-/è 2¡ OF REDMOND’S I I CASH CLEARANCE SALE! i TEN DAYS \ unnr i t 0F DRBS 800DS’ wfl0L H0SltRY’ UNDERWEAR, I MUKE $ Blankets, Ladies Shoes, Mens’ Boots and Shoes, Etc. 1 MORE! I JUST TEN DAY ft I ■w* 1 S b LAST CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. w room. Room in the lieart ot a pardoning Iam kept back.” No, no! You need be­ God. Room in heaven. lieve but two things—namely, that Jesus THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM LIFE'S STRUGGLE. Christ came into the world to save sinners, Jay Gould has a controlling interest It wounds a tender conscience to see I also apply the word of my text to those and that you are one of them. “But,” you HARDING & HEATH, Publishers. the senate lotterying off’ its curule in three of the main railroad systems DR. TALMAGE CHOOSES THE MAGIC who would like practical comfort. If any say, “I do believe both of those things!” ever escape the struggle of life, I have not Do you really believe them with all yonr WORD “COME” FOR A TEXT. chairs as it did for the Idaho senators. of the country. Why is it if one man found them. They are not certainly among heart? “Yes.” Why, then, you have The constitution says that the mem- can manage so many roads this great the prosperous classes. In most cases it passed from death into life. Why, then, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. liersof this body “shall be divided as government cannot manage them all? It la Found Six Hundred and Seventy- was a struggle all the way up till they you are a son or a daughter of the Lord reached the prosperity, and since they have Almighty. Why, then, you are an heir or Ou* Copy, per year, inadvance....................... 00 equally as may lie into three classes,’’ Can't the nation succeed in keeping F.lclit Time* In the Bible—It Is One of reached these heights there have been per­ an heiress of an inheritance that will de­ Copy, six months in advance............. 1 00 but there is nothing in this or any oth­ soul and liody together at a business by the Most Wonderful Words in the Lan­ plexities, anxieties and crises which were clare' dividends from now until long after er clause to indicate that tlieinstnimen ' which a single individual has made guage. almost enough to shatter the nerves and the stars are dead. Hallelujah I Prince ot over $20,000,000?— Valley Rrcnnl. turn the brain. It would be hard to tell God, why do you not come and take yonr Entered at the jxvstoflice at McMinnville tality is to be a game of chance. B rooklyn , Jan. IS. — Dr. Talmage which have the biggest fight in the world— coronet? Princess of the Lord Almighty, Why should the senate make for it­ Oregon, as second-class matter. preached the following sermon this morn ­ the prosperities or the adversities, the con- you not mount your throne? Pass self a parliamentary fish |>ond and re­ The election of Joe Simon to the pres­ ing to an overflowing congregation in the spicuities or the obscurities. Just as soon whydo up ipto the light. Your boat is anchored, idency of tlie senate means that Port ­ Academy of Music, this city. At night, as you have enough success to at­ why do you not go ashore? Just plant yonr Tur. advertising R ates or Tin: T ele ­ quire its memliers to angle therein for phone -R egister are liberal, taking in terms? The secretary puts prize win­ land interests will dominate in this when The Christian Herald service was tract the attention of others the envies feet hard down, and you will feel under consideration tlie circulation. Single convention of the legislature as they held in the New York Academy of Music, and jealousies are let loose from their them the Rock of Ages. inch. >1.00; each subsequent inch. $.75. ners and blanks in a box, and the first fully six thousand persons were massed in kennel. The greatest crime that you can I challenge the universe for one instance Special inducement for yearly t»r semi- senator who reaches the edge of the have in the past. It means that the the large building. A marked solemnity commit in the estimation of others is to iu which a man in the right spirit appealed yearly contracts. “cow county” aud “sturgeon” repre­ pervaded the assembly, and at its close get ou better pool drojis in his hook and catches, as than they do. They think for the salvation of the gospel and did not * * persons in various parts-of the houso your addition is their subtraction. Five get it. Mau alive! are you going to let J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted fortune favors him, a one session tad­ sentative* will lie kept so busy watch­ many at reasonable rates Our facilities arc pole or a six-year trout. If this is prop- I ing Portland and preventing big steals rose at the invitation of the preacher to hundred persons start for a certain goal of all the years of yonr life go away with you ask for prayers for their salvation. Dr. success; one reaches it and the other four without your having this great peace, this the best in Yamhill county and as good that they will lie unable to accomplish Talmage chose the following text» for his hundred and ninety-nine are mad. It glorious hope, this bright expectancy? Are as any in the state A complete steam er to lie done why not employ the anything for tlmir constituents. Simon sermon: “Come” (Gen. vi, IS); “Come” would take volumes to hold the story of you going to let the pearl of great price lie plant insures quick work. equally uncertain but much more di- [ « has not the confidence of the people, as (Rev. xxii, 17). the wrongs, outrages and defamations that in the dust at your feet because you are ♦ * e \ xi > all O bit - verting method of seven-up. R esolutions of C ondolenc Imperial, tender and all persuasive is have come upon you as a result of your too indolent or too proud to stoop down uary Poetry will be charged for at regular Government by grab-bag cannot; his every action is fragrant with polit- this word “Come.” Six hundred and sev­ success. The warm sun ot prosperity and pick it up? Will you wear the chain advertising rates. ical jobbery and subversion of public enty-eight times is it found in the Script­ brings into life a swamp full of annoying of evil habit when near by you is the ham­ « ’ ♦ i commend itself it any form to either j trusts to personal uses.—Co/ionfim». ures. It stands at the front gate of the insects. A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y the moralist or the patriot. The lords mer that could with one stroke «n*p the Bible as in my first text, inviting antedi­ the person who sends them, not for pub-I sit by the accident of birth: whysliould i On the other hand the unfortunate shackle? Will you stay in the prison of luvians into Noah ’ s ark, and it stands at lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non i That is the pracctical question repub­ the other gate of the Bible as in my second classes have their struggles for mainte­ sin when here is a gospel key that could «le plume,'’ but for a guarantee of good j senators hold bv the fortuitousness of nance. To achieve a livelihood by one who unlock your incarceration? No, no! As lican senators who are asked to again text, inviting the postdilnvians into the had faith. No publications will be published straws? nothing to start with, and after a the one word “Come” has sometimes unless so signed. make Mr. Joseph Simon president of ark of a Saviour's mercy. “ Come ” is only while for a family as well, and carry this brought many souls to Christ, I will try A senatorial term has a pecuniary i * » * a word of four letters, but it is the queen on until children are reared and educated the experiment of piling up into a mount­ the senate should answer. To make A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or value, particularly as respects the me­ the editorial or business departments, to Mr. Simon president of a republican of words, and nearly the entire nation of and fairly started iu the world, and to do ain and then sending down in an avalanche T he T elephoxe -R egtstf . r . McMinnville, | tallic tier of states, and the spirit of our senate in Oregon is not only to arraign English vocabulary bows to its scepter. It this amid all the rivalries of business, and of power many of these gospel “Comes.” is an ocean into which empty ten thousand the uncertainty of crops, and the fickleness “Come thou and all thy house into the Oregon. civilization is that it is wrong to haz­ against the party all the organized ag­ rivers of meaning. Other words drive, but of tariff legislat ion, with an occasional labor ark;” “Come untome all ye who labor and S kmhle C opies O f T he T elephone -R egis - j ard money or any representative there- 1 ricultural. anti-monopoly and labor this beckons. strike, aud here and there a financial panic are heavy laden and I will give you rest;” ter will be mailed to any person in the of on tli£ cast of a die. Our liest divines All moods of feeling hath that word in, is a mighty tiling to do, aud “Come, for all things are now ready;” United States or Europe, who desires one. I agree that it is not lawful to save even votes, but it is to endorse hi* standing ' “Come.” Sometimes it weep3 and some­ thrown there are hundreds and thousands such “The Spirit and the Bride say ‘Come,’ and free of charge within the party. Mr. Simon is to-day times it laughs. Sometimes it prays, some­ heroes and heroines who live unsung and let him that lieareth say ’Come,’ and let the heathen so as by raffle, and these, « * W e I nvite You T o C ompare T he T ele ­ things being so why should the senate a man without a party, and a politician ! times it tempts and sometimes it destroys. die ttnhonored. What weall need, whether him that is athirst come.” It sounds from the door of church and up or down in life or half way between, is phone -R egister with any other paper The stroke of one bell in a tower may lie cleave unto its lottery even if it has without a following at the polls, except ■ from the seraglios of sin, from the gates of the infinite solace ot the Christian religion. sweet, published in Yamhill county. but a score of bells well tuned, aud lieen handed down since 1769.—.V. 1 for the purpose of knifing the rcpubli-1 heaven and the gates of hell. It is con­ And so we employ the wool “Come!” It rightly lifted, and skillfully swung in one can ticket whenever it is not made up I fluent and accrescent of all power. It is the will take all eternity to" find out the num­ great chime fill the heavens with music HoiZd. All tubacriberg who do not receive their heiress of most of the past and the almoner ber ot business men who have been almost celestial. And no ono who has to suit his ends.— fiilcin paper regularly will confer a jaror by im­ of most of the future. “Come!” You may strengthened by the promises of God, and heard the mighty chimes in the towers ot THE HARVESTER TRUST. mediately reporting the game to thia office. pronounce it so that all the heavens will people who have been fed by the ravens Amsterdam or Ghent or Copenhagen can The election of Joe Simon to the pres­ be heard in its cadences, or pronounce it so the when other resources gave out, and the forget them. Now, it seems to me t hat in It is learned that the first official act all the woes of time and eternity shall men and women who, going into this battle this Sabbath hour all heaven is chiming, of the American Harvester company idency of the senate is a disappoint­ that Thursday. January 22. 1891. reverberate in its one syllable. It is on the only with needle, or saw, or ax, or and the voices of departed friends anil of Illinois, a consolidation of eighteen ment and surprise to many, who were lip of saint and profligate. It is the might­ armed yardstick, or pen, or type, or shovel, or kindred ring down the sky saying “Come!” harvester companies of the United dissatisfied with his course in the past, iest of all solii-itant.s either for good or shoelast, have gained a victory that made The angels who never fell, bending from Big Jim and Little Joe have changed States, with headquarters in Chicago, especially as chairman of the republi­ bad. the heavens resound. With all the re­ sapphire thrones, are chanting “Come!” A WORD OF WORDS. places recently it seems. will discharge alsiut 19,090 employees, can state central committee and who Today 1 weigh anchor and haul in the sources of God promised for every exi­ Yea, all the towers of heaven, tower bl gency no one need be left in the ltircMi. martyrs, tower of prophets, tower of Apos­ hoped to see someone else wield the planks, and set sail ou that great word, al­ A SUBLIME FAITll. tles, tower of evangelists, tower ot the E. L. Ea«thmn, state senator, died at whose services are rendered unneces­ gavel in the upper house of the legis­ though I am sure I will not be able to reach sary by the consolillation of eighteen I like the faith displayed years ago in temple of the Lord God and the Lamb are Oregon City, Sunday morning. furthe- shore. I will let down the Drury lane, London, in a humble home chiming, “Come! Come!” Pardon for all, seperate and distinct companies into lature. A couple of over sanguine the fathoming line into this sea and try to statesmen from interior counties allow­ where every particle of food had given out, and peace for all, and heaven for all who Senator Mitchell has been returned one monopoly. Ten million dollars ed their names to be presented and a measure its depths, and though I tie to­ and a kindly soul entered with tea anil will come. to his seat in the United States senate. per annum is expected to I>e¿saved in strong fight made for one of them, Mr. gether all the cables and cordage 1 have on other table supplies, and found a kettle on THE WAR WAS OVER. board, I will not be able to touch bottom. the fire ready for the tea. The benevolent When Russia was in one of her great wages through this consolidation. This There will bo no election to till the is made possible by the fact that under Tongue,but when the time came Simon All the power of the Christian religion is lady said, "How is it that you have the wars the suffering of the soldiers had been in that word “Come.” Tho dictatorial long and bitter, and they were waiting for place of Mr. Eastham the deceased sen­ the consolidated management the out­ pulled the string, the Multnomah dele­ and commendatory in religion is of no kettle ready for the tea when you had no the end ot the strife. ator from ('lackamas county until the put of harvest machinery will bo lim­ gation fell into line for the manipulat­ avail The imperative mood is not the ap­ tea in the house?” And the daughter in One day a messenger in great excitement the home said: “Mother would have me or and was followed by others, all of propriate mood when we would have peo­ election one year from June. ited to the great plants whose brands the kettle on the fire, and when I said ran among the tents of the army shouting ple savingly impressed. They may be put ‘What is tho use of doing so, when we “Peace! Peace!” The sentinel on guard are standard all over the world, and which shows that the saying: “As goes coaxed, but they cannot be driven. The dispatches state that Governor have nothing in the house?’ she said ‘My asked, “Who says peace?” And the sick that most small plants will lie shut Multnomah, so goes the state” i* still Our hearts are like our homes; at a child, God will provide. Thirty years he soldier turned on his hospital mattress Hill, of New York, will accept the to lie relied upon. — friendly knock the door will be opened, has already provided for me through all and asked, “Who says peace?” and all up down. The Minneapolis company, it New York senatorship. A bird in the but an attempt to force open our door my pain aud helplessness, and he will not and down the encampment ot the Rus is said, has already shut down and dis­ would land the assailant in prison. Our hand is worth two in the bush. Mr. Simon, though, was made presi ­ me to starve at last. He will send us sians went the question, “Who says charged its force, and after January 1st theological seminaries, which seep young leave help, though we do not see how.’ We have peace?” Then the messenger responded, dent of the senate,beating his opponent | many others will follow suit. The new men three years in their curriculum before says, peace.” That was The Indian question is settled, for a “all hollow.”^ Mr. Simon is not “a ' launching them into the ministry, will do been waiting all the day for something to “The czar That meant going home. That time at least. The hostile* arc now at | monopoly, which controls the output politician without a following.” That well it in so short a time they can teach come, but until we saw you we knew not enough. meant t lie war was over. No more wounds how it was to come." Such things the their agencies, being fed and clothed of the harvesting machinery of the is something he always has with him. the candidates for the holy office bow to world may call coincidences, but I call and no more long marches. So today, as United States, has a capital of $35,000,- say with right emphasis aud intonation them almighty deliverances, and, though one of the Lord’s messengers, I move once more by the United States. 000. It is ineorported under the laws Mr. Simon is one of the most successful and power that one word “Come!” That you do not hear of them, they are occur­ through these great encampments of souls ■ politicians in the state. He is flexible, man who has such efficiency in Christian cry: “Peace bet ween earth and heavenl The republican party in its present of Illinois, the incorporators being keen, shrewd, far-seeing and quiet. He work, and that woman who has such ring every hour of every day and in all and Peace between God and man! Peace be­ of Christendom. control of the United Statesis corrupt Cyrus McCormick, William Deering, observes, but his thoughts arc his own. power to persuade people to quit the parts But tho word “Come” applied to those tween your repenting soul and a pardon­ and—not in the ownership—believes in W. A. Wood, Geo. Bushnell and A. L He knows what success means, and he wrong and begin the right, went through who need solace will amount to nothing ing Lord!” If you ask me, “Who says a series of losses, bereavements, persecu­ unless it be uttei-cd by some one who has peace?” I answer, “Christ our king de­ Conger. Cyrus McCormick is presi ­ making every poor man the property of i adopts the tactics in vogue among the tions and the trials of twenty or thirty it.” “My peace I give unto you!” some rascally monopolist or combine of dent of the company, W. A. Wood is “brilliant republican leaders” of to-day years before they could make it a triumph , experienced that solace. That spreads the clares responsibility of giving t his gospel call “Peace of God that passethall understand­ vice-president and A. I,. Conger is of grace every time they uttered the word monopolists. among a great many. Those who have ing!” Everlasting peace! to secure it. His sole power lies in one “Come.” general manager. lost property and been consoled by religion word, and that word is selfishness; and “COMES” SOMETIMES WAR. Force of Sea Waves. The Yamhill legislators have not re­ iu that trial are the ones to invite those The tremendous physical endurance that is the sum and substance of poli­ You must remember that in many cases who have failed in business. Those who Awful rollers lash themselves into foam ceived very much attention at the "Come” has a mightier “Come” to on the exposed west coast of Ireland, and possessed by Indian women is shown tics in this day and generation. Joe our conquer before it has any effect at alL have lost their health anil been consoled hands of the presiding officers in their Simon discovered the secret of polities I Just give me the accurate census, the sta­ by religion are the ones to invite those who in some measured by the Earl of Dunraven in the arrival at I ’ ine Ridge agency, a appointments on committees. Gates in poor health. Those who have had ,the silvery spray rose one hundred and few days ago, of the wife of a Brule, years ago, while the sap-head leaders of | tistics, of how many are down in fraud, in are bereavements and been consoled in those fifty feet. Two life saving boats pulled out is chairman of the military committee drunkenness, in gambling, in impurity, or who, grievously wounded, had walked his party were waving the “bloody j to sea from Dingle bay to test their quali- and a member of the fisheries commit­ in vice of any sort, and I will give you the bereavements are the ones to sympathize 150 miles in nine days through the shirt” and yelling about their patriot­ accurate census or statistics of how many with those who have lost father or mother i ties in November, 1864, when waves were tee. Manning and Lampson in the over the headlands and surmount­ snow and biting winds of Dakota. ism to their"country, he sat by and read have been slain by the word "Come.” or companion or child or friend. What | breaking house, fared alsiut as well, Manning of us are alive today, and in ing a cliff more than one hundred feet high. These wretched squaws arc always the in their faces and in their acts that . "Come and click wine glasses with me at multitudes One remained under the lee of the land; being on the military and commercial' ivory bar.” “Come and see what we good health, and buoyant in this life, who i the other, steered by Mr. Kearney, pulled burden-bearers of the tribe, are the dir­ their true object was to delude the peo-1 this can win at this gaming table.” “Come, would have been broken down or dead into the seething waters. A tremendous eommittee, while Lampson is chair­ pie and fill their own pockets. Hequi- enter with me this doubtful speculation.” long ago but for the sustaining and cheer­ man of the committee on alcoholic est sufferers when calamity overtakes wave swept in from seaward, extending their people. Sharing all privations of etly went to work. He did little yell­ “Come with mo and read those infidel ing help of our holy religion! So we say right across the bay, and increasing its trafic. “Come!” The well is not dry. The buck­ war, caring for the children according ing, the results show that he managed. tracts on Christianity.” “Come with me ets are not empty. The supply is not ex­ height as it reached the shallow water to a place of bad amusement.” “Come where the boat was. The coxswain headed A joint resolution was introduced by to the promptings of motherhood, in The republican party of the state of Or-I with me in a gay bout through under­ hausted. There is just as much mercy and his boat to meet the wave, the men steadily egon he carries in the palm of lji.s hand. ! the bitterest straits, hungry, cold and ground New York.” If in this city there condolence and soothing power iu God as strained at the oars, and she flew into the a representation at Salem last Thurs­ twenty thousand who are down in liefore the first grave was dug, or the first roaring cataract, whose overhanging crest day, providing for an amendment to miserable to a degree that would incite The republican party is the party of j are moral character, then twenty thousand tear started, or the first heart broken, or was twenty-five feet above her. Down corporations in a certain sense, and Joe the sympathy of civilized humanity for the constitution increasing the pay fell under the power of the word “Come.” the first accident happened, or the first came the mass of water upon their devoted of members from ¥■! to $7 per day and an animal, these Indian women repre­ I Simon is the man who knows the com­ I was reading of a wife whose husband fortune vanished. Those of us who have heads, washing out two of the crew. felt the consolatory power of religion have to increase the mileage from 10 to 15 sent a type of rude heroism that com­ bination of their purse strings.— Enrf had been overthrown by strong drink, and a right to speak out of our own experi- Crushing the boat bodily under water she went to the saloon where he was mands pity, if not admiration. That the wave bore her astern at an awful cents. We are inclined to think 35 per, ruined, and she said, “Give me back my I races, and say “Come!” ' speed. Each of her crew was bowed down they share the hatred of their race to ­ THE WORLD’S DISMAL CONDOLENCES. day would be sufficient salary; and in husband.” And the bartender, pointing on to the thwart before him. One was The McKinley bill is having its ef-i to ward the paleface, and vic with the I Wliat dismal work of condolence the a maudlin and battered man drowsing view of the fact that munificent corpo­ world makes when it attempts to condole! stunned, but the others were conscious, feet upon the necessities of life as will I rations provided memliers free trans- I men of their trilie in cruelty, treachery I m - seen by the following letter which I in the corner of the barroom, said: “There i The plaster they spread does not stick. t heir eyes wide open, but in total darkness. he is. ‘ Jim, wake up; here ’ s your wife They could not determine whether they |iortation, the matter of milage is not at and vindictiveness is true. It would for you.’ ” And the woman said: : The broken bones under their bandage do were still attached to the boat, but felt as be a wonder were it otherwise, since has lieen received by nearly all our bus­ come all essential. “Do you call that my husband? What not knit. A farmer was lost in the snow though whirled through a railway tunnel. the Wrong* of both, real and fancied, iness men. It is from a large packing have you been doing with him? Is that storm on a prairie of the far west. Night The boat emerged with each man sitting coming on, and after he was almost frant ic Senator Mitchell voted with the have lieen identical, and the hardships house in Omaha and the lard packed is the manly brow? Is that the clear eye? Is , from not knowing which way to go, his in his place, artd the first object which met that the noble heart that I married? What used by nearly everyone. Not only of the resultant conditions have fallen ; their view was a buoy close alongside, democrats in the coinage bill, Dolph vile drug have you given him that has i sleigh struck the rut ot another sleigh and was nearly a quarter of a mile from voting against it. With few excep­ uiKin the women with double force. this firm lint all others engaged in the turned him into a fiend? Take your tiger be said, “I will follow this rut, and it will which me out to safety.” He hastened ou the place where the wave Lad overwhelmed tions all the old time senators, that is, I The hatred of the southern women for production and packing of lard in tin claws off of him. Uncoil those serpent i takr until he heard the bells of the preceding ; them. She Lad retained the vertical poei- senators who have been in the senate j the Union soldiers during the war and packages have increased the cost of the folds of evil habit that are crushing him. I horses, but, coming up, he found that that ! lion during her submersion.—Chambers’ Give me back my husband, the one with article. All goods packed in tin have j . Journal. for years, voted against the bill, while theirslevotion to the“Lost Cause" even whom I stood at tho altar ten years ago. man was also lost, and, as is the tendency been correspondingly raised in price, i now is an illustration in civilized life of : of those who arc thus confused in the forest A Kingly Question. new senators, men fresh from the peo- ; Give him back to me.” Victim was he, as A domestic belonging to the court of millions of others have been, of the word or on the moors, they were both moving in pie, voted for it. This teaches that the ! the strong feeling of resentment that The letter reads a* follow«: a circle, and the runner ot the one lost Frederick the Great one day thought to “Cornel” old timers should be retired. A person women cherish toward a supposed en­ Gentlemen: sleigh was following the runner of the please that monarch by appearing before LET US HARNESS THIS WORD FOR GOOD. Owing tn the increased duty emy to their homes aud environments. should not hold office until he thinks Now wo want all the world over to har­ other lost sleigh round and round. At last him in an elaborate flesh colored coat. Per­ on tin plate, it will lie necessary for us that he, not the people, is to lie satis-, The strong and the victorious in this neas this word for good as ot hers have har­ it occurred to them to look at tho north ceiving by the great Frederick’s manner persistent, deadly strife of the white to advance the relative cost of lard in nessed it for evil, and it will draw the five star, which was peepi ng through the night, that he had made a mistake he hastily tied in legislation. continents and the seas between them, yea, and by the direction ot that star they got withdrew and reappeared with a more fit­ man against the Indian race can afford tin packages. it will draw the whole earth back to the home again. Those who follow the advice ting garment. The king, apparently not While the new tariff on till plate That was a mean trick of the county i to pity the weak who strike blindly but God from which it has wandered. It is of this world in time ot perplexity are in a noticing the change, at length turned to clerk if rejKirt is true. He proenred with bitter venom against a conquer­ docs not take effect until July, 1891,the that wooing aud persuasive work that will fearful round; for it is one liewildered soul him and said, “Tell me, my friend, who English manufacturers have already lead men to give up their sins. Was skep­ following another liewildered soul, and was that coxcomb that appeared at San free railroad transportation to Salem ing foe.—O.vr/om’mi. those who have in such time got their Souci just now in a flesh colored eoat?”— materially raised the price of tinplate ticism ever brought into love of tho truth only and return foi himself and Sher­ eye on the morning star of our Christian The projectors and proprietors of the ' to dealers in this country, which neces­ by an ebullition of hot words against in­ faith can find their way out, or lie strong Clothier and Furnisher. iff’ Warren, but leaving the other fidelity? Was ever the blasphemer stop­ county officers who wanted to go to Nicaragua canal scheme are asking the : sitate making the ad.vanes- for lard in ped in his oaths by denunciatieu of blas­ enough to lead others with an all persua­ The great German naturalist Stern pub­ lished in the Revue Politique et Litteraire phemy? Was ever a drunkard weaned sive invitation. Salem, out in the cold. However, . government to furnish financial aid or j tins over the tierce price as follows: “But,” says some oae. “you Christian very curious and interesting article on .................... l-4c. from his cups by the temperance lecturer's people keep telling us to ‘Come,’ yet you do a speaking Chas. Talmage and Wm. Galloway’ backing for the scheme. That the 50-lh tin* fishes. Some varieties, he af­ mimicry of staggering step and hiccough? not tell us how to come.” That charge 29-lli “ ............... :>-Sc. completion of the canal will lie one of him) a buggy and hied themselves to > No. It was: “Come with me to church to­ shall not lie true on this occasion. Come firms, cau whistle, bark and grunt; while 104b “ .................. ................. 84e. do very .veil as songsters, conaidor the capital. When a politician can, the grandest events of the nine­ ................. ................ 7-8c. day and hear our singing;” "Come and let believing! Come repenting! Come pray others the fact that they are sealed instead of command a railroad pass there is no j teenth century, commercially and 34b “ .................. ..................... 1 et. me introduce you to a Christian man whom ing! After al! that God lias been doing for ing being feathered. _______ you will be sure to admire;’’ “Come with other man in the county quite as great as an engineering feat, goes without The above to take effect Dec. 1. six thousand years, sometimes through A Collection ot Well Knowu Saws. me Into associations that are cheerful and saying. It is a private enterprise; so ■ The relative cost of wood packages good and inspiring; “Come with me into patriarchs and sometimes through proph­ A boiled egg never batches. Learn ef as he. and at last through tlie culmination were the great transcontinental roads, will remain unchanged. joy such as you never before experienced.” ets, mole to plow, the worm to weave, ail tragedies on Golgotha, can any one the With that word which has done so much ot lawyers’, preachers’ and tomtits’ eggs— Senator Weatherford of Linn county, and the corporation« are still greatly think that God will not welcome your there tor others I approach you today. Are you are more of them hatched than come has introduced a bill to exempt home- l in debt to the government. If the gov­ George Bancroft the illustrious schol­ all right with God? “No,” yon say, “I coming? Will a fatier at vast outlay con­ to perfection. A dead fish can go down steads from attachment and execution . ernment can extend financial aid and - ar and historian of the United States, think not; I am sometimes alarmed when struct a mansion for his son, and lay out stream, but it takes a live one to go up. parks white with statues, and green with sales. The homestead may consist of a I upon the completion of the canal have I died at his home in Washington last I think of him; I fear I will not be ready foliage, ar.d all a-sparkle with fountains, One Nestor ¡3 worth two Ajaxea. Noth­ farm of twenty to 160 acres, or one lot ■ it returned all right and good. But if Saturday. His demise has been expect­ to meet him in tl» last day; my heart is and then not allow bis son to live in the ing but money is sweeter than honey. right with God.” Come then and have Some are weatherwise, some are other­ and house in any city or town, not ex­ the government is to open its coffers ed for several months past, and when not it made right. Through the Christ who house or walk in the parks? Has God wise. Whatever may be the music of the ceeding the value of $1000. It provides I into the hands of a posse of preferred ’ the announcement came it occasioned died to save you, come! What is the use iu built this house of Gospel mercy, and will spheres, how great soever the harmony of then refuse entrance to bis children? the stars, ’t is certain there is no harmony for the sale of the property if of greater citizens, we say no. Let the govern-: no surprise. Eor more than fifty years waiting? The longer you wait the further he Will a government at great expense build value, but the sum of $1009 is to be left ment build the canal or else help the the name of Bancroft has lieen familiar off you are, and the deeper you are down. life saving stations all along the coast, and among the star gazers. When it’s fair lie Strike out for heaven! You remember that sure and take your great coat with you. If to the debtor for the support and, scheme along in a manner whereby to the people of the United States as an a few years ago a steamer called the Prin­ boats that can hover unhurt like a petrel your head is wax don’t walk in the sun. over the wildest surge, and then when the the treasury of the people will not lie, author and publicist, but his reputation maintenance of his family. A person ' cess Alice, with a crowd of excursionists Love your neighbor, yet don’t pull down lifeboat has reached the wreck ot a ship your hedge. Many foxes grow gray, but to enjoy the benefits of this act must , harmed. Corrupt methods enter so will rest upon the solid monument that aboard, sank in the Thames, and there was in the offing not ailow the drowning to l»e the head of a family. This is a very I much now in the republican manner lie lias raised in the composition of his an awful sacrifice of life. A boatman from : seize the lifeline or take the boat for the few grow goal. Men and melons are hard to know. I’ride gets into the coach and the shore-put out for the rescue, and he good and sensible pro|>osition and of doing business that the people of the incomparable history of the United had a big boaUand he gut it so full it would shore in safety? Shall God' provide nt tho shauicmountsbeliind. The fur that warmed of his only Son’s assassination escape a monarch warmed a hare. None speaks would be of immense value to this country care to see very little of the past States. This great work will forever not hold another person, and as he laid I cost for a sinking world, ar.d then turn a deaf state. Intending immigrants are very i in the future. I his is one reason of the hold rank with the best of English hold of the oars to pull for the shore, leav­ ear to the cry that conies up from the better than the ant, and she says nothing. The muses love the morning. The muses ing hundreds helpless and drowning, he recent upheaval. classics, occupying in style a place mid careful to enquire into the laws relat­ starve in a cook’s shop. Though all men ont, “Oh, that I had a bigger boat!” breakers? way between the luminous conciseness I cried YOU NEED BUT BELIEVE TWO THINCS. ing to assessment, taxation and exemp­ Thank God, I am not thus limited, and that I “But,” you say, “there are so many things cannot live on the piazza, every one may "Hackmetack," a lasting and fragrant ’ of Gibbon and the wearisome difluse- feel the sun. Time and patience turn the tions from executions. Oregon needs perfiune Price 25 anil 50 cents. Sind tiy I I can promise room for all in this gospel I have to believe, and so many thing* in the mulberry ioaf to satin.—C. E Rldler la nes* of Macaulay. , boat. Get inc get in! And yet there is ' shape Howortli and Co such a law. of a creed that I have to adopt, that Boston ’jrauseriut TH E TELEPHONE-REG 1STER. DRAWING FOR TERMS. WHAT THE EDITORS SAY. 3 TABERNACLE PULPIT. KAY & STILL GOES ON! ALL BROWNSVILLE AND SALEM MILLS GOODS An Immense Line of ALL WOOL BLANKETS To Choose From ! Great Bargains r- In Their Entire Line of Goods It will pay you to Look at their Goods and Get Prices whether you Buy or not. KAY & TODD J. P. IP VINK, Sia.ecessor to daevs. G-rissoxi, DEALER IN Staple & Fancy Groceries And Also lias Constantly on hands A FINE LINE OF FRESH BREAD. PIES AND CAKES WHICH HE SELLS AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. AH Kinds of Farm Produce Bonghi and Sold. SATISFACTION GUAKANTEKI», Olt MONEY REFUNDED. AWARDED Do Not Fail to bee theae MacliincH B<‘fore Piircliasinif. ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALI HEWITT BROS.. McMinnviüe, Oregon. SEV/liW MECH FAMILY USra. PACIFIC COAST AGENCY. 13B5 Market St., San Ftancitco.Cal *