! THE T EL E PHON E-K EGIST ER folks depends largely upon the influ­ ence at home. M c M inn ville . O regon . Of course, if most of their lifeisspent March 5, 1891 . elsewhere external influence will pre- 5 vail, and as they are apt to lx* promis­ cuous and harmful, the formation of HOME COMFORTS. good character is a matter of chance. Mothers must be the builders and de- NELL MELSON OF THE WORLD fenders of home. To them belongs the HAS AN OPINION. blame as well as the credit of its out­ BRITISH PHILANTHROPISTS. HOLLAND’S LITTLE QUEEN. ODDS AND ENDS. Strong La-nguagr* of Carlyle on Thoie Who “Embarked in Philanthropy.” A Royal Child in the Midst nt Pomp and Ceremony Tlmt She Does Not Like. Henn Selle's map docs not show asingie I trace of the great lakes of North America. “A good deed ia never lost," but it is filed away so carefullysometimestlnw it ia hard j to find it again The latest is a bank in tbe shape of a small tube, which you carry iu your pocket. It is for dimes, and only opens whe-i $3 is denosited. Though Mr. Spurgeon’s sermons do not profess to be profound, and though their freshness is in the illustration and the “setting," rather than in the thought, they are as compact and coherent as the most systematic mind could desire. The direct preparation only takes a few hours—al though it must be remembered that iu an other sense all the preacher’s life has been a preparation, and nothing is committed to paper beyond the “head«,” which fill half a sheet of note paper. The little Wilhelmina, queen of Holland. as yet thinks only of her dolls, her pigeons, and her drives and excursions into the couutry. I saw her some months ago at a railway station, a tall, well made girl, fairly pretty, who was jumping and run­ ning about without the slightest regard to etiquette. “Yon sec that child?" said the station master. “What child?” was asked. “That one jumping like a kitten. Well, she is a royal princess.” One would never have imagined it. She was surrounded by high officiate, evidently standing on their position and dignity, while she was watching the different per­ sons who were netting into the train with an envious air, which appeared to indicate a wish to get rid of her attendants to enjoy the same freedom. The child was educated by a French lady at first, Mlle. Siotard, and she spoke en­ tirely in the French language until she was 4 years old. Then she learned other languages, but, Btrangely enough, never German, her father having a horror of all Germans. Miss Winter, an English lady, now replaces Mlle. Siotard, and all lessons given by the various professors are always delivered iu the presence of Miss Winter, who has absolute authority. The little queen has her military house hold, and her service includes also a cham­ berlain, professors, her governess and other attendants. All this concerns the queen but little. Her chief happiness is to work in her garden and to Look after her pigeons, which she loves as much as her dolLs. She attends to her pets herself. Early hours are the rule for the royal little lady. She gets up at 7 a. m. and at once goes to kiss her mother. At 8 the first breakfast is served, at 11 the second; 6 p. m. is the dinner hoar. Between 8 a. m. and 11 a. m. the queen has her lessons in languages, music and drawing. After breakfast she talks with her mother, who invariably reads a chapter in the Bible to her, and explains it afterward. Then the queen is allowed to go into the garden, where she feeds her birds, or rides her pony and rows in ber boat. In her own room she has heaps of beautiful playthings and large dolls in lovely costumes of every kind and design. At 8 p. m. Queen Wil­ helmina always goes to bed.—London Let­ ter. Lots in the Oak Park By way of individualizing for ourselves I I : the philanthropist as Carlyle believed ho found him in his own country, we ask first, 1 think. What is his place in society? what They Are Mary. Elizabeth, Mary the is his relation to others not philanthro­ pists? By way of answer to this question Wife of William the Third, Anne, and we learn from Carlyle that society is di­ Her Royal Highness, Victoria, Queen of vided into two great genera, as they may England and Empress of India---Wliat be called—the great dumb “iuarticulnte come. The little people will be what class’’ and “the articulate class.” This They Were All Like. latter class we find is further divisible into Tli.v I'suully Consist of Starched Bed ' she makes them. two—a large ignoble majority, ‘ intelligent The training of a woman is the edu­ I ln<-n, Heap.Cup« Without Snap, Crjlng Soon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price, From the cajliest time on record and influential, busied mainly in personal E ib:-.- P. t«*d Button Hole», etc.«— cation of a race. She can make a hut affairs,” who “accept the social iniquities England has had but five queens who and more homc-like than a palace. Nobody the miseries consequent upon them,” The Uen arf not Always to Blame-*- ruled in their own right. They are and “a select small minority in whom Study flow to Make Home Pleasatt. ever called the Stewart mansion a beau- I Mary Tudor, Elizabeth, Mary, wife of some sentiment of public spirit and hu­ | tiful home, and yet it had marble halls, Price Ranges |50 up. For full particulars apply to William III, Anne and the present oc­ man pity still survives, among whom, or Arc home comforts real or imagin­ gilded furniture and golden dishes. cupant of the throne, Victoria. Tho not anywhere, the good cause may expect J. I. KNIGHT A CO., THE INVESTMENT CO.. Contentment is more nourishing and to find soldiers and sovereigns.” It is ary? 40 Stark 8t., Portland. Or. first queen, Mary Tudor, was a daugh­ these last, “the silent small minority,” | beautifying than superabundance. Real Estate Agents, McMlnnvilla. F. BARN EKO FF « CO.. Monkey Monse In Central Turk, We have »11 heard and read so much I that are Carlyle ’ s philanthropists. If wc ter of Henry VIII and Catherine of McMinnville Flouring Mifla. rna- The monkey house in Central park is the about them that we think they are ¡ Home comforts are not so much Aragon. She was born in 1516 and say that in some measure they answer to favorite resort of that half million of-Lil tbe I terial as influence. Do away with the remnant of old Hebrew times as treat­ real. And we see so little of them in dren who live in and around New York. died in 1558. On the death of Edward of by the late Mr. Matthew Arnold we everyday life that we sometimes* have ¡ parlor. Have two living rooms—one for VI in 1553 she succeeded him. The ed Here there are fifty monkeys. In one big shall not go far wrong. the books and papers, the students and cage there are a dozen new monkeys not doubts as to their existence. Passing to Carlyle ’ s charges agai ust the next year she married Phillip of Spain, yet thoroughly accustomed to civiliza­ A great many thing are included in readers, and the other for the little but was neglected later by him. She class now under consideration, those who, tion. Their cage has to be tidied, brothers and sisters, who have a just to quote his own words, “ embark in the the category which, when carefully an-1 and so when the keeper enters with left no children, and recognized Eliza­ philanthropic movement,” his first and his broom the whole lot of them alyzed, are not comfortable or essential right to bo gay. Pull down the curtains beth, her sister, as her successor. heaviest charge, at bottom inclusive of all put cushion on the window sill and let squeal and scamper off to the oppo­ to the welfare of home. Home com­ others, is that they misconceive the situa­ Elizabeth proved more thana queen. site side of the cage, and huddle there. I forts and furnished houses might be the young folks look out; let the sun­ She was the (laughter of Henry VIII tion. It is not that they deny the existence am certain they are not really scared, but light in and let the son do free hand of great public misery — wc have seen that i-lassificd as synonyms without being only pretend. Iu this lot of monkeys, one and Anne Boleyn, born in 1553, crown­ they are even impressed and stirred to two foot monkey has become the dear inaccurate for the opinion prevails tliat sketches on the glass with his lead pen­ ed in 1558, and died in 1603. She greet­ action by it. They at least do not call good friend of a very small one, and so when­ they abound in the palaces of the rich cil or a bit of soap. Supjxising he does ed the announcement of licr sovereign­ evil and evil good, put “bitter for sweet ever they scamper from one side of the and can be had on the instalment plan soil the pane, or push it out altogether? ty with tbe words: “It is the Lord’s and iweet for bitter.” No; but they seem cage to the other the big one acts tu a What of it ? Five minutes rubbing for never to have asked themselves how it by the impecunious. horse for the little one. doings; it is marvellous in our eyes.” came about that “any world or thing fell the maid or a little money for the gla ­ All the monkeys are on intimate terms The term usually brings to mind an I THE YAQUINA ROUTE. into misery, ” or if they did the true an ­ Her youtii was as variously affected by with Mr. Jacob, the keeper, and some are arm chair before a grate fire, a dressing j zier. swer to the question seems never to have the smiles and frowns of a tyrannical never happy unless they get into bia arms —VIA — gown and a pair of embroidered slip- i Pull the furniture covers oft', throw father as her sister’s, and at the very occurred to them, viz., that, it was because or can hang about bia nock. As the keeper it had “first fallen into folly, into sin has to use his broom vigorously in sweep­ pers. These are some of the things that ¡ the tidies in the fire, and for the sake moment almost of his coming to the against the supreme ruler of it, by adopt­ of crenture comfort let the children sit ing the floor it is funny to see him carry men marry for,and often they are about throne her life was in danger from the ing as a law of conduct what was not a around a neck lore of live monkeys while on the sofa snd “ ride a crack horse ” on I all the home comforts that they get. law, but the reverse of one. ” at bis work. machinations of Gardiner. But when After a while they don't get even that, every armchair in the room. Let com­ that danger vanished her life became The offenses and omissions of the last •Z*. T2. ZZegrgr, Receiver. That monkey house is a scene of perpet pany manners and meals go the way of 200 years, Carlyle believed, had been every Express Trains Leave Portland Daily nal motion. It can only be qniet when all because the hearthstone is considered -AND— one of prosperity. It has been told of one of them registered against his country ­ LEAVE i . AUKIVE. the sons and hands are zsloep. You will see * monkey the only place in the house where the the Force bill. Let in Leaven’s chancery; had all the perfectly still and motionless, and you Portland .. 7.00 p >n SahFranci^colO.lb an» that they are her that “she was very majestic, her men daughters understand 9.35am while lain there generating frightful inter­ baby can be disrobed and batbed. In a will say: “Thatchapisdead tiredat last. No •ian Fran... 9:00 p iu! Portland in the whole face oblong, fair, but wrinkled, her eyes est and compound interest, until at last Above train« stop only et following sta­ wonderl Now he is going to take a com­ contest between a baby and a husband better than any guest small, yet black and pleasant; • * they had produced the frightful situation own the house, fortable nap.” Before you have said that, tions north of Kosebnrg: East Portland. the latter hasn’t a ghost of a chance community. Let them City, Woodburm, Salem, Albany, off is that very same monkey, swinging ou Oregon Make their companions welcome. her bands were small, her fingers long the philanthropist would cope with, hav­ Tangent, Shedds. Halsey, Harrisburg, Jun­ 225 Mile« Shorter—20 hour« leM and if his slippers are not splashed with ing for some of its palpable external feat­ the rope and twice aa active and energetic and her stature neither tall nor low; ction city, living, Eugene soapsuds and his chair converted into a Get acquainted with them, Have seed her air was statel.f, her manner of ures abroad an “idle black peasantry,” as ever. It was only one cf his tricks. time than by any other route. Itoseburg Mail Daily. Arrange by the thousand, at home, 30,000 “discon You cannot help laughing wben a mon­ clothes horse he has reason to consider cakes and apples served, LEAVE. ARRIVE speaking mild and obliging.” tented needlewomen who can’t sew;” special evenings for them to sing,dance key looks at you. It you stare back at Portland ... 8:00 a mi Roseburi ftjTFirst class through passenger and freight Too Saving. Roseburg. . 5:40 pm himself fortunate. Her reign is written on and consider­ scoundrels in jail treated by the method of him he will blink and wink, then put bis __ ...... . 4:00 p ni line from Portland and all points in ths Wil­ Good family dinners are also in the have charades and cat hot Johnny ed one of the most important England love, the deserving poor, struggling hard i Aunt Betsey Hicks, a New England wo- bead cn one side, with a knowing air, just Roseburg. 6:20 a m) I Portland lamette valley to and from Ban Francisco. who bad been left a widow after a as would a rude, vulgar little boy when he Albany Local, Daily. Except Sunday. tabulated list of home comforts, but cakes. Let them have their dolls and has ever known. The “Elizabethan outside to keep their heads above water, I ' man, paints and books where ever they like, further taxed at the risk of their entire few years of married life, “carried on” her eays: “Whom are you staring at? Hope L eave . arrive Time Schedule (except Sundays). occasionally they are not good. Har-1 i late husband's form with a good deal of Portland pm Albany.. 9: p nt , I^nveAlb»nvl2:30 pmll^.-ive Yaquins 7 aw age” is a brilliant period in English submergence, in order that among scoun­ ’ll know me next time?” If you face Albany........ .5: a m 5: a ih 'Portland 9: mony is another home comfort in im­ and don’t raise your voice and make history, and the numerous statesmen, drels the method of love may reign; 3,000,- ability, but with such close economy that you 'l “ CorvalltlO-.35 am him for a while, it will end by the mon such a dismal everlasting fuss when by 000 paupers in the country, “Connaught her saving devices grew famous in tbe key’a yawning, which means, "You make agination, but a beautiful fallacy in I Arr’vYaqtiinal :35 pm| ArrivAlbaayll 13« hi accident a ten-cent cup or a forty-ccnt soldiers, scholars and others who then potentially cannibal,” and as “the evangel : country round about. i O. 4cC. trains connect at Albany an« Cor- me very tired.”—Harper’s Young People. reality existed achieved for the country a place of freedom and real programme of a new ! Next t-o her economy of provisions her Tourist Sleeping Cars, ■ vallia. Ask tbe average family man to pitcher is smashed. Th« above trains connect at Yaqciva with era,” the •whitewashing” of the “scoun- economy of firewood was perhaps ber chief For accommodation of second class passen­ i the Oregon Developemont t’o’a. Lino of Htsam lleylet»* PostoAcc Box Lock«. Buy them good books to read and that lias not been surpassed. I concern. At one time a sister of her late enumerate the popular home comforts, i : drel population ” and the “ sweeping out of gers attached to express trains I ahipa between Yaqaina and San Francisco. The combination keyless lock for post- Mary, daughter of James II, next as- husband, from “down country,” came to WEST SIDE DIVISION and you are likely to get the following! teach them to give their opinion fear- J . cended the throne. Macaulay says: | ' the gutters.”—Lecture of Robert Nivens. ! N. B.—Pnsrenaers from Portland and all WU- ! make her a visit, and soon became eon- office letter boxes Is constructed on tbe I lessly of the more mature critics who ; amotte Valley Points can make close Conner Between Portland and Corvallis. list: ' vinced that Betsey was endeavoring to simplest plan that has ever been devised ■ tion with the* trains of tbe Yaqrisa Itocvz at “Her face was handsome and her port An Lye to His lXipariuu Rights. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. ’ Albany or Corvallis, end if destined to Kan Starched l»ed linen, towels too new to pose as omniscient lieings. Insist on majestic.” She was liorn in 1G62 and • A young business man in town recently ! freeze her out. But perhaps thLs was not for a lock. It has no tumblers, and there- ( fore no intricate movement liable to get LEAVE Francisco, should arrsnge 'o arrive at Yaqnlne ARRIVE dry with, soap cup without any soap, a the circulation of a daily paper and j died in 1694. She married William, bought a strip of laud along the lake shore ! so, since the temperature was as Mrs. out of order. It has two dials, and all that i Portland . . 7:30 a m McMinn’ 10:10 a hi the evening before date of sailing. help post them on the current topics. Hicks usually kept it. in Lake View, and a short time afterward plneu«hlon destitute of pins, frayed col­ it is necessary to remember in order to Corvallis . McMinn ’ , 10:10 a m .12:10 p in Prince of Orange in 1667. Tlie eorona- “I declare,” the visitor ventured to ex­ The history of today is of more iiU{X>r- moved up into the vicinity of the Land. 2:5G p nt open the lock is two letters of the alpha­ Corvallis.. 12:55 p in McMinn' lars and cutis, crying infants,cold soup, j Sailing Dates. ; tion was in 1689. when she inaugurated His friends say that he did t so that he claim, “I should tliiulc you kept it pretty bet, so that a child capable of being trust­ McMinn’ . 2:50 pm Portland . 5 -30 p in gas bills, leaden bread,doctor bills,weak tance than that of 500 years ago. Their ! like a king. An act which much en- could watch the land, but this he denies. cold here, Betsey!” At Albany and Corvallis connect with ed to go for the mail can open the box as The Steamer Willamette Valley a ill »ail “That ’ere pesky thermometer’s to i-ofTec, back rent, complaints and ubiq­ minds occupied at home, no room will 1 deared her to tlie peoplo was the con- However, he has a good eye for the main trains of Oregon Pacific FROM SAN FEAXC1RC« raox TAqviXA. blame, Susan, " said Betsey. “I guess it's readily as a grown person. For instance, . be left for discontentment, and the 1 chance. uitous relatives. if the combination was set ou the letters Express Train Daily, except Sunday January 23d. Jannarv 19th. ; version of Greenwich palace into a re-1 “It isn’t a big strip,” he said, “but it got choked up. I can’t get it above fifty to A T all that is required is to turn one of household will be happy. 31-t. 27th, LEAVE. i ARRIVE Social conversation is supposed to be my life!” treat for seamen disabled in their conn-! gives me riparian rights; that is why I save ~ and the Portland. 1:40 p in McMnn .. 7.2.5 pm Then she turned over the stick of wood the dials to A and tbe ot her to T included under the head of home com­ Home comforts are born of kindly i try’s service. She died of smallpox ; bought it." >» McMinn’. . 5:45 a m)Portland 8:20 am Paseeuger and freight rate* always the low- in the sheet iron stove, while her guest box can be opened. forts, but this divertisement partakes i interest. They are the doing and say­ 1 and was buried with great pomp in | “Going to fill in?” he was asked. Over 3,000 combinations are possible, so eat. For itifoiiDStion. apply t<» walked up and down the room with her ing of the sweet little jliings that make “ No. The waves are making half a foot a different C. C. HOGUK, that every box may be set on largely of neiglilxirly gossips witli a bands thrust up tbe sleeves of her dress. I Westminster Abbey. a month for me by washing up refuse.” Gen’!. Frt. A Pas». A gt., Oregon Pacific R. * combination. In ease a person should hap- i never-ending comparison of the bad : the music of tqe world. The visitor remained at Aunt Betsey's EAST AND SOUTH. Co., Corval’ia. Oreron. Without the subordination of self Anne, her sister and successor, was This is to show that he has a good busi­ for several days, however, ia spite of the pen to forget the combination, which is traits of servants and the happenings W H WEBSTER ness head. It was rumored in real estate For tickets and full information regard­ not very probable, since he has only to re­ they cannot exist. With it they flour-. tlie last member of the house of Stuart circles choked up thermometer, spending much of Gen ’I. IVt. A Pas*. Agt., Oregon PcvelopiueiA that he got out on the shore in the ing rales, map«, etc., call on the Company'« in the next tint. member two simple letters, tbe box can be 0» Montgomery street, San Francieeo. C’eh her time in bed or watching a chance to to occupy the throne. She was born in Home comforts are not superinduced ish like the palm tree and grow like i 1664 and died in 1714. In 1683 she mar­ morning with a hoe and a rake and pulled smuggle a stick into the stove when tier opened by t be post master touching a spring agent at McMinnville in everything that got within reach, but ft KOEHLER, E. 1*. KOGERS, the cedars to Lebanon. — N f . ll N f . t . son on tbe inside, and as soon as the door is was out. of the room. by liad roofs, debilitated lamps or un­ Manager. Asst. <1 F. A 1' Agt ried Prince George, brother of Chris­ this could not be verified. The following, hostess Isite one afternoon she happened to go opened the renter immediately sees the cocked gas fixtures. Rich people are !» X. )'. H’oi-ftZ. can be: Prom Terminai nr Intrriitr Points th two letters forming his combination. Any tian V, Kink of Denmark. She bore however, out into the woodshed, and found Aunt “He was standing at the window one number ot persons that may be desired can thought to revel in home comforts, Betsey there, with an old shawl wrapped • seventeen children, but only one, the morning, looking over his land, when he have access to the box, and n new renter ; which are supposedly the mere ex­ SOUND WORDS TO GIRLS Duke of Gloucester, survived infancy. suddenly startled his wife by exclaiming around her shoulders and a stick in ber can always fee! eecnre, for the reason that ■ ' " c t hand, engaged in violently stirring some ­ change of currency. If they depend up­ by. changing his combination, which is Her reign was distinguished by sucees- excitedly: “Great Scott! There are a lot of boys on thing in a large tin can. A strong smell very easily effected in a few seconds by any eC^AUSC THLV •«€ on wealth then how are the masses, who fttl wars, conspicuous among which was my land playing sailor!’’ of petroleum filled the air. are miserably destitute, to obtain them? “Betsey Hicks,” said the visitor, “what one, there is no poesibility of a former the conquest of Gibraltar. Tlie great i ‘What of it?” his wife asked innocently. renter having a key to the box and access I). M. F erry & Co’s People wlio know say that men and ¡lolitical event of her time was the' “What of it!” be cried. “What of it! lie you a-doin'?” his mail. I’J jstrated, Descriptive and Priced “Wall, if you want to know,” said Aunt to There It is tola- remembered that healthy union of England and Scotland in 1707.1 women go in society,dance and dine in is the Line to Take being uo tumblers or anything to : SEED ANNUAL “I thought I’d see if I couldn’t stir indicate from the outside how tbe combi­ iiotel parlors and catering establish­ ' young girls should not differ greatly Her reign has been termed the Augus-! rian rights. Wait a minute and I'll fix it.” a Betsey, leetle mite o ’ water int ’ the knroecne. I i l . r 1391 will be mailed FREE grabbed his hat and rushed out. nation is set, t he lock is absolutely proof ments, because there are no comforts in | 1 from boys in regard to agility, but only- tan period of English literature it being | He ito all applicants, and to Inst season’s “Did you settle it?” asked his wife when reckon it’d go a leetle fu’ther, ’th so much against being opened by auy one who does ¿¿customers. It is better than ever. comp’ny in the house as I seem to have!” in regard to endurance, and such nius- adorned by the writings of Addison, 1 he returned a moment later. their own homes. It la the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run« Every person using Garden, not know the combination. Both dials Her guest went away early the next must be set properly before tbe box can be Through VtSTIE’JLED TRAINS y .'i’i'vrc’r Field Seed», “Ob, yes,’’ he replied with the air of a Ex-President Cleveland would rather j cular strengeb as involves boxing, Pope, Steele, Swift and Defoe. i •hould send for it. Address Every Day In l!;e Year to man who had done a good stroke of busi­ morningon the stage coach.—Youth's Com­ opened, and there is no possible way of dis­ stay at home and visit witli his beauti­ wrestling or flic lifting nnd carrying of D. M. FERRY A. CO. ness. “It’s all right now. I told ’em that panion. covering the combination unless both diab DETROIT, MICH. ful wife than accept the most flattering weights. A,, that was no way to play sailor in Chicago; Lti’.'tit. csvsr..*»! in the world are set correct.—New York Telegram. In Aztec Sacrailce. i A girl should be able to move her When Mrs. George Gonld Was Young. • attentions of society. that they ought to build piers to land their (No Change of Cars; boats at, and now they are building piers Mrs. George Gould is a young lady Home comforts, whatever they de­ i own body swiftly and deftly: but her French Pretenders. and making more laud for me every mi ri ­ whose girlhood did not give much fore- j In the temple of Huitzilipoehtli there A correspondent asks: Who are the IjiniiMiscd of NWU CARS pend upon, are not as universal as i inferior muscular force makes it al- me. " (uiifrur parsed i liousekeeping. If they were ' there | ways unadvisable and often injurious was to be a gtaditorial combat, which was That’s the eye for business some men cast of the position which she fills today. French pretenders who are occasionally referred to? Mrs. Gould was Miss Edith Kin gfion, i »0 NOVrf AT PORTLAND, -5R. would not l>e as many habitual diners . to impose upon her tusks which involve nothing less than a sacrafice. The six have.—Chicago Tribune. I1LLMAM PR AWIMJ ROOM SLEEPERS and she early evinced a talent for the I All the living members of former dynas­ (Of I »at ett Equipment.) out in public cafes, títere would not l>e I moving <4her lwvlie« if these have nn.v ministers of tlie ceremony were at1 ties figure, theoretically at least, in the stage. When she was still a child she i He Was Ready. hand. Topiltzin, the chief among, role of pretenders or aspirant' to the ruler­ as many young men and boys on the j weight. TOIRIST SI.EEIIVfi CALS A story overheard ran something like thought and dreamed of the great tilings : ship. The Bonapartists are understood to them, clad in a crimson vestment with 1 Be.*l that van !»<• can»trucfeuii Globe-Democrat ed in advsiice through auy agent cd the road wants something that will divorce him Bowing is a most excellent ex.-reisc walls of tlie temple to witness the spec­ foot across to that frieze in high relief and painstaking as well as very pretty, with Tlii'iinpli To Aliwiel ,rnn',l11 Euglaud Illlbil^ll Tieli'k llin tacle, surging with impatience about spring thence to the stage. In thirty-five large appealing eyes and a 6weet, sensi­ from the cares and vexations of the if the boat is not too heavy. Traits of the Roving Dog. cr,d Europe < on lx- pun baH-d m any Uckal I should have reached her and tive face, and had undeniable ability, The exercise of jumping does not tlie temlcatl, (or round stone platform, seconds day. He is not in an amiable mood. He ctilcc of this cor ninny. My friend colled one morn iug after break­ liave the flames smothered with my coat.’ she rapidly rose in the profession, and Full information eoiwerning rates, tin»* lias his dinner thrown at him by a wo­ seem advisable, whether that of exces­ eight feet high, where tlie combat took “I laughed at him. Well, as it happened though she did not reach to any very fast with three dogs, and as usual brought of trains, routes rind other details fiiriil>lr thought, the other two small fry in the Fou Tnoss «no cannot possible cal : The victim, a prisoner of war, is now and she gave a piercing scream that almost to suppose she would in a few years. A 1> CHARLTON. influence of her long face, her untidy gymnasium. This restriction was not garden. The younger members of the fam threw the house into a panic. What did HONALf.T.EUlC TREATMENT PLACED U Asst General Passenger Ag»n> dress or her complaining tongue. The always observed, for Euripides makes brought in. Armed witii only a short my friend do? Forget all about his fire She was very young, not over 18, when ily were busy entertaining the collie with General Offire C.r the Cutnyaay, No, Itl JS THE KEAHI OF ALL THAT WILL KJVJ First 4t., Cor. SVahlngtoo. I'ertand. O. misery that loves company only de­ a Spartan youth eulogize the girl lie spear and shield he is placed upon the scheme and lose his head like the rest? Mr. George Gould first saw her, and he sundry dainty morsels, when all at once, to INSTANTANEOVS BELIEF AND A PKBNANENT CVItt. presses. He may possess tlie powers of admired precisely for her skill at leap- temalcatl. tied by one foot and con­ Not one bit of it. He did just exactly what fell in love with her, and with the quiet everybody's surprise, the roving mongrel said he would do. His coat was around persistency of his nature set about win­ appeared on the scene. He bad a look of half concentration necessary to read the eve­ i ing. Tlie dangers from this exercise fronted by an Aztec warrior fully arm­ he Ths most speedy, positive and pe . the woman iu less time than it took me to ning her love in return. The young girl protest, half shame, that was very comical. i sent ed. Tile flat liostrils of the victim are ! cure for Catarrh of the Head, Acthtr.; ning paper, but the squabbling of little i have lieen exaggerated, yet there is an woude r at his activity, and the audience was modest and doubtful of her own at­ His on ner io!d me he very much resented nnd all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, He..; brotiiers and sisters is not musical, occasional risk of displacing internal distended, his black eyes burn witli I wus cheering him. It was a sort of disci­ tractions, and for a long time Mr. Gould having to play second fiddle to the collie, Stomach, Liver nnd Kidney Affections l( so he sure and call for your ti< k«s. This disturlmnce omitted, títere is sure ; organs by a sudden leap upon tlie feet, desperatiou; his coarse black hair strag- I pline with him, you see.” Repeated in feared that money cc-uld not buy every­ and the little creature before us had very Nervous Debility, etc. Consunipt-.cn, it for the benefit of those who may have thing, but at last she con-sented and they much the expression of envy as he watched its various stages, permaucutlv cut cd via the to be a sleeping baby for whose consid-| The value of the forms of muscular gles about iris face, and liis thick, pur­ print the various tid-bits disappearing down the a chance to play the hero seme time. — New were quietly married, nnd her prosperity I«?. A bork ' s O ricinal M ode of T rf . vi eration lie must move alsiut on tip-toe exercise which have iieen enumerated | ple lips quiver as he views tbe armed York Tribune. collie’s capacious throat. An impulse of is as great as her merit a ;=. x - t and his M edicated I nhalation : and lower his voice to a whispor. This have scarcely been exaggerated in the soldier before him. She now has a home next door to that compassion moved me, and I threw him a gives instantaneous relief, builds up am Durdens cf Indolence. of her father-in-law, who is very fond of morsel from the table. His filmy eye revitalizes the whole constitution anc sort of home comfort does not encour-¡ preservation of health. For girls who At a word they fall to the fray. The' None so little tajoy life and are such and her two splendid little boys. 1 turned to me with a lenk of singular ten­ tystem, thereby prolonging life. Wc:.z ■i in- the young man to spend all his eve- ’ are sickly and whose Iiones nnd muscle spears clash and they fight like demons' burdens to them selves as thocse who have her wonder if in her palace home she ever derness. I — the victim witli the desperation of de-1 I understood the meaning of that look a net vc is, debilitated and broken-dor, i: —THE— nings under the roof-tree. He prefers have never been adequately developed, rothing to do. The active only have the t’-inlm of the struggle for life made by old and young, invariably tbe theater gallery or even the conver-1 the systematic exercise of each limb, 1 «pair, the soldier to uphold his valor i true relish of life. He who knows not the brat o young actress who almost lit­ couple of hours afterward, when sitting cousiitutioua, y vn from ten to thirty pounds iu ftetr- I what it is to labor knows not what it is to erally lived on one meal a day. and who writing in my study I glanced out of the ! as Is obtainable in a gymnasium, is re- i : among his comrades. •sktion of street companions. Recreation is only valuable ns it mode and mended her own frocks 1< t window and saw the rover coming up the thirty to ninety days. Suddenly, realizing how unequal tlie I i enjoy. DR. A bokn ' s phenomenal skillandn.ar Big sister, that bravest and truest of I quistte. long garden path, now slowly and hnsitat unbends us. The idle know nothing of it. the sake of earning an honest livivre ingly, now more briskly as it encouraging Velon» cures have created the gnaii .d I bread-winners, is even worse oil. Af- ' All exercise must be graduated ac- i contest,and that ills fate is sealed what- It is exertion that renders rest delightful himself in a laudable effort. He had, it cstonr.hment on the Pacific Coast and ODDS AND ENDS. ter her work in the shop she eats the Í cording to th© previous habits of the < , ever the outcome of that battle, the and sleep sweet and undisturbed. The It is positively the shortest and flussl was evident, in that moment of my weak­ thro-pliout the American continent, dur- I prisoner throws away his spear and happiness of life depends on the regular .me to Chicago and the cast and south and supper she helped prepare, puts the I g»rl. prosecution of some laudable purpose or Fifty-one lari,-*- and valuable libraries ness, recognized a new opportunity. My iug the pa.->t tweuty-Cve years. Asthma, the only sleeping »nd dining car tli-oOf k j shield and presents his breast to the C >• r. li of the Head, and ail Throat, Brou- It is very injurious to start of sudden-, Imby to sleep, washes the dishes, and, family circle had impressed him as fond • calling which engages, helps and enlivens were sold iu London last year. c! 'al an 1 Lung trouble instantly relieved, ire to to escape the tongue-lashing of a shrew-1 [ ly in summevr acations and take walks j ' soldier's weapon. A pause, a blow,and | all our powers.—New York Ledger. The China sea and ths Bay of Fundy are and indulgent, and wliat was more it was s’-=o liar Dtecaser, and Deafness often cured not marred by the presence of a rival the tiro roughest sr-as iu the world. ish parent or the suffocation of a vile i ¡ of ten and fifteen miles when previous the victim falls heavily to the stone. Mekuam.M of the New State«. favored by nature with greater physical at­ ;«rm«uently at first consultation. D r . In a trice the priests, with frenzied A Chinaman who died recently at Port ­ pipe, slips down stairs, meets a couple' custom bad not exceeded a mite a day. tractions than his own. Here was precise Avcpn's essay on the “Curability of Con- Only four of the six states created with­ Its maginiieeiil steel track, unsurpaaaa-l of other girls and they go off- arm In I Women entirely unable to walk at shout« and hair streaming about their in the past two years have nicknames, so land, Oro., loft property valued at ®5X),0C suddenly -top. turn and fix his bleared eye Tlie head of the house monopolizes tlie ple of gradual increase is, of course, still rificial stone and Topiltzin, who now ington the Chinook 8tate.—St. Louts Globe- to;-1! pMris of f; e Pacihc C<*a t, Lt whe The plethoric stats of our insane asylums on me and wag hia stump of a tail jocosely, casDDt pos««b- England childhood'» home did not prepare of much importance. Like many of the water with exstile soap suds, and press me. Fancy a hutidreil and City or two ' Have you seen n man with small face old happiness requires not only the ingen- ' lished and proper fitting eorsets could timers he failed to fit into the new when cold ami nearly dry. To iron them hundred tniucc pies by way of cue item! j PRICE ----------------- '-2-:~-'5O CIS. ~g- and small feet answering to this de­ order of things, and gradually descended out of lmt water turns them yellow. uity, but intelligence, tact and amia- | i then lx- worn with impunity. Tliis is by no means an unusual number ST PAUL. ST. LOUI8. 3 IT IS THE BEST. ZR. K scription furnished to Mayor Fitter, from a position of political importance to Tempering steel is done iu various ways for aa English country family to put in ' bility. She makes the atmosphere,! 1 „ EASIEST TO USE. E selling papers — New York Sun. — sometimes by heating the metal and cool ­ Philadelphia: “ I beg a faver of Baron Maurice de Hirach’a signature 1 S & THE CHEAPEST, f you, Aî«D ALL FOÎNTB slock. Many of them, of course, are given which is one of absolute sweetness, and ing slowly in water; sometimes t he cooling away; all the children of the village who repose, and as self-evident as the paint to the document by which he gives will you notify your police if they Didn't Think of IL is done by a blast of cold air. come to the house to offer wishes for a ' or carpet on the floor. You can almost •«2,500,000 to ameliorate the condition of should come acroz a strange man with The medicine men among the Indians One couk - of masonry of the Wolf Keck merry Christmas expect and receive a pie. ondent sick somewhat yu call body felt called upon to criticise the tions. So is the husband. ber, d«lleiou- beyond deacriptton — New matrons are frequently mad. of «alia their napkins into their pockets, and after »ad.” CifRir First attf Otk 3W The ehnraefer-biiildlng ef the little penmanship." York Times duchesse lunch wc are free to enjoy ourselves " WOMEN WHO HAVE RULED OVER THE LITTLE ISLAND. A.DDITTOJST ARE SELLING FAST! It Is Bxxlld.lx5.g- Up. East and South Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE, OREGON DEVELOPMEN COM­ PANY’S STEAMSHIP LINE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers, Through Tickets to all Points THE BEST To all Points East & South ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO R. ABC ARE YOU GOING EAST? Flie Hoyal .Route îk RH DENVER hìàk Kansas City, Chicago, East. North staici South.