THE TELEPHONE-KEGISTER M c M innville . O regon . I New Jileas For Sofa Pillows. ! I THE ENGLISH CLUB. A Strange Story. Early in Januarv of the present year a woodman engaged in chopping some of the Southern Pacific Trunk Line Junction! East and South Different from the Social —VIA — Little things, oddly shaped, have a It Is Radically monster oaks in the northern part of the Organizations of America. 1 way of fitting into nil sorts of plncesj The English club is a place to live in. In great “Black Forest,” Germany, and who Marcii ! It seems to be their mission. Bennti- oue of these club3 a member lives for five had built a fire against a large dead Log to partaking of his midday r'biVt.A.’-'O ful and oddly shaped cushions are l>e- hundred pounds a year about as well as he preparatory a., e»»0*-' live for five thousand a year in his meal, was surprised to see a serpent of gi­ Folcirò i ing devised by the fair woman of today could gantic proportions crawl from the log as own house. He of course wishes to make SO' Express Tyair.« Leave Portland Daily . for softening the nigged outlines of the club his own house as far as may be. soon as thp rotton wood hail got well LEAVE ARRIVE, WASHINS TON COUNTY EDITH SESSIONS TUPPER AN­ ■ stifl-lnicked ehairs and hard window This fact explains the solitariness of th*»e warmed through. The day was bitter cold Portland 7.09 p m StnFranciscolO.15 am and the snake only made a few yards over institutions. The member wishes to find San Fran. 9:00 p m Portland 9.35 am SWERS GERTRUDE ATHERTON. ’ seats. These cushions must artistically them the independence, the privacy, the frozen ground until his convolutions Above trains stop only at following sta­ blend with their gown-. The lu Oregon City, Woodhurm, Salem. Albany, All Women Should Not be Judged by the I girl whose afternoon rol>e is of a deli­ house. The great clubs are therefore de­ ceased to wiggle and quietly coiled up near a large pile of brush. Tangent, Snedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, .fun­ silk, the signedly unsocial. Sibyl Johnstone of Today—Was Eliza­ cate shade of pink India The sturdy German chopper, who had ction city. Irving, Eugene Many of the features of the club accord beth Stuart Phelps’ “Yawp” Against waist being trimmed elaborately with with this intention. This is perhaps the been more surprised than scared, waited Konebutg Mall Daily. Decollete Gowns Only an Advertisement black chiffon, will lay her dainty little reason of the plain decoration and the ab­ until the creature had become thoroughly LEAVE. ARRIVE | Portla nd. 8 :(M) a in Roseburp... f>: 40 p in ! head, “running over with curls," sence of pictures from the wails. It is benumbed with the cold and then ap­ o bMO- for Her New Novel? proached and dispatched him with his axe. : Roseburg. 6 :20 a mjFortlana. .. 4 :00 p in thought that a club should be prevented against a downy pink cushion to match from looking like a drawing room; the no­ Measurements showed the slimy creature Albany Local, Daily. Except Sunday. Iter gown. The black satin flounce ANO to be 27 feet 6 inches in length and nearly tion is that rather tuan look like a drawing In the Sun Frtinciseo Examiner of. LEAVE ARRIVE. inches through the body in the middle. Portland 5: pm Albany.. 9: p m Simtiay, the 15th of February, Gertrude ! with which it is finished makes a strik. room it should look like an hotel—♦he sug­ 15 Just vicinity back of the head, which Albany....... 5: a n> Portland 9: a Til being, perhaps, that the members Ml NN VILLE Franklin Atherton, taking for her text ing contrast, and girl and pillow to- gestion was 11 inches in length and al mast as are strangers to oue another, as people who M ap s > hov ; in (S 4R i . av alva N' riillman Buffet Skepers. broad, a little gold ring had been put the oftHlisenssed drama founded on j [ gethcr make a very paetty picture. meet in an hotel are. But of course it Po»B**«8t> B y NCOTH« For sample coverings for pillows In- should look like neither. through the skin. It was in the form of Dumas’ “Clemenciau Case,” nia WEST SIDE DIVISION P opu L ou * a .. 1781.” TuH'NG FAUUlTtES EASILY AVAIL? lie appreciated. McMinn’ 2:56 p in Tort land . 0 30pm Some of t he older inhabitants of the social position are to be sought elsewhere. little facts have the preference just now ABLE . Of course, the gauntlet thus thrown At Albany and Corvallis connect with fcOöb PLACE TOdtT AßOObHOm Men do not acquire position by belonging “Black Forest” remember hearing their trains uf Oregon Pacific ecn seen by the minister, but he The above trains connect at Y aquina with still has the bottle. — Albany Journal. indecent because Mrs. Atherton her­ “left-overs” remnants of black silk, i weight the Oregon Oevelopemeut Co’«. Lina of Nt ram- - «nd the advantage — of holding the ’ ‘ . The cars, it is lined or checked with red, which can J poultry for the market, shins between Yaquina and San Francisco. self drew a strong realistic sketch of an Elizabeth Sargent, M. D., daughter of will contain 5,040 chickens.—Indian our N. B.—Pamongera from Portland and all Wil- excitable young creature yearning for be bought cheap, and will make up | said, former minister to Berlin, is an oculist amrtte Valley Points can make close conaee apolis Journal. f exceptional skill. She lives in California. beautifully. You, of course, will make an intrigue in “Hermia Suydani.” tiou with the* trains of the Y aquina K oi tx al Albany or Corvallis, and if destined to Saa Mrs. Atherton says women know the skirt, and here is the way to do it: A Natural Incubator in a Farm Yard. Francisco, should arrange «o arrive at Tsqniaa A Bru-di fur Typewriters. that they have one attraction for men l’nt six width in it, gathering the Janies Rankin, who owns a small farm the evening before date of sailing. I Seldom dues un invention receive such a a few miles from Carlstadt. N. J., has a I front and sides as little as jjossible, and and projiow to make the most of it, heap of manure outside of his barn welcome as will be given by the thousands I Sailing Date*. or double box big therefore they “bare their torsos to tlie door. The licr.t I hat emanates from it is of typewriters throughout the country and I inch rifilo on very grateful to the hens, and they per­ abroad to a «levice which effectively serves waist at a ball in order to capture an The Steamer Willamette Valley will tail hem, the top, sistently gather around its base. Recently the purpose of saving the loss of time and insulting look,” and that they eotne FROM YAQUINA. ritoM BAX l »AN< !•< • patience and the smearing of the fingers the extreme cold tempted the birds to January 19th, .laininry 23rl. the about to dispise conventionality and hunger closer proximity than ever, and when Mrs. and injury to the alignment involved in “ ’ 27th, 31 »t. As all the dre and thirst to be thought fast. It is Rankin tried to scatter them some at them the onfinary method of cleaning the type NO MOSSBACKS NEED APPLY ! only a short time since that we listened positively refused to go. Mrs. Rankin, as­ of the typewriting machine. An invention Passenger .ml froigbt nitM th« lew tonished at what seemed to bo an incipient has been brought out which claims to do ret For infoi mai inn. «pnly to to a wild yawp from Elizabeth Stuart C. C. HOGUE. rebellion in the poultry yard, stood and all this, and it consists of a hand brush ap Phelps on decollete gowns; now comes Geni. Frt. A Un»«. Agt..Oregon Pacific K. •* watched her hens, and she soon saw that plied at right angles to the type liar. When Co., Corvttliie, Oregon. this shriek from beyond the Sierras. their interest in tho manure heap was in place the rotating brush is bekl directly W It WEBSTER Regarding Town Lots and Choice Fruit Lands, Address, awakened by something more »berthing over the type center, so that by j wearing The spasm from the land of Puritan Gen’l. Frt. A Pare. Agt.. Oregon Development any key the type is brought into contact than its heat. l> Montgomery «treet, S»n Prnnriaeo, Cali persimmons was not so amazing—Ply­ Going close to the side where they were with the brush. mouth Kock always frowns on the It is cleaned almost instantly, when it is all congregated she heard a chirping sound pretty frivolities of life—but that the that plainly came from the interior of the released and another key is struck, and so from Terminal or Inferior Tointa fin mass. With a pitchfork she removed a on until all are cleaned. One hand turns semi-tropical land of wine ami flowers Administrator's Notice. little of t he manure, and liberated five lit­ the crank while t he other presses down the ZE. ZF 1 . ST-iOOE), should sound a tocsin is distinctly a tle chickens with pieces of egg shells still keys in order until all are finished. When shock. Of Carlton., Oregon, lias tixe Sticking to them. They wore imprisoned not in use t he whole attachment is swung NOTICE is hereby given that the under­ in a hole about six inches lieiow the sur­ out of the way, and it can be at any mo­ fs this question of decollete dressing signed Charles Klouclicck has been by the ment readjusted in an instant. If this at ­ face, and all around t hem were unbroken ONLY MACHINE SHOP again to lie thrust on it defenceless pub­ county court of Yamhill county, Oregon, eggs. Some winter laying hen haiud Cave of the Blark MiiU. For saw Gumming and other work. McMinnville, Oregon within six months We had hoped this vexing theme was year to stop their teeth. A new discovery was made la the wind the kitchen fire.—New York Sun. -".11 Icix-.cle of IBla.clzsxxi.ixxg’ and. -^7-ocd. ■V\7‘orlc IDoxxe. from the date hereof, It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It rune A petroleum motor tricycle has been in ­ cave last week by which openings were buried. We had reasoned that women Dated this 11th day of February, 1891. Through VESTIBULED TRAINS vented that will run forty miles on one CYLINDER TEETH MADE AND LAYED. found that took a seven hours’ tramp to When Salmon Were Thick, would probably do as they pleased gallon of oil. C ham K loucheck . Every Day in the Year to one of the subterranean chambers and re­ Administrator for estate, A huge salmon shipped to Senator Mitch ­ Semi in your Machinery Early, so you can have it ready for harvest. aliout the matter, and from personal Everybody cannot grow rich, especially J, E. Magers and F, W. Fenton, Attys. ell from Oregon some days ago by Col. turn. This cave is surpassing the famous ^A.11 "^kz’crli: ■\7yrarranteca.. observation had come to the conclusion If he ha«! his growth before becoming James B. Montgomery, of Portland, formed Mammoth cave of Kentucky in magni­ that those who were admirably endow­ wealthy. the piece de resistance at a lunch in the tude, ami will be a principal object of at­ (No Change of Cars) to visitors of the Black Hilts.— SUMMONS. ed by nature to do so, did not “bare King Humbert of Italy has often said, senate restaurant. Among Senator Mitch­ traction Deadwood iS. D.) Pioneer. GnipoxHl of IHMMi! CARS ell ’ s guests were the vice president, Speaker their torsos to the waist,” while those ‘I should wish to l»e a journalist were I Reed, nearly the entire senate officials and (uii«urp«we«ls ami .John Woods, de­ ets, nnd was equal to the task of believing every ­ moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousamls theirself-saerifice by “insulting looks.” George Eliot composed “Middlemarch” thing that was said. When, however, Rep­ >f drunkards have been cured who have takou the fendants above named: ELEG BT MV MACHES. ’*u Specific in their coffee without their knowl- In the name of the state of Oregon, you Because few women select their super between the ages of 46 and 51, and since resentative Hermann, ol Oregon, asserted b'!'l I *. and t'.duy believe they quit drinkintr of their and each of you are here bv required to ap­ A Continuous Line connecting with all then “ Daniel Deromla. ” free will. No harmful effect r«*sults from its decollete bodice shall the whole sex lie that when he went to the state, thirty wn pearand answer the complaint filed against 'iminititration. Cures gnarante<*d. Send for c:r- lines, affordiug direct and unin­ and full particulars. Address in c«»ntidcnop, declared indecent? Because a wealthy Humboldt states that the eruption of a years ago, he found the salmon so thick in o. nlar you in the above entitled suit, on or before terrupted service. 1.DEN hPEuinc Co., ISj ltac.- Sttevt, Cincinnati. 0. ¡South American volcano in a dry season the smaller streams that his horse had to the 2.3rd da.v of March, 1891. said day being and fashionable young ('alifontian sometimes changes it to a rainy season. Soon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price, carefully pick his way from shore to shore the first «lay of the term of said court fol­ Pullman Sleeper rewrvatiune can I*- occur chose to drive in the Koix alone ami lowing the expiration of the time nrescrib cl in advance through any I'pent of die road Cbleheater’s Enzliah Diamoad Brausd. The British Biilloon society has entered lest be step upon them, his listeners thought *d in the order for publication of tnis sum Tliroiioli Tirlels 1° nne purr haMd nt any ticket was hard t o believe, but added that he had of the world. lief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: oflice of this conntany. womanly virtue? Orlflnal and Only Genuine. A Price Ranges $50 up. For full particulars apply to the evidence of his own eyes tor ths fact. — Full information concerning rate«, tint, , olwAys reliable, ask Fora «lecree declaring the deed executed Mrs. Atherton further states that, to Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, is said to Cor. Chicago Poet. Druggist for Chichester s English i «I di-liv«*r«*d :«• you by an becRmed ateurNF.W «> nf w<-rk, the balance in the bank. Some days that G. 1890. By an explosion of gas SOO miners S ¿;u«tumers. It ¡e better than ever. 4 , apeedy cure. Gives a clear. I m *1- S n S s V j B «3 rapidly and honorably, by t!.. v of IT IS THE BEST q Every person using Garden, Il _ . frequent attempts at counterfeit- The Philistines mocked and gave it bank gets $3 and some days it doesn't get were imprisoned, and for several hour« no Wl I ■ IW ■* B either rex. young or c!d. am! in -.hrir EASIEST TO USE, 4 i'lsiPMT or Fit Id ^fdl, ■ communication was had with them. When gWB IB I 1 I I own localtie*.v herever :hrv lite Any . as their belief that Elizabeth's decollete a cent. Then at the end of the month I they were finally reached nearly two-thirds O we 'fey U w oa 3 one can do the work. Easy to Irani. £ & THE CHEAPEST .1 should send fur it. Address fl We furnish everything. V.'e start you. No risk. Y'ou can devote open it and have cash galore. Last year i A D. M. FERRY A CO. B drij'el had been a very good adveftise- that Imnk averaged $48 per month. I am of them had perished from suffocation — your spare moments, or all your time to the work. This 1» en DETROIT. WMCM R entirely new lead,and brings wonderful success to every worker. lHaadacba S-mpla bore and Praam BnokH Bccinners art? earning from 025 to 030 per week and upwards, lueilt.— Edith Sessions Tupper in .V. □g Larges’. Secd^xen ia tbc world jQ mail ad on receipt of two eenU io poetag«- F never “broke” nowadays.' ’’—Philadelphia Chicago Times and more after a little experience. We can fusiish you the em- Dr. HARTKR Mf DIOINC OO tVLauli, Sa Press. ploynxeut and teach you I'KEF. No apace to explain here. Full nw«z. Horse bills on card or doth. feft u. so riibt e Jtco.» nXisrA, xaxt Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. MAX THE MORE IMMODEST. WHITESON IT IS NOW SETTLED THAT Oi the West Side Counties, and Through Tickets to all Points ' Is to be Pushed to the Front! OREGON DEVELOPMEN COM PANT'S STEAMSHIP LINE. WILL PROBABLY EMPLOY 500 HANDS OTJ-I ER ENERGETIC TOWN BUILDERS WANTED. THERE IS MONEY FOR THOSE WHO COME EARLY ! FRUIT LAND CO., Whiteson. Oregon Wood, and Iron Lathe, Band Saw and Emery Outfit To all Points East & South ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ADDITION ARE SELLING FAST! It safe' “U"p, Before Too Late. ENNYROYAL PILLS E-CL37- P Is ladies ARE YOU GOING EAST? I Keller A Malone, .W 0 ¡tap & M m M m HAY- FEVER C old " head The Royal Route C ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wamn Street NEW YORK. 3UC IRON TONIC \ THE BEST. tri