THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER Garden hose by the thousand feet di­ rect from the factory at Hodson’s. Family washing at special rates, call June 18, 1891 and get prices at the steam laundry. Frank Wright has received a large lot of harness soap and oils direct from rOSTOFFICE HOIKS. the east. From 7 a m. to 7 p. in From 7 :30 p. Why not patronize white lal>or and m. to 8 :30 p. m. Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. have your washing done at the steam laundry. Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m Mail south closes at 9:50 a. in. Mail Carpets, quilts, and blankets washed north closes at 2:30 p. in. and 9 p. m. Mail for 5 :45 a. m train closes evening and satisfaction guaranteed at the before at 9 p m. steam laundry. Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail India and Ceylon teas are the best in closes at 11 a in. THE DEADLY MILLPOND. Charles Link, Drowned in Jones & Co’s. Mill Pond. Monday another fatal accident oc­ curred at Jones & Co’s, mill pond in the mountains. During the day the ■men were at work at a road in the mountains but quit working about three o’clock because of rain. They all came to the mill and soon after Chas. Link, brother of Walter Link book keeper for Jones & Co., in this city, left the house and did not return at supper. Search parties were sent out during the evening and the boiler was fired and the whistle tied down in order that it would blow all the night. It was thought he was lost. In the morn­ ing the water in the mill pond was drawn off and his body was found amongst the logs. He had probably left the house and went to the pond and for sport and curiosity went out upon the logs, and through accident fell into the water and drowned. He was a fine young man, well liked, in­ telligent and industrious. He has been working at the mill but a short time. His watch had stopped nt twenty minutes past four. The body was found sitting up with the legs caught beneath a root. Several finger marks upon a large log freshly barked, showed that he had struggled to get upon the log. The body was brought to this city; the funeral being held at 2 p. m„ Wed­ nesday, from the undertaking parlors of J Evenden. the world and can be found at the lied front grocery store. Gents underwear washed with care. M ethodist E piscopal C hübch —Services Shirts, cuffs and collars a specialty at every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p m, the steam laundry. Sunday School at 9:30 a, m Prayer meet­ ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. Western and Michigan washers for ’R ev J. T A bbett , Pastor. less money than any one in town can C umberland P resbyterian C hurch — sell them at Hodson’s. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p Let all come out to hear Jas. G. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. in. Clark, the sweet singer next Monday R ev W iley K nowles , Pastor B aptist C hurch .—Services every Sabbath evening at the opera house. at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at Goods called for and delivered to any 9;55a. m. R ev R. Me K illop , Pastor. part of the city. All goods handled C hristian C hurch services every Sabbath with care at the steam laundry. at 11 a. m, and 7 p m R ev D r . I>. F F uller , Pastor Before selecting your wall paper you should see our stock. Additions are McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of II., constantly arriving. Burns & Daniels. meet in their hall the first and third Satur­ Why pay 16 cents for hose when you day of each month at 10 a. in. Visitors can get the liest warranted steel wire cordially invited. J. R B ooth , Master. Mrs, H. A. H embree , Sec, wrapped hose for one third less at Hodson’s? THE MARKET REPORT. The New World fruit evaporator is 60 on exhibition at O. O. Hodson’s hard­ Potatoes .......................... bu $ 50 to 2 50 to 3 00 ware store. Steam heat. Fruit growers Chickens, young . old.......... fit doz 3 50 to 1 00 examine. 10 (Clear sides lb. Jas. G. Clark has a national renuta­ 8 Bacon ¿Shoulders lb 12 to (Hams lb .... .. 10 tion as ballad writerand singer. Don’t 10 fail to hear him at the opera house next Lanl Hn I«* Pa‘!s 10 8 to Un 5 gallon tins Monday evening. Eggs, .,.. $ dozen A State Chautauqua. 25 75 Butter, Creamery, «1 roll Wright’s Blackberry Cordial should Butter, dull, fresh V roll 60 be kept in every house. Invaluable in For some time past efforts have l»een 20 Brine .............. V pound. 15 to in all relaxed conditions of the bowels put forth to establish a Chautauqua as­ Dried apples, dull, p pd. 6 to i Sold by Bogers Bros. Dried plums, dull. pd. 6 to 8 sembly at some attractive seaside resort Dried prunes, dull, "ji pd. 10 9 to Helmick & Co., of Monmouth have in our state. These efforts have culmi­ Driedpeaches.dull, pd 10 to 12 bought a fine Russell threshing outfit nated in an organization which was Flour................... V sack 1 00 to 1 05 consisting of a 13 horse fraction engine perfected in Portland, Tuesday after­ and 36 inch Cyclone separator. Local anti General. noon. Principal Stratton, D. D., of Lost—In the opera house on Wednes­ Portland university was elected presi­ Hugh Collard is in the city visiting day, June 10, a gold cuff button. Finder his parents. will be rewarded by returning same to dent, Mrs. Narcissa White Kinney, of Astoria, secretary, and William Wad­ Miss Annie Burnett has gone on a John Knight at McMinnville mills. visit to relatives in Salem. hams, esq., of Portland, treasurer. The No one can afford to do without Drs. Young, Goucher, and Wright Wright’s Myrrh Tooth Soap. It clean­ executive committee consist of Rev. A. are attending the horse races in Port­ ses the mouth, purifies the breath, pre­ J. Brown, Rev. John Gordon, D. D.; land. serve's the teeth and makes them beau- Rev. Alfred Kummer, D. D.; Rev, T. L. Cole, Res’. William W. Logan, C. Dr. Johnson, of Tillamook, has been •iful. Sold by Rogers Bros. greeting old friends for the past few The Best Remedy—Wright’s Paragon L. Fay, and Dr. L. E. Hibbard, all of days. Headache Remedy. Stops pain in five Portland. The trustees are prominent Harmless, tasteless, no ill ef­ Work wanted on a farm by a strong minutes. fects. A positive cure for headache and representative gentlemen throughout young man, enquire at F. Zirkel’s tail­ neuralgia. the state. The preparation of constitu­ Sold by Rogers Bros. or shop. tion and by laws is committed to Dr. Martin & Sanders wish us to state Stratton. Rev. W. R. Steyenson and The W. C. T. U. will meet on Friday that they are well prepared as usual, to at 8 o’clock at G. A. It. hall. J. L. supply the farmers with first-class bind­ Rev. C. M. Hill. The association has Snyder, Sec. ing twine at the lowest market price. secured a most delightful location for Mr. E. Johnson has sold bis saloon Don’t fail to see them before contract­ its assembly at Gearhart Park, on Clat­ and will move to his old place of resi­ ing. sop Beach. A commodious auditorium dence, Dilley. costing $150Q, will be commenced next parlor suits, J. Seiters now has plenty of brick. Elegant Fine new style bed sets, week and meetings will be held early They are tine ones and all who desire Lovely lounges, in August. Arrangments are being brick should call immediately. Artistic tables, made to secure lecturers of national Wanted—Forty men to cut wood. Wall paper, For further patieulars enquire at the Everything, reputation and others well known on real estate office of W. T. Shurtlefl’. Evenden this coast. The musical attractions A bright, new harness improves the will lie a prominent feature of tlie in­ Mrs. Wm. Symons, of Whatcom, arrived Saturday. She is visiting her appearance of your turnout wonder­ teresting programme. All interested parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Adams. fully. If you do not happen to have a in the “Chautauqua Idea” will hail one you can purchase one of with joy the inauguration of this prom A carload of Advance hay presses ar­ new Frank Wright. If you don’t need a ising association. With so many pub­ rived y~>*erday for Martin & Sanders. new you can buy of him a bot­ Anotm- .rioad of them will reach tle of harness Uncle Sam’s genuine harness oil. lic spirited men as its officers, and with here abvm July 1st. This will make your old harness look the attraction of Gearhart Park, the Eb. Sitton has 22 head of horses for like new. « coming assembly is sure to lie a grand sale. They can be seen at the Sitton success. The pioneers, of Oregon, held t^eir ranch, north of this city, They con­ 19th annual reunion in Portland Tues­ sist of work and saddle horses. Take Notice. day, June 16th. About 300 pioneer as­ Prof. M. V. Rork, national organizer sembled. The officers elected for tlie The following letter was received of the farmers alliance, will speak in ensuing year are as follows: President, this city on Saturday, June 2()Ui. at 11 W T. I .aild. 1850. Portland: vice presi­ June 12th. The person is no doubt well a. m., and a county alliance will be or­ dent, Wm. Kapus, 1853, Portland; sec­ pleased at the result of I)r. Turney’s ganized. retary, Geo. H. Himes, 1853, Portland; skill as the recommendation was un­ Henry Failing, 1851, Port­ The Fourth of July committees are treasurer, corresponding secretary, H. S. asked for. at work and a grand old fashioned cel­ land; R oseburg , Or., June 8, 1891. 1849; directors, John Hobson, ebration and barbecue will be the result Lyman, astoria; Curtis C Strong, 1849, T elephone -R egister , of their labors. You’ll miss it if you 1843, Portland; Medorem Gawford, 1842, I notice in your hite issue that don’t attend. Dayton, Or. Dr. J. P. Turney lias located there. I The bridge carpenters have complet­ wish to say that tlie Dr. treated me for ed the bridge across 4’ozine creek. It PRESS COMMENTS. is a safe structure and the traveling a very bad C. C. fracture, extending in­ public can rest assured that no acci­ What Some Leading Newspaper Say of to the ankle joint. Instead of losing dents will occur because of it. James G. Clark, tlie Noted Ballad the leg as I fully expected, I still have Singer. Henry Westphal, the artist in land­ it as good as ever, owing wholly to Dr. scape and marine, will open an art Turney’s knowledge and skill. The He sings with the voice and execu ­ class in this city some during the month of June. For terms and speci­ tion of an artist, and the soul of a poet. people there are to be congratulated up­ on securing a surgeon so skillful and mens call at Fritz’ photo studio. —W Y. Teacher. He is, without exception, the best thoroughly qualified, There will be a strawberry and ice­ C. G raham , M. D. cream festival given by the Sunday singer of plaintive and sentimental school at the Phillip’s warehouse at ballads we have ever heard.— Cleveland Deafness Can't be Cured Whiteson, Thursday, June 25th. Pro­ gramme of literary exercises will be Daily Herat. by local applications, as they cannot reach He sang ton large and delighted the diseased portion of the ear. There is given. only one way to cure deafness and that is Col. Chas. F. Beebe, commanding audience whom he held spell bound by constitutional remedies. Deafness is the first regiment O. N. G. and stall’, from the first to the last.— Tacoma caused hv an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. will officially inspect company “B,” of Globe. this city, to-night. After the inspec­ He is giving the best and most suc­ When this tube gets inflamed yen have a sound or imperfet t hearing, and tion the ceremony of battailion guard cessful ballad entertainment ever lield rumbling when it is entirely closet! deafness is file re­ mount will take place. sult, and unless inflammation can lie in this country since the days of Henry taken out an this the tube restored to its nor­ Lt. F. A. Tripp, 1st infantry U. S. A. Russell.— Omaha Daily Herald. mal conditionliering will be destroyed for­ is in the city recruiting for his regi­ nine eases out of ten are caused by His concert was a great success in all ever: ment. The recruiting office is in the catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed Union block. Two recruits were enlist­ respects. The church was filled and condition oj the mucous surface“ ed Saturday and left for the presidio on the audience was delighted.— Oregon­ We will give one hundred dollars for any Monday. Lt. Tripp will remain here case of deafneeecaused by catarrh that we ian. cannot cure by taking Hull’s catarrh cure. until tile 28th. We venture to exhort our friends Send circular free. The consolidation ticket was elected every where to welcome this singer F, J. C henkv & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggistf, 75 cents in Portland Monday by a majority of 3,000. Every man was elected although wherever he may appear. Mr. Clark, Probate Court. the fight was made by the people we may observe, devoted the proceeds against “Bossism.” The people have of his concerts, nearly $5,000 during the the power in this county whenever war, to the sustenance and comfort of In the estate Jasper N. Cobb. Final account filed and July 7th, 1891, at 10 they see fit to use it. our soldiers and their families. He is a Rev. O. B. Whitmore, grand lecturer first-class singer and a first-class writer. a. m. set to her same. of the A. O. U. W., returned yesterday In the estate of Jefferson Davis. from Corvallis, where he held a public —W. Y. Tribune. Final account filed and July 7, 189], at meeting. He goes to Tillamook in a 10 a. in. set to hear same. DIED. day or two where he will organize a In the estate of Neil Johnson. Filial lodge, perhaps two, one at Tillamook H vlekv .—Phcebe, wife of Geo. H. account filed and July 11, 1891, at 10 a. and one at Bay City. Hulery, in this city on Saturday, Jas. G. Clark, the noted ballad writ­ June 13, 1891, of typhoid fever, aged m. set to hear same. er and sweet singer will give one of his 29 years. The rumor that Mrs. Sheridan is famous concerts at the opera house in Funeral from the church on Tuesday. about to marry Mr. Lemon, the enor­ this city, Monday evening June 22nd, under the auspices of the young peo­ G ortner .—A. L. Gortner, son of M.U. mously rich pension attorney, is denied. ple,s society, of the Baptist church. Gortner, in this city on Monday .June Mrs. Sheridan is said to have given Admission, 25 cents, Reserved seats 15. 1891, aged 25, of typhoid fever. herself up entirely to her religious 30 cents. Funeral at the grave on Monday. “Link” Gortner was one of the best duties and to the care of her children. The ware-house belonging to Ladd & Recti on their big stock farm, near liked young men in the city, and his A correspondent says the little Sheri­ Amity, was destroyed by fire Thurs- j death is regretted by a large circle of dans are the prettiest, daintest children day night. It caught from sparks from friends. imaginable, and all wear black for their the narrow gauge engine, and the loss father—their clothing neat, substantial is quite heavy. Twenty-five hundred Card of Thanks. and plain. Somebody saw Mrs. Sheri­ bushels of wheat and 1500 bushels of dan one day with a pile of children’s oats were burned. We wish to express our tlianks to the Company “B” is making great many kind friends who tendered and garments before her, and she was asked what sort of trimming she -would put preparations for the military Itali to be given at the court house on Friday, rendered so much help during the sick­ on them? “Good buttons and button­ June 26, 1K91. The tickets including ness and death of our daughter. To holes—that’s all I can do with four supper $2.00. One of the features of the ladies especially we feel deeply in­ small children,” answered the soldier’s of the evening will be a competitive drill widow promptly. The consequence between two squads. The supper will debted . Mr. and Mrs. Titos. K irby . be furnished by the relief corps, which is that these little girls in their simple is an assurance that it will be fine. cotton frocks are just the most ladylike- Born. The June number of Romance, the looking misses that were ever seen. New York Story Club’s magazine, is now ready. It contains seventeen C ooper —To the wife of Tom Cooper, stories, all interesting, and all of great near Wheatland, on Thursday, June An important event occurred in ad­ ministration circles in Washington last merit. There is no better traveling 11,1891, a girl. companion than Romance, and those week. Baby McKee donned pants and who are about to start on their summer T iiomason —To the wife of P. Thom­ in the exuberance of his delight strut­ jaunt will do well to leave a place in ason, in tliis city, on June 15, 1861, a ted all over the White house, calling up their gripsacks for the June number. girl. everybody to take notes of his manly The little Cochrane children delight­ appearance. All would have gone well ed the people who attended their per­ Miles* Nervine Liver Pills. had it not been for the fact that tlie formances in this city, on Wednesday night. Very few people attended, but Vet on a new principle—regulating the youngster met the wife of a cabinet next day they were loud in their praises. liver, stomach and bowels through the minister in the east parlor, who liad On Friday night another concert was nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Mile's Pills cure billiousness. bad taste, torpid several young ladies with her. Young given and the house was large. Adele speedily liver, piles, constipation. Uneoualed for McKee called out to the lady in a loud and baby Olea are truly musical wond­ men, women and children. Smallest, mild ers. Theif performance on the piano est. surest! 50 doses, 25 cts. Samples free voice: “Do you wear pants? I do.” and violin brought forth storms of ap­ at Rogers Bros. There were blushes, a slight scream and plause and nearly every number had to Baby McKee was rushed off’to the con­ lie repeated. John Knight dressed in A Piano for Sale. servatory. Highland costume, gave the bagpipe solo “Athoie Highlanders March to A piano, table square grand, by Samples of Dr. Miles’ Restorative Loch Katherine.” This added much to the success of the concert. It is Steinway, the beat maker in New York, Nervine at Rogers Bros’. Cures head­ apply at furniture store of John Even ­ ache, nervousness, sleeplessless, neural­ ho]»ed that the concert will I» repeated gia, tits, etc. 5 den,’McMinnville. in the future. CHURCH NOTICES. WOODS. The town of Woods is a lively place at present. The town is full of carpenters and they are all busy. R. T. Weatherly Is having a two story business building built. The lower floor will be used for a drug store and the upper story for a public hall, Mr. Finley has bad his store building enlarged and fitted up in fine style. Wm. Canton is having his grocery store finished up. He carries a first- class stock of groceries. Frank Nasburg is building a new house. Mr. Virgie has the lumber on the ground for a new boat house. Coasters are now coming in. Three whales entered the Nestucca bay, a few days ago, took a view of the county, and then went out to sea again without being molested. Frank Wildhart is building a new ferry. Remarkable Facts. Heart disease is usually suppose! to be incurable, but when properly treated a large proportion of cases can be cured Thus Mrs, Elmira Hatch, of Elkhart, Ind., and Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich ., were cured after suffering 20 years S. 0. Linburg, druggist at San Jose, 111., says that I)r. Miles New Heart Cure which cured the fromer, worked wonders for his wife. Levi Logan, of Buchanan, Mich , who had heart disease for 30 years, says two bottles made him feel like a new man Dr Miles’ New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by Rogers Bros. Book of wonderful testimo- n ials free, 1 FAIRDALE. The weather still continues drizlv. We were glad to see Mr. Parker out again. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. Buckingham. Mr. Rosman and Miss Mary Smith, of Moor’s valley gave Fairdale a pleas­ ant call on Sunday. Real Estate. Jesse Hobson and wife to Aaron Bray 10 acres of Hobson’s fruit land sub-di­ vision; $490. Edmund and Miranda Robinson to Jane A. Clark, 12.80 acres 8. E. Snow­ den <1 1 c; $600. Margaret J Westfall to John W Dun­ can, 8 acres of David Layfield d I c; $128. J A Gerrish to Jens Jensen s w j lie sec 4 town 2 range 4; $250. B and L C Gabriel to F M York 100.- 78 acres part of die Alvis Kinisey; $3,650. A B Eaulconer to Estella Worthing­ ton 28} acres part <1 1 c’s J I’ Morgan and A B Falconer: $888. A B Faulconer to Florence E Newell one acre A B Faulconer d 1 c; $150. Sarah M Richards to N H Perkins one-ninth interest in 240 acres part of d 1 c of Thos Harris; w I se J and e J sw j sec 13 12 r 5; also sw | no } and se | nw ] and w jsw 1 sec 13 and part of e } se j sec 14 t 2 r 5; also part of sec 24 and 180 acres secs 22 and 27. C A Berry to Fred W Hauser 40 acres d 1 <• Chas Berry and other land; $2,025. The First Step. Perhaps you ate run down, can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t do any­ thing to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic, and in Electric Bit­ ters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its norniai liealtv condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great tonic and alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a Ixittle. Price 50e at Rogers Bros, drug store. 6 Reds, Whites anti Whiskey. A gentleman who came down from Sheridan yesterday rejxirts that a cut­ ting scrape occurred there Sunday, in which two Indians from the Grand Ronde reservation and two white men took part, and all were injured, the In­ dians so badly that they are likelv to die. The trouble anise about some whiskey, and it is probable that the so-called white men are no better than the Indians, and-if the whole outfit had“kyarved”one another into scollops it would have been small loss to the community.— Oregonian. A National Event. The holding of the World’s Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old will be a remarka­ ble event., but whether it will really bene­ fit this nation as much as the discovery of the Restorative Nervine by Dr Franklin Mills is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their exces­ sive nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, diz­ ziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, nervous de­ bility, dullness, confusion of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottles and fine book on “Nervous ami Heart Diseases,” with unequaled testimonials, freeat Rogers Bros. It is warranted to contain no opium, i morphine or dangerous drugs. I | Not Dismissed. Tlie Oregonian reported the other day that the case of the State of Oregon against Radam’s Microbe killer was dis­ missed. This is not true. W. W. Baker, the food commissioner, brought the ease, and he says the ease is not dismissed, and it will not lie —not one side of it. He proposes to see the mat­ ter through. He was elected to see that the people of Oregon who want wholesome food and drink get it. Those who sell adulterated or unwholesome foods or drinks must so brand them. The New Discovery. Yon have heard your friends and neighbors talking alxiut it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it you are one of its staunch friends, lie­ cause the wonderful thing alxiut it is that when once given a trial Dr. Kings New Medical Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. 11’you have nev­ er used it anil should lie afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble secure a lxittle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at Roger’s Bros, drug store. Judge Pipes is a rusher on the liench and keeps the lawyers so busy during the session of court that they can hard­ ly sleep of nights, on account of think­ ing about the hard time they will have the next day. Talk about the farmers alliance people being overworked and underpaid, and then take a look at one of our lawyers during court week. There is no comparison.— Journal. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The liest Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ tions. and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ ed. Price 25 cents per box. ” For sale by Rogers Bros. Talmage Sermon—From 2d page. oi tlie dying saint is tlie maratnon. VITAL RELIGION IS THE REMEDY. WEATHER-CROP BI LLETIN’. For the Week Ending Saturday, June 13 1891—U. S. Signal Service. That is the way the nfighty ministers of the Gospel were made in olden times. Oh, WESTERN OREGON. for a great wave of revival to roll over our The temperature has averaged 5 de­ theological seminaries and our pulpits and our churches and our ecclesiastical courts, grees a day below the average during and over all Christendom! That would be the week. The weather has been part­ the end of controversy. While such a del­ uge would float the ark of God higher and ly cloudy or cloudy with little sun­ higher, it would put all the bears and shine. General rains have fallen since tigers and reptiles of raging ecclesiasticism Wednesday, amounting to from one- fifteen cubits under. Now, what is the simple fact that you in half to one and one half inches. In the pew and Sabbath school class and re­ Jackson county a heavy down pour oc­ formatory association and we in the pul­ curred on the 10th. Light frosts oc­ pits have to deal with? It is this: That God curred in several counties on the Sth has somewhere, and it matters not where, but somewhere, provided a great heaven, and 9th, especially in Washington, great for quietness for those who want about Cornelius and in Douglas, about quiet; great for vast assemblage for those Coles valley. who like multitudes; great for architecture The weather conditions were unfav­ for those who like architecture; great for beautiful landscape for those who like orable to haying, to cherries and straw­ beautiful landscape; great for music for berries. The frost baiely nipped ten­ those who like music; great for processions der vegetation. Gardens have been for those who l^ke armies on white horses, and great for anything that one especially greatly improved by the rains. Fall desires in such a rapturous dominion; and wheat has lodged in places, but on the through the doings of one who was born whole never presented better piospects about five miles south of Jerusalem and for a large yield. Spring wheather and died about ten minutes’ walk from its east­ ern gate all may enter that great heaven sunshine would be of great benefit. for the earnest and heartfelt asking. Is Hops are growing well but lice are re- that all? That is all. What, then, is your ported.from several localities. There is work and mine? Our work is to persuade a small white worm doing some dam­ people to face that way and start thither­ ward and finally go in. But has not reli­ age to the roots of corn, in Yamhill gion something to do with this world as county. A few days sunshine will well as the next? Oh, yes; but do you not ripen the cherries. Berries of all kinds see that if the people start for heaven on their way there they will do all the good promise to be plentiful. Though the they can? They will at the very start of weather during the week has been un­ the journey get so much of the spirit of usual, cool, cloudy and wet, yet the Christ, which is a spirit of kindness and self sacrifice and generosity and burden crop prospeets have been improved, bearing and helpfulness, that every step save hay, and entire western Oregon is they take will resound with good deeds. assured of good crops. Oh, get your religion off of stilts! Get it EASTERN OREGON. down out of the high towersl Get it on a The weather has been cool, with lit­ level with the wants and woes of our poor human race! Get it out of the dusty theo­ tle sunshine, and general light showers logical books that few people read, and put have prevailed. In sections there were it in their hearts and lives. Good thing Is heavy downpours, generally called it to profess religion when you join the church, but every day, somehow, we ought cloud-bursts, one especially near Van- sycle in Umatilla county on the 12th. to profess religion. A peculiar patchwork quilt was, during The rainfall varied from .05 to .60 of an the civil war, made by a lady and sent to inch. Some snow fell in the moun­ the hospitals at the front. She had a boy in the army, and was naturally interested tains of Baker and Wallowa counties. in the welfare of soldiers. But what a The rain was of great benefit to grow­ patch work quilt she sent! On every block ing crops. Timely rains have further of the quilt was a passage of Scripture ora verse of a hymn. The months and years of improved the splendid prospects. The the war went by. Ou that quilt many a hot winds of May 25th, burnt consider­ wounded man had lain and suffered and able wheat, but the rains have done far died. But one morning the hospital nurse more benefit than thd hot winds did saw a patient under that blanket kissing the figure of a leaf in the quilt, and the damage. Through the wheat districts nurse supposed he was only wandering in the rains were not as heavy as in the his mind. But no; he was the son of the other sections, but some fell through mother who had made the quilt and he recognized that figure of a leaf as part of a the entire wheat area. Tn the Grand gown his mother used to wear, and it re­ Ronde valley spring wheat is late in minded him of home. “Do you know where coming up, but the present moisture this'quilt came from?” he asked. The nurse insures the crop. Cherries and straw­ answered, “I can find out, for there was a card pinned fast to it, and I will find that.” berries are fine and plentiful. Fruit is Sure enough, it confirmed what he thought. generally in good condition. Entire Then the nurse pointed to a passage of eastern Oregon and Washington has Scripture in the block of the quilt, the been favored with suitable weather con­ passage which says, “When he was yet a great way off his father saw him and ran ditions to further improve the good and fell on his neck and kissed him.” prospects for an abundant harvest. “Yes,” .said the dying soldier, “I was a B. S. I*AGUE, great way off, but God has met me and had U. S. Signal Observer. compassion on me.” “Shall I write to your mother and tell her that the lost one is found and the dead is alive again?” He answered, “I wish you would, if it would not be too much trouble.” Do you sup­ pose that woman who made that quilt and filled it with Scripture passages had any trouble about who Melchizedek was, or how the doctrine of God’s sovereignty can be harmonized with man’s free agency, or who wrote the Pentateuch or the incon­ sistencies of the Nicene creed? No, no; go to work for God and suffering humanity and all your doubts and fears and mysteries and unbeliefs put together will not be heavy enough to stir the chemist’s scales, which is accustomed to weighing one-fiftieth part of a grain of chamomile flowers. Why stop a moment to understand the mysteries when there are so many certitudes? Why spend our time exploring the dark garrets and coal holes of a great palace which has above ground one hundred rooms flooded with sunshine? It takes all my time to absorb what has been revealed, so that I have no time to upturn and root out and drag forth what has not been revealed. The most of the effort to solve mysteries and explore the inexplicable and harmonize things is an attempt to help the Lord out of theological difficulties. Good enough in­ vention, my brother, no doubt; but the Lord h not anxious to have you help him. He will keep his throne without your assist­ ance. Don’t be afraid that the Bible will fall apart from inconsistencies. It hung together many centuries before you were born, and your funeral sermon will be preached from a text taken from its undis­ turbed authenticity. do you know tixr»t I think that if all Great Preparation is being made to Make this Celebration ministers in all denominations would stop tlie Largest and Most this nonsense of ecclesiastical strife and Successful One ev­ take hold the word of God, the only ques­ er Held in Yam­ tion with each of us being how many souls hill County. we can bring to Christ and in how short a time, the Lord would soon appear for the salvation of all nations? When the young queen of England visited Scotland many THE MEAT WILL BE BARBECUED years ago great preparations were made BY COMPETENT HANDS, for her reception. The vessel in which she sailed was far out at sea, but every hill in AND IT WILL BE Scotland was illumined with bonfires and DELICIOUS. torches. The night was set on fire with ar tificial illumination. The queen, standing on ship’s deck, knew from that that Scot­ A Grand Parade of all the Civic Societies; land was full of heartiest welcome, and the Headed by the First Regiment Band in thunder of the great guns at Glasgow and Mlllitary Uniform. Company “B” Ore­ Edinburgh castle woke up all the echoes. gon National Guards in Full Uniform Boom! they sounded out over the sea. Will March in the Procession. This Com- Boom! they sounded up among the hills. pauy will Leave for the State Encamp­ Do you know that I think that our King ment During tlie Afternoon. would land if we were only ready to receive him? Why not call to him from all our churches, from all our hospitals, from all our homes? Why not all at once light all the torches of Gospel invitation? Why not ring all the bells of welcome? Why not light up the long night of the world’s sin and suffering with bonfires of victory? Why not unlimber all the Gospel batteries «and let them boom .across the earth, and boom into the parting heavens. The King is ready to land if we are ready to receive him. W by cannot we who are now nving nee his descent? Must it all be postponed to later ages? Has not our poor world groaned long enough in mortal agonies? Have there not been martyrs enough, and have not the lakes of te«ars and the riveTS of blood been deep enough? Why cannot the final glory roll in now? Why cannot this dying century feel the incoming tides of the oceans of heavenly mercy? Must our eyes close in death and our ear3 take If you Stay away from this Cele- on the deafness of the tomb, and these ' bration you will Miss tlie hearts beat their last throb before the day Greatest Display ever comes in? O Christi Why tarriest thou? But we cannot help them. Our business is to supply our Custom­ Seen in this Part Wilt thou not, before we go the way of all ers with the BEST GOODS TIIE MARKET AFFORDS at prices as of Oregon. the earth, let us see thy scarred feet under Low as is consistent. » r some noonday cloud coming this way? Be­ fore we die let us behold thy hands that were spiked, spread out in benediction for Bring Your Wife, Your Children, a lost race. And why not let us, with our and Your Hired Man, and Let mortal ears, hear that voice which spoke We are working for the interest of our customers as well as ourselves peace as thou didst go up, speak pardon Us Make Rome Howl in offering goods of merit only. You will find our and emancipation and love and holiness For One Day. and joy to all nations as thou comest down? But the skies do not part. I hear no rumbling of chariot wheels coming down Recolert the Exercises of the Day will over the sapphire. There is no swoop of be Held in Oak Park, one of the wings. I see no flash of angelic appear­ ances. All is still. I hear nothing but the Finest Grotes in the County. For tramp of my own heart as I pause between Further Particulars see Large Pos­ Those which we can guarantee to be the best that money can buy. these utterances. The king docs not land Besides our Grocery Department we keep a large and well selected ters and Programmes which will be because the world is not ready, and the stock of out soon. church is not ready. To clear the way for the Lord’s coming let us devote all our en­ ergies of body, mind and soul. A Russian Threshing Outfit for Sale. All of the Latest and Finest Designs. We call special attention to our general riding over the battlefield, his horse treading amid the dying and dead, a wound­ ed soldier asked him for water, but the And on easy terms with good run of thresh­ ing. one thirty-six inch Case separator, one officer did not understand his language ten-horse Russell engine, all in good run­ Which for beauty of finish and reasonable prices has no equal. We also and knew not what the poor fellow wanted. ning order. Enquire of have a fine assortment of Then the soldier cried out “Christos,” and H. P. NEWTON. that word meant sympathy and help, and St. Joseph, Or. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Plated Ware all of Standard the Russian officer dismounted and put to the lips of the sufferer a cooling draught. Brands. Notice of Final Settlement. Be that the charmed word with which we Confectionery, Nuts and Fruits always fresh. Just received direct go forth to do our whole duty. In many NOTICE is hereby given that the under languages it has only a little difference of signed has filed in the county court of from Vermont, a large quantity of Genuine Home Made Maple Sugar, termination. Christos! It stands for sym­ | Yamhill county, Oregon, his final account just what you want for making syrup. pathy. It stands for help. It stands for as administrator of the estate of Jasper pardon. It stands for hope. It stands for N. Cobb, deceased, and that the court nas Another invoice of Swift Go’s Pure Kettle Rendered Lard, every heaven. Christos! In that name we were i set Tuesday. July 7. A. D. 1891. at 10o’clock can warranted to be pure leaf lard. ! a. in. of said day as the time for hearing baptized. In that name we took our first Canned Goods, Smoked and Dried Meats, etc. always on hand. sacrament. That will be the battle shout objections to said final account and the that will win the whole world for God! settlement thereofWM. M. COBB, Call and see us and we will endeavor to treat you white. Christos! Put it on our banners when we Administrator of the estate of march! Put it on our lip?, when we die! Joseph N. Cobb, deceased. Three proportions by which we hope to obtain your patronage: ROGERS BROS., I. By the uniform purity of our Drugs. Druggists, II. By our Accuracy and! Inder the Opera House. Neatness in preparing your prescriptions. MMINNVILLE, III. By our persistent ef­ OREGON. forts to please every customer that comes to our store. WE ARE MODEST 1 By Nature, But Realize that 1776 JULY 4 1891 “ He that Bloweth not his own Horn, the same is Not Blown.” HENCE WE TOOT. We claim to sell more goods than any other Imple­ ment house in the Valley. We Get There; Others Try To! And we Purpose to Stay there. We De with the Factories One Ton of Meat to be Used in Cele­ brating the Fourth of .Inly at McMinnville. And Pay no Tribute to Portland Jobbers, who for years have robbed the farmers of Oregon. 1OO PER CENT. Is too Large a Profit on Implements. Port­ land houses have made even more than this. Call and get ours. MARTIN & SANDERS. The Speaker of the Day is one of Ore­ gon's most (iifted Orators. I he lion. G. J. MeGinn, of Portland. to: bsmt: for à M- te of ih: tel: m Some of our Competitors don’t Like Our Way ! Life is too Short for Is to Deal in I’ersonatilies with our Aeigh’Mi. Teas, Coffees, Baking Powders, Flavoring Extracts, Spicesand all kinds of Groceries, White and Decorated China and Glassware, Exotic Semi Porcelain Ware, WALLACE & TODD.