the United States government hover over however good yon are. You say, —me in perished. Livy wrote ono hundred and every violation of the letter lx>x. flueace is insignificant." I tell you that forty books; only thirty-five of them re­ There are thousamis cf men and women the scratch of a piu has sometimes pro main. .'Eecbylus wrote one hundred in this country, some for personal gain, j daced lockjaw. Alas, it through curiosity, dramas: only seven remain. Euripides DR. TALMAGE’S THIRD SERMON ON i some through innate depravity, some as many do, you pry into an evil book, • wrote over a hundred; only nineteen re­ HARDIKG & HEATH. Publishers. through a spirit of revenge, who wish to your curiosity is a3 dangerous as that of : main. Yarro wrote the biographies of THE EVILS OF CITIES. use this great avenue of convenience and the man who would take a torch into a over seveu hundred great Romans. All intelligence for purposes revengeful, sala­ gunpowder mill merely to see whether it that wealth of biography ha, perished. and diabolic. Wake up the law. would really blow up or not. In a menag i If good and valuable books have such a lie Make* a Strong Point Against Those ' cious < SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Parents Who Take No Thought as to j Wake up all its penalties. Let every court crie a man put his arm through ths bars I struggle to live, what must be the fate of Jne Copy, per year, iuajvsnce............... $2 00 What Their Children Shall Rewi—An j room on this subject bo a Sinai thunderous of a black leopard’s cage. The animal’s those that are diseased and corrupt and >.:o popy. six month« in adranee............ 1 00 and aflame. Let the convicted offender.- hide looked so sleek and bright and beauti­ blasted at the very start. They will die 3S Attentive Audience Present. be sent for the full term to Sing Sing or j ful. H<* just stroked ix once. The monster the frogs when the Lord turned back the nr. seized him, and he drew forth a band torn plague. The work of Christianixation will N ew Y ork , March 8.—The plague of Harrisburg. I am not talking about what cannot be and mangled and bleeding. go on until there will be nothing left but pernicious literature formed the subject of done. Entered at the j>ostofrice at McMinnville I am talking now about what is be­ O j , touch not evil even with the faintest ' good looks, and they will take the su­ Dr. Talmage's sermon today, which was ' ing done. Oregon, as second-class matter. A great many of the printing stroke! Though it may be fclossy and premacy of the world. May yan and I live the third of the wries he is preaching on 1 presses that, gave themselves entirely tn beautiful, touch it not lest you pull forth i to see the illustrious day! the “Ten Plagues of tbo Cities.” The the I publication of vile literature have been your soul torn aud bleeding under the FIGHT THE BAD WITH THE GOOD. Brooklyn Academy of Music was filled in 1 T he advertising R ates of Tur. TKtl- stopped or have gone into business less ob­ clutch of the black leopard. “But,” you Against every bad pamphlet send a good phoxf .-K egisteb ore liberal, taking in the morning by a dense crowd eager to 1 noxious. What has thrown off, what has say, “ how can I find out whether a book is pamphlet; against every unclean picture consideration the circulation. Single hear it, and at night at the C" iristian Her­ kept off the rail trains of this country for good or bad without reading it?” There is send an innocent picture: against every inch. $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. ald service in the New York Academy of some time back nearly all the leprous pe ­ always something suspicious about a bad Special inducements for yearly or *omi- scurrilous song send a Christian song; Music the doors had to lie closed long be- 1 Those of as who have l>een on book. I never knew an exception—some­ against every bad book send a good book; yearly contracts. fore the hour of service, there being no riodicals? space available within the building for the rail trains have noticed a great change thing suspicious in the index or style of anil then it will be as it was in ancient Jon W okk N kati . y Axn Q lk ki . v F. xf .< vted more hearers. So large is the number of in the last few msnths and the last year or illustration. This venomous reptile almost Toledo, where the Toletum missals were st reasonable rates Our facilities are kept by the saints in six churches, and the those every week disappointed of gaining two. Why have nearly all those vile period- , i .always carries a warning rattle. the best in Yamhill county and ns good admission that the project of hiring the icals been kept off the rail trains for some j The clock strikes midnight-. A fair form sacrilegious Romans demanded that those as any in the state A complete steam time back? Who effected it? These soci-I bends over a romance. The eyes flash fire. missals be destroyed, and that the Roman plant insures quick work. Madison Square Garden has again been re­ vived. One citizen has offered to pay all eties for the purification of railroad liter i , The breath is quick and irregular. Oc- missals be substituted; and the war came • * • ature gave warning to the publish, rs aud . , casionally the color dashas to the cheek, on, and I am glad to say that the whole f.KSOHTtOSS OF COXDOLEXCK AK1> ALL OFIT- the expenses if the Garden can be secured warning to railroad companies, and warn­ and then dies out. The hauds tremble as matter having been referred to champion«, tiary Poetry will lie charged for nt regular and Dr. Talmage can be induced to preach ing to conductors, and warning to news ­ advertising rates. .I/o,-i/i J/A. ____ in it. The text of the preacher’s discourse boys, to keep the infernal stuff off the though » guardian spirit were trying to the champion of the Toletum missals with shake the deadly l»ook out of the grasp. one blow brought down the champion of • « was taken from Ex. viii, G, 7: “And A ll t oMMLNicvTioxs M ist B e S igxeu B y Hot tears fail. She laughs with a shrill t be Roman missals. Strange things are going on among the frogs came up and covered the land of trains. the person who sends them, not for pub­ Many of tho cities have successfully pro ­ voice t hat drops dead at its own sound. So it will be in our day. The good liter­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non the farmers of the West. In Kansas Egypt. And the magicians did so with hibited the most of that literature even The sweat cn her brow is the spray dashed ature, the Christian literature, in its cham­ alacc she had two I i a frog. THE LIGHT SPREADING. infuriated and decided to scare Him in­ Frogs high and low and everywhere; ment for these dealers in impure literature rus, aud from papyrus to the hide of wild horses groomed and bridled and saddled the clutch of the police and bean soup in beasts, and from the hide of wild beasts and caparisoned and all ready for the day to relinquishment of his claim against loathsome frogs, slimy frogs, besieging a is penitentiary. Tho law! The law! I in­ on down until the miracles of our modern in which her Lord should descend, aud he If n resolution like the following had them. They procured a rope and went frogs, innumerable frogs, great plague of voke to consummate the work so grandly paper manufactories, and then see the pa­ on one of them and she on the other should frogs. What made the matter worse the been adopted by a democratic legisla­ to Mr. Erickson’s room nt the hotel. per, white and pare as an infant’s soul, «tart for Jerusalem, the city of t he Great i magicians said there was no miracle in begun! Another way in which we are to drive waiting for God's inscription. ture nobody would have had any occa­ The leader told him what they came this, and they couid by sleight of hand King. It was a fanaticism and a delusion; this plague of Egyptian frogs is by A book! It took all the universities of but there was romance, and there was sion tor surprise: for, and after some parleying and flour­ produce the sama thing, and they seemed bock C“b the minds of our young people with the pxst, ail the martyr fires, all the civil­ splendor, and there was thrilling expecta­ W hereas , The farmers of the Pa­ ishing tlie rope, Mr. Erickson threw to succeed, for by sleight of hand wonders | a filling healthful literature. I do not mean to izations, all the battles, ali the victories, tion in the dream! cific cosst use about 35,0H,ecame a bags each year; and, whereas, ,.f that families ought to he religious books brightnesses, all the centuries to make it freys groomed and saddled aud bridled and number only 5,000,000 are of local man­ lease of the company’s claims against ■ serpent, and t hen he took hold of it and by our and newspapers, or that every song ought I possible. caparisoned for onr Lord when he shall , miracle it again Ixecame a stall, the serpent ufacture anil do not effect the price of them. I charmers imitated the same thing, and to bo sung to the tune of “Old Hun­ ' A book! It i* the chorus of the ages; it come. The horse is ready in the equerry imported sacks; and, whereas, the tax : dred. ” I have uo sympathy with the is the drawing room in which king^ and of heaven, and the imperial rider is ready The Nicaragua canal is second in ini- j i knowing that there were serpents in upon material of which these sacks are to make the young old. I would i queens and oratorsand poets and historians to mount. "And 1 saw, and behold a white made is almost entirely collected on the portonee, of course, only to flic Suez i Egypt which by a peculiar pressure on the attempt rather join in a crusade to keep the out If» , ri .*t you. If I worshiped horse, and be that sat on him had a bow; Paci ic coast; and, whereas, the tariff canal among the great works of modern i neck would become as rigid as a stick of young young. Boyhood and girlhood I come anything on earth I would worship that. a crown was given unto him; and he tax imposed ujion grain bags has not times. The refusal of the United States j 1 wood, they seemed to change the serpent | must not be abbreviated. But there are If I burned incense to any idol I would and went forth conquering and to conquer. into the staff, and then, throwing it down, i increased the amount <>1’ the local pro­ good books, good histories, good biogra ­ build an altar to that. Thank God for And the armies which were in heaven fol­ « duct and has not increased the numlx-r government to take charge of this work I the staff liecame the serpent. So likewise these magicians tried to imi­ phies, good works of fiction, good lx>oks of good books, healthful books, inspiring I lowed him o:i white horses, and on his of white laborers employed in such in­ under the administration of President all styles with which weare to fill the minds books, Christian books, books of men. and ou his thigh were written, dustry, and has not increased the wages I Cleveland Ciiused a temporary stispen- tate the plague of frogs, and ¡»erhaps by of the young, so that there will be no more boo’,:< ■ f women, Book of God. It 1? with vesture King of kings, and Lord of lords.” Horse­ smell of food attracting a great number of of any employe, but has only resulted ' i sion of tho enterprise. room for the useless and the vicious than these good ’ n ooks that we are to overcome Thereupon, men of Leaven, mount! Cavalry of Gal, them to a certain point, or by shaking in an increase of the cost of the article, is room for chaff in a bushel measure corrupt lite: Upon the frogs swoop ride on! Charge! charge! until they shall ■ however, a private company was or- them out from a hidden place, the ma­ there Io books carnage, and the jiale horse of death. made th*! plague worse, none of them tried • resentatives in congress lx- requested Io taken it up—a shape in which it is said to the jails and penitentiaries of tho United have a bar- Jesus forever! make it better. Frogs came up and use all honorable means to have the on!j’ five of the land of Egypt, and the ma-| States today under twenty-one years of I Poly bin < duty on grain bag*, l>url:i|>s. gunnii-s that the constitutional difficulties in covered Alex Hudson, of Pendleton, is visit­ age? Many of ;itus bava I them lei did so with their enchantment, and • or gunny elotli abolished. the way of the original plan have !>een gicians ing in the city. brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt .” ■ der sixteen, under fifteen, under fourteen, I oeriahi'll under thirteen? Walk along ono of the But it happens that these sentiments avoided. This matter has Ixx1!: in the THE MODERN PLAGUE OF FROGS. corridors of tho Tombs prison in New York have Ix-en expressed by a Ixxly which hands of the finance committee of the Now that plague of frogs has come back | and look for yourselves. Bad books, bail i« republican bv a three-fourth* major­ senate during this session of congress, upon the earth. It is abroad today. It is 1 newspapers bewitched them as soon as smiting this nation. It comes in the shape ’ ity in both branches—so strongly re­ of which Senator Sherman is chairman, of corrupt literature. These frogs hop into they got out of lhe cradle. Beware of all publican that it is throttling ballot re­ and this committee ha« prepared a fav­ the store, the shop, the office, the banking those stories which end wrong. Beware ail those books which make the road form and pushing through a scries of orable report for an appropriation to house, the factory—into the home, into the of tliat ends iu perdition seeni to end in Par­ gerrymander* designed to deprive dem­ ! push the work to completion. An ex- cellar, into the garret, on the drawing room ; adise Do not glorify the dirk and the pis­ table, on the shelf of the library. While | ocrats of the right to share in their own ' planation of this report anil of the coni- the lad is reading the bad book t he teacher’s tol. »Do not call tho. desperado brave or government. It is the California legis­ i mittee’s reasons therefor, a« well as of i face is turned the other way. One of these the libertine gallant. Teach our young people that it they go down into the lature which distinctly calls the tariff; the commercial importaii'-e of the canal ’ frogs hops upon the page. While the young swamps and marshes to watch the jack-o’- | woman is reading the forbidden novelette a tax, and asserts that a tarift'duty im-' itself, will be made in tin- Forum for after retiring at night, reading by gaslight, lanterns dance on the decay and rotten­ |K>sed for the alleged purpose of pro­ March, by Senator Sherman himself. one of these frogs leaps upon the page. ness they will catch the malaria aud dealh. “Oh,” says some one, “I am a business tecting an important industry “has He goes into detail in explaining the Indeed they have hopped upon the news man, aud I have no time to examine what not increased the amount of local pro­ financial aspects of the plan, as well, stands of the country and the mails at the my children read. I have no time to in­ postofiice shake out in the letter trough spect the books that come intomj house­ duct, and has not increased the num- of cottrse, as its political bearings, and ■ hundreds of them. The plague has taken lier of white laborers employed in such thus ift oner thrusts the subject forward at different times possession of this coun­ hold.'' if your children were threatened try. It is one of the most loathsome, one with typhoid fever, would you have time industry, an,l has not increased the • as a matter of public concern, go for the doctor? Would youli ive time of the most frightful, one of the most to wages of any employe, but has only re-; ghastly of the ten plagues of our modern to watch the progress of the disease? Would Blodgett In Chicago Tuesday Judge you have time for tho funeral? In the suited ill an increase of the <-ost of the- of my God I warn you of lhe fact decided the case of Mrasliall, Field & cities. articles to consumers.’' There is a vast number of books and preseuco that your children are threatened with collector Co. against John M. Clarke, newspapers printed and published which If the legislature will bear with us a ! and spiritual typhoid, and that un­ never to see the light. They are moral moment we may remind it that this is | of customs, involving the validity of ought less the thing lie stopped it will be to them filled with a pestilence that makes the land precisely what the Examinn' ami the the McKinley bill. He said: “The . swelter with a moral epidemic. The great­ funeral of body, funeral of mind,' funeral soul. Three funerals in one day. democratic party said in 1888 when best disposition the court'can make of est blessing that ever came to this nation of My word is to this vast multitude of California was making up her mind ! the matter is to affirm the decision of is that of an elevated literature, and the young people: Do not touch, do not bor­ scourge has been that cf unclean row, do not buy a corrupt book or a cor­ whether to like the Mills bill or not. * the appraisers at New York anti allow greatest literature. This last has its victims in all The Mills bill proposed to abolish the I the case to go directly to the supreme occupations and departments. It has rupt picture. A book will decide a man’s Igppre-ent one of A J Apperson s Trials for good or for evil. The book you court. 1 will say, however, that the helped to fill insane asylums and peni­ j I destiny taxes on grain bags and burlaps, just I read yesterday may have decided you for court was much impressed witli the tentiaries aud almshouses and dens of as the legislature is vainly asking the | I time and for eternity, or it may bo a book shame. The bodies of this infection lie in McKinley congress to do. But the chain of reason advanced by the appel­ the hospitals and in the graves, while their | that may corns into your possession to- fears that foreign competition might' lant, anti it might lie difficult for the souls are being tossed over into a lost I morrow. THE iWYER OF A GOOD BOOK. injure the deserving Chinese and con­ argument to be met by the other side. eternity, an avalanche of horror and des­ A good book—who can exaggerate its i. fintl that this is tho largest Store in tlic County. I However, the McKinley bill lias be ­ pair. i> vict labor employed in the local jute | power? Benjamin Franklin said that his tin. find tliat Customers arc always treated well, in childhood gave him holy >t«pira- vote unselfishly against relieving them­ which the government collects its du­ this modern pest has already shoveled its I Good" 4. i find that Everyone gets his money’s worth there, « for all the rest of liis life. George ties, and an adverse decision iti this millions into the charnel bouse of the mor­ selves of these burdens, and their rep­ clarcd that a biography lie read in o. i iind that the Goods are the best, dead. The longest rail train that ever • »1 gave Mm all bis subsequent <». ■ find tliat the Stock is the largest in Town. resentatives in congress have carried ease might seriously disarrange the ex­ ally ran over the Erie or Hudson tracks was isting arrangement of this service. out their instructions by voting con­ not long enough nor large enough to carry ‘ prosperities. A clergyman, many years 7. i find that the Goods arc bought as near direct from Manufac­ fiassing to the far west, stopped at a sistently with the MeKinleyitc« to pile There should be finding of facts that the beastliness and the putrefaction which ' I ago, turers as possible, and upon Lowest and Best Terins--No hotel. He saw a woman copying some- this court found the case of sufficient have been gathered up in bad books and more on. Baukrupt or Auction Goods. newspapers of this land in the last twenty j thing from ikxiossil>lc whom it was thought it might be profit­ which swept through the whole communi­ ty. We built a church and called a pastor. able to send these corrupt things. In the ground at last.—.S’. /’. Examiner. point that will keep soul and Ixxly to­ year 1873 there were one hundred and sixty- You see that spire yonder, don't you? gether? Both the cannibal and the five establishments engaged in publishing That church was built as the result of that THE LAST DAY. grinding employers are living on hu­ cheap, corrupt literature. From one pub­ book you gave me thirty years ago.” Oh, lishing nouse there went out twenty differ­ the power of a good book! But, alas! for Sixteen years ago the republican par-1 man flesh, the ignorant one devouring ent styles of corrupt %onks. Although the influence of a bad book. ty went out of power in the house of! it outright and the intelligent one over thirty tons of vile literature have I John Angel James, than whom England Collections Promptly Attended to. had u holier minister, stood in his representatives and thereby closed a: wearing it out for his benefit, and of been destroyed by the Society for the Sup­ never of Vice, still there is enough of it pulpit at Birmingham and said: "Twenty Office Cor. Third and E Sis.. - McMinnville, Oregon. 4 long era of corruption. On the lust | the two which is the greater sinner? pression ¡eft in this country to bring down upon us five years ago a lad loaned to me an in Can there be a doubt ? We think not. famous book. He would loan it only fif ­ night of the session the committe rooms: the thunderbolts of an incensed God. around the hall of tlie house were filled | It is probable that the republicans of In the year 1868 the evil had becothc so teen minutes, aud then I had to give it back, but that book has haunted me like a with revelry and feasting. The lobby-; the legislature of Illinois will unite great in this country that the congres* ;•! Bpeeter ever since. I have in agony of soul, the United States passed a law forbidding ¡st were bidding good-by to their legis- > with the three fanners' alliance men the transmission of had literature through on tuy knees before God, prayed that he obliterate from tny soul the memory lative friends and partners. in that Ixxly, and elect Streeter to the the United States mails, but there were wonld it, but I shall carry the damage of it un- The republican party is again going! senate over Gen1, r.d Palmer. Then- large loops in that law through which I i of til tho day of toy death.” The assassin of might crawl out, and the law out of power in tlie house of represent»-; will be no gain in this, miles- it l>e criminals was a dead failure—that law of 1868. But. Sir William Russell declared that he got lives, having had a two years’ lease, the i thought a gain to keep an able man in 1873 another law was passed by the con­ the inspiration for his crimo by reading second term with which the people j out of the senate because he is a demo­ gress of the United ¿States against the what was then n new and popular novel, j “Jack Sheppard.” Homer’s “Iliad'’ made have intrusted it sini-e they swept it in­ crat, and put a cheap blatherskite rep­ transmission o£ corrupt literature through Alexander the warrior. Alexander said mails—a grand law, a potent law. a to a minority by the tidal wave of 1874, resentative of debased money and crazy the so. The story of Alexander made Julius I Christian law—and under that law multi­ Before that it had controlled the house suit-treasury schemes in the place.— tudes of these scoundrels have been ar­ | Caesar and Charles XII both men of blood, i rested, their property confiscated and they Have you in your pocket, or in your trunk, for twenty years and lost it, as it lost .it Oi'ff/oHiai’. ____________ themselves thrown into the penitentiaries or in your desk at business a bad book, a last year, by reason of it« flagrant dis­ bad picture, a bad pamphlet? In God's where they belonged. There's a screw loose somewhere. honesty, its plundering, it« alliance] name I warn you to destroy it. HOW ARE WE TO WAR AGAINST IT? THE CHRISTIAK PRESS. with monopolies, it« utter corruption While a national organization of Now, my friends, how are we to war women, holding a convention in Wash­ against this corrupt literature, and how Another way in which we shall fight and faithlessness. back this corrupt literature and kill the Gn this la«t day, as then, tlie lobby is ■ ington. were telling the world about are the frogs of this Egyptian plague to be frogs of Egypt is by roiling over them the slain? First of all by the prompt and in ­ the great capacity possessed by women BZ STILL A MINUTE AND LISTEN! triumphant. Its legislative friends and . exorable execution of the law. Let all good Christian printing press, which shall give partners are robbing the treasury for; for business and professional life, the postmasters and United ¿States district at­ plenty of healthful reading to all adults. these men and women are reading men its benefit. The halls and commit its?- j United States senate was deciding ti;at torneys, and detectives and reformers con­ All and women. Wh3t are you reading? Ab­ rooms at tlie Capitol are swarming with ’ the Itoard of lady manager- of the cert in their action to stop this plague. stain from all those book ieh, while When Sir Rowland Hill spent his life in men who are seeking enridinicnt at, World's l-’air was merely an ornamen­ trying to secure cheap postage not only they had some giod thir. ■ tut them. You have Of the expense of the people. The appro-, tal appendage of the exposition. ui Carltozi, Oreg'cn., lias til© for England, but for all the world, and to have also an admixture of i books that had two el .its in them priation ¡bills are loaded with spoils. I Germany has a Farmers’ Alliance open the blessing of the postoffice to all I read honest business, and to all massages of —the good and tho bad. Which stuck The Pacific Mail and the Thurber Bra­ that is growing almost as powerful in charity aud kindness and affection, for to you? The bad! The heart of most peo­ zilian steamship lines are to have pub-1 that country as its American proto­ all healthful intercommunication, he did ple is like a sieve, which lets the small par­ This side of Portland. of gold fall through, but keeps the lie money poured into the holds of tiieir! type has already liecomc in the United not mean to make vice easy or to fill the ticles Be sure and bring your feet along if you want to be fitted with great cinders. Once in a while there is a mail bags of the United States with the vessels for doing the country the honor States. _ _________ Count Volt Moltke and Prim e scabs mind like a loadstone, which, plunged cf such a leprosy. of earrviiig its flag and to swell the pro- ifiismark, txith of whom are said to b- It ought not to be in the power of every amid steel aud brass tilings, gathers up the For saw Gumming and other work. Which has Just Arrived at the Opposition Boot and Shoe Store. dL of their owners. The Central and practical fnrmei-s. have announced their bad man who can raise a one cent stamp steel and repels the brass. But it is gener­ Blsuclcizxxixxg* All Islst-As ntsonneiro allegiance to the Farmers Alliance. F. DIELSCHNEIDER. for a circular or a two cent stamp for a ally the opposite. If you attempt to plunge Union Pacific railroads—I ollis J. Hun- «• ... .. CYLINDER TEETH MADE AND LAYED. letter to blast a man or destroy a heme. through a fence of burrs to get one black­ tington and Jay Gould—have not in , djaucev y[. Depew has been arrested The postal service of this country must be berry you will get more burrs than black­ Send in votir Machinery Early, so you can have it ready for harvest. vain held out their hands for largesse. for manslaughter and ba« given bonds clean, must be kept clean, and we must all berries. .¿kll ‘T77’oric ■¿7’7’$?,rranted.. You cannot afford to read a bad book Public building« are scattered about ga- In the «tint of $25,000. UDdgrstand that the swift retributions of HIE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. lore, and the clerks in the Capitol have PLAGUE OF BAD BOOKS. been presented with a inoritli’s extra ! pay for earning tiicir salaries. The two houses have vied with each other in j their reckless efforts to gratify the lob-, by, and the result 1« that the treasury: is practically bankrupt and the pul> lic debt ha« been increased R3.000,- 000. The Fifty-first congress dies like the Forty-third—branded with corruption | and extravagance. For two years be-; fore—from 1S81 to 1883—since 1875 the republican party held the house. Its! corruptions killed its majority then as ■ they killed it before and as they have ! killed it now. In sixteen years it has1 been twice tried. The trial has been frightfully expensive to the people and has shown that the organization is still a« bad and rotten as it was in 1875 when it yielded up its hold over the popular branch of congress amid the ! > fumes of champagne and the cheers of the* plunderers.— .Vr?c lor/.- ll’or/rf, CD «1 w CD CD > P3 ►’S £3 CD CD c nd 7 > K- r*' 55 X co £3 CP o Ü ►“3 £3 GO 3 < WHY WILL YOU PAY RENT! I You in Large or Small Tracts. or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms CHEHALEM ORCHARD HOMES ” NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR NOT HAVING A HOME I ^-77“. T. SiïTTieTiLEr’r’ OODS \V. T. SUI RTLEFF, General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker. Hats and Gaps, ZLILTE3 OF At Bed Rock Prices. New Goods Arriving Daily; Are Now on Display. ZEB. BLOOD, Great Bargains in Every Grade! And an Immense Stock to Choose from. ONLY MACHINE SHOP Ladies and Misses, Old and Young, Large and Small Feet, Infants’ and Big Babies’ Feet Weed and Iron Lathe, Band Saw and Emery Outfit ZTlxe Latest Stales of Slxoes I HORSE BILLS