THE TELEi’líU.XE-UEUlSTER. THE NEW COUNTY PRINTING LAW PLAGUES OF THE CITIES. my tankards shall be theirs, my wine cup shall be theirs, my destroyed reputation shall I ms theirs. Share and share alike shall they in the infamy. Hereto I affix my hand and seal in the presence of all the ap­ plauding harpies of bell.” From the multitude of those who have the evil habit born with them this army is being augmented. And I am sorry to say that a great many of the drug stores are abetting this evil, and alcohol is sold under the name of bitters. It is bitters for this and bitters for that and bitters for some other thing, and good men deceived, uot knowing there is any thralldom of alcohol­ ism coining from that source, are going down, and some day a man sit3 with the bottle of black bitters on his table, and the cork flies out, and after it flies a fiend and clutches tbe man by his throat and says: “Aha! I have been after you for ten years. I have got you now. Down with you! down with you!” Bitters! Ah! yes. They make a man’s family bitter and his home bitter and his disposition bitter and his death bitter and his hell bitter. Bitters! A vast army, ail tbe time increasing. It seems to me it is about time for the 17,000.000 professors of religion in America to take sides. It is going to be an out and out battle with drunkenness and sobriety, between heaven and bell, between God and the devil Take sides l)efore there is any further national decadence; take sides be­ fore your sons are sacrificed and the new home of your daughter goes down under the alcoholism of an imbruted husband. Take sides while your voice, your pen, your prayer, your vote may have any influ ence in arresting the despoliation of this nation. If the 17,000,000 professors of re ligion should take sides on this subject it would not be very long before the destiny of this naticfti would be decided iu the right direction. and if it refuse to do so God will wipe out the nation as he did Phoenicia, as he did Rome, as he did Thebes, as he did Babylon. Ay, he is waiting to see what the church of God will do. If the church does not do its work, then he will wipe it out as he did the church of Ephesus, church of Thya- tira, church of Sardis. The Protestant and Roman Catholic churches today stand side by side, with an impotent look, gazing on this evil, which costs this country more than a billion dollars a year to take care of the 800,000 paupers, and the 315,000 crimi­ nals, and the 30,000 idiots, and to bury the 75,000 drunkards. Protagoras boasted that out of the sixty years of his life forty years he had spent in ruining youth; but this evil may make the more infamous boast that all its life it ha3 been ruiuing the bodies, minds and souls of the human race. ' : ! Brazil has made itself a complete re­ public by the adoption of a constitu­ tion. It has also begun to reduce its “protective” tariff duties with a view to giving all the people an equal chance | in life and letting every man alone as much ns possible. That is the essence1 of enlightened democracy. The Salem Capital Journal gives the following history of the new law pro­ THE SECOND SERMON IN DR. TAL­ MAGE’S PRESENT SERIES. viding for the publishing of commit sioner’s court proceedings in newspa- pers. To Mr. Hofer, of the Journal, Drunkenness Is the Topic and This Is SUBSCRIPTION BATES. the Text, “Noah Planted a Vineyard, $2 00 belongs much of the credit of securing Use Copy.per year Inadvance.. . and Ho Drank of the Wine and Was . 1 00 the enactment of the law. 5Ve believe •>tîü Cepy, six inoutha in advance ' The theory of tlie reciprocity clauce Drunken.” it will proven useful piece of legislation. in the McKinley law seems to be that The Journal says, N ew Y ork , March 1. — Dr. Talmage 1 the doctrine of protection is perfectly Entered at the postoflice at McMinnville The bill was presented by the State continued today the series of sermons he i just when applied by the United States ! Oregon, as second-class matter. Press Association. At first it bad no commenced last Sunday on the “Ten against other countries, but unreason- I friends, there being not a newspaper Plagues of New York and the Adjacent Cities.” The plague which he places able and very much to be resented i T he advertising K atem of T he T ele ­ man in either house or senate. Mem­ second on the list is intemperance, and on phone -R egister are liberal, taking in bers of the press legislative committee when applied by other countries to the that subject he discoursed this morning In consideration the circnlatfon. Singh THE POLITICIANS ARE DOING NOTHING. United States. inch, $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. besought members in vain, to introduce the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, and this Put on your spectacles and take a candle Special inducements for yearly or semi- the bill. It had to make its debut as evening in New York. At the close of the ‘ and examine the platforms of the two lead- ! The Penitentiary. se -vice in the New York Academy of Music | yearly contracts. an orphan, introduced under tlie royal Dr. Talmage went over to the Union ing political parties of this country, and * * » see what they are doing for the arrest of J ob W ork N eatly A mo Q cickly E xecuted prerogative of every citizen due from Square Theatre, where his son, Mr. Frank j Bulletins of the eleventh census show this evil and for the overthrow of this at reasonable rates Our facilities an his representative—Armstrong, of Mar­ De Witt Talmage, was holding an over- 1 that 722 persons out of every' million of the be«t in Yamhill county and as good abomination. Resolutions — oh! yes, reso ­ CD flow meeting, and briefly addressed the Thus crowded as any in rhe state A complete steam ion. fathering it “by request." lutions about Mormonism! It is safe to populutlon to be spending their time house. Both the New York ser- | plant insures quick work. attack that organized nastiness two thou­ within the narrow confines of state labeled it went upon the calender un vices are under the auspices of The Chris­ ♦ * ♦ sand miles away. But not one resolution penitentiaries, being an increase of R esolutions of C ondolence and all O bit - der a cloud, for few bills “by request” tian Herald, of which Dr. Talmage is editor. against drunkenness, which would turn uary Poetry will be charged for at regular ever see the lignt of day. It is but just The text of the doctor’s sermon was taken this entire nutiou into one bestial Salt Lake thirteen to the million over the enu­ from Genesis ix. 20, 21: “Noah planted a advertising rates. to speaker Geer to say that he appoint ­ * City. Resolutions against political cor­ meration of 1880. In the numerical or­ vineyard, and he drank of the wine and was ! »41- ruption, but not one word about drunken­ der of states, according to the numbers A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y ed an intelligent committee on print­ drunken.” CD ness, which would rot this nation from the person who sends them, not for pub­ ing, to whom the bill was referred. This Noah did the best and the worst | lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non scalp to heel. Resolutions about protec­ of convicts reported in them, Oregon thing for the world. He built an ark ; CD Members of the press appeared and de plume,” but for a guarantee of good New York is first tion against competition with foreign in­ ranks thirtieth. faith. No publications will be published made arguments in its behalf, securing against the deluge of water, but intro- : dustries, but not one word about protec with 819, Wyoming last with 10. There duced a deluge against which the human i unless so signed. tion of family and church and nation ire only 1791 women in penitentiaries, a favorable report on the county print­ race has ever since been trying to build an I » ♦ * ♦ against tbe scalding, blasting, all consum A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or ing bill. The house printing commit­ ark—the deluge of drunkenness. In my ing, damning tariff of strong drink put ! against 43,442 men. In several state text we hear his staggering steps. Shem the editorial or business ch partments, to tee reported against the bill to have all upon every financial, individual, spiritual, ; prisons have been created, which are T he T elepiione -R eotstcr , McMinnville, and Japhet tried to cover up the dis­ moral, national interest. new laws published in the newspapers, grace, but there he is, drunk on wine at a Oregon. »rganized and managed on a system O I look in another direction. The Church which varies in many important partic­ * * * rime in the history of the world, when, to S ample C opies O f T he T elephone -R egis ­ and in favor of the Gambee bill to print say the least, there was no Lack of water, of God is the grandest and most glorious ter will be mailed to any person in the session laws in pamphlet form, one fot ulars commonly adopted for the gov ­ THE CURSE OF STRONG DRINK. institution on earth. What has it in solid United States or Europe, who desires one. each voter. Tbe press committee with­ inebriation, having entered the world, has Is drunkenness a state or national evil? phalanx accomplished for the overthrow I ernment of penitentiaries. The first of not retreated. Abigail, the fair and heroic free of charge drew the bill to print the laws, as they wife, who saved the flocks of Nabal, her Does it belong to the uorth, or does it be of drunkenness? Have its forces ever been these is at Elmira, New York. » * * W e I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele did not wish to antagonize the friend, husband, from confiscation by invaders, long to the south? Doesit belong to the marshaled? No, not in this direction. Not In New York they are committed foi phone -R egister with any other paper home at night and finds him so intox­ east, or does it belong to the west? Ah! long ago a great ecclesiastical court assem­ of tbe Gambee bill, but secured theii goes published in Yamhill county icated she cannot tell him the story’ of his there is not an American river into which bled in New York, and resolutions arraign­ an indefinite term, not exceeding the aid. narrow escape. Uriah came to see David, its tears have not fallen and into which its ing strong drink were offered, and clergy maximum term for which they might The county bill passed the house by and David got him drunk and paved the suicides have not plunged. What ruined men with strong drink on their tables and have been definitely sentenced for the All tubecribert uho do not receive their way’ tor the despoliation of a household. that southern plantation?—every field a strong drink in their cellars defeated the paper regularly will confer a faror hy im­ a large vote, and went to tho senate, Even the church bishops needed to be fortune, the proprietor and his family once resolutions by threatening speeches. They ■ »flenses proved against them. Prison­ mediately reporting the tame to thit office where it lay with some two hundrei. charged to be sol>er and not given to too the most affluent supporters of summer could not bear to give up their own lusts. ers are eligible to parole, and their fit­ I tell this audience what many of you ness for freedom and rehabilitation as other bills until the railroad, tax, bal much wine, and so familiar were people of watering places. What threw thut New lot, assessment, World’s Fair, Colurn Bible times with the staggering and fall­ England farm into decay and turned tbe may never have thought of, that today— citizens is tested for some months in a CD GO Thursday. March 5 , 1891 not in the millennium, but today—tbe cheeks that bloomed ut the foot of bia river and other important measure: ing motion of the inebriate that Isaiah, roseate CD when he comes to describe the final dislo­ the Green Mountains Into tbe pallor of church holds the balance of power in , •itate of conditional release Itefore they were taken up, debated and dispose» cation of worlds, says, “The earth shall despair? What has smitten every street America; and if Christian people— the receive an absolute and final discharge: CIVIL SERVICE AND THE PEOPLE. of. Ou the 20th of Feb. at 10 p. in. reel to and fro like a drunkard.” of every village, town and city of this con­ men and the women who profess to love j While on parole they are still in the tinent with a moral pestilence? Strong the Lord Jesus Christ aud to love purity I eye of the law Inmates of the institu­ A WORLD WIDE TEMPTATION. house bill No. 109 was reached ano nod to be th? sworn enemies of all unclean The politicians in Washington appear Ever since apples and grapes and wheat drink. passed by the constitutional majority To prove that this is a national evil I call ness and debauchery and sin—if all such ' tion, and may be remanded for any vi­ to be determined to do their best to kill grew the world has been tempted to un- and not a vote to spare. It was aux hcalthful stimulants. But tbe intoxicants up two statesiu opposite directions—Maine would march side by side and shoulder to olation of the conditions attached to th ■ present civil service law. The other iousiy followed back into the house, of the olden time were an innocent bever­ and Georgia. lz*t them testify in regard shoulder, this evil would soon be over- ! tlie tlcket-of-leave. This system is be­ day a senator expressed the opinion thrown. Think of three hundred thou­ sent to the enrolling committee, report age, a harmless orangeade, a quiet sirup, a to this. State of Maine says, “It is so great sand churches and Sunday schools iu lieved to have been productive of ex­ that the people are l>eginning to discov­ an evil up here we have anathematized it peaceful soda water as compared with tbe ed back to tlie house fivemiuutcs befor< liquids of modern inebriation, into which a as a state.” State of Georgia says, “It is so Christendom marching shoulder to shoul­ cellent results, and it has i»een Imitated er that the law is a humbug. the hour set for flnal adjournment maduess, and a fury, and a gloom, and a fire, great an evil down here that ninety coun­ der! How very short a time it would take more or less fully and with greater or Any politician who supposes that signed by tlie speaker, messaged to thi aud a suicide, and a retributiou have mixed ties of this state have made the sale of in them to put down this evil, if all the less success, in the adult reformatories he can sifely attack the law because drink a criminality.” So the churches of God, transatlantic and cisat­ senate, signed by the president, mes and mingled Fermentation was always toxicating created in other strates since the open­ th ■ people are no longer behind it is Known, but it was not until a thousand word comes up from all parts of the land. lantic, were armed on this subject? saged back to tlie house, tlie messag» years Young men of America, pa>. over into ing of the institution at Elmira. after Christ that distillation was in­ Either drunkenness will be destroyed in re.-koniug very foolishly without his read and tlie bill was sent to the gov vented. While we must confess that some this country or the American government the army of teetotalisin. Whisky, good to hjjt. .1 WORD OF CAUTION. corpses, ought never to turn you ernor to receive his signature. Tita of the ancient arts have been lost, the will be destroyed. Drunkenness and free preserve The law is not a humbug. On the institutions are coming into a death grap into a corpse. Tens of thousands of young Tn this as iu every other locality where ft ft there might be no mistake about thi Christian era Is superior to all others in pie. men have been dragged out of respecta­ k uh wu, there are hundreds of persons who an CO ihe bad eminence of whisky and rum and contrary, it has accomplished more Gather up the money that the working bility, and out of purity, and out of good •»king Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. To those we even than was anticipated for it by law being correctly passed tlie clerk: gin The modern drunk is a hundred fold classes have spent for rum during the last character, and into darkness by this in­ to eay one Yvord. In nine cases out of every compared the enrolled bill with th» worse than the ancient drunk. Noah in those who were instrumental in secur­ years, and I will build for every fernal stuff called strong drink. Do not zt. it is effecting specific cures. But word comes I original house bill, and the chairmat nis intoxication became imbecile, but the thirty ing its enactment. It has given to the victims of modern ulcoholism have to workingman a house, and lay out for him touch it! Do not touch it! to us occasionally of people whoreport that it of the legislative committee was showt struggle LOOK NOT UPON THE WINE. H*» with whole menageries of wild a garden, and clothe his sons in broadcloth op »rates too freely upon the bowels. We want tc service better clerks than were ever U -J the signatures of tlie presiding officers. beasts, and jungles of hissing serpents, and and his daughters in silks, and stand at his In the front door of our church in Brook­ call the attention of those to the fact that they •"5 dreamed of under the spoils system. lyn, a few summers ago, this scene oc ­ front door a prancing spun of sorrels or I This is the history of tlie passage of tin perditions of blaspheming demons. are not following the printed instructions and GO It has relieved the heads of depart­ An arch fiend arrived in our world, and bays, and secure him a policy of life insur curred: Sabbath morning a young man are taking too much of It. If it acts too lively re­ new Oregon newspaper law, that re ments and bureaus of the pressure of he built an iuvisible caldron of tempta­ ance so that the present home may be well was entering for divine worship. A friend duce the dose, Dover taking any more at any timr o' quires tbe proceedings and list tion. He built that caldron strong and maintained after he is dead. The most per passing along the street said, “Joe, come than causes easy and perfect action. Keep this applicants and of the importunities of claims allowed by county courts to b< stout for all ages and all nations. First sistent, most overpowering enemy of the along with me; I am going down to Coney Injunction iu mind, and take It regularly for a their political backers and enabled he squeezed into the caldron tbe juices of working classes is intoxicating liquor. It Island and we’il have a gay Sunday.” while and do not indulge in too much greasy food, published at county expense. them to devote their time and energy is the anarchist of the centuries, and has “No,” replied Joe; “1 have started to go The new bill will go into effect Maj the forbidden fruit of Paradise. Then he boycotted and is now boycotting the body here to church, aud 1 nm going to attend and w.? will have your testimonial within a fort­ gathered for it a distillation from the bar to the public service. night. If taken under these conditions it is an 21st. It provides for selection of om vest fields and the orchards of tbe hemis­ and mind and soul of Americau labor. It service here.” “Oh, Joe.” his friend said, absolute cure for indigestion, dyspepsia, sick And all tills baa been accomplished annually swindles industry out of a large ••you can go to church any time! The day newspaper iu each county and tw< pheres. Then he poured into this caldron headaches, constipation, luce eruptions aud liver against great odds. Under the present newspapers in counties of 10,900 or ovet capsicum and copperas and logwood and percentage of its earnings. It holds out is bright, and we’ilgo to Coney Island, aud an! kidney disorders. It may be asked how It administration there has been a con­ deadly nightshade and assault and battery its blasting solicitations to the mechanic or we’ll have a splendid time.” Tho tempta­ can possibly cure so many aliments. But tbe rea­ having the largest circulation in coun­ I and vitriol and opium and rum and mur­ operative on his way to work, and at the tion was too strong, and tlie twain went to son is clear. All those troubles are the legitimate stant effort to cripple and even abolish ty, to publish the proceedings of tbt der and sulphuric acid and theft and pot­ noon spell, and on his way home at even the beach, spent the day in drunkenness result of improper liver and kidney action or Im­ the reform. The census office has been county court. The price allowed by ash and cochineal and red carrots and pov­ tide. On Saturday, when the wages are and riot. Tho evening train started up paired digestive organx Its effects upon those thrown open to the spoiler, and the of­ law of 50 cents per square of ten line? erty and death and hops. But it was a dry­ paid, it snatches a large part of the money 1 (.-mi Brighton. The young men were on functions are a; astonishing to the medical that might come to the family and sacri : .t. Joe, r.i I;intoxication, when the train fraternity as to the thousands who are daily fice being filled with the henchmen of of brevier or its equivalent. Tho bill compound and it must I xj moistened, and it among tbe saloon keepers. Stand was iu full speed, tried to pass around from taking it politicians it is now proposed to turn is non-partisan, non-inonepolistie and it must be liquefied, and so the arch fiend flees poured into that caldron the tears of cent­ the saloons of this country side by side, one seat to .another and fell and was them into the general service. if any unfairness is shown in making uries of orphanage and widowhood, and and it is carefully estimated that they crushed. Outside of the classified list the spirit selection of official county papers, the he poured in the blood of twenty thousand would reach from New York to Chicago. Under tbo lantern, as Jce lay bleeding This evil is pouring its vitriolic and his life away on the grass, he said to his of reform has been absolutely aban­ aggrieved publisher has a right to ap­ assassinations. And thtm the arch fiend took a shovel damnable liquors down the throats of comrade: “John, that was a bad business, doned. And yet notwithstanding all peal in court. The law will prove a that he had brought up from the furnaces hundreds of thousands of laborers, and your taking me away from church; it was this, perhaps partly in consequence of good investment for Oregon as a mea­ beneath, and he put that shovel into this while the ordinary strikes are ruinou.- a verj' had business. You ought not to (Successors to I. II. Henderson ) the aroused spirit of hostility, the sure of economy- and the legislative great caldron and began to stir, and the both to employers and employes, I pro , have done that, John. I want you to tell claim a universal strike against strong I the boys to-morrow when you seo them reform'is still strongly intrenched and committee of the press association feel caldron began to heave and rock and boil drink, which strike, if kept up, will be the i that rum and Sabbath breaking did this sputter and hiss and smoke, aud the the public man who thinks that he can well satisfied with the result of their and nations gathered around it with cups and relief of the working classes and £he salva­ ; for me. And John, while you arc telling defy it will find out his mistake at a labors. A full assortment of goods in tlie tankards and demijohns and kegs, and tion of the nation. I will undertake to say ' them I will be in hell, and it will be your good deal of cost to his future proa- The press association can now see tbe there was enough for ail, and the arch that there is u»jt a healthy laborer iD the 1 fault.” Is it not time for mo to pull out above line always on hand. Prompt United States who, within the next twenty from the great organ of God’s word, with attention paid tô the wants of custom­ fiend cried: “Aha! champion fiend am I! peets. results of organized effort and pulling Who has done mere than I have for coffins years, if he will refuse all intoxicating many banks of keys, the tremolo stop? ers. beverages and be saving, may not become 1 “Look not upon the wine when it is red, together. By its united labors it has and graveyards and prisons and insane when it moveth itself aright in the cup, YOLR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. WHY RUSSIA PERSECUTES THE compelled the attention of tlie legisla­ asylums,- and the populating of tbe lost a capitalist on a small scale. CANNOT SOMETHING BE DONE? world? And when thi: i iron is emp ­ . for at last i' biteth like a serpent and JEWS. ture when much more pretentious bod­ tied 1'11 fill it again and i .» stir it again, C. R COOK in said court on or squares and the cities are ranged into I whisky before said day. as said administratrix wi 1 that does not pay tbe tax to government— rocking him to sleep? Can it be that thia afteiward completely honeycombed by then ask the court to allow said account A TYPICAL AMERICAN METROP­ north "moments” and south “mo­ 1 tell you all strong drink is crooked. swollen brow is that I once so rapturously these curious little borers, they themselves md to discharge lier from further liability, being imprisoned in the cavity, obtaining ments, ” and added and abstracted and Crooked Ota rd, crooked Cognac, crooked kissed? Poor boy! how tired he does look. and exonerate tier bondsmen. i OLIS. M A KG A HET M HODSON. divided, with a lot of latitude and schnapps, crooked beer, crooked wine, I wonder who struck him that blow across their food from the water that flowed in Administratrix of said estate whisky—because it makes a man’s the temples? I wonder if he uttered a dying and out. Many explanations have been Chicago is the typical American city longitude thrown in, until the eonelu- crooked J. E. M auehs . alt y for said estate path crooked, and his life crooked, and his ’ prayer? Wake up, my son; don’t you hear given as to the method by which they in age, extent and development. Sixty siou is reached that at the intersection death crooked, and his eternity crooked. bore into such extremely hard rocks. The me? wake up! Oh! he can’t bear me! If 1 could gather all the armies of tha ! Dead! dead! dead! *Oh, Absalom, my son, shell is known to contain aragonite, and years ago the population of Chicago ac­ of such a latitude with such a longitude Assignment Notice. my son, would God that I had died for thee, some suppose that constant friction ena­ dead drunkards and have them come to cording to tlie government report, con­ the population would whirl round like bles tbe shell to subdue the rock. resurrection, and then add to that host all oh, Absalom, my sou, son!r” a top if the proper momentum were ap ­ sisted of three familes occupying log Others, again, are of the opinion that the armies of living drunkards, five aud In he matter of the assignment of G. W. TnE WORDS OF TIIE RUM FIEND. ten abreast, and then if I could have you cabins—to-day it is the second city in plied. I am not much of a mathematician and the shell secretes some corrosive fluid Sappington for tlie lienefit of liis creditors In oilier words the whole thing is a mount a horse and ride along that line for I cannot estimate it, but is there any one which dissolves the rock and enables the Notice is hereby given that 1 have been the United States, having a population review, you would ride that horse until be quick enough at figures to estimate creature to bore its hole. Some of the appointed assignee of tbe estate of G. W. of 1,250,000, which also entitles it to the Chinese ball of assumption within as­ i dropped from exhaustion, and you would here under and in pursuance of an how many mothers there are waiting for most interesting samples of its work Siijipington. BE STILL A MINUTE AND LISTEN I A< t ot tlie legislative assembly of the state rank of seventh among the great cities sumption, the conclusion being the mount another horse aud ride until he fell something to be done? Ay, there arc many known to the scientists may be seen in the of Oregon, entitled an Act to secure credit-; greatest assumption of all, since the from exhaustion, and you would take an ­ pillars of tbe Temple of Serapis, Italy. wives waiting for domestic rescue. He of the world, the three log cabins men­ ors a just division of estates of debtors, who . and auother, and you would ride promised something different from that There the land became submerged long eoiivo to assignees for the benefit of cred- tioned in the government report of six­ very statisticians who do tbo figuring other along hour after hour and day after day. when, after the long acquaintance and the enough for tbe shell to doits curious work. tors, approved October 18th. 1873. All per­ ty years ago have niultiplieti into a city candidly admit that they figurate on an Great host, in regiments, in brigades. careful scrutiny of character, tho hand and After a lapse of ages the land has now sons having claims against said estate are of over 2000 miles of street frontage, a atmospheric base, saying that the area, Great armies of them. And then if you the heart, were offered and accepted. What risen, ami the holes with their empty shell hereby notified to present tlie same to me * voice stentorian enough to make tliem a hell on earth a woman lives in who has a are plainly to bo seen, tbe marble pillars under oath, within three m »nth. from the . river frontage of nearly 50 miles, aud a on which all the computations are had all hear, and you could give the command, drunken busband! O death, how lovely being completely permeated oy them. date of tliis notice, at North Yamhill, Or. | founded, is not a plane at all but a G A DOUGLAS. J lake frontage of nearly 20 miles. Con­ “Forward, march!” their first tramp would thou art to her, and how soft and warm These and other exhibitions of its work Assignee of the estate of G. W. Sap-1 demned half a century ago as -an un­ spherical surface, to which different make the earth tremble. I do not care thj’ skeleton hand! Tao sepulcher at mid­ have caused ph o’as to be called “the shell pington, formerly of North Yamhill, ! which way you look in the community to­ night in winter is a king's drawing room miner,” and, curiously enough, it is fur­ Oregon, now of Tillamook, Oregon. healthy swamp, the Chicago of to-day methods apply. Be pure and bring your feet along if you want to be fitted with Apply those different methods and day the evil is increasing. compared with that woman’s home. It is nished with a lamp, a rich blue white light Dated this 28th day of January. ISlil 5 boasts an exceptional sanitary record. that shines over the entire body. Some re ­ HEREDITARY APPETITE. not so much the blow on the head that Tixe Uaztest Stales of Siloes 1 ^3 average rate of mortality', 11.49,com­ tile result would simply be one foolery markable experiments have been made I call attention to the fact that there are hurts as the blow on the heart. !1 fl ■ J3B Mean be earned at our XFVt ibienfwork, paring favorably with any center of in the place of another, the plain Bur- thousands of people born with a thirst for The rum fiend came to the door of that with the shells of pholas.—St. Louis Re- B Which has Jtist Arrived at tl.e Opposition Boot and Shoe Store. Efi » M fi k« s rapidly and honorably, by tho*: of ________________ nfl I I 111 !■ ■ ehl,rr *♦’’ younree eld, and In thdr population of equal dimensions tn the face plan l»eing a teetotum plan and strong drink—a fact too often ignored. beautiful home, and opened the door and public. ■ I own heel t:-a,wherever they lire Any F. DIELSCHNEIDER some ancestral lines there runs the stood there .and said: “I curse this dwelling D C 8 w/ E e ■■ I me can «ih, bat wa can hand and seal in tlie presenceof witnesses.” births »nd deaths. Curse upon curse.” twieli yooqtd» kly how to earn from »5 to devastated by a disaster uncqualed in IN THE COUNTY. Comment. *IU a clay al «he ‘lart, aud morr aa you fo has cost there is no telling, but prob­ And yet perhaps that very man has made Oh, how many wives are there waiting on. B«»th arsea, ail apes. In any part of modern history, a conflagration which «11 CLASSES OF W0«K ARE TUENEO OVT QVKKLT AMO SATWAtTOMILT \rneriea. you «1» eonjmenee at i>otua, fla. ably one-tenth of the money would auother will that the people have never to see if something cannot be done to Aunt Jane (passing fashionably dressed f 0«t p»r L.ttw K m .», Not. two«». Memo. kMO. Mil Itn.i Ctre,t.n. hiff all your tint«.or apare m»>n>«nta only to destroyed nearly twenty thousand lady)—D - j ;y inc! Where can that girl pos­ rk I.ew f.r.,.« lay BIRk for ■no Or«w Book,. DotM (.0 .Mw C«miMrei.l »link,, Ete., that Mta. Q d □c cp ?» •-S > c > H O Ü K Ü > 0 o u d K s 1-3 < (D C. R. COOK & SON, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. WHY WILL YOU PAY RENT! Keller & Malone, I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts, or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms. CHEHALEM ORCHARD HOMES ” NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR NOT HAVING A HOME ! General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker. Great Bargains in Every Grade! And ail Immense Stock to Choose from. Ladies and Misses, Old and Young, Large an J Small Feel Infants' and Big Babies' Feet. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER JOB OFFICE