The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 19, 1891, Image 2

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Twenty-seven locomotives have just
11»ecn completed at the Baldwin Loco STRONG DISCOURSE PREACHED BY
! motive works, Philadelphia, and they
are to be shipped to New South Wales,
| Australia. This is one of the largest Baleful Amusements th© Subject — A
foreign orders ever filled by the Bald­ Great Concours® Present—The Speak­
one Copy, per year. Inadvance........
‘ >r:e Copy, aix months in advance....
1 00 win works, and coming from an Aus­
er Specifies Amusements That Are
tralian province under tho dominion of Harmful and Thos*' That Are Not.
(¡real Britain, is very significant. These
N ew Y ork , March 15.—The series of ser­
Entered at the pootoflke nt McMinnville twenty-seven locomotives will be used mons Dr. Talmage is preaching in this city |
Oregon, as second-class matter.
on a railroad owned and operated by and Brooklyn on “The Plagues of the
the government. Heretofore the Eng- Cities” is attracting general attention.
At ths morning service in Brooklyn and
1^- gf’vernmcnt roads were mainly «at
Tmt AltvrKTieiNO It.TCH or T.m
the evening services held under the
riiosr-ltKoisTKR are liberal, taking in supplied with English locomotives.
auspices of The Christian Herald, in this
consideration the < irculation. Single
the number of persons who come to
inch. $1.00- each sub-o.|iient inch. $.7.\
Special inducements for yearly or *ei:ii- was made last fall and the last one was hear the sermons is far larger than either
the buildings can accommodate. The
j early contracts.
finished in February. Ten of them are of
sermon to-day, which is the fourth of the
J ob W ork N eatly A xi .
ki . y lixr.* t ted passenger locomotives built on the or­ series, is on “Baleful Amusements.” The
at reasonable rates Onr facilities are dinary American plan, and are espec­ text was II Samuel, ii, 14: “Let the young
the lrest in Yamhill county ant) as good
mon now arise and play before us.”
a« any in the state A .iiniptet'* -team ially designed for runs on heavy grades
There are two armies encamped by the
plant insures quick work.
pool of Gibeon. The time hangs heavily
- *
their hands. One army proposes a game
K h - o L vtios * or ( oxdoi .::-.. t *.xn, .ij. Ouir-
uary Poetry will bo charged for at regular ted for mountain-climbing and curve­ of sword fencing. Nothing could be more
advertising rates.
turning as are the one* made at the healthful and innocent. The other army
accepts the challenge. Twelve men against
A ll C ommvxicatioxh M i st 1! e S iic . fi > B y Baldwin works. These fen passenger twelve men, the sport opens. But some­
the person who semis them, not for pul>- engines will each weigh about thirty thing went adversely. Perhaps one of the
licalion. unless unaccompanied by a "non
swordsmen got an unlucky clip, or in some
tie plume,” but for a guarantee of good tons, exclusive of the tender, which, way had his ire aroused, and that which
faith. No publications will be published loaded, will weigh the same.
The opened in sportfulness ended in violence,
unless so signed.
freight locomotives are of the heaviest each one taking his contestant by the hair,
. * .
Ai'i>Hi>s A ll Coji'ifsit atiox -. B ithex F or and strongest build, and, with tender and then with the sword thrusting him in
the editorial or business departments, to attached, will each weigh from eighty the side, so that that which opened in in­
T he TEi.ErnoxE-BccisTEr.. McMinnville,
fun ended in the massacre of all the
to eighty-five tons. The cost of the nocent
twenty-four sportsmen. AVas there ever a
American made locomotive is from letter illustration of what was true then,
S ample C otíes Or Tin: T eleciioxe -R eois - $K000 to $12,000, Those destined for and is true now, that that which is inno­
ri:r. will be mailed to any person ill the
Uniteti States or Europe, who ili-sire* one, ’ Australia will I m * sold to the govern­ cent may be made destructive?
AV bat of a worldly nature is more im­
free of charge
ment there for about *10,000 apiece, the portant and strengthening and innocent
W e I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele ­ sale aggregating over *250,000. There than amusement, and yet what has count­
phone -R egister with any other paper has been a lively competition among ed more victims? I have no sympathy with
published in Yamhill county.
straitjacket religion. This is a very
ship-owners to
secure a bright
world to me, and I propose to do all
the contract for carrying this valuable I can to make it bright for others.
All euhecribere who do not receive their cargo from Philadelphia to New South YOrTH’S SPORTIVENESS SHOULD NOT BE SUP­
paper regularly will confer a favor by im­
mediately reporting the tame to tliit ofiice. Wales. A big 5000 ton steamer has | I never could keep step to a «lead march.
come to take the locomotives to tlicir
A book years ago issued says t hat a Chris­
place of usefulness. A member of the tian man has a right to some amusements.
Baldwin firm said about the contract: For instance, if he comes home at night
Thursday. March
“This is a large order for a foreign coun­ weary from his work, and feeling in need
recreation, puts on his slippers, and
try, but we send locomotives to ail parts of
goes into his garret and walks lively
The difficulty which New Jersey is
of the glolw using railroads to any ex­ round the floor several times there can be
having in convicting her murderers
tent. We have them in Australia now, no harm in it. I believe the church of
suggests that it would l>e almost a« safe
God has made a tremendous mistake in
a Held of operation for Jack th« Ripper but mainly on roads owned by private trying to suppress the sportfulness of
corporations. We have had contracts youth and drive out from men their love
a« the heart of Txmdoii.
i to build IO) for a company in this coun- of amusement. If God ever implanted
in us he implanted this desire.
Lodge is put down among the “pret­ j try. We turn out three complete loco­ anything
But instead of providing for this demand
ty” men of the late congress. But like motives a day, having made this year of our nature, the church of God has, for
sime more of these political Adonises, over 900.”
the main part, ignored it. As in a riot, the
mayor plants a battery at the end of the
under tlie test of “handsome is as hand­
and has it fired off so that every­
It makes us smile to sec the Italian
some does,” he becnm* as ugly II« a
is cut down that happens to stand in
mud fence.
range, the good as well as the bad, so
war liecause the people of New < »¡leans the
there are men in the church who plant
The their batteries of condemnation and fire
Mr. Blaine is the proud possessor of a kil’eal eleven Italian a.*sas*ins
testimonial endorsing the reciprocity people killed were a disgrace to any away indiscriminately. Everything is con­
But my bible commends those
treaty with Brazil and hoping that country, and Italy should feel pleased demned.
who use the world without abusing it, and
similar ones may lie negotiated with that the disgusting job was done by in the natural world God has done every­
other South American countries, which someone liesides herself. This class of thing to please aud amuse us. In poetic
figure we sometimes speak of natural ob­
is signed by more than 20D New York people are a dishonor to any country, jects
as being in pain, but it is a mere
merchantsand importer*. representing and if Italy demand-reparation lieeause fancy. Poets say the clouds weep, but
an invested capital of more than siíü, -
they never yet shed a tear; and the winds
she simply publishes ta the world that sigh, but they never did have any trouble;
her citizens are below the average, and that the storm howls, but it never lost
its temper. The world is a rose, «and the
llenry Watterson is rejMirted a« kiv - morally. WarJ with Italy would be universe a garland.
ing that Gg>-. Hilll is “a good organiz­ «imble pastime for the I'nited State«, And I am glad to know that in all our
er” and “a bright, level headed man," and if Italy care« for the live« of her cities there are plenty of places where we
but that“lieis not an orator or bebater." citizens she had better let th" matter may find elevated, moral entertainment.
But all honest men and good women will
Major McKinley and hi- «'accessor in drop. People must obe our laws or agree with me in the statement that one erf
In this case the worst plagues of these cities is corrupt
eongress, Mr. Warwick, do not agree
witli Mr. Watterson. The democrats they did not, and through a corrupt amusement. Multitudes have gone down
the blasting influence never to rise.
will not have in the next senate a read­ jury they were discharged and the under
If we may judge of what is going on in
ier or more effective debater than Davi.l people rose ami saw that justiiv was many of the places of amusement by the
done through lynch law.
B. Hill.
Sodomic pictures on board fences and in
HARDING & HEATH. Publishers.
An English naturalist who put in
two years at a boarding house, spent
the next five in tracing the liedbug
back to his native lair. He found per­
fectly authentic information to prove
that the insect existed and was full of
business in the year 120 II. ('. He was
even found in the eamps of the army,
and no war fleet was deemed lilted out
without a lilwral sprinkling.
Superficial persons hasten to (li.-covcr
a parallel between the killing of the Ma
fia murderers in New Orleans and the
Rock Springs ma<-acrc of Chinese.
They have nothing in common. The
victims of the Rock Springs massacre
were not criminals. They wen» inof­
fensive, law-abiding citizens, assailed
by persons belonging to much the same
social order as the Alalia thugs them­
selves. That outrage was condemned
and disavowed not only by the govern­
ment, but by all good citizens. It is
probable that the only persons who de­
fended it are now found denouncing
the extirpation of the Alalia as an iin-
justifiable outrage.— Oregonian.
show anew" comer ' thing that could make her happy; and Oh, no, nd. They went back from the
then, as though hounded by an evil spirit, house of God, and that night, though their
Still farther. Those amusemuats are he would go out to the enflaming cup and victim lay in Oakwood cemetery, I was
wrong which lead you into expenditure be­ the house of shame, like a fool to the cor­ told that they blasphemed, and they drank,
and they gambled, and there was not one
yond your means. Money spent in recrea­ rect ion of the stocks.
less customer in all the houses of iniquity.
tion is not thrown away. It is all folly for
I was summoned to his deathbed. 1 This destroyed man was a Samson in phys
us to come from a place of amusement feel­
ing that we have wasted our money and hastened. I entered the room I found ical strength, but Delilah sheared him, and
time. You may by it hare made an in him, to my surprise, lying in full everyday the Philistines of evil companionship dug
vestment worth more than the transaction dress on the top of the couch. I put out ¡ 1 his eye* out and threw him into the prison
that yielded you hundreds or thousands of my hand. He grasped it excitedly and of evi? habite. But in the hour of his death
dollars. But how many properties have said, “Sit down, Mr. Talmage, right there.” he rose up and took hold of the two pil­
I sat down. IT« said: “Last night I saw lared curses of God against drunkenness
been riddled by costly amusements.
The first time I ever saw the city—it was my mother, who has been dead twenty and uncleanness, and threw himself tar­
the city of Philadelphia—I was a mere lad. years, and she sat just where you sit now. i ward, until down upon him and his com­
I stopped at a hotel, and I remember in-t he It was no dream. I was wide awake. | panions there came the thunders of an
eventide one of these men plied me with There was no delusion in the matter. 1 eternal catastrophe.
his infernal art. He saw I was green. He saw her just as plainly as T see you. Wife , Again, any amusement that gives you a
wanted to show me the sights of the town. I wish you would take the»e strings off of ( disteste for domestic life is bad. How
He painted the path of sin until it looked me. There are strings spun all around my [ many bright domestic circles have been
like emerald; but I was afraid of him. I body. I wish yon would take them off* of i broken up by sinful amusemente! The
father went off. the mother went off, the
shoved back from the basilisk—I made up me.” I saw it was delirium.
“Oh,” replied his wife, “my dear, there child went off. There are today the frag
my mind he was a basilisk. I rememlier
ments before me of blasted households. Oh,
how hQ wheeled his chair round in front of
me, and with a concentrated and diabolical He went on, and said: “Just where you sit, if you have wandered away, I would like to
effort attempted to destroy my soul; but Mr. Talmage, my mother sat. She said to charm you back by the sound of that one
there were good angels in the air that me, ‘Henry. I do wish you would do bet­ word, “home.” Do you not know that
night. It was no good resolution on my ter.’ I got out of bed, put my arms around you have but little more time to give to do­
part, but it was the all encompassing grace her, and said: ‘Mother, I want to do bet­ mestic welfare? Do you not see, father,
of a good God that delivered me. Beware! ter. I have lieen trying to do better. that your children are soon to go out into
beware! oh, young man. “There i 4 a way Won’t you help me to do better? You the world, and all the influence for good
that seemeth right unto a man, but the end used to help me.’ No mistake about it, no you are to have over them you must have
delusion I saw her—the cap, and the now? Ik'ath will break in on your conjn-
thereof is death.”
The table has been robbed to pay the apron, and the spectacles, just as she used gal relations, and alas! if you have to
club. The champagne has cheated the to look twenty years ago; but Ido wish you stand over the grave of one who perished
children's wardrobe. The carousing party would take these strings away. They from your neglect!
has burned up tho boy’s primer. The anno}- mu so. I can hardly talk. Won’t
tablecloth of the corner saloon is in debt to you take them awax?” I knelt down and
I saw a wayward husband standing at
the wife's faded dress. Excursions that in prayed, conscious of the fact that he did , the deathbed of his Christian wife, and I
a day mako a tour around a whole month’s not realize what I was saying. I got up. 1- saw her point to a ring on her finger and
wages; ladies whose lifetime business it is said, “Good by; I hope you will be better heard her say to her husband, “Do you see
to “go shopping;” large bets on horses soon.” He said, “Good-by, good-by.”
that ring?” He replied, “Yes, I see it.”
That night his soul went to the God who “Well,” said she, “do you remember who
have their counterparts in uneducated
children, bankruptcies that shock the gave it. Arrangements were made for the , put it there?” “Yes,” said he, “I put it
money market and appal the church, and obsequies. Some said, “Don’t bring him there,” and all the past seemed to rush
that send drunkenness staggering across in the church; he was too dissolute.” j upon him. By the memory of that day
the richly figured carpet of the mansion “Oh,” I said, “bring him. He was a good I when, in the presence of men and angels,
and dashing into the mirror and drowning friend of mine while he was alive, and I j von promised to be faithful in joy and sor­
out the carol of music with the whooping shall stand by him now that he is dead. ! row, aud in sickness and in health; by the
of bloated sons conic home to break their Bring him to the church.”
memory of those pleasant hours when you
old mother’s heart.
sat together in your new home talking of
a bright future; by the cradle and the joy­
I saw a beautiful home, where the bell coming up through the aisle I felt as if I ful hour when one life was spared and an­
rang violently late at night. The son had could weep tears of blood. I told the i»eo other given; by that sick bed, wheu the
been off in sinful indulgences. Jlis com­ pie that day: “This man had his virtues, little one lifted up the hands and called for
rades were bringing him home. They car­ and a good many of them. He liad bis help, and you knew he must die, and be
ried him to the door. They rang the bell faults, and a good many of them, but if put one arm around each of your necksand
at 1 o’clock in the morning. Father and there is any man in this audience who is brought you very near together in that
mother came down. They were waiting without sin let him cast the first stone at dying kiss; by the little grave in Green­
for the wanderiiug son, and then the com­ this coflin lid.” On one side the pulpit sai wood that you never think of without a
rades, as soon as the door was opened, that little child, rosy, sweet faced, as beau­ rush of tears; by the family Bible, where,
threw the prodigal headlong into the door­ tiful as any little child that sat at you- amidst stories of heavenly love, is the brief
way, crying: “There he is, drunk as a fool! table this morning, I warrant you. She but expressive record of births and deaths;
Ila, ha!” When men go into amusements looked up wistfully, not knowing the full bj’ the neglects of the past, and by th&
they cannot afford they first borrow what sorrows of an orphan child. Oh, her coun­ agonies of the future; by a judgment day,
they cannot earn, and then they steal what tenance haunts me today like some sweet when husbands and wives, parents and
they cannot borrow. First they go into em­ fate looking upon us through a horrid children, in immortal groups, will stand to
barrassment, and then into lying, and then dream. On the other side of the pulpit be caught up in shining array or to shrink
into theft; and when a man gets
far on were the men who had destroyed him. down iuto darkness; by all that, 1 beg you
as that he does not stop short of the peni­ i There they sat, hard visaged, some of them give to home your best affections.
Ah, my friends, there ¡3 an hour coming
tentiary. There is not a prison in the land pale from exhausting disease, some of
where there arc not victims of unsanctified them flushed until it seemed as if the fires when ou«- past, life will probably pass be
of iniquity flamed through the cheeks and fore us in review. It will be our last hour.
Merchant of Brooklyn or New York, is crackled the lips. They were the men who If from our death pillow we have to look
there a disarrangement iu your accounts? had done the work. They were the men back «and see a life spent in sinful amuse­
Is their a leakage in your money drawer? who had bound him hand and foot. They ment there will be a dart that will strike
Did not the cash account come out right hod kindled the fires. They had poured the through our soul sharper than the dagger
last night? I will tell you. There is a wormwood and gall into that orphan’s cup. with which Virginias slew his child. The
young man iu your store wandering off Did they weep? No. Did they sigh re- ! memory of the past will make us quake
into bad amusements. The salary you pentingly? No. Did they say, “What a ; like Macbeth. The iniquities and rioting
give liim may meet lawful expenditures, pity thai sack a brave man should be : through which we have passed will come
but not the sinful indulgences in which he slain?” No, no; not one bloated hand was 1 upon us, weird and skeleton as Meg Mer-
has entered, and he takes by theft that i lifted to wijH- a tear from a bloated cheek. | rilies. Death, the old Shylock, will de­
which yon do not give him in lawful • They sat an.I looked at the coflin like vul­ mand and take the remaining pound of
tures gazing at the carcass of a lamb whose I flesh, and the remaining drop of blood,
How brightly the path of unrestrained I heart they bad ripped out! I cried in their | and upon our last opportunity for repent­
amusement opens. The young man says: ears as plainly as I could, “There is a God ,_______
ance and ___
our ____
last ______
chance for heaven the
“Now I am off for a good time. Never and a judgmeDt da? ! ’ Did they tremble? curtaiu will forever drop.
mind economy. I’ll get money somehow.
What a fine road! What a beautiful day
fora ride! Crack the whip, and over the I
turnpike! Come, boys, fill high your!
glasses. Drink! Izmg life, health, plenty
of rides just like this!’’ Hard working
men hear the clatter of the hoofs and look j
up and say: “Why, I wonder where those
fellows get their money from! We have to |
toil and drudge. They do nothing.” T.» i
these gay men life is a thrill and an excite I
meat. They stare at other people, and in
turn are stared at. The watch chain |
jingles. The cup foams. The cheeks :
Who have seen the New Goods now on Display-
flush. The eyes flash. The midnight bears
their guffaw. They swagger. They jostle1
decent men off the sidewalk. They take
the name of God in vain. They parody the
hymn they learned at tlicir mother’s knee:
All agree that they are of Finest Finish, the Most Handsome De-
and to all pictures of coming disaster they
cry out, “Who cares!” and to the counsel signs and Colors—the Cheapest ar.<l the Best Qnality ever brought to
of some Christian friend, “Who are you?” McMinnville.
Passing along the street some night you
bear a shriek in a grog shop, the rattle of
the watchman’s club, the rush of the po­
lice. What is the matter now;3 Ob, this
reckless young man has been killed in a
The display consists of HENRIETTAS, ranging in price from 75
grog shop fight. Carry him home to his
father’s house. Parents will come down Cents to $1.50 per yard. BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK GRENADINES.
and wash his wounds and close his eyes in BLACK SILKS. SATINS. BLACK EMBROIDERED PATTERNS. BLACK
death. They forgive him all he ever did, SATINES.
although he cannot in his silence ask it.
The prodigal has got home at last. Mother
will go to her little garden and get the
sweetest flowers, and twist them into a
chaplet for the silent heart of the wayward
The Latest Designs and Colors, and a Fine Line of Worsted Sripes.
boy, aud push back from the bloated brow i
the long locks that were oucc her pride. !
And the air will be rent with the agony.
The great dramatist says, “How sharper ‘
than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thank­
less child.’’
a citizen, offers to
all urouniL
many of the show windows there is not a
much lower depth of proflgacy to reach.
At Naples, Italy, they keep such pictures
locked up from indiscriminate inspection.
Those pictures were exhumed from Pom­
peii and are not fit for public gaze. If the
effrontery of bad places of amusement in
hanging out improper advertisements of
what they are doing night by night grows
worse in the same proportion, in fifty years
New York and Brooklyn will beat not only
Pompeii, but Sodom.
To help stay the plague now raging I
project certain principles by which you
may judge in regard to any amusement or
recreation, finding out for yourself whether
it is right or whether it is wrong.
Postotllee department officials express
themselves as very pleased with the
experimental free delivery service
I remark in the first place that you can
judge of the moral character of any amuse­
which is now being tried in thirty vil­
ment by its healthful result or by its bale­
lages and small towns, and which is to
ful reaction. There are people who seem
lie extended to twelve more the first of
•made up of hard facts. They are a com­
April, ami they predict that the results
bination of multiplication tables and sta­
Mary Anderson advertised all of her tistics. If you show them an exquisite
will lie so satisfactory that congress
picture they will begin to discuss the pig­
will provide for its permanent main­ stage clothe« for sale, and those actress­ ments
involved in the coloring. If you
es who have lx-en waiting for her man­ show them
tenance all over the country.
a beautiful rose they will sub-
tle will now have a chance to bid on it. i mit it to a botanical analysis, which is only
the post mortem examination of a flower.
The other night a party of friends
They have no rebound in their nature,
were in a well-known saloon shaking
j They never do anything more than smile.
the box, from which they drifted on to the Week Ending Saturday, .March 11 There are no great tides of feeling surging
erap shooting. One of the fellows
!«!>!—I . S. Signal Service.
tip from the depths of their soul in billow
after billow of reverberating laughter.
picked up two dice, and throwing
1'he autumn and winter month«, up
seem as if nature had built them by
down a quarter, -aid: “1 will «hoot j to February 1st, were warmer and drier They
contract and made a bungling job of it.
two bits for you.” The bet was taken , than usual. February wa« eonsidera- But, blessed be God, there are people in
and he ran the quarter up to ?8U. He , bly colder than usual, and about the the world who have bright faces, and
l>et the *80, and the same man took the .average amount of precipitation occur­ whose life is a song, an ar them, a paean of
of victory. Even their troubles arc like
bet. The shooter lost, and the winner red. The snow-fall in Eastern Oregon the vines that crawl up the side of a great
discovered that lie had risked M >0.75 was es)ieeially heavy. Marell, so far, tower, on the top of which the sunlight
sits, and the soft airs of summer hold per­
to win a quarter.
lias been cool anil not quite ail average petual carnival. They are the people yon
precipitation. < 'i'.inook winds have oc­ like to have come to your house; they are
Ex-Speaker Reed—welcome to the
curred in Eastern Oregon within the the people I like to have come to ray house.
“ex”—likens himself to Warren Hast­
you lint touch the heui of their gar­
past ten days, melting the snow rapid­ If
ments yon are healed.
ings in being “amazed at his own mod­
ly, the water principally soaking into Now it is these exhilarant and sympa­
eration” In the last house, considering the earth.
In Western Oregon the soil thetic ami warm hearted people that are
how much power he had. The people, is very wet.
Spring plowing and seed- most tempted to pernicious amusements.
too, when they view the extravagant«
In proportion as a ship is swift it wants a
ing and seeding have been delayed, strong
helmsman; in proportion as a borso
and jobliery of the second session of
Frost* have l»ecn frequent, but owing is gay, it want« a stout driver; and these
this disgraceful congress, ace amazed at to the latent state of vegetation,
no scr- people of exuberant nature will do well to
their moderation last fall in returning
look at the reaction of all their amuse­ i
ious damage has liecu done.
87 republicans out of 381 members.
ment«. If an amusement sends you home
Winter wheat is in excellent tondi- at
night nervous so that yon cannot «leep.
They wouldn't leave a corporal's guard
tion'. There has lieen little freezing out; and you rise up in the morning, not lie-
if the election were to lie held now.
it has a good color, is well rooted and cause you are slept out, but because, your
duty drag« you from your slumbers, you
Queer packages are constantly Mug the stool is w ell filled. The snow grad­ have lieen where you ought not to have
lieen. There an- amusements that send a
received at the government depart­
man next- day to his work bloodshot, yawn­
ments, but a queerer or more gruesome promise of unusually good wheat pros- ing,
stupid, nauseated; and they are wrong
one than that containing what pur- peets throughout Eastern Oregon. (Gen­ kinds of amusement. They are entertain­
ported to be the ashes of a I'nion sol- eral reports indicate that at present the ments that give a man disgust with the
dier, some scraps of blanket, bra* Imt- conditions were never more favorable drudgery of life, with tools they
not swords, with working aprons be­
tons of the uniform ahd a buttered bul- for an abundant liarvest. The acreage are
cause they are not rolies, with cattle be­
let, which several days ag< i came
cause they are not infuriated bulls of the
through the mail from Vicksburg, owing to the dry autumn the acreage arena.
If any amusement sends you home long­
Miss., is not remembered. It was sent
ing for a life of romance and thrilling ad­
to the war department under the mis­ backward spring retard* spring sowing. venture, lore that takes poison and shoots
taken impression that the sender xvonld The snow is now nearly off of the itself, moonlight adventures and hair­
wheat districts of Eastern Oregon. In breadth escapes, yon may depend upon it
lie entitle«! to a reward of $25.
Western Oregon the soil i* too wet, ex­ that you are the sacrificed victim of un­
cept on the upland«, for any spring sanctified pleasure. Our recreations are
A wool hat trust is one of the latest
intended to build up, and it they pull us
plowing or seeding. Bright, warm, i dowu
as to our moral or as to our physical
devices of greed to extort money from
sunny days are generally wished for. strength you may come to the conclusion
the masses. If its baleful influence The acreage of fruit trees has been large­ that they are obnoxious.
should reach Kansas and compel hon­ ly increased ami they appear to ail lie There is nothing more depraving than
est agriculturists, who scorn to wear
upon amusements that are full
in good condition. Fruit bud* are. attendance
of innuendo ami low suggestion. The young
socks and collars, to go into silk tiles
swelling and there is an occasional re-1
enters. At first he sits far back, with I
the result will be at once grotesque and p«*rt of blossoms. The snow in the man
his hat on and his coat collar up, fearful
pitiful. The farmer-politicians have
mountains of Eastern Oregon i- unus­ that somebody there may know him. Sev­
one resource, however. They can re­ ually deep; in Grant county bi feet are eral nights pass on. Ke takes oS his hat
turn to the braided oat straw hat of reported to have fallen during the win-1 earlier and puts his coat collar down. The
blush that first came into his cheek wheu
their fathers, tie them securely under ter. Stock wintered well and are in anything indecent was enacted comes no
their chin« with buckskin strings anti
to his cheek. Farewell, young man! I
good condition. Few winters have ‘ more
You have probably started on the long road
lie happy.
been more favorable to stock than the which ends in consummate destruction.
one just closed.
The stars of hope will go out one by one.
So we are glad to see Sookie** Jerry
The health of the people is good; a until you will be left in utter darkness.
Simpson appear ujion the scene, anti in
you not the rush of the maelstrom, in
few sections have cases of measles and Hear
whose outer circle your boat now dances,
bis speech before the people lay a plain
mumps,but no serious epidemics or un­ making merry with the whirling waters’
ease of facts before them. He calls for
But you are being drawn in, and the gen-
the cutting oil’of thousands of useless usual health conditions exi*t.
tle motion will liecorue terrific agitation.
B. S. P aoi l ,
You cry for help. In vain! You pull at
offices, tho abolishment of the army
I '. S. Signal Observer.
the oar to put back, but the struggle will
and navy and the removal of compli­
avail! You will be tossed ami dashed
Miles’ Nervine Liver Fill*.
cation which increase and multiply
and shipwrecked and swallowed in the
unproductive avocations. This is a bl on a new principle—regulating
whirlpool that has already crushed in its
liver, stomach ami Isiwt I- through
wrath ten thousand bulks.
«alve which will have a good effect on nerve*.
A new discovery. Dr. Mile’.-
hard times, and if given proper atten­ speedily cure billmusncss. I.atl taste. t<
Young men who have just come from
tion by the people an immense burden liver, piles, constipation. 1 neqiialcd
country residence to city residence will do
men. women ami children. Smallest, i
can lie removed from tliir slioultlers by I cst. surest! 50 do«es,'Ai et- Samples
well to be on guard and let no one induce
you to places of improper amusement. It
nt Boger* Bros.
Its application.— Enel Oregonian.
1» miehtUR«djirto^ xvbcn a yonfig man
f]LVVlll DnUu.
The display of White and other Wash Goods is very
Fine and Stylish.
Also a Fine Line of Dress Goods,
1 go further, and say those are unchris­
tian amusements which become the chief
Direct from the Broadhead Worsted Mills. Sole agent for these
business of a man’s life. Life is an earnest |
thing. Whether we were born in a pal­ goods in this County. There is nothing made that will Wear ebual to
ace or hovel, whether we are affluent or | these goods.
They are warranted not to Crock or Cockle. Just the
pinched, we have to work. If you do not I
sweat with toil, you will sweat, with dis­ thing for all who wrnt a Good Servicable Dress for every day wear at a
ease. You have a soul that is to be trans- ’ Moderate cost, these cannot l>c beat.
figured amid the pomp of a judgment
(lay; and after tho sea has sung its last
chant and the mountain shall have come
down in an avalanche of a rock, you will
It is our aim to keep such as will match with the goods we carry.
live and think and act, high on a throne i
where seraphs sing, or deep in a dungeon The GIMP BRAIDS and CORDS are being extensively used this season,
where demons howl. In a world wiser»? Also Taylor and all Covered Buttons.
there is so much to do fur yourselves, anti
bo much to do for others. Gori pity that
man who has nothing to do.
Your sports are merely means to an end.
They are alleviations and helps. The arm
We bought largely direct from tho best Manufacturers. Our stock is
of toil is the only arm strong enough to Large ar.d as our room is too small, we are offering a special discotint
bring up the bucket out of tho deep well of
pleasure. Amusement is only the bower of from 10 to 20 jx-r cent, off from our regular prices in order to reduce
where business and philanthropy rest while our stock of Clothing, Hats and Caps. We may conclude to close these
on their way to stirring achievements. lines out entirely. As our goods are marked in plain figures every cus­
Amusement*are merely t he vine« that grow
Some Lots will be 10 off
about the anvil of toi 1 and the blossoming f tomer will see just what discount he is given.
the hammers. Alas for the man who spends { and Sene 20 off.
his life in laboriously doing nothing, his
days in hunting up lounging places and
loungers, his nights in seeking out some
gas lighted foolery! The man who always
has ou his sporting jacket, ready to hui^t
for game in the mountain or fish in the
brook, with no time to pray or work or
In all these departments you will find specially good bargains. Our
read, is not so well off as the greyhound
that runs by his side, or the fly bait with space in this paper will not admit of our naming all—no not even a small
portion—of the Goods carried in stock. Customers calling and not see­
which he whips the stream.
A man who does not work does not know ing on display what they want will please ask one of the clerks to show
how to play. If God had intended us to you. Our room is so small we are compelled to pile goods away in
do nothing but laugh he would not have
given us shoulders with which to lift, and drawers, on top of shelves, on and tinder counters as well in order to house
We hope if we are to continue in business here much longer
hands with which to work, and brains with the stock.
which to think. The amusements of life some enterprising citizen owning sufficient ground will construct a suit­
are merely the orchestra playing while the able building, one large enough to display a General Merchandise Stock
great tragedy of life plunges through its
five acts—infancy, childhood, manhood, old in. I am not able to carry the stock and building too as one or the
age and death. Then exit the last earthly other would not be paid for, and there is not enough profit in the busi­
opportunity. Enter the overwhelming real ness to justify borrowing money to build or buy goods with for any very
ities of an eternal world!
I go further, and say that all those great length of time.
amusements are wrong which lead into
bad company. If you go to any place'
where you have to associate with the in
temperate, with the unclean, with the
abandoned, however well they may be
dressed, in the name of God quit it. They
will despoil your nature. They will un­
dermine your moral character. They will
Will make the Season of 181)1
drop you when you are destroyed. They
will give not one cent to support your chil­
dren when you are dead. They will weep
not one tear at your burial. They will
chuckle over your damnation.
I had a friend at the west—a rare friend.
He was one of t he first to welcome me to 1 ■
(Due at the time of Service)
my new home. To fine personal appear­
ance he added a generosity, frankness and
(Due July 1,1901,)
ardor of nature that made me love him Season.
like a brother. But I saw evil people gath­
(Due when mare is know to be with foal,)
ering around him. They came up from
the saloons, from the gambling bells.
They plied him with a thousand arts.
Young Ilnmbletonian. dapple bay; stands 1GJ hands high and
They seized upon his social nature, and hc^
could not stand the charm. They drove weighs 1350 pounds; sired by Ilambletonian Mambrino (5241) now
him on the rocks, like a ship full winged,
shivering on the breakers. I used to ad­ standing at $200; sire of Jane I. 2:19£; Fred Ilambletonian, 1:20; Kitty
monish him. I would say, “Now I wish Ham, 2:26}; Susie S, 2:264: Laddie, double team record 2:38; Hamlin,
you would quit these bad habits and be­ double team record at 3 years old 2: 38 and the dam of Lady Beach,
come a Christian.” “Oh,” he would reply, 2:264; dam by Milton son of Royal George, half brother to Old Kate,
“I would like to, 1 would like to, but I
Lave gone so far I don’t think there is any mother of Fantasie; 2d dam by Oregon Pathfinder (10981).
Young Ilambletonian is very stylish, and notwithstanding he has
way back.” In his moments of repentance
be would go home and take his little girl; never been trained, shows much speed.
of S years, and embrace her convulsively,,
J. W. GII.E. Proprietor.
and cover her with adornment^ and strew
C has W oods , ?«Ianager. McMinnville.
around her piculs aitd
I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts,
or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms
Is just the place for a Small Farm; only three-fourths
mile from Railroad station and one and one-half
miles from Steamboat landing.
I have foul’ lots as fine as can be found in Chand­
ler's addition. Cheap.
!a.ll See
T. S hvhtleff
We also Carry a Full line of Ladies' and Gents' Fur­
nishing Goods, Boots. Shoes. Groceries
and Queensware.
General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker.
Collections Promptly Attended to.
Office Cor. Third and E Sts..
McMinnville, Oregon
At the McMinnville Fair Grounds.
Single Service.
Great Bargains in Every Grade!
And an Immense Stock to Choose from.
Ladies and Misses, Old and Young, Large and Small
Feet, Infants’ and Big Babies’ Feel.
Be sure and bring your feet along if you want to be fitted with
St-jrles cf Slxcee I
Which has Just Arrived at the Opposition Boot and Shoe Store