Real Estate. BJjt Mining Excitement. Wltifeson to (he Front. Mrs. Fanuic Carter wishes to extend FROM OVER THE COUNTY. heartfelt t’i-”iks to the citizens of this L Bettman to Jens Carlson, 4o acre* city who so kindly rendered her assist­ Aliout six months ago a conipany Owners of stock in Santiam mines INTllllESTING ITEMS BY EXTEI1 n e J of n w J sec 36 t 3 s r 4 w; 8650. ance in h< r l ite trouble. was formed to purchase the land in the arc excited, and with reason, the richest March miSING CORRESPONDENTS. James Williams to John Williams, i The Best Remedy—Wright’s Paragon vicinity of Whiteson for the purpose of strike in the history of the mines hav­ land in North Yamhill; $700. Headache Remedy. Stops pain in live laying off a town and establishing in­ ing been made. A. Halverson, Henry I'OSTOFFICE HOC RS. minute«. Harmless, tasteless, no ill ef­ Samuel I Hibbs to C J I.eabo et al. NORTH YAMHILL. Walters, William Burnett and Fred fects. A positlvecurefor headache and dustries at that point. The land want­ Kerschell arrived from the mines, 42.21 acres in sec 8 t 4 s r 4 w; $2321. From 7 a m. to 7 p. m. From 7-..TO p. ed was not secured until the first of the neuralgia. Sold by Rogers Bros. in. to 8:30p. tn Henry L NefT to .Tas Mitchell, lot 1 bringing with them a large number of John Prentis is paying onr quiet burg present month, and already operations Money orderliours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. ni. The literary and musical entertain­ a visit. block K, Cozine’s add; $250. Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m ment at the college for Friday night have begun to to carry out the purposes specimens of orc which they recently Hull Johnson and wife, of Lafayette, Mail south closes at 9:50 a. in. Mail Wm Hager to G C Miller. 8*1 acn s in took out from the Bonanza mine, own ­ has been postponeil for one week, part ­ of the company. As soon as a plan is north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. lu. visited friends here Monday. sec 22, t 4 s r 3 w; $4c0. Mail for 5:15*. tn train closes evening ly so as not to conflict with the < .'n«ter agreed upon measures will be put upon ed by the Albany company, which is Post and Relief Corps social. Our enterprising merchants are open­ Chehalcm V B I to Mary E Wire, lot before at 9 p m foot to build a first-class fruit cannery. the finest ore ever seen in Albany, and ing up a large supply of spring goods 3, 4,13 and 14, sounty survey. 147 C: Sheridan anil southern Tillamook mail Four and twenty black birds being backed by a large mass of like This is ubout all the company propose clones at 11 a th ._____________ > _ Insists on buying her Drugs. Med­ Baked in a pie, $1350. ore it speaks for a rich output that will this week. to guarantee in the wav of industries Was the prize awarded to Evenden icines, and Toilet Articles at Rog­ Miss Myrtle Johnson of Forest Grove Jas Coovert to B F Lewis, 6 acres pt astonish the mining world. Two men ciii'r.cii Noricxs. this season. However, if a first-elass For prices not so high—a« other ers Rros. She savs it of Joel Chrisman dlct4sr4w; $108. people. fruit cannery is built this season it will in ten hours broke three tons of ore paid this place a call last week. M etiioihst E piscopal C hcp . cu —Services Nearly all of our young folks attend ­ every Sabbath at It a. m ana 7 :(O p m, The Christian church has hceti re­ be a great benefit to the land owners ready for the mill, which on its face ed the school exhibition at Carlton Fri­ D L and Lucy Carl to B Gabriel, 100 Sunday School at 0:30 a. m Prayer meet­ paired and a baptistry put in. acres, part Alfred Kitnsey d 1 c. t 5 s r3 The within reach. Tlie com panp will be will assay $10,000 to $20,000 a ton. The ing Thursday evening« at 7:30. pastor, Rev. B. F. Fuller, has returned known a« the Fruit Land company. men were in the hill about 180 feet, and day night and were well pleased with w; $3-500. 'Rrv. J. T A bbett . Pastor. N K Sitton to Jens Carlson, 10) acres PBESBTTBBIAX CHCP.CH — from Centralia and services will 1 e now They have several hundred acres of the 110 feet from the surface of the hill, the entertainment. Sickness, of a La Grippe nature, is part of Jesse Henderson’s d 1 c. in t 4 s Services every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p held regularly, commencing next Sun­ finest land on this coast; broad, level when they struck this mass of ore, day. ui Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. which seems inexhaustible almost. It very prevalent in this part of the coun­ r4 w; $420. ltKV W ilet K nowles , Pastor Those goods stolen at the Red Front wheat fields of black, rich soil in a high Well known fact that all goods are W E Potter to A C.Southmayd, part1 S ahin C' hcech .—Services every Sabbath grocery store have been returned. They state of cultivation, where Oregon fruits equals the richest strikes in the history ty. Some cases are light, others very as represented and no severe. Mrs. Bedwell and Mrs. Allen at 11 a ill. and 1:31 p. m. Sunday School at were marked so low that there was no of any of the California or Montana of blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0, tn Bibce ’ s grow to their greatest perfection. Sur­ 9;55a. m. R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor. are both quite ill. profit in them. The proprietors are mines, and foretells the biggist mining add to Sheridan; $1. C hristian C ucrch services every Sabbath green and now is the time to buy be­ veyors are already in the field and will Mr. Bowers, an old gentleman resid­ P M Scroggin to Rufas and J R Joie, »1 It a. in. and 7 p ni have town lots and small fruit tracts excitement here in the history of the fore they bust. R ev D s . B. F F vlleb , raster ready for sale in about ten days. J. C. history of the state. Stock has taken ing about six miles west of here, who lots2 and 3,blk 2,South Sheridan; $250. ' Case after case of spring goods are be­ an immense jump upwards, and it has ben suffering for several years with T B Kay to J C Hunter, lots 3, 4, 5 , McMinnville Grange. No. 3t, P. of II.. ing opened at Kay & Todd’s. These Cooper and T. J. Harris are the men meet in their hall the lirst and third Sstur- cases contain the latest styles in gents’ known here in the enterprise. Mr. would lie difficult to buy mining stock facial cancer, succumbed to that dread and6, blk 13, John’s add to McM; $400. day of each month at 10 a. ni. A isitors furnishing goods and clothing, which Harris for several years sheriff of this in any of the Santiam mines at almost disease Thursday. The remains were J C Cooper to J Klin, lot 2 block 2, cordially invited. J. R B ooth , Master. That all Drugs sold at this drug buried in the Pike cemetery. will be displayed and advertised as county is well known as a safe business any price. Whiteson; $47. Mrs. II. A. H embree . Sec. Born. — At North Yamhill Saturday, soon as all the eases are opened. store arc as pure as can lie pur­ J C Cooper to K J Carter, lots 7 and The Greatest Strike. man. He will move to Whiteson and chased. and of the be*t quality. March 7th, to the wife of Postmaster F. 8, blk 2, Whiteson; $65. THE MARKET REPORT. The purchase of the Evenina Tele­ be local manager, while F. Bricdeu- Fred is very Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles L. Sappington a sou. Fraternity lodge No 56, IO O F, to 60 gram was, in all probability, a hoax. stine, the 3vide awake real estate man, Potatoes ...................... V bu •$ « 50 t o in discovering his New Heart Cure has proud and w ants to go and get him iX) The paper no doubt was started to stop .v> to Chic-kens, young N H Perkins, blk 5 in sec D, I O O F will be chief rustler and whoop'em up the morning daily of pronounced dem ­ proven itself to l>c one of the most impor ­ 1 00 old......... p < doz 3 50 tn ocratic faith, which will make its ap­ all over the coast. Success to White- tant. The demand for it has become aston­ every time anyone asks for the mail cemetery at North Yamhill; $10. 10 iClear sides lb. ishing Already the treatment of heart 8 pearance in the early summer. Shoulder.« F lb Riley Shelton to J C Johnson, «3.89 son. Ohl Yamhill has ample room for disease is becoming revolutionized and (male). 12 10 Hams p lb .. Saturday, the day set for the farmers’ acres in t 3 s r 4 w; $2500. many unexpected cures effected. It soon Asbestos is said to have been found 30,000 more inhabitants, and if White- 10 . . )In 10 pd pails in paying quantities in Jackson county. son gets n big portion of them we will relieves short breath, fluttering. pain in the alliance to meet, a large number of far­ Florence E Newell to E L DeLash­ 8 10 tn l'ar“ (In 5 gallon tin» side, artn, shoulder, weak and hungry mers came in, but the expected speaker While the writer was at Clear Lake lie 1 25 Egg’. V dozen mutt, lot 5, blk 2. .Van Oostrnnisadd to spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, 73 found specimens of this mineral, but all be the gainer. Butter, Creamery, yl roll smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles’ did come and as there seemed to be no Sheridan; 70. Butler, dull, fresh V roll 60 the find was located so that it would | Pronounced Hopeless, yet Saved. book on heart and nervous diseases free leader, no meeting was called, nor any to JO 13 Brine ....... V pound. Ot E Von Oostrum to Florence E be almost an impossibility to get it to I The unequaled new Heart cure is sold and 7 to c Dried apples, dull, V pd. the market. 8 Front u letter written by Mrs. Ada guaranteed by Rogers Bros, also his Restor­ organization attempted. What further Newell, lot 5, blk 2, Von Oostrums add to 6 Dried plums, dull, V P'L Nervine for headache, tits, sprees, hot steps will be taken no one seems to to Sheridan; $1. 10 to Dried prunes, dull, Ft pd. 9 O. O. Hodson desires all those who E. Hurd, of Groton, 8. I)., we quote: ative to 12 10 Drledpeai hes.dull, V pd know. “Was taken with a bad cold, which tla«hr«, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. are indebted to him to come in and W A Gardner to P M Churchman, I 1 03 Flour ....’¿sack 1 oo to For a Bridge. settle their accounts. This request must settled on my lungs, cough set in and RAMONA. lot 4 blk 5, Gardner’s add to Sheridan ; be compiled with at once to save trouble. finally terminated in consumption. $40. TILLAMOOK Local and General Attorney's fees and court expenses Four doctors gave me np saying I Albany is elated, and justly, too, over . count up very- fast, and can lie saved if could live but a short time. I gave my­ the prospects of securing a bridge across Jesse Edwards to C F Parrott, lot 16 self up to my Saviour, determined if * I County court was in session here last blk 24, Edward’s add to Newbety; $45.1 Dr. Wright is down with a severe I you will heed this notice. the Willamette there this year. The could not stay witli my friends on cold. Marcellas Faulconer to J W Kinney, John F. Swift, who, it will lie re­ earth, I would meet my absent ones council and citizens' committees have week considering roads and highways. stumped this state for tlie above. My husband was advised to made propositions and concessions to There seems to be some friction about land in Sheridan; $200. John Morgan has moved from Dilley membered, republican party in the last campaign, get Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­ roads here, and the court finds itself to this city. and who made a speech in this city, sumption, coughs and colds. 'I gave it the county court of Linn by which, if in peculiar straights sometimes in giv­ Marcellas Faulconer to F Yocum, blk 25, Faulconer’« add to Sheridan; $400. L. C. Triplett is quite sick with ma­ died the other day in Tokio, Japan. a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has an appropriation shall be made by the ing all their dues. He was U. 8. minister to Japan, He cured me and thank God I am now a county court at its next term, it can all Oregon Land Co to II W Cottle. 40 larial fever. was a smart man and his death is re­ well and hearty woman.” Trial bottles A small fire was discovered in a acres in see 20, t 4 s r 5 w; $500. be paid during 1892 The result of the Rev. Hoberg is »round assessing the gretted. free at Rogers Bros. Drugstore, regular proposal was the appointment of a com­ building last Sunday. The fire com­ Andrew K Wright to Jas W Wright, school district. 4 pany promptly responded and a con­ 80 acres part of D L C of A K Wright, C, Fritz will open a new gallery on size, 50c and $1. mittee of Mayor CoAvan, from the city flagration was averted. Company B showed up well in their Third street about the first of April. V Phenomenal Success* in t 3 s, r 4 w; $10. government, Wm. Rumbnugh, from new uniform. The building will lie constructed as The I. O. O. F. are preparing to United States to J ( ' Gillet. n <• 1 of «xin as lumber can be procured, in tlie For good fresh bread, pies, cakes, etc. The March number of Jlomawe COIl- the county court, and Dr. G. W. Mas- make some substantial improvements see .1’0, t 5 8, r 6 w. 3-acant lot near tlie I. O.O. F. building. ton, from che citizens’ committee, to go the Red front bakery. ' The gallery will lie made one of the | tains twenty short stories, till of the attend to a preliminary survey under in their cemetery. W E Potter to J B Gillets. lot 16 hlk The Red front bakery is the p.loce to j ¿eatest' in’ the’" «tat<■' Watch for Iris character that the »lory club wasorgan- ............................ Hon. W. D. Stillwell is home from [ 3, Bibee’s add to Sheridan; $50. government engineers for Ibc location - ------------------ get your money •= ’s worth. opening. • ized to emphasize, namely, stories full the halls of legislation and looks as J C Gillet to Flora Potter, lot 16. blk Kay * Todd opened twelve cases of Most |ieople run their clearance sales, of action—stories that really tell some­ of a bridge, and to furnish estimates of though he had not lieeu ground through 1 13, Bibee’s add to Sheridan; $1. the cost. Tlie bridge will lie built this even in country places; in January— thing—and not stories that are in any Lite style hats Monday. the veto mill of Gov. Pennoyer. Lydia S Mayor to J P Mayer, land in roads are so bad no one can get year. The survey will lie made at Whiteson property is on the move. when to town—but Apperson is selling cloth­ way morbid or namby-pamby. The once,arrangements already being made Two of the Truckee Lumber Co.'s Ì Sheridan. Look out for large ad. next week. ing, satines, hats and caps and some writers for March numbcr.arc Maurice ships arrived in the bay from San Ross Allembaugb to Christian Nel­ The young son of Robt. Stowe died lines of boots and shoes at clearance Thompson, Rudyard Kipling, Guy de to get the government surveyors. j Francisco Monday. These vessels fur- son, 20.69 acres part of Win Jones D I, prices during the months of April May That of diphtheria yesterday morning. , Maupassant, Richard York, M. Betham Beware «f Ointments for Catarrti ' nish good communications for mer­ C in t 3 s r 3 w; $2000. Contain Mercury. Cox . To and will take charge of the clerk's office '$1800. erty or get a loan be sure to see H. J. ately. the days of Poe. ledo, O.. contains no mercury and is taken as usual. S C Foster to P M Churchman, land Little. The price of Tiwnifncr is only cents internally, and acts directly upon the blood City election will be held here on (he in Sheridan: $2500. , . ...i,__ 4u., I The entertainment to be given by and mucous surfaces of the system. In Fnyt class baled t not‘>«vj&* *»»»’, Mias Margaret Grace Scriber, of Saleni, i a number, and a specimen number will buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you got IGth, and then xve can say that Tilla­ B F Lewis to Emeretta E Tucker, vv- (luantitie9 ’ U ^'nr| ' ’ ! assisted by the pupils of the public be sent on application for 10 cents by the genuine It, is taken internally, and mook has a full set of city officers, and 92.50 acres part of T Holdridge D I. C Wiaecarver. , schools of this city, is announced to is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. .1. Cheney this will be a step in progress, provided in t 3 s r 3 w; $5000. The best, freshest and cheapest gro-] take place on Friday owning, March tlic publisher. Address tlie New York uscfSat. 14i N. Yomlilll; and California to which he may be di ­ J. J. McCoy, the Bay City capitalist, consists of the latest styles of millinery 800. much improved in health. Sun. lo, Wright's school house; Mon. Mon rected by Dr. E. Salman chief of the novelties, selected by our own buyer was in our to3vn last week. He reports ! J W & 8 A Coovert to A M Peery, 6 Granville Baker is the councilman i at White cloud school house, bureau of animal industry of that de­ in the eastern markets expressly for everything prospering in onr neighbor­ ! acres part of D I, C of Joel Christenson; elected to fill the vacancy made by the ! Public School Notes. resignation of Chas. Grissen. partment. Mr. Minto is directed to be­ our Portland trade. With our facilities ing city on the bay. ¡$108. F. E. Rogers left for LaCama« Mon­ The third quarter of school began <>u gin an investigation of the sheep indus­ for purchasing in the manufacturing We need more facilities for transpor­ Emma Moor to John Kramer, lot 104 day where lie will stay some time for , try on the Pacific eoitkt. centers we feei confident of being able tation on the bay which we feel confi­ J Dayton;$150. Monday the 9th. the benefit of his health. to furnish a iietter class of goods and at dent will soon be supplied. McMinnville National Bank. United States to Andrew Orndufl’, n The attendance in the several naitn- Jeff- Harris, former sheriff of this lower prices than have ever been offer­ C. H. Boodle has a x'ery neat resi­ e I of the n e sec 21 t 2 s r 3 w. I is as follows. county, shook hands with hi.« many > dence almost completed and ready for State of Oregon to Andrew Orndufl’, ¡ -G ! The board of directors of the McMinn­ ed in this city. B ullock & F lynn , friends in this city on Monday last. ] Prof. Feeble»’ ..................... ville National Bank held their regular occupancy. 95 Alder, cor. ; th. Portland, and the n e } af s w} and the s w J of the s ¡ Burnett ’ s .. 30 B. DeLashmutt will begin his second Miss ; Miss Peters’....... The steamer Agusla stopped here on w I of sec 25, t 2 s r 3 w, 120 acres; $250. ; Is I) street, McMinnville. . . 47 monthly meeting on Monday forenoon term of writing school at the Grange ; Miss . 50 at the bank. Woods'.. ■ her way to Nettucca and discharged hall on Thursday night of this week. Mary Brock to C A Wallace, 3.33 Will be Given Away. Miss Cook’s....... . . 27 ! The business of the bank was found : some freight for our merchants, as well acres part of W T Newby D L C in t 4 Mr. Eccleston writes that snow is Mias \ . . 37Í I to be in a prosperous, growing condi­ Greene’s. Our enterprising druggists, Rogers Bros.,! as at Bay city. two feet deep and the thermometer s r 4 w; $749.26. carry the largest stock of drugs, per- stands at 10 below zero at Deer I.odge, . .235 tion. A dividend at the rate of ten per who Total attendance this week. .umeries, toilet articles, brushes, sponges. : NEW SCHOOL HOUSES. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. Mon. There are quite a number out of cent, per annum was declared for the etc., are giving away a large number of I trial bottles of Dr. Miles’ Restorative Ner­ ! quarter ending the 31st inst. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Clerk Hobbs was subpoenied as a school now that will soon return and vine, They guarantee it to cure headache. ! The Superintendents Report Doing Good Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, witness in Lewis county, Wash., and attend the spring term. The third The bank is growing rapidly in pop- dizziness, nervous prostration, sleepless-1 D script: re circulars mailed on application. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Already in the Districts. he left for that place Monday returning quarter ought to show the best sclnrol j ular fax’or and in business and the out- ness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco,coffee, I Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ etc. Druggists say it is the crcatest seller Wednesda.y ! look for it is excellent. work in the year. The prevalence of tions. and positively cun* Pile« or no they ever knew and is universally satisfac­ B. F. Blood, of Carlton, has an ad. measles and other diseases in the town I had hoped to complete my report pay required. It is guaranteed to give tory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles’ New The Badger Club. in this ¡«sue which the farmers should Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or or­ of the schools of the county this week, perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ McMinnville and Dallas. Oregon read. He does all kinds of iron turn­ for the [>ast three months has been very The former residents of Wisconsin ganic heart trouble, palpitation, pain in ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale side, smothering, etc. Fine bcok on "Ner­ but examination of teachers and exam- ing work. detrimental to the work of the school by Rogers Bros. have formed a Badger Club in Portland. vous and Heart Diseases” free. ini ng school clerks’ bonds and annual A. J. Apwerson’s trial took place last in all the grades. NO. 3S57. The headquarters of the club are at j reports have required my entire atten­ Notice to Taxpayers. week and hc has been convicted by 12 It is to be hoped that parents will en­ REPORT OF THE CONDITION tion since my last communication. I jurors and he will have to take conse­ deavor to have their children attend the Holton House, where a register will be kept, designed to contain a com­ Taxpayers arc hereby notified that hope, however, to furnish you with ad­ Of the McMinnville National Bank nt Mc­ quences. See his ad. school very punctually this term. Reg­ Minnville in the state of Oregon, at the From and after this date we will fur­ ular attendance is the necessary thing plete list of all the Wisconsin people in the tax roll of the city of McMinnville, ditional items for next weeks’ issue. Oregon whose addresses can be obtained. Oregon, has been placed in my hands Tlie clerks of the following districts close of business, February 26. 1R91: nish all prescriptions free to all the Resources. poor on physician’s prescription. to secure if the schools do good work. Any such who have not been commni- for the collection of taxes thereon, and have filed their annual reports up to Loans and discounts $ 74.082 90 McMinnville Pharmacy. District Teachers’ Instil nt«*. cated with are invited to send their ail that said roll will remain in my hands date (Tuesday 5 p. m.), viz: No.’s 1, 3, Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 321 85 U S Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00 Nervous debility, poor memory, dif- dress to the corresponding Badger, lock for the period of thirty days, during 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, Stocks, securities, claims, etc........... 23,185 90 denee, sexual weakness, pimples, cured I am informed by State Superintend­ box 339, Portland, or call at the Holton which period I will I m * at my office at " — ------------------------------- -w, 20, ~A, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, OV, 30, O- 32‘ OO, 33, DI, 34, OU, 35, Due from approved reserve agents 1,393 18 by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Samples free ent McElroy that the district teachers’ Due from other national banks. . House when in Portland. McMinnville National Bank lietween j 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46. 47, 49, Banking-house, st Rogers Bros. 6 furniture, and institutes for the third judicial district ! 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 65^ 67, the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., daily, fixtures Down Goes Flour. 7.500 00 All goods at the Red Front are war­ will lie held at Albany during March 107 «2 to receive and receipt for taxes. ,W| 73, 74, 75, leaving nineteen Current expenses and taxes paid : 68, 69, 70, ranted. If they are not just what we Premiums on U. 8. bonds 2.351 40 24, 25, 26 and 27. A cordial invitation recommend them to I* return them and The McMinnville roller process flour Dated thi« 25th day of February. A.' yet to report. Checks and other cash items 143 10 Is extended to the teachers of Yamhill will be sold hereafter until further no­ D. 1891. get your money back. J. W. C owls , 45 00 Encouraging reports arc coming in Bills of other banks to attend. Fractional paper currency, nickel City Treasurer. I from all parts of the county. No. 18 tice for $3.80 per barrel. Triplett & J. G. Ballinger left for Portland and cents As Yamhill county belongs to the Cook have the agency for McMinnville. Monday morning where he has been voted a tax of one thousand dollars to Specie TUE QCKS1 ION SETTLED. oflerred a position in the agricultural third judicial district, I hope to see a It can also be purchased at the mill for Legal-tender notes build a new schoolhouse. No. 44 voted bouse of Knapp, Burrell & Co. large delegation from this county in at­ the same price. This cut is a faithful eight hundred dollars for the same pur­ Redemption fund with I* S Trcas- urer(5 per cent of circulation> 562 50 picture of the well known There is now, as should be, the best tendance. pose. No. 9, in Chehalcm valley, will establishment of Thomas $142,394 76 of friendly feeling between Yamhill School directors should encourage SHILOH'S Vitalizer is what vou need for T otal No. 7 will en-! loss of appetite, dizziness and Price & Son, at 524 Sacra­ build this year. and Tillimook counties. There inter­ teachers to attend institutes and I hope i constipation, all symptoms of dyspepsia; price 10 and 75 I.labilitlee. The time for verbose statement* and as we have mento street, S. F, As the large the present building and refit it ests are mutual in many respects.— time will I* given teachers in which to ' cent« per bottle. Sold by Howorth and Co. i * 50.000 00 leading chemists of the throughout. No. 22, LaFayctte, will Capital stock paid in bought this space for the year coming, we intend Headlight. fund 1.000 («1 attend. L. H. B akek , Born. west, they were asked to turn the building around and build an Surplus to make it interesting to you in various ways. Undivided profits. 5.029 40 The new style bats, stiff and felt, at lettle the question as to what t-arsaparillas were County Supt. Yamhill Co. National Bank notes outstanding : 10.7-50 00 These ways will Ironefit your pocket as well as Kay & Todd’s can not be beaten in addition. No. 46 will repair and fur ­ In fact purely vegetable. We present their re ­ 50 00 C haney .—To the wife of Chas. Chan­ Dividends unpaid style, quality and price. Call and see Eupepsy. your mind. nish with improved seats. No. 10 will Individual deposits subject toe hcck 35,699 52 ey, on Monday, March 9, 1891, a son. port. them, as you are, no doubt, in need of: Wc have made careful chemical analyses of probablv supply additional apparatus. Demand certificates of'deposit 8.282 90 The child lived but a few minutes. i ««vend a new hat. well known brands of sarsaparilla, and 31.582 94 This is what you ought to have, in | Time certificate« of deposit have found them all with the single exception of | No. li contemplates improvements to! Wright's Blackberry Cordial should fact you must have it to fully enjoy Joy’s to conta in Iodide of Potassium. As a result Died. $142.394 76' T otal . we are enabled to pronounce Joy’s to be the only ■ the building. No. 25 will repair and lie kept in every house. Invaluable in life. Thousands are searching for it vegetable aarsaparilia now on the market Ì build outhouses, woodshed, etc. in all relaxed condition« of the bowels. daily, and mourning liecause they find B utler —At Bellevue, on Sunday, purely Y amhill , ss : S tatz or O recox . t ovsTV oi has como under our observation.” it not. Thousands upon thousands March 8, 1891, J. Butler, of cancer of which Sold by Rogers Bros. ........................ the above Modern medicine hn • proven that all ordinary 49 will hold another meeting in a few , I. J. L. S tratton . Caeliicr of of dollars are spent annually by our Advertisement differs some front the advertise­ the stomacn. face eruptions are not caused by diseased blood, days to consider the proposition to re- j 1 named Bank, do solemnly swear that the Impure blood and low vitality will people in the hope that they may at­ I above statement is .. true to the best of mv ment used in the Grocery Business, and the Goods Mr. Butler was an old and respected .. f but. by indigestion and sluggish circulation, make fearful inroads on your health. tain this boon. And yet it may lie had pair the premises, and it is to be hoped! knowledge and belief which call for vegetable alteratives, instead of also differ. We will not fill your stomach with Wright's Sarsaparilla will cleanse-your by all. We guarantee that Electric citizen of Yamhill county. .1. - I,. - S tratton , Cashier, that there are progressive men enough , .................. • • minorai blood purifiers like Iodide of Potassium. blood and build you up. Sold by Rog­ fitters, if used according to directions nostrums, but will place before you the Edible Subscribed and sworn oTMareh. ’ '-»". to ls-for-- me this Worse than Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla being the latest, is in 49 to see that this long felt want is J ers Bros. and the use persisted in, will bring you Delicacies of the City: that is the novelty part of the first to discard the old notions and proceed supplied. No. 56, though a new dis- i < . 5V. T almaoz . Jeff Harris« has interested himself in good digestion and oust the demon dys­ Leprosy is Catarrh, and there is but under the modern theory. Its cures sliest the our business. The Notari Public for Oregon. the Whiteson property and will push pepsia and install instead Eupepsy. one preparation that does cure that dis­ ♦oundness of the theory, it is the a’k of the trict, with a ne«' and well furniched ■«ezl' building, voted an additional $175 tax its sale. This is a good investment, as We reeomniend Electric Bitters for ease, and that is the California Positive hour. I'onRzcT- Attest: company intend to have a town the dyspepsia and all diseases of liver kid­ and Negative Electric Linament, sold J. W. C owls , j for school pu rposes. The directors of I For Sale. neys and stomach. Sold at 50c and 81 A. J Ari'ERsoN. - Director«. Whiteson. by Rogers Bros. It also cures neural­ Registered trotting stallion Albico« ' 45 contemplate furnishing their house per liottlc by Rogers Bros. 4 W m . C ampbell ,) No one can afford to do without gia, rheumatism, headache, sprains (2854) by Alwood (572) by Almont (33), : with improved desks. Tlie Firemen's Fair. Wright’s Myrrh Tooth Soap. It clean­ CBUhmUra Ea«U>b Dlaaaad Brud. burns and all pains. Try it and tell dam Lady Lightfoot by William’s Bell­ There are quite a number of districts of our Goods is necessary that you may become ses the mouth, purifies the breath, pre­ not yet heard from I have no doubt aware of their arrival in order that yot can call serves the teeth and makes them beau­ The eighth firemen’ fair was a com- your neighbors where to get it. founder (62). Possesses great speed, , tiful. Sold by Roger« Bros. and if satisfactory buy. As wc receive them you i plete success, both financially and in CATARRH cured, health and _____ strength and endurance. Splendid dis- : when all reports are in; more improve­ Ortflaal *«d Oai, Goaalae. ▲ sweet • afk . rnway* reliablt LADic«a*k^r\ will be given notice, fo keep your eyes epen, don’t Thes is the season of horse bill and . the program rendered. This fair net- breath secured by Shiloh’s ca tarrh remedy position, no superior in harness, «ure ment« will be reported. Dr«griM for • /Pnwlif* monZ«'•nd in Red xnd (r<5i L. II. B aker , peel them pleas«', as we want you to us-' them in the T elephone -R egister is prepared i ted the department $163.2-5 above all Price 50 «ent m . Nasal injector * rec. Sold by foal getter. Apply to __ i. with bls* ribbon. Take \y o ather. d»f^tr»u.a lubrtitu- w to surnish them in all quantities at low I expenses. The ladies who bellied in Iloworh A Co County Supt. inspecting <>ur goods and advertisements. (Urw imd M*u» ’tuer. by ret era WALLACE &. TODD llcedville, Oregon. Numerous cuts. Call and inspect. Miles’ Nervine Liver Pills. Mall. 1O.O44 Totimouial*. Xom« curd bv Shiloh’s Cure VV e guarantee it. Chick enter Chemical C©., MadUea Square, Third St. McMinnville. Mrs. Annie Todd with her father and 1 the department, as it was owing to Sold by Howorth and Co. Local Druccin«. Fhllada., Pa *100.000 lo Loan. | pSf'i" hc earned at our XFM lii.eot work. mother, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wai I their endeavors that the fair was such Vet un u new principle—regulating the ■| ■ | ■ ■ ■■ ■_ ■■ rkp’’1 ar.d !;■ n ribir. by •' <■ f liver, stomach and trowels through the Ilfs I 1 I b f* ■ K ' r »■ ’ . < .r. th-r Sleepless nights made miserable by that lace left Monday for California where a success. It will long be remembered ’ Money to loan upon real estate in I ® S t I | ■ 8 E n . r y . 1 V» I ■ ■■ I one can do the work. Eaay to learu. . they will spend* three weeks on busi­ ' by at w ho attended. '1 he musical pro­ t ‘ruble cough Shiloh’s cure is the remedy Yamhill county, for a term of years. nerve,. A now discovery. Dr. Mile’s Pills IV I speedily cure bilhonstiess. bad taste, torpid We famiab everything. We at art you. No ri*k. You can devote ‘ for you. Sold by Howorth ami Co. ness and pleasure. »pure momenta, or nil your time to the work. Thi* O an gram of the flrstuight was well rendered; For terms write to or call upon F. W. liver, piles, constipation. Cnequaled for your entirely new J woudcrlal auccea» to every worker. SHILOH'S Catarrh Remedy, a positive “Hackmetack,” a Lasting and fragrant Fenton, attorney at law. McMinnville, men. women and children. Smallest, mild Berlnnen are earning from S2& to fJO per week and upward*, cure for Catarrh. Diptheria and Canker the farce of the second was a good dra- perfume aua more after a little experience. We can fumiab you the em- est. surest! 50 doses. 23 ct« «ample- free Price 2* and 50 eent* Sold hr tT.qjTDcnt and teach you rKF.F.. No apace to exp'.ain here. Full Mouth S lid by Hawortk *»4 G» reatle effort. ra&TBat^. Fill. TRI E A < O.. AltnSTA. XAin. Howortfa and Co at Rogers Bro« Oregon THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER MY WIFE ISA HUMBUG! LOWN SKI HIGH ! BY A MIGHTY GALE Tht GALE DISK HARROW ! Straddling Through the Air HOLMES’ SUNDAY PANTS THE GALE the Newest and Best DISK HARROW In the Market. Dust Proof Bearings; High Spring Seat; Leaves no Ridge in the Middle; Don’t Fail to See It MARTIN & SANDERS. THIS IS NOT A Patent Medicine Advertisement ! ENNYROYAL PILLS P