THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER Garden hose by the thousand feet di­ rect from the factory at Hodson’s. Family washing at special rates, call June - - 18, 1891. and get prices at the steam laundry. Frank Wright has received a large lot of harness soap and oils direct from rOSTOFFICE HOURS. the east. From 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p. Why not patronize white labor and m. to 8:30 p. m. Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. have your washing done at the steam laundry. Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail Carpets, quilts, and blankets washed north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. ni. Mail for 5:45 a. m train closes evening and satisfaction guaranteed at the steam laundry. before at 9 p m Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail India and Ceylon teas are the best in closes at 11 a m. the world and can be found at the Red front grocery store. CHURCH NOTICES. Gents underwear washed with care. M ethodist E piscopal C hurch —Services Shirts, cuffs and collars a specialty at every Sabbath at 11 a. m and 7:00 p in, the steam laundry. Sunday School at 9:30 a, m Braver meet­ Western and Michigan wasliers for ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. K ev J. T A bbett , Pastor. less money than any one in town can sell them at Hodson’s. C umberland P resbyterian C hurch — Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p Let all come out to hear Jas. G. m. Sundav School at 9:30 a. ni. Clark, the sweet singer next Monday R ev W iley K nowles , I’astor B aptist C hurch .—Services every Sabbath evening at the opera house. at 11 a. ill. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at Goods called for and delivered to any 9,55 a. m. R ev R. M u K illop , Pastor. part of the city. All goods handled C hristian C hurch services every Sabbath with care at the steam laundry. at It a. m, and 7 p m Before selecting your wall paper you R ev D r . B. F F uller , Pastor. should see our stock. Additions are McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of II., constantly arriving. Burns & Daniels. meet in their hall the first and third Satur­ Why pay 16 cents for hose when you day of each month at 10 a. m. Visitors can get the best warranted steel wire cordially invited. J. R B ooth , Master. wrapped hose for one third less at Mrs, H. A. H embree , Sec, Hodson’s? TIIE MARKET REPORT. The New World fruit evaporator is 60 on exhibition at O. O. Hodson’s hard­ bu $ ,50 to Potatoes .................... 2 5“) to 3 00 ware store. Steam heat. Fruit growers Chickens, vouhk old.......... fidoz 3 50 to 4 00 examine. 10 (Clear sides V lb. Jas. G. Clark lias a national reputa­ 8 Bacon ¿Shoulders > lb tion as ballad writerand singer. Don’t 12 to . 10 (Hams V 11» • • • fail to hear him at the ojiera house next 10 t Jin 10 P’1 pails 10 to Lard jin 5 gallon tins 8 Monday evening. 25 Eggs, dozen Wright’s Blackberry Cordial should 75 Butter, Creamery. 1' roll be kept in every house. Invaluable in Hutter, dull, fresli V roll 00 20 in all relaxed conditions of the bowels Brine ....... pound. 15 to 0 to 7 Dried apples, dull, pd. Sold by Rogers Bros. THE DEADLY MILLPOND. Charles Link, Drowned in Jones & Co’«. Mill Pond. WOODS. The town of Woods is a lively place at present. The town is full of carpenters and they are all busy. R. T. Weatherly Is having a two story business building built. The lower floor will be used for a drug store and the upper story for a public hall, Mr. Finley has had his store building enlarged and fitted up in fine style. Wm. Canton is having his grocery store finished up. He carries a first- class stock of groceries. Frank Nasburg is building a new house. Mr, Virgie has the lumber on the ground for a new boat house. Coasters are now coming in. Three whales entered the Nestucca bay, a few days ago, took a view of tlie county, and then went out to sea again without being molested. Frank Wildhart is building a new ferry. Talmage Sermon—From 2d page. or the dying saint is the maratnon. VITAL RELIGION IS THE REMEDY. WEATHER-CROP BULLETIN. For the Week Ending Saturday, June 13 1891—U. S. Signal Service. That is the way the nfighty ministers of the Gospel were made in olden times. Oh, Monday another fatal accident oc­ WESTERN OREGON. for a great wave of revival to roll over onr curred at Jones