e HATS AT . COST ! ALL SUMMER GOODS REDUCED IN PRICES! A t K ay & T odd ’ s , McMinnville. xne world seems to be a great hospital, and you run against rheumatisms and con­ sumptions and scrofulas and neuralgias It is one of the pretensions of the and scores of old diseases baptized by new — HARDING &, HEATH, Publishers. nomenclature. Oh, how heavy a burden McKinley Act that it was passed in aid CHRIST WILL HELP YOU BEAR YOUR i sickness is! It takes the color out of the of .he farmer. It probably occurred to HEAVY BURDENS sky, and the sparkle out of the wave, and SUBSCRIPTION BATES. the lucid minds that have been enricb- the sweetness out of the fruit and the lus­ On. Copy, per year, inadvance........ ’ng the manufacturer at the expense cf ter out of the night. When the limbs achc^ Dr. Talmaje Preaches an Eloquent Ser­ Oaa Copy, six monthsia advan-*.-.... when the respiration is painful, when the agriculturist that the latter had not yet mon That Appeals to the Business Man, mouth is hot, when the car roars with un­ I ushels of thy burden upon the Lord.” Does your head ache? Ills wore the thorn. Do your B rooklyn , June 7.—It is no new thing 1 T he A dvertising B ates or ' in Ta: corn in a single month and burned to the memliers of the Brooklyn Tabernacle feet hurt? His were crushed of the spikes. ruoXE-KEoisTEK are liKral. taking in other bushels because he could not buy church to have their pastor’s eminence ac Is your side painful? His was struck by consideration the circulation. single coal (bat he needed protection against kuowledged by the outside world. But the spear. Do you feel like giving way un­ inch, ll.no, each subsequent inch. $.75. I der the burden? His weakness gave way even they must have been gratified by the Special inducements for yearly or semi- a fioony ion• r to compete with on June I The organization, which is frenzied. It seemed by those books that tonic is the prescription of the text: “Cast plant insures quick work. _ • * » foreign u-.'oduets, while his export trade two hundred and fifty years old, and the something had been misappropriated, and thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall R esolutions of C ondolence and \ ll O iht lineal descendant of an English organiza-1 he knew before God he was honest. The last sustain thee.” We hear a great deal of uary Poetry will be charged for at regular would continue to flourish. day came, lie knew if he could not that advertising rates. What was the result during the live tion dating back to the lieginningof the day make his accounts come out right he talk now about faith cure, and some people Sixteenth cent ury, has had many distin-, say it cannot be done and it is a failure. I * * A ll C ommunication > Mt een highly appreciated. The ment from the business establishment. He the church is to be in that direction. Mar­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a "n went over there very early, before there things come to me day by day de nlume,” but for a guarantee of good i The duty on barb ley was raised 200 pel subject of Dr. Talmage’s sermon this? was anybody in the place, and he knelt | velous which make me think that if the age of morning was “ The Burden Bearer, ” aiid ( faith. No publications will be published i cent. The importations fell oil’ from ; down at the desk and said: “ Oh, Lord, , miracles is past it is because the faith of his text Psalm iv, 22—“Cast thy burden unless so signed. | 7.305,500 to 760,041 bushels. Thus fni ' upon the Lord, and be shall sustain thee.” ; thou knowest I have tried to be honest, but miracles is past. • * I cannot make these things come out right! ; the promise was fulfilled. But the i A prominent merchant of New York ▲ ddeem A ll C ommunications . E ither I-on TIIE SERMON. the editorial or business’ departments, to farmer’s exports also full oil’ from 587,- ’ i David was here taking his own medicine. Help me today—help me this morning!” said to a member of my family, “My moth­ The young man arose and hardly know ­ T ub T elephonf -R eíhstf . r , McMinnville, er wants her case mentioned to Mr. Tal­ X) bushels to 189,796, while the aver- ' If anybody had on him heavy weights, ing why he did so opened a book that lay mage. Oregon. ” This was the case. He said: “My David had them, and yet out of Lis own on the desk, and there was a leaf contain­ » i age price of the imported article ad­ had a dreadful abscess, from which S ample C opies O f * T he * T elephone -R egis ­ vanced from 46 to 56 cents. Ju other experience he advises you and me as to the ing a line of figures which explained every­ mother best way of getting rid of hardens. This is thing. In other words, he cast his burden she had suffered untold agonies, and all ter will be mailed to any person in the United States or Europe, who desires one, words the barley-grower has no larger a world of burden benriug. Coming into upon the Lord and the Lord sustained surgery had l>Cen exhausted upon her, and worse and worse she grew until we called free of charge home market, for the falling off of Im­ the house of prayer there may be no sign him. Young man, do you hear that? Oh, in » * a few Christian friends and proceeded ! of sadness orsorrow, but where is the man yes; God has a sympathy with anybody portations was due to decreased con ­ W e I nvite You To C omí aue T he T ele ­ to pray about it. We commended her case who has not a conflict? Where is the soul phone -R egister with any other paper sumption owing to increased price. The that has not a struggle? And there is not I that is in any kind of toil! He knows to God, and the abscess began immediately how heavy is the hod of bricks that the published in Yamhill county. only man whosuff.rs from the condi­ a day of all the year when my text is not workman carries up the ladder of the wall; to be cured. She is entirely well now, and without knife «and without any surgery.” tion of the barley i larket is the con­ gloriously appropriate, and there is never he hears the pickax of the miner down in So that case has come to me, and there are an audience assembled on the planet where the coal shaft; he knows how strong the All subscribers who do not receive their paper regularly will confer a favor by im- sumer, and the M». Kinley Act has had the text does not fit the occasion: “Cast tempest strikes the sailor at masthead; he a score of other crises coming to our ears thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall J sees the factory girl among the spindles from all parts of the earth. Oh, ye who mediately reporting the same Io thi "office very little to do .»ith it. sick, go to Christ! Oh, ye who are Last March a ilood of twenty-three sustain thee.” In the far east wells of wa-| and knows how her arms ache; he sees the are ter are so infrequent that when a man) sewing woman in the fourth story and worn out with agonies of body, “Cast thy bushels of foreign corn inundated the owns burden upon the Lord, and he shall sus­ a well lie has a property of very great Thursday, June 11, 1891 markets of the United States. The value, and sometimes battles have been I knows how few pence she gets for making tain thee!” a garment; and louder than all the din and TIIE BURDEN OF BEREAVEMENT. year before the flood was a freshet—128 fought for the possession of one well of of the city comes the voice of a sym­ Lady Pauneefbte, wife of the British bushels. In tli‘same month, 1391, a water; but thereisone well that every man | roar Another burden some have to carry is pathetic God, “Cast thy burden upon the the burden of bereavement. Ah! these are minister in Washington, is a great stream of 2,787,561 bushels of American owns—a deep well, a perennial well, a well Lord, and he shall sustain thee.” the troubles that wear us out.' If we lose our tears. If a man has not a burdeu on pedestrian, and takes her daily ‘•con­ •orn went abroad, the year before a of Second—There are a great many who property, by additional industry perhaps this shoulder, he has a burden on the othei have a weight of persecution and abuse stitutional’’ regularly before noon. brooklet of 13,377,530 bushels went out of shoulder. upon them. Sometimes society gets a we may bring back the estranged fortune; The day I left home to look after myself grudge against a man. All his motives if we lose our good name, perhaps by the country. The McKinley Act, inord­ reformation of morals we may achieve and for mysel, in the wagon my father sat The confederate dead have a wunu- er to protect the exporters/^ millions 1 driving, and he said that day something are misinterpreted, and his good deeds are again reputation for integrity; but who will ment now in Mississippi. The Confed With more virtue than some bring back the dear departed? Alas me! against the -om pet ion of tens, raised which has kept with me all my life: “De depreciated. of the honored and applauded, he runs erate living are building their own the duty o i corn 50 per cent. The ro­ Witt, it is always safe to trust God. 1 only against raillery and sharp criticism. for these empty cradles and these trunks of childish toys that will never be used monuments in the shape of cities, fac­ have many rj time come lo a crisis of diffi uit apparently was to shut out in five I culty. You may know that, having been When a man begins to go down he has not again. Alas me! for the empty chair and tories and railroads.— World only the force of natural gravitation, but months thirty-seven bushels of corn, or sick for fifteen years, it was no easy thing the silence in the halls that will never echo a hundred hands to help him in the pre­ seven and two-fifths bushels per month, for me to support a family; but always cipitation. Men are persecuted for their again to those familiar footsteps. Alas! A Prince who keeps a baccarat bank which i i McKinley’s contribution to God came to the rescue. 1 remember the virtues and their successes. Germanicus for the cr>T of widowhood and orphanage. What bitter Marahs iu the wilderness, time,” be eaid, “when I didn’t know what said he had just as many bitter antagonists and asks other people to pay liis debts the pra.perity of the com-growers. what cities of the dead, what long black i to do, and I snw a man on horseback rid as he had adornments. The character ought not to l>e too hard on a friend It should be explained that for five ing up the farm lane, and he announced to shadow from the wing of death, what eyes is so lustrous that the weak sunken with grief, what hands tremulous who cheats a little at cards, “A icl- inontl s of this year from November to me that I had been nominated for the most | sometimes eyes of envy and jealousy cannot bear to with bereavement, what instruments of low-feeling’ ’—-every b< sly knows the kprll the corn imports were 981 bushels lucrative office in the gift of the people of look at it. It was their integrity that put music shut now’ because there are no fin­ the county, and to that office I was elected, ! rest. and ¡r the same months of last year and God in that way met all my wants, I Joseph ia the pit, «and Daniel in the den, gers to play on them! Is there no relief and Shndracli in the fire, and »ent John LOIS and I tell you it is always safe to trust the Evangelist to desolate Patmos, and for such souls? Aye, let the soul ride into the harbor of my text. As compared with May, 13:0, tuc from t > 8,407,567, him. Calvin to the castle of persecution, and Oh, my friends, what we want is a prac John Huss to the stake, and Korah after Tlie soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, customs receipts for May, 1801, fell off I c hil ______ _ . ............ . tic? 1 religion! The religion people have is Moses, and Saul after David, and Herod I will not, I will not desert to its foes; more than $5,000,000, and the internal [••d c »rn from over the border was so That soul, though all hell shall endeavor to high up you cannot reach it. I bad a evenue receipts mare than f i.O'M,”»», ioreed to pay 83 cents a bushels instead friend who ’entered the life of an evange­ after Christ. Be sure if you have anything shake, to do for church or state, and you attempt I’ll never, no never, no never forsake. list. He gave up a lucrative business in it with all your soul, the lightning will a total falling ofTof more than $9, of 55. Chicago, and he and his wife finally came Now, the grave is brighter than the an­ 000 in income. At the same time ex­ fvith wheat the case is different. to severe want. lie told me that in the strike you. cient tom’p where the lights were perpetu­ penses were increased $2,500,000. For INTEGRITY ALWAYS BRINGS ABUSE. 1 ally kept burning. The scarred feet of The McKinley Act helped the wheat morning at prayers he said: “O Lord, thou The world always has had a cross be him who was “the resurrection and the this one, therefore, the Government is we have not a mouth ul of food 'rower by an increased rate of duty keowest tween two thieves for the one who comes in the house! Help me; help us! ” And he life” are on the broken grave iiillock, while $11,500,OttO poorer in consequence of th. equal to 25 per cent. Nevertheless, the out on the street, and a gentleman to save it. High and holy enterprise has the voices of «angels ring down the sky at work of the late Republican < ongres», protection theory to the contrary not­ started met him and said: “I have been thinking always been followed by abuse. The most the coronation of another soul come home and the plain people are cert ai .ly no sublime tragedy of self sacrifice has come withstanding, the wicked foreign of you for a good while. You know I am to burlesque. The graceful gait of virtue to glory. THE ONLY CURE FOR SIN. a flour merchant; if you won’t be offended, richer. wheat refused to stay at home. The 1 should like to send you a barrel of flour.” is always followed by grimace and travesty. Then there are many who carry the bur­ The sweetest strain of poetry ever written Good increased so that in the five deu of sin. Ah, we all carry it until in My friend cast his burden on the lx>rd, Kauti Bey, a powerful Ma--owah and the Lord sustained him. In the has come to ridiculous parody, and as long the appointed tvay that burden is lifted. months mentioned the American farni- chief, having been convicted of high as there are virtue and righteousness in the ■r had to succumb to an importation Straits of Magellan, I have been told, there world, there will be something for iniqnity We need no Bible to prove that the whole treason and finally sent to Italy, wa. race is ruined. What a spectacle it would I is a place where whichever way a captain >f 391,688 bushels instead of 29,858 ! puts his ship, he finds the wind against to grin at. ill along the line of the ages, be if we could tear off the mask of human obliged to leave his h-.nin lehi’.xl. and in all lands, the cry has been: “ Not ou.diels, while he exported only 21,472,- I him, and there are men who all their lives defilement, or beat a drum that would General Baldiscrra, governor cf th- have been running in the teeth of the this man, but Barabbas. Now, Barabbas bring up the whole army of the world’s 521 instead of 23, 866,888 bushels. was a robber. ” colony, according to the J’.nmr.n paper- transgressions—the deception, the fraud, and which way to turn they do not j Boes the American farmer need more wind, know Some of them may be here this) And what makes the persecutions of life and the rapine, and the murder, and the converted the harem, consisting o: worse is that they come from people whom crime of all the centuries! Aye, if I could evidence that the tariff law has noth- morning, and I address them face to face, seven young w •me:>, into seven lottery ngtodo beyond deceiving and im- | not perfunctorily, but as one brother talks | you have helped, from those to whom you sound the trumpet of resurrection in the prizes, which were won by his officers have loaned money or have started in busi­ l>ovcrisbing him? Does he still think to another brother, “Cast thy burden upon ness, or whom you rescued in some‘great soul of the best men in this audience, and But this lottery was unfortunate ano all the dead sins of the past should come the Lord, and be shall sustain thee.” i'.at the tariff has made a home market crisis. I think it has been the history of up, we could not endure the sight. Sin, THE BUSINESS MAN’S BURDEN. all the ladies ran away from thei. new ail our lives — the most acrimonious assault .b - him when he sends abroad in a grim and dire, has put its clutch upon the First—There are a great many men who sufthns. single month, as he did last March, hare business burdens. When we see a has come from those whom we have bene­ immortal soul, aud that clutch will never fited, whom we have helpbd, and that unless it be under the heel of him 5/00,000 bushels of wheat and 2,787,000 man harried and perplexed and annoyed in makes it all the harder to bear. A man is relax It looks af if the chase of '.lie : . w ho came to destroy the works of the devil. business life we are apt to say, “He ought Oh, to have a mountain of sin on the was a farce from beginning '. > end bushels cf corn? Baes he continue to not to have attempted to carry so much.” in danger of becoming cynical. A clergyman of the Universalist church Is there no way to have the burden j She has arrived at Tocopilla and has Jievc that increasing the duty on Ab, that man may not be to blame at all! went into a neighborhood for the establish soul! moved? Oh, yes. “Gist thy burden upon When a man plants a business he does not discharged 13,OtiO rilles. 'Tn Cha les foreign agricultural products will make know what will lw its outgrowths, what ment of a church of his denomination, the Lord.” The sinless one* came to take ton arrived two days behind time .nd his own sales larger, when ufter such will be its roots, what will be its branches. and he was anxious to fiud some one of the consequences of our sin! And I know the Itata has been deliver 1 over to increase the importations of corn have There is many a man with keen foresight that denomination, and he was pointed to he is in earnest. How do I know it? By | large business faculty who has been a certain house and went there. He said the streaming temples and the streaming her and she will now be taken to San i fallen off 37 bushels in five months, and flung into the dust by unforeseen circum to the man of the house, “I understand hands as lie says, “Come unto me all ye ; while during the same period the im ­ Diego and in the end turned over to stances springing upon him from ambush. you are a Universalist; I want you t-o help who are w eary and heavy laden, and I will ' her rightful owners. The coal burned portations of wheat have increased 362,- When to buy, when to sell, when to trust me in the enterprise.” “Well,” said the give you rest.” Why will prodigals live I and to what amount of credit, what will be man, “I am a Universalist, but I have a on swines’ husks when the robe, and the i by the Charleston will cost the govern­ 900 bushels? the effect of this new invention of machin­ peculiar kind of Universalism.” “What ring, and the father’s welcome are ready? I The voting at the West last year in- ment $35,000. The “snap” of the in­ ery. what will be the effect of that loss of is that?” asked the minister. “Well,” re­ Why go wandering over the great Sahara surgents must be admired, as their ef­ l diuated that the American farmer i: is crop and a thousand other questions per plied the other, “I have been out in the desert of your sin when you are invited to World. plex business men until the hair is silvered world, and I have been cheated and slan the gardens of God, the trees of life and forts to get anus from this country, not a fool.—Ar. and deep wrinkles are plowed in the check, dered and outraged and abused until I be the fountains of living water? Why be against the will of the government, houseless and homeless forever when you The row in Ch.li demonstrates that and the stocks go up by the mountains and lieve iu universal damnation!” were entirely successful. At the same The great danger is that men will be­ may become the sons and daughters of the go down by the valleys, and they are at a naval ba ’ . tl between modern war- come cynical and given to believe, as Da ­ time the United States did all that v.a.- Lord God Almighty? their wits’ euds and stagger like drunken ■dtips do. s not lav u t long as they did men. vid was tempted to say, that all men are possible to prevent it. liars. Oh, my friends, do not let that be >n the wars of the past, where the old- There never has been a time when there Fashions in Fans. have liven such rivalries in business as the effect upon your souls! If you cannot Tiic death of Sir John Macdonald, tim. wooden frigate armed with I now. it is hardware agaiust hardware, endure a little persecution how do you There arc gauze fans of novel design, tie 'anadian premier, takes from the smoothbore gun.-, was the fighting force. | books against ixjoks, chandlery against think our fathers endured great persecu­ hand painted, w’ith flights of butterflies, swallows and dragon flies, and studded at fl >ld of action one of the most promin­ The modern war sbipjis capable of do­ 1 chandlery, imported article against im tion? Motley, in his “Dutch Republic,” intervals with mock gems—diamonds, ru­ tells us of Egniont the martyr, who, con­ i ported article. A thousand stores in com ing much destruction in a short time ­ ent < pponents of the annexation idea. j bat with another thousand stores. Never demned to be beheaded, unfastened his col­ bies, cmeraJds and the like. They glitter It also leaves the polities of Canada ia in oue of the naval battles between the i such advantage of light, never such vari- lar ou the way to the scaffold; and when and look very brilliant by gaslight, and a very curious condition. The I reneh insurgents and ; lie government one of I ety of assortment, never so much splendor they asked him why he did that he said, are comparatively inexpensive. A pretty “So they will not be detained in their fan of black gauze, called the “rising sun,” people of the country have for years the insurgent vessels was sunk by a | of show window, never so much adroit work; I want to be ready.” Oh, how little is ornamented with graduated lines of ness of salesmen, never so much acuteness been fretting under the restraint of the torpedo in very short order. In an­ I of It would be just the thing to carry advertising, and amid all the severities we have to endure compared with those gold. other battle one of tiie Chilian war ­ with a black and gold ball gown. Some government and will now make a hard of rivalry in business how many men who have gone before us! young girls have their first name painted BUDGE NOT ONE INCH. flght for the control of the government. ships was virtually blown out of the break down? Ob, the burdeu on th« Now, if you have come across ill treat­ on their fans. One seen was in crepe de In this the opposing parties will difli r water by the discharge of a broadside shoulder? Oh, the burden on the heart! ment, let me tell you you are iu excellent Chine, with the word “Violet” painted in You bear that it is avarice which drives in religion as well as politics and the by one of the insurgent cruisers. An these company—Christ and Luther and Galileo violets upon it. The flower fans are lovely, mm of business through the street, outcome is, as yet, far in the future. immense amount of money is represent­ and that is the commonly accepted idea and Columbus and John Jay and Josiali but very fragile. They generally copy the Quincy and thousands of men and women, form and colors of a poppy or a rose. Sir John McDonald was one of the ed by a modern war-ship, and it is in­ I do not believe a word of it. tlie best spirits of earth and heaven. The vast multitude of thesn business deed a pity that this amount of mate ­ greatest men of the British empire, and She Knew What to Do. men are toiling ou for others. To educate Budge not one inch, though all hell wreak it will not be easy to till liis place with rial shou! I be so suddenly destroyed. their children, to put the wing of protec upon yon its vengeance, and you be made Amy—These newspaper articles on a target for devils to shoot at. Do you not one as true to the interests of thequeen. t tion over their households, to have some- “What Shall We Do with Our Boys?” Although the J lai"™ --------- incs some time ago 1 I thing left so when they pass out of this think Christ knows all about persecution? make me tired. We can look for an excited condition Was he not hissed at? Was he not struck Mabel—Me, too: every girl knows that of affairs in Canada until this matter denied the rumor of tlie engagement of1 life their wives and children will not have on the cheek? Was he not pursued all the go to the poorhouse—that is the way 1 the best thing to do with her boy is to Miss Hattie Blaine io Mr. Truxton1 to is at an end. translate this energy in the street and days cf his life? Did they not expectorate marry him.—New Y’ork Epoch. Beale, the engagement is now an-1 store—the vast majority of that energy. upon him? Or, to put it in Bible lan­ Harold Harrington—Did I not see you The most noticeable fact in connec­ pounced, and the marriage is to take i Grip, Gouge & Co. do not do ail the busi­ guage, “They spit upon him.” And can not he understand what persecution is? with Downtown yesterday? Don’t tion with the baccarat scandal in E.ig place in the fall. The secret of Mr. I ness. Some cf us remember when the “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he talking youjinow he is in twade? Central America was coming home from land is the entire absence of moral Beale's appointment as minister to I California, it was wrecked. President shall sustain thee.” Cholly Cholmondeley—Ya’as; but it don’t sense on the subject of gambling. Persia, therefore comes to the surface at ' Arthur’s father-in-law was the heroic cap­ Third—There are others who carry great agwee with him. He has failed three times. “Gentlemen” and “ladies” who gam­ last. Mr. Beal’s fitness for the position ' tain of that ship, and went down with burdens of physical ailments. When sud­ —Jewelers’ Circular. den sickness ha3 come, and fierce choleras ble habitually profess, however, to be is about equal to the fitness of James! most cf the passengers. Some of them got off into lifeboats, but and malignant fevers take the castles of shocked and petrified at the mere sug­ G. Blaine, jr. to i>e Chief Justic of the! there was a young man returning from life by Atorm, we appeal to God; but in gestion ofcheating in the game: lut it United States; but this is a family ad i California who had a bag of gold in Lis these chronic ailments which wear out the doesen’t occur to them that gambling ministration, and as he is to be a son- hand; and as the last boat shoved off from strength day after day, and week after the ship that was to go down that man week, and year after year, how little re­ is simply a method of roblicry and in-law Mr. Beale is clearly entitled to; shouted to a comrade in the boat, “Here, porting to God for solace! Then people de­ nothing else, and that gambling itself his “divvy,”. Everything goes! pend upon their tonics and their plasters John, catch this gold; there are take it home to my old mother; it will and their cordials rather than upon heav­ is infinitely worse than any form of Darin r the past winter the earth of make her comfortable in her last days.” enly stimulants. Oh, how few people cheating at gambling, as the greater Grip, Gouge ¿£ Co. do not do all the busi­ there are completely well! Some of you, by offense includes and overshadows the village of Kirnujarwi, near J’uja, La;>- ness of the world Ah! my friend, do you dint of perseverance and care, have kept 1. nd, I came suddenly very het, the less. The baccarat scandal brings < at say that God does not care anything about living to this time; but how you have had the fact tliat gambling is all l ut uni­ ice and snow melting immediately, your worldly business? 1 tell you God to w«ir against physical ailments! Ante­ diluvians, without medical college and in­ versal among persons of “social dis­ and t ie application of one’s hand to knows mure about it than you do. Be firmary aud apothecary shop, multiplied knows all your perplexities; he knows tinction” in England. In fact, gam­ the earth was liable to result in an un­ what mortgagee is about to foreclose; their years by hundreds; but he who has bling and adultery arc the elm f amuse­ ci mf.>rtab)y warm sensation. he knows what note yon cannot pay: gone through the gantlet of disease in our ments of the “nobility” and “lutter he knows what unsalable goods you have time, and has come to seventy years of age, Tlie advance of Forepaugh's circus on your shelves; he knows all your trials, is a hero worthy of a palm. classes” in that highly pretentLus TTTF. nURDKK OF TT.T KRSfl has leached Portland. Sells’ shows from the day you took hold of the first TIIE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. FOOLING THE FARMER. CAST THEM ON TIIE LORD. yarusi'.ck down to me sale of the iast yard of rihlion, an I the God who helped David to I m ? king, and who helped Daniel to be prime minister, and who helped Havelock to lx» a soldier, will help you to discharge all your duties. He is going to see you through.. When loss comes, and yon find your property going, just take this Book and put it down by your ledger, and read of the eternal possesions that will come to you through our Lord Jesus Christ. And when your business partner betrays you, and your friends turn against you, just take the insulting letter, put it down on the table, put your Bible beside the insult­ ing letter, and then read of the friend­ ship of him who “sticketh closer than a brother.” I AT GOST! FOR 30 DAYS! WILL COMMENCE SATURDAY JUNE Sth, AND CONTINUE UNTIL j-erxu-z- stix, Selling all Lines of Goods on hand, consisting of DRY AND FANCY COODS, MENS’AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LADIES & GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. This is Strictly a CASH SALE. Jle offer the Goods at Trices that admit of nothing else. EVERYTHING GOES AT COST. Carpet Warp, all shades,................................ $ 1.20 Mens’ All Wool Suits...................................... 10.00 Boys’ “ “ ...................................... 7.00 -------- o-------- JFc are overstocked and must unload. The Best Chance ever offered in Yamhill County. This is no child’s play, but we mean what we say. Stock must be Reduced by that time. Come early and secure bar­ gains. R. JACOBSON. WANTED, 20,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. Treatment of Girl« in Berlin. A German manufacturer of corsets seems to have taken a leaf from the American’s notebook. By alluring advertisements in newspapers he succeeded in bringing a great many country girls from the suburbs to Berlin, where his factory is located. The girls were boarded and lodged in the factory. They were never permitted to leave it, were paid no money, and alto­ gether bad a very hard time of it. Even the application of the whip, when mistakes was made, was not uncommon. If any employer in New York were to think of such a thing as providing lodging and boarding for his help in the top story of his establishment, a howl would go up that would shake poor old Hendrick Hud­ son out of several pairs of his Dutch breeches. Yet it is not uncommon at all in England, and no one seems to mind it. In nearly all the large retail shops in Lon­ don the saleswomen sleep and eat as well as work in the buildiDg. Even the black silk dresses they wear during their working hours belong to their employers. To the American sense of the fitness of things the total abolition of home life which this means seems absolutely crim­ inal. The English employer defends it on the ground that girls who live at home and provide for themselves are apt to keep late hours, to have uncomfortable homes to sleep in and have improper food. This they claim is obviated in their plan; good food is provided, the doors are locked at 11 o’clock, and every one must be in at that hour. They also claim that by this system they secure much more satisfactory help, which makes profitable the additional out­ lay.—New York Recorder. AT THE RED FRONT GROCERY STORE You wi I find Always on Hand The Best, Cheapest and Freshest GROCERIES In'tiie "Valley. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, tart Give us a call and we will do you good. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has filed in the county court of Yamhill county, Oregon, his final account as administrator of the estate of Jasi>er N. Cobb, deceased, ami tliat the court has set Tuesday, July 7^A. D. 1891, at 10o’clock a. in. of said day ar the time for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof WM. M. COBB. Administrator of the estate of Joseph N. Cobb, deceased. Call and see our Stock and Get Prices Before Buying Elsewhere. will appear on this coast y;rst FOOT WEAR I have a complete Stock of all the Latest Styles of And Sell as Low as the Lowest Give me a oall, I am confident I can suit you. Looking will incur no obligation to purchase. Look and welcome. Opposition Boot and Shoe Store. WHY WILL YOU PAY RENT! I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts, or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms. “ CHEHALEM ORCHARD HOMES ” Is just the place for a Small Farm; only three-fourths mile from Railroad station and on® and one-half miles from Steamboat landing. NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR NOT HAVING A HOME! Call azid. See “^77". T. S huhtleff . Notice of Final Settlement. «FARM MACHINERY ! realm.—<>rcf/om’«n- Should be given my Stock by eve­ ry one who in need of anything in C. R. COOK & SON. Headquarters for all kinds of - A CRITICAL INSPECTION Also Glassware, Acre Tracts within One Mile of Court ! Queensware, GOOD TEKMS. Confectionery, Nuts, I have four lots as fine as can be found in Chand­ Fruits, etc. ler's addition, Cheap. FRANK BROTHERS COMPANY Wright Block; It EM EM BER, 30 DAYS ONLY McMinnville, Oregon. W. T. SHURTLEFF, General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker. Collections Promptly Attended to. Office Cor. Third and L Sts., - McMinnville, Oregon. Headq carters for New and Second-Hand TYPE-WRITERS and TYPE-WRITER SUPPT.Tr?. Including fine Linen and Carbon papers, Ribbons, etc. General agent for THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER .EDISON’S MIMIOGRAPH (Three thousand copies from one original.) RACINE AUTOMATIC STEEL COPYING PRESS POSTAL SC2LLE, Tells you instantly amount of postage required for any mailable package ) \ ictor* Si o Tvoe-'VVrpitei*. Send for Catalogue. . ISE"2*nSTOZ_1IDS, 29 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon.