The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 09, 1891, Image 2

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The rows created by unnaturalized
j foreigners in this country are lieeoming
more frequent every day and it is about
time that the people of this country
called for a new protective tarifT in
$2 00 which the citizen of the United States
One Copy, per year, in advance..
, I 00 is the protected article. The justice of
Oce Copy, six months in advance
the killing of the Italian assassins in
New Orleans has never been questioned
Entered at the poetoffice at McMinnville except by Italy, nevertheless, the kill­
Oregon, as second-class matter.
ing almost precipitated war with their
mother country. Future killings of this
TUK AGVERTI.-1M. R\TUS Of T h E T e IE- nature can be stopped now and all in­
piione -R egister are liberal, taking in
consideration the circulation. Single ternational difficulties arising from
inch, 11.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. them lie cared for, by this country put­
Special inducements for yearly or semi- ting lietter laws in force regarding the
yearly contracts.
landing of foreigners on our shores.
Jos W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted America for Americans and all good
at reasonable rates Our facilities are
the best in Yamhill county and ns good citizens of foreign countries, blit pre­
as any in the state A complete steam serve us from the rag-tag and l>ol>-tail
plant insures quick work.
of Europe. The Huns of Pennsylvania
R esolutions of C ondolence and all O bit - have been desirious of running things
uary Poetry will be charged for at regular in the coal mines of that state for some
advertising rates.
time and last week they attempted to
A ll C ommunications Must P» r S igned B y do so, and now some fifteen of them lie
the person who sends them, not for pub­
lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non dead for violating the laws of our coun­
de plume,” but for a guarantee of good try. Not one of them was a citizen of
faitii. No publications will be published the United States; not one of them was
unless so signed.
tit to be a citizen, but they enjoyed all
» * *
A ddress A ll C ommunications , E ither F or the freedom that is given a citizen of
the editorial or business departments, to
T he T elephone -R egister , McMinnville, this country and repaid the lalior of
our forefathers by an attempt to violate
* * *
S ample C opies O p T he T elephoxe -K ecis - our laws. Fifteen of them are dead;
tek will be mailed to any person in the that is Home satisfaction, but not
United States or Europe, wlio desires one, enough. Let us have a protective tar­
free of charge
iff so large on this class of foreigners
* * «
W k I nvite Yor To C ompact . T he T ei . f .- that not one of them can enter tills
phone -R egister with any other paper
published in Yambill county.
HARDING & HEATH, Publishers.
All eubecribers who do not receive their
paper regularly will confer a faror by im­
mediately reporting the tame to thin office.
Mr. Joseph G. Cannon, who i was
chairman of the appropriations com
mittee in the late house of representa­
Thursday, April 9, 1891.
tives, has published as a supplement to
the Congressional record the report of a
Bishop Keane wants to know what post mortem on the surplus. His con­
the coming American will lie. Well, clusions are buried up in a pile of lan­
your reverence, there lie people who be­ guage and a fog of figures, but still the
lieve that the coming American will careful reader will learn from his state­
lie a woman.
ment the essential fact that tlie surplus
is no more. The day of its decease it
Gen. Miles is still of the opinion that may lie difficult to fix, but it was some­
the Indians will take to the warpath time in the month of February, Mr.
in the spring. The Indians, then, Cannon proves that it was already dead
have not been awed by their late visit on the 28th of February.
to the Great Father at Washington,
Mr. Cannon gives a statement of the
which is strange.
net cash balance in tlie treasury, plus
Mr. Ingalls carries as a souvenir the the national bank redemption fund, on
the first of March for each year from
last dime paid to him by the govern­
1885 to 1891. On March 1, 1891, lie
ment in his salary for senator. It is
states the sum of these two items at
understood that Uncle Sam is content
$42,714,840.4.5. He does not say how
to let this particular ten-cent piece l>e
much of tills is net cash and how much
the very last Mr. Ingalls ever gets
is the redemption fund, and he doesn't
from him in the way of salary for al­
tell why the redemption fund, which
leged services rendered.
does not belong to the government,
Andrew Carnegie has given $2,000,- should l>c added to the net cash, but we
000 to Pittsburg for a public library, but shall presently see the reason. A care­
the city council will not allow him to I ful search of the public debt statement
have anything to say about where it for March 1, 1891, will result in the dis­
shall be located. David Sinton made a covery that the redemption fund is a
gift to Cincinnati, and when he en- liability of the government, and that it
coun- amounted on that date to $47,165,816.25
countered this same spirit in the
Now if the net cash plus the redemp­
cil he promptly withdrew his gift,
Pittsburg should be careful that Mr. tion fund amounted on March 1 to $42-
Carnegie hasn’t a string to > his two 714,840, and the redemption fund
amounted to $47,165,816, how much
was the net cash? It must have lieen
When excavations were made recent, just $4,450,974 less than nothing In
ly for the foundation of the twenty­ other words the surplus was gone; there
story Masonic temple, which is rapidly- wasn't any net cash, and the treasurer
going up at the corner of State and of the United States hadn’t enough
Randolph streets in Chicago, an eight­ to meet his current liabilities by four
een ton mass of iron, cop|>er and other and a half million dollars.
metals was discovered. A wholesale On Monday last the treasury gave
hardware store stood on the lot at the out the statement that the surplus was
time of the great conflagration of 1871, $13,000,000, but as the redemption fund
and this mass or iron represents a jxir- is now counted in the cash in the treas­
tion of the stock which was melted by ury this means that there is a deficit
the intense heat and precipitated into of over $30,000,000. Mr. Cannon’s ex­
the sulsliasenient It will beexhibited planations about the reasons for the
at the World's Columbian Exposition. vastness of the appropriations become
unimportant in view of the fact that
The following is an approximate the surplus has been wiped out, not
statement of appropriations made at only by reducing taxation but by in­
both sessions of the Fifty-first congress, creasing expenditures.
prepared by the clerk of the senate Mr. Cannon’s figures were compiled on appropriations. Amoun t in the treasury for a purpose, which
of regular bills, including deficiencies was to give the reader the impression
and miscellaneous appropriation for that the management of the finances
the first session, $361,700,000; amount by the republicans compares favorably
of regular bills, including deficiencies with that of the democrats. Notice,
and miscellaneous appropriation for the therefore, the way he states the figures
second session, $405,000,000; permanent for two dates;
March 1. 1.889. Marcii 1, 1891.
appropriations for 1892 estimated at
Net cash balance in
1122,000,000. This makes a grand total treasury........
$48,096,158 $42.711,810
Fund held for the
of $989,700,000.
say: "Why, they are all destroyed; we
don’t have any more chloroform or ether,
but I have got something a great deal bet­
I ter. I’ll read you a pamphlet against
THE MOVING CAUSE OF ALL THE James Y. Simpson, the discoverer of chloro­
Dr. Talmage's Masterly Contrast of the
Effects of Christianity and Agnosticism.
The Glorious Results of a Living Faith.
What Has Infidelity Done?
N ew Y ork , April 5. — Continuing his
course of sermons on “The Ten Plagues of
the Cities,” Rev. Dr. Talmage today took
forliis subject “The Plague of Infidelity.”
The discourse was delivered to Large and
appreciative audiences at the Brooklyn
Academy of Music in the forenoon and the
New York Academy of Music in the even­
ing. The text was Romans iii, 4, “Let
God be true, but every man a liar.”
That is if God says one thing and the
whole human race says the opposite, Paul
would accept the Divine veracity. But
there .are many in our time who have dared
arraign the Almighty for falsehood. In­
fidelity is not only a plague, but it is the
mother of plagues.
It seems from what we hear on all sides
that the Christian religion is a huge blun
der; that the Mosaic account of thecreatioD
is an absurdity large enough to throw all
nations into rollicking guffaw; that Adam
and Eve never existed; that the ancient
flood and Noah's ark wero impossibilities:
that there never was a miracle; that ths
Bible is the friend of cruelty, of murder, of
polygamy, of all forms of base crime; that
the Christian religion is woman’s tyrant
and man’s stultification; that the Bible
from lid to lid is a fable, a cruelty, a hum­
bug, a sham, a lie; that the martyrs who
died for its truth were miserable dupes:
that the church of Jesus Christ is
properly gazetted as a fool; that when
Thomas Carlyle, the skeptic, said, “The
Bible is a noble book,” he was dropping
into imbecility; that when Theodore Parker
declared in Music hall, Boston, “Never a
boy or girl in all Christendom but was
profited by that great book,” he was be­
coming very weak minded; that it is some­
thing to bring a blush to the check of
every patriot that John Adams, the father
of American independence, declared, “The
Bible is the best book in all the world;”
and that lion hearted Andrew Jackson
turned into a sniveling coward when he
said, “That book, sir, is the rock on which
our republic rests;” and that Daniel Web­
ster abdicated the throne of his intellectual
power and resigned his logic, and from
being the great expounder of the constitu­
tion and the great lawyer of his age turned
into an idiot when he said, “My heart as­
sures and reassures me that the gospel of
Jesus Christ must be a divine reality.
From the time that at my mother’s feet
or on my father's knee I first learned to
lisp verses from the sacred writings they
have been my daily study and vigilant con­
templation, aud if there is anything in my
style or thought to be commended the
credit is due to my kind parents in instill­
ing into my mind an early love of the
Scriptures;” and that William H. Seward
the ilipliffhatistot the century, only showed
his puerility when he declared, “The whole
hope of human progress Is suspended on
the ever growing influences of the Bible;”
aud that it is wisest for us to take that
book from the throne in the affections of
uncounted multitudes and put it under
our feet, to be trampled upon by ha­
tred and litssing contempt; and that
your old father was hoodwinked and
cajoled and cheated and befooled when
he leaned on this as a staff after his
hair grew gray, and his hands were
tremulous, and his steps shortened as he
came up to the verge of t he grave; and that
your mother sat with a pack of lies on her
lap while reading of the better country, and
of the ending of all her aches and pains,
and reunion not only with those of you
who stood around her, but with the chil­
dren she had buried witli infinite heart­
ache, so that she could read no more until
she took off her spectacles and wiped from
them the heavy mist of many tears. Alas!
that for forty and fifty years they should
have walked under this delusion and had
it under their pillow when they lay a-dying
in the back loom, and asked that some
words from the vile page might be cut upon
the tombstone under the shadow of the old
country meeting bouse where they sleep
today waiting for a resurrection that will
never come.
This book, having deceived them, and
having deceived the mighty intellects of
the past, must not be allowed to deceive
our larger, mightier, vaster, more stupen­
dous intellects. Aud so out with the book
from the court room, where it is used in
the solemuization of testimony. Out with
it from under the foundation of church
aud asylum. Out with it from the domes­
tic circle. Gather together all the Bibles—
the children’s Bibles, the family Bibles,
those newly bound, and those with lid
nearly worn out and pages almost obliter­
ated by the fingers long ago turned to
dust—bring them all together, and let us
make a bonfire of them, and by it warm
our cold criticism, and after that turn un­
der with the plowshare of public indigna ;
tion the polluted ashes of that loathsome, i
adulterous, obscene, cruel nnd deathful
book which is so antagonistic to man’s
liberty, and woman’s honor, and the
world s happiness.
form as an anaesthetic, and against. Drs.
Agnew and Hamilton and Hosack and
Mott and Harvey and Abernethy.” “But.”
says the man, “I must have some anes­
thetics.” “No,” say the doctors, “they are
all destroyed, but we have got something a
great deal better.” “What is that?”
"Fun.” Fun about medicines. Liedown,
all ye patients in Bellevue hospital, and
stop your groaning; all ye broken hearted
of all the cities, and quit your crying; we
have the catholicon at last!
Here is a dose of wit, here is a strength­
ening plaster of sarcasm, here is a bottle
of ribaldry that you are to keep well shaken
np and take a spoonful of it after each
meal, and if that does not cure you here is
a solution of blasphemy in which you may
bathe, and here is a tincture of derision.
Tickle the skeleton of death with a repar­
tee! Make the King of Terrors cackle!
For all the agonies of all the ages a joke!
Millions of people willing with uplifted
hand toward heaven to affirm that the
goepel of Jesus Christ is full of consolation
for them, and yet infidelity proposes to
take it away, giving nothing absolutely
nothing, except fun. Is there any greater
height or depth or length or breadth or im­
mensity of meanness in all God’s universe?
Infidelity is a religion of “Don’t know.”
Is there a God? Don’t know! Is the soul
immortal? Don’t know! If we should
meet each other in the future world will we
recognize each other? Don’t know! A re­
ligion of “don’t know” for tho religion of
"I know,” “I know in whom I have be­
lieved,” “I know that my Redeemer liv-
eth.” Infidelity proposes to substitute a
religion of awful negatives for onr religion
of glorious positives, showing right before
us a world of reunion and ecstasy and high
companionship and glorious worship and
stupendous victory, the mightiest joy of
earth not high enough to reach to the base
of the Himalaya of uplifted splendor
awaiting all those who on wing of Chris­
tian faitii will soar toward it.
Have you heard of the conspiracy to put
out all the lighthouses on the coast? Do
you know that on a certain night of next
month, Eddystone lighthouse, Bell Rock
lighthouse, Sherryvore lighthouse, Mon­
tauk lighthouse, Hatteras lighthouse, New
London lighthouse, Barnegat lighthouse,
and the 640 lighthouses on the Atlantic
and Pacific coasts are to be extinguished ?
“Oh,” you say, “what will become of the
ships on that night? What will be the
fate of the one million sailors following the
sea? What will be the doom of the mil­
lions of passengers? Who will arise to put
down such a conspiracy?” Every man, wo­
man and child in America and the world.
But that is only a fable. That is what in­
fidelity is trying to do—put out all the
lighthouses on t he coast of eternity, letting
the soul go up the “Narrows” of death
with no light, no comfort, no peace—all
that coast covered with the blackness of
darkness. Instead of the great lighthouse,
a glowworm of wit, a firefly of jocosity.
Which do j’ou like the better, O voyager
for eternity, the firefly or the lighthouse?
What a mission infidelity has started on!
The extinguishment of lighthouses, the
breaking up of lifeboats, the dismissal of
all the pilots, the turning of the inscrip­
tion on your child’s grave into a farce and
a lie. Walter Scott’s “Old Mortality,”
chisel in hand, went through the land to
ent out into plainer letters the half obliter­
ated inscriptions on the tombstones, and it
was a lieautiful mission; but infidelity
spends its time with hammer and chisel
trying to cut out from the tombstones of
your dead all the story of resurrection and
heaven. It is the iconoclast of every vill­
age graveyard and of every city cemetery
and of Westminster Abbey. Instead of
Christian consolation for the dying, a freez­
ing sneer. Instead of prayer a grimace.
Instead of Paul’s triumphant defiance of
death, a going out you kuoiv not where, to
stop you know not when, to do you kuow
not what. That is infidelity.
Furthermore: I cannot be an infidel, be­
cause of the false charges infidelity is all
the time making against the Bible. Per­
haps the slander that has made the most
impression and that some Christians have
not been intelligent enough to deny is that
the Bible favors polygamy. Does the God
of the Bible uphold polygamy, or did he?
How many wives did God make for Adam?
He made one wife. Does not your common
sense tell you wlieu God started the mar­
riage institution he started it as he want­
ed it to continue? If God had favored
polygamy he could have created for Adam
five wives or ten wives or twenty wives
just as easily as he made one.
At the very first? of the Bible God shows
himself in favor of monogamy and antago­
nistic to polygamy. Genesis
’ ii,
" 24, “Therc-
fore shall a man leave his father and
mother, and shall cleave unto liis wife.”
Not his wives, but his wife. How many
wives did God spare for Noah in the ark?
Two and two the birds; two and two the
cattle; two and two the lions; two and two
the human race. If the God of the Bible
had favored a multiplicity of wives he
would have spared a plurality of wives.
When God first launched the human race
he gave Adam one wife. At the second
launching of the human race he spares for
Noah oue wife, for Ham one wife, for Sheni '
one wife, for Japhet one wife. Does that (
Now that is the substance of what infi­ look as though God favored polygamy? :
delity proposes and declares, aud the at- j In Leviticus xviii, 18, God thunders his j
tack on the Bible is accompanied by great prohibition of more than one wife.
God permitted polygamy. Yes; just as I
jocosity, and there is hardly any subject
about which more mirth is kindled than he permits today’s murder nnd theft anil
redemption of na­
and all kinds of crime. He permits !
the Bible. I like fun; no man was
tional bank notes 82.577,250
(’> about
Now that the protraeteti senatorial Total net cash, in­
ever built with a keener appreciation of it these things, as you well know, blit he I
There is health in laughter instead of harm does not sanction them. Who would dare
struggle ill the Illinois legislature is cluding national
bank fund
$130,073,408 $42,711,840 —physical health, mental health, moral to say he sanctions them? Because the
over, the question of an appropriation The fumi held for redemption of nation­ health, spiritual health — provided you presidents of the United States have per­
for the state’s exhibit at the World’s al bank notes was deposited in the treasury laugh at the right thing. The morning is mitted polygamy in Utah, you are not,
Fair will lie taken up and disposed of ami added to the general cash in July, 1890. jocund. The Indian with its ownmist bap therefore, to conclude that they patronized
it, that thej- approved it, when, on the
as speedily as possible. As the fair is The first thing this shows is that in tizes the cataract Minnehaha, or Laughing contrary, they denounced it. All of God’s
Water. You have not kept your eyes open j
to be held at its metropolis, Illinois feels two years the republicans have spent or
Israel knew that the God of the
your ears alert if you have not seen the
called upon to set the example for other $88,000,000 more than the revenue.
sea smile, or heard the forests clap their Bible was against polygamy, for in the '
four hundred and thirty years of their I
stati“« by making a handsome appro­ But why doesn’t Mr. Cannon state hands, or the orchards in blossom week stay
in Egypt there is only one case of
priation in aid of its exhibit. An ap­ the amount of the redemption fund on aglee with redolence. But there is a laugh­ polygamy recorded—only one. All the
ter which is deathful, there is a laughter
propriation of $1,064,000 has lieen asked j March 1? Simply because he had to which has the rebound of despair. It is mighty men of the Bible stood aloof from
for, and it seems very probable that the take the whole of it to make up the not healthy to giggle about God or chuckle polygamy except those who, falling into
crime, were chastised within an inch
amount, large as it is, will be voted. i cash deficit and leave an apparent “net about eternity or smirk about the things the
of their lives. Adam, Aaron, Noah, Jo-'
Besides the amount named above, the ! cash balance.” If lie had stated that of the immortal soul.
Joshua, Samuel, monogamists. But
You know what caused the accident.
lady managers intend to ask for $50,-1 the redemption fund was $47,165,815, years ago on the Hudson River railroad. ! you say, “Didn’t David and Solomon favor
000. Illinois enjoys the enviable dis­ lie would hav been obliged to confess It was an intoxicated mail who for a joke | polygamy?” Yes; and did they not get
punished for it?
tinction among the states of being en­ that there was $4,450,975 less than no pulled the string of the air brake and well
Read the lives of those two men and
the train at the most dangerous
tirely out of debt. Its resources are net cash balance at all. That is the stopped
point of the journey. But the lightning you will come to the conclusion that all
scarcely second to those of any other fact he was trying to conceal.
train, not knowing there was any impedi­ the attributes of God’s nature were against
state, and it is felt that it can well af­ While the population of the United ment in the way, came down, crushing out their behavior. David suffered for his
crimes in the caverns of Adullam and Mas-
ford to do what state pride prompts, .States has increased 40 per cent., the of the mangled victims the immortal souls eada, in the wilderness of Mahanaim, in
that went speeding instantly to God and
and what may naturally be expected, expenditures of the government have judgment. It was only a joke. He thought the bereavements of Ziklag. The Bedouins
namely, spend a million dollars or increased 189 per cent.
it would be such fun to stop the train. He after him, sickness after him, Absalom af­
stopped it. And so infidelity is chiefly ter him, Ahithopel after him, Adonijah af­
more on the exjxisition. According to j
anxious to stop the long train of the Bible, ter him, the Edomites after him, the Sy-!
the plans already adopted, $860,000 will
No more silver dollars will be coined and the long train of the churches, and the rians after him, the Moabites after him,
be spent on the state building at the after July 1, owing to the fact that the long train of Christian influences, while death after him, the Lord God Almighty ■
fair, more than $200,000 in furnishing silver law enacted by the last congress coming down upon us are death, judgment after him. The poorest peasant in all the
married to the plainest Jewess was
and maintaining it, mid the rest of the authorised the secretary of the treasury aud eternity, coming a thousand miles a empire
minute, coming with more force than all happier than the king in his marital mis-!
appropriation on the exhibit.
How did Solomon get along
' to discontinue the coinage at that time. the avalanches that ever slipped from the
polygamy? Read his warnings in
I with discretionary power to resume Alps, coming with more strength than all with
It is a mistaken idea, that many peo­
the lightning express trains that ever whis­ Proverhs: read his self disgust in Ecclesi­
I whenever it becomes necessary to re- tled
or shrieked or thundered across the astes. He throws up his hands in loath­
ple have been led into from a lack of
i deem the silver certificates. The 4,500- continent.
ing and cries out, “Vanity of vanities, all
trustworthy in fori nation, to suppose
000 ounces of silver bullion purchased
Now in this jocularity of infidel thinkers is vanity.” His seven hundred wives
that all the men elected to the fifty-sec­
pestered the life out of him. Solo-
' | each month thereafter will lie paid for I cannot join, and I propose to give you nearly
ond congress, by the farmers alliance,
reasons why I cannot be an infidel, omon got well paid for his crimes—well !
.'i in treasury notes. The mint will put some
and so I will try to help out of this present
are uneducated. Just the reverse is
I repeat that all the mighty men of the
! in a big part of its time for quite a condition any who may have lieen struck
true! Senator Peffer, of Kansas, while
Scriptures were aloof from polygamy, save
i while after the first of July in recoining with the awful plague of skepticism.
not well up in the dead languages and
First, I cannot lie an infidel because in­ as they were pounded and flailed and cut
classical lore, is nevertheless an educat­ tlie mutilated and abraded fractional i fidelity has no good substitute for the eon to pieces for their insult to holy marriage.
currency, now in the treasury, which l solation it proposes to tako away. You If the Bible is the friend of polygamy why
ed man and as an authority upon mat­
amount to several millions of dollars. know there are millions of people who get is it that in ail the lands where the Bible
ters relating to the United States gov­
their chief consolation from this book. predominates polygamy is forbidden, and
ernment and its domestic affairs, he | The
.“ total number of silver dollars now Wliat would you think of a crusade of this in the lands where there is no Bible it is
has few superiors. Representative John ' i !-i existence is 397,000,000, of which sort? Suppose a man should resolve that favored. Polygamy all over China, all
over India, all over Africa, all over Persia,
Davis from the same state, will lie one 1 i 67,1X10,000 are in actual circulation, :«X>,- he would organize a conspiracy to destroy all over heathendom, save as the mission
of the best educated men that will sit ;
and from all the hospitals of the earth. aries have done their work, while polyg­
in either house of the fifty-second con­ 1 cates in circulation, and 24,000,000 are The work is done. The medicines are amy does not exist in England and the
gress. Indeed, he is so close a student
taken, and they are thrown into the river, United States, except in defiance of law.
The Bible abroad, God honored monogamy.
that he has earned the title of “crank." Itifleates hwe evc,‘ ,>cc" is8Ued-
or the lake, tir the sea.
A pat ient wakes up at midnight in a par­ The Bible not abroad, God abhorred polyg
But he is the kind of crank that the :
oxysm of distress, and wants an anodyne. amy.
government can always find room for.
While there is a dispute as to wiietli- “Oh,” says the nurse, “the anodynes are
Another false charge which infidelity ha.i
He is the originator of the idea of state er the United States senatorship in all destroyed; we have no drops to give
against the Bible is that it is antago
agricultural colleges, and the author of California, which has just lieen secured you, but instead of that I’ll read you a made
to woman, that it enjoins her degra
the bill passed by the Illinois legisla-1 by Mr. Felton, was bought and paid book on tlie absurdities of morphine and dation aud belittles her mission. Under
on tlie absurdities of all remedies.” But
ture establishing the first one of those for or not, there is no question in re­ the man continues to writhe in paiu, and this impression many women have been
colleges in that state. He will be heard gard to the fact that the Pacific rail­ the nurse says: “I’ll continue to read you overcome of this plague of infidelity. Is
Bible the enemy of woman? Come
from in the house, and any member road« have got another representative <omc discourses on anodynes, the cruelties the
anodynes, the indecencies of anodynes, into the picture gallery, the Louvre, the
that tackles him under the impression in the senate who will oliey their com­ of
the absurdities of auodynes. For vonr Luxembourg of the Bible, and see which
that he doesn’t “know beans" will get mands at all times. Whatever money groau I ll give you a laugh.”
pictures are the more honored. Here is
Eve, a perfect woman; as perfect a woman
badly left.
alas ! roi: the sorrowing .
tion doubtless came from the treasuries I Here in tile hospital is a patient havinga as could be made by a perfect God. Here
gangrened limb amputated. Hesays: “Oil, is Deborah, with her womanly arm hurling
Where has Oregon's summer gone to? I of these companies.
for ether! Oh. fur chloroform!” Thedoc- a host into battle. Here is Miriam, lead '
lng the lsraeliush orchestra on the banks
of the Red sea. Here is motherly Hannah,
with her own loving hand replenishing the
wardrobe of her son Samuel, the prophet.
Here is Abigail, kneeling at the foot
of the mountain until the four hun­
dred wrathful men, at the sight of her
beauty and prowess halt, halt—a hurricane
stopped at the sight of a water lily, a dew
drop dashing back Niagara. Here is Ruth
putting to shame all the modern slang
about mothers-in-law as she turns her
back on her home and her country, and
faces wild beasts and exile and death that
she may be with Naomi, her husband's
mother. Ruth, the queen of the harvest
fields. Ruth, the grandmother of David.
Ruth, the ancestress of Jesus Christ. The
story of her virtues and her life sacrifice is
the most beauti ul pastoral ever written.
Here is Vashti defying the bacchanal of a
thousand drunken lords, and Esther will­
ing to throw her life away that she may
deliver her people. And here is Dorcas,
the sunlight of eternal fame gilding her
philanthropic needle, and the woman with
perfume in a box made from the hills of
Alabastron, pouring the holy chrism on
the head of Christ, the aroma lingering all
down the corridor of the centuries. Here
is Lydia, the merchantess of Tyrian purple
immortalized for her Christian behavior.
Here is the widow with two mites, more
famous than the Peabodys and the Len­
oxes of all the ages, while here comes in .
slow of gait and with careful attendants
and with especial honor and high favor,
leaning on the arm of inspiration, one who
is the joy and pride of any home bo rarely
fortunate us to have one, an old Christian
grandmother, Grandmother Lois. Who
lias more worshipers today than any being
that ever lived on earth except Jesus
Christ? Mary. For what purpose did
Christ perform his first miracle upon earth ’
To relieve the embarrassment of a woman­
ly housekeeper at the falling short of a
beverage. Why did Christ break up the
silence of the tomb, aud tear off the shroud,
and rip up the rocks? It was to stop the
bereavement of the two Bethany sisters.
For whose comfort was Christ most anx­
ious in the hour of dying excruciation?
For a woman, an old woman, a wrinkle
faced woman, a woman who in other days I
had held him in her arms, his first friend,
his last friend, as it is very apt to be, his
mother. All the pathos of the ages com­
pressed iuto one utterance, “Behold thy
mother.” Does the Bible antagonize wom­
If the Bible is so antagonistic to woman, [
how do you account for the difference in
woman's condition iu China aud Central
Africa, and her condition in England and
America? There is no difference except I
that which the Bible makes. In lands
where there is no Bible she is hitched like
a beast of burden to the plows, she carries
the hod, she submits to indescribable in-I
dignities. She must be kept in a private ;
apartment, and if she come forth she must I
lie carefully hooded and religiously veiled i
as though it were a shame to be a woman, i
Do you uot know that the very first [
thing the Bible docs when it comes >
into a new country is to strike off,
the shackles of woman’s serfdom? oj
woman, where are your chains today?!
Hold up both your arms and let us see
your handcuffs. Oh. we see the handcuffs.
They are bracelets of gold bestowed by
husbandly or fatherly or brotherly or sis­
terly or loverly affection. Unloosen the
warm robe from your neck, O woman,
and let us see the yoke of your bondage.
Oh, I find the yoke a carcenet of silver, or
a string of carnelians, oracluster of pearls,
that must gall you very much. How bad
you must all have it.
Since you put the Bible on your stand in
the sittiug room, has the Bible been to you,
O woman, a curse or a blessing? Why is
it that a woman when she is troubled will
go to her worst enemy, the Bible? Why
do you not go for comfort to some of the
great infidel boolcs, Spinoza’s “Ethics," or
Hume’s “Natural History of Religion,”
or Paine’s “Age of Reason.” or Dedro's
Dramas, or any one of the 260 volumes of
Voltaire? No, the silly, deluded woman per-
sistsin hanging about the Bible veins, ‘T^t
not your heart be troubled,” "All things
work together for good,” “Weeping may
endure for a night,” “I am the resur­
rection,” “Peace, be still.”
Furthermore, rather than invite I resist
this plague of infidelity liecause it lias
wrought no positive good for the world
and is always a hindrance. I ask you to
mention the names of the merciful aud the
educational institutions which infidelity
founded and is supporting, and has sup
ported all the way through—institutions
pronounced against God and the Christian
religion, and yet pronounced in behalf of
suffering humanity. What are the names
of them? Certainly not the United States
Christian commission, or the sanitary com
mission, for Christian George H. Stuart
was the president of the one, and Christian
Henry W. Bellows was the president of the
Where are the asylums and merciful in
stitutions founded by infidelity and sup­
ported by infidelity, pronounced against
God and the Bible, and yet doing work for
the alleviation of suffering? Infidelity is so
very loud in its braggadocio it must have
some to mention. Certainly, if you come
to speak of educational institutions it is
not Yale, it is not Harvard, it is not Prince
ton, it is not Middletown, it is not Cam­
bridge or Oxford, it is not any institution
from which a diploma would not be a dis­
grace. Do you point to the German uni­
versities as exceptions? I have to tell you
that all the German universities to-day are
under positive Christian influences, except
the University of Heidelberg, where the
ruffianly students cut and maul and man­
gle and murder each other as a matter of
pride instead of infamy. Do you mention
Girard college, Philadelphia, as an excep­
tion, that college established by the will of
Mr. Girard which forbade religious in­
struction aud the entrance of clergymen
within its gates. My reply is that I lived
for seven years near that college and knew
many of its professors to be Christian in­
structors, and no better Christian influ
enees are to lie found in any college thau
in Girard college.
There stands Christiauity. There stands
infidelity. Compare what they have done
Compare their resources. There is Chris­
tianity, a prayer on her lip; a benediction
on her brow; both bands full of help for
all who want help; the mother of thou­
sands of colleges; the mother of thousands
of asylums for the oppressed, the blind, the
sick, the lame, the imbecile; the mother of
missions for the bringing back of the out­
cast; the mother of thousands of reforma­
tory institutions for the saving of the lost;
the mother of innumerable Sabbath schools
bringing millions of children under a drill
to prepare them for respectability and use­
fulness, to say nothing of the great future.
That is Christianity.
Here is infidelity; no prayer on her lips,
no benediction on her brow, both hauds
clenched—what for? To fight Christian­
ity. That is the entire business. The com­
plete mission of infidelity to fight Chris­
tianity. Where are her schools, her col­
leges, her asylums of mercy? Let me
throw you down a whole ream of foolscap
paper that you may fill all of it with the
names of her lieuefieent institutions, the
colleges, and the asylums, the institutions
of mercy and of learning, founded by in­
fidelity and supported alone by infidelity,
pronounced against God and the Christian
religiou, and yet in favor of making the
world better. “Oh,” you say, “a ream of
paper is too much for the names of those
institutions.” Well, then, I throw you a
quire of paper. Fill it all up now. I will
wait until you get all the names down.
“Oh,” you say, “that is too much.” Well,
then, I will just hand you a sheet of letter
payer. Just till up the four sides while we
are talking of this matter with the names
of the merciful institutions and the educa­
tional institutions founded by infidelity
and supported all along by infidelity, pro­
nounced against God and the Christian
religiou, yet in favor of humanity.
“Oh,” you say, “that is too much room.
We don't want a whole sheet of paper to
write down the names.” Perhaps I had
better tear out one leaf from my memoran­
dum book and ask you fill up both sides
of it with the names of such institu­
tions. “Oh," you say, “that would be
too much room. I wouldn’t want so
much room as that.” Well, then, sup­
rose you count them on your ten fin­
ders. "Oh,” you say. “not quite so much
as that.” Well, then, count them on the
fingers of one baud. “Oh,” you say, "we
don’t want quite so much room as that.”
Concluded on third page.
New Inauguration!
Having survived that Dreadful Ordeal cf a Trial
By Jury:
And having secured the help of Mr. Amidon, a gentleman highly
recommended for his ability and thirty years experience in Merchantil'e
life, I am better prepared than ever to accommodate the trade; and hav­
ing decided to make room by
Sacrificing Certain Seasonable Goods.
And prefering to give our patrons the benefit of the loss rather than
ship them elsewhere to be sold. And in order that our competitors
may bff saved the.trouble of sending over to get our prices hence the
New Inauguration
Inaugaration of giving all the benefit of the following Price List of
goods reduced. Wo are offering in Dress Goods—
A line of Satines for 15 cents former price 25 cents
25 “
“ Dress “
“ 08 “
Rubber Goods, Circulars $1.1X1 1C
“ New Markets 2,75 Cl
“ Gossimers with sleeves 1.25 1C
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
“ Full Stock Calf
1.00 11
Children and Misses’ Shoes 1.00 1C
Mens’ Wool llats
Felt “
2.00 It
Stiff “
Clothing. All Summer Weights Must Go!
$20 suits reduced to $15
$15 suits reduced to $12
$10 and $12 suits reduced to $9.
We are showing a special line of Biys’ and Childrens' Suits in four
pieces of goods, consisting of Coat, Cap and two Pants, ranging in price
from $3 to $C>. These are especially good values.
We Want a Share of the Grocery Trade.
Look at our prices and compare them wtth what you have been
paying elsewhere.
Best Oregon bacon, hams,
12c per pound
10c •c
“ sides
“ shoulders 08c
5 gallon keg Pickles, plain and mixed, $1.50 peg keg. worth that
at wholesale.
All Produce, except Butter, taken in exchange for goods at its
market value.
WANTED—Wool and Mohair for shipment
All wholesale houses requiring settlement every thirty or ninety
days, and so many merchants throughout the county having already-
adopted cash or 30 day credit and having to compete with these, we
shall hereafter insist on settlement every 90 days fixing dates as follows:
January, April, July and October 1st of each year. No account allowed
to run over these dates. Recognizing as I do the inability of many good
customers to always raise money at any fixed date, all those wo regard
as good will lie allowed to settle by notes liearing interest, so that if we
don’t get cash and have to borrow money to pay wholesale dealers, we
lielieve those who get the accommodation should pay interest, as no man
in any kind of business can afford to pay interest and taxes on what
other people owe him without getting some return for the same. If you
dont want to pay merchants interest for such accommodation, then go to
one of the Ranks, borrow the money and pay for what you buy and save
all booking.
I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts,
or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms
- »
Or anything in the Line of
Is just the place for a Small Farm; only three-fourths
mile from Railroad station and one and one-half
miles from Steamboat landing.
Acre Tracts within One Mile of Court !
or Boys’ Goods
I have four lots as fine as can be found in Chand­
ler's addition. Cheap.
Call and. See
T. S htthtleff
As they are the
Only Exclusive Clothing and Gents’
Furnishing Goods House
General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker.
Collections Promptly Attended to.
Office Cor. Third and E Sts.
McMinnville, Oregon.
You will find the Latest Style Goods
and Largest Assortment.
Call and See Them Before You Buy.
A Fine Line of Piece Goods and Good Tailors to
Make Them Up.
KAY & TODI), McMinnville, Or
Great Bargains in Every Grade!
And an Immense Stock to Choose from.
Ladies and Misses, Old and Young, Large and Small
Feet Infants’ and Big Babies’ Feet
Be sure and bring your feet along if you want to lie fitted with
Tlxe I-igitest Stories of Slxoes 1
Which lias Just Arrived at the Opposition Boot and Shoe Store