TAILOR MADE SUITS AND PANTS AT REDUCED PRICES We have a very Large and Fine Line of Piece Goods on hands and First Class Workmen to make them up; and until further notice will make up (mods to order at GREATLY RENKED PRICES AND A FIT GIMIANTEDI We have an Immense Line of Ready Made Spring and Summer Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Furnishing Goods, « • Positively Cheaper than Portland Prices. KAY & TODD. See our Gohds and Compare our Prices with others. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. I BUILD UP THE NAVY. A BRILLIANT RELIGION. out io lx: -ecommended for his ability and thirty years experience in Merchantile inch, 11.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. hand the mechanism for this magic ex­ ment, and every scat in the huge building Special inducements for yearly or semi- pansion unless appropriations are con­ was occupied in a few minutes after tlie life, I am better prepared than ever tn accommodate the trade; and hav­ yearly contracts. ing decided to make room by tinuous and liberal? It would lie im­ doors were opened. Dr. Talmage lia-1 * * J ob W ork N eatly A xd Q uickly E xecuted possible to exercise tower to levy a tax upon the products They consulted witli Spreckels, but bread, the rock, the captain, the comman­ NOTICE is hereby given that I he under­ “The crystal cannot equal it.” Bv Mambrino signed. as the executor of said estate, has NOTICE it hereby given that tbe under- of the interior states passing through terms of the agreement are unknown. der, the conqueror, tLe star, aud ou and But, my friends, the chief transforming Katherine T., 2 ;20, and four others in the 2;30 list. 1";.^an ord’'r 01 the c»o«”y filed his final account of bis administration on their way to market, without even It is stated, however, a division of ter­ beyond any capacity of mine to rehearse power of the gospel will not be seen in this i Messenger, by Mambrino Paymaster, sire of Mambrino Chief. County. Oregon, dulv ap­ of said estate in the County court of Yam­ pointed administratrix of the estate of I world, and not until heaven breaks upon a means of keeping the rate of taxation ritory has been effected. The Have­ them. Transparent religion! hill county. Oregon, and said court has set J Butler, deceased TERMS. — $40 for the season, with the privilege of return in case PROVIDENCE IS PELLUCID. the soul. When that light falls-upon the of failure to get foal. Money due on .July 1, 1891, either cash or by June 2. 1891, at the hour of one o'clock p. uniform at all the ports. meyers will control the eastern market Therefore, all peraont having claim* The providence that seemed dark before then you will see the crystals. Oh, m . of said day, at the countv court house, »KBinst said estate arc hereby notified and The exercise of sucli power by our and Spreckels the western. Spreckels’ becomes pellucid. Now you find God is soul what a magnificent setting for these jewels note at IO per cent. No responsibility for accidents or escapes, hut at McMinnville. Oregon, as 'the time and I required to present the same to me at tuy care will be taken to prevent either. For further particulars p!»ce for hearing said final account own seaboard states would provoke a big Philadelphia refinery will be turned not trying to put you down. Now you un­ of eternity! I sometimes hear people rep­ great residence near llellevur, Yamhill county, apply to ’ Therefore all persons interested in said duly verified, w.thln six month* from tbe revolution if iieaceful means of restrain­ over to tbe trust and the trust’s Ameri­ derstand why you lost that child, and why I resenting heaven in a way that is far from you lost your property; it was to prepare OHAS. estate are hereby notified and required to date hereof ing it could not lie found, and it seems can refinery here will either be closed you for eternal treasure«. And why sick ; attractive to me. It seems almost a vulgar appear at said time ami place and show Dated tbi«Hh day of April. A. D. UW heaven as they represent it, with great very unlikely that the people of such a or will run even with Spreckels’ refin­ ness came, it being the precursor of im­ blotches of color and bands of music mak­ cause, if any there be, why said account be M A LINDA BUTLER. not allowed and said estate finally settled mortal juveneseence. And now you un ­ “sunburnt nation” as Brazil will long ery. Adolph Spreckels denies having r si- t- . 4dminiatratrix of said estate. ing a deafening racket. John represents and said executor discharged ! M r entou. Attorney for estate. 15 derstand why thev lied about you and heaven as exquisitely beautiful. Three remain quiet under an injustice which entered the trust; but admitted an Dated this 21st day of April, A. D. 1891. would surely rouse even our cooler agreement had been made with the tried to drive you hither aud thither. It crystals. In one place he says, “Her light JAMES M. PIERCE. was to put you in the glorious company of I was like a precious stone, clear as crystal.” tempers to violence. I Havemeyers.—£r teuton. Attorney for estate it I