« THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER I COUNTY COURT. Pass It Along. day as blind ■ as Paul was before Ananias Yon can save 20 per cent, at K. A T. A SERMON OX DAMASCUS. ; touched his eyes. And there are many If you wan; anything for men or Isiys The county court „transacted thc fol­ 11 asked her what paper she preferred,* prevades the city ot Damascus, along ] here from wiic.se eyes the scales have al­ go to Kay A Toda's. lowing business at the Dec. term: whose streets we walk and out of whose j ready fallen. You see all subjects and all And warmly kissed her cheek, Thursday, December 1, 1890. In the matter of tlie application of Then pressed her for her heart’s reply: bazars we make purchases, and in whose i things differently—God and Christ and A restaurant will soon lie started in mosques we study the wood carvings and i eternity, and your own immortal spirit. “Say, darling, can’t you speak?'’ j the building just vacated by Jacobson. Edmuud Robinson and others for a bedizenments. was demonstrated as late as | Sometimes the scales do not all fall at ■sor tc Chas. Osisaen.. rOSTOFFICE HOURS. county road. Proof duly made. Bond Kay A Todd are having a clearance 1860, when in this city it pnt to death 6,000 i once. When I was a boy, at. Mount Pleas­ I She moved a little nearer theu, fixed at $109, bond approved. P P And answered: “Lovely Sir, Christians in forty-eight hours and put to i ant, one Sunday afternoon reading Dodd­ DEALER IN Y-wrom 7 a. m. to 7 p. ni From 7:30 p. sale In Dec., others wait until spring. the torch 3,000 Christian homes, and those ridge's “Rise and Progress of Religion in i mk to 8:30p. m. The office hours at Hie post office un­ Gates, J J Ferguson and Jno Hubbard The one of all that suits me most Money order hours from 7 a. m. to G p. m. til February 1, 1891. will be from 7:3.0». appointed viewers, and C F. Bran­ Is the Wayland Rqn»-ter.'" streets we walk today were red with the the Soul,” that afternoon some of the scales | Sunday from 12 ni. to I p. in — Wayland ItegMi r. carnage, and thc shrieks and groans of the fell from my eyes and I saw a little. After ! son surveyor. Meet on Monday, Dec. Mail south closes at 9:50 a. in. Mail m. to 6:30 fi. m. dying and dishonored men and women I had been in the ministry about a year, | north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. Just kiss her on the other check. Thc saloon license in Lebanon has 15 at bank of Newberg, Newberg, Or. made this place a hell on earth. This went one Sunday afternoon in the village par-| Mail for 5:45 a. ui train closes evening Iieen raised to $1000. This lias closed all on until a Mohammedan, better than his sonage reading the Bible story of the Syro- In tlie matter of N G Kirk and oth­ See what she thinks of that. before at 9 p ni press her for her answer, the saloons excepting one. religion, Abd-el-Kader by name, a great Phenician's faith, other scales fell from ers for a county road. Proof made. Then Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail And she'll say, “thc Democrat!" soldier, who in one war had with 2,500 my eyes and I saw better. Two Sunday The invitations are now out for a Bond fixed at $100, bond approved. P closes at 11 a ni. —Liringdon Democrat. troops beaten 60,000 of thc enemy, now pro­ evenings ago. while preparing for the even­ mask ball at the opera house, Dec. 25. P Gates, J L Ferguson and Jno Hub­ tested against this massacre and gathered ing service in New York, I picked up a A good social time is expected. CHURCH NOTICES. papers read, like stories told. the Christians of Damascus into castles book that I did not remember to have Been bard appointed viewers and O F Bran­ First Are good till comes a better; U. S. Booth has just completed the and private housesand filled his own home before, and after I had read a page about M ethodist E hbcofal C hccch —Services son surveyor. Meet on Monday, Dec. Just kiss that girl upon the Zy>t>, with the affrighted sufferers. After a reconsecratiot, to God I think the remain­ every Sabbath at 11 a. ni and 7:W)p m, neatest cottage in the city. It is a And she will say Neicn-Letter. 15 at bunk of Newberg, Newberg. while the mob came to his door and de­ ing scales fell from my eyes. Shall not Sunday School at 9:30 a. m Prayer meet­ beauty both outside and inside. — Nno York Xeta-hrth r. And Also has Constantly on hands ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. manded the “Christian dogs” whomhe was our visit to Damascus today result, like In the matter of the assessment of The farmers are hauling in consider- 'R ev J. T A bbett , Pastor. sheltering. And Abd-el-Kadcr monnted a Paul's visit, in vision to the blind and in­ Jno Enery. Continual. We know a very pretty maid oats now. They say they get 50 cents CcHBERHsu P resbyterian C>icr.cn — horse and drew his sword, and with a few creased vision for those who saw some­ In thc matter of the assessment of W Who makes her wishes known, Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p per bushei. This is belter than wheat. of hi3 old soldiers around him charged on what before? Whenever she wants a sweet kiss, in Sunday School at 9:30 a. ui. C Hembree. Reduced on $1200 as to the mob and cried: “Wretches! Is this the A truly able man—One who can pay I was reading of a painter’s child who Through R egister -T elephone . R ev W iley K xowi . es , Pastor WHICH HE SELLS AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. way you honor the prophet? May his became blind in infancy. But after the two per "cent, interest per month and county and school tax. He to pay state Best advertising medium in thc state. curses be upon you! Shame on you! child was nearly grown a surgeon removed 11 > ftist CHuecn.—Services every Sabbath succeed in business,— Pendleton Ermt tax and expenses for his negligence. al It a. m. and 7:3o p. in. Sunday School at Oregonian. Shatne! You will yet live to repent. Ymi the blindness. When told that this could Advertised Letters. 9;55 a. ni. R ev II. M c K illot , Pastor. JT Johnson, sujiervisor of road dis­ * think you may do as you please with the be done, the child's chief thought, her There is a population of 1236 in Ger ­ C ubistias C hcrcii services every Sabbath trict No. 37, allowed to purchase tiling Following are the letters remalningfor Christians, but thc day of retribution will mother being dead, was she would be able SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, OK MONEY REFUNDED. at 11 a. m. and 7 p ni vais precinct and the census shows for use in repair of road. The Franks will yet turn your to see her father, who had watched over R ev D r . 15. F F cllkr . Pastor two weeks in tlie postoffleeat McMinn­ come. only six deaths for the year. Oregon mosques into churches. Not a Christian her with great tenderness. When night In the matter of application for a ville, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1890: in a healthy country. will I give up. They are my brothers. camo she was in raptures, and ran her McMinnville Orange. No. 31, 1*. of IL. Stand liack or I will give my men the or­ hands over her father's face, and shut her Mr. A. n. Cowles, a member of tiie bridge near Blutcher school house in Barrington, John Goble, Rosetta meet in tlieir hall the first and third .Satur­ district No. 33. Ordered that super ­ der to fire.” Howard, A I> eyes as if to assure herself that this was Harvey, I day of each month nt 19a. ni. Visitors McMinnville Flouring Mills Co., ar­ Then by the might of one great soul un­ really the father whom she had only Johnson, Josie rived in town from his home in Califor­ visor purchase lumber not to exceed Johnson,Mrs. I. A cordially invited. .1. R B ooth . Master. der God tho wave of assassination rolled Lough, James known by touch, and now looking upon Long, G W Mrs. II. A. H embbeb . Sec, nia last Saturday. 30,000 ft at $9 per M. County to fur­ back. Huzza for Abd-el-Kader! Although him, noble man as ho was in appearance Mr Martin, Sen. McMillen, Nellie A number of the young men of tlie nish nails and bridge carpenter as fore­ Mattock, Alfred-2 McCann, Esther now we Americans and foreigners pass as well as in reality, she cried out: “Just Local and General. town are storing their brains with logic. man not to exceed $2.50 per day to con­ May, J W through tho streets of Damascus unhin­ to think that I had this father so many Ostrow, M It is a splendid way to spend thc long struct same bridge, all other work to be Rolfe, Sam dered, there is in many parts of thc city the years and never knew him:’’ As great and Ragsdale, James winter evenings. subdued hissing of a hatred for Christian­ greatei is the soul’s joyful surprise when Read Kay vn FACE. The two weighed 798 pounds. One modern massacre at Damascus. For such Hobson’s add to Newberg; $65. Cold weather is knocked out by turned the scales at 490 pounds and the murderous at tacks on Christian mission­ A. J. Edson, of Callton', returned | R kas lH*;'’.i*hprctofore shown tn Hodson's Acorn stoves. It stands no other at 398. home Friday night from an extended j Jesse Edwards to J S Hodgkins, 4.42 aries and Christian disciples the gospel is / -T fkose column** that modern modi- show at all. not so appropriate as bullets or sabers sharp acres in t 3 s, r 2 w; $221. cine has demonstrated that a pirn- Mr. Thad. M. Grubbs, formerly of Fine choice in ladies’ gold and silver this city, but hoyv in the drug business trip of some three months through the ; Jesse Edwards to W V Hodgkins,!.42 and heavy enough to cut through with one Ph’Rkin is not the result of blood stroke from crown of head to saddle. watches at the McMinnville jewelery at Springfield, Lane county, was mar­ states of Kansas, Missouri and Illinois. acres in t 3 s, r 2 w; $221. V'V diseases, but is caused by impaired THE MODERN CITY'. He said he was very glad when he i store, Wm. Holl. * WK digestion, for which they now give ried December 6, 1890, to Miss Martha But I must say that this city of Damas­ \ vegetable correctives instead of pot­ passed Huntington and was once | L C Forrest to W O Cooper, 86.75 cus Call at Hodson’s and see samples of McBee, of that city. as I see it now is not as absorbing as ash and mineral blood purifiers, Two short testi­ acres in t 5 s, r 4 w; $2. White Bronze Monuments, better and L ost —Last Monday evening some­ more in tlie bnfoing atmosphere of the John C Lewis to L Bettman and R the Damascus of olden times. I turn my monial* are here given to contrast the action of cheaper than granite or marble. back upon tlie bazars, with rugs fascinat­ where lietween depot and postofflee, a northwest. From him wc learned sev-i L Stowe, 3."s acre:, in McMinnville; ing tho merchants from Bagdad, and the the pota^’u sarsaparl’las au-l Joy’s Vegetable Snr- The best silver table ware, clocks and plain heavy gold ring. Finder will lie oral interesting facts which he lieeome »apariha. Indian textile fabric of incomparable make, spectacles of all descrintions, at Wm. suitably rewarded by returning tlie cognizant of by actual observation. The $900. Mrs. C. 1). Stuart of 1221 Mission street, S. F., and the manufactured saddles aud bridles same to P. D. Glenn. Chehalem board of immigration to A Holl’s. McMinnville jewelery store. «rrites that she took one of the leading sarsa jieople of this country do not know gay enough for princes of the orient to for indigestion and dyspepsia, Its only Charlie Galloway is down with the The local talent at tbe entertainment what hard times arc. Tlie farmers in W Moms, 10.10 acres in Yamhill coun­ ride and pull, and baths where ablution parities effect was to cause pimple? to appear on her face. measles. Unless great care is taken Monday evening furnished some Y’ery Kansas are on the verge of starvation, i ty; $550. becomes inspiration, and the homes of (Jp-jii taking Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla the there will be an epidemic of the disease. good singing. The playing of Miss Jo­ thoso bargain makers of today, marbled sie Gortner was verj’ fine. The old pi­ Wheat is worth $1.00 per bushel and ' L C Forrest to C M Coopt r, 173' acre!", and diV3ned aud fountained and upholster­ 3rst e.Tect was thc disappearance of the pira- Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness. ano was very much out of whack and can not lie purchased because of its ■ in Yamhill County; $2. pJe< an 1 she was subsequently relieved of her ed and mosaiccd and arabesqued and colon ii.dlgestion and dysfiepsia. Rot>crt Stewart also Dizziness, Spasms, Sleeplessness cured lessened the true music considerably. L C Forrest to J T Cooper, 96.75 acres naded until nothing can be added, and the scarceness. Corn now being husked by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Samples free writes from Petaluma, Cal., that in t 5 s, r 4 tv; $2. splendid remains of the great mosque of at Rogers Bros. 1 Rev. O. B. Whitmore, official organ­ averages from one to two bushels jx?r J T Cooper to J F Allison. 96.75 acres John, originally built with gates so heavy ! being troubled with boils lie found that one of the leading sar-rapa- Do not use poor lard when you can izer of the A. O. U. W., held a public acre. The farmers thus have to rush that it required fivo men to turn them, and ril’a: actually increased the erup- get pure leaf lard, every can guaranteed meeting at Amity Monday, and six ap­ their stock to market and it is sold at in t 5 s, r 5 w; $1400. : columns of porphyry and kneeling places , ti ui«. wkit*}i respcndetl nt once to A B Faulconer to Sheridan, land in < framed in diamond and seventy-four stain­ free from adulteration or money refund­ plications for membership were handed ! very low figures. Joy’* Vegetable Sarfaj-arina and ill. He now goes to Cottage Grove,! ed at Wallace A Todd’s. Sheridan; $100. ed glass windows aud six hundred lamps li. app« a red almost immediately. State aid has Iieen extended to tlie Lane county, where a new lodge will ! of pure gold, a single prayer offered in this 1 A I» Faulconer to L L Shortridge, If you need any kind of jewelry, as be organized on Monday evening next. destitute farmers of Kansas and the Only one in the United States. mosque said to be worth thirty thousand rings, chains, lockets, pins in solid or land in Sheridan; $2000. I prayers offered in any other place. I turn agents sent out some three weeks ago Out of 1307 cough syrups manufactur­ idated gold, call at the McMinnville Mr. Tyler has purchased thc Shobe Geo F Heusner to H F Recd; lota *7 I my back on all t hesc and see Damascus as property and is thinking of purchasing report already omc three thousand ewelery store, Wm. Holl. ed in the United States but one has the Adams block. He will engage in families needing help Thc same state and 8, blk 6, Bibee’s add to Sheridan; I it was when this narrow street, which thc liven found to lie entirely free from opi­ Bible calls Straight,was a great wide street, Wright’s Bktcklierry Cordial should business „usin«» in lu the me Sholie ououe block umes. in uuxmec eonneo- of affairs exists in Illinois. Crops are a $140. a New York Broadway or a Parisian ates, and that is the California Positive lie kept in every house. Invaluable tn ! tion with c)arke ot- the Ka(.ket slo„, Lewis Kirkwood to Emma G Lath­ Champs Elysees, a great thoroughfare in all relaxed conditions of the liowels. | standard and staple goods will lie >ur total failure and feed for stock is very and Negative Electric Cough cure, am, 120 acres in t 5 s, r 5 w; $4200. Sold by Rogers Bros. crossing thc city from gate to gale, along which is the best on earth for coughs, bold by Rogers Bros. chased for cash and sold for cash. scarce. Illinois farmers arc selling which tramped and rolled the pomp of all | Chas Palmer to Jacob Setters, 10.17 For lamps of all kinds call on Wal­ colds, croup, etc. Sold by Rogers Bros. nations. The mail wagon between McMinn­ draft hones that would find a ready acres in t 4 s, r 4 w; $600. lace & Toad, as they’ have the largest sale at $500 per team in this country for There goes Abraham, the father of all! flow to Succeed. and finest assortment in the city, and ville and Tillamook receives daily from C R Cook to J Seitters, 6.71 acres Jn t the faithful. He lias in this city been pur- post office two sacks of mail. This $150 and $200. Sfock of all kinds Is will sell them at prices below the lowest, this i chasing a celebrated slave. There goes This is the great problem in life which mail has to be made up in an hour and sold proportionately low and the nec­ 4 s, r 4 w; $1200. few satisfactorily solve. Some fail because The McMinnville Grange à Farmers the distributing of tlie McMinnville J L Castle to John II Russel, 48.59 Ben Hadail ot Bible times, leading thirty- of i>ocr health, others want of luck, but the two conquered monarchs. There goes Da­ Co. are now agents for the Browns- i mail done at the same time. This essities of life proportionately high. He acres in 13 s, r 4 w; $2500. vid, king, warrior and sacred poet. There majority from defiency of grit—want ol yille Woollen Mills Co., and will keep makes the postmaster rustle and think also said that thc people are leaving nerve, They are nervous, irresolute, chang­ E W Tracey to Jacob Mandinger, goes Tamerlane, tlie conqueror. There a stock of these goods on hand hereaf­ a little about clerk hire. It takes three those states in large numbers for this able, easily get the blues and “take the goes Haroun al Raschid, once the com­ spirits down to keep thc spirits up’’ thus ter. people to do this work and only one of fa'i’ored Pacific coast. The railroads 143.09 acres in t 4 s, r 4 w; $2574. pay from the govern­ W E McCutcheon to J E Swanson, mander ?>t an army of ninety-five thousand wasting time, money, opportunity and Impure blood and low vitality will them receives Mr. Cooper should be allowed are bringing them in carload lots from 17.37 acres in Yamhill county; $868.719. Persians and Arabs. There comes a war­ nerve force. There is nothing like the Re­ make fearful inroads on your health. ment. rior on his way to the barracks, carrying storative Nervine discovered by the great the Mississippi river at $7 and $8 jx?r Wright's Sarsaparilla will cleanse your clerk hire by all means. that kind ot sword which the world has specialist. Dr. Miles tn cure all nervous head. Miles* Nervine Liver Pills. blood and build you up. Sold by Rog­ forgotten how to make, a Damascus blade, diseases, as headache, the blues, nervous At the city Section held at this place sleeplessness, neuralgia. St ers Bros. last Monday, the following named gen­ ket on a new principle— regulatiii*.” the with the interlacings ot color changing at prostration, Christmas Bolls. liver, stomach and bowels through the every new turn of the light, many colors Vitus dance, fits, and hysteria. Trial bot­ No one can afford to do without tleman were elected as trustees. John tle and fine book of testimonials free at ____ _ _ _ _______ Bills nerves, A new discovery. Dr. Mile’s and going and interjoining, the Rogeis Bros. Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap. It clean­ Thompson. Hon. P. P. Gntes, M. J. The young ladies will give a Christ- ipeediiy cure billiousness. bad taste, t orpid coming blade so keen it could cut in twain an ole ses the mouth, purifies the breath, pre­ Ramsey, H. Johnson and Z. E. Per­ . mas tree, or a Christmas bell, at the liver, _______ :..... Unequ&Ied for ject without making the lower part of the piles, ¿Tzr. constipation. Worse Ilian serves the teeth and makes them beau- kins. For recorder, E. Carpenter; men, women and children. Smallest, wild treasurer, Hon. R. P. Bird, marshal, J. ■ Opera house on the evening of the 24tb. est. surest! 50 doses, 25 cts Samples tree object tremble, with an elasticity that Leprosy is Catarrh, and there is but tiful. Sold by Rogers Bros. could not be broken, though you brought rm. T> * T. .1 «T 1 1 x. 1, i Houston. There were only two tickets Tlie doors will open at 7 p. ni., and the at Rogers Bros. the point ot the sword clear hack to the one preparation that does cure that dis­ tt Remedy M right s 1 aragon j ¡n f|le and a great deal of scratch- Headaehe RemiNly. tops pain tn five ■ ¡ng was indulged ¡n. There were only I program will commence at 7:30. It A man who has practiced medicine for 40 hilt, and having a watered appearance ease, and that is the California Positive minutes. Harmless, tasteless, no ill ef-! gq votes cast, which was not near a full , will be free. All presents intended for years ought to know salt from sugar; r.?ad which made the blade seem as though just and Negative Electric Linament, sold forts. A positive cure for headache and —*- . dipped in a clear fountain, a triumph of I the trees and bells should be handed in what he says ■ T oledo . ()., Jan 10, 1887. neuralgia. Sold by Rogers Bros. which a thousand modern foundry­ by Rogers Bros. It also cures neural­ lietween 9 a. m. and 3 p. in. Wednes- Messrs, F J. Cheney Co.—Gentlemen . cutlery irv plentiful plentiful 1 ' *^r, Ulenn, the superintendent of ! day. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will I have been in tlie general practice of med­ men and chemists have attempted in vain gia, rheumatism, headache, sprains, The acorns this year are very ill fill and water, deserves a whole lot of icine for most 40 years, and would say that to imitate. On the side ot this street burns and all pains. Try it and tell and many bear no doubt wiii tiii their their j all my practice and experience I have damasks, named after this city, figures of your neighbors where to get it. stomachs with them. Those at Hod- 1 [ credit for the manner in which he re­ distribute tiic presents, a new feature. in never seen a preparation that I could pre animals and fruits and landscapes here son’s will not digest and will make Mr. | paired the dynamo. The armature ! The program for thc evening Yvill lie as scribe with as much confidence of success being first wrought into silk—damasks. Excitement was badly burned and after two days follows: Bear verv siek. Go and sec them. ' ».'"7 ------- --------- as I can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured And specimens of damaskeening by which Runs high at Rogers Bros.’ drug store work of — splicing and “."j, rewinding she is Christmas Anthem — Misses Nellie by you. Have prescribed it a great many in this city steel and iron were first graved, Now is the time when the average ' putting out the same current as before. I timesand its effect is wonderful, and would and then tue groves filled with wire of over System Builder, as every body is cook is called on for pan cakes, and : Some time ago the same thing liappen- and Josie Gortner, Messrs. F. E. Rog- say in conclusion that I ’nave vet to find a gold—damaskeening. But stand back or using it. For Catarrh of theStomaeh, none are complete without Wallace A essesses wonderful merit Song—By the little folks. better, being without lights for two We will give $100 for any case of Catarrh ing toll to this supremacy. Great is Da­ when all speak so well of it. We now wish to sec the smiling faces nights only. Recitation—Miss Leah Cook. that cannot bo cured by flail’s Catarrh cure mascus! of our old customers and friends, as we i «100,000 tn Loan. Tableau. Taken internally. WIIAT MOST STIRS THE SOUL. have just opened a barrel of genuine Ssid Bock, the wealthy Chinaman F. J. C heney Co , Props., Toledo, O Guitar Duet—Josie Gortner and J. H. But what most stirs my soul is neither old sorghum which we have just re- of Portland, lias ordered a large num- £ISP'Sold by Druggists, 75c. Money to loan upon real estate in chariot nor caravan nor bazar nor pal­ coived direct from the east. Wallace ber of Chinese singing birds brought Nelson. <1. A. B. Custer Post. ace, but a blind man passing along the Yamhill county, for a.term of years. & Tisld. > over in the Colona, which vessel he is Recitation—Chas. McKinney. street, small ot stature and insignificant in n.1 ■ > . . r \ part owner. The steward has been Hall corner of Third and F streets, personal appearance. Oh, yes; we have For terms write to or call upon F. W. Instrumental Sole—Mrs. J. Evenden. >t T W .?i°Un,g, Pe?P. e instructed to purchase all be can find, McMinnville, Or. Post meets on the "■•'u Christian ehn-ch, wji] be a valuable addition to our seen him before. He was one ot that caval­ Fenton, attorney at law, McMinnville, Recitation—Maudie Hobbs. second and fourth Saturdays of each cade coming from Jerusalem to Damascus Oregon. xrl! t"» Td?rLl,i the residence ot already long list of foreign songsters. Tableau. month at 7:30 p. m. Transient com­ to kill Christians, and we saw him and his TUe^v^C.eVen Oregon enjoys the distinction of lieing A Fatal Mistake. rades cordially invited to attend. Accidental Shooting. horse tumble up there on the road some «nt- Lre in^r^ f,,r 10 the °n‘y st“te in the Union which is J. B. G ardner , Commander. cents. All are cordially united. , being stocked with foreign song and Physicians make no more fatal mistake distance out of the city, and he got up At tlieir home below Canby on the W yatt H arris ; Adjutant. blind. Yes, it is Saul of Tarsus now going than when they inform patients that ner­ If you want anything in the line of irame birds. By the way, we saw a , Willamette river, Wednesday last a along this street called Straight. He is led vous heart troubles come trofn the stomach crockery, glassware, lamps, lanterns. ■ “??”, .?1nV?n ar v ' ?■'’’ P^h- and are of little, consequence. Dr. Frank­ A nasal injector free with each liottle of pocket and table cutlery, wooden and i ^dled by a sling shot in the hands 1 young daughter of Mr. Armstrong ite- Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cuts. by his friends, for he cannot see his hand lin Miles the noted Indiana specialist has before his face, unto tho house of Judas; of one of McMinnville ’ s tough kids. proven tlie contrary in his new liook on willow ware, fancy and staple groceries “ “ ,n" = ~>~ cidentally shot her little six-year-old Sold by Howorth and Co. not Judas the bad, but Judas the good. In "Heart Disease.” which may lie had free at do not forget the pioneers in this line, h John J. Maddock, of the First Na- ' sister in tlie face with a rifle. another part of this city one Ananias, not Rogers Bros, who guarantees and recom­ Why will you cough when Shiloh’s cure as they will give you good Y-alue for i i tional bank of Goldendale, seems to Tlie young lady had taken the rifle will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 Ananias the liar, but Ananias the Chris­ mends Dr Miles unequalcd new heart cure, vour money and produce. Wallace & 1 have some aspirations in thc direction which has Ihe largest sale of any heart tian, is told by the Lord to go to this house j out to shoot a duck and when she came cts», and $1 ’Todd. of being a town proprietor. At least he j back to the house in trying to remove of Judas on Straight street and put his remedy in tlie world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, short breath, flutter­ Electric lights are being put in the now owns pretty much all of the town SHILOH'S Catarrh Itemedy, a positive hands on the blind eyes of Saul that his pain or tenderness in the side, arm or brick block. The building of this of Columbus. Deeds have just Iieen j the cartridge the gun was discharged. cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Caokcr sight might return. “Oh,” said Ananias, ing shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother­ “I dare not go; that Saul is a terrible fel­ ing dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine brick, its good appearance as well as recorded wherein he acquired posses­ The bullet struck the little girl,who was Mouth. Sold by Howorth and Co. the short time in which the lower sto­ sion of Amos Stark’s interest in tbe in tlie room under thc eye and came "Hacknietack." a lasting and fragrant I low. He kills Christians and he will kill cures headache, fits, etc. me.” “Go,” said the Lord and Ananias ries were rented to business men, starts town for $3465;s ix acres from Mr. Sam­ nine Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by went. There site in blindness that tre­ THE REV Geo. II. Thayer. Bourbon other capitalists to thinking aliout uel Price for $900 and 40 acres from out about two inches back of the ear. pari Iloworth and Co. Ind .says: "Both myself ami wife owe building bricks. Several have declared Wm. Hecinbotham for $2,500. Al­ The litte girl is still living and when mendous persecutor. He was a great our lives to Shiloh ’ s Consumption Cure. their intention to ¿build next summer though this land is much of lit valuable the physician who was called arrived SHILOH'S cure will ini mediately rrliev nature crushed. Ho had started for the Sold by Rogers Bros if suitable sites can be found. fruit land and will always lie good she wanted to get down from tlie lied: Croup. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis city of Damascus for the one purpose of Notice. we understand that it was and play, It seems miraculous thatj sold by Howorth anil Co. assassinating Christ’s followers, but since Our farmers are sick and tiled of the property, purchased on account of the bright fu­ A census recently taken at Standing that fall from his horse he has entirely present wheat situation. Wheat is ture he thinks Any jiersoii or persons indebted to she was not killed outright, as the bill- ■ is in store for thc town changed. Ananias steps up to the sight­ high in the east and in Liverpool but of Columbus when railroad is built let knocked her down when it struck Rock showed nineteen bucks, fifteen less man, puts his right thumb on one eye G. W. Sappington by note or book ac­ the farmers are the prey of the carrier along thc river. We a trust may re­ her. Dr. W. W. Giesy of Aurora, who squaws and fifty-six newspaper cor­ and thc left thumb on the other eye, and in count will please call and settle the monopolists. They are the rose between alize his fondest hopes, if he be does, how­ was called, says he cannot tell yet respondents. The correspondents are an outburst of sympathy and love and same with me in my office in North two thorns and the thorns absorb near­ ever, it will be another illustration of says: "Brother Saul! Brother Saul! Yamhill before the first day of Febru­ ly the entire perfume of the rose. the superiority of some men’s foresight whether or not the little sufferer will reputed to be growing restless and an faith tho Lord, evon Jesus that appeared unto Wheat in the sack lies here and no cars over that of other men.— ronr,s-.Vo>"<’•><*. ‘«at was taken from mother Opera house. Miss Lena Shelton takes braska, North and South Dakota, Ari. i sts, a Whitefield for popular eloquence, a John about three feot. The burning elay is a earth only two and a half miles from Howard for widespread philanthropy, but zona, Utah, Wyoming, Eastern Wash-! dark putty-like substance, ¡mu and the the Tnillinger farm. Mr. Trill- ..«.ix me ' town on ine rniilinger lami. rrul- thc leading part and it is said she has a ington, Idaho and New Mexico, with a more than all of them put together inspired, very fine voice. Mrs. Wolfenden, the burnt debris verv much resembles coal 1 , i e 4. . . . multipoteat, apostolic. Did Pennanetitly cured withoutCutting. Burn­ slag. There may be petroleum sonw- 1 nRt t hos ’ of thc °l’{,,lon ,bat lady who has charge of the opera, has possibility of Eastern Oregon Indians! thunderbolted, Judas, the kind host of this blind man, or i or Dilating A perfectly painless treat­ where in that vicinity—who knows?— i l“ere "as coal 0,1 “is tarni for -ome made a reputation for thc neatness and going on the war path. No other gov­ Ananias, thc visitor, see scales drop from ing ment and a guaranteed cure in every case, Wat Side. time and two days ago began to pros-| matter how long standing, This treat­ finish with which she presents these ernment on earth would allow this to the sightless eyes’ I think not. But Paul no ment for Stricture, of Dr Boxeli’s. is the Wc underetaml that the board of di- Pcct r’,r >t. After digging down 12ft. attractions to the people, aiid this oc­ be. The lives of thousands of Ameri­ knew they haxl fallen, and that is all that greatest Do Not Fail to see theaa discovery known to Medicine It happens to any of us when we are convert ­ rectors of thc McMinnville National they found a vein a foot thick which can citizens hang in the balance. The ed. The blinding scales drop from ourcyes dissolves and completely removes the casion will be no exception to tlie rule. Machines Before bank at a meeting held at their bank has the appearance of increasing in stricture without annoyance or pain to the Every one who attends will be heartily government would execute in short or­ and we see things differently. building Dec. 8, 1890, declared a semi- thickness — patient. The specimen brought in Purchasing. A Christian woman, missionary among annual dividend of 5 per cent, on caiii- . pleased with thc evening’s entertain­ der the leaders of as many white reb­ a most tribe, whose religion was tai stock, payable on or after Dec. 31, ‘' r' Edwards appears to be of good ment. els, why not kill a few Indians at tlie never to degraded wash or improve personal appear­ 1890. It was also decided by tbe board quality. They are still sinking the present moment? When the storm ance, was trying to persuade one of those Died. of directors to pay dividends thereafter shaft and we hope by next week to be Peculiar to their sex, and not proper to breaks white people will be killed in all heathen women not only of need of change nanie* here, including all of those delicate ^e^ri^ThXs&onh; i «Mc chronicle a rich find-^p.^'e. G lendenning —On Monday, Dec. 8, of heart but change of habits, which payable qt infirmaties and weaknesses, which they the cruel ways possible for an Indian to 1890, near this city, Miss’ Glenden- i think of. Let the settlers protect them­ would result in change of •ppearance but would shrink from disclosing to their fam­ bank is in a very prosperous condition Lucia B. Grifltn, Elocutionist. ily physician, ¡»ermanently cured in less ning, of consumption. the effort failed until the missionary had and has a bright future before it. than was ever known to medicine be­ This family has lately arrived from selves and there will not be a live Sioux placed in her own hallway a looking glass, time The entertainment given by Miss by Dr. Boxeli’s New System of Treat­ The projectors of the public school i in this western country in the next six j and when the barbaric woman passing fore, ment. It rejuvenates the genito-urinarv entertainment wish to express their Lucia B. Griffin for the benefit of ihe Scotland. ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SAL! j through the hall saw herself in the mir organs and months. If they will not be jieaccable I makes weak men strong. thanks to the people for their attend­ public school was well attended and Malignant Measles. ! ror for the first time, she exclaimed, “Can When possible it is always best to call go in for them in cowboy fashion: offer ■ it be possible I look like that?” and ap­ ance and bring to their notice the en­ netted the public school §25.90. The ' fcr personal consulaiion and special treat­ tertainment to be given on Friday ev­ palled at her own appearance she renounced ment. But those who cannot possibly call There arc eight cases of measles in a bounty for scalps. ening by the college class in music. work of Miss Griffin was passable, but I the family of Wm. Merchant, living ber old religion and asked to be instructed should write, stating tlieii case fully. Med­ For Jame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s , in the Christain religion. And so we feel icine sent by matt or express, sealed, free The school entertainment was well at- by no means up to the standard. The | Plaster Price 25 cents. Sold by that we are all right in our sinful and un­ I from exposure, to all parts of the Pacific tended by the college students and the entertainment was pleasing because near North Yamhill. It is of the ma­ Porous opera. Gyp jr., deserves the patronage new, and thc people generally were lignant type and the cases are serious. Ho worth and Co. changed condition until the scales fall ! coast. Address, of the public as well, as the funds de­ Wm. A. BoxeM, M. 1>. from our eyes, .-.nd in the looking glass of Sleeplessness, nervous prostration, rived will be used for a laudable pUr. well pleased. Far better elocutionists FOR Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you nervous dyspepsia, dullness, and blues, God's word we sec ouiselves as we really Consulting Physician. ST. PAUL DISPENSARY, pose, from which all will receive a ben-• have appeared here in the past, and have a printed guarantee on every liottle of cured by Dr. Miles Nervine. Samples are, until divine grace transforms us. Shiloh ’ s Vitalize! - . It never fails io cure. ; Coiner First and Pine Sts . over Portland efit in the growth of the college. MANY PEOPLE ARE BLIND. I will probably appear herein the future. Soul by Haworth and Co. free at Rogers Bros. 2 1.’>>8 Market St., San Franciaec^Cal National Bank. P ortland , O regon . J. P. IRVINE, Staple & Fancy Groceries Crockery, Glassware, Motions, Toys Fine Candies, Nuis, Tobacco and Cigars. A FINE LINE OF FRESH BREAD. PIES AND CAKES All Kinds of Farm Produce Bought and Sold. Now for a clean sweep. I have just received my large stock of Winter Goods from the East. Andi now otter them to the public at the lowest prices. I f you want good bargains bring your cash. BOOTS AND SHOES, DRESS AND SEASONABLE GOODS Is now Displayed and Ottered to the Inspec­ tion of the Public. ft Comparison of the Goods and Prices will Convince the Most Skepti­ cal that we Carry the Best and Most Complete Stock to Select from. And our terms are equally or more favor­ able than others when quality is considered. We do not claim Io sell chea^ier than any one else, for those are a Jot of auction and inferior goods, which we do not try to com- pete with. A. J. APPERSON OHLY PERFECT S ê WING M£CFMis>i| FAMILY USE AWARDED ONLY GRAND PRIZE STRICTURE! DISEASES OF MEN! Eí’tó’. ¡1 WiMwIfy febu la Dnp. HEWITT BROS., McMinnville, Oregon. PACIFIC COAST AGENCY, There are many people in this house to-