rAMHILL IS THE BANNER AG- [ ricultural C ounty in Oregon. , McMINNVILLE is the county seat S and largest town, and the Telephone-ISeg-ister Is the leading newspaper and best adver­ tising medium. Try it. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , REGISTER Established August. 1881. , TELEPHONE Established June. 1886. 1. P. CALBREATH. E. E. GOUCHER. D^PRICES BURIED ALIVE BY LAW. june 25, i89i. TIDES AND STARS. LONGER AND SAFER LIVES. VOL. III. NO. 21. THE SMART GIRL'S LOVER. ALMOST CIVILIZED BRUTES. The individual who sits him down He Must be all That is Good if He Would Animal. That Kill K*ch Other With All and deliberately assails the people of Hold His Own. the Skill of Men. the present generation to their detri­ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, I ndian wolves have been seen to leave But there is another side to the pic­ One of the most enteresting steps in ment as compared with those who exist­ Oh, dear! how pleasant it is these M c M innville , ... O regon . ture—one so dark and terrible that as . the wonderful advance of astronomy ed “in old times,” if he will but look moonshiny evenings to wander forth some of their number in ambush at (Office over Braly’s Bank.) we contemplated it the bright day during the last forty years is that taken around him as carefully as he lias into the park or step out onto tlie ve­ points on the edge of tlie jungle, while seemed suddenly overcast, the sun a few years ago by Prof. Geo. H. Dar­ sought for the great things of the past, randa for a minute’s outing and airing others drove in antelopes feeding iu the S. A. YOUNG, M. D. ceased to shine and the birds to sing. win in his investigation of the effects will find his error. And then, if he will after the confinement and closeness of open ground beyond. But wolves, as a In this splendid “model” building of tidal action in the evolution of the but be converted, he will find himself over-heated parlors! Nobody is there rule, hunt alone or in families, except Physician & Surgeon, there are slimy, noisome cells, where solar system. According to Prof. Dar­ in better business as an admirer of the except the man in the moon and 011c when pressed by hunger. Wild dogs, M c M ihxville , ... O begon . daylight never enters, in which hu­ win’s conclusions the moon was born present than as a worshiper of a mis­ other fellow, and nobody, except these however, habitually combine to hunt, man beings are literally buried alive. directly from the earth in the molten represented past. In every sense the people, can tell just exactly what is go­ and Baldwin, in his “Game of Bengal” Office and residence on 1) street. All Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. calls promptly answered day or night. mentions a case of four or five martins Having heard of them, we requested to stage of our planet's history, and at the people of to-day are wiser, richer, more ing on. be shown one of these cells. The gen­ beginning of its career revolved rapidly powerful and happier than were their Fair Beauty has a score of admir­ hunting a fawn of the “muntjac” or ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND tlemanly Superintendent denied there around the earth at very close quarters. forefathers. Mentally, physically, and ers Miss DR. J. C. MICHAUX and she loves to take them out one barking deer. But in real military or­ A COMPLETE LINE OF were any such, and showed us the in­ At that time tremendous tides were perhaps morally, we excel them. by one in the light of the moon, listen ganization and strategy, monkeys are Practicing Physician and Surgeon, interior of two or three twilight cells, raised upon each of these plastic masses While we are given isolated examples to their declarations and their observa­ far ahead of all other animals, and no­ which he said were the worst in the through the attraction of the other. By of what they could do in the line of tions. She cannot marry them all and tably the different kinds of baboons. LAFAYETTE, OREGON- penitentiary and designed for those means of reactions, which can be de­ wonderful feats of strength and endur­ probably she does not care to marry Mansfield I’arkms gives an excellent Jan.21, »83. condemned to “solitary conflnment,” monstrated readily with simple geomet­ ance, future generations will read in any of them,but. she loves to have them account of the tactics of tlie dog-faced -A.T THE LOWEST FEICES. says the Chilean correspondent of tlie rical figures, although their full analy­ history of our doings in such large all devoted to her, and ready to dance hamadryads tliat lived in large colonies Pittsburg Dispatch. But we knew tical investigation is an intense math­ numbers as to far overshadow the post attendance upon her every wish and in tlie cracks in tlie cliffs of tlie Abys­ sinian mountains. These creatures better, and latter on the judicious in­ ematical process, the effect of the tides as we know it. We can run faster, whim. SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC used occasionally to plan a foraging ex­ vestment of a dollar induced a subord­ is both to drive the moon gradually throw further, and hit harder than Some day from the ranks of the inv­ PHYSICIAN. inate to give us a glimpse of what we away from the earth, causing it to re­ they could. Instead of showing a de­ aliers who have followed her forth ilito pedition into the plain below, and the volve constantly in a larger and larger cline in vitality, statistics bear out tlie the light of the moon she will select one order of nttack was most carefully or­ came to see. Office at B F. Fuller’s drug store. Resi­ dence, first house south of Baptist church, orbit witli decreasing angular velocity, argument that the race has increased who shall tie the slave of the ring, and ganized, tlie old males inarching in Under the massive arches of the enor ­ McMinnville, Or. mously thick wails, where perpetual and to slow down the rotation of the the average duration of life and the whose pride and pleasure ami duty it front and on the flanks with a few to twilight reigns even in the outside moon on its axis, until it reached the general level of health. Two principal will he forevermore to lead her where­ bring up the rear and keep the rest in JAMES BENNETT, rooms, are inner cells, two feet wide by condition in which we now' behold it, means by which this has lieen accom­ soever she wishes to go, whether it be order. Tliey had a code of signals, halt­ When buying anything in this line it is well to remem­ ARCHITECT. six feet long, destitute of a single ar­ keeping one face always toward the plished may be named —the extension under the sun by day or ’neatli the ing or advancing according to the barks ber that the cheapest is not the best our vehicles are of ticle of furniture. Until recently those earth and making but one rotation of the knowledge of sanitary and med­ moon and sial's by night. Like the of the scouts. When they reached the Plans, Specifications, Elevations, Details confined in them were walled in, the on its axis in the course of a revolution ical science, and tlie invention of vast sculptor and the elay will these two be corn fields the main body plundered, Personal Supervision of all work piaceli in my hands a Specialty. brick being cemented in place over the around its terrestrial center. improvements which have rendered to each other, tlie one modeling and while the old males watched on all O ffici - Up stairs in Campliell’s Brick, And must necessarily cost mor than than Within the past year or two it has living tomb. Now there is a thick iron existence more wholesome and comfort­ designing, the other attaining each sides, but took nothing for themselves- North of Court House. those of inferior material. D allas - O regon door, which is securely nailed up, then been discovered that Mercury and able. So gradual lias been the advent moment the highest degree of beauty The others stowed the corn in their fastened all around with huge clamps, Venus, the only planets of our system of these improvements in material which tlie hand of tlie sculptor can cheek pouches and under their anupita. O xlx Stoclc Consists of They are also said to dig wells with exactly as vaults are closed in the San­ which are nearer to tlie sun than the things that the result arising from their give. their hands and work in relays. The RICE COIL SPRING, BREWSTER SIDE BARS, tiago cemetery; and over all the great eartli is, behave in a manner analogous use has not been marked by sufficiently Do not think, liecause Miss Fair Gelada baboons sometimes have battles to that of the moon, so far as their rota ­ red seal of the government is placed — radical changes in the condition of man DEXTER SPING FAIRY, ELLIPTIC EPRINGS, Beauty goes in for athletics, studies not to be removed until the man is tion is concerned. They always keep the to be noticed in one generation,' but Egyptology, is up on Russian history with the Hamadryads, »‘specially when Shop With Hewitt Bro’s. PH/ETONS, JUMP-SEATS, BAROUCHES, ETC., ETC. dead or his sentence has expired. Tlie same side toward the sun, just as the statistics extending over a century and speaks a smattering of Japanese, tlie two species have a mind to roll the J3J"Charges Reasonable. Give me a call. tiny grated window is covered by nioon always keeps one face toward the readily tell the tale. Statisticians now that her mental condition lias under­ same field, and, if fighting In the hills, M c M issville . : : : O regon . Also the Celebrated Studebaker Wagons, several thicknesses of closely woven earth. It is not improbable that these calculate that the average man lives gone any change, so far as sensitiveness will roll stones onto their enemies. Not All these vehicles were bought direct from the factories, hence we wire netting, making dense darkness planets may have been brought into nine years longer at the present time to masculine impression is concerned. long ago a colony of Gelada liaboons, are in a position to give you good bargains. inside, so tlie prisoner cannot tell dark­ their peculiar condition by the effects of than at the beginning of tlie century. She has merely learned to discriminate which had been tired at by some black ness from day. There is no ventilation tidal friction, although tlie problem pre­ I11 the eighteenth tlie English govern­ between wheat and chart-, between gold soldiers attending a duke of Coburg- Watchmaker Gotlia on a hunting cx|x>dition on the except through this netting, and no sents great difficulties. ment as a means of revenue, sold an­ and Jeweler. B Street, McMinnville, Oregon. opening whatever to the tomb. Low Quite recently an attempt has been nuities on the lives of persons —a kind and dross, between silver and tinsel, Ixirders of Abyssinia, block«-«! u pass for between shoddy and iugrain, lietween Dealer in All Kinds of Watches. Jewelry. Plated Ware down in the iron door, close to the made to apply the priucipal of tidal evo­ of reversed insurance—but some years good for something and good for noth­ some days by rolling rocks on all com­ Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE. OR. to the ground, is a tiny sliding panel, a lution to those wonderful solar systems ago the discovery was made tliat in­ ing, that is all, and Miss Fair Beauty’s ers. This seems to give some support foot long by two or thee inches wide, know as the double or binary stars. T. stead of making money the government Charlie must be good and honest, and to a curious objection raised by a Chi­ 5,' arranged like a double drawer, so that J. J. See, of Berlin, has made a mathe­ was losing by reason of the increased clever and noble, and earnest and true. nese local governor in a report to ills (OREGON WILKES.) food and water may be slipped in on matical investigation along this line long levity of the annuitants. The If lie is not rieli lie must l>c capable of HU|x*rior on the difficulties in the way HIBI18, - - • Proprietor. R egistered in W allaces ¡T rotting R esister , V ol . 7. shallow pans and the refuse returned. which leads him to think some interest­ great improvement in wearing apparel earning the money to becone rich; lie of opening to steamers tlie waters of the Fresh Meats of ail kinds constantly on- Twice in every twenty-four hours ing conclusions concerning tlie consti­ lias played 110 small part in bringing must have executive ability, and with- upper Yang-Tse. The report, after no­ hand. Highest price paid for Batcher’s This Highly Bred Trotting Stalliou will Make the Season of 1891 at this panel is operated, and if this food tution of tlie universe. I11 a binary about this condition of things, the ap­ in him must dwell that facility which ting that the inhabitants on the upper stock. The Fair Grounds, McMinnville, Oregon. remains untouched a certain number of system there are two suns, often far ex­ parently insignificant influence of rub­ lias in its grasp tlie elements of success. waters were ignorant men who might Tuian S trest , M c M innville , O r . DESCRIPTION.—A beautiful Bay, black pointsand a little white quarrel with strangers, went on to al­ ceeding our sun in magnitude, which, ber garments being on the health of around left hind coronet, 1<> hands high anil weighs 12OO pounds, days it is known tliat the mail is dead, Miss Fair Beauty and her sister, Miss and only then can the door be opened held in comradeship by their mutual at­ the people a great factor for good. In Smart Girl, and her cousin, Miss Blue lege that monkeys inhabited the banks very symmetrical in form, combining fine style anil substance. unless his time has expired. If the traction, revolve around their common spite of numerous railroad accidents Stocking, are all capable of knowing a and they would roll down stones on FEEICrBEE: food is not eaten for only two or three center of gravity, carrying their fami­ and deaths from tlie deadly electric good tiling when they see it, and con­ tlie steamers. The last two facts,” the Foaled in 1880 by Lyle Wilkes, sire of Mattie Wilkes, 2:30; Konantz, Carries the Best Line of Choice Meats in days no attention is paid to it, for the lies of planets, if such they have, round wire as well as from other dangerous sequently they are picking out for report added, would lead to complaint the Citv. Game ami Fish in Season. Poul­ 2:29); Chief, 2;26); Danville Wilkes, 2:27 ; sire of Sally Vejen, 2:28. ami round in ceaseless gyrations. One from tlie English and embroil the ce­ try, hides, etc., bought for the highest mar­ First dam, Maggie Hamlet, by Hamlet, Sire of Loretta F, 2:18}; A.V. prisoner may be shamming, but beyond remarkable feature of such systems is implements placed in tlie hands of moonlight companions tlie very best lestials witli them,especially if the men ket price and cash pai«l for same Your a given length of time lie cannot live man by science, human life is longer men to lie found any where, and the attention is called to the fact that we al­ Pantlind, 2 :20): and 5 others with records better than 2:30; and sire of that the orbits of the revolving suns and better than it was formerly. Ad­ or the monkeys kill any English.” without eating. ways serve the best meats to be found. the dams of 15 with records from 2:16} to 2:20. Miss Nancy young man and tlie girlish Yoiir patronage is solicited. are exceedingly elongated ellipses, ded to this is tlie fact that life is less Not the faintest sound nor glimmer Second dam, the great show marc Chum, (formerly Mattie Kenny,) BONI» r and difficult of cultiva­ Paid up Capital, $50,000. those little seeds alone he is indebted clusters as in our little corner of space. “dust” which peeled from her hands. tween his branch of the Astor family tion, und the English, Irish and Scotch The Only Stove that Gives a Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re­ and that of which Mrs. William Astor are leaving it for the prairie, the plains pairing Neatly Done. for his almost miraculous escape froin New York Sun. The letter conveyed tlie disease to her Transacts a General Banking Business, is the head may have driven him to and the Pacific coast, “and,” said he, insanity, idiocy or death. Robes. Whips and all the Necessaries The Whitehead Torpedo. friend and her little daughter, and tlie Deposits Received Subject to Check are Kept in Stock in Endless On the day of our visit to the Sun­ The success of the small Chilean gun daughter died. A servant nursed a this decision. Mr. Astor was original­ “whenever such a farmer expresses a Interest allowed on time deposits. Variety. Signed by the Officers of the Company. tiago penitentiary there was one num boats in sinking the large war ship of scarlet fever patient, and on her leav­ ly soured in the fall of 1880, when he desire to go west, his next-door neigh­ Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ bor’ a Frenchman, standwady to buy Call ami See Stock. Store oil Third Street, fers on New York, San Francisco and Port­ in solitary confinement, under two the rebels, the Blanco Encalada, by ing the plaje she put her clothing into was most cruelly la-trayed by republi­ McMinnville. Oregon. land. The only Stove that is Trimmed With years’ sentence, whose time had ex­ means of AVliitehead torjxjdoes has giv­ a trunk. A year afterwar«! she un­ can leaders, who induced him to accept him out Soon there will be few ex­ Collections made on all accessible points. pired within seven weeks. It was the the nomination for congress, and then, cept Frenchmen left in Old Canada.” ! en renewed interest in that class of mis­ packed the trunk, and a little girl who I Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. only case on record, and a marvel to all siles. At the naval exhibition now in stood by took the disease. 111 dypli- as lie believes, with his money help to Firat Fifth Caught in Great Salt Lake. Gates & Henry, Props. who were acquainted witli it. A great progress in London, the latest improv­ theria the virus resides in tlie false elect Roswell P. Flower, his rival. It deal of speculation is rife as to what ed specimens are shown, among them membrance, and for that reason is less is understood here that he will make At last a fish lias been caught in the McMinnville, - Oregon. the poor wretch will be like when the an 18 inch torpedo which, with a speed likely to be carried to a distance; but London his home, and as soon as the great Salt Lake, It was captured near At the Same Price others sell you the Successor to H. Adams door is opened, if he manages to exist of 28 J knots for G4M) yards (a rate of over the particles long retain their power of period of mourning for his father and Buffalo Park, and is one and five- so long—blind, no doubt, and hopeless­ 33 miles an hour,) carries nearly 200 lb. infection. The contagiousness of con­ for his wife’s brother, Lieutenant Pau), eighths inches long. It was diflierent ly ruined in health, and intellect, if he of explosive. The adoption of nets pro­ sumption lies in the patient’s expector- who has just died, expires will cultivate from any tiling ever seen here I a-fore, does not die of tlie shock of liberation. jected from the side of a ship, by which tions and discharges. If these are care­ English nobility and titled society with having a large head, a Ixxiy something Everything New IN FACT THE the same zeal which others have shown like a trout, while it is almost transpar­ I nave purchased the Harness Shop of II. On Saturday a workman, while ex­ the torpedoes are arrested or caused to fully received in a disinfecting fluid, when they have sought the society of ent, except the dark outlines of the ver­ And Firstclass. Adair-s and will keep a there is almost no danger to attendants cavating for a levee near Skelton, Ind., explode harmlessly at a sufficient dis­ the Astors here. Young Jack Astor, tebra, which is as well formed as if of a flnecia! Accommodations for Commercial unearthed a man moth fixit, supposed tance from tlie structure to prevent and friends.—YouM’s Companion. who is rejxjrted to have become a most full-grown fish and is dark. There 1 Travellers of Harness,anti Horse Furnishings Tlie to be of the ostrich species. Tlie leg damage, makes it desirable to have net uxorious bridegroom, will have to be were two of these small fish swimming Corner Second and E Streets, one block of Yamhill county are invite«! to call was disconnected at the knee joint. cutters. But nothing efficient has yet Several ancient bird tracks have been regarded as the head of the American to-getber and they were so lively that RANGES lieople from Cooks hotel. ______________ STOVES & I«xik over tlie stock ami get prices. The leg from the knee down was intact. been produced. There is un«iuestiona- found in a stone quarry alx>ut a mile branch of the Astor family.— World. only one could lie caught. FRANK WRIGHT. LEAD THE WORLD. This relic was found about eight feet bly a great field for the invention of and a half north of Holyoke, Mass. I have just received a carload of Stoves and below the surface of the ground. The new improvements in respect not only They are each eleven inches in length, Ranges of all shapes, sizes and styles and McMinnville Highest of ail iti Lea Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889, as entire length of the limb from the joint of torpedoes but naval appliances of all three claws to each foot. The tracks —DEALERS IN— Marble and to the end of the middle toe is six feet kinds. A remarkable feature about it are four feet and ten inches apart. I NEVER PAY FOR MY GOODS. inches; the length of the toes is, is the bluflhess of the head, showing There are eleven tracks in consecutive will sell them cheap, This Ix-ats the old (lag Granite Works nine respectively, 9, 7 and 61 inches eacli^ the advance of ideas in this respect. In order leading up the hill. Each track M, Is now prepareil to furnish all kinds of The Finest Line ot Confection- It is thoroughly petrified anil heavy the nose of the torpedo is a long striker is imbedded in the stone ten inches. I with a needle point, which causes They are perfect; even the toe-nails are In the Cit.V. as rock. ery in the City. ignition of the explosive on coming distinct. Several Easthampton men AR kinds of All kinds of Produce taken at the Moulds for casting iron can only 1« violently in contract with any hard have tried to buy him. The owner ha- AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE. A full line of Hardware on the same terma made in sand. Iron or other metallic substance, such as the bottom of a ship. ' offered to get them out in good shape . SCOTCH AND AMERICAN GRANITE moulds chill the iron, and it does not Parties wishing work of this kind would Call and examine our Stock and An ingenious American proposes to an(i deliver them for fl,000. Other «to well to call and get our prices before fill well. The great heat at which iron purchasing elsewhere. get Prices. melts w ill burn any other material, or build an elevator at Mt. Blanc which tracks were found near by, but tliey arc II endeksdn gaunt . be able to carry 216 persons at once. IRA A. MILLER. not as perfect as these eleven. will stick so as to break the mould. Calbreath & Goucher, Chilean Justice That Equals the Tortures It Nature as Perfect in the Great Volverse ns in Our Little Earth? of the Inquisition. e fl iJFWITT L H I I I RRilQ Dnllu. BOOKS, STATIONARY. MUSICAL GOODS, J. D. Baker M T),, Vehicles and Wagons! The Finest Material Most Skilled Workmanship! D. A . SMITH, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. WM. HOLL, Eurisko Market, OREGON, The People’s Market. I A TRUCK AND DRAY CO., The St. Charles Hotel. YOUNG HAMBLETONIAN! COTTAGE SANITARIUM ! At the McMinnville Fair Grounds TEEMS: Twenty Years WRITTEN GUARANTEE THE COMMERCIAL STABLE White Enameled Pot, Ket­ tle and Skillet, Livery, Feed and Sal ! FRANK WRIGHT, HARNESS SHOP! PENINSULAR Complete and Reliable Stock Spot Cash and no Rent to Pay.' Cemetry Work and Monuments! HENDERSON & GAUNT highest market price . Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY