat all marked as he finished sending a die» S. A. YOUNG, M. D. contagious disease of a fatal character, whieh the author denounced dried ap­ and fungi attacked the caterpillars, kill­ ple pies as an aliomination, and, wax­ he wished. He apoligized, stating that humanitarians disgustedly cried “Oh!” ing 90 per cent of them, according to patch arn^ added the receiver’s cheek Physician & Surgeon, ing eloquent, lie goes on to say that lie had lived the most of his life in What will they think of similar plans the reckoning of the Department of to it. “I wish you could see the sort of M c M innville , ... O regon . they are made of a wormy, gnarly, Dakota, and in the few days he had been which bid fair to lie widely adopted be­ Agriculture, and the next year there business tliatjgoes over my wire heie bitter fruit, strung on a dirty cord, in Oregon, the unusual sight, (to him,) fore long for wiping out various bugs were hardly any. Two bad chinch-bug day after day. It is enough to Establish Oillee and residence on I) street. All beyond doubt the theory of the total Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. etc.,” evidently endeavoring to im­ of trees filled with fruit, compelled him, that attack tlie crops? calls promptly answered day or night. years never come together. As quickly depravity of man. Last summer a There is a “cabbage worm,” for ex­ press the reader witli tin.' fact the fruit almost in spite of himself, to stop and as they reach such numbers as to over­ in question is neither palatable, cleanly, admire He accepted my invi­ ample, an otherwise innocent creature, set nature’s balance of life, epidemics drummer stayed at this hotel for a F. . W. FENTON. DR. J. C. MICHAUX W. M. 1-.AMSKY. tation, however, and seemed to enjoy couple of months, and every morning about an inch and a half long, with a nor healthful. Now, I know that it is Kidney Disease the feast. A lady friend of mine who special appetite for the vegetable in wipe them out wholesale. It is the he received a dispatch from his wife possessed of all these virtues, and will Practicing Physician and Surgeon, same way with all sorts of other bugs. —is the cause of no end of suf­ proceed at once to prove it. We, wlio formerly lived in Oregon, but now u resi­ question. It is subject to a singular The inevitable epidemic each time re­ in Rochester, and answered it by a dis­ fering. A safe and certain remedy is i dent of Colorado, often writes me con­ patch every night, in which be gave a and very deadly disease, caused by ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. are so fortunate as to live in Oregon, LAFkYETTE, OREGON- duces the swarming trilie to a few, complete account of his doings during DR. HENLEY’S cerning the lack of fruit in that state, bacteria, as consumption and typhoid this beautiful state of prosperity and M c M innville , ... O regon which grow in numbers year after year Jan, 21,’88. * Oregon Kidney Tea. plenty, may not be able to realize what and wishes she had only a small por­ are in man. Does the latter sym­ until the season comes for another the day. After this sort of telegraphic Rooms 1 and 2, Union Block. tion of tlie quantity that is unavoidably pathize with the unhappy caterpillar bombardment had been kept up for it is to do without fruit, or diqx'iid en ­ It can do you no harm. It may do plague to reduce them to the l>ottom of three or four weeks the fellow came into you much good. Here is the testi­ tirely on the canned or evaporated ar­ wasted here every year. Having as an on that account? On the contrary, the scales again, and so ad infinitum. J. W. COWLS, LEE LAUGHLIN J. L. STRATTON. mony of one sufferer who has been President. Vice President. Cashier ticle furnished by uncertain markets. Oregonian been used to plenty she the scientists are forming a plan for To illustrate the rapidity witli which the office here one morning and handed made a “ a new man. ” Tlie average Oregonian must l>e both misses it much more than do those spreading the complaint among the microbes multiply, it is stated on emi­ me a $20 bill; ‘I’m going up to Wau­ SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC I had been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys when shiftless and improvident who has not who have never been accustomed to it. cabbage worms in general to such an nent scientific authority that it all the kesha for a week,’ said be, ‘and 1 want PHYSICIAN. kind Providence sent Dr. Henley a plentiful supply of fruit from straw­ Human nature is tlie same the world extent that tlie species shall be exter­ oceans of the world were composed of you to look after my business here. with the Oregon Kidney Tea to my McMinnville, Oregon. hotel. It had an almost miracu ­ berry time, in early May, to peach ami over, and that which we have in abuu- minated. Professor Galloway, who beef tea, a single bacterium would fill You understand how my affairs have Office Upstairs in the Garrison Building. lous effect and in a few days I was a new man. G. A. TUPPER, grapes season in late autumn, and as danee, no matter how great a luxury it superintends tlie Government plant them up solid witli its progeny within been running, 1 guess, and you can Paid up Capital, $50,000. Proprietor Occidental Hotel, handle them just as well without me the prudent housewife attends carefully may be, is not fully appicciated or en­ hospital, has just received a small con­ thirty days. Santa Rosa, Cal. JAMES BENNETT, joyed until we are compelled to live signment of germs of the malady from for a few days. Remember, I am hard Transacts a General Banking Business, to the canning, preserving and evapor ­ ARCHITECT. I It has cured thousands; at work here. Don’t let me stay out S ara S omers . Deposits Received Subject to Check Florida, where the insect commits ating of these fruits in their proper sea­ without it. I why not you ? To-mor­ RULES FOR REST. too late at night, you know, or do any­ Interest allowed on time deposits. row may be too late. great havoc, and he is propagating Plans, Specifications, Elevations, Details sons, even tlie poorer classes may al­ DRIKING WATER. thing that a sober, industrious and de­ Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ Personal Supervision of all work placed them by myriads artificially in corked ways have a plentiful supply, especially Your drugglot will tell you about In the new number of the North voted husband ought not to do.’ ’’ fers on New York, San Francisco and Port­ in my hands a Specialty. it. Ask him. tubes filled with gelatine. It will be of dried apples. O ffice — Up stairs in Campbell’s Brick, land. American .Review there is a seasonable A chapter on the pollution of rivers “Well, I became that Rochester wo­ North of Court House. Collections made on all accessible points. During the months of July ami Aug­ will lie found in a ltook translated from easy enough to prepare a quantity of article by Dr. Hammond on “How to D xli . as .... O reg ■>’ Office hours from 9 a. in. to 4 p ni. ust summer apples in our state are so the German of Prof. B. Baumeister, of beef tea—on that diet all bacteria Rest” Tlie Doctor’s conclusions are man’s husband by proxy. Every morn­ greedly feed and multiply— and trans­ not strikingly original, but they are not ing I received a dispatch from her, and plentiful that unless extra rare be taken Carlsrulic, entitled “ The Sewer­ to save them, hundreds of bushels age of Cities." All putrefying organic form it within a few hours, by simply the less worthy of attention on that ever}’ evening I answered it I Bent yearly go to waste. It is then that the substances in water are dangerous, and introducing a few as ingredient, into a account. For, in matters relating to the the truant husband to church twice on soundest and ripest of tlie fruit may be it is useless to attempt to discriminate solution, every drop of which contains conduct of life, there are no trutlis more Sunday and permitted him to go to the Successor to H. Adams Shop With Hewitt Bro’s. pared, quartered and cored, and placed between them. All should be ex­ thousands of living microbes. All that commonly neglected than those which theatre twice during the week. Upon his return from Waukesha lie liegan JfTf Charges Reasonable. Give me a call. on large scaffolds in tlie sun where cluded ns far as possible. Bivers vary theoretically remains will lie to spray nobody cares to dispute. sending amatory dispatches to a woman —AT— M c M innville , : O regon . they will dry thoroughly in a few much in regard to self-purification. the liquid, as if it was any insecticide, It is usual to hear people talking as if days’ time. They may then Ire packed English rivers which are small, lack upon the infested cabbages, and any there was some miraculous potency in at that point. One morning lie handed 1 nave purchased the Harness Shop of II. in bags and stored in a cool, dry place this power, but the rivers of America j worm touched by a particle of it must change of air and scene, but these must in a dispatch to be sent in duplicate to Adams and will keep a his wife in Rochester and to a woman ready for use in the winter or early and Germany show far better results. die. be accompanied by a complete change in Cincinnati. I noticed that the mes­ Thé manner in which these bacteria Watchmaker spring. of daily occupation if the tired organi­ The rivers at Nuremberg and Breslau Harness and Horse Furnishings The Dried apples should cook at least two receive tlie entire sewage of two cities, attack and consume the caterpillar is zation is to have rest. Men and women sage ended, ‘Your own loving husliand, and Jeweler. of people of Yamhili county are invited to call hours and three would lie lietter. Hot yet show no trace of it twenty miles quite astonishing. As a rule they be­ who transfer to the seashore or the Bert,’ and immediately called bis atten­ Dealer in All Kinds of Watches. Jewelry. Plated Ware look over the stock and get prices. We propose to do business at the old water from the tea-kettle should fre­ below. Absolute purity of a stream is gin by assailing the third segment of mountains the daily round of excite­ tion to the slip. ‘Do you want the Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE. OR. FRANK WRIGHT stand, all reimrts of our failure quently be added, as they should lie never attained, but a comparative the animal from the tail. They literally ment, feverish anxiety and elaborate word ‘husband’ to go to Cincinnati, notwithstanding. quite juicy when done. Mash well purity may be reached and maintained. eat it up, transforming its fleshy sub­ festivity to which they are accustomed also?’ I asked. ‘O, yes,’ he replied as JESSE EDWARDS. JOHN DERBY, with the potato masher, add sugar in This is as important to înflTïUfâfcturertCj stance into so much descomposed in the city, are simply cheating them­ lie lighted a cigar, ‘make it a double­ header. If my last week’s work pans The McMinnville Flouring Mills Co. proportion of one oneeup to three pints as to any class, for their products will mujXpr, and so quickly do they do their selves of the rest needed to prolong life. out well, I’ll soon give you a chance to J . 3. III BBS, - - - Proprietor. York that the victim is usually dead of cooked fruit, and flavor with cinna­ often be injured or destroyed liy'impur- But, as Dr. Hammond points out, one Fresh Meats of all kinds constantly on A. C. C handler , Manager. Proprietors of The McMinnville in twenty-four hours after it is may be too literal in seeking the bene­ save a little work by sending triple- mon or nutmeg as you prefer, I often ities in the water supply. hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s inoculated. It turns gradually fits of repose. A man who has had both headers.’ ”—CMoago Mail. use both. If you want your pies to lie Prussia has excluded sewage from riv­ stock TILE T hird S treit , M c M innville , O r . extra nice you might add a few raisins ers more rigidly than any other ertuBtry, from bright green to brown, and finally brain and muscles in vigorous and pro­ A fable ready to hand to the Ameri­ TILE in the proportion of a small handful to but of late the regulations have been to black— a loathsome corpse. With­ longed exercise for nine or ten months 0 in foui days the worm is so completely thinks he needs complete rest and re­ can Esop, moral and all: Farmer Situated at the Southwest corner <»f the each pie however they are very nice somewhat relaxed. The Prussian com-i"* ‘”“r ,"v ........... Fair Grounds. All sizes of without. Scatter a few bits of butter mission requires the removal of excre . ­ ’|ul>sorbed by tlie morbid process that duces himself to the condition of a sen­ Williams, of Deerfield Township, Mich., top nothing is left of it save literally a tient vegetable. The result is a mind hade his little ones come out with him over the pie before putting on the Carries the Best Line of Choice Meats in First-Class Drain Tile ment from the sewage of small places, tlie City. Game and Fish in Season. Poul­ spot. Specimens sent to Prof, and Ixxly enfeebled by inaction and an into the field and see him shoot the grease crust. while large towns must purify all its try, hides, etc., bought for the highest mar­ kept constantly on band at lowest living pretty feathered songsters for plumage have es- J Galloway in wooden pill boxes A light flaky crust is one of the EDWARDS .t DEi’BY, ket price and cash paid for same Your prices. incapacity for work which it takes him sewage, cither mechanically or chem­ sentials to an apple pie, whether the ! ically. But it cannot be said that the disappeared entirely within a week, weeks to overcome. The I tody does not to adorn the adolescent Williamses’ attention is called to the fact that we al­ 41- McMiinville, Oregon. ways serve tlie best meats to be found. apples be dried or in their natural state. system lias resulted in very marked each individual leaving only a small require absolute rest. It merely needs headgear. Farmer Williams knew the Your patronage is solicited. In preparing the top crust I always improvements. Storms pour masses of stain to show that once there had been exercise under the most healthy condi­ little birds wouldn't like being shot, BOND oat on a bay. It is, wounding two of his own children and be made monthly Hauling of a 1 kinds STRAW FORKS, done cheap. witli white of egg or sweet cream, in river like the Ohio, which might be rid it of every caterpillar in a few days. above all, a.complete divorce from or­ leaving the birds unscathed. II makes GROCERY STORE BARLEY FORKS, a difference whose little ones are to The bacteria are readily procured for this way the erust will be brown mid Pension. Postal. Land and Indian Dep FORKS at all PRICES. flaky, and yet not over rich. Dried called a succession of pools separated (or propagation from tlie cadavers of tlie dinary cases—a great bar of separation suffer. Has not busted yet! They have redation Claims. nearly separated) by sand bars, the self­ between the man or woman on a vaca­ apple pies, when prepared in this way purification of the water by settling insect killed which are filled with the tion and what either has left behind. a fuller stock, better quality of A rare event in the annals of Free­ law orricEs or make a most desirable and palatable and oxidation in its own bed, reaches gems, of course. A platinum wire in­ For, as Dr. Hammond remarks,"a man Goods and lower prices than ever. masonry occurred in Cincinnati re­ troduced into the substance of one of desert, and I am sure that even the its highest mark. or woman is to be managed in respect cently when the three Stevenson broth­ tlie black and shriveled bodies and UNDER THE DIRECTION OF author of that rhyme above quoted Until 1723 London had but one to rest in very much the same way that •w. zz zzzz^\_zz z z\ would not call them an abomination. water company which pumped from thereupon touched to some gelatine in a fanner manages his field ; * * * ers of that city were simultaneously WHY IS IT? raised to the Master’s degree. An occur­ (Editor A Prop. San Francisco Examiner. ) I will say right here that if you want springs in Hertfordshire and the upper a tube will produce a thriving colony by changing from one tiling to another rence so unusual in the history of the JOHN WEDDEKBl’RN, offhand. The truck gardener can be . to make a good green, or ripe, apple Manager. Lea. In that year the Chelsea com­ the product is lietter and the earth is order called forth a large representation i pie, don’t cook tlie fruit first, as I’ve pany was started, and water from the easily taught to manufacture his own not deteriorated. It is because we give Honest 618 F Street, Northwest, from the neighboring lodges. Singu­ I seen many do. Select nice, tart, cook­ Thames near Chelsea hospital, with becteria solution, half a barrel-full at a WASHINGTON, D. C. Weight, Best Quality of goods,treat larly enough the brothers are all rail­ time, for distribution with an atomizer, Will practice in the Supreme«’ourt of the ing apples, (lied Astrakan and Early reservoirs in Green Park, Hyde Park, Played Poker for Cattie. road men, one being a traveling passen­ United States, the Court of Claims, the sev­ Our .Customers Courteously, pay aud the natural spread of the disease Harvest are both excellent for this pur- and the Serpentine. The business of eral Courts of the District of Columbia, be­ the highest market price for coun­ ger agerrt and the others conductors. will clear whole districts of the worms I pose,) peel, core, cut them in thin slice- The game began at Texarkana, It fore Committees of Congress, and the Ex Plain supply London with water has grown ecutive Departments. try produce, have one price for all, and put in the pie raw. Use nearly in a haphazard way. The water com­ more or less permanently. Such at all was the oddest anti one of the biggest Mrs. Mary Clement Isaivitt, who is and Wired We obtain Pensionsand Patents. Indian no pets and sell at the very lowest a cup of sugar, nutmeg or cinnamon panies of the metropolis now number event is the theory. poker games ever played. 11 was early now in Chicago, has Just completed a Depredation Claims and all classes of Over a Thousand Feet Sold this Sea­ It remains to be seen what will result for flavoring, add a few bits of butter, ¡eight. Two take their water from in the fall last year when four big tour of the glolte in the interest of the Land Claims. Mining. Pre-emption and possible Living Prices. son and Still Plenty of Hose Left. and prepare your top crust as described Hertfordshire springs and the river from similar measures that are being ranchmen, who owned between them Woman’s Christian Temp -ranceUnion. Homestead Cases Prosecuted before the General Land Office, Department of the In above. An apple pie made in this way Lea; one from wells sunk in the chalk; taken against tlie chinch bugs in tlie thousands of acres and ten of ttiousands This undertaking occupied eight years terior and the Supreme Court and eaten with eream is a des ert fit the other from the Thames. Govern­ West, which do such an enormous of cattle in Texas, met at the terminus and subjected Mrs. Leavitt to many HODSON for a king. ment wells near Charing Cross supply damage to wheat, corn and other grain of the Iron Mountain road. hardships. It would have tried the ]>a- Executrix’ Notice. Will sell you better goods and at Dried cherries, when properly pre­ the government offices ami a lew other getting into tlie funnel shaped part of They were bound for Chicago, where tience and endurance of a strong man, the leaves where they join tlie stalks they intended to sell their cattle, and, NOTICE is hereby given that Maggie (’. Less Money than any one in town. pared are another luxury. Cherries places. much more a gentle and sensitive wo­ Redmond has Iteen.’ by the county court of ---- DEALERS IN----- and sucking the sap of the plants until as the wealthiest of the great Southwest man such as Mrs. Leavitt is described are as plentiful as apples, and in spite C all and S ee H im . Yamhill county, Oregon, duly appointed London’s daily supply of water is of canning and other saving devices, 157,000,000 gallons more than half of they die. Professor Snow, of Kansas, often do, they preferred to make the to be. executrix of the last will and testament of Ellenor Redmond, deceased. AH persons many of them go to waste. For drying which comes from the Thames and is Js trying witli the aid of a $7,000 appro­ journey in the caboose of a stock train. SUMMONS. having claims against said estate will pre Tlie value of tlie chips was stated in tile pits should be removed, the cherries settled in filtration beds. The writer priation, to introduce among them two sent them to me with proper vouchers at Archbishop John Ireland, of St. the office of Jas, McCain, in McMinnville, The Finest Line of Confection­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, ’ sweetened in the proportion of about different bacterial diseases of a fatal na­ unusual terms, a white standing for a Paul, who is soon likely to be made a in Cassell’s it is not improbable that in said county within six months from the for the County of Yamhill. two tablespoonful to a quart of fruit, noble Father Thames will not be- aide ture, and surprising accounts are given steer, a red ehip for five steers and a Cardinal, is a strking man physically. ery in the City. date hereof. J. (’. Streeter. Plaintiff,| Dated this 18th dav of July. A. D , 1891. and allowed to stand over night. In to supply London, with its ever in­ of the manner in which a few inoc­ blue for ten steers. He is tall, of robust figure, with broad vs. /- All kinds of Produce taken at the MAGGfE RfcBMONl), C. E. Mayer,Defendant) the morning skim them from the juice, creasing demands, and authorities on ulated insects distributed epidemics far From Texarkana to St. Louis the shoulders, and has a large, intellectual Executrix To C E. Mayer, said defendant, in the put them on plates and dry them in a and wide among their kind, causing players’ luck was atout even, although head. He pays but little attention to tlie subject are busily engaged consid­ name of the State of Otegon, you are hereby warm, not hot, oven. If the oven can ering whence extended supplies destruction to myriads. Other bugs 106 hands were played in that time. But dress and his attire Is always plain. In required to appear and answer the com ­ Call and examine our Stock and plaint filed against you in the above action, be kept at the right temperature, they can best lie brought. Dartmoor and elsewhere in the United States are to when they struck the Alton and en­ the pulpit he is somewhat awkward, 011 or before the 28th day of September, get Prices. be attacked in like manner with such tered the homestretch for Chicago the but he speaks with great force and will dry in one days’ time. But if the A. D., 1891. that being the first day of the j^.t igCt. Tabor. H exderson it G aunt . ( next regular term of said circuit court fol­ stove has to be made hot for baking Wales seem the favored spots. In complaints as arc best calculated to de­ contest grew fiercer, and at about every earnestness, and there is fa delightful Wales tlie valley of the Upper Wye lowing the expiration of the publication of purposes, the cherries must of course be -Portland's Most Geautifnl Suburb- stroy them. It is thought that the ma­ third hand the betting ran high. charm about his oratory. this summons, or in default thereof the and Upper Severn have been fixed up­ Luck turned in one of the players’ For the treatment of Nervous Diseases, Assignee’s Sale of Real Property plaintiff will take judgment against you for removed until the oven is again at tlie on. Any of these schemes would lady so deadly to the cabbage worm the sum of $2294.-U, together with interest right heat. (Once I forgot them, and a especially those suffering from nervous ex­ may be equally fatal to other obnoxious mean bringing water from a dis­ insects of different species, and at the favor— the man who had least rocks, j The old-time telegraphers, the men on |1192,2G thereof, from May 15th, 1891. at haustion and prostration, chronic diseases, the Circuit Court of the County of Yam the rate of one and one-fourth per cent per mass of burned cherries was the result.) by the way— and when the multiply­ who held the keys in the war-days, and all those who need quiet and rest, good In hili, tance of 180 to -200 miles, but the in the State of Oregon, month, and the sum of $7 80, costs and When dry pack them in earthen jars, present time experiments are being ing lights on the prairie showed that will hold their next annual reunion at nursing, massage and constant medical In the matter of the assignment of Geo schemes are regarded as quite feasible. disbursements taxed and the costs and dis ­ care. At Mt. Tabor will be fou d pure air, W. Sappington, insolvent debtor: made with a view to inoculating the the train was nearing Chicago the Washington. Their yearly gatherings bursements of this action and for an order sprinkling sugar ligiitly between tlie absolutely free from malaria, good water, State of Oregon toll worm of the cotton witli this very game ended. of sale of the real property attached in the layers. They can scarcely 1 h > dis­ are always interesting affairs, But it Is beautiful* surroundings and magnificent County of Yamhill) > SS A Fortuite in a Colt. above ent tied action. views. Ample references given if desired. disease. Tlie latter secreting itself in tinguished from raisns, and are quite as The other three men had lost every noticed that their ranks are la-ginning By virtue of a general assignment for the This summons is published in the T ele ­ For further particulars, address the physic­ benefit of all his creditors in proportion to Five years ago “White Hat” Mc­ the boll of the plant, is not easily chip they liad, hail Ixirrowed again to thin out, Morse the pity. phone -R egister for six successive weeks, good to use in puddings, fruit eakes, ian in charge. the amount of their respective claims made by an order made by the Hon. R P. Boise, Carthy sold an old mare called Aurora readied iiy ordinary insecticides. OSMON ROYAL, M. D., mince pies, etc. As an addition to and again, with the same result. And and executed by the above named G. W Ninth A Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon. Sappington on the 27th day of December, Judge of said court on the 14th day of July, Under a new law in Georgia, when a to.an obscure California thoroughbred In addition to the bactertial diseases when tlie winner counted up he found A.D , 1891, at Chambers at Salem. Oregon. dried apple pies they have no equal. A I),, 1800, which instrument of assign­ breeder for $210. The following season referred to, the ruthless scientists of he had won 40,000 head of cattle be­ doctor is convicted of drunkenness he F. W FENTON. The juice, of which there is always ment was thereafter, and on the Sth day of 7-23 Attorney for Plaintiff January, A I)., 1891, duly filed for record an abundance when tlie pitted and she gave gave foal to a big, raw boned Kansas are trying to inoculate the longing to the other three men in the can no longer practice medicine in that in Yamhill County, State of Oregon, the sweetened cherries have been allowed colt, and at the yearling sale the em- chinch-bugs wholesale witli a fungus game, or in dollars close upon $250,000. state. The idea is either to diminish THE same being the County in which the busi­ the number of drundards, or the num­ to stand over night, may be utilized in bryotic racehorse was knocked down to complaint. Insects arc very liable to ness in respects of which the same was made, has been carried on said assignment ber of doctors, or the death rate, or various ways. It may be made into G. V. Tupper for $85. Dan McCarthy’s troubles of this sort. When you see a A nightingale sings nightly over the having been made under and by virtue of something of that sort. $210 was part of the purchase money ’ fly stuck upon a window-pane and sur ­ jelly, but gelatine must be added to in ­ ELSIA WRIGHT. an act of the Legislative Assembly of the tomb of tile poet Hafiz. Even a )>oet O pens S eptember 18 th , 1891. State of Oregon, entitled: “An act to secure sure tlie proper result, or, in preparing for C. II. Todd, which carried that rounded with a sort of halo of white, might well lx.- willing to die for the A mile or two of the solid ledge of • Carries the Largest Assortment of credito s a just division of the estates of COURSE OF STUDY arranged expressly other cherries for canning, tlie juice patriotically ugly headgear to victory* cobwebby substance, the latter is a sake of so sweet a memorial. It is to debtors who convey for the benefit of cred ­ Harness and w addles and also the gold, four feet thick, just reported from to meet tlie needs of the farming ami me­ may be added and less sugar will be in a sensational American Derby and fungus, by which it has been devoured. be hoped that no enterprising tourist the State of Washington, would some­ itors, approved October 18th, A. D. 1878,” LARGEST STOCK IN YAMHILL COUNTY. ami acts amendatory thereof. I have, as chanical interests of tlie state. Large, commodious ami well-ventilated needed, or if one has a jug, or keg of earned $12,000 for its eccentric owner. Often you will find moths afflicted in will try to put Persian powder on this what relieve the pressure on the Treas­ Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re­ assignee of said debtor and assignee named buildings. The College is located in a culti­ vinegar in the process of “making,” it The bank roll of which Aurora’s $210 like manner. Abroad for some years in said asssigninent become seized, possess­ vated and Christian community, and one songster's tail and sell him to a mu­ ure. pairing Neatly Done ed |»f and own all the right and title to the of the healthiest in the state. ----------♦♦♦---------- may be added with good effect. Can­ was the nucleus grew into a fortune for past, efforts have been made to exterm­ seum. Robes, Whips and all the Necessaries one-half undivided interest which the said ning is, in my opinion, the most satis­ Dan, who, with $30,000 of it, yesterday inate locusts, cut worms and many Warehouse receipt» printed :>t this IvdZilita.r^r Training’. G W Spyington had and owned at the are Kept in Stock in Endless ■ in quantities to suit, neatly time he made said assignment, to-wit: The Expenses need not exced #150 for the en­ factory manner of disposing of it. purchased a lot of property on Jefferson other destructive bugs by spreading Goethe’s love-letters to a single one of Variety. tire Session. 27th day of December. A. D . 1890, of, in street, in this city. Aurora’s ungainly fungus among them, with partial suc­ his lady-loves are valued at $37,500. bound. Order them of the T elephone — ('all and Sec Stock. Store on Third Street, and to the following described real proper­ J ' JiFX »m i r.K, , ub Two or more free scholarships from every Heated boiling hot, and poured into son thickened into a seemly’ looking B eoistek as tuv tlie wuiR work lumni turned ot out can cess. A creature corresponding to the What a fortune the whole batch of his j not excelled by any office “ in i the McMinnville, Oregon. ty and premises, to-wit. glass jars and sealed, it is ready for a countv. Write for catalogue to Commencing at the southeast corner of B. I.. ARNOLD, Pres., Corvallis, Or. number of use. It is a much better ad- youngster, was named Guido, showed June bug of this country does great tender epistles would bring. county. lot 3, block 1. running north one hand ed ditiou to mince pies than eider, and quality as a two-year old, became a damage to forests in Europe, and it is at and ten feet, thence west fifty five and three tenths feet, thence south one hundred with proper spices, thickening, etc., it racehorse last year, and was sold to W. present being attacked by the same J.' Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug 17,1889. and ten feet, thence east fifty-five and three- may be used as sauce for puddings. In II. Babb for $5,000. McCarthy’ got his means. Germs are easily got by soak­ Gates Henry, Props« ■■-•'u.: tenths feet to the place of beginning, in the warranty deed just in time to rush to town of North Yamhill, as recorded in the ing the fungi in water, and can be pro­ cooking apples, whether fresh or dred, McMinnville, - Oregon. Recorder’s office in the County of Yamhill, BECAUSE THEY ARE Washington and see Guido win a race pagated like the bacteria for spraying. it may be added instead of water. in the State of Oregon, which said real - ----- I have often thought that people, at mile heats and smash a turf record Moreover, every insect infected dis­ property and premises I shall expose for D. M. t ERRY & Co’S sale and offer for sale as the law directs, at who live in a plentiful, fiflit-growing that held a stereotyped place on the tributes tlie spores of tlie fungus, cor- »-•* Illastrated, Descriptive and Priced the Courthouse door, in said Yamhill Coun­ country like this, scarcely appreciate guide for ten years. In 1881 Bouree, a respondinding to seed, wherever it goes ty, State of Oregon, on the 15th day of Sep • < S eed A nnual teinber. A D , 1891, at the hour of*2o’clock their privileges. We become so accus- , four year-old, ninety pounds up, ran and thus the affiction is distributed. For 1891 will be mailed FREE Everything New in the afternoon of the said day. the same ¿to al' applicants, and to last season’s tomedato the sight of loaded fruit trees, 1 heats at Sheepshead Bay in 1.42 and The most remarkable bug eating being between the hours of 9 o’clock in the , v‘ customers. It is better than ever. morning and 4 o’clock in the afternoon of And Firstclass. said prolific grape vines, acres of strawberry 11.41]. Guido’s performance was ini- fungus is a mushroom that grows out Every person using Garden, day, at Public Auction. Flc~Mtr or Field Seeds, vines full of lx>th blossoms ami fruit, 1 measurably superior, for witli 117 of a caterpillar, literally transforming should send for it. Address Special Accommodations for Commercial Assignee of the estate G of G A. AV. DOUGLAS. D. M. FERRY A CO. Sappington. currants and blackberries in profusion, , pounds tilted upon his back, he the animal into a vegetable. It is Travellers DETROIT. MICH. Insolvent debtor. etc., that we use and enjoy them quite • covered the circuit time in 1.41 J and much prized in some parts of the world Largest Seedsmen in the world Dated this 16th day of July A. D , 1891. Vorncr Second and E Streets, one block as a delicacy for eating. as a matter of course, not realizing what I 1.11. I 32 from Cooks hotel. J. F. CALBREATH. DRIED APPLE PIES. □^PRICE’S E. K. GOUCHER. LidPowder: Ramsey & Fenton, J.D.BakerMD. ; D. 2k. SMITH, FRANK WRIGHT, WATCHMAKERS JEWELER. HARNESS SHOP! WM. HOLL, Eurisko Market, The People's Market. Complete and Reliable Stock One and oiie-haif cents a Bushel. Edwards & Derby, FACTORY Red Jacket Force Pumps, Pitcher Pumps, Well, I Vum and I Vow! Pumps of all kinds TRUCK AND DRAY CO. Miti» ta mí Riogs:, EXAMINER BUREAU OF CLAIMS, I C. R. COOK & SON. HENDERSON à GAUNT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. COTTAGE SANITARIUM ! Harness ad Saddles. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. THE COMMERCIAL STABLE! Livery, Feed and Sale ! , THE BEST. .©¡©¿sc; Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE