THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER ' Read Kay A Todd’s ad. ■--------------------------------------------- Arrest of Major Hendershott. THE YAMHILL RIVER. THE TREES OF PALESTINE. trees now around us, which like banished minstrels through the long winter night From second page. For swe. , apple cider go to Wallace The Report Laid Before Major Handbur- The arrest of Major Hendershott, the utter their dolorous ¡ament, or in the * Todd. “ Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock ” j Ghurch of the Madeleine. Ob, it is a tough blast moan like lost spirits wandering ry. The Examination will be Next. Thursday, December 18, 1890. Thursday evening in Portland proves | old world, and it will keep you back and up and down the gale, their leaf shall Yon can save 20 per cent, at K. & T. been a mistake, or rather a mis- i yon Bnd keep you under as long never wither. Whether you walk on the The report prepared by Capt. Wyatt to have The Red front bakery is the place to , . artilmrv .. , . i as it can! Hail sons and daughters of the banks of the river you will be under trees, Successor to Olaa.s. O-rissesi. 1-OSTOFU1CF. HOUKS. get your money’s worth. < understanding, and tiinpo there won was nntlunrr nothing | Harris, of th!« city, giving the amount iinnnpcf or by the homes of martyrs under trees, or like obtaining money under false pre ­ by the heavenly temple under trees, or From 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7.30 p. DEALER IN If you want anything fornten or boys of commerce that will be benefltted by Stand. M the «aril when the stroke ot stalwart ran. to 8:30 p. tn. along the palace of the King immortal un­ mem falls fierce and fast: go to Kay & Todd’s. the removal of snaggs and other ob­ tenses connected with the matter. Mr. Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Storms but more deeply root tlie oak wboss der trees. "Blessed are they th »a do his For a fine assortment of holiday structions and otherwise improving the Hendershott, who expended a good Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m brawny arms embrace the blast: commandments that they may have right Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail goods go to J. P. Irvine’s. Yamhill river from its mouth to Mc­ deal of money in entertaining a press Stand like an anvil; noise and beat are Imm of to the tree of life.” Stonewall Jackson's north closes at 2:30 p. nt. and 9 p. ni. earth and die with time; For good fresh bread, pies, cakes, etc. Minnville, with a view to giving association some time ago, gave Mr. C. The soul, like God, its source and seat. is solemn, dying utterance was beautifully suggest­ Mail for 5:45 a. m train closes evening ive, "Let ns cross over aad lie down nnder go the Red front bakery. before at 9 p m steamboats the opportunity to navi­ W. Knowles a check on his bankers in still, serene, sublime. the trees!”____________ Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail gate the river to this place, has been Omaha, and overdrew bis account *10. Thirty years from now the foremost men Kay & Todd are having a clearance closes at It a. m. a imv ctnuts sale in Dec., others wait until spring. placed before Major Ilandbury, the en­ The check for the $10 was protested, in all occupations and professions will be those who are this hour in awful struggle and the expenses connected with the gineer having charge of the work and J. P. Irvine has just received a fine Made by Joy’« Vegetable BemepaHUa CHURCH NOTICES. of early life, many of them without fire lot of syrups in barrels to retail, try it. it has been attached to the report pre­ protesting amounted to $10 more. When dollars to their name. So in spiritual life Mrs. Belden, aa aged aad feeble lady at Al M ethodist E piscopal C hurch —Services Acorns in every conceivable variety pared by Maj. Handburry and for­ Mr. Knowles mentioned the matter to it takes a course of bereavements, persecu­ Muon it, Han Franeltoe, after gotof down tfead every Sabbath at II a. nt and 7:00p m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. ni Prayer meet­ at Hodson’s, sold separately, not by tlie warded to Washington with Gen. Mr. Hendershott the latter offered to tions, sicknesses and losses to develop stal­ Uy for months was completely restored and is Christian character. 1 got a Letter a now well and healthy. ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. And Also has Constantly on hands bushel. Michler’s report and survey made in pay it at once, but when told he must wart few days ago saying: “I have hardly seen a J. H. Brawn, book-keeper Petaluma. Cured R ev J. T A bbett , Pastor. Two children of Mr. Peterson, living pay $20 he refused. It would appear 1875. Major Handbury said the well day since I was born, and I could not entirely of his isdiffestloii and conettpaiioa. C uuberlanu P resbyterian C hurch — Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p on Muddy, are down with severe eases amount of business along the river was that both Mr. Knojvles and Mr. Hen­ write my own name until I was 50 years of Min Clara Melvin. IX Kearney eUeek 8. F., of diptheria. m Sunday School at 9:30 a. ni. enough to have, tlie improvements dershott are a little hasty and a little age, and I am very poor; but I am, by the Cured of an aggravated case of iedlpoetion and Rr.v WlLCY K nowles , Pastor WHICH HE SELLS AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Fine choice in ladies’ gold and silver made and that as soon as able he stubborn, and when one spoke of arrest graoeof God, the happiest man in Chicago.” constipation. The Bible speaks of the snows of Lebanon, J. R. Fouratt, Chief Wharfinger. foot of Clay B aptist C hurch .—Services every Sabbath watches at the McMinnville jewelery would make a personal examination of the other said go ahead, and the result and at this season of the year the snows street, at 11 a. ni. ane with­ den. Lucy E Bewley to R S Bewlew one more on the plains of Jaricho. not an olive mand. Address “ D. D. ” over Portland unexcelled am! is known the world out it. tree in all Palestine is helped by the fall of fifth acre in 16 s r 6 w; $56.69. The committee on streets and public National Bank, Portland, Oregon. over almost. a Lebanon cedar. Better weep and pray property for tlie year 1890, made a very Lorenzo Root to Elizabeth B Powell An engine and three cars from tlie exhaustive Died at his Post. and tremble and listen to Paul’s advice to report, giving all the details Lucy Hurlburt, was east side narrow gauge nasseu -----..... , of - • this —— county, ■ passed inrougu through of their work. land in Mrs. Chandlers second add; the Galatians when he says, “ Considering insane asylum Friday by [lere Tuesday loaded on flat cars. They Saturday Jake Smith, jKislmaster at Sheriff \\ arren. She is seventy-one are intended for use on the west side Special committee appointed to ex­ Carlton, was found dead in the office. thyself lest thou also be tempted.” No $460. man is safe until he is dead unless he be Chas H Vaughn to J Patterson years of age. Insanity was caused by narrow gauge and will be unloaded at amine treasurer’s account; reported ev­ Several people called for their mail but divinely protected. A greater thinker than and W M Giles, lot 5 sec 30 t 3 s r 2 w erything satisfactory. financial troubles white 8&ti *n. Lord Francis Bacon the world never saw, The council elected J. W. Cowls seeing the old man stretched out upon Scarlet fever and diptheria are pre- Sleeplessness, nervous prostration, treasurer, J. E. Todd assessor, and W. and he changed the world’s mode of think­ $600. vailing at W \\ alia and the mayor nerVous dyspepsia, dullness, and blues, F. Coulter street commissioner. The a sofa apparently asleep, they did not ing for all lime—his “Novum Organum" a United States to Chas Vaughn, lot I has issued a proclamation ordering j clll.e(i bv Dr .Miles Nervine. Samples assessor agrees to assess the town for $60 attempt to awaken him. Finally some miracle of literature. With *38,000 salary 5, sec 30,13 s r 2 w. parents to confine tlieir children. The free at Rogers " " Bros. 2 Wright reported approximate cost of one who wanted their mail bad, called and estates worth millions and from the F H Saylor to Jas Spencer, block E, schools have closed. contemplated at $5400. The and attempted to arouse him, but upon highest judicial bench of the world, he We now wish to see the smiling faces sewers Ths clerk issued a marriage license to of our old customers and friends, as we committee instructed to call a mass examination lie was found to be dead. goes down under the power ot bribery and Saylors add to McMinnville; $300. confessed his crime and was sentenced to W T Shurtleff to Mary E Little, lota an Indian couple last week. They have just opened a barrel of genuine meeting to decide same. wanted to be married “all same Boston old sorghum which we have just re­ J. R. Martin granted a saloon license Death was caused by heart disease. the Tower and the scorn of centnries. 3 and 4, block 2, Chandlers add; $1000. Howl, fir tree, for the cedar is fallen! Mr. Smith is a cripple and will be re­ man.” They were Julia Smith aged ceived direct from the east. Wallace for six months. W T Shurtleff to M E Little 57.60 WIDE WASTING MORAL RUINS. Petition of Keller efbre the first day of Febru­ of all time. Begin! Begin! nation, tendering $10,000,900 in cash for ; deposited several hundred dollars in terrible cough Shiloh’s cure is the remedy Oh, I am so glad that the holy land of ary, 1891. All notes or book accounts 6,500,01«) acres of land which is known The patrons of this modern metropol­ I the First National bank of this city for you. Sold by Ho worth and Co. heaven, like the holy land of Palestine not paid before the above date will be as the Cherokee strip. Government of­ itan market have been pleased to note, ! and did not draw a check for the Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver and Syria, is a great place for trees, an or­ ficials claim the Cherokees have no from time to time, the improvements nil t' right to sell their lands to these parties. which the proprietor, Mr. H. M. Bond, : same before her death. The brothers Complaint ? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is guaranteed chard of them, a grove of them, a forest placed in court for collection. to cure you. Sold by Howorth and Co. Dated tliis 2d day of Dec., 1890. of them. St. John saw them along the The Cherokee legislature is now in ses­ has seen his way clear to make in con­ j desire the money and it can not be ob- G. A. D ouglas . sion, and Col. Snyder, the head of the sequence of the growing business. Last i tained except by due process of law and CATARRH cured, health and sweet streets, and on both sides of the river, and ON EXHIBITION AND FOR RALI syndicate, says he expects a reply to week the retail room was enlarged sev­ breath secured bv Shiloh’s catarrh remedy. every month they yielded a great crop of Ma BY V. fruit You know what an imposing ap­ attorneys ’ fees which will eat the little his proposition one day this week. ’ Price 50 cents. Nasal injector . ree. Sold Gy eral feet and a new circular counter pearance tree« give to a city on earth, but Howorth & Co. by B. Clark, was put in amount almost up. They lately arrived it exalts my idea of heaven when No one can afford to do without manufactured Mr. Webb, the gentlemanly from Scotland and are ignorant of the THE REV Geo. H. Thayer, Bourbon how St. John describes the city on high as Wright’s Myrrh Tooth Soap. It clean­ position. salesman, is ever ready to' weiglt you Ind , says: “ Both myself and wife owe Carries tlie Best Line of Choice Meats in , law and are in a pickle. It seems that having its streets and its rivers lined with ses the mouth, purifies the breath, pre- out your order and send you on your lives to Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. them Oh, the trees! the trees! The jas­ tlie City. Game and Fish in Season. Poul­ • >rves the teeth and makes them beau- way rejoicing. Ina rear room the'best in instances of this kind a point could our Sold by Rogers Bros try, hides, etc , bought for tlie highest mar­ per walls, the fountains, the temples were ket price and cash paid for same tiful. Sold by Rogers Bros. Your of sausage, lieadchecse, lard, etc., are be strained for humanity’s sake. ARE you made miserable by Indigestion not enough. There would have been some­ attention is called to the fact that we al­ made, and everything is carried on Croup. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis i For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite thing wanting yet. So to complete all that ways serve the best meats to be found. immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure with that kind of system which insures | Porous Plaster Price 25 cent«. Sold by Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is a posi­ pomp and splendor 1 behold the up branch­ Yottr patrtmage is solicited 9il