I K J* I County School Notes. “King of all” spring tooth harrows YAMHILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS built last year and one term of school i at Martin & S indent,. íí ‘ taught, Mies Minnie Potter lieing the The teachers' examination last week For good fresh bread, pies, cakes, etc. INTERESTING ITEMS BY ENTER- SEPT. BAKER REPORTS THEIR CON teacher. I was unusually difficult. There were 29 5, 1891 go the Red front bakery. March No. 70 is a joint district of rr.i«iNG correspondent *». DITI ON. Don’t fail to see the Gale Disk Har­ applicants; of these two received 1st. Yamhill; only six scholar« grade certificates, five 2d grade, four­ row at Martin & Sanders ’ . FOSTOFFICE HOCKS. ! Yamhill. Carltun Votes a School Tax of SloOO, and Earnest, Competent and Zealous Men and The Red front bakery is the place to teen 3d grade and eight failed to pass No. 71 is a joint district lying in Ma­ Danre« Upon the 17th—Newherg School From 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p. The superintendent’s report, as pub Women nre Teaching the Young Ideas | get your money ’ s wortli. tu. to 8:30 p. m. rion and Yamhill; only six sholars are Dlalriet ha« 33» Children. Which De­ "^X7*as a Question aslced us Recently. Money order hours from 7 a. ni. to 6 p. m. When you want to insure your prop­ fished in the T elephonl -B egister , How to Shoot—»A Creditable Showing residents of Yamhill. notes Industry and rrogreM—A Far­ Sunday from 12 tn. to 1 p. m is already producing good results, as by Districts- — New Schoolhouses With erty or get a loan be sure to see H. J. Mail south closes at 9:50 a. tn. Mail No. 72 is a joint district lying in mers* Alliance to he Orgnillred at Sorth numerous directors have called upon Good Accommodations on Every Hand. Little. north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. tu. Yamhill and Washington. There are Yamhill. Mail tor 5:45 a. tn tram closes evening Mr. Bakerand signified their intention First class baled timothy hay for sale ; four pupils in this district living in before at 9 p nt — in quantities to suit. Enquire of J. to build new houses or repair the old Yamhill. Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail Wisecarver. Continued from last week. CARLTON. ones. Expressions like the following closes at 11 a m.____________________ _ No. 73 is a joint district lying in The best, freshest and cheapest gro­ have been used without number during No. 56. This is a new district formed The weather is good. ceries tn the valley are at the Red Front the past week in talking about the re­ of territory taken from other districts. Yamhill and Tillamook counties, with CHIRCH NOTICES. eleven pupils living in Yamhill. grocery store. A tax of $1500 wa» voted at our school There was some objections to the organ ­ port: M ethodist ErtscorAL C hcbch --Services The No. 9 Wheeler A Wilson sewing “That was a rough sendoff you gave ization of this district, particularly from No. 74 is another joint district in meeting Monday. everv Sabbath at 11 a. m and 7 :W> p m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m 1’ra. er meet­ machine at Hewitt Bros., is the best us, but it is true.” “You will not get No. 9, but affairs being adjusted, the Washington and Yamhill with two D. J. Pearce and 8. F. Cottle were j ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. muchine in the world. the new officers elected at the school: another chance to write us up in that new district not only moved on in ad­ pupils reported as living in Yamhill. R et J. T A bbett . Pastor. 8. Howorth A Co. are sole agents for kind of style.” “Come and dedicate vance of No. 9 In matter of improvment No. 75 is similar to 74, with no pupils meeting. C’VMBEBLA.«» Pr.ISBYTEltlAX CltfBCU — Services every Sabbath at 11 a. n>. and 7 p Oregon and Washington for Mrs. I.o- our new schoolhouse; it will he ready but takes rank among the best in the residing in Yamhill. We had the pleasure of meeting our j gon ’s California Vitalizer. tu Sunday School at 9:30 a. >n. No. 76. The survey establishing the old friend Mr. Wm. Galloway of Mc­ county. It has a complete schoolhouse, R ev W hat K sowlus , Tastor by Sept, this year. ” Don ’ t call our The price of wheat has advanced ma- B« rTisT C hcbcii . -Service« every Sabbath terially since the Gale Disk Itarrow was house a woodshed again, we are going finished throughout, and furnished boundary line between Polk and Yam­ Minnville, the guest of Mr. John Hen­ at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday School at introduced into this market. to build a woodshed and paint the with improved desks of the very best hill, whereby Yamhill's boundaries drix last Sunday. 9;35 a. m. R ev K. M c K hlot , Pastor. were extended, made another joint Mr. F. A. Jackson, Miss Ida Wood­ Nervous debility, poor memory, dif- schoolhouse this year." “You ought pattern; it ls also well supplied with district necessary, and now No. 76, of CuatsTiAS C hckcii services every Sabbath cock, C. Hendrix and family all took apparatus. It only needs a well, wood ­ deuce, sexual weakness, pimples, cured to have written us up long ago." at It a. m. and 7 p nt R ev D b . B. F F cllxb , Pastor by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Sample« free shed and a fence around the premises Yamhill, forms a part of No. 9, of Polk. dinner nt Mr. John Hendrix’ last Sun­ Tlie Greatest Strike. at Rogers Bros. 6 day. to make it a model country school McMinnville Grange, No. 31, P. of II.. This closes a brief statement of the Look out for W. A. Howe'« big ad All goods at the Red Front are war ­ meet in their hall the first and third Satur­ Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles property. day of each month at 10a. m. Visitors ranted. If they are not just what we in discovering his New Heart Cure has No. 57 is situated on the hill called school districts of this county as I found soon. recommend them to be return them and proven itself to be one of the most impor­ cordially invited. J. R B ooth . Master. them during my visitations the past Mr. Lou McCaskey came home from Mrs. H. A. H embree . Sec. get your money hack. tant. The demand for it has become aston­ the “Highlands,” above Sheridan. year. It is with pleasure that I note J— Monmouth last week to have the mea­ The house is another wretched affair ishing Already the treatment of heart Sing a song of sixpence, disease is becoming revolutionized and to be called a public schoolhouse; but the improved condition of a large ma­ sles and he is having them in good TIIE MARKET REPORT. COME AND SEE US A pocket full of rye; many unexpected cures effected. It soon jority of school premises in tho county (¡0 If you want a bill of furniture. relieves short breath, fluttering, oain in the poor as the house is the desks are worse. and only call attention to the few not earnest. Potatoes ................... P bu I o 50 tu .50 to 3 00 Prof. Davis of Lafayette will organize Go to Evenden’s and buy. side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry There is nothing here to repair. New Chickens, young yet abreast of the line of progress, hop­ spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, old.......... * < doz 3 50 to 4 OO All who know themselves indebted smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles’ throughout and this year of action for ing that the year 1691 will find the lat- a singing school at Carlton next Wed­ 10 (Clear sides "fl lb. nesday evening. 8 to Elsia Wright, are hereby requested book on heart and nervous diseases free No. 57, at the annual meeting oil the Bacon 'Shoulders r1 lb to 12 to call at his harness shop and settle The unequaled new Heart cure is sold and first Monday in March, The school is ter class falling into line with such im- Carlton will trive a grand hop on ( «unis F Io .... 10 10 . . a jlnlOpd pails the same without delay. Short settle­ guaranteed by Rogers Bros, also his Restor­ provmentsas will he a credit to the March 17th. 8 to 10 (In & gallon tins ative Nervine for headache, fits, sprees, hot partly supplied with apparatus. Miss ments make long friends. county and an honor to the people. In 2.5 flashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. Eggs. V dozen We heard a grouse boot last Sunday. Nellie Gardner taught the fall term. 75 The Best Remedy—Wright’s Paragon Butter, Creamery. V roll the next issue I. hope to devote some The wild flowers are ready to bloom. No. 58. This is one of the remote Butter, dull, fresh roll 60 State Board of Equalization. Headache Remedy. Stops pain in five space to the higher institutions of 20 Brine ...... ¥ pound. 15 to districts, being situated oil the hills minutes. Harmless, tasteless, no ill ef ­ NORTH YAMHILL. 7 6 to Dried apples, dull, * pd. fects. A positive cure for headache and An excellent law passed by the legis­ above the Willamina. Though the learning in Yamhill. 8 Dried plums, dull. * pd. 6 to neuralgia. Bold by Rogers Bros. 10 lature, and the only one ou the assess­ country is new and only partly devel­ The [Jury List. Dried prunes, dull. V pd. 9 to Theodore Hauswirth, of Tillamook, 12 Drledpeaches.dull. * pd 10 to Those goods stolen at the Red Front ment and taxation question, was that oped, educational affairs are not allow­ is spending a few days with ills many 105 Flour........ ......... fl sack 100 to grocery store have been returned. They authorizing a state board of equaliza­ ed to suffer, considering the surround­ The following jurors were drawn on friends here. were marked so low that there was no Monday, March 3, 1891, to serve at the Miss Jessie Ward, of Forest Grove, I.ocal and General. profit in them. The proprietors are tion, one member to I m ? elected from ings. The house is fairly good. Miss green and now Ls the time to buy bc- each judicial district. The “funny” Jesse Van Tress taught the school the next session of the circuit court, which is visiting at Mrs. Stott's. The county court Is in session. convenes on March 23, 1891. ' fore they bust. schemes to escape taxation, such as as­ past year. Our genial barber, E. E. Coalstock, Buy a Gale Disk liarrow at Martin A AMITY. O. O. Hodson desires all those who sessing mortgages at 50, 75 and 80 per No. 59, lying on the extreme north­ has been quite ill for several days. T. Banders’. are indebted to him to come in and cent and scaling down assessment rolls ern boundary of the county, is among Grant Alleu, R. A. Cochran, C. R. C. Buckingham and H. V. Stott nre Henry Eccleston is very sick with settle their accounts. This request must 20 and 25 per cent, as has been done in the new districts of the county. The Jack. also on the sick list. lie complied with at once to save trouble. pneumonia. CARLTON.; Chas. Jump left thi3 place last Satur­ Attorney’s fees and court expense» several counties, will receive a quietus. house is in much need of repairs. Tlte E. A. Manning, formerly of this city, count up very fast, and can be saved if To the credit of Lane county it can te desks are home made and, like most of Win Geldard, C G Scott, J II Walk- day for Portland, where he has secured is here on a visit. you will heed this notice. said that her county courts have never such desks, are much too high for the cr, J T Fryer, W L Hanna. a position in one of the commission Mr. and Mrs. Marion Carter left yes­ Chas. Grissen left on Tuesday's after­ adopted such unwarrantable measures. pupils. It is well supplied with appar­ DAYTON. bouses of that city. terday for the east. noon train for Germany. He will be­ The members of the board will lie ap­ atus. The pole bridge at the door; John Jones, Albert Odell. 1 The public school exhibition was well Chas. Holntan has a fine full-blooded gone until July and while in Ge many pointed by Gov. Pennoyer, to hold ri n- should be removed, good steps supplied ! EAST CHEHALEM. attended. Quito a sum was realized for will look up the sugar beet industry. Jersey calf for sale. and the premises fenced. A good slat­ John Clemensen. the library. He goes expressly for the purpose ol til the election next June. J. B. Piette has returned front the visiting his parents, who he has not ed blackboard should lie purchased at LAFAYETTF. Notices are posted up in town invit­ ltucklen’s Arnica Salve. east and will locate in Vancouver, seen since his arrival years ago in this Claude Ferguson. once. Mr. E. Rogers taught the fall ing farmers and those interested in Wash. country. M’MINNVILLE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, term. tanning to meet at Williams' hail on On the first of April Fritz, the pho­ On Friday evening, March 27th Miss Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, No. 60, called the River Side school, Chas Allen, F Barnekoft", J J Collard Saturday, March 7, for the purjMsx’ ol tographer, will open up a gallery in Margaret Grace Scriber, of Salem, as­ Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chas Palmer, J R Longaere, Hiram organizing a Farmers’ Alliance. is situated between Sheridan and Wil ­ this city. sisted by the pupils of the public school Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup-1 lamina. Like all buildings when oc­ Rumniell, S F Harding. At the regular annual school meeting D. A. Wallace is just recovering from of this city, will give one of her popular tions. and positively cures Piles or no NORTH YAMHILL. of district No. 16, held at this place last an attack of measles and his wife is readings. * The entertainment will pre­ pay required. It is guaranteed to give cupied before being finished, this one, sent something new in every particu­ perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ though comparatively new, has a dilap­ Robt Hanning, Joseph Williamson, Monday, a one and one-half mill tax now quite sick with the same. lar. A fine programme is being ar­ ed. Price 25 cents per box.' For sale idated appearance and is rapidly de­ Wm Shepherd. was voted, J. M. Bunn was elected di- Thos. Rogers came down from Amity ranged, and an enjoyable evening is as­ by Rogers Bros. creasing in value The criticism con­ I SHERIDAN. Tuesday to take F E. Rogers’ place in sured to all attending. wetor and Lee Laughlin clerk. The To all Sufferer» From Chronic. Narrons cerning the desks in No. 30 is applica­ Roger« Bros’ drug store, F. E. being Geo Graves, B B Branson, John controversy in regard to the boundary Tonight the Fireman's Fair will open nnd Particularly Uectal Diseases. sick. ble here. The desks, particularly as to Eberall. of the school house block was referred in the opera house. Tomorrow L. P. Pond of Corvallis is visiting his night the usual program of a fair will WEST CHEHALEM. to the board of directors for settlement Dr. J. B. Pilkington, Surgeon, Ocu­ height of seat, is out of all proportion, daughter, Mrs. D. A. Wallace,and can­ be given. Tonight a neat musical —thus leaving tills question just where vassing the town for a book on the late program has been arranged; the best.of list and Medical Specialist of Portland, being entirely too high. The school is J C Nelson, L F Hall. WILLAMETTE. it was before. R amona . Indian war. the local musical talent will appear. will be at the West Side hotel, Mc­ partly supplied with apparatus but a W H Wood. Jonas Howell was severely injured Mrs. John Evenden will also help the Minnville, from 10 a. m. of Wednesday good blackboard is much needed. The WILLAMINA. last week by the hand car, upon which program along. It will be a treat and March 11, to 10 a. m. of Thursday premises is fenced and has a nice loca­ be was riding, leaving the track. His you should not miss it. tion on the banks of the South Yamhill J D Stephens, H Z Foster, R L Booth. (10 a. nt.) March 12, 1891. Lovely weather. back was hurt. The annual school meeting was held The Pulpit and the Stage. Eye, Ear, Neuralgia, Rheumatism river, and by planting a few shade trees George Mitchell is putting in a lot of Wright’s Blackberry Cordial should Monday at the school bouse and IL and all Piles, Fissures, Fistulas and coule be made a beautiful spot. Miss tiling on his farm. be kept In every house. Invaluable tn Nelson was elected director to fill the Minnie Potter taught the spring term; Rev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United iu all relaxed conditions of the bowels. place of Mr. Grissen, whose term had Rectal ulcers will be given a specialist’s Mr. O. P. Lee the fall and winter term. Brethren church, Blue Slotind, Kan., W. M. Gumm, who is working ou expired. Rev. Hoberg was elected | Sold by Rogers Bros. i examination Free. Over 500 cases of clerk. a A utx tax oi of o 3 mtns mills was vorea voted upon I etera. „.ui.«..» i No. 61, situated in the mountains of “I feel it my duty to tell what wonders the Oregon Land Co.’s fruit farm at Dr. King’s New Discovery has done for Salem is down on a visit. J diseases cured without using In Portland last Saturday u messen­ the district. The attendance was good,: ger boy enquired: “Is the thelves’ de­ showing that an interest is taken in the ! kmte or ligature. Any amount of McMinnville near the Eagle mills, lias nte. My lungs were badly diseased, New buildings are going up. a hard struggle for existence. During and nty parishoners thought I could tective agency in this building?” He affairs of the public school. 1 references. The spring of school at the academy live only a few weeks. I took five bot ­ probably meant Theil’s. Miss Agnes Sweet's school there were tles of Dr. King’s New Discovery and opens to-morrow. New Millinery Store. but eight pupils In the district to at­ am For Sale. Sadly tolled the bells Wednesday sound and well, gaining 20ibs in Henry Austin is clerking for .Morris, They announced the death of Mrs. tend school. The people have built a Grand opening of the branch millin­ Registered trotting stallion Albicore school house that is, considering the weight. Miles & Co. Tucker, mother of Hiram Tucker. Old Arthur Love, manager Love’s Funny age was the cause of death. ery parlors of Bullock & Flynn, of (2854) by Alwood (572) by Almont (33), sparsely settled district, a credit to the Folks combination, writes: “After a There was a large turnout at the last dam Lady Lightfoot by William’s Bell­ Portland, on Dstreet, McMinnville, at thorough trial and convincing evi­ horticultural meeting and a good time The city council will buy the fire de­ district. They are anxious to have as Possesses great speed, dence, I am confident Dr. King's New was had in discussing tho «praying of partment* 500 feet of new, "best quality the old stand of Davidson & Miller, founder (62). Our Competitors Disk Harrows aro blown out of linee. This has long been needed and Monday, March 9, 1891, under the man­ strength and endurance. Splendid dis­ much school as jiossible. There is a Discovery for consumption beats ’em fruit trees. good deal of good land in that part of the Market and their shades may be seen all, and cures when everything else the fire laddies are jubilant. agement of Mrs. 8. Wells, late of San position, no superior iu harness, sure the county, and the condition of the fails. The greatest kindness I can do Miss Effie Tolson has returned home foal getter. Apply to Judge L. Loughary will move his Francisco. my many thousand friends is to urge from Lafayette,where she has Leon vis­ district in the near future may lie much them family to Moscow, Idaho, in a short I. C. M osher , to try it.” Free bottles sit Rogers iting her brothers. time. Mr. Loughary reports that Mc­ The ladies of McMinnville and the Feb. 10, 1891. improved by immigration. Reedville, Oregon. Bros. Drug store. Regular size« 50c. surrounding country are respectfully O. M. Coffin has gone* to Salem to Connell is politically dead In Idaho. No. 62 is a joint district lyingin Mar­ and Jil. LIKE work in a job office. Impure blood and low vitality will Invited to attend our grand opening in ion and Yamhill, only a small, portion Down Goes Flour. Lou Hill ha« returned from his visit make fearful inroads on your health. this city on the above date. Our stock ' Graduate* Will Become Teacher*. lying in Yamhill. Wright’s Sarsaparilla will cleanse vour consists of the latest styles of millinery East. The McMinnville roller process flour No. 63, Originally a part of No. 41, is ' blood and build you up. Sold by Kog­ novelties, selected by our own buyer Hou. F. C. Moore, of St. Helens, was will l>e sold hereafter until further no­ situated about five miles west of Me-1 An important law »fleeting college ers Bros. in the easterii markets expressly for tice for $3.80 per barrel. Triplett & Mlnnville. The house, a fairly com­ graduates of Oregon was passed at the at this place last week. Mrs. B. F. Fuller is once mone able recent session of the legislature. It A good time to graft now; raise your to be about. Two weeks ago Sunday our Port.and trade. With our facilities | Cook have the agency for McMinnville, fortable one, was, until quite recently, provides, “that all persons who shall own trees and then you will know iK. plircha'se” Hcart Discasci" frec' is now one among the best school was troubled with neuralgia and rheu­ The grouse are hooting. present, as there is special business to C. F. Moore is having a lot of grub­ Born. attend to. N. A. J acobs , Sec. Vocal Solo—Miss Kate Leabo. bouses in the county,furnished through­ matism, his stomach was disordered, Male Quartette— Walter Evenden, i Land for the use of the people on the out and furnished with the best of pat­ his liver was affected to an alarming bing done. stallion show day has been kindly J. G. Ballinger, John Evendeu,H. Bal- S avage .-On Dayton Prairie Yamhill ent desks; nor did the work stop here. degree, appetite fell away andhe was The Cbehalem debating society ! county, Oregon, Feb. 25,1891, to the greatly reduced in flesh and strength. has Fadjourned till November. granted by Granville Baker. This linger. show will be largely attended, as num­ Instrumental Solo—Mrs. Annie Ev- wife of A. T. Savage, a nine pound The entire “campus” was fenced with Three lxittles of Electric bitters cured Following are the officers elected in boy. him. a strong plank fence, a good woodshed erous horsemen say their prize horses enden. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Ill., school district No. 35: Daniel Grubser, will be there. nicely painted and a well supplied C'cuuty Sunday School Convention. bad a running sore on his leg of eight director, N. L. Wiley clerk; district No. Mixed Quartette—John Evendeu, J. with a pump. The school is also well years' The T elephone -R egister has put standing. Used three bottles of 29, Geo. Christenson, director, N. C. H. Nelson, Misses Nellie and Josie I in a new steam jobber of the latest im­ The Yamhill County Sunday School supplied with apparatus. This is one Electric Bitters 'and seven lxixes of Christenson clerk. District No. 32, J. proved pattern and the office is now Gortuer. l Convention will hold its annual meet­ of the best country districts in the Bucklen's Arnica salve, and his leg is Hash, director, 8. Rrutscher, clerk. prepared to do all kinds of printing and well. John Speaker, Ca­ Vocal Solo—Walter Evendeu. ing in Dayton, Oregon, March 10 and county. Miss Alice Downing taught sound from the smallest visittng card to a tawba, O., had five large fever sores on R ose . Medley. three-sheet poster. ! 11, 1891, beginning at 1:30 p. m., Tues­ the spring term; Miss Alice Hunter is Ills leg, doctors said he was incurable. now in charge. Beware of Ointment* for Catarrh That day the 10th. An interesting program One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Probate Court. A fellow by tlte name of J. Gordon Contain Mercury. was arrested Tuesday morning at La­ I has beeu prepared and every one who No. 65. This is another small dis­ Bueklen's Arnica salve cured him cn- fayette and brought to this city where Estate W H Bingham; first senti-an- attends will, no doubt, lie well repaid trict, in the vicinity of the Nestucca tivrel. Sold by Rogers Bros. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of I he is confined in tlte county jail. He nual account approved; pro rata pay-1 for their time. .. Each »niell amt completely derange the whole .............................. school in the mills. Owing to the altitude school Appreciated. is suspected of burglarizing the store of system when entering it through the mu-1 county is entitled to one or more dele­ can only be successfuly maintained dur­ bbus surfaces. Such articles never should J. L. Vickery and the saloon of Frank ment ordered. Estate of W. C. Mason; will admitted gates. Let all come prepared to make ing the summer months. Miss Lelah The fame of Oregon’s principal and be used except on prescriptions from rep Giltner. u table physicians, as the nantage they will to probate and Sarah B. Mason appoin­ this the best convention ever held in Carr taught the summer school. most valuable fish has become world do is ten fold to the good you can possibly We have just received direct from the factory a carload of fine vehicles which ted executrix. Bond fixed at $6000; Yamhill county. Come prepared to No. 66. This is the smallest valley wide. The Aitorian says that in Paris derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, by F. J, Cheney A- Co . To | we have had built to order and made bond approved and Jacob Wortman, speak on the various topics, and remain school In the county. It is situated an acquariumis maintainedfor the pur­ manufactured ledo, O.. contains no mercury and is taken I especially to suit this trade. We be­ W. D. McDonald and M. F. Fenton until the close of the convention. near Bellevue on the cast, and has the pose of breeding fish for replenishing internally, and act» directly lipon the blood lieve we have the finest and best select­ appointed appraisers; inventory ap­ smallest house in the county, although the rivers of France. A quantity’ of and mucous surfaces of the system. In ed stock ever brought to this city, and Worse Ilian buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure vou gel | proved ; petition to set apart personal I found but eleven pupils In attendance Columbia river salmon are kept In a the genuine It is taken internally, and believe we can verify it. Call and ex­ Leprosy is Catarrh, and there is but property to widow allowed. tank specially constructed for tho pur ­ is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F- J. t'lieney amine them. Martin A Sanders. (and there arc but nineteen in the dis­ A Co. Estate of W. F. Perkins. Final ac- one preparation that does cure that dis­ trict) I found the house too small for pose of artificial breeding. As a result, uysold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Miss Fisliborn, of Newberg, while in ease, and that is the California Positive that number. It is impossible to main­ more than 200,000 healthy fish are , count allowed and administrator dis ­ attendance at the teachers’ exatnina- i and Negative Electric Linament, sold charged. Notice to Taxpayer«. tlon last week at the eourt house, was tain any thing like an even tempera­ transferred to the river Seine every seriously injured by a large piece of Estate of Josephine Klouchek, report by Rogers Bros. It also cures neural­ ture in so small a room. Mr. L. Root year. stucco work, which fell from the ceil­ of sale of personal property allowed. gia, rheumatism, headache, sprains taught the spring term; Miss Ella Green Taxpayers are hereby notified that ing. A deep gash was cut in her for- Accident at McCoy. burns and all pains. Try it and tell the fall term. • the tax roll of the city of McMinnville, Military Matter. bead. A physician was called and your neighbors where to get it. i Oregon, has been placed In my hand« 1 dressed the wound. Had it hit her No. 67 is a new district situated in Clarence Gibson, a young man living! for the collection of taxes thereon, and , square she would have been killed. Captain Raleigh, of Troop A,cavalry, the northwestern part of the county in S100.000 to Loan. with O. G. Shurtleff, near McCoy, met' that said roll will remain in my hands Custer Post and Relief Corns will attended the drill of Co. B Tuesday Money to loan upon real estate in the lumber region. It is a small dis­ with a painful accident Wednesday1 for the period of thirty days, during give a sociable at tbelr ball Friday even­ night. trict representing twenty-one scholars. ing, March 13. A short program will Chas. McKinney has t>cca elected Yamhill county, for a term of years. Miss Martha Hodge taught the sum­ evening of last week, which came near : which period I will be at my office at be tendered, after which a 10-cent lunch secretary of B company; 1’. D. Glenn For terms write to or call upon F. W. mer school. resulting in his death. He was chop-1 McMinnville National Bank between will be served to all who wish, the pro­ Fenton, attorney at law, McMinnville, ping wood when the axe slipped and i the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., daily, j treasurer. No. 68, formerly a part of West Che- ceeds to be used in buying flags for Oregon. The uniform and guns for the com- each society. All are cordially invited balem district, is a newly organized struck his foot, the blade going entirely to receive and receipt for taxes, through that useful member. Some of i Dated thi« 25th day of February, to attend. j pauy will be here soon, CATARRH cured, health and sweit district, but is making a good start. A M rs . N ettie U ngerman , j The state forces will go into camp breath secured hv Shiloh’s ca tarrh remedy comfortable and well-furnished schoo- the bones were badly shattered and i D. 1891. J. W. C owls , i Chairman Executive Com. W. R. C. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector . ree Sold bv City Treasurer, j this summer for the first time. house has been built. The directors some of the arteries cut. He nearly ON EXHIBITION AM) FOR SALS i lloworh A Co bled to death before aid could reach i----------------------- The directors of the fair association have recently supplied the school with Only one In the United States. • SHILOH'S Catarrh Remedy, a positive met yesterday and considered the ad­ but he is now doing well. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cure for Catarrh. Diptheria and Canker visability of selling off some of their Out of 1307 cough syrups manufactur­ cured by Shiloh's Cure W e guarantee it. good slated black board, Webster’s un­ I Mouth. Sold by Howorth and Co. Sold by Howorth and Co. abridged dictionary, reading chart, Miles’ Nervine Liver rills. property and applying the proceeds to tho indebtedness. The com­ ed in the United States, but one has glove and one dozen erasers. Miss tet on a new principle—regulating tlic "Haekntetaclk," a lasting ar.-i fragrant mittee instructed to survey the been found to be entirely free from opi-1 Sleepless nights made miserable by that Vinton taught the spring term; Miss liver, stomach and bowels through the perfume Price Si anil 50 cent«. Sold hv McMinnville. Oregon. cough ¡Shiloh's cure is ’lie remedy nerve«. A new discovery. Dr. Mile'« I’ills Howortli and Co. property find that 14 acres can be sold ates, and that ls the California Positive terrible Davis the fall term. speedily cure billiousness. bad taste, torpid without interfering with the present and Negative Electric cough cure, ‘ for you. Sold by Howorth and Co. No. 69 is a newly organized district liver, piles, constipation. I'fleoualed for THE REV Geo. II. Thayer, Bourbon unds used. This is desirable resi- i A nasal injector free with each bottle of man, women amLchildren. Smallest, tnild Ind . says: "Both myself an 1 wife owe and can easily be sold which is tho best on earth for coughs, I Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. in a newly settled part of the county est. surest! 50doses, 25 cts Sample» free our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure, colds, croup, etc. Sold by Rogers Bro«. I Sold by Howorth and Oo gold by Rogers Bros far up the Willamina. A house was at Rogers Bro« . 1-kjS Market lit.. San Francisco, C<1. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER r - WHY do you advertise; It don't Pay You, does it?” “ Of course it does.’’ “ Land Sakes! I thought you did it to help the papers along.’’ “Not inueh; we advertise to help our­ selves; knowing that every dollar we spend in the right kind of ad vertising will pay us handsomely." Right here let us remark that our Stock is well se­ lected and complete in every particular, Accuracy! Competency! PURE DRUGS! Rogers Bros. Druggists. BLOWN SKY HIGH I BY A MIGHTY GALE THE GALE DISK HARROW ! Straddling Through the Air HOLMES SUNDAY PANTS THE GALE Is the Newest and Best DISK HARROW In the Market. Dust Proof Bearings; High Spring Seat; Leaves no Ridge in the Middle; Don’t Fail to See it MARTIN & SANDERS AWARDED ilso HS ONLY GRAND PRIZE Do Xot Fail to see these Machines Before Purchasing*. Dejm i WortaîBÜp, fa ic Jep. HEWITT BROS.. ONLY PERFECT $EWIHC PACIFIC COAST AGENCY,