The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 02, 1891, Image 1

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1 ricultural C ounty in Oregon.
McMINNVILLE is the county seat
and largest town, and the
Is the leading newspaper and best adver-
g tising medium. Try it.
Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County
M c M innville , O regon , T hursday ,
REGISTER Established August. 1881
TELEPHONE Established June. 1886.
july 2,1891.
VOL. III. NO. 22
our national colors, was an event, as I INTERNATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY not furnished any such means, though
the future historj’ of the Pacific coast
it lias full power to do so. There seems
Hideous Crimes Against Civilzatlon in an
Another Wonderful Invention by Wizard
will demonstrate, of almost <M[ual im­
no way of escaping the conclusion of
Enlightened Age.
One of the most important questions this acute and thoughtful publicist that
It seems almost incredible says the The executive board of the centennial raised in the recent controversy over while the legislative branch of the gen­
Recently the daily paper have been
Interior, (Chicago, June 18,) that any celebration have this matter in charge the killing of the Italian prisoners in eral government ha. been given the
filled with reports of Interviews with
crime so heinous can be perpetrated in desires this matter to impress all the New Orleans was that as to the inter­ requisite powers to discharge the re­
Edison, from which tlie reading public
this enlightened “je, but unless some citizens of the states mentione«! with national responsibility of the United sponsibilities of the nation to foreigners
whould obtain the idea that Edison
power stronger toan man interferes, a the deep interests which attaches to States and the extent to which that re­ it lias not exercised those powers in
had lately invented something of para­
great people arc to be driven from their the occasion, to the end that unity of sponsibility could lx» discharged by the any adequate measure. There is an
mount importance, whereas these in­
homes to become wanderers on the action may be secured throughout our action of the federal government, Of open plnce in our political system which
ventions, as curious and wonderful as
face of the earth. For if the recent ut­ borders, so that on May 11, 1892, the course the federal government is the must be filled if the dignity and the
they appear, are, in reality, scarcely
of Baron Hirsch may be ac­ people may lie prepared to assemble at recognized organ in our system for in­ safety of the country are to be con­
-Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
few men have better faci­ Astoria and do fitting honor to a dis­ ternational relations, but it has not served.
witli Mr. Edison.
lities for obtaining accurate informa­ covery the influence of which for the been regarded as entirely clear to what
The “kinetogragh” is a machine con­
Vice President.
They Were Tank*.
sisting of a clever combination of a
tion of tlie subject—the Russian govern­ benefit of this coast, from all points of extent the discharge of obligations of
Calbreath & Goucher,
ment has decided irrevocably, as a view, can hardly be adequately stated. an international character has been
photographic camera and the phono­
I may observe that there has been uo
permanent state policy, to expel all Not only with such a celebration as rendered effective by constitutional or
graph, by which the words and other
is contemplated do honor to the name legislative provisions. A discussion of greater change in social and convivial
McMinnville, Oregon,
M c M innville ,
O regon . |
ers not that there are 5,000,000 of them, of Captain Gray but it will attract the this subject which will invite general meeting since the early part of this cen­
simultaneously with the photographic
( Office over Bralv’s Bank. )
Paid up Capital, $50,000. impressions of all of the movements of
that they are Russian subjects, that attention of the people of our country interest among serious students of pub­ tury than in the drinking habits at
the speaker or actor. The photograph
they have been settled in the empire and the general government to the Co­ lic affairs appears in the current num­ such meetings. We no longer iiear of
Transacts a General Banking Business,
three-bottle men. As an illustra­
S. A. YOUNG, M. 0.
impressions are taken at the rate of
since the days of Rurik, that they are lumbia river and the states it drains, ber of the Political Science Quarterly any
Deposits Received Subject to Check
to an extent that was never before from the |x»n of Prof. John W. Burgess tion in this change I may mention an
Interest allowed on time deposits.
of tlie time of the regency,
Physician & Surgeon,
aside from soeial and religious anti­ known, and so materially aid in se­ the dean of the faculty of political sei- anecdote
Sell sight exchange anil telegraphic trans­ graph lias its capacity increased so that
pathy, there is no reason for there ex­ curing deserved appropriations for enee in Columbia college, a teacher and which reached me through the neph­
McM nt.x ville .
O regon . fers on New York, San Francisco and Port­ it will make a continuous record for
thirty minutes without any shifting of
pulsion. They are being forced from much needed improvements, and ulti­ writer of singular force and acumen, ' ew of the person to whom it relates.
Stay on tlie Farm, Boys.
Office and residence on D street. All
Collections made on all accessible points. the cylinders. The celluloid film upon
the cities to tlie villages, from thence mately result in securing a navigable and one who has contributed in no His uncle, Colonel Chester, one day
»■alls promptly answered day or night.
Office hours from 9 a. in. to 4 p in.
Before you leave the farm to work on pushed steadily toward the western river for four hundred miles from the small degree to the formation of a new went into the coffee room of the Colo-
which the photographic impressions
generation of political students in this nade Hotel, adjoining the Opera house,
are taken is peforated along one edge a railroad, young man, stop and give provinces, to be finally driven over the sea.
for Ms dinner. Just as he finished his
witli a series of holes arranged at regu­ the matter of wages and chances of frontier, under conditions of violence
a stranger at the next table call­
Premising tliat the influences of di- dinner
Practicing Physician and Surgeon,
"Waiter, a liottle of port wine.”
Successor to H. Adams
can be secured by means of the finest
ivation still is in a century that boasts
Chester got up and said to the
are unfavorable to the existence of con- Colonel
by a Small Boy.
[leforating mechanism. This feature is cover some discouraging facts.
of its progress and enlightment. Im­
federate government, for the reason 1 stranger: “I was just going to give a
Here is a report on railroad labor is­ agine peaceable citizens ejected from
of vital importance, for the holes must
J»n.‘21, ’8».
order, and if you have no objec­
Professor Truman Henry Safford who that under such a system the central similar
move the film with such regularity as sued by the United States department their homes, driven under guard across
I nave purchased the Harness Shop of H. to make each separate impression when of labor. It shows that the average inhospitable spaces, underfed, herded has an article in the May Atlantic on government is usually not clothed with tion I will join you and we will have
wine together."
Adams and will keep a
reproduced coincide exactly with the daily rate received by all persons in the together until their lialting-places be­ modern methods of teaching arithme­ sufficient power to diecharge Interna- our
words or sounds recorded in the phono­ employ of railroads in the United come mere pest-houses, the men 1 ■eaten tic, is remarkable as furnishing an in­ tional responsibilities, so that the ten­ The stranger lieing quite willing they
Into conversation, and finished the
graphic cylinder simultaneously with States, including President Depew of with the lash and the women con­ stance of an “infant phenomenon” dency is for foreign jxiwers to refuse to got
of Harness and Horse Furnishings
the position and expression of the the New York Central with liis$50,000 stantly outraged, to lie finally turned whose adult powers did not belie his recognize tlie central government as bottle to their mutual satisfaction, and
Office at I! F. Fuller's drug store. Resi­
speaker, actor, or singer at the time the a year $1.061. The wages of about four- loose upon a people not wholly unsym­ j’outhful promise. He was born iu having any international standing,this then Colonel Chester, in Ills turn,order-
lence, first house south of Baptist church, look over the stock and get prices.
sound were uttered. Exact synchron­ fifths of these is between $1 and $2 per pathetic but regarding them as enemies Vermont in 1836, and displayed re­ writer proceeds ta consider to what ex­ dered another bottle. When that was
McMinnville. Or.
ism between the sound-recording me* day. One-fifth receive between $1.01 to be gotten rid of at any cost and a markable ability in making calcula­ tent federal government suffers the finished, two more lxittles were ordered
chan ism and the shutter-operating and and $1.20 per day; another fifth between faint idea may be gained of what this tions when very young. At the age of same hostile pressure from without. and emptied, when the stranger said
film-moving devices of tlie camera $1.21 and $1.40; 15 per cent between expulsion really means. There has six he told his mother that if she knew Federal government may, he pointa that he was afraid he must leave, as he
necessitates exceeding accurate mechan­ $1.41 and $1.60; 11 per cent between $1.- been hardly a crime equal to it in his­ the number of rods it was around a cer­ out, be subjected to such pressure if the had a seat at the opera. “Oh," said
Plans, Specifications, Elevations. Details
ism in both cases is driven by tlie same 61 and $1.80; 9 per cent between $1.80 tory, and the worst of it is that so far as tain meadow he could tell its circum­ general government in the federal sys­ Colonel Chester, “it is not often that
Personal Supervision of all work placed
motor, and controlled by the same reg­ and $2; and 13 per cent receive over $2 human vision goes, there is no help for ference in barleycorns. She calculated tem attempts to excuse itself from sole two such congenial men meet; let us
in my hands a Specialty.
per day.
O ffice - Up stairs in Campbell’s Brick,
ulating mechanism.
it anywhere, for no military power will correctly the distance in barleycorns, responsibility to foreign powers for the have another bottle.” This lieing
North of Court House.
The Finest Line of Confection­ The greatest difficulty experienced As a rule the beginner starts as a make war on Russia, in defense of the which was 617,760. He could mentally acts and omissions of the common­ agreed to, a fifth and sixth bottle were
D vllas
O rf . con
in taking the photographic impressions fireman or brakeman, in the expecta­ Jews, and the war the financiers are extract the square and cubic roots of wealths. Such a course», however, does in like manner successively emptied,
ery in the City.
and reproducing them was in the stop­ tion of rising to engineer or conductor. making will have no more effect on the numbers containing nine and ten fig­ not, in his view accord with the true when the stranger said, "Now I must
All kinds of Produce taken at the
ping and starting of tlie film. It was The average daily wag<*s of firemen Russian government, backed as it is by ures, and could multiply four figures by spirit of the federal system, which im­ go, and I shall only be in time for the
found that the stopping and starting of is $1.75, which becomes $3.09 when the hostility of the Russian people, than if four figures as rapidly "in his head” as pels the general government, the inter­ ballet.” “Oh!” said the Colonel, "let's
so light a thing as the film forty- top of the ladder, the engineer’s posi­ waged against China. Baron Hirsch, it could be done upon paper. At the age national organ, to assume entire re­ have another bottle.” “No, no,” said
Call and examine our Stock and
Shop With Ilewitt Bro’s,
six times in a second required about tion, is reached. The average daily himself one of the greatest capitalists, of 9 he prepared an almanac, and at 14 sponsibility to external powers, anil the stranger, “I really must go. I do
get Prices.
tyciiarges Reasonable. Give me a call
two-tliirds of the time, tlie remainder of wages of brakemen is about the same, knows this so well that he accepts at he calculated the elliptic elements the practice of the government must not know who you are, but if you're
M c M isxvillb . :
O begom .
H enderson «t G aunt .
tlie time being used for the exposure of and when the brakeman becomes a onge the decision of tlie czar that the of a comet. He invented a method of follow this principle if it would avoid not Colonel Chester you must be the
the plate. To secure enough light for passenger conductor, the highest place whole five millions of Jews shall be ex­ abridging the lalsir of calculating the dissolution through tlie operation of devil!” “I am Colonel Chester,” was
the production of a good image in so in the service to which he can aspire, pelled from Russia, only asking that as rising and setting of the moon. He was international forces. On the other the reply.
I did not hear the name of the stran­
short a space of time, a special camera he will earn about the same» as an en­ a condition of the Jews accepting ex­ graduated at Harvard in 1854 and spent hand the federal system of government
lens of large aperture liad to be con­ gineer. There is less hope of promo­ pulsion, tlie process shall lx» made to many years in the Harvard observato­ will expose the nation to the constant ger, but lie and the colonel are Ixith
and Jeweler.
structed, at a cost of $600. The ap­ tion beyond these places, now, than cover twenty years, a certain number ry. Thence he went to the University peril of war if full responsibility to for­ well known in town as tliree-bottle
paratus lias already been carried to such there used to be. Graduates of techn­ emigrating annually, in order to afford of Chicago, being director of the Dear­ eign nations is assumed by the federal men, and, curiously enough, they hod
Dealer in All Kinds of Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware
Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE. OR.
perfection that the motion of the speak­ ical schools fill positions of sujierinteii- time for the wealthy Jews in Eu­ born observatory until his work was in­ government without possessing the never met before.— Temple Bar.
--------- -------------
er’s lips coincides so exactly with the dents, and lawyers are tlie presidents rope to assist them in finding homes. terrupted by the great fire of 1871. He means to discharge this responsibility.
York “Herald** Pre««.
words reproduced by the phonographic and managers.
Here is a many times Hebrew mil­
An extraordinary feature of tlie situ­ lionaire, deeply interested in the tem­ work by the United States corps of en­ brought forward by the New Orleans
cylinder that the words actually seem
The New York Herald has recently
to proceed from tlie picture, and all tlie ation is tlie small figure of time em­ poral salvation of his race, but who is gineers untill 1876, since when he has incident, vis., whether the United
movements of tlie speaker or actor are ployed. Brakemen and firemen aver­ so absolutely certain that Russia is un­ been professor of astronomy at Wil­ States constitution furnishics the gen­ installed a sextuple printing press,built
Fresh Menis of all kinds constantly on
reproduced by tlie succession of tlie dif­ age a little over 150 working days in alterably determined to commit a co­ liams college. His work in astronom­ eral government with the means to dis- by the well-known firm of R. Hoe 4
hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s
charge such responsibility by institut­ Co., of New York. The press is really an
ferent images witli such rapidity as to the year, conductors 207, and engineers lossal crime against them that the only ical science has l>een of much value.
T hibo S thf . kt , M c M ixxvii . lb , O k .
ing criminal proceedings whenever aggregation of three duplex presses.
make tlie picture apjiearabsolutelj' con- 237. A considerable time is needed for help he can afford is of a kind which
Thought it was the Tari fl*.
such proceedings are necessary to dis­ The paper, which comes of double the
tinous, instead of intermittent, as it rest, while much of the work is paid even if realized, will leave them at the
In th.e "Valley.
for by the trip.
Old Uncle Peter Simonson was, Ill charge international obligations. Pro­ width of u newspaper, is fed from thrw
really is.
mercy of their persecutors for twenty
The reproducing apparatus is practic­ These are cold facts, for the careful years more. But to transport 250,000 his day, one of the richest of anti helium fessor Burgess answers this question in rolls. Each roll, where an eight page
Also Glassware,
Carries the Best Line of Choice Meats in
ally a reversal of tlie camera and phon­ consideration of young men who are Jews annually across half the world planters. He owned anil worked more the affirmative. Tlie constitution, he paper is in question, supplies pa[x»r for
tbeCitv. Game and Fish in Season. Poul­
that is to say, instead of the disposed to yield to the fascination would be a difficult task, even for great than 300 slaves, and nearly all of the points out, confers upon congress tlie two parallel series of imprints. The
try, hides, etc., bought for the highest mar­
ket price and cash paid for same
pliotograpie camera, a superior form of which the life of tlie railroad man governments, and would cost $26,000,- river bottom lunds along the Ocmulgee power to define and punish offenses feed device is what constitutes one of
attention is called to the fact tliat we al­
projecting lantern is employed, which seems to poeess. By its very nature it <M»0 a year, for the emigrants must be river between Hawkinsville and Ma­ against tlie law of nations and does not the most important features of the ma­
ways serve the liest meats to be found.
limit this power in respect of locality. chine. A small roller with endless licit
Fruits, etc. is provided with a strong light and unfits a man for any other business, fed until crops can be grown, and as con, Ga., were tended by his men.
Your patronage is solicited
Country Produce taken in mechanism for moving forward the and once in the treadmill they are the rich Jews are, after all, few in num­ He was quite a sportsman and spent Under this grant of power congress is caused to press against the periphery
strip with an intermittent motion cor­ tlie helpless servants of great incopora- ber, the annual drain cannot be kept the greater portion of his time hunting may declare acts to be offenses against of the roll of paper. As the roller and
exchange for Good- jpJ
M c M innville
responding exactly to the motion of the ¡ions.—Ex.
up. Lands can be bought in Egypt or about his plantation or fishing up and the law of nations subject to tin* limita­ licit rotate at uniform speed in a direc­
Give us a call and we will do you good. negative strip in tlie camera, and, like
Argentina or Southern California, no down the river. He had been born tion that its definitions lx* not held un­ tion to deliver pa]x»r from the great roll
The Largest Farm in the World.
but the Jews are not agricultur­ and raised of poor parents right upon constitutional, and it may provide for a uniform speed of delivery or feed is
CARLIN 4 COULTER, Proprietors ||
tlie phonograph. Tlie lantern is also The largest farm in tlie world is one ists, will not plow and reap, and in the Indian frontier, when the Greeks the punishment of such offenses by secured, whatever the diameter of the
Goods of all descriptions moved and care­
furnished witli a light interrupter, in the southwest of the state of Louis­ Palestine, where the attempt to plant a held the greater portion of Georgia, and giving the federal courts jurisdiction roll of pa|>cr. The papers are printed,
ful handling guaranteed. Collections will 1OHN IlERBV,
be made monthly Hauling of a l kinds
which eclipses tlie light during tlie iana measuring W0 miles north and colony has been made, have liecome had lived there all his life. He usually over such offenses by authorizing fed­ cut apart, pasted if required, folded,
done cheap
brief period- required for shifting the south ami 25 east and west. The 1,500- traders and hucksters in farm produce had a negro boy along with him when eral officials to set the machinery of counted and delivered by the press.
the courts in operation and by provid­ The speed is very high, as many as 90,-
film forward to a new position to show 000 acres of which it is made up were rather than farmers. It is true that he hunted to carry his game for him.
Proprietors of The McMinnville
the succeeding picture. The phono­ purchased seven years ago from tlie the world must have traders and huck­ One day in the latter part of the year ing penalties for the commission of the 000 four page pa|x»rs can be produced
graph witli its resonating horn is able state of Louisans and from the United sters, but they can succeed only in pop­ 1836, while hunting in the swamps offenses designated. Further, the con­ by it per hour. This is 25 copies per
Tlie painter, paper hanper. kalsoininer and
to reproduce tlie sounds so that they States govemient by a syndicate of ulated countries, and for theirown sake about six miles below Macon, liis atten­ stitution authorizes congress to make second. The press consumes 25j miles
decorator can be found during the day hard
at work, and will I* very willing indeed to
may be easily heard in any part of an northern capitalists, by which it is now it would lie better to distribute the Jews tion was attracted by a singular noise. all laws necessary ami pnqx-r for carry­ of double-with paper per hour. Its
give estimates and furnish designs tor all
Situated at the Southwest corner of the ordinary hall without the necessity of farmed. At tliat time it was a vast as money-lenders throughout, the vil­ He hastened to the river bank, when ing into execution all the [towers vest­ w eight is about fifty eight tons.
classes of work. On June 1. a shop will l>c Fair Grounds. All sizes of
applying the ear to the instrument, as grazing ground for the cattle of the few lages of India rather than expect them something, the like of which lie had ed in it by the constitution, and the su­
opened opposite tlie Cook house.
in the case of the commercial machines dealers, there being thirty thousand to prosper or even live in new and iso­ never seen in bis life, came slowly preme court of the United States has Speaking of Kipling, an amusing bit
First-Class Drain Tilt*
kept constantly on hand at lowest living and the successive pictures necessary to head of cattle and horses upon it. This lated territories. The simple fact is around the bend below him, with fire held that every national government, of gossip, worthy of Ma pen, is found
produce the effect of motion upon the immense tract is now divided in con­ that unless God intervenes, the Rus­ and smoke and much puffing. He to which class the United States gov­ in a correspondent’s letter from Cal­
McMinnville, Oregon. screen follow each other with sucli venient pastures, stations or ranches, sian persecution of the Jews will go on, jumped for his gun and climbed up tlie ernment is declared to lielong, is re­ cutta. Social forms among the Engli.h
Sam [>le rooms in connection.
quired by tlie law of nations to use dili­ resident in that city are js-tty and ex­
rapidity, and with so little change in the fencing alone costing $50,000. This that the world which does not want nearest poplar tree.
Is now fitted up in first class order.
the successive positions, as to give the land is best adapted to rice, sugar, corn them must receive them, just as it does
“Skin up that ar tree», Sambro,” old gence to prevent a wrong Ix-ing done acting. A lady called ai a house, sent
within its own dominion to another up her card, was admitted, and enjoyed
picture all the appearance of life.
and cotton. All the cultivating, ditch­ the occupants of a burnt out house, or Peter yelled to the little darky.
Accommodations as irood as can be
nation which is at peace or to tin» |i<o- the usual amount of small talk with
Mr. Edison is at work preparing ap­ ing, etc , is done by steam [xiwer, a itself be criminal, and that the experi­
•‘All right, massa; what is it?”
onnd in the city.
paratus on a large scale, which will be tract of about half a mile wide being ment of colonization is nearly hopeless.
“One of them ar tariffs I’ve beam ple thereof. Finally the treaty-making the lady of the house. Returning home
S. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
finished in time for exhibition at tlie taken, and an engine placed on each If the Jews are spread out thin enough congress hev been threatening to send and treaty-executing [lowers are con­ she informed her husband where she
Chicago exposition. This apparatus side. The engines arc portable and they will find work and live somehow, down to destroy our craps, and eat us fided to the general government and had been, when that distinguished
does not seem to be adapted for uni­ work a cable attached to four plows,the though it makes one savage to think up, feathers en all.” He sat upon a the federal courts are given jurisdiction member of society at once wrote off to
The Only Stove that Gives a
versal use, although a favored few may area plowed in this way, with the labor that such a crime can be perpetrated in limb with his rifle in his hand until over all cases under treaties. To sum the “occupant of the house No.—
ZLzEt. Taoor.
be able to enjoy it. It will give public of only three men lieing thirty acres. this nineteenth century, a crime that the “thing” went around tlie next up, Professor Burgess’ conclusion un­ street,” saying that his wife had called
••Portland's Most Beautifnl Suburb--
speakers, actors, and opera singers the Harrowing, sowing, etc., is done in the makes of its imasted civilization a hor­ point above him. It was the first der this nead of the subject is tliat the by mistake, and requesting the return
gift sighed for by tlie poet, who said: same way, and there is not a single rible sham and a conspicuous failure.
For the treatment of Nervous Diseases,
steamboat that came up the Ocmlugee constitution has equipped the United of the card she hail left on visiting the
Signed by the Officers ol the Company.
especially those suffering front nervous ex
States government with all needful lady of the said house. The husliand
“Oil! wad some pow'r the giftie gie us, draft horse on the estate. Horses are,
as far as Macon.— Detroit Free Prexs.
iiaustion and prostration, chronic diseases,
To see oursels as others see us!”
means to discharge any international of the lady visited, however, was equal
however, used by the herdsmen, who
ami all those who need quiet and rest, gixxl
The only Stove that is Trimmed With
Why Man Cannot Fly.
We think if some of our public look after tlie 16,<100 head of cattle upon
nursing, massage and constant medical
obligation which may lie imposed u[Kin to the occasion, for lie replied that,
rare. At Mt. Tabor will lie foil d [>ure air,
speakers would patronize a machine the property, which is traversed by 36 The Centennial of the Discovery of the
the United States by the general prin­ on returning home and finding the
absolutely free from malaria, good water.
Professor Hazen of the signal officer ciples of international law or may lie card, he had looked at his wife’s visit­
of this kind, they would soon change miles of the Southern Pacific railway. Columbia River to be Celebrated in *82.
Iieautiful surroundings ami magnificent
views. Ample references given if desired.
their style of oratory. May we not ex- The company lias three steamboats up­ The Centennial celebration society says there are insurmountable obstacles validly assumed by way of treaty.
ing list, and not finding the name of
For further particulars, address the physic­
jiect the early adoption of this instu­ on the 300 miles of navigable waters was organized at Astoria on May 11th to perfecting a flying machine. Pro
It is, however, one thing to possess the visitor he had tom up the card,
ian in charge.
At the Same Price others sell you the
ment in institutions where elocution which traverse tlieir immense estate, last for the purporse of taking all need­ fessor Hazen states the main obstacles powers and another to exercise them, and was therefore unable to return it.
Ninth <t Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon.
forms a branch of education?
and, in regard to the subject under dis­
and also possesses a ship yard, a bank ed steps to properly celebrate, on May
First—It is impossible to use the food
While talking with Mr. Edison in and two rice mills. — Drake* Mayazine.
Tlie Prince of Wales was Iwn No­
11, 1892, the 100th anniversary bf the which the bird uses to devlop power by cussion, it is apparent tliat congress
regard to this novel invention, tlie sub­
--------- ----------------
discovery of the Columbia river, by any «xmtrivanee which <xin ever lie in­ has not fully occupied with legislation vember 9, 1841, visited the United
ject of his cosmical telephone was Talking of patent medicines—you
Captain Robert Gray, the first man to vested that will give one tithe of tlie the field secured to it by tlie constitu­ States in 1WJ0, and married a daughter
brought up. He states tliat he is really know the old prejudice. And tlie doc-
carry the stars and stripes around the effect that the bird gets. That is to say tion. The somewhat meager list of of the king of Denmark, March 10,
carrying the project into execution in tors-somc ofthem are between you and
world. This is a most notable event, while possibly a spring or other appli­ provisions dealing with international 1863. He will be 50 years of age in
the form of a pracical experiment at us. They would like you to think tliat
alike the important to Idaho, Wash­ cation of force, by using up an enor- relations, duties and offenses enumer­ November.
his iron mine in Ogden,N. J. With this what's cured thousands won’t cure
Carries till’ Largest Assortment of
ington, and Oregon, and the citizens of amount of energy in a very short time, ated by Professor Burgess may be
telephone he expects to hear tlie sounds you. You’d believe in [latent med­
Harness and saddles and also the
Not all the 3,000 living language,
each state should vie with each other momentarily imitate a bird, yet tlie omitted here. What is of inqiortance
some of the terrific operations going icines if they didn't profess to cure
in every possible effort to make its ap­ motive power in such cases would lie is tliat as he points out the supreme conneeted l>y hyphen., would be com­
on in the sun. Some years ago, when everything—and so, between theexper-
court has held that section 5519 of the petent to express the mutual endear­
Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re­ I have just received a carload of Stoves and
the long distance telephone witli a me. ments of doctors, and the experiments propriate celebration a pronounced suc­ rapidly used up.
revised statutes, whicli is directed ment. which Nherman and Foraker
pairing Neatly Done
Ranges of all shapes, sizes and styles and
cess, and worthy of a place in the an­
tallic ciieuit was being experimented of patent medicines tliat are sold only nals of our coast. Centennial celebra­ Second—It is impossible, by tlie most against conspiracies to deprive persons feel.
Robes, Whips and all the Necessaries
with, Mr. Edison had control of a line, because there’s money in tlie “stuff,” tion on the Atlantic side, uot-with-
of the equal protection of the laws, and
are Kept in Stock in Endless
wings, to equal the perfection and which, some have held, enacts the
1 lie Beat
itesi Remedy
itemeuy— Wright's
w nglitx Hi
will sell them cheap, This beats the old Gag
standing their frequent occurrence dur­ adaptability of the bird in its own el<»-
Hea<liu-be Remedy. Nto]H [«in iu five
Call ami Sec Stock. Store on Third Street,
very strange sounds in the telephone,
means for the protection of all rights minuten.
And, you can’t always tell the pre­ ing the past twenty years, are occasions
Harmless, taatelewc n«i 111 ef­
McMinnville. Oregon.
which could have proceeded from no scription that cures by what you read which draw forth the best literary ment.
guaranteed to aliens by treaties, lias fects. A positive cure for h<»adaohe and
earthly origin. As sun spots were fre­ in the papers. So, perhaps, there’s no efforts of the time, and great numbers
not this effect, and tliat congress lias neuralgia. Hokl by Rogen. Broa.
quent nt that time, he at once attribut­ better way to sell a remedy than to tell of people assemble to honor their ob­ yond which it is impossible for a bird
to fly. It is probable that the ostrich
ed these effects to solar eiuptions, and the truth, about it, ami take the risk
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug 17, 1889,
had the power of flight in ages gone by,
A full line of Hardware on the same terms. afterwards, when experimenting at his of its doing just what it professes to do. servance.
Gates & Henry, Props.
This will be the first centennial con­ but when its environments became
That’s what the World’s Dispensary nected with the American idea on the
found frequent sudden, and very pa- Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., Pacific coast. Such an occasion ought such that it did not need its wings to
preciable disturbances of tlie needle. does with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical to stimulate every patriot to do some­ escape from enemies, or when it liegan
to grow larger from any favoring cir­
These lie attributed to the variable mag­ Discovery and Dr. Pierce’s Favorite thing—to make some effort to celebrate cumstances,
it used its wings less and
netic action of the sun.
it in a befitting manner. As the land- less so that now it is entirely incapable
is probable tliat the con­
Everything New
If they don’t do wliat their makers ingof the Pilgrim Fathers on Plymouth
I undertake to briefly
V1 Jr I I I I I |te“ch
S'- ct
rs. u , ■ e. : r
rounding tlie mine with a numlier of say they’ll do—you get your monev rock was one of the momentous epochs dor weighing fifty pounds, and with a
■ I ■ ■•ex, who call read su.l write, and wh >,
U’-r iint.-H t:.'U.«i.l U..rk 1 ndlist 11011 s! v,
spread of wings of 14 feet, is very near
And Firstclass. I lljIlIllB
convolutions of wire which terminate in back.
Vhowto earn Three Thousand Hollars a
in the history of the human race, preg­ tne limit of weight. We may conclude
Y ear in theirown localities.wherever they live.I will also furnish
a telephone receiver and in suitable re­ Europe no longer looks to Sweden for nant with issues of tremendous import then that we can never cpial a bird,
aituation or employment,at which you can earn that amount.
Special Accommodations for Commercial the
No money for me unless auceemfiil as above. Easily and quickly
learned. 1 desire but one w orker from each district or county I
cording apparatus. The mine consists “nightingales,” but is giving to Amer­ to this nation, as subseqent events have and hence, a self-raising, self-support­
have already taught ami provided with empl«»yment a large
v ho are making over fXlNMl a year each. It's \ F W
of an almost solid body of magnetic ica the credit of producing the lx»st fe­ proved, so the discovery of tlie Colum­ ing and self-propelling flying machine
Corner Second anti E Streets, one block number,
Ui' ,irul;T
K fcE. Ad.lre*. at once,
cannot possibly lie built to carry a man
from Cooks hotel.
15.. € ,
uux 4*0, Augusta, Al uiiie.
iron a mile long, four hundred feet male voices in the world.
bia river in 179*2 by a navigator bearing —Indianapolis Journal.
wide, extending into tlie earth to an
unknown depth. This immense body
of iron forms the magnet of the tele­
phone, and fifteen convolutions of wire
mounted on telegraph poles surround­
ing the outcrop of this iron form the
conductor of tlie telephone, and the
terminals of this great coil extend to an
observatory erected at one end of the
mine, Mr. Edison is looking for some
important revelations when the work
is finished. When questioned as to
the feasibility of seeing by telegraph,
and his experiments in that direction;
he said he is doing absolutely nothing
toward solving that problem. He con­
sidered it hardly worthy of attention,
but he stated that photographic pic­
tures could be sent telegraphically as
readily as hand writing or diagrams,
that he had accomplished this by
means of an ordinary photographic
negative used in the electro-chemical
telegraph, and also by means of a com­
mon photograph used in the electric
J. I). Baker M ID.,
Complete and Reliable Stock
You wi l find Always on Hand
Eurisko Market,
The Best,
and Freshest
The People’s Market.
The St. Charles Hotel.
Twenty Years
White Enameled Pot, Ket­
tle and Skillet,
Livery, Feed and Sal !
“Spot Cash and no Rent
to Pay.”
bYal £akins
K ^@2©® Powder