The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 23, 1891, Image 2

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They sell cheaper and keep a better assorted line of
Gloves, Jumpers, Overalls, K. J. Pants, Cheap Underwear, Shoes, Hats Etc;
Than any other store in the County.
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Thursday. July 23, 1891.
In view of the row among the Ohio
Democrats it is worth while to observe
tliat Governor Campbell has at least
one advantage over McKinley. He
his absolute control of tlie state organi­
zation of iris party, and undoubtedly
special care will be taken to take tlie
management of affairs out of the hands
of the local bosses, so tliat tlie treachery
of those worthies can accomplish noth­
ing more than tlie loss of their own
votes. On the other hand the Foraker
men—who correspond pretty closely on
the republican side to Campbell's opjio-
nents on tlie democratic—are running
the republican campaign in the state
as completely as in Cincinnati. Only
one personal friend of Mr. McKinley is
on the republican state central commit­
tee, and for the first time in tlie history
of Ohio polities the candidates for state
offices were excluded from the meeting
of the committee when it organized
and elected officers.
McKinley is not much of a politician,
and has no grip on the machine. The
politicians in Iris party are not hostile to
him, as the Cincinnati democratic ring
is to Governor Campbell— they are
simply indifferent to him. From tlie
present outlook the entire republican
campaign, so far as tlie state central
committee is concerned, is to l>e run
with an eye single to electing Foraker
to the senate. Of course, that is not
what the beneficiaries of the tariff out­
side of Ohio are interested in, when
they put up their coin it will be given
for the purjiose of electing McKinley.
But unless they send their own agents
to handle it, or make sure that they
are putting it into the hands of McKin­
ley’s personal friends, Foraker will get
lienefit of it, and the Napoleon of
Chinese protection will lie left to take
his chances.
This is one of tlie eonsirieratioiis that
makes it unsafe to bet on the outcome
of the Ohio campaign, The Australian
ballot system is another. But
for that
Govern- Campbell would be at the
mercy of the trusts and the Cincinnati
thugs, but as it is nothing is certain,
It would be poetic justice' if the Gov-
ern's conscientiousness in insisting up­
on the adoption of the reform should
prove his salvation.— Examiner.
Reynolds' newspaper, the only dis­
tinctively radical paper in Londan, ad­
vocating republican ideas, expresses
the belief that “the principal of mon­
archy is nearing its downfall, since it is
producing such imbeciles as the I’rince
of Wales and such prententious hum­
bugs as the Kaiser, who believes that
the Almighty has api>ointed him to
govern as best suits his own ambition.
Such ideas of rulership are out of place
in the Nineteenth century, and people
will refuse to l>e tolerant toward them
much longer.’’
All accounts represent that distress is
imminent in many districts of Russia.
The wheat crop is so inferior, and tlie
condition of the poor so pitiful in con­
sequence, that in order to prevent a
wide-spread famine the exportation of
Russian wheat is prohibited. This is a
fact that will make the great grain
erop of America, now beiug harvested,
all the more valuable.
St. Louis Globe-Democrats (Ilcp.): If
the democrats carry Pennsylvania in
the state election this year, or cut the
republican margin down to 9,00(1 or 10,-
000, Gov. Pattison’s name will be prom­
irent in the list of aspirants for the
presidential nomination in next year’s
democratic national convention. A
democratic victory in Pennsylvania in
the canvass of 1891 and a democratic
defeat in Ohio would put Pattison
ahead of all others in tlie convention,
with the posible exception of Cleve­
land. Should the democratic majority
in Pennsylvania lie 18,900 or 20,000
with the republicans ahead in Ohio,
Pattison would undoubtedly be nomi-
nated iu 1892 on the first ballot.
a father is going away into sin he leaves
Indianapolis Journal (Hep.): In all
n°l t Perhaps
S1;?ut there
,re RU
.ffer' his living children with their mother; but
was Iel
this ai
discussious concerning the presidential
Washington, July 18th. — Reports
when we had done wrong. When we he going to do with his dead children float­ succession in 1892 there is one thing
which reach Washington from Bar A POWERFUL ARGUMENT FROM dr . | irtief
were wayward father scolded, but mother ing about him and hovering over his every important to be borne in mind, and
Harbor, through private sources, con-
cried. It was a very wakeful chair. In wayward step. Oh, speak out, vacant that is that President Harrison regards
the sick days of children other chairs high chair, and say: “Father, come bSic
firm certain dispatches written last
the success of tlie republican party as
week, containing the condition of Sec- No Greater Influences Are in the Family could not keep awake; that chair always from sin; mother, come back from world­ the essential and overshadowing ele­
kept awake—kept easily awake. The chair liness. I am watching you. I am waiting
retary Blaine. These reports are even
Circle Than the Mute Appeals of De­ knew all the old lullabies and all those for you.” With respect to your child the ment in tlie case.
of a more alarming character than the
parted Ones—Vacant Places at the Fire­ Wordless songs which mothers sing to their words of my text have been fulfilled,
sick children—songs in which all pity and “Thou shalt lie missed, because thy seat
published dispatches, for they declare
the question of the succession: “There
compassion and sympathetic influences are will be empty.”
in semi-confidence that Mr. Blaine is
L akeside , O., July 19.—For many years combined.
is just one thing that I am concerned
not only a physical wreck, but that the people have gathered in multitudes at this
My hearers, I have gathered up the about, aud that is that on the 4th of
That old chair has stopped rocking for a
stories told some weeks ago respecting season of the year for a great outdoor as­ good many years. It may be set up in the voices of your departed friends and tried
intone them into one invitation upward. Marell, 1893, I may not have to ride to
loft or the garret, but it holds a queenly
his mental condition are in the main
from Sandnsky; the place beautiful be­ power yet. When at midnight you went I set in array all the vacant chairs of your tlie capitol witli a democrat.” This
yond description. Dr. Talmage preached into that grog shop to get the intoxicating homes and of your social circle, and I bid was his way of saying that the success
John R. McLean, proprietor of tlie this moming in this delightful place to a draught, did you not hear a voice that said, them cry out this morning: “Time isshort.
of the republican party was a matter of
Cincinnati Enquirer, who is spending vast multitude. His subject was the “Va­ “My son, why go in there?” And louder Eternity is near. Take my Saviour. Be at
far more importance and an object tliat
the summer at Bar Harbor, writes to a
“Thou shalt be missed, liecattse thy seat sinful amusement, a voice saying, “My Wc lived together on earth; come let us lay much nearer his heart than tlie suc­
friend that Mr. Blaine’s condition is will be empty.”
son, what do you do here?” And when live together in heaven.” We answer that cess of an individual or even iris own
really alarming. He said: “His de­ Set on the table the cutlery and the you went into the house of abandonment, invitation. Wo come. Keep a seat for us,
a voice saying, “What would your mother as Saul kept a seat for David, but that seat
cline is rapid and he is a far sicker man
Saul will give a state dinner today. A dis­ do if she knew you were here?” And you shall not be empty. And oh! when we are
than the world knows of.” In fact, tinguished place is kept at the tablo for his
The troublesome Southern I ndians i
were provoked with yourself, and you all through with this world, and we have
Mr. McLean makes no secret of his be­ son-in-law, a celebrated warrior, David by charged yourself with superstition and fa­ shaken hands all around for the last time, are in the department of Arizona, und-,
lief that Mr. Blaine will never return name. The guests, jeweled aud plumed, naticism and your head got hot with your and all our chairs in the home circle and in er Brigadier General McCook. Tills is ¡
to tlie state department and that his come in and take their places. When peo­ own thoughts, and you went home and the outside world shall be vacant, may we one of tlie departments formerly under '
ple are invited to a king’s banquet they
lie worshiping God in that place from
resignation will soon be in the hands of are very apt to go. But before the covers you went to bed, and no sooner had you which we shall go out no more forever.
Brigadier-General Huger in the division
touched the bed than a voice said: “What!
President Harrison. Already political are lifted from the feast Saul looks around a prayerless pillow? Man! what is the
I thauk God there will be no vacant of the Pacific. General Huger retains
speculators are at work selecting a new andjlnds a vacant seat at the table. He matter?” This, You are too near your chairs in heaven. There we shall meet command of the department of Califor­
again and talk over our earthly heart­
secretary of state. Tlie name of John says within himself, perhaps audibly: mother’s rocking chair.
“What does this mean? Where is my son-
“Oh, pshaw!” yon say. “There’s noth­ breaks. How much you have been through nia, while tlie third department of his
W. Foster is freely mentioned as Mr. in-law? Where is David, the great war­ ing
in that. I’m five hundred miles off since you saw them last? On the shining old division, that of Columbia, is com­
Blaine’s successor. Mr. Foster, while rior? I invited him. I expected him. What! from where I was born. I’m three thou­ shore yon will talk it all over. The heart­ manded by Brigadier-General Kautz.
abunduntly equipped in diplomatic a vacant chair at the king’s banquet!” sand miles off from the church whose bell aches. The loneliness. The sleepless Tlie only division-commander who los­
fact was that David, the warrior, was the first music I ever heard.” I can­ nights. Tlie weeping until you had no
ability, is perhaps not of sufficient po­ The
had been seated for the last time at his not help that. You are too near your more power to weep, because the heart was es no territory by the new order is Maj­
litical weight or importance to become father-in-law’s table. The day before Jon­ mother's rocking chair. “Oh,” you say, withered and dried up. Story of empty or-General Howard, whose present
premier. Ex-Secretary Edmunds is re. athan had coaxed David to go and occupy “there can’t be anything in that. That cradle and little shoe only half worn out command, the department of the East,
garded as a strong probability, and Iris that place at the table, saying to David in chair has been vacant a great while.” I never to lie worn again, just the shape of has been for some years co-extensive
words of my text, “Thou slialt be cannot help that. It is all the mightier for the foot that once pressed it. And dreams
name is more freely accepted just now the
missed, because thy scat will lie empty.” that. It is omnipotent, that vacant moth­ when you thought the departed had come with tlie division of the Atlantic.
than that of any other man.
The prediction was fulfilled. David was er’s chair. It whispers, it speaks, it weeps, it back again, and the room seemed bright
The advent of a little stranger in the missed. His seat was empty. Tliat one carols, it mourns, it prays, it warns, it with their faces, and you started up to
Atlanta Constitution (Deni.): Demo­
family of the Chinese minister here has vacant chair spoke louder than all the oc­ thunders. A young man went off and greet tbeia and in the effort the dream cratic editors undoubtedly have their
cupied chairs at the banquet.
broke his mother’s heart, and while he was
been tlie subject of general rejoicing for
preferences, but these are personal,
In almost every house the articles of fur­ away from home his mother died, and the amid room in the midnight—alone.
the past two weeks at the legation, niture take a liviug personality. That telegraph brought the son, aud he came
Talking it all over, and then, hand in whereas the relations of tlieir papers to
where the tiny maiden is kept in strict picture—a stranger would not see anything into the room where she lay and looked hand, walking up and down in the light. to tlie party are something more than
remarkable either in its design or execu­ upon her face, and he cried out: “Oh, No sorrow, no tears, no death. Oh, heaven!
seclusion until she shall have complet­ tion,
but it is more to you than all the mother, mother, what your life could not beautiful lieaven! Heaven where our ]>ersonal. When the democratic party
ed the first month of her existence. pictures of the Louvre and the Luxem­ do your death shall effect! This moment I i friends are. Heaven where we expect to in convention assembled, nominates a
This is in accordance with tlie laws of bourg. You remember who bought it, and give my heart to God.” And he kept his lie. In the cast they take a cage of birds candidate, tlie nomination will be ac­
the celestial kingdom, which also re­ who admired it. And that hymn Ixiok— promise. Another victory for the vacant and bring it to tlie tomb of the dead, and quitted in by all democratic editors.
you remember who sang out of it. And
then they open the door of the cage, and
quire tlie seclusion of the mother for that cradle—you remember who rocked it. chair. With reference to your mother the the birds, flying out, sing. And I would There is no need for our esteemed con­
words of my text were fulfilled, “Thou
the same length of time. When the And that Bible—you remember who read shalt be missed, because thy seat will be today bring a cage of Christian consola­ temporaries to darken counsel by put­
tions to the grave of your loved ones, and ting forward tlieir personal preferences.
little almond-eyed maiden was three out of it. And that bed—you remember empty.”
I would open the door and let them fill all
days old she was decked out in tlie fin­ who slept in it. And that room—you re­
I go on a little further, and I come to the the air with the music of their voices.
member who died in it. But there is
est of curiously fashioned" garments and nothing in all your house so eloquent and invalid’s chair. What! How long have
Albany Times (Dem.)', After two
Oh, how they bound in these spirits be­
carried in state to the large parlor on so mighty voiced as the vacant chair. I you been sick? “Oh! I have been sick ten, fore the throne! Some shout with glad­ candidacies Jefl'erson himself refused a
the first floor of the spacious mansion, suppose that before Saul and his guests got twenty, thirty years.” Is It possible? ness. Some break forth into uncontrolla­ third one, although one political temp­
up from this banquet there was a great What a story of endurance. There are in ble weeping for joy. Some stand speech­
where the members of the legation clatter
of wino pitchers, but all that racket many of the families of my congregation less in their shock of delight. They sing. est which threatened our youthful re­
were invited to pay tlieir respects to the was drowned out by the voice tlint came up these invalids’ chairs. The occupants of They quiver with excessive gladness. They public was such t hat even he trembled
them think they are doing no good in the gaze on tho temples, on the palaces, on the at the outlook. And in fifty years—
tiny bit of humanity. On that day from the vacant chair at the table.
Millions have gazed and wept at John world, but that invalid’s chair is the mighty waters, on each other. They weave their Haifa century— the Democracy has
quite a large number of friends who
Quincy Adams’ vacant chair in the house pulpit from which they have been preach­
into garlands, they spring it into tri­
had liecn notified, also called at the le­ of representatives, and at Henry Wilson’s ing, all these years, trust in God. The first joy
umphal arches, they strike in on timbrels, since committed tlie folly ofrenominat-
gation and brought presents. The min­ vacant chair in the vice presidency, and at time I preached here at Lakeside, Ohio, and then all the loved ones gather in a a president only twice, and has each
ister's wife, though forbidden by tlie Henry Clay’s vacant chair in the American amid the throngs present, there was noth­ great circle around tho throne of God-fa­ time been ignominiously beaten.
that so much impressed me as the spec­ thers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and
custom of her native country from see­ senate, and at Prince Albert’s vacant chair ing
in Windsor castle, and at Thiers’ vacant tacle of just one face—the face of an in­ daughters, lovers and friends, hand to
ing ahyone was on that day served chair in the councils of the French nation. valid who was wheeled iu on her chair. I hand around about the throne of God—the
llirininfihain Arp-Herald. (Dun.):
with rice ami various dainties to tempt But all these chairs are unimportant to said to her afterward, “Madam, how long circle ever widening—hand to hand, joy to Mr. Cleveland’s nomination would be
her appetite. In tlie afternoon tlie ba­ you as compared with the vacant chairs in have you been prostrated?” for she was joy, jubilee to jubilee, victory to victory, purely on personal grounds, because he
own household. Have these chairs lying flat in the chair. “Oh!” she replied, “until the day break aud the shadows flee
by was given back to it mother and your
any lesson for us to learn? Are we any “I have been this way fifteen years.” Isaid, away. Turn thou, my beloved, and be has never taken any pains to keep him­
will not be seen again until site is a better men and women than when they “Do you suffer very much?” “Oh, yes,” like a roe or a young hart upon the moun­ self in line with the democratic party
she said, “I suffer very much; I suffer all tains of Bother.”
and seems to consider himself, as his
month old. The Minister, Mr. Jsui first addressed us?
the time; part of the time I was blind. I
Kwo Yin, has already selected a name
mugwump supporters declare he is,
First I point out to you’the father’s va­
for his daughter, but until she is a cant chair. Old men always like to sit keep your courage up?” “Oh, yes,” she
Much of the heat of our houses is sup- “superior to the party.”
mouth old this will be kept a profound in the same place and in the same chair. said, “I am happy, very happy indeed.” Her plied by the kitchen range, which Bridget
secret. Miss Yin is the second child They somehow feel more at home, and face showed it. She looked the happiest of keeps red hot even in the dog days. Pre­
one on the ground.
vent this by using a gas stove or oil stove
Isirn to the family of Chinese nobility sometimes when you are in their place and any
Oh, what a means of grace to the world, as far as possible. Then shut up tight all
they come into the room you jump up sud­
in this country. The first child was denly and say, “Here, father, here’s your these invalid chairs. On that field of hu­ rooms not in use. Not only should the
named Men, which translated signifies chair.” The probability is it is an arm­ man suffering the grace of God gets its shutters and windows be closed, but the
chair, fsr ho is not so strong as he once victory. Edward Payson, the invalid, blinds must be lowered to exclude every
“Beautiful American.”
and he needs a little upholding. His and Richard Baxter, the invalid, and ray of light, and the doors locked to pre­
The latest democratic presidential was,
hair is a little frosty, his gams a little de­ Robert Hall, the invalid, and the ten thou­ vent the running in and out of the chil­
liooni to be set afloat here is one for Mc­ pressed, for in his early days there was not sand of whom the world has never beard, dren, who thus admit waves of heated air.
Pherson, the New Jersey senator. Sen­ much dentistry. Perhaps a cano chair but of whom all heaven is cognizant. The Perhaps it would be neither wise nor prac­
to hermetically seal all the rooms
ator McPherson is a power in New Jer­ and old fashioned apparel, for though you most conspicuous thing on earth for God’s ticable
may have suggested some Improvement, eye and the eye ofaingels to rest on, is not of a house, but one room, at least, can be
sey and will probably lie able to control father does not want any of your nonsense. a throne of earthly power, but it is the in­ so treated—the parlor, and also the dining
Has not busted yet! They have
the state delegation to the democratic Grandfather never had much admiration valid’s chair. Oh, these men and women room between meals; the room selected
a fuller stock, better quality of
national convention if he wishes, either for new fangled notions.
I sat at the table of one of my parish­ plaining—these victims of spinal disease, while the air has some freshness, and be­
Goods and lower prices than ever.
for Cleveland or himself. His friends ioners
in a former congregation; an aged and neuralgic torture, and rheumatic ex­ fore the sun strikes the windows; then it
believe that if nominated lie will prove man was at the table, and the son was pre­ cruciation will answer to the roll call of should not be opened until late in the after­
a strong candidate
at the polls,
He is siding, and the father somewhat abruptly the martyrs, and rise to the martyr’s noon.
Every house should have an accessible i
one of the lew democrats in the last addressed the son and said, “My son. don’t throne, and will wave the martyr’s palm.
But when one of these invalids’ chairs trap door in its roof, and when this is left•_
now try to show off because the minister
senate who voted against free coinage is
here!” Your father never liked any new becomes vacant how suggestive it is! No open a current of heated air must rise j
and the republican silver bill, He was customs or manners; he preferred the old more bolstering up of the weary head. No through it and make a,general draught
It is because we give Honest
also one of the most active in fighting way of doing things, anil ho never looked more changing from side to side to get an over all the house. Awnings should be
light in color, and should be at all windows Weight, Best Quality of goods,treat
the high schedules of the McKinley so happy as when, with his eyes closed, he easy position. No more use of the band­ and
doors except those to the north. They
sat in the armchair in the corner. From age and the cataplasm and the prescrip­
bill, even where they were framed for the wrinkled brow to the tip of the slippers, tion. That invalid’s chair may be folded are great helps in keeping out glare, but ■ Our Customers Courteously, pay
the benefit of the manufacturers in his what placidity I The wave of the past years up or taken apart or set away, but it will they should be chosen of a kind which is! the highest market price for COUI1-
raised and lowered. After sun- .
own state. It has often been said that of his life ’o#>ke at the foot of that chair. never lose its queenly power; it will al­ readily
Perhaps sometimes he was a little impa­ ways preach of trust in God and cheerful down, a plentiful watering of your street ;^ry produce, have one price for all,
if Mr. Cleveland were elected again, tient,
and pavement, and of all the garden you J no | ets and Fell at the verv lowest
and sometimes told the samo story
Senator McPherson would be his secre­ twice; but over that old chair how many With respect to that invalid the words of possess, will cool the air wonderfully.—
... T • •
n •
1 possible Living Prices.
tary of the treasury, if ex-secretary blessed memories hover! I hope you did my text have been fulfilled, “Thou shalt Ladies’ Home Journal.
Fairchild were unwilling to return not crowd that old chair, and that it did be missed, because thy seat will be empty.
Garden hose by the thousand feet di-J
P D PnOK £
not get very much in the way.
again to official life. It is thought here Sometimes the old man’s chair gets very
n‘ uuun « OUI1.
I pass on and I find one more vacant rect from the factory at Hodson’«.
by democrats that the nomination of much in the way, especially if he has been chair. It is a high chair. It is the child’s
Senator McPherson for president would so unwise as to mako over all his property chair. If that chair be occupied I think it
the most potent chair in all the house­
be quite satisfactory to the business sen­ to bis children, with the understanding is
that they are to take care of him. I have hold. AU the chairs wait on it; all the
timent of New York and New Jersey, seen in such cases children crowd the old chairs are turned toward it. It means more
for iris position in favor of sound fi­ man's chair to the door, and then crowd it than David’s chair at Saul’s banquet. At
nance and intelligent reform has l>een clear into the street, aud then crowd it any rate it makes more racket. That is a
into the poorhouse, and keep on crowding strange house that can be dull with a child
more clearly set forth than ever that of it
until the old man fell out of it into his in it. How that child breaks up the hard
Governor Pattison of Pennsylvania, or grave.
worldliness of the place and keeps you
-------- OF THE--------
your father’s chair was a sacred young to sixty, seventy and eighty years of
Governor Campbell, of Ohio.
The order issued by the president
the rungs of it for a good night kiss, and adopt one; it will open heaven to your
last week abolishing the three military the longer he stayed the better you liked it. soul. It will pay- its way. Its crowing in
divisions into which the country has But that chair has been vacant now for the morning will give the day a cheerful
To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and
been divided since a short time after some time. The furniture dealer would starting, and its glee at night will give the
one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per
the war, and assigning the eight de­ throno of influence in your domestic circle. dren? Then you had better stay out of
annum. Most all of Ibis land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now
partments to the command of as many I saw in the French palace, and in the heaven, for there are so many there they
in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 miles of Amity.
general officers and leaving Major-Gen­ throne room, the chair that Napoleon used would fairly make you crazy. Only about
Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped from this point last year.
eral Schofield in command of the army
the most significant part of it was the letter crusty Pharisees told the mothers to keep
For particulars apply to or address
makes the number of commands corre­ “N” embroidered into tho back of the the children away from Christ. “You
spond with the number of general offi­ chair in purple and gold. And your fath­ bother him,” they said; “you trouble the
cers once more. Ever since the retire­ er’s old chair sits in the throne room of Master.” Trouble him! He has filled
ment of General Sheridan, with the broidered into the back of that old chair in
A pioneer in California says that for the
consequent abolition of the grades of purple and gold the letter “F.” Have all first year or two after "his residence'In
general and lieutenant-general, there the prayers of that old chair been answer­ Sierra Nevada county there was not a
have been more commands than gener­ ed? Have all the counsels of that old chair single child in all the reach of a hundred
practiced? Speak out! old armchair. miles. But the Fourth of July came, and
als, and at times colonels have been in been
History tells us of an old man whose the miners were gathered together and
cdkninund of departments as well as di­ three sons were victors in the Olympic they were celebrating the Fourth with ora­
visions. The most inqiortant practical games, and when they came back these tion and poem and a boisterous brass band,
Should be given my Stock by eve­
effect of this order is the curtailing of three sons, with their garlands, put them and while the band was playing an iufant’s
ry one who in need of
on the father's brow, and the old man was voice was heard crying, and all the miners
the importont command of Major-Gen­ so rejoiced at the victories of his three were startled, aud the swarthy men began
anything in
eral Miles, by leaving him only the de­ children that he fell dead in their arms. to think of their homes on the eastern
partment of the Missouri to command, And are you, oh, man, going to bring a coast, and of their wives aud children far
and taking from him the other depart­ wreath of joy and Christian usefulness away, and their hearts were thrilled with
and put it on your father’s brow, or on the homesickness as they heard the babe cry.
ments formerly comprising the division vacant chair, or on the memory of the one But the music went on, and the child cried
of the Missouri—the department of tlie departed? Speak out,old armchair! With louder and louder, and the brass band
Platte commanded by Brigadier-Gener­ I reference to your father, the words of my played louder aud louder, trying to drown
have been fulfilled, "Thou shalt be out the infantile interruption, when a
al Brooke; tlie department of Dakota, text
missed, because thy seat will be empty.”
swarthy miner, the tears rolling down his
I have a complete Stock of
commanded by Brigadier-General Mer­
face, got up and shook his fist and said,
all the Latest Styles of
ritt, and the department, of Texas, com­
I go a little further on in your house and “Stop that noisy band, and give the baby a
manded by Brigadier-General Stanley, I find the mother's chair. It is very apt to chance.” Oh, there was pathos in it, as
a rocking chair. She had so many well as good cheer in it. There is nothing
This means tliat General Miles will fig­ be
cares arid troubles to soothe that it must to arouse and melt and subdue the soul
ure in no more important Indian cam­ I hajq rockers. I remember it well; it was like a child’s voice. But when it goes away
paigns, for the Sioux and other trouble­ au old chair, and the rockers were a! most from you the high chair becomes a higher
same tribes of the north are in the com­ worn out, tor I was the youngest, and the chair and there is desolation all about you.
And Sell as Low as the Lowest
In three-fourths of the homes of this con­
had rocked the whole family. It
mands of General Brooke ami Merritt, chair
made a creaking noise as it moved; but gregation there is a vacant high chair.
me a oall, I am confident I
while General Miles is left only the there was music in the sound. It was just Somehow you never get over it. There is
can suit you. Looking will
more peaceable tribes in the Indian high enough to allow us children to put no one to put to bed at night; no one to ask
our heads into her lap. That was the bank strange questions about God and heaven.
incur no obligation to purchase.
where we deposited all our hurts and wor­ Ob, what is the useof that high chair? It is
That nice light bread at the Red ries. Ah! what a chair that was. It was to call you higher. What a drawing up­
different from the father's chair; it was en­ ward it is to have children in heaven! And
Front bakery is delicious. Try it.
tirely different. You ask me how? I can- then it is such a preventive against sin. If
Those Best Shoes and Clothing bought
of Apperson
Entire stock of Hats and Caps. Neck­
wear in endless Varieties, Tennis shoes,
All single width Broadhead Dress fabrics,
Kuchings, Full Line of Percaile Shirts.
In Clothing (20c off regular prices.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Muslin and Jersey
Underwear, Embroidered Flouncing in black
and white, Tennis flannel and outing cloth.
A large line of
Which we bought exceedingly low. We
propose to give our customers the benefit
of this purchase.
Headquarters for all kinds of
Call and see our Stock and Get Prices
Before Buying Elsewhere.
Wright Block;
McMinnville, Oregon.
5,000 ACRES
Finest Fruit Land À" Willamette Valley
Ft >< n
Opposition Boot and Shoe Store
I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts,
or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms.
Is just the place for a Small Farm; only three-fourths
from Railroad station and one and one-half
miles from Steamboat landing.
Acre Tracts within One Mile of Court!
I have four lots as fine as can be found in Chand’
ler s addition. Cheap.
Call and. See
"vr-7“- T.
General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Brokr.
Collections Promptly Attended to.
Office Cor. Third and E St«.,
McMinnville, Oregon.