THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER? THE TREES OF PALESTINE righteous shall grow like a cedar in Leb­ anon.” and in one of his magnificent dox- ologies calls on the cedars to praise the I SUBLIME LANGUAGE OF THE SCRIPT­ Lord. And Solomon says the countenance HARDING II HEATH, Publishers. of Christ is excellent as the cedars, and URES ON THE CECARS. Isaiah declares, “The day of the Lord shall be upon all the cedars of Lebanon.” And Dr. Talmage Describe« the Scenes on Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Amos and Zeph­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. aniah and Zechariah weave its foliage into Monnt Lebanon anti Deduce» Moral their subiimest. utterances. Ona Copy, per year, in advance........ ’>ce Copy, six months In advance.... Lessons Therefrom—The Prophet» Loved As we ride over Lebanon today there is ft howling wind sweeping past and a dash to Gaze Vpon the Mighty Tore»!». of rain, all tho better enabling us to ap- B rooklyn , Dec. 14.—Today Dr. Talmage ; predate that description ot a tempest Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville preached t be twelfth sermon of his series which no doubt was suggested by what Oregon, as second-class matter. on Palestine and the adjoining countries. David had seen with his own eyes among After delivering it in the morning in the ! these heights, for 03 a soldier he carried THr. ADVERTISING RATES OF TlIF. T f .I.E- Academy of Music iu this city, ho preach­ bis wars clear up to Damascus, and such a fhoxe -R eoister are lil>cral, taking in ed it again in the evening in New York, at poet as he, I warrant spent many a day on consideration the circulation. Single the service held under the auspices of The Lebanon. And perhaps while he was seated inch. »1 .00; each subsequent inch, |.75. Christian Herald. Before commencing his on this very rock against which onr car­ Special inducement« for yearly or semi- sermon Dr. Talmage stated that in spite of riage jolts, he writes that wonderful de­ yearly contracts. all the efforts that were being put forth to scription of a thunder storm: “The voice of * * * J ob H obi N eatly A nd U uickly E xka utkd hasten the completion of his new Taber­ the Lord is powerful. Tbe voice ot the Lord at reasonable rates Our facilities are nacle, tbo work was on so magnificent a is fnll of majesty. Tbe voice of the Lord the best in Yamhill county and as good scale and the necessity for care in its con­ breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. Yea, the as any in the state A complete steam struction so imperative that, judging by Lord breaketh the cedars of Iebanon. He plant insures quick work. present indications, it wonld not be ready maketh them also to skip like a calf, I Leb­ * far dedication before Easter. He was anon and Sirion like a young unicorn. * * /v R esolutions of C ondolence am » \ ll O dit - happy to say, however, that the hospitality The voice of the Izird divideth the flames uary Poetry will be charged for at. regular of The Christian Herald, through which of fire.” advertising rates. these Sunday evening services iu New York As the liou is the monarch of the fields A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y had been held, would bo continued, and and behemoth the monarch of the waters, the person who sends them, not for pub­ the publisher of that journal had already the cedar is the monarch of the trees. And lication, unless unaccompanied by a ‘non secured an extension of the lease of the I think one reason why it is so glorified all deplume.’’ but for a guarantee of good Academy of Music. He would therefore up and down the Bible is because we need faitn. No publications will he published be able to hold services there every Sunday , more of its characteristics in our religious 1 unless so signed. evening until the new Tabernacle was fin­ life. We have too much of the willow, and • # * » A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or ished. Owing to the inclemency of tbe : are easily bent this way or that; too much the editorial or business departments, to weather he wonld discontinue the custom of the aspen, and we tremble under every T he T elephone -R egister , ’McMinnville, of giving an address out of doors after the iepbyr of assault; too much of the bramble regular exercises to »be crowd of people tree, and our sharp points sting and wound ; Oregon. * who had been unable to gain admission to but not enough of the cedar, wide brauched S ample C opies O f * T he * T elephone -R egis ­ the Academy; but the publisher of The and heaven aspiring and tempest grap­ ter will be mailed to any person in the Christian Herald was endeavoring to ob­ pling. But the reason these cedars stand United States or Europe, who desires one, tain the nse of a church or public building ao well is that they are deep rooted. They free of charge in the neighborhood in which an overflow run t heir anchors down into tho caverns of * * — ... W f . I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he 1 ele - I service could beheld. Dr. Talmage then the mountain and fasten to the very foun­ rHonc-REOisTER with anv other paper announced as his text Psalm civ, 16, “The dations ot the earth, and twist around and cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted,” clinch themselves on tbo other side of the published in Yamhill county. and preached the following sermon: deepest layer of rock they can reach. ■ And In our journey we change stirrup for that is the difference between Christians All eubicribere who do not recede their wheel. It is 4 four o’clock in tbe morning who stand and Christians who fall. It is paper regularly will confer a faror by im­ at Damascus, Syria, ami we are among the the difference between a superficial char­ mediately reporting the tame to thin office. lanterns ot the hostelry waiting for the acter and one that has clutched its roots stage to start. A Mohammedan in high deep down around and under tbe Rock of I I life is putting his three wives ou board Ages. Thursday. December IS, 1890 THE ROCK HOOTED CHRIbTIAN. within an apartment by t hemselves, and our party occupy the main apartment of One of the Lebanon cedars was examined one of the most uncomfortable vehicles in i by a scientist, and from its concentric cir­ THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. which mortals were ever jammed and half cles it was found to be thirty-five hundred strangulated. But we must not let the dis­ years old and still standing, and there is The president’» message is a singu­ comforts annul or disparage the oppor­ snch a thing as everlasting strength, and larly uninteresting document. The tunities. We are rolling out and up the such a stanchness of Christian character greater part of it is made tip of entirely mountains of Lebanon, their forehead that all time and all eternity instead of a crown of snow, which coronet the being its demolition shall be its opportu­ perfunctory references to matter* with under fingers of the hottest summer cannot cast nity. Not such are those vacillating Chris- which congress and the public are al­ down. i tians who are so jñous on Sunday that CLIMBING VP LEBANON. ; they have no religion left for the week day. ready familiar, and concerning which We arc ascending heights around which As the anaconda gorges itself with food, the president has nothing of the least is garlanded much of the finest poesy of and then seems for a long while to lie moment to say either by way of com­ the Scriptures, and are rising toward the thoroughly insensible, so there are men mightiest dominion that botany ever recog­ who will on Sunday get such a religions ment or suggestion. On the two or three topic* of real im­ nized, reigned over by the most imperial surfeit that tho rest of the week they seem tree that ever swayed a leafy scepter—tho thoroughly (lead to all religious emotion. port to which he refers his utterance is Lebanon cedar; a tree eulogized in my text They weep in church under a charity ser­ interesting only a* an indication of as having grown from a nut put into tho mon. but If on Monday a subject ot want hia indisposition or inability to suggest ground by God himself, and no human presents itself at tho door tho beggar’s methods of adapting legislation to the hand had anything to do with its planting: safety will depend entirely on quick limbs "The trees of Lebanon which he hath and an unobstructed stairway. It takes expressed wish and manifest needs of planted.” : all the grace they can get to keep them the people. Concerning these matters The average Height of this mountain is from committing assault and battery on seven thousand feet, but in one place it of legislation and policy which entered those intruders who como with pale faces into the political discussion of the Inst lifts its head to au altitude of ten thou­ and stories ot distress and subscription sand. No higher than six thousand feet papers. The reason that God planted campaign and resulted in n revolution can vegetation exist, but below that line ' these cedars in the Bible was to suggest to in the political coni|»osition of the con­ at the right season are vineyards and orch­ us that we ought, in our religious char- gress, Mr. Harrison has no suggestion ards and olive groves and flowers that I acter, to be deep like the cedar, high like tojmake except that the people have, dash the mountaiu side with a very car­ | the cedar, broad branched as the cedar. nage ot color and fill the air with aromatics ' A traveler measured the spread of the injhis opinion, been too dull to under­ that Hosea, the prophet, r.nd Solomon, the I boughs of one of these trees and found it stand such matter*, and that it is not king, celebrated as “tho smell ot Lebanon.” j one hundred and eleven feet from branch worth while for the present congress to At a height of six thousand feet is a grove tip to branch tip, and I have seen cedars cedars, tho only descendants of those of Christian character that through their heed the popular discontent. He there­ of vast forests from which Solomon cut his prayers and charities put out one branch fore urges the passage of the Forcei>ill timber for the temple of Jerusalem, and to the uttermost parts of America, and and expresses the opinion that no where at one time them were one hundred ' another branch to the uttermost parts of attempt should lie made to repair the thousand axmen hewing out the beams I Asia, and these wide branched Christians from which great cities were constructed. will keep on multiplying until all the mistakes or undo the wrong* of the But this nation of trees has by human i ' earth is overshadowed with mercy. ( tariff’legislation. iconoclasm been massacred until only a 1 But mark you, these cedars of Lebanon His attitude is one of olwtinate, un­ small group is left. This race of giants could not grow if planted in mild climates tenable self-congratulation. He regards is nearly extinct, but I have no doubt that i and in soft air and in carefully watered some ot these were here when Hiram, king gardens. They must havo the gymnasium as good all that his own party and ad­ of Tyre, ordered the assassination of those of the midnight hurricane to develop ministration have done, and calmly de­ cedars of Lebanon which t he Lord planted. I their arms. They must play the athlete clines to recognize the existence of a From the multitude of uses to which it with a thousand winters before their feet different opinion in other minds. Thus may be put and t he employment of it in are rightly planted and their foreheads the Scriptures, the cedar is the divine fa­ , rightly lifted and their arms rightly he makes specific reference to the par­ vorite. When the plains to lie seen from ! mtiscled. And it there bo any other way tisan (lackingof the senate by the ad­ the window of this stage in which we ride ’ for developing strong Christian character mission of Idaho and Wyoming as today are parched under summer heats, except by storms ot trouble, I never heard and not a grass blade survives the fervid- it. Call the roll of martyrs, call the states, calling that flagrant wrong an lty, this tree stands in luxuriance, defying I I of roll of the prophets, call the roll of tho •vent “full of interest and congratula­ the summer sun. And when tbe storms spostle.s and see which of them had an tion,” quite as if there hail been gen­ of winter terrify tho earth and liurl the easy time of it. Which of these cedars eral national rejoicing over an act rocks In avalanche down this mountaiu I grew in the warm valley? Not one of side, this tree grapples the hurricane of i them. Honeysucklbs thrive best on the which even partisanship has not ven­ snow in triumph and leaves the spent fury ; i south side of the house, but cedars in a tured to justify. at its feet. From sixty to eighty feet high ! Syrian whirlwind. He urges the early passage of a reap­ are they, t he horizontal branches of great [ RESISTASCE TO EVIL BIUSGS STBKKGTB. Meu and women who hear this or read portionment bill, but has not a word «weep, with their burden of leaves needle shaped, the top ot the tree pyramidal, a to Jsay as to the necessity of inquiring throne of foliage on which might and this, i nstead of your gm mbling because you hare it hard, thank God that you are in into the authenticity of the figures on »plendor and glory sit. But so continu­ just the best school for making heroes and ously has the extermination of trees gone which the roapportionment is to be heroine,. It is true both for this world on that for the most part the monntains of and the next, llock that baby iu a cradle based. Lebanon are bare of foliage, while, I am cushioned and canopied; graduate him He (»eta his administration on the sorry to say, the earth in all lands is being from that into a costly high chair and givu back for its strict adherence to the likewise denuded. : him a gold spoon; send him to school BE STARING OF GOD'S TREBS. Civil-Service law in dealing with the wrapped in furs enough for an arctic ex­ The ax is slaying the forests all round plorer; send him through a college where classified list, but makes no reference the earth. To stop the slaughter God he will not have to study in order to get a to the “clean sweep" made among the opener! the coal mines of England and diploma because his father is rich; start poetmasters and other officials, or to Scotland and America and the world, prac­ him in a profession where ho begins with the abuses practised in the pension tically saying by that, “Here is fuel; as far an office, the floor covered with Axminster, bureau and the relations between its as possible let my trees alone.” And by and a library of books in Russian morocco, opening for the human race the great and an armed chair upholstered like a chief and the pension attorney, Lemon. quarries of granite andshowing tne human throne, and an embroidered ottoman In brief, the message is a thoroughly family how to make’ brick. God is practi­ upon which to put his twelve dollar partisan but otherwise colorless docu­ ! cally saying, “Here is building material; gaiters, and then lay upon his table my trees alone.” We had better stop the best ivory cigarholder yon can im­ ment, whose author writes it not tie­ let the axes among the Adirondack*. We had port from Brussels and have standing cause he has anything to say or sug­ better stop the axes in all our forests, as it outside his door a prancing span that won gest, but because, in the course of his would have been better for Syria if the the prize at the horse fair, a id leave him routine duty, he is required to send a axes had long ago been stopped among the estate enough to make him independent of mountains of Lebanon. To punish us for all struggle, and what will become of him? message to congress at this time. rt onr reckless assault on the forests wc have If he do net die early of inanition or dissi­ makes no effort to grapple with tue the disordered seasons, and now tho pation ho will live a useless life, and die an problems of the time or to direct legis­ droughts because the uplifted arms of the unlameuted death, and go into a fool's lative policy in harmony with the trees do not pray for rain, their presence eternity. according to all scientists disposing the But what has been the history of most need* and aspiration* of th* people. It descent of the showers, and then we have | of the great cedars in merchandise, in art, is not a .state |uiper, but a perfunctory the cyclones and the hurricanes multiplied Iin law, in medicine, in statesmanship, in and by no means candid review of the ! in number and velocity because there is Christian usefulness? “John, get up and to prevent tijeir awful sweep. milk the cows; it's late; it’s half past 5 in department reports, conceived in the ¡ I nothing Plant the trees in your parks that the , the morning. Split an armful of wood on spirit of a Bourbon and expressed in weary may rest under them. Plant them i ; your way out so that we can build the fires the tone of a Pharisee. , along your streets, that up through the for breakfast. Put your bare feet on the ¡ branches passers by may see the God who cold oilcloth, and break the ice iu your , first made tbo trees and then made man to pitcher before you can wash. Yes; it has WHAT IS it ? - look at them. Plant them along the . been snowing and drifting again last night, “Pad” Bell has purchased an undi­ brooks, that under them the children may and we will have to break the roads.” The vided one-half interest in the Jl’of Vrfz play. Plant them in your gardens, that as i boy’s educational advantages, a long oak Eden the Lord may walk there in the 1 plank without any back to it, iu country of Independence. Some time ago A. in cool of the day. Plant them in cemeteries, school house, and stove throwing out more B. Seal remarked to us that “Dad” had their shade like a mourner's veil, and their smoke than heat Pressing on from one been out of luck ever since he refused leaves sounding like the rustle of tho i hardship to another. After a while a posi- to pay for Harry Janies' lodging at wings of the departed. I^et Arbor Day, or ' tion on salary or wages small enough to the day for the planting of trees, recog­ Newport. We now know it to lie a nised by the legislatures of many of the keep life, but keep it at its lowest ebb. ' Starting in occupation or business with fact, “Dad" is a democrat from way states, be observed by all our people, and prosperous men trying to fight you back back, Pentland is a pensive republican, the Dcxt one hundred years do a« much in i at every step. But after a good while fairly and together they will keep the “guy planting these leafy glories of God as the >' on your feet and your opportunities widen-' last one hundred years have accompliahed and then by some sudden turn yon are in the middle” or attempt to do it. in their destruction. When, not long be- I ■ j ing, triumphant. Yon are master of the situa- Pentand Jis going for the tax question i fore hi3 death, I saw on tho banks of the ' tion and defiant of all earth and hell. and a drink all the time while “dad” Hudson in his glazed cap, riding on horse­ THE SCHOOL FOR HEROES. Georgo P. Morris, the great song A Lebanon cedar! John Milton on his folks democracy and lures sinners from ; back, writer of America, I found him grandly ; way up to the throne of the world’s sacred their downward path into the back of­ ■ emotional, and I could understand how he ' poesy must sell his copyright of "Paradise fice and there attempts to gather in fif­ ( wrote “Woodman, spare that tree!” the ' Lost” for $72 in three payments. And ty of their bright sesterces for a whole verses of which many of us havo felt like . William Shakespeare on his way up to be quoting in be^Bgerent spirit, when under year’s subscription to the new ananioly, the stroke ot some ono without seDse or , acknowledged the greatest dramatist of all must hold horse, at the door of the the IFraf Side. reason we saw a beautiful tree prostrated: ages London theatre for a sixpence, and Homer Woodman, spare that tree' must struggle through total blindness to Tbe revolt* of the farnv'rs' and lai Hir­ Touch neta single bough: immortality, and John Bunyan must cheer In youth It sheltered me, ers’ union» against plutocratic legisla­ I himself ou the way up by making a flute And 1'3 protect it now. I out of his prison stool, and Canova, the tion are distinctly revolts against re-! Twas my toretather's hand 1 sculptor, must toil ou through orphanage That [Jaccd it near bis cot; publican policy, and arc to deep rooted There, woodman, let it stand. I modeling a hon in butter before he could and strong to lie downed by party dis-! Thy ax shall harm it not. 1 cat his statues in marble. And the great eipline or Force bill m^sures. They Stephenson must watch cows in the field When but an idle boy. for a few penniesandthen become aBtoker, plainly imply that the republican party ! I sought its grateful shade; and afterward mend clocks before lie puts In all their gushing joy must go through a transforming, the locomotive on its track and calls forth Here, too, my sisters play'd. change of front or lie wrecked to fur­ My mother kiss’d me here, plaudits from parliaments and medals My father press'd my hand— nish the material for a new organiza-1 from kings. .Aliel Stevens is picked up a Forgive this foolish tear, neglected child of the street, aue exiled for many years to storative Nervine discover«! by the great spread their branches and breathe their the island of Guernsey before he can come specialist. Dr. Miles to cure all nervous aroma and cast their shadows all through to that height in the affections of his coun­ diseases, as headache, the blues, nervous the Bible. Solomon discoursed about them trymen that crowds Champs Elysoes and prostration, sleeplessness, neuralgia. St in his botanical works, when he spoke of the adjoining boulevards with one million Vitns dance, fits, and hysteria Trial bot­ trees “from the cedar tree that is in Leb­ tle and fine book of testimonial’ free at anon even unto the hyssop that springeth mourner, aa his hearse rolls down to the Rogci« Bros. Continued on third page. •ut of tbe wall.” The Psalmist save. "The I EVERYBODY FLIES FOR STRICTURE! Permanently cured without Cutting, Burn­ ing or Dilating A perfectly painless treat­ ment and a guaranteed cure in every case, no matter how long standing, This treat­ ment for Stricture, of Dr Boxell’s, is the greatest discovery known to Medicine It dissolves and completely removes the stricture without annovance or pain to the patient. ADDITION ARE SELLING FAST! UÄ.XXC1 DISEASES OF MEN! TTp ZSvLild.irLg' Is It Soon Lots will be scarce »nd Command a Higher Price. Peculiar to their sex, and not proper to name here, including all of those delicate infirmaties and weaknesses, which they would shrink from disclosing to their fam­ ily physician, permanenti}' cured in les, tune than was ever known to medicine be­ fore. by Dr. Boxell's New System of Treat­ ment. It rejuvenates the genito-urinary organs and makes weak men strong. When possible it is always best to call for personal consulation and special treat­ ment. But those who cannot possibly call should write, stating their case fully. Med­ icine sent by mall or express, sealed, free from exposure, to all part, of the Pacific coast. Addi I re ---- ss. Will. A. Boxell, M. D. Consulting Physician, Exx-jr USTo'^xr Before Too Lata. Price Ranges 150 up. Fur full particulars apply to J. I. KNIGHT A CO., THE INVESTMENT CO.. <9 Stark St., Portland. Or. F. BARNEKOFF A CO.. McMinnville Flouring Milla. Real Estate Agents, McMinnville. ST. PAL'I. DISPENSARY, Corner First and Pine Sts , over Portland National Bank, P ortland , O regon . C, R. COOK a SON, f ( Successors to J. II. Henderson ) GROCERIES AND CROCKERY GOODS East and South A full assortment of goods in the above line always on hand. Prompt attention paid to the wants of custom­ ers. —VIA — Southern Pacific Route YOU PATRONALE IS SOLICITED. SHASTA LINE. C. R COOK M«rih»ntn»»v »ta»»l, Itan Raaneteoo. Cal. ing rates, mans, etc., cull on the Company'» agent at McMinnville First-Class Drain Tile E. P. ROGERS, | kept constantly on hnud at lowest living B KOEHLER, Manager. Asst. G F. 4 P Agt | prices EDWARDS & DERBY, McMi tnville, Oregon ; I 41- Administratrix’ Notice. LEAVE Portland 5: Albany...... 5: J. S. ADAMS, ARRIVE ' pm Albany. a ml Portland 0: 9. V 111 m ni Pullman Buffet Sleeper», Eurisko Market, S. HOWORTH & CO., PROPRIETORS Their Immense Stock is » Edwards & Derby, rAu I UnY Through Tickets to all Points » From Terminal or Interior Points th So Original! So Complete! So Novel! So Cheap! So New! So Gay! t i NOTICE is hereby given that the under- signed Kittic Davis has been appointed by | the County Court of the County of Yamhiil I State of Oregon, Administratrix of the es­ tate of Jefferson Davis, deceased Therefore al) persons have claims against said estate are hereby notified ami required to present the .«amc with proper vouchers to the undersigned at McMinnville Oregon, within six months fiom the date hereof Dated this 20th dav of November, A. I) . i l««90. KITTIE DAVIS. Administratrix of Said Estate : F. W. Fenton. Attorney for Estate. Railroad y is tfes Line to Take To all Foin?» East & South It is the!' ; i.A? 'ii'iiTE. It run* Through Vî.S'iÈlLFü TEAINS Every Guy in llie Year to ST. PAUL AîiD CHICAGO (Ns Change cf Car«; Administratoris Notice. PRICE Appropriate Gifts for all Kinds of Folks, IT IS THE BEST EASIEST TO USE A THE CHEAPEST NOTICE is hereby given that tbe under­ signed lias been by the County Court of Yamhill county. Oregon, duly npiiointed i Of l4«:< 91 Equipment, ? Administrator of the estate of Jasper N. Cobb, deceased AH persons having claims T(N RIST SLEEI IW CARS against said estate are notified to present Be? t (hat can I m » court meted and in the same to me at the office of James Mc­ which ace«»niniiMiftliottf are for hol­ Cain, in McMinnville, Oregon, within six ders of First or KiH-on'i-cjM.H« Tick- months from the date hereof. H*« an-l Dated this 15th day of November, IR»> ELEGIM HU COACHES. WM M. COBB. Administrator. A Continuous Line connecting with all DR. ABORIV •S ä IS NOV; AT PORTLAND, ORCSGK. We are Pleasing Them All LLSE OF GAMSS TO ™ L1ÎTJÆ o > r OUR LOW PRICES MAKE THESE BEAUTIFUL GOODS ALL GREAT BARGAINS. -^ZLTZD SZHZZHZ TZZTS. Your patronage is always appreciated, and you may rest assured it will Tie our constant aim to give our customers tire best goods that can be obtained, and at reasonable prices. S. HOWORTH & PHARMACEUTIC AL C HEMISTS- Piillmau bleeper ith rvatfons can be secur­ ed in advance through any ngent of the road Tliroagh Tickets T; mid Europe < hii be purchased at any ticket office of tins cwiniiii). Full information concerning rate*, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to nnv agent, or A D CHARLTON. Asst (¡enrrsl Passenger Agent General Ofllce Of tlie Company, No, 191 FfrwtRt., Cor. Wuhtngton, Pot land, Or In the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon, for the County of Yamhill. In the matter of the estate of James A. Walker, deceased. To Tilla Walker. George II, Walker, and James W, W. Walker, greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited und required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Yamhill at the court room thereof, at McMinnville in the Coun­ ty of Yamhili, on Tuesday, the sixth day of January, 1891, at ten o’clock in the fore­ noon of that day. then and there to show cause, if any you have, why the following described real estate be not sold as prayed for in the )>etition of John H. Walker, Ad- minis trator of said estate, to-wit: Beginning at the south east oorner of the north half of the south cu.-t quarter of section iifteen (15) in t, 3 s , r. 5 w., of the Willamette Meridian in Yamhili County, state of Oregon, running thence north one hundred and twenty (120) rods; thence west eighty (80) rods; thence north fort}’ (40) roils ; thence west sixty-four (01) rods; thence south forty (40) rods; thence west sixteen (16)rods; thence south one hundred and twenty (120) rods; thence east one hun­ dred and sixty (160) rods to the place of be­ ginning in Yamhill County Oregon. This Citation to be published in the T el - piiojce -R egister by order of Hon. Wiu Galloway, Judge of said court, Made at McMinnville, Oregon. December 2. 1830 Witness the Hon. Wm, Galloway, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of [ seal * Yamhill, and the seal of said Court hereto affixed this 2d day of December, A. D., 1890. Attest; J W HOBBS, Clerk. F. W Fenton, Atty for Estate. GREAT OR SMALL! DRESSING OASES, SCRAP BOOKS, ALBUMS, HAND MIRRORS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERIES lines, affording direct and unin­ terrupted service. Citation. All Kinds of Prices A Large and Varied Assortment of 4 * Coniiiosrd of bl.'.I V.l < 1RS FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT P0S81BLT CALL PIX 8OXALLT, HONE TBEATME.YT PLACED WITH- IX THE REACH OF ALL THAT WILL <11 VS INSTANTANEOCS RELIEF AND A PERMANENT CVRK The most speedy, positive and pertna nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in its various stages, permanently cured. D r . A born ’ s O riginal M ode of T reat mhnt and his M edicated I nhalations gives instantaneous relief, builds up and revitalizes the whole constitutiou and system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down constitutions, old and young, invariably gain from tea to thirty pounds in from I thirty to ninety day*. D r . A born ’ s phenomenal skill and mar- velous cures have created the greatest on the Pacific Coast and I astonishment ♦ •''ronghout the American continent, dur-! mg tlie past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron­ chial and Lung trouble instantly relieved, also Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. D r . A born ’ s essay on the “ Curability of Con­ sumption," and a treatise on “ Catarrh of the Head,” with evidences of some ex- traord-’nary cures, mailed free. Call or addle3S DR. ABORN, One of 1 hr BLATT» I I n aye U m---- «cope. 4 ARE YOU GOING EAST? If *0 be «lire and call for vour ticket» » ia the —THE— a1 St is positively the shortest and finiM 'me to Chicago and the east and south and th* only deeping and dining car throngb ine to A Omaha, Kari.a. City, und all MUaaarl Hirer Point. 4 ft» magnificent Heel track, unsurpatMd '.rain aervice and elegant dining and deeping car* ha* honestly earned for It the I tie of FREE ____ _________ t . ne w olid . < — L’jc» •<' cneu' < « t •uperinr il» r.ewtl» « pimìfr ; * U* on E »•».!, »CM tn '■«< h loeuHty. a*Bb<-vc <«n ’ th<**' Lu y , to 11» at onre>nu make him tbe rhttir-c AH fou hf'* V rrti»m it to •!•«>« tbo«* V h - < ell—: • nd t»p «c ar- .in< r*nr.iur of ’»•'* '«¿trv rhe IRoyal IRoute nlier* may imitate,but none can surpass it < >ur motto is “always on time." Be sure and ask ticket agent» for ticket« ria this celebrated route and take non* ither*. WHMEAD.QA. Tire Mtowing et» Sv*« the ■t^nr-nr- of It rMu- No, 4 Washington street, Portland. 0» USS •bout lire 8 icone, a*1 ran nu»k- out exne» Foorih and Morrises Sts., Porthmd, Orffoo. N ot «.— Home treatment, securely packed, sent by B.xpress to all parts of the Pacific Coatt, for those whi cannot posfiibiy call in person. Ill INVITED TO CALL FOR FREE CONSUITATKM ON SALE ----- TO L8VER PILLS. THE BEST D. M. F« » & Co’i r y Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL ST PAUL. East. ?\<»rth Sunt C ure for S ih and all trouble« arising from Indication or Constipation. Improre« th« Complexion by Purifying the Blood, doee can be nicely adjusted to su.t the ease, as pill ean never be too large a doee. Easy to take aa eo much sugar 42 pills pat up in a strong vial which ean be carried i n »e«t pocket. A i»r«»t C oovm . I mm « to Trawler« aa« *■•!■*«• Me«. !••• 4e««ie« with- set “Cr*ae««tn Tr*4« l«rk. Bel« Kverywbere, tit. • IWtU* •swpl* De«« a«4 Dr*«a Eeek far te. la sump«. DR. HARTER S IRON TONIC. I TNE Mt. HARTER MEDICINE CO. 8T. LOUIS. MIL South. AT—- ZPOTSTZ j -A-XTZD, OTS.. GEO. S. TAYLOR’ Ticket Agt V PURIFIES th« BLOOD. REGULATE« the LIVER 1 «>< KIDNEY.« gad RKHTORES the DEBILITxTEDf HXALTH and V1OOROVB BTREXGTH «f Y ovyh F ST. LOUIS. »NO ALL POINTS DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OR CONSTIPATE. will be mailed 7” to all applicants, and to last season’s customers. It is better than ever. Every person using Gardent Flower or Field Seede, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY A CO. DETROIT. MiCH. Largest Seedsmen in the world ♦t epi uo ;i put; him 'oStotqQ uj u « mm ao«d> uo SRKMpw U1»WO JO t.U| ABJRQ| I IM * (|M c;HMMda3al«Lu3nUV □ ENVER. I Corner Flret and Oak St* 0 e