The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 30, 1891, Image 2

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They sell cheaper and keep a better assorted line of
Underwear, Shoes, Hats Etc;
Than any other store in the County.
Think of Something Original.
Iind me if Christ had not come down off until the very heavens were bowed down
the hills of heaven, and if he had not come into the sitting room. Oh, if I were dying
through the door of the Bethlehem cara­ I would rather have plain Peter Croy kneel
W. S. Cone, of Tillamook, is prepar­
vansary, and if he had not with the crushed by my bedside and commend my immortal ing a novel exhibit for the world’s fair,
hand of the crucifixion knocked at the iron spirit to God than some heartless ecclesi­
~ which he proposes shall be seen, even
gate of the sepulcher of our spiritual astic arrayed in costly canonicals. Go
preach this gospel. You say you are not if Oregon is not otherw ise represented.
death, crying, "Lazarus, come forth?”
Oh, my Christian friends, this is no time licensed. Iu the name of the Lord Al- It is a short section of one of Tilla­
for inertia, when all the forces of darkness mighty, this morning, I license you. Go mook's largest fir trees. The end will
Beem to be in full blast; when steam print­ preach this gospel—preach it in the Sab- 1
1 dressed and jolished, and oil it will
ing presses are publishing infidel tracts; bath schools, in the prayer meetings, in the be
| painted artistically a complete map
when express railroad trains are carrying highways, in the hedges. Woe be unto be
messengers of sin; when fast clippers are you if you preach it not.
Tillamook county, showing the pro­
laden with opium and rum; when the night
of the different localities. The
air of our cites is polluted with the laugh­ qualified to meet your duty in this partic- ducts
will be about $250, not including
ter that breaks up from the ten thousand ular age you want unbounded faith in the cost
saloons of dissipation and abandonment; triumph of the truth and tho overthrow transportation.
This should make the
when the fires of the second death already of wickedness. How dare the Christian citizens of this county think of some
are kindled in the cheeks of some who church ever get discouraged? Have we not '
and novel manner by which Yarn­
only a littlo whilo ago were incorrupt. the Lord Almighty on ourside? Howlong new
county can be advertised at the
Never since the curse fell upon the earth did it take God to slay the hosts of Senna- bill
has there been a time when it was such an
world’s fair. Let every one who is
unwise, such a cruel, such an awful thing
of tbinkiug put his mind to
for the church to sleep! The great audi­ he once arises in his strength, to overthrow capable
ences are not gathered in the Christian all the forces ot iniquity? Between this work and send to this paper all the
churches; the great audiences are gathered time and that there may be long seasons of original
ideas thus developed. It would
in temples of sin—tearaof unutterable woe darkness—the chariot wheels of God’s Gos­ be ail easy matter to raise the money
their baptism, the blood of crushed hearts pel may seem to drag heavily, but here is for a novel advertisement of this county
the awful wine of their sacrament, blas­ the promise, and yonder is the throne; and at the world's fair. The amount of bene­
phemies their litany, and the groans of the when Ominiscience has lost its eyesight fit the county would receive could not
lost world t he organ dirge of their worship. and Omnipotence falls back impotent and be estimated. He sure and send us your
Again, if you want to be qualified to , Jehovah is driven from his throne, then ideas. We will let them be known and
meet tho duties which this age demands of the church of Jesus Christ can afford to be the most popular one will be adopted.
you, you must on tho one hand avoid reck- I despondent, but never until then. Despots Let us wake up.
less iconoclasm, and on the other hand not may plan and armies may march, and the
Miles* Nervine Liver Pills.
stick too much to things because they are I congresses of the nation may seem to think
old. The air is full of new plans, new | they are adjusting all the affairs of the ket on a new principle—regulating the
projects, new theories of government, new
liver, stomach and bowels through the
theologies, and I am amazed to see how so I only the dust of the chariot wheels of God’s nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Mile’s Pills
many Christians want only novelty in
speedily cure billiousness, bad taste, torpid
I think that before the sun of this cen­ liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for
order to recommend a thing to their confi­
dence; and so they vacillate and swing to tury shall set, the hist tyranny may fall, men, women and children. Smallest, mild
and fro, and they are useless and they are and with a splendor of demonstration that est, surest ! «50 doses, 25 cts. Samples free
unhappy. New plans—secular, ethical, shall be the astonishment ot the universe at Rogers Bros.
philosophical, religious, cisatlantic, trans­ God will set forth the brightness and pomp
atlantic. Ah, my brother, do not adopt a and glory and perpetuity of his eternal
thing merely because it is new. Try it by government. Out of the starry flags and
the emblazoned insignia of this world God
the realities of a judgment day.
But, on the other hand, do not adhere to will make a path for his own triumph, and
anything merely because it is old. There returning from universal conquest he will
is not a single enterprise of the church or sit down, the grandest, strongest, highest
the world but has sometimes been scoffed throne of earth his footstool.
Then shall all nations' song ascend
at. There was a time when men derided
To Thee, our Ruler, Father, Friend,
even Bible societies; and when a few young
Till heaven’s high arch resounds again
men met near a haystack in Massachusetts
With "Peace on earth, good will to men,”
and organized the first missionary society
ever organized in this country, there went
I preach this sermon because I want to
laughter and ridicule all around the Chris­ encourage
all Christian workers in every
tian church. They said the undertaking possible department.
Hosts of the living
was preposterous.
And so also the work of Jesus Christ God, march on! march on! His spirit will
was assailed. People cried out, "Whoever bless you. His shield will defend you.
heard of such theories of ethics and gov­ His sword will strike for you. March on! We propose to do business at the old
stand, all reports of our failure
ernment? Whoever noticed such a style inarch on! The l:ist despotism will fall, I
of preaching as Jesns has?” Ezekiel had and paganism will burn its idols, and Mo-!
talked of mysterious wings aud wheels. h.ammedanism will give up its false proph-1
Here came a man from Capernaum and et and tho great walls of superstition will
Gennesaret, and he drew his illustrations come down in thunder and wreck at the The McMinnville Flouring Mills Co.
from the lakes, from the sand, from the long, loud blast of the Gospel trumpet.
ravine, from the lilies, from the constalks. March on! March on! The besiegement
A. C. C handler , Manager.
How the Pharisees scoffed! How Herod will soon be ended.' Only a few more steps
derided! How Caiphas hissed! And this
Jesus they pluck«! by the 1>eard, and they blows; only a few more battle cries, then
spat in his face, and they called him “this God will put the laurel upon your brow,
fellow!” All the great enterprises in and and from the living fountains of heaven
out ot the church havo at times been will bathe off the sweat and the heat and
scoffed at, and there have been a great the dust of the conflict.
March on! March on! For you the time
multitude who have thought that the
chariot of God’s truth would fall to pieces foi work will soon be past, and amid the
outflashings of the judgment throne and
if it once got out of the old rut.
the trumpeting of resurrection angels and
And so there are those who have no pa­ the upheaving of a world of graves and
tience with anything like improvement in the hosanna of the saved and the groaning
church architecture or with anything like of the lost, we shall be rewarded for our
good, hearty, earnest church singing, and faithfulness or punished for our stupidity.
they deride any form of religious discussion Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from
which goes down walking among everyday everlasting to everlasting, and let the
men rather than that which makes an ex­ whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen
cursion on rhetorical stilts. Oh, that the and amen.
Church of God would wake up to an adapt­
Timing One's Turns.
ability of work! We must admit the sim­
When Captain Duncan Knock asked
ple fact that tho churches of Jesus Christ Jeanie Deanes the secret of her housekeep­ HAY FORKS.
in this day do not reach the great masses. ing, remarking that the fairies must help
There are fifty thousand people in Edin­ her, for the house was always clean, yet he
burgh who never hear the Gospel. There never saw her with a broom in her hand,
are one million people in London who she modestly answered, “Much might be
never hear the Gospel. There are at least done by timing one's turns.” We have all
three hundred thousand souls in the city seen such households where tho mistress
of Brooklyn who come not under the im­ was always ready to receive her friendsand
mediate ministrations of Christ's truth, her husband’s friends; where everything
and the Church of God in this day, iustead seem«! to move by some unseen rhythm.
of being a place full of living epistles, read The secret certainly lies in perfect system,
and known of all men, is more like a “dead in "timing one's turns,” doing the routine
letter” postoffice.
work of the house or seeing that it is done
“But,” say the people, “the world is go­ on exactly the same d3y and time of the
ing to be converted. You must be patient. day each week, aud in training the serv­
The kingdoms of this world are to become ants to work so methodically that they al­
the kingdoms of Christ.” Never, unless ways know what is expected ot them. It
the church of Jesus Christ puts on more is a fatal mistake to call servants away
speed and energy. Iustead of the church from their regular work and send them off j
converting the world, the world is convert­ on all sorts ot spasmodic errands at any
ing the church. Here is a great fortress. time of the day. It takes time to pick up
How shall it be taken? An army comes the threads of a piece ot work which has
aud sits around about it, cuts off the sup­ been dropp«l, and work that is done by
plies and says, “Now we will just wait un­ piecemeal is never well done.
til from exhaustion and starvation they
Over a Thousand Feet Sold this Sea­
If housewives were more methodical in
will have to give up.” Weeks and months, their ways of laying out their servants’
son and Still Plenty of Hose Left.
and perhaps a year, pass along, and finally work for each day, and in adhering to it,
the fortress surrenders through that star­ there would be less trouble with servants.
vation and exhaustion. But, my friends, It is a noteworthy fact that servants re­
the fortresses of sin are never to be taken main the longest in families where the
in that way. If they are taken for God it work is the mo.~t exacting and is done in
sell you better goods and at
will be by storm. Y’ou will have to bring the most methodical manner.—Exchange.
up the great siege guns ot the Gospel to the I
than any one in town.
very wall, and wheel the flying artillery I Burns & Daniels are to the front with
C ali , and S ee H im .
into line, and when the arm«! infantry of fine bedroom suits, loungesand mirrors.
heaven shall confront the battlements you
will have to give the quick command:
"Forward! Charge!”
Ah, my friends, there is work for you to
do aud for me to do in order to achieve this
grand accomplishment! Here is a pulpit,
and a clergyman preaches in it. Your pulpit
is the Rank. Your pulpit is the store. Your
pulpit is the editorial chair. Your pulpit
-------- OF THE--------
is the anvil. Your pulpit is the house
scaffolding. Your pulpit is the mechanic's
shop. I may stand in this place and,
through cowardice or through self seeking,
may keep back the word I ought to utter;
while you, with sleeve rolled up and brow
To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and
besweated with toil, may utter the word
that will jar the foundation of heaven with upwards: one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per
the shout of a great victory. Oh, that to­ annum. Most all of this land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now
day this whole audience migbi feel that in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 miles of Amitv.
the Lord Almighty is putting upon them Over 700.000 pounds of fruit shipped from this point last year.
the hands of ordination. Every one, go
For particulars apply to or address
forth and preach this gospel. You have
as much right to preach as I have, or as
any man has. Only find out the pulpit
where God will have yon preach, and there
He-liey Vicars was a wicked man in the
English army. The grace of God came to
him. He became an earnest and eminent
Christian. They scoffed at him and said,
“Y’ou are a hypocrite; you are as bad as
ever you were.” Still he kept his faith in
Christ, and after awhile, finding that they
could not turn him aside by calling him a
Should be given my Stock by eve­
hypocrite, they said to him, "Oh, you are
ry one who in need of
nothing but a fanatic.” That did not dis­
turb him. He went on performing his
anything in
Christian duty until he had formed all his
troop into a Bible class, and the whole en­
campment was shaken with the presence of
God. So Havelock went into the heathen
temple in India while the English army
was there, and put a candle into the hand
of each of the heathen gods that stood
around in the heathen temple, and by the
.ight of those candles, held up by the idols, 1Æ
I have a complete Stock of
General Havelock preached righteousness.
all the Latest Styles of
:emperance and judgment to come. And
who will say. on earth or in heaven, that
■ \
Havelock had not the right to preach?
W ashington , D. C. July 17,1891.—
Moses P. Handy, Promotor General CHRISTIANS
of the World’s Fair was in Washington
a few days ago on his way to Europe in
rlace May Now Be » Pulpit, Every
$2 00 the interest of the exposition. He was Every
One Copy. per year, inadvance..
. I 00 very enthusiastic over the prospects for
One Cepy, six months in advance
Workshop, Gravel Pit, Farm or Railroad
the great in 1893. When asked what Train—Every Christian May Now Do
Entered at the jxistoffiee at McMinnville had been accomplished so far, Mr. Something for Christ.
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Handy replied that it was safe to say M adison , July 26.—Rev. Dr. Talmage
preached thig morning at a Chautauqua
T h « AnvKRTisixo R ates or T he T ele - no exposition had ever been further ad- 1 assembly on tho banks of Monona lake,
rHOXE-RKGims are liberal, taking in vaticed at the same period in its history. 1 near this city. It is a great gathering of
consideration the circulation. Single Contrary to general impression, he said ,
peoplo from all patts of the northwest.
inch, $1.00. each subsequent inch, $.75.
Special inducements for yearly or semi- it is a fact that those who know most ! His text was Esther iv, 14, "Who knoweth
yearly contracts.
what is going on, are most impressed whether thou art come to tho kingdom for
such a time as this?”
• * •
J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xkcvtkd with the idea that it will be the great- 1 Esther the Beautiful was tho wifo of
at reasonable rates Our facilities are est of Worlds Fairs. The difference Ahasuerus the Abominable. The time had
the best in Yamhill county and as good between the National and State Pro- i come for her to present a petition to her in­
as any in tho state A complete steam
motors and Managers which cropped famous husband in behalf of tho Israelitish
plant insures quick work.
nation, to which she had once belonged.
• * •
out at the start and lasted for some She
was afraid to undertake the work
R bsolvtions or C ondolkncx ard all O bit -
she should lose her own life; but her
uary l’oetry will be charged for at regular
Mordecai, who had brought her up,
advertising rates.
money is of course a prime consider»-, uncle,
encourag«l her with the suggestion that
< * *
A ll C ommunications M i st B e S iuned B y
probably she had been raised up of God for
the person who sends them, not for pub­ the Board of Managers he said are in a , that peculiar mission. "Who knoweth
lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non very satisfactory condition. The per- ■ whether thou art come to the kingdom for
tie plume,” but for a guarantee of good
faith. No publications will be publish«! centage of non-payment of subscription 1 such a time as this?” Esther had her God-
work; you and I have ours. It
unless so signed.
has been almost insignificant. There ■' appointed
is my business to tell you what style of
• » „ »
A porifs A ll C om mix ¡ cat ioxb , E ither F or has been one million dollars in the ., people we ought to be in order that we
the editorial or business departments, to treasury for severalmonths past, which I > may meet the demand of the age in which
T he T klkpiione -R euister , McMinnville.
has cast our lot. It you have come
is a larger amount than was in the God
expecting to hear abstractions discussed
bands of the Management of any Ex- J or dry technicalities ot religion glorified,
S ample C opier O f T he T elephone -R egis ­ position until it was well under way. ;
you have come to tho wrong place; but it
ter M ill lie mailed to any person in the
really would like to know what this
United States or Europe, who desires one, The extent of National interest in the you
age has a right to expect of you as Chris­
free of charge
• *
tian men and women, then I am ready iu
W k I nvite Y ou T o C omeaus T he T ele - ready more than two million dollars the Lord’s name to look you iu tho face.
riioSE-RsoisTEH with anv other paper have lieen appropriated by different
When two armies have rush«l into bat­
publish«! in Yamhill county.
states for state exhibits, with a num­ tle the officers ot either army do not want
philosophical discussion about the chemi­
ber of states yet to be heard from. As ( cal properties ot human blood or the na­
A fl tuhecribere who do not receive their
ture of gunpowder. They want some one
paper regularly trill confer a J'aror by im­
mediately reporting the fame to this office says: “No nation, excepting Italy, that to man the batteries and swab out the
And now, when all the forces ot
has ever took part in an international guns.
light and darkness, ot heaven and hell,
have plunged into the fight, it is no time
Thursday, July 30, 1891.
sented, and that some which have to give ourselves to the definitions and
formulas and technicalities and conven­
Tillamook City is making no great never exhibited before will participate tionalities
ot religion. What we want is
hurrah about it, but is making im­ in this. The foreign press is uow full practical, earnest, concentrated, enthusias­
help. What we need
provements steadily nil the time.
Everybody is busy and the town is what is to l>e done at Chicago, while six in the east you in Wisconsin need.
In the first place, in order to meet the
prospering in spite of the lethargy and months ago hardly a friendly or hope­ special demand of this age, you need to be
opposition of some of the people. Sev­
an unmistakably aggressive Christian. Ot
eral new buildings are going up, and Paris Exposition was a big tiling, but halt and half Christiaus we do not want
more. The church of Jesus Christ
the work on the streets is being pushed the Chicago Fair will leave it far in the any
will lie better without ten thousand of
right along. The street improvements distance. The Frenchmen had 73 acres them. They are the chief obstacle to the
being made will do more actual good in under roof, but Chicago will have 115 church's advancement. I am speaking of
another kind of Christian. All the appli­
the way of building up a city than acres.
for your becoming an earnest Chris­
anything heretofore done. They are The State Ikqiartiiient lias just re­ ances
tian are at your hand, and there is a straight
the foundation work, and when com­ ceived an interesting, though sad re­ path for you into the broad daylight of
pleted will be a permanent and a stand­ port from United States Consul Plu- God’s forgiveness. You may have come
ing inducement for people to locate maeker at Maracaibo, Venezuela, rela­ here today the bondsmen of the world, and
yet before you go out of these doors you
here.— Headlight.
tive to the water famine in that city. may become the princes of the Lord God
He relates a condition of affairs almost Almighty. You know what excitement
The legislative trust of California is past relief, which to people living in there is in this country when a foreign
now being shown up in all of it rotten­ countries where water is as free and prince comes to our shores. Why? Because
is expected that some day he will sit
ness in Judge Wallace's court in Stui pleutiful as air, would seem almost in­ it
upon a throne. But what is all that honor
Francisco. No such case has ever oc­ credible. The only source of water, compared with the honor to which God
curred to our knowledge in the United there, is rain, which is collected in calls you—to be sons aud daughters of the
Lord Almighty; yea. to bo queens and
States. California can claim this as an cisterns during the wet weather, but a kings
unto God! “They shall reign with
honor if she wants to. She at temps to long drought lias left the cisterns him forever and forever.”
have tho greatest of all things. We are empty. As the lake water is undrink­
perfectly w illing for her to have this as able, when the cisterns commenced to But, my friends, you need not be aggres­
Christians, and not like those persons
the largest "episode." Some twenty- run dry, numberless excavations were sive
who spend their lives in hugging their
four of the members of the last legisla­ made in the outskirts. In most cases Christian graces and wondering why they
ture banded together for the purpose of the water thus found is unpalatable. do not make any progress. How much ro­
selling their votes. In all $121»,000 was But thousands of the desperate thirst bustness of health would a man have if he
hid himself in a dark closet? A great deal
distributed amongst them, each getting stricken people have to depend on this of piety of the day is too exclusive. It
$5000. It was supposed to be an even abomnable mixture. The city death hides itself. It needs more fresh air, more
divy but one num did not receive his roll has been steadily increasing for outdoor exercise. There are many Chris­
tians who are giving their entire life to
share and lie has squealed and has weeks; the mortality, particularly self
examination. They are feeling their
brought suit for his money.
among children, being frightful. The pulses to see what is the condition of their
health. How long would a man
government has declared the situation
The race for governor of Ohio be­ to be a public calamity, and isdoingall have robust physical health if he kept all
tween Campbell and McKinley will be in its power to alleviate the universal the days and weeks and months and years
of his life feeling his pulse instead of going
l>e a hot one and as it now looks will suffering among the poor who cannot out into active, earnest, everyday work?
be au even race. The people of the purchase even the wholesome liquid
1 was once amid the wonderful, bewitch­
entire country are watching the can­ that is collected in these holes in the ing cactus growths of North Carolina. I
vass as several things are expeeteil to ground, and which is all that is attain­ never was more bewildered with the beauty
of flowers, and yet when I would take up
turn up at almost any moment. The able. Add to this. Consul Plumacker one of these cactuses and pull the leaves
bosses of the democratic party, head­ says, an intense heat, and the present apart, the beauty was all gone. You could
quarters at Cincinnati, are attempting situation in Maracaibo may be feebly hardly tell that it had ever been a flower.
there are a great many Christian peo­
to down Campbell. This, of course, understood. He tells a touching story And
ple in this day just pulling apart their
does not have much influence upon the of the scenes about the wells and holes, Christian experiences to see what there is
people as a people, still the number of of women and children standing in a iu them, and there is attractive
votes controlled might defeat Campbell. long sad procession gazing aiternatly at left. This style of self examination Is a
instead of an advantage to their
On the other hand the national bosses the heavens ami into the bottom of the damage
Christian character. I remember when I
of the republics i party have an inter­ holes, imploring God to give them was a boy I used to have a small piece in
est ill the campaign and. as matters water to drink and to restore their the garden that I called my own, and I
plant«! corn there, and every few days I
look, also have a hand in it. If Mc­ health.
would pull it up to see how fast it was
Kinley is elect«! he is a formidable
growing. Now, there are a great many
candidate tor the presidential noinina
Christian peoplo in this day whose self ex­
tion of the republican party. Ben department lias gone west to make a amination merely amounts to the pulling
up of that which they only yesterday or
Harrison wants that nomination; of
the day before planted.
this there is no question and he, no
Oh, my friends! if you want to have a stal­
wart Christian character, plant it right ont
doubt, lias enough practical sense to*
know that if he can defeat McKinley turn will endeavor to demonstrate fully of doors in the great field of Christian use­
and though storms may come
the eontentention will then be betwren whether there is anything in the fulness,
upon it, and though the hot sun of trial
Blaine and Harrison. Blaine is now theory that great atmospheric disturb­ may try to consume it, it will thrive until
nearly defeated in the contest by grim ances produce a precipitation of mois­ it becomes a great tree, in which the fowls
old nature. He is almost out of the rare ture or min. Immediately upon his | of heaven may have their habitation. I
arrival at some suitable place he and havo no patience with these flowerpot
of life. With McKinley dead as a
j Christians. They keep themselves under
Utieal possibility and Blaine down with his party will make a regular battle shelter, and all their Christian experience
' in a small, exclusive circle, when they
Bright's disease, Ren Harrison will
to plant it in the great garden of the
surely be the next nominee. Campbell a territory of at least two miles long. : ought
Lord, so that the whole atmosphere could
has the hearty support of the demo­ He has more than fifty balloons, most be aromatic with their Christian useful­
cratic party but is opposed by the state of them twelve feet in diameter and ness. What we want in the church of God
bosses of the party. McKinley has the capable of holding 1,500 cubic feet of I is more brawn of piety.
I The century plant is wonderfully sug­
support of his party’s bosses and the gas. He has one large one holding gestive and wonderfully beautiful, but I
enmity of the other candidates for the
I never look at it without thinking of its
presidential nomination. So form your balloons he will also send up kites. to parsimony. It lets whole generations go
i the tail of which will be attached reeep by before it puts forth one blossom; so I
own conclusions as to the result
i taeles containing high explosives, such I I have really more heartfelt admiration
when I see the dewy tears in the blue eyes
of the violets, for they come every spring.
the balloons and kit?s have been ar­ My Christian friends, time is going by so
Did you ever roinpnre Hudson bay ranged in battle order at suitable dis­ i raipdly that we cannot afford to be idle.
with other lesser bodies of water and tances, they will all be exploded and A recent statistician says that human life
land? If you never did and will take tired by electricity. The strings of the now has an average of only thirty-two
From these thirty two years you
the trouble to do so, you eanuot help kites will be duplex eleetrie wires and years.
must subtract all the time you take for
uttering exclamation» of aiuazenieut the fuse or eap will be placed in the ex­ sleep and the taking of food and recrea­
when the immensity of this great in­ plosive at the tail of the kite. Col. tion; that will leave you about sixteen
land ocean dawns upon your under-' Dyrenforth wont declare that all this years. From those sixteen years you must
all the time you are necessarily
standing. From Fury strait on the will produce rain, but if there is any­ subtract
engaged in the earning of a livelihood;
north to the most southern indentation thing in the concussion theory be pro­ that will leave you about eight years.
at the mouth of Abbitibbe river it is! poses to give it a test, “as is a test." From those eight years yon must take all
exactly 1,380 miles, while the width The result of his experiments are the days and weeks and months—all the
of time that is passed in childhood
from Button’s bay to the mouth ot" awaited with great interest by scientists length
and sickness, leaving you about one year
Whale river is but little under 700 here.
to work for God. Oh, my soul,
J ohn W hddobbcrn .
wake up! How darest thou sleep in har­
miles. It is as long as the first Atlantic ‘
vest time and with so few hours in which
cable, ami nearly as wide as the com­
How to Succeed.
to reap? So that I state it as a simple fact
bined lengths of latkes Huron, Erie
and »ntano. It extends over 12degrees This is the great problem in lite which that all the time that the vast majority of
will have for the exclusive service of
of latitude and covers not less than a few satisfactorily solve. S.»tue fail because you
poor health, others want of luck, but the God will be less than one year!
half a million square link's, including ’ of
In the minister's house where I prepared
more territory within its limits than nerve. They are nervous, irresolute, chang­ "But, GO
” says some man, “I liberally sup­ tor college there was a man who worked
can be found within the borders ofj able. easily get the blues and take the port the Gospel, aud the church is open
by the name of Peter Croy. He could
Great Britain and Ireland. Sweden. spirits down to keep the spirits up” th :- and
the Gospal is preached; all the splrtt- neither read nor write, but he was a
Norway, Greece. Ik'umark. The Neth­ wasting time, money, opportunity a;. I *.il advantages
erlands and Belgium combined. It nerve force. There is nothing like the Re­ if they want to be saved let them come to man of God. Ofteu theologians would
drains 3,000,000 square miles of terri­ storative Nervine discoveretl by the great be sav«i; 1 have discharged all my respon­ stop in the house—grave theologians—and
at family prayers Peter Croy would be
Miles to cun* all nervous
tory, receives rivers froni the Rocky i specialist. as Dr,
headache, the blues, nervous sibility." Ah! is that the Master’s spirit? called upon to lead, and all those wise men
mountains, Labrador, the Arctic re­ diseases,
prostration, sleeplessness, neuraigi.i. su Is there not an old Book somewhere that sat around, wonderstruck at his religious
gions and some which have their Vitus dance, fits, and hysteria Trial bot­ commands
us to go out into the highways
When he prayed he reached up Look and welcome.
«Htrec's almost within the limits of the tle and fine book of testimonials free at aud the hedges and compel the people to efficiency.
to take hoid of the very throne
United States.
Rogvts Bros.
come in? What would have become of you I of the Almighty, and he talked with God I
HARDING &. HEATH, Publishers.
One and one-half cents a Bushel.
Red Jacket
Force Pumps,
Pitcher Pumps,
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Piskr ta d Raog®,
Api ta ui tap
ta ui ta$: r htó
HvM and Plain
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Those Best Shoes and Clothing bought
of Apperson
Entire stock of Hats and Caps. Neck­
wear in endless Varieties, Tennis shogg,
All single width Broadhead Dress fabrics,
Kuchings, Full Line of Percaile Shirts.
In Clothing (20c off regular prices.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Muslin and Jersey
Underwear, Embroidered Flouncing in black
and white, Tenuis flannel and outing cloth.
A large line of-
Which we bought exceedingly low. We
propose to give our customers the benefit
of this purchase.
Headquarters for all kinds of
Call and see our Stock and Get Prices
Before Buying Elsewhere
Wright Block:
McMinnville, Oregon.
5,000 ACRES
Finest Fruit Land & Willamette Valley
W id
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I Oner You Lands in Large or Small Tracts,
or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms
Is just the place for a Small Farm; only three-fourths
mile from Railroad station and one and one-half
miles from Steamboat landing.
Acre Tracts within One Mile of Court I
have four lots as fine as can be found in Chand'
WEAR ler's I addition.
oood ’rER-'./'g
And Sell as Low as the Lowest
Give me a oall, I am confident I
can suit you. Looking will
incur no obligation to purchase.
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Collections Promptly Attended tv.
Offi™ C<,r. Third arid E Sts .
M.'M »Jtv.'hi,