O&DS AND ENDS. The Women's union of Boston has she mad. her bow not long ago. Miss oiler considerable constitutional anal- THEY'RE \ CIIESTMT. inaugurated a series of Sunday meetings Lodge is a Boston girl. “gy witli those so-called dwarfs; th«ir It is only with I be mouth open that siWMS ( »HRfloX. M c M innville , Miss Rebecca Potts, who is one of the exclusively for women. The speakers i ing can be accomplished during sleip AND HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED tnode of life, their manners anil cus­ local belles, made her debut recently at t arc always women. The topics dis­ toms, arc similar to tliose of the pyg­ January 15, 1891 her sister's wedding. She served in tlie cussed are not necessarily religious, but Miss Lynch, author of “In Troubled HUNDREDS OF TIMES SINCE. Waters,” is going to Paris to lecture on the mies. They arc probably a branch of the capacity of bridemaid, and at the recep­ are usually of an ethical nature, and dis­ work? of George Meredith. dwarfish race found in Africa. The tion following the ceremony was for- ■ tinguished and able women in all tho It is impossible for a slave to have any walks of life address the meetings, which style. If you would have your child digni­ Dr. Oscar Lena, Prof's..or ,:f «¿«Migraphv natural inference is tliat in by-gone BFDS IN WASHINGTON. mally presented. at Prugne University, Tell. Many Inter- Miss Kitty Reed, the daughter of the I are full of interest. Women's societies fied you must treat it with dignity. years a distinctly aboriginal race in- “< !xar," will appear this season at some ought to have meetings of this sort in all I Robert Browning is responsible for the e«Hng Fact. About th. Litti. iteopie— i habited the vast forests which extend the cities and large towns. They are not are of the carbon. scorn of a healthy appetite. She walks, ners. Everybody likes them. Senator Forum: "Mau- lias displace«! more It is no uncommon thing for the inhabit about India were liars.” Aristotle and elers fully confirm the fact that the an­ THE YAQUINA ROUTE miles, she rides horses. In Washington I Blackburn has lieen very badly hurt. genius than woman largely because ho ants of Vienna to eat five meals a day, Pliny, op the other hand, believed that cients were acquainted with this pecul­ she rides bicycles. She can row a boat1 His horse ran away ami threw him. has been in possession of a wider range these consisting of breakfast, lunch, din­ a dwarf race, who were troglodytes or! iar race, and there is reason to believe or handle a rifle. She can fence and During liis confinement to th«- house his of facts.'' Therefore, oli, women! get ner, tea and supper. cave-dwellers, had their existence in! that the pygmies of Strabo an Herodo­ For stings or bites from any kind of in­ swim and — tell it not in Gath — there daughters were very devoted. It is evi- facts, not about things that happened in Africa. Herodotus, more accurate and tus are the same as the Batua and the are a few of her who can send a football I dent that as yet the senator is tlie man some foreign country 2.000 years ago. but sect apply dampened salt, bound tightly scientific, distinctly allude# to these I Wambutu.— Dr. O«kr>r Lenz, in E!am- D. M. F brry & Co’s spinning into the air in a way that i in whom they are most interested. facts alxmt the science, history, govern­ over the spot. It will relieve, and usually cure very quickly. iner. Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced dwarfs in his books. He relates that would make a Yale .lialfback ashamed . S. Esog-g-. Receiver. Miss Everett, tlie only cliil'l of Mr. ment, industries and social ami political Gen. Lew Wallace is writing with elabo­ five men belonging to the tribe of Nay- of himself. It is the girl of today who and Mrs. Sidney Everett, will be intro- economy of your own time. The wo­ How “Rat.” « a. Start«:!. eed nnual rate care a story of the conquest of Con ­ —AND— will be the mother of the future states­ | duced this winter. This young lady is a man who understands thoroughly a sin­ stantinople by the Turks in 1454. lie in­ amonen, in Lybia, undertook a voyage For 1891 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to last season’s man. and, if there lie any truth in popu­ i striking lieantv. She is very tall, witli gle one of the vital questions of the day tends it to be as good in its wav as “Ben across the Great desert, and came to Where do slang phrases originate? customers. It is better than ever. lar theory, he should surpass the Ro-1 i dark, shining eyes and beautiful curling is worth more to inankin«l than if she Hur.” Every person using Gardent tlie banks of a broad river running Thousands of people habitually indulge Flower or Field Seeds, man gladiator. So much for the girl col- hair. Miss Everett has lieen abroad for had at her tongue's end the history of A royal proclamation was published in from east to west and full of crocodiles, In tlie use of slang without a thought should send for it. Address ail the poets and painters of past ages. England a week ago, calling in by Feb. 28, Icctiveiy. Individually she is charming. i some time. D. M. FERRY & CO. where they found inhabitants all be­ or care as to the source from which the DETROIT, MICH. 225 Miles Shorter—20 hours 1 cm Mite Violet Sibyl Pauncefote, the sec­ Several young ladies will be presented Don't go into Sanscrit history. Study 1891, all gold coins not of the present reign. low the medium height. Largest Seedsmen in the world vulgar phrases came, and often without the Unite«! States constitution and the After that date all such coins will not be ond daughter of Sir Julian Pauncefote, 1 ! at the cabinet receptions. Miss Hal- time than by any other route. When the Gothic night descended the slightest idea of its original mean­ legal tender. the British minis­ I stead, Mrs. Noble’s pretty sister, is here, tariff and silver questions. ing. Doubtless many of them are over Europe little or no progress was ASP First clasi» through passenger and freight Some hunters near Potts, Mich., shot a ter, is one of the and Mrs. Rusk has line from Portland and nil points in the Wfl- white deer the other day. It is said to be made in geography and ethnography. coined by minstrels and burlesque act­ most distinguished a daughter who is lamette valley to and troni San Fiancfoco. the only white deer ever heard of in that Not until 1661 do we again find the rec­ ors, but often the simplest incident is of this season's de­ V________________ —VIA section and was about one and a half years butantes. Miss ord of a tribe of small men, called Ixim- responsible for expressions which sweep Time Schedule (except Sunday«). The Turkish Young; Woman. old. Pauncefote is tall— LeaveAlbanvl2:2O pm* Leave Yauuina 7 urn os, who are said to inhabit Madagascar over tlie country and have their use in At the ago of 9 the Turkish girl puts An old lady from New Hampshire visited “ ?orvalfs 1 :03 pm “ CorvalislO :35 am “divinely tall and off childish things and liecomes a young Boston, and was asked how she liked the —perhaps the same as those now known the mouths of gamin and the careless­ Arr’vYnquinat pm! ArrivAlbanyll :13ain most divinely fair won: an. She then puts on the close em- city. “Well,” she replied, “of course I a« the. Vazimba, who dwell in the ness of speech until superseded by a O. A (' trains connect at Albany and Cor- vallie. broidered jacket, which closes around can’t tell yet, while ail this building is go­ mountainous districts of that island. word equally as offensive. Express Tyains Leave Portland Daily The above trains connect at Y aqiina with the bottom of the waist with three gold ing on, but I should think it would be quite A few years ago a celebrated polo LEAVE ARRIVE. the Oregon Developement <’o>. Line of Steam­ Coming to more recent times we find a pretty city when it is finished. ” buttons and leaves the chest exposed, Portland 7.00 p inlSanFranciscolO.loam ships between Yaquina and San Francisco. team was playing a match game in one in 1820 a statement to the effect that a San Fran. 9:00 p ni|Portland 9.35 am N. B.—T*i)Hi*6ngers from Portland and nil Wfl- and when on view in the harems of other Mr. Gladstone as a Book Buyer. dwarf people, the Berikomo, were to lx? of our Massachusetts cities with a team Above trains stop only at following sta­ amette Valley Points can make close connec­ ladies, or on visiting or bath days, she with the trains of the Y aquina II ovtk at What Oliver Wendell Holmes describes found living to the north of the lofty from a neighboring city. The visiting tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, i tion wears pantaloons of some brilliant satin Oregon City, Woodburni, Salem, Albany, Albany or Corvallis, and if destined to Sai Ujen.LT. or silk, with a feridjee also of some as­ as “book hunger” seems with Mr. Glad­ snow-capped Kenia mountain. In 1840 team callelt the Star,wore its name con­ Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg. Jun­ Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina vioi.iT strtt . rxrxc«- stone to increase with years. Catalogues the evening before date of sailing. FOTE. very vivacious and tonishingly gay color. Her pantaloons conscientiously perused and duly marked Dr. Krapf, a missionary, describes a spicuously embroidered on the breast of ction city, Irving, Eugene pleasing. Mrs. Rosebmg Mall Daily. may be green, her shalna or train by him are quite a frequent feature in dwarfish race, the Doko, who live to his shirt. for she has the Sailing Dates. Miller lias two daughters; the elder, (which is tucked in her waistband in the book sellers’ windows. One of the most tlie south of tlie Kafl'a province, LEAVE. ARRIVE complexion of prrre As tlie game progressed it became, The Portla .nl . . 8:00 a ni Roseburg... 5:40 p m Miss Florence, has lieen in society two street) of pink satin, her jacket of crim­ interesting examples, as it is also the lat­ white and red that The Steamer Willamette Valley a ill sail evident to the spectators that the ref-' natives called them Maiagilage, and Roseburg. 6:20 a m! Port la nil. 4 :€’ years, but the younger makes her first son. with gold embroider}-; 3 quantity est, is now exposed with the check in the only English girls FROM TAQVIKI. FROM SAS FRANCISCO eree, who was in sympathy with the claim that they are graced with a ca li ­ appearance this season. window of Mr. Men kin, in Gray ’ s Inn have. When on horseback she might: Albany Local, Daily, Except Sunday. of all sorts of jewel«, a shawl bundled .Isnuarv 23d. . January ltltli, visiting team, was unfair in his decis ­ dal appendage. All these facts, " ' 31st. road. Nearly forty books were ordered, Miss Minnie Wanainaker, one of the bo w- LEAVE | ARRIVE pose as the huntress Diana, and she '■ ‘ 27th, around her waist, a purple feridjee or walks with the gTace and freedom of ee^ral daughters of the postmaster gen­ wrap, a blue parasol, white gloves with subject to the discount of 10 per cent, for ever, are of doubtful accuracy and have ions. This caused great ill-feeling, es- Portland .5: pni'Albany... 9: pm 0: a m F.Menger and freight ratea al.ava tti. low Iolanthe. It is worth while to see her eral, will take a prominent place in so­ her rings outside of them, and all the cash, upon which the G. O. M. always in­ been derived from no better source ' pecially as the members of the team 1 Albany........ 5: a m Portland sists. The most remarkable thing that eat . For infoi manor:. apply to come down Pennsylvania avenue with ' ciety this wider. Mias Minnie's gowns colors of the rainbow on her head. were rowdyish in their behavior. Sud-1 Pullman Bullet Sleepers, than slaves and traders of the interior. strikes one in glancing through these cat ­ C.C. HOGUE, her sister. No sluggard stroller could are something to dream of, especially as ’l. I'rt. A Pas«. tgt., Oregon Pacific R. " alogues is the extraordinary variety of Mr. Tlie first bit of ¡»ositive data respect­ denly as their conduct liecame more Tourist Sleeping Cars, Gen He Accepts. Co , Corval ’ la, Oregon. keep up with them. Miss \ iolet wears they will be worn by a very pretty girl. Gladstone’s reading. ing tlie so-called dwarf jieoples of East­ exasjiciating, someone in the audience For accommodation of second class passen­ W D WEBSTER usually a plain cloth suit, a high English There is only one more of the sisters, President Gilmore, of the Johns Hop­ His first book, for example, is an odd gers attached to express trains > shouted “Rats!” The cry was instant­ Gen'I. Frt. A-P.ite. Agt., Oregon Oev.lopmesi walking hat, and a boa of black lynx, ' Miss Lily, who will not come out for kins university, accepts with thanks the volume, “A Sketch of the Pre-Shakespear- ern Africa was furnished by the Ger­ V Montgomery street, San Prandi««. Cai. WEST SIDE DIVISION against which her glowing color shows two years yet. Mrs. Wanamaker and $100,000 donation of Mr. Henry Winter eau Drama,” by F. Ireton; then come three man explorer, Professor Sehweinfurth. ly taken up, and throughout the re­ Between Portland and Corvallis. iu strong relief. Let no one suppose her daughters returned to Philadelphia Davis, Miss Mary Garrett and others, works on anthropology, one of which is At the residence of Muiisa the Monbat- mainder of the game the audience con­ Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. Carus Sterne ’ s “ Werden and Vergehen ” in for the Christmas festival which Mr. i tinued to apply it to the turbulent from this description that, Miss Pauncc- tu king, he found some samples of the which was given to the university on I.KAVK | arrive From Terminai or Interior Points tin fote is masculine: she is not: quite the Wanamaker always gives, and at winch condition that the medical school of the the original German. As a set off to Tay­ Akka or Tikki-Tikki tribe, men or players. in Portland . 7:30 a ni! McMinn’ contrary . She is modest and sweet as j the ladies of his household are always university shall bo opened to women. lor’s Origin, etc., of “The Fine Arts in small stature, who lived as hunters in 10:10 a inll'orvallis . McMinn' Finally one of them,unable to endure Great Britain ami Ireland,” Mr. Gladstone the dainty English blossom who«e name present. They are now here for the President Gilmore also mildly suggests orders Sternberg’s translation of Dr. Mag- tile bush, and soipe of whom King tlie slurring appellation any longer, Corvallis 12:55 p m McMinn* McMinn’ 2:56 p nill’ortland . season, which is only six weeks this year, that it would he a noble act, a gracefnl nin’s “Bacteria.’’ Bibliography appears she bears. I Munsa kept as a curiosity at hi« court. went to the man who had originated At Albany and Corvallis connect with Sir Julian and Lady Pauncefote will but the girls will make the most of it. act, and a womanly act if the ladies also to be a favorite subject with Mr. Glad­ trains uf Oregon Pacific. tlie cry and said; ; Traces of this dwarfish race were also M argaret M anton . stone, for he orders Dobson ’ s “ History of not give a ball, as has been reported. would uow go on and raise the other Express Train Dai'v, cxcept'Sunday ‘•Why 00 necessary to set the school go­ the Bas^andyne Bible” and the “Archiv i found at Batalto, on the western coast ___ ARRIVE Saturday dinners, and when the season WOMAN'S WORLD IN PARAGRAPHS. ing. So it would. President Gilmore; fur Geschichte des deutschen Buchhan- ; of Africa. Koelle, the missionary, who . “You ought not take any exception Portland I.KAVE. . 4 :40 p ni|M< Mnn 7 .25 p 111 dels.” It would be highly interesting to begius they will give the after dinner re­ so it would. It would be truly womanly know what Mr. G. wants with Cobbett’s i lived at Sierra Leone, ami often made to the name” replied the gentleman ad­ McMinn’. . 5;15 a mlt’ortlaml 8:20 n in What Elizabeth Cady Stanton Think, of ceptions and small dances which were because it is forgiving. “Advice to Young Men and Young Worn trips far into th«* interior, heard of dressed, “You behave worse than rats Annie ll.-.ant. so enjoyable a feature last season. en.” The “drink question” and “epi­ , dwarfs living farther inland called Lu- and besides you wear tlie word on your ANTICS OF TWINS. Elizabeth Cady Stanton writes in The The great Patten house on Massachu­ It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run» taphs” are truly strange companions, bub breasts. Spell tlie name of your team setts avenue was opened this season for New York Herald a letter about Annie Some Amusing Experiences of Clittie and the ex-premier orders two upon each topic, fun, where such tribes arc called Ken- Through VESTIBULED TRAINS ! kob or Bezaan. backward.” For tickets and full in form «at ion regard ­ Every Day in the Year to the first time since the death of Mr«. Besant, and it is worth while to note one being by W. Andrews. Heredity, Mor­ Clayton Heath, of Louisville. ing rates, maps, etc., cull on the Company's Sure enough. Star spelt backward At aliout the same time Stanley dis­ Patten three years ago. The occasion what this clear headed woman and The life stories of (’layton Heath and ids monism and Popery, not to mention two agent at McMinnville. was the coming out of the youngest of shrewd observer has to say of the most twin sister, Clittie, surpass anything re­ books by Priestly, are duly marked off. covered the Upper Congo and after­ could make no other word but rats. R KOEHLER, E. 1‘. ROGERS. But it is Shakespearean» that Mr. Glad­ wards explored the country. He found iu fiction, and bar«- been the cause of A large number of people from other Manager. Asst. G F. A: 1’ Agt the three sisters. (No Change of Car«) famous woman Radical in England. Mrs. lated many remarkable incidents. But let Miss stone orders wholesale. Sixteen French this dwarf race in different places, and states were in the rink at that time, in­ The Pattens are from California and Besant is one of the bnsiest persons in Clittie tell the story: and six German translations from or criti­ ( fiiiHHtNt'tl of IHIIM CARS possess fabulous wealth: their house is a Our uames are Clittie and Clayton cisms on Shakespeare form a portion of in liis more recent expedition from the cluding several visiting teams, and (u n surpassed) treasury of art. The debutante is rather Great Britain, to begin. She is identi­ the order; so that our readers need not be | Congo to the Albert Nyanza he often thenceforth the word “rats!” was taken We were born in 1858 in Louis­ the prettiest of the sisters, all of whom fied closely with two classes of move­ Heath. PILLMAMURAWIXtiROOlSLEEttlX at all surprised to learn that Mr. Glad ­ 18 NOW AT PORTLAND, ORCGON. ments—one the working people's cause rille. Ky. Our father at that time was i came across small groups of them scat- up as an expression of contempt.—Bo«-1 are reserved—so much so that they are ■ (Of Latest Equipment,) connected with a large match factory. stone will edit a variorum edition of the thought by the Washington public to be in general, the other the progress and Until the age of 4 it was impossible for great dramatist or some such stupendous I tereil in tlie dense forests on the Upper ton Globe. rights of women. Besides this she is a I TOI INST SLEEPING ( ARX somewhat haughty. » dv of our family to pick out the Ijoy from undertaking. Truly an inexhaustible Old Aruwimi. These, it would seem, are Best that can he constructed anti in The young Miss Patten has a great socialist, a theosophist. and a very active the girl, aud so often was I taken for the Man!—Pall Mall Gazette. less harmless and peaceful than their which accommodations are for hol­ fondness for doge. Whilo waiting upon member of the London School board. boy that at the age of 4 iny mother was ders of First or Second-cptfli Tick- congeners elsewhere. They attack In this unknown land, bear, elk and Fol* Psychologists to Explain. the wide veranda for the door to open She manages a house for poor working compelled to put boy’s clothes on my Any one having investigated ghostly with poisoned darts the caravans that , the noble black-tailed ileer exist in al­ the dogs came all about me, giving the girls where the cost of living is so calcu­ brother Clatie in order to protect me from ELEGANT IHY POU IIES. lated that for a small sum honest girls getting a sound thrashing from a boy in a rappings knows fall well that nineteen- seek to pass those well-nigh inaccessi­ most coiliitlv-1 iiuiuliers, and in all but most hearty welcome they knew how to Continuous Line connecting with all back street, as my brother was full of twentieths of the mediums are frauds. ble solitudes. who work for low wages can have a jicrfect fearfulne-s of mail, and, here give. There was a leonine St. Bernard lines, affordiug direct and unin­ cussedness. This fact makes the pursuit and vindica­ As to the average stature attained by | from the great difficulty of access to and a sleek fox terrier; a brown eyed pretty and comfortable home in a re­ terrupted service. He was also very fond of raw eggs, aud tion of the twentieth medium the more spectable neighborhood, Annie Besant's collie and a slender greyhound; a mam on one occasion when caught taking them fascinating. I am not a spiritualist, and the people, the facts afforded on tlie their domain, the enterprising sports I'tilhni'n SfiM’pcr reservation« can be seeur- history is remarkable, H«r r.vltealism moth Newfoundland and a tiny black- ed in Rdvimeetbrongb auvagrnt of th. road be declared that it was I who had done it. have never been to a spiritual seance in my subject by travelers are far from agree­ man may find them ages hence. Until TlinfligliTit'LtlxT/'^'c^L'X^ and-tau; there were two lieautifnl hunt- was driven into her by a procew The result was a punishment from my life, but I have had 107 sittings with a hard ing. Herodotus said: “They are be­ the summer just passed, no hunter’s, of slow torture — driven so thor- father and the lovely name of “Sucking working, obscure laboring man withiu era and a mottled coach dog. Such an ri'und, and cm-. on application to anv agent. 01 that their mistress is good natnred too. to wear the same clothes as myself, and to A 1) CHARLTON. FOB THOSE WHO CANNOT POSSIBLY ( ALL PI Miss Conrtenay Walthall, daughter of very young to a clergyman of the Church make matters decided I insisted on mother ringing of bells (as you say) by unseen to catch them, hunting them down braces all the territory west from the 8ONALLT, HOUR THHAT51ENT PLAl 1.0 WiTii- A “st General Passenger Agent hands, the verbatim reading of sealed Of the <'ontpntiy, N«», 131 the senator from Mississippi, is said to of England, a man whose violent temper cuttiug his hair, to which she decidedly writing, etc.; the shaking of the whole like a wild animal. Once caught, how­ Sound to the Pacific ocean, and the I AN THE REACH OF ALL THAT WILL HIVE First N1., Cor. Wallington, I’ortaixl, Or be the prettiest girl in Washington. and gloomy bigotry made her first ques­ objected, as his hair was very long, aud, house and - appings on a table, easily heard ever, they soon become tractable, es­ straits of San Judn de Fuea south to INSTANTANEOl'S RELIEF AND A Whether she is or not she is as pret­ tion the saving grace of the theology he like that of many southern children, blonde 100 yards outside the house, snch as would pecially when they see they are in the ! the northern line of Chehalis county, PERMANENT Ct'RE. ty as any girl need be, and she is as preached. But this questioning was and curled. demolish any table if made with a wooden The most speedy, positive and ptm:a hands of white men, and not in tliose | comprising the entire counties of Clal­ My brother iu breeches and I in dresses mallet. lovable as she is fair. Miss Conrtenay is subversive of all propel domestic dis­ neut cure for Catarrh of the Head. Asthma cipline. and the Rev. Frank Besant in did splendidly for a week or so, but as he The person through whom these t hings of a slave dealer; a few presents in the lam and Jefl'erson, and Is locally known and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart a tiny girl, a pocket edition of Venus, and so like me it 011I5’ required a wrap on happened I am sure is as much of a sur­ shape of betels, cloth, or, what is still as the “Olympic Range country." A not yet eighteen. She has eyes like a deer, the name of Christianity turned his free- a was Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections stormy day to completely bide those prise to himself as he is to me. He sup­ If so he sure and call for your ticket, big and soft and thinking wife outdoors and took her little more precious on the eastern coast, salt, ' glance at the map will l>est inform the Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, ir via the pants. So I was in for a sound scold­ a large family by the hardest kind of its various stages, permanently < iwl brown, and her children awav fr<>tn her because the laws ing every rainy day. When we had a week ports manual toil, and has nover been willing to will make them suflieientlv friendly to , reader of the extent of this territory, brown of England did not consider a mother of wet weather and mother was obliged to receive from me one cent as compensation allow of a yard measure being applied where until last summer the noblest D r . A born ' s O riginal M ode oi T rh . i r M.1NT and his M edicated I nhalation .' of who doubted the creed of the Church of go shopping and sister was at school, we for the time that he has given me in sit­ to their jieisons. They are mighty game on the continent has lived in un­ gives instantaneous relief, builds up ano England a proper person to train the were left at home with the girl—a black ting. He is entirely free from the ordinary glad, however, when the operation is revitalizes the whole constitution am young mind, So, widowed and deno­ auntie, who allowed us to do anything we suspicion attaching to the paid “medium." disturbed peace. late, she went out to work for human­ Hked. I ;e: '. thereby prolonging life It he is a medium he does not know it. I f ' over, and run away most nimbly. The -THE nervous, debilitated and broken-down Oh, Illis ringing in the ears! ity. When her children were old For amusement brother aud I ouce went the wiseacres ever get together and explore small st man of ripe years T ever came constitutions, old and young, invariably Oil, this humming in the bead! enough to choose they went to her of into the dreasing room, took long strings him it will be interesting to see what I across among the Abongos stood four gain from ten to thirty pounds iu from their own accord. Mrs. Stanton writes aud tied all the movable furniture togeth­ they will call him.—Concord Cor. Boston feet three, inches from the ground, Hawking blowing, snuffing, gasping thirty to ninety days. ÍÍ' of the famous Radical. "She is one of er, and made wagons for moving. The Transcript. Watering eyes and throat a-rasping, D r . A born ' s phenomenal skill am! mar only thing remaining was a Large hat rack Stanley saw one not quite four feet those rare characters, purified and ele­ Health impaired and comfort fled, velous cures have created the greatest that stood in the hall. Clatie suggested Working on On. PIcturo TIUrly Years. high, another four feet four inches, and vated by every sorrow, whose learning that we move it. I said it was too big. weacNCE wiXDOR. astonishment on the Pacific Coast und Till I would that I were deadl Artist Albert Bierstadt has recently been < It is positively the shortest ami finial a grown up girl of about seventeen has ]>assed from her memory to her But like all boys he thought himself a visiting his old haunts in the Rocky throughout the American continent, dur­ line red in it. Her to Chicago and the east and south and What folly to suffer so with catarrh ­ judgment, and made her wiser in all the ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, years of age who was half an inch short man, and so he moved it; at least, he tried cheeks are the color mountains. He first crossed the plains in only sleeping and dining car through al trollies, when the worst eases of Cr.tarrh of the Head, and all Throat. Bron­ the practical details of life.'' to, when over came the rack, mirror, mar ­ ine to of three feet. The ¡alter may hax'e 185# with the army of Argoaants from the of American beau­ COCRTKNAY WALTHAM- slab and fancy top, broken into a east, and it was then that be made the first been an exception, although the wom­ chronic cutarrli in the head are relieved chial and Lung trouble instantly relieved, ty roses, and her I have always had a sly suspicion that ble City. and all Mlaaoarl thousand pieces. sketches for the paintings of western en are proportionately smaller than tlie and cured by the mild, cleansing prop­ al: o Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured ornaba, Kami soft southern speech is irresistibly charm­ there were a good many fools in the River 1'olnt. permanently at first consultation. D r . Clatie and 1 ran upstairs in great fright, which gave him fame. For his lat­ erties of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. A born ' s essay on the “ Curability of Con­ ing. I predict that Miss Walthall will world, but at present the most liopeleae hiding behind the machine in mother's scenes men. est work, “The Last of the Buffalo," he have more attention this season than is fools seem to me to l>e those superfine sewing room. We huddled up liko lit­ spent thirty years’ time and made several Its magnificent Heel track, unaurpaMe«! From personal observation and what It purifies the foul breath, by removing sumption.” and a treatise on ‘'Catarrh ol trail) eerrice and elegant dining and good for several debutantes, but it will individuals who base their claim to gen­ tle chickens. I saw lying on the floor hundred sketches. The picture was in bis the cause of offense, heals the sore and the Head,” with evidences of tome ex- I have read on the subject, 1 am led to deeping cars has honestly earned for it the not spoil her. tility on the fact that the}- wear hand mother’s shears, and thinking it could not mind when he followed the trail to Pike's inflamed passages, and perfects a last­ traordmary cures, mailed free. Call or :!thof infer that tlie height of these pygmies addiess DR ABORN> Miss Florence Windom, the secretary's made underclothing and scorn the ma­ be laid on me if it was not for our hair I Peak thirty-one years ago.—Exchange. averages between 4 feet 3 inches and 4 ing cure. daughter, is another beautiful girl from chine made underclothing. Let those took the shears and cut Clatie’s hair as Fourth wad Morrison Sts.» Portland, Oregon. A h Aluminum iauiu I. i vhe Royal Rout< • feet 8 inches for a full grown man, and Mrs. I iarfield is said to be overwhelm­ N ote . —Home treatment, securely pacl.ed, sent l>> the west who will be one of the belles wear the haul made gear, of course,who short as it ever has lieen done since by a There is on exhibition in the window of barber, although it lacked style. Our faces this winter. Miss Windout is quite an prefer clothi ng which some woman has seemed never to change. When Clatie was Sevin’s pharmaej’ an artificial aluminum I between 3 feet 8 inchcsaud 4 feet I inch ed by her correspondence. Letters IxprtM to all parts of the Pacific Coa-for t hoi wl* artist. She has l>eeu in a Boston studio darned her fingers off and bored her eyes ill I was. At one time we both lay for hand which was invented by Samuel Lucas, I for the women. This certainly consti- come to her from every part of the Cannot pc.-sibly call in person. Ubers may imitate.but none can surpass it Our motto is "always on time.” for some time, and has done some things out to make, and after she lias done it weeks with the same fever. of Poquetanuoc, for his son, Willard A. ' tutes a race of smaller stature than that country and on every conceivable top­ til INVITED TO CALL TCR FIKE COHSUiTATIW Be sure and ask ticket agents for ticket» which have received favorable comment [ her seams are neither so handsome, When he was 18 years of age my brother Lucas, who lost his hand iu a picker in ! to be found in most other countries; but ic. Every communication she receives ria this celebrated route and take non< from critical judges. Miss Florence strong nor even as those made by the tire­ fell in love with a pretty girl, aud our Lucas Brothers’ mill. This hand weighs >th«rt. W. H MEAD, G A was present at her mother's Wednesday less little iron fingers. Machine made people objected. But my brother declared less than a pound, and the fingers are so | the term "dwarf’ which ¡«applied to is given careful attention, and frequent­ No, 4 Washington street, Portland. Or teas last year, and this is the season < f clothing is very nice and very pretty, it was only a flirting acquaintance. One ingeniously arranged with springs that | them appears incorrect. Ethnology ly a pleasant letter of some length is her formal introduction into society. and thousands of lovely women will con­ fine evening I played the part of brother. I the hand can be made to grasp and hold furnishes examples of many a tribe sent in answer. put on his best coat, hat and gloves and articles more firmly, it is claimed, than Two years ago Mrs. Leit.-r. of Chicago, tinue to wear it. Cranks can wear what drove up to the «abode of my brother’s lady any artificial hand ever yet invented. and nation whose stature does not Only «inc in the United they like, but let them not presume to introduced the custom of bringing ont love. I asked her to drive for half an hour. This new metal is light, bright, strong, ! much exceed that which is here uttrib- Out of 1307 cough syrup« manufactur­ debutantes at the heginni g of a Wash­ criticise those who do not agree with I did my best to talk love. I did wh«at I tough, untarnishable and unrustablc, «and 1 uted to the so-called pygmie«. This ed in the United States but one has ington season. She pre - nted her first their nonsense. If they must wear hand thought a sweetheart ought to do. I especial] j’ adapted for such a use. will I«“ made cl air by coniparing the lx«-n found to lie entirely free from opi­ The nice adjustment and form Mr. Lucas daughter then; this wircr her second made clothing as a mark of gentility, h-t talked of a future home and of love by the figures I have just given with tin- ¡bi­ ates, and that is tlie California Positive has put into it combine art and mechanism sea. After I fairly engaged myself I found girl makes her bow. Miss Leiter No. 2 them. They probably nets! it. the dear little dove crying. I asked the to some purpose. It is a curious as well as llowing list furnished by anthropologic­ and Negative Electric Cough cure, is a very pretty girl. She is a western O/V SALE The Catholic archbishop of Santiago for the sudden flow of tears from a useful device, and will prove such a boon al research: which is tlie l«est on earth for coughs, girl, which is in her favor, for girls must hare drawn very doleful conclu­ reason to crippled men that it ought to bring a those lovely eyes, and she said: It. In. Ft. In. ! from the south and west are the girls sions from his observations on the estat ■ colds, croup, etc. Sold by Rogers Bros. “Mr. Heath, I have lieen waiting fur yoi: fortune to the inventor. This ingenious I’.il !”<•?> h> 11 nowadays. She is slender and has a of matrimony in his archdiocese. He to propose for so long, and 10 think it has work of Mr. Lucas verifies the old adage, ' Suabians , Webb C. Hayes, tlie ex-president's wealth of glossy hair; but her greatest lias directed that hereafter all bride­ come at last’” and then sh<‘ put her head “Necessity is the mother of invention.”— ■ Kaffirs . 5 son, lives in Cleveland, where lie is PoIynesiuD^I Norwich Bulletin. charm is in her eyes. They are large maids shall wear at weddings black on my shoulder and wept. (> /> Englishmen 5 and clear and wonderfully gray, like dresses. Marriage is a grave business in rated a keen and successful business I trembled for my brother, and tried 5 7 .5 5 , (lerman-A ust • i ?> 11> Gas from Oil. PRICE all manner of tales to have Clatie make a those of Scott's Helen—"The gray of Chili. 5 5 N egroes 2 8 i num. He is treasurer of one corpora­ trip to some seashore for my health before The Chicago Journal of Commerce states . FrPnchmen early morn, between the black of night 5 IT IS THE BEST tion and a stockholder in several others. ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. There is <>n< stale iu the Union that the next engagement night, but the night that a new process for the manufacture of Chinese EASIEST TO USE, •> •■»nd blue of day.-’ Miss Leiter has been :!'2 He is a bachelor and occupies apart­ came, and to my surprise he wa3 only gas from petroleum has been put into prac­ I Australian< Ä THE CHEAPEST has no college for women, and the . 5 '•■'t AKO ALL POINTS educated abroad and is accomplished absent a short time. I crept out of the tice at Kittanning, Pa., by which it is Malays 5 1", ments in the east end of the city. and graceful. She promises to be a so­ thought of a "co-ed" college would barn to see my brother as he drove in. I claimed 5 IT gas can be manufactured at one- i Andamans .... frighten her out of her Rip Van Winkle cial favorite. The Leiters lire in the Gen. Miles believed he bad the Sharp I li half the cost of the old, and is much better , Akka (Tikki-Tikki sleep of a century. That state is Vir­ overheard him say: ♦9, 4 11 rifle with which Gen. Custer was killed Blaine mansion. “That girl is a fool; she must take me for illuminating purposes. The method is Lapps I A bongo.« 3 1 4 11 Miss Carroll, the daughter of the e.x- ginia -old Virginia. It is easy to under­ for a flat.” a very simple one, consisting of a feeder Bushmen --- JkT F.rtf’t little fortune« hare been ana deal (» by Rain-in-the-Face^or some other 4 4 3 stand why Virginia is no longer the I crept back to the house, aud to this day and a system of retorts. These retorts are i Fakimos work for nt, by Auna Fag«, Auatir., govemor of Marylaud. will lie presented . 4 •5 warrior, but the uncertainty about the Teiaa, and Jno. 15 lfall«tt