THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. THE MEASURE OF PROTECTION. A SHOTPP.OOF GHOST." ODDS ANO ENDS. There are close upon lo.nui “professors of Tnllsy* fraiu Many <;iw» Hare No Effect music'’ in England. Prince Bismarck, in the very inter­ on a Spook in Woman'» Shape. Because a man has n silvery laugh it does HARDING 1 HEATH. Publishers. esting interview published in the Suu- I For a Tuostli or more men living on Mc- tin>/ 117,,-fr/ said that his opinion has Clona’s cattle ranch, near the month ot not follow that he has a rich voice. Battle creek, have been stor+led from their Don’t be afraid to take regnlar exercise, always been that “National laltor must sleep at nigh’ by footstep« threading the and keep your digestion in good order. Ito protected." SUBSCRIPTION BATES halls and passageways of the house, doors Friederic'u Wilhelm, the present heir ap­ Mr. McKinley speaking in Roches­ opening and «hutting, and .an occasional parent of the German throne, is a hoy of $2 IK) O«» Copy. per year, in advance....... laugh of the «lemoniaoal, hair raising, I W ter last week laid it down as an axiom One C«py, six month* in advance... nine years. blood chilling variety. Ail these ghostly to govern tlte framing of tariff laws «lemons« rai ions had been looked upon by Jay Gould’s daughter Nellie is mid to be here that the “rate of taxation should the inmates of the house as the workings so afraid of fortune hunters that she has Entered at the postoflu’e at McMinnville lie high enough to include the differ­ of soma practical joker, or imagination, decided never to marry. The year 1880 began with a price of £2,200 Oregon, as second-class matter. ence in the cost of laltor in this country anil «ery little attention was paid to them until »bout » week ago, when one of the per ton for whalebone. Two thousand and in the old world." men, about, 10 or 11 o’clock at night, three hundred ponuds is the quoted price Tur ABVEirrisixo R atf * or Tnr Tns- Bismarck’s frank declaration tliat“ln stepped out of doors. What he saw there for this year. ruoxK-IiEGisTZJ! are liberal, taking in passing the McKinley bill the industri­ almost froze his blood. Congressman Henry Cabot Lodge has a «•on*i«leration the circulation. Single Standing in the tui'ldje ot the yard was inch. $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. al protectionists have gone too far,” is a familiar figure, that of a former lady res­ sweet tooth, and five or six times a day he Special inducement* for yearly or semi- sustained by statistics and by the com­ ident of the bouse, clothed in the habili­ send* a page out of the house of represent­ ative« to buy him some caramels. yearly contracts. mon knowledge of every intelligent ments ot the grave. A dull, phoephores- Vncleaned tin plates are fonnd to give • * * ceu« ligiii seemed to be emitted from the J ub W ork N eatly Axn Q ck kly Ext, t ted man. The ratio of manufactured arti­ an electric current in common tap water shrouded figure, »«ffioae back was turned at reasonable rates Our facilities are when one is expose«! to the light and the the be*t in Yamhill county and as gool cles in the United States was shown by toward the man. Slowly the figureturned. as any in the state A rompiste steam the last census—not the I’ortcr fraud— and, with arms extended, its staring eyes other screened. Dr. Thomas Bowman, of St. Louis, senior plant insure« quick work. to lie not more than 20 per cent, of the shining with adull luster, ¡[.commenced a • * » movement toward the man, who stood bishop of the Methodist church, lias spent KfcsoLCTtox* or I osnot.EXi t. «s» « ll O bit - whole. There is not a schedule in the spellbound. For a *e«»nd only did he over fifty years in church work. He is uary Poetry will be charged for at regular •50 per cent. McKinley tariff in which «»and transfixed, then with a yell of terror •eventy-fonr year* old, but in splendid advertising rates. the duty is not far in exec-* of the diff­ j he dashed in upon his comrades ■within the health. Milton was certainly more than fifty-four A ll CojiMCXlCATtoxa M ist l’o; S igsüd B y erence in laltor cost compared with for­ home. Ik told hi- story to the crowd, the person who sends them, not for pub­ i anil » rush was made for the yard to in- wb^a he began to compose his “Paradise eign laltor products, and in many of lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non | veetigale, but the specter bivl fled. That Lost.’’ He was fifty-nine when he sold it deplume," but for a guárante«; of good them the duty far exceeds the total la­ | night the footsteps and noises throughout to Simmons, the bookseller. laitn. No publications «« ill be pnhlishe«! bor cost. the house ««ere more frequent and louder, Bishop Lucius Halsey, one of the most unless «o signed. « a Mr. McKinley knows that not only banishing sleep from the eyes of the now eloquent negro orators in Georgia, was at A pure .** A ll C ommimcatioxs . E itiiek F or is there no provision in the law which thoroughly frightene«l inmates. The next, onetime a slave on the plantation of Rich­ night a «ratch was kept for the ghostly vis­ ard M. Johnston, the author. the editorial or bnsiness «Irpartmcnts, to T he T ei Eeitosr-REGisTEi:. McMinnville, bears his name requiring protected itor, but it came no*. There is no country like France for start­ The next, night follovred, and still no ingjournals; during 1898 no less than 950 Oregon. manufacturers to pay higher wages be­ ghost, so the watchers had about given up S amcle Corizs Or Tut; T elei 'U oxe -R eoi »' cause of the higher protection given i all hope of its reappearance, «vhen on the new newspapers were brought out, of ter will be mailed to anv person in the them, hut that the tendencey of wages fourth night, «vhile sitting in » dark­ which not one remains in life. i’nite«! States or Enrols-, who desires one. ha« been downward ever since that law ened room, they were startled by sudden­ One lady says I just, hate to black a stove; free of charge ly seeing t he specter’s face pressed against it is such dirty work, and gloves are snch « was passed. « •» a bother and take time. Well, just slip W e I nvite Y ou T o C ompake T he T ele - i Bismarck is right. The protectionists the window pane. Each man seized his your hand into a paper bag and go to gun and a volley was firc«l at the visage. phoxe -K egister with anv other paper “went’ too far,”—fully 3I> per cent. The When the -tnoke had cleared away and the work. When you are through stick the published in Yamhill county. i next revision will shake the bounties men’s courage had iu a measure returned bag into the stove, and that is the end of that. and the swindles out of the monopoly- they ventured outside, expecting to find a All tubscriber* who do not receive their corpse lying lieneath the tvindow. How Jews Are Treat«*! in Kussla. fostering tariff papfi regularly will confer a favor by inf They diopular protest against the when one of the boldest raised liis gun to be regarded as aliens. No Jews shall dwell WILL IT BE WAR? bis shoulder, took deliberate aim al the ■ extravagance of the Fifty-first congress figure and pulled the trigger. The figure In any part of I be United States except the ; in appropriating a billion <>f dollars wn« still there ««hen the smoke cleared state* of Virginia, North Carolina, South The «tally pajiers of the United during the two years of its calamitous away, and looking at them for a moment Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Missis­ with its staring eyes gradually disappeared. sippi unless they are graduates of some Htati-s were tille«l full of rumors of war 1 existence. Next morning there was an emigration state university, members of a learned on Wednesday of this week. The Ital­ What is a little mutter like that? from I he ranch, not even the lioldest dar­ profession, skilled artisans holding certifi­ ian government has recalled her mini*-1 queries our «•ontcinporary in various ing to remain; and now daylight only finds cates front n technidhl school, or members ter and thus has severed official inter­ forms. It is "only two cents a day” for enrions people about the place.—Chamber- of a chamber of commerce who pay $500 a year for that privilege. No Jew shall hold course with this country. An act of each head of population. I n fact it is lain (S. 1).) Cor. St. Paul Globe any government or municipal office. this kind always proceed* the formal rather more than that, but taking it at “No Jew shall buy or rent landed prop­ Confederate Prisoners on Their Travel». erty. All Jews shall pay special taxes in declaration of war. Italy demands sat­ that what does it mean? The average We were to be sent to Johnson’s Island, connection with religious services. No isfaction for the killing of the assassins lalmring man earns, say, *2 a day. and Lake Erie. synagogue may l>e opened w ithout, the per­ in New Orleans and take* this method has a wife and thrw children to sup­ Our route lay over the Erie railroad, and mission of the president of the United of showing her displeasure at t ic way port. His share in this burden wilt be I we made the trip on parole. The guards States, and no public prayers may tie held placed at each door of on r coach were for in any other place than a synagogue. in which the government of this coun­ in cents a «lav, or $36.50 a year! onr comfort, only, as we were objects of When more than ten Jews «visit to meet try is conducted. Italy «loes not want Is that a trifle to be nuule light of. as i marked curiosity during the trip, and together for consnltalion or discussion to fight the United State* ami no one a thing of no consequence? Does the would have iiecn overrun with visitors had they iiiust obtain permission from the knows thi* lictter than Italy her-' workingman with a family so regard not admittance been refused. At the dif­ municipal authorities. Married Jews who ferent stations we mingled freely with the self. She has her hands full at home it? Is he pleased to have $36.50 taken people on the platform, and found them, become converted to Christianity are ipso and they will be running over liefore 1 out of his wages and a large part of it with few exceptions, courteous but in­ facto divorced oil conversion; but the wife, ¡if she remains a Jewess, may not marry long, as the prospects are goo«l for an given to ]>cn*ion sharks, contractors, quisitive. again We were no doubt a disapjioiuliug lot. European war. *‘All Jews attaining the age of twenty sugar planter» and the like? There wa* nothing in our apparel to mark shall serve five years in the active army The effects of a war with Italy would And that is not all by any mean«. I the rebel soldier, and as we mingled with and thirteen years in the reserve, but no lie g»»Ml. Although the pre*« of the Th«1 workingman not only pays this the crowd surprise was freely expressed Jew mav become an officer or even tin offi­ country deplore the occnrencc which $36.50 a* his share of the government’s that we were not as their fancy painted us, cer's servant. No .Tow shall serve in the cau*e«l the trouble, they are united wasteful expenditure, tint must pay though just what shape that fancy took I navy," nevci lArned. The ladies, ns was the case Such a condition of affairs as is implied when it come* to war. They all say another tax, not to the government but both north mid south, were intensely pa­ in this paraphrase of the Russian laws af­ that if Italy wants to fight, fight by all • to the nionojMilists of the country for' triotic, ami read us severe and no doubt fecting Jews is so impossible, so incon­ mean*. The North and the South are their private enrichment. He must • salutary lectures on the evil of our ways ceivable, in this country and to us that, iipite«! oil this ami will stay *o. Should pay tribute to them upon almost every­ which were submissively and courteously we can scarcely imagine it to exist any­ received and duly pondered. war lie declared the veteran* of the late thing that lie and his family buy. and' There was one question i lial you could where else. And vet there is no exaggera­ tion in such a jtaraphrasc. The Jew today unpiea-antne** would shoulder their the tribute is a heavy one, made hcav- safely wager would lie asked by five out of in Russia is hedged around by a set of re­ ten, and that, was, "Do you honestly think muskets an«l would march to give hat­ ier by the deliberate act of this same strictions as whimsical and as offensive as you are right: ’ This conundrum was of­ tie to the enemy a« comrades mice Fifty-first congress which api>roprinte«l fered to me so often that-where time al­ anything devised by the fanatics of the Middle Ages, carried out with a savage wore. It would not Iw the “Blue and the billion of dollar* in two year*. lowed. la-ing in President Lincoln’s coun­ brutality which is possible only in a half the Gray," but a *oli«t mass of “Blue.” It is no wonder that a tax-ridden jiec- try. 1 answer«! in President Lincoln's civilized country. Jews are both heretics The national uniform would is? worn plc relink«'«! and repudiate«! the party style by -.vying that it "reminded me,” and aliens iu Russian eyes.—P. G. Hubert. ami told them of the couple who took their and national tunes would march the responsible for the oppression, by an bridal trip on an ocean steamer with the I Jr., in Forum. loyal masse« of the south to the front. overwhelming defeat at the ]>o!l* last usual result. As the husband wonld re­ Inland I .sites Increase«! and I lilire.l. turn from sundry trips to the rail of the It is not generally realized that there are No American allow* him*c1f to think Novemlier.—.V. I'. ||7»7rZ. vc*sel bi* young wife would inquire, in this country literally millions upon mill­ for a minute that the outcome of the "Reginald, darling, tire you sick?” To ions of lakes available for water farming, war would !>c otherwise than a victory It looks Dow as if the contemplated which be at last replied, "Good heavens! in size all the way from mere ponds to tht Reliecca, do you think I am doing thia for great inland seas of fresh water. In Illinois for the United States, but, at at the trip of Mr. Harrison to the Pacific fun’’’—Century* alone there arc tens ot thousands of lakes, same time it is well to consider the fact coast would either h ive to I«' postponed and hundreds of rhonsauds more can be that the war would be a naval one, and or abandoned altogether, on ing to the I readily create«]. There are in that state Lighting Loudon Street*. that Italy possesses the fleetest, heavi­ pressure of official business. Mr. Har­ Lighting the streets of a large city in hundreds of thousands of extinct lakes est armored ami har«lest «hooting *hi]>* rison has set his heart upon the trip; olden time* was a far different thing from which can easily be transformed into sheet* lighting the streets at the present time. of waler by the simplest means. All the of war on earth to-dav. never having visited that section of the In 1661 t be st rects of Louden were directed enormous ’T«ake Plain, ” as it is known to country, and he says lie will not give to lie lighted with candles or lanterns by geologists, comprising Wisconsin, Minne But every householder fronting the main road, sota and Michigan, north of the Ohio river, OCEAN TRADE OF THE SOUTH it up if he can possibly ger away. «villi the Behring sea negotiations, 1 lie from nightfall to 9 o’clock, the hour of re is dotted with countless sheets of water, conditions being abundant tor creating a tiring to I wh I. The St. Louis A h ' of .s'/-«/ give* some organization of the new land claims In the last year of King Charles Il's million more by such inexpensive artifice* court, and other matters just as im ­ reign one Edward Hening obtained the as the damming of streams. statistic* concerning our export* from By dammiug at intervals every creek right to light the streets with lanterns port* available to Southern tra«le that portant to be acted upon, it is not ex­ placed over every tenth door, from 6 o'clock and rivulet Can lie made to form artificial pected that he will lie able to go liefore show they are in accord with the inland on moonlres evenings uni¡1 midnight. I>e- lakes. Everywhere in the United States it is pretty much the same, and every acre ot tween October and April. developments of that section. In the May. if at all. Duringthe reign of Queen Anne, in July, this «rater can be made to produce Severn 1 year 188» and 181)0 New Orleans in­ Tlte inconsistency heretofore noticed 1,08. Mr. Michael Coke introduced globular times as much f«xxl as can lie obtain«! creased its extan t* from $83,600,060 to in tlte should no longer ex­ glass lamps with oil burner*, instead of the from the most fertile acre of land. $87,000,000. Norfolk mid Portsmouth former glimmering lanterns In 1716 an Even the vast arid region, the “Great ist. When Harvey Scott now wants act w as passed which enjoined every house­ Desert ” of the west, is specked all over from $10,650,01)0 to $13,000,000. Balti­ I to write one of his old-fashioned, hard­ holder to furnish a light, before his door with multitudes of extinct lakes which more ma«le an advance from $-54,000,000 hitting tariff reform articles, why he from 6 to II o'clock at. night, except on can lie filled once more and made to teem to $65,000,000. Galveston exceed* its witli fish life as they once did.— can chuck it into the democratic«?) evenings lietween the seventh nightof each again moon and the third after it reached the Washington Star._____ record hy making a run from $19,000,000 Triryram.— llntrbvey Reriric. full. to $23,000,000, while Savannah, Wil­ Carlon* Flii«l «»f Queen Anne'» «Juiueas. In a lew years a comfMUiy was formed to A chest belonging to an old man who mington and Charleston made a like A bit of news two year« old was made light the streets from 6 o’clock until mid­ recently died near Kingsbridge was offered exhibit of splended advance*. On the : public by presidential proclamation night, each householder who paid poor for sale by his friends for otic shilling, but other han«I Bo«ton and New York j several «lays ago. It was the full text rates being required to contribute for this failing to find a purchaser it was decided made no very marked variations in of an extradition treaty with th«' Re- purpose six shillings a year. to use it as firewood. While it was being Gaslight, at its introduction in the be­ chopped up 200 guineas of Queen Anne’s their figures, while Philadelphia notes . public of Columbia, which was ratified ginning of the ; resent cen urv, presented date rolled out of a secret drawer. The a remarkable increase from *28,000,000 i by th«' senate March 2«’>, 188». such» novel spectacle to the eyes of the foreign ambassadors that they were vain lowest price of a Queen Anne’s guinea is to $34,00,000. These statistic* forecast ta|«' is a great institution. enough to imagine that the brilliant lamp« thirty »hillings.—London Tit-Bits. the possibility of New York and Boston were a part of a general illumination to A Comforting Item. having to rely on the West for an in­ \ secret. celebrate their arrival. Mrs. Shortpurse—The paper -ays seals crease in their foreign trade, the trend Electricity is taking the place of gas, but “There is » man traveling around the change is made far less rapidly in Lon­ have made their appearance in New York of Southern export* l>eing in the direc­ don than in even the cities of compara­ burlier and several have Iiecn killed by tion of the nearest and most accessible the country,”says an Oregon exchange, tively small population in this country.— fishermen. Mrs. Sliutpurse—My sacque is made ot «hipping point. We may anticipate in “with a roll of counterfeit money, ami Youth’s Companion. plush, thank fortune. No one can mistake the development of th«' American ma­ ' showing bank clerk* and other«, for $10 Ute for a fishwife —Good News. On«- Way of rriivliling for the Old. rine that its heaviest quotations of apiece, how to distinguish counterfeit The Fijians -ts nd no inconsiderable part Houteles« an«l in Prison. trade along the fToutliern seaboard will taper money. It i* a secret that a few of their live* making mats in which to be When a woman gets started on the down- he iYom contiguous and contributory paid for year* ago. Here it is: Every buried, and every house has a greater or ¡•want way she gets many kicks and fen­ territory, and the more decidedly so bill is numbered; tak«> th«1 last two fig­ smaller pile of them rolled up among the boosts. If the tale told by Annie Jones, of when our reciprocity treaties with tire ures in the numtx'r of the bill; divide rafters, with which their owners will not | New York city, is true, she is more sinned part for love or money. Wherever graves .'Southern republics of the western hem­ by four; if no remainder, ‘D’ must ap­ are made they are bottomed with clean against titan sinning. She said that she could not pay iter rent, anti that the laud isphere are in ««iteration. Brunswick pear as the letter mark on that hill; if 3 dry sand brought from the seashore, and lord, to save i he cost of eviction proceed sometimes sarcophagi are made of slabs of . remains after dividing the la*t two fig ­ aud Mobile will have heavier interest« ings, got an ••flicer to arrest her. She was soft sandstone, over which, when the in the new ocean trade, especially in ures by 4, ‘C must nppear; if 2 remains bodies are placed within, a slab of the charged with disorderly conduct and sent the transport of coal to Tampa, West ‘B’ shows; if 1, then ‘A.’ Suppose the same material is lowered, and the grave to work for ten days at Bellevue hospital. When liberated she found her home occn Indies and Honduras, it lieing proposed number on the l»ank note you have i« filled in with earth. Formerly cave sepulcher* were formed pied by strangers and her furniture gone. to run some thirteen lines of steamers 236,485; ‘85’ are the last two figure*; di­ Another arre*t followed, the charge this by digging straight down for fifteen or from these two Southern ports. It vide by 4, there is a remainder of 1; twenty feet, and then running a shaft hor­ : time being one ot theft preferred by a would seem to be an assured fact that then 'A' i* the letter on that note, if it izontally for an equal distance. In a hol­ Bellevue official. who missed property val- | tied at one dollar. A woman who said she the vital points of «mr coming ocean is genuine; if ‘A’ doesn’t so appear, the lowed out chamber at t he end of the shaft saw Annie take the goods failed to testify, trade will lie along the Southern line*. bill i* bogus; suppose the bill is num­ the body was laid, generally in a reclining i but the prisoner received another sentence position. In the case of very old persons, bered 346,474; ‘74’ are the last two; di­ to whom it «eemed desirable to hint that of ten days nevertheless. vide by 4; there is a remainder of 2;' as they had ontlived their usefulness it General Joe Johnston the Confeder­ Cof Philadelphia philanthro­ plied with newspapers of all political purchaser* A mail who wants to stock pists to give his opinion as to the best complexions ami literary shade*. The longer utilized, the natural conclusion bis wardrolie just before he gets married IFr,*/r/-o Hornet is the name of a new was that the ium.ilcs had said farewell to methods for civilizing the Indian. His monthly agricultural pamphlet issued mundane affair.*,and the hole was stoppe«] spends anywhere between $65 and $150 and reply was embraced in the proverb by E. Pliclp*. O. A. t'hcnney i* by rolling a stone over it and covering iI more. A man of the ultra elite may repre­ which ha* Imvinr famuli*. < icneral soon to start the Hr,Zb/ Journal, a with earth. By this considerate action sent eighteen dollar*' worth of gentlemen’s furnishing goods from his hosiery to his Johnston’s keen insight into Indian farmers' alliance |>aper. The Sunc land for which the sagacity of his rela­ Hi* first Bible. event«. Powder and hall are the only published by ('. A. Watt«. The names tives perceive«! that he was so well fitted. A down caster purchased a Bible, which Indian civilizer*. of the editors are not given. Such fel­ New- York Tinies. was quite an event in his life and that of lows usually have no desire to be The < liihl W m In Doubt. his neighbors. lie informed his friends of known. Indecency always hides its It is re|t>rted that the present secre­ head whenever ]Mis«ible. The Courier It was in a restaurant. A bright little his purchase, stating that "he had got a is the name of a new pa]«>r at Harris ­ girl of six or seven hail ju*t, finished her Pollywog Bible with the Hypocraey in it ” tary of w ar, Redfield Proctor, will in a It was quite a lime liefore his friends de­ short time retire from President Harri­ burg, issued by l’helps Jt Moran. These lunch wit h two ladies, one apparently her cided that, he meant a Polyglot containing will make twelve papers hi l.inu mother, the other her mother’s friend. son’s cabinet. No time is set yet for county. The friend gave the little girl a small par­ the Apocrypha. - Providence Journal. the resignation to take effect, but it is cel a* t hey rose. "What is it?” asked the Thomas Curl, a sheep owner of Hrant child. Within the ¡Hist fifteen months more A pre-enl for you. dear. 1 want expected that it w ill be about July 1. county, has saved uiauy lanib* of hi­ than 4,0(h) tenants have been evicted, many 1'he reason for hi* resignation is not llock by slaughtering eagles. He re­ yon to hav- !«. but don’t open it until you I by force, in tbe city of lxmdou. get home ” “Well,” piped the child known, but it is thought he intends to cently shot six of the ferocious birds all sweetly, in toucs that brought smiles to Many Creditor». devote bis time to the management of in a short distance of each other. One the face* of a dozen hearers, “well,I thank "My wife borrows lots of trouble.” his extensive marble quarries in Ver­ was no doubt the patriarch of the fam­ you very much, and I’m very much obliged, ily, says the Canyon City AVics, its foot "How strange that is!'1 mont, which are said to Is- suffering measuring eight and one-quarter inches although 1 don't know' whether it’s peanut, "Yes, particularly when she is so sue shells or a thousand dollars."—Boston across. t’roiu Ills absence. Transcript. sessful making it.”—Harper’s Bazar. Ar.tirpiiiy of Man in America. Eatara fcr Fiilig Taxkls! Professor Putnam, secretary of the Amer­ ican Association, according to Popular Sci­ ence News, recently made au interesting discovery which furnishes fresh evidence in support of t he theory that man in Amer iea wr.s contemporaneous with the mam­ moth. In a communication to the Boston Society of Natural History, Profebbor Put­ nam describes a shell found by him in 1 he state of Delaware. Upon a portion of this shell is scratched the rude outline of what without doubt represents a mammoth. The shell waa found uuder peat, and near by were human bones, charcoal, bones of anima’s and stone implements. O. (). HODSON Third nnd <' streets, McMinnville New Inauguration! Has a Fino Assortment of LINES. FLIES. REELS. Having survived that Dreadful Ordeal cf a Trial By Jury: RODS. Two Opinions of Southey. One year when 1 was up in the Lake country i waa sketching at Ilydal Water, when a gentleman came up behind me, ami after watching me as I painted for some time said. “Tbe man who can do that should have a name." I answered just as be moved away, “The man who can see that ought to have a name, ton.” He looked very peculiar, and I asked some men who were working iu a stone quarry close by if they knew who be was. “Oh, yes,” they said; “why, that’s Southey, the poet. He’s a funny fellow.*’ ‘ How funnyf’ I asked. “Why. he’s mad," they answered.—T. Sid­ ney Cooper. ETC. Argand and Peninsular And having secured the help of Mr. Amidon, a gentleman highly recommended for his ability and thirty years experience in Merchantile ¡life. I am better prepared than ever to accommodate the trade; and hav­ ing decided to make room by STOVES Can’t be Beat. A Large Slock at’ Hardware, Tools, and Tinware Fountain Markins Brush. In anew fountain marking brush tbe marking material is contained iu an elastic bulb, pressure on which projects the paint or mixture along a barrel or pipe to the brush itself, to which the supply can thus be accurately regulated. The brush can be pushed farther out of the barcel when it becomt s worn, and the device is made in brass, tin or zinc.—New York Commercial Advertiser. Sacrificing Certain Seasonable Goods, And prefering to give our patrons the benefit of the loss rather than ship them elsewhere to be sold. And in order that our competitors may be saved the trouble of sending over to get our prices bonce the New Inaugaration of giving all the benefit of the foliowine Price List of goods reduced. We are offering in Dress Goods— Repairing and Plumbing Done Promptly. Agline of Satines for 15 cents " Dress “ “ 03 “ Rubber G«x)ds, Circulars $1.00 “ “ New Markets 2,75 “ Gossimcrs with sleeves 1.25 Ladies’ Fine Shoes 1.00 “ Full Stock Calf 1.00 Children and Misses’ Shoes 1.00 Mens’ Wool Hats 50 “ Felt “ 1.75 Stiff “ 2.00 liiMifiiiiz. but b ring and Spiiutinn. Etr. A Specialty. Sole Agent for A Ot AKER’S DOZEN- 'Garry’s Patent Steel Roof, Ki liar ! >:cge, lhe -.veil known proprietor of the Quaker Dairy. No. 30 Ellis St. San Francisco, last week sent lhe following letter to the Edwin W. Joy < o. REST IN THE WORLD. ••My family have been taking Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla now for months with splendid results. Our experience has been that after taking it regularly for a short time j and getting the systemstarted right, an occasional dose thereafter keeps the systen in perfect condition. A peculiarity of your vegetable com­ Shop With Hewitt Bro's. pound inexplicable tome is, that It does not lose its effect, but seems to $3r*Chargea Reasonable. Give n>e a cal! accomplish the same results continually. As a M c M ixxville . : O beoon . liver and bowel regulator and corrective it is per feotion We would not bo without it in our house. In fact I have just bought a dozen fxd- tles to get the reduced price.” A. M. Rowe, oí 5JiJ Jones street. S. F.. al-o writes that it has been his habit for years tc awake in the mornings with a headache and au exhausted feeling: but -iuce the first bottle lie has ha I no return of his old time debilita’.iiw Clothing. All Summer Weights Must Go! Garden Seeds in Stock. T>. Y. SMITH, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. ♦20 suits reduced to $15 $15 suits reduced to $12 $10 and $12 suits reduced to $9. We are showing a special line of Biys’ and Childrens’ Suits in four ■ pieces of goods, consisting of Coat, Cap and two Pants, ranging in price i from $3 to $fi These are especially good values We W nt a Share of the Grocery Trade. Look at our prices and compare them with what you have been paying elsewhere. Best Oregon bacon, hams, 12c per pound “ sides 10c “ ’* “ shoulders ORc “ 5 gallon keg Pickles, plain and mixed. $1.50 peg keg, worth that at wholesale. All Produce, except Butter, taken in exchange for good* at its market value. P. D. GLENN, Notice. Notfce i* hereby given that the board of director* of school district No. 40' will meet at the First National Bank nt McMinnville on Thursday, April », 1801, and examine and correct the as­ sessment roll of this district, according t<> Section .’!7 of the School Laws of Oregon. J. H oberg , School < 'lerk McMinnville March !i, 1861 former price 25 cents “ “ io “ “ “ $1.50 “ “ 4.00 “ “ 2.00 “ “ 2.50 “ 2.50 “ “ * 1.75 1.00 “ “ ‘ 2.50 3,00 “ Plumbing, Plumbing. WANTED—Wool and Mohair for shipment HAVING SEVERED MY CON- All wholesale houses requiring settlement every thirty or ninety nection with the City Water Works ‘ days, and so many merchants throughout the county having already 1 will give my attention to all kinrls j adopted cash or 30 day credit and having to compete with these, we of Pipe Work. Hot and Cold Water shall hereafter insist on settlement every IK) days fixing dates as follows fitting. I carry a.full stock of Pipe ! January, April, July and October 1st of each year. No account allowed George Waggoner anil other citizens I to run over these dates. Recognizing as I do the inability of many good oi Corvallis have combined to purchase I Fittings and Brass Goods at inv ; customers to always raise money at any fixeti date, all those we regard a farm about eighteen miles south of I shop, opposite the City Stables. as good will be allowed to settle by notes bearing interest, so that if we that city, containing 560acres, ami on-! Call nn«l see me. j don’t get cash and have to borrow money to pay wholesale dealers, wc gage extensively in fruit raising. The ; company is nearly formed, and it is the ! ; believe those who get the accommodation should pay interest, ns no man intention to plant 100 acres in prune 1 ! in any kind of business can afford to pay interest nnd taxes on what trees this fall and another hundred n other people owe him without getting some return for the same If you year from then. They also expect to ! liule fcrtnsMhava been made at dont want to pay merchants interest for such accommodation, then go to plant several acre« in small fruits. work far H», by Auna l'afa, Auatin. i'eiaa, aud J no. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio, one of the Banks, borrow the money and pay for what yon buy an«l save cut. Othara era dmofoawall. Why 8111 L'Illi* cure will inuncdiarcly reliev I ,Vi«u? Soma earn ovai’ f $00.00 a all booking. i»tta. You cando the work and Ilea Croup. Whooping «’c'.igh and Bronchitis | sold b« lhiworth i:n«l Co. r. ionio, wherever you are. Even bo- Sinnera are enaily earninf from •$ to 10a day. All afea. Weahow you bow and atari you. Can work In aaare time ur all the time. TH» money ror werk- Failure unknown auosf them, aud wonderful. Parti calai a freo. THIS PAPER - I riso Portland, Maia« HEWITT BROS. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF THE LOWEST PRISES. WHY WILL YOU PAY RENT! IF YOU WANT A STYLISH I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts, or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms. SPRING SUIT, i “ CHEHALEM ORCHARD HOMES ” STRAW HAT. Is just the place for a Small Farm; only three-fourths mile from Railroad station and one and one-half miles from Steamboat landing. * 7 Or anything in the Line of Acre Tracts within One Mile of Court! or Boys’ Goods GOOD 'TEXUktfS. I have four lots as fine as can be found in Chand- ler's addition. Cheap. NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR NOT HAVING A HOME I ( ALL AT Ga.ll and. See KAY <& TODD’S, As they are the Only Exclusive Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods House T. SZZTTISTiLEr’EN ( w T SHVRTLEFF, General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker. Collections Promptly Attended to. Office Cor. Third and E Sts.. - McMinnville, Oregon. IN THE (’Ol'NTY. You will find the Latest Style Goods and Largest Assortment. THEIR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. NEW HOODS NOW IN Call and See Them Before You Buy. A Fine Line of Piece Goods and Good Tailors to Make Them Up. KAY A. TODD, McMinnville, Or. tE STILL A MINUTE AND LISTEN! Great Bargains in Every Grade! And an Immense Stock to Choose from. Ladies and Misses, Old and Young, Large and Small Feet, Infants' and Big Babies’ Feet. Be sure ami bring your feet along if you want to be fitted with Tixe Z-tgitest Stories of Slxces 1 Which has Just Arrived at the Opfmsition Boot and Shoe Store F. DIELHCHNEIDER. HORSE BILLS