Good for four week. aubaeription to thr Tele­ phone - Refiatar, when alfned by a peraon not a anbacrlrrr end counteraifnril by * aubarrfber. The T elephone -R egister relies wholly upon its own merits and we belelve that no other country paper in the state presents its readers with such a large amount and variety of reading matter during a year. The [>aper will be sent free for four weeks to the person who sends their address written upon the coupon opposite, countersigned by a regular subscriber to the paper. The paper will be stopped t hen unless ordered continued. Name Town ............. . ......................................... State..................... ............................. Countersigned......................................................... Paper to be «topped at expiration of time un­ to«» ordered continued. HARDING A HEATH. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. REGISTER Established Kseust, 1881. TELEPHONE Established tuna. 1886./ M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , D ecember Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. h , i890. VOL. IL NO. 45 HOLIDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS! Largest Assortment! Newest Designs! Lowest Prices ! A Few Words About Albums! We want every one to call and ex amine our goods. We are certain we can suit you as to quality, assortment and price. Our goods were bought in the East, thus enabling us to sell at Rock Bottom Prices. You are al ways welcome; we assure you polite attention and courteous treatment We have the largest and most var­ ied assortment ever shown to the pub­ lic, in Plush, Leather and Wood bin­ dings; and we are not going to carry them over. Novelties in Pocket Mir- rors, Nut Cracks, Gents’ Traveling and Shaving Cases, Lap Tablets, Etc. Elegant Line of Perfumes 4 FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE! ably kill him, even if he did not cause THE CRUISER MAINE. 3 in; extreme beam, 57 ft.; mean A MATTER OF HISTORY make that day, camp was struck on him to fall under the wheels and re­ draught, 21 ft. 6 in.; displacement, 6682 one of the numerous streamlet* that ceive a death injury there, threw it The Largest of Uncle Sam’s War Crolwers tons. Speed estimated 17 knots. As Not Generally Known by Our Citizens—- run down the mountain side. Mr. A New Departure A JEST, AN ARGUMENT, A BLOW, withall his might. The driver of the •THE FAMOUS-------- Murder of Indian Agent Bolan. launched, the displacement was only Bolan dismounted, unsaddled and A HUMAN LIFE GOES OUT. load of trunks was hit iu the back of On Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1890, the hull 1700 feet on a draught of 7 ft. forward staked his horse, and returning to the O m I st In Alt Kindt o! Watches. Jewelry, Plated Ware the head, lost his hold and fell under of the armored cruiser Maine was suc­ and 7 ft. 6 in. aft. The folowing account of the murder fire divided hi* scanty store of biscuit* Cl.cks and Spectacled. MCMINNVILLE. OR. Noteworthy Fatalities During the Past the wheels. He was taken up a mo- As at present determined, the ship is of A. J. Bolan, Indian agent nt Fort and butter with hi* dusky companion* cessfully launched at the Brooklyn Year—Killed for a Dime—Sang a “Chest­ ment later, and in an hour died. navy yard in the port of New York. to have a protective belt of armor on Simcoe, was given by an old Indian, little dreaming of the awful fate *o nut” and Died a Violent Death—Fatal Down at Madison, Ind., one cool It is the largest vessel ever built at this the sides, 180 ft. long and 12 in. thick. now a resident at White Salmon,Wash­ close before him. H. BALLINGER, The conversation Termination to a Baseball Game—Two ! morning in the past winter, two men yard, and its launching attracted a Quite, probably it may be made of the ington. He had it direct from the lips turned upon the recent luurdi;*, and Lives Pahl For a Straw Shaked own. I sat down to dinner in a restaurant, and great number of people from the vicin­ new nickel steel, of a type to be accu­ of Chief Gwhi’s son just before his ex­ very unwisely Bolan reiterated Wright* A ttorney at L aw . -------- SOLD BY--------- one of them liegan complaining about ity of New York, and even from more rately determined by further tests. The ecution, who, with his two companions ponderous threats of vengeance and ex­ One of the most sadly curious things i the quality—or the lack of it—in the distant points. The frame was set up large guns are to be worked in pairs were h'.ng by Col. Wright at Simcoe termination. Then, and not till then, Office in Flelcher building, Third Street, I in life is a studj- of the trivial things coffee. Tlie other was very much as far as possible inside of one of the from two Hichborn turrets, one for­ agency for this most unprovoked and was Bolan’s death decided upon. Two McMinnville. Oregon ■ which will incite some men to commit smitten with the charms of tlie cook. old ship houses. The length of the ward on the starboard side and one aft cold blooded murder. War and ru­ of the three quietly stepped behind l murder. It seems that all the rnge the ‘ and he told the unsatisfied man, “You cruiser was such that the bows project­ on the port side. The guns will be mors of war were rife; a vague uneasi­ him and pinioned his arms, while the I human mind can hold and all the would kick if your mother-in-law died. DR. J. C. MICHAUX ed many feet beyond the front of the protected by 12 in. armor for the tur­ ness tested upon the isolated families of the third threw him violently te the ! strength of which the frame is capable It happened the other had a mother-in- building. The depth of the hull was rets or barbettes, with 8 in. shields for Eastern Oregon. The government, ground, where he was securely bound ; have lain quiet in a sort of reservoir law in whom lie did not repose his liest so great that the flagstaffs which a ves­ the guns. The latter are 10 in. breech­ with its usual stupidity and criminal hand and foot. When this was accom­ Practicing Physician and Surgeon, till some act opened a little channel in affections, and he thought this was a sel always carries when being launched loading rifles, and form the main bat­ negligence had failed to provide any plished his captors held consultation a* LAFAYETTE, OREGON- the bank, and then that flow gradually thrust at him for having been driven could only lie set up after the vessel tery. An auxiliary battery of ten 6 in. adequate "protect ion against the numer­ to the disposition to be made of th* Carries the Largest Assortment of swelled into a sweeping torrent, rend- out of the bouse by her and being com­ had left the house, while she was still rifles is to be mounted on the battery ous hordes of savages that roamed the Jjo.tll. ’88. captive. Bolan plead piteously, but Harness and addles and also the ing anj tearing all before it, madly pelled to eat at the restaurant. Here- deck, protected by 2 in. shields. The eastern plains. The few straggling to hearts that knew no pity. One of sliding down the ways. LARGEST STOCK IN YAMHILL COUNTY.; crushing, beating, breaking everything plied savagely, and the other contin­ The arrangements for the spectator« second battery is to include four 6 companies of blue coats that were with­ the savages seized him by the hair and S. A. YOUNG, M. D. Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re- 1 till utter exhaustion ends the riot and ued his defense of the cook by hitting were very complete. The invitations pounder, eight 3 pounder, and two 1 in reach were, as a rule, poorly officered drawing his head ac’- ««'' b’» L-n-w» —i* pairing Neatly Done. J ^)e Liorror of manslaughter is completed the son-in-law with a coffee cup, and Physician & Surgeon, specified in eacli case some particular pounder rapid-firing guns, four revolv­ and totally unacquainted with Indian his throat from ear t Robe», Whips and all the Necessaries saVfl the Chicago Herald. cracking his skull. The cook was stand. Of these, a number were erect­ ing cannon and four Gatling guns. tactics, and were held in supreme con­ The body was thei nr. Ken« In Cfnok tn Pnrtloaa . . . . McM txxviix*. - - - O riook . are Kept in Stock in Endless About a year ago a man who had avenged, but she was not sufficiently ed and designated by letter. Around There arc also seven torpedo tubes cov­ tempt by their dusky opponents. Num­ horse and carried aoine distance below Variety. Office and residence on D street. All run a bill at a grocery in an Iowa appreciative of the service done her to the bows and on either side of the ram ering the entire horizon. erous murders had been committed on the trail, where the horse was also rails promptly answered day or night. Call and See Stock. Store on Third Street, town went in Saturday night to settle. put in appearnce at the jail, nor at the was the “launching platform.” Upon The rig is to tie all fore and aft sails the frontier, and there were ominous killed, and both bodies were covered McMinnville. Oregon. He asked for an itemized statement, trial of her admirer, and he was con­ this a small staging was built over the on three masts. They are to lie pro­ signs of an impending »torn, a general with brush and left. The remains !. T. GALBREATH. K. E. OOÜCIIBH. and when it was furnished acknowl- victed of manslaughter and sent to pris­ ram for the secretary of navy, the ad­ vided with armored tops, so as to con. uprising of the tribes of Eastern Oregon were not found until after the murder­ i edged its correctness as to everything on, where he finally died. Calbreath & Goucher, miral of the yard, Ex-secretary of the stitute fighting masts. and Washington which the coming ers were caught by member* of their I excepting one single item of ten cents. The lawyers! of Zanesville, O., had Navy Wm. G. Whitney, and some The deck is to be of 2 in. steel amid­ spring only too well fulfilled. Col. own tribe and handed over to the mil­ PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS, .JI This he declared he had never gotten, organized a baseball nine and had guests. The breaking of the tradition­ ships and of 4 in. thickness on the Wright, in his helpless indignation, itary for punishment. Then one of the O regon . | I and when the grocer declared he had, challenged the county officers to play M c M inxvillr , al bottle of champagne and the nam­ sloping parts. Cellulose or woodite is uttered threats of direst vengeance three disclosed the location of the body (Office over Braly’s Bank.) B. CLARK, PROPRIETOR. the two men disputed until the work-1 a match game. A dispute arose, and a ing of the ship was entrusted to Miss to be used where it may useful in clos­ should the red man persist in his little which was taken, I believe, to Vancou­ — I _ j man called the grocer a liar. The latter lawyer with a bat in his hands was Alice Tracy Wilmerding, who stood ing up after the passage of a shot. The game of scalping and the certain result ver for burial. Bancroft’s version say* I took up a weight to throw, for the trying to [explain why one of his side upon this platform. She is grand­ bottom is double and cellular, with nu­ an Indian war with its usual accom­ that the murderer* tried to destroy the I Furniture of all the Latest Styles made to word angered him greatly, but before was not out. Some man on the other daughter of the secretary. The cham­ merous water-tight subdivisions. paniment of rapine’ and murder was liodies by burning, This statement my order in Oak, Ash or any Wood i he could do so the workman struck side told him not to talk so much, and SUAGEON ANO HOMEOPATHIC The engines are to be of vertical in­ upon us in our helplessness. On the informant stoutly denies, and if my pagne was made from grapes grown in desired. him with a hatchet he carried and he he hit him with the willow. That San Bernardino county, California. PHYSICIAN. verted cylinder type, and have three 15th day of September, 1855. Indian memory serves me right he is corect— that the bodies were not burned. was killed almost instantly. When started a fight, which stopped only af­ ____________ __________ ___ The operations of preparing for the cylinders for triple expansion, of fol- _ Agent Bolan left^The_Dalles on ______ horse- Office at B F. Fuller’s drug store. Resi­ FINE WORKMANSHIP A SPECIALTY! talked to about the matter afterward ter three men had been beaten into in­ dence, first house south of Baptist church, lowing dimensions. H. P. cylinder j back for the agency at Simcoe. He launch began shortly after 11 o ’ clock. Charming people, these exceptional ---- o---- McMinnville. Or. the man said he would not be cheated sensibility. The men were not loafers Two gangs of men on each side, armed 35J in., I. P. cylinder 57 in., L. P. cyl­ was just returning[from a hurried trip people! Here’s a nn-dicine—Dr. Pierce* Orders taken for all kinds of work and out of a dime by any man. or murderers or roughs or anything of witli oak rams about ten feet long, be­ inder 88 in., stroke 36 in. There are to the Willamette valley and was hur­ Golden Medical Discovery for Instance, satisfaction guaranteed. Call nt factory A stranger in the Union depot at St. that kind. They had simply gone into gan to drive in the wooden wedges on two engines actuating twin screws. rying back on account of the restless and it’s cured bund reds, thousands that and see specimens of furniture, are known,thousand» that’re unknown, Louis asked a lounger Ui the waiting­ the game for the fun of the thing. The each side of the ways. As these are At 132 revolutions the engine will give condition of the Yakimas, some of and yet yours is an exceptional case! Do not buy without first seeing the furni­ room how much difference there was slaying was done by a man who had about 9000 indicated H. P. Eight whom had been accused of participate Do you think that l>it of human nature Sample rooms in connection. ture manufactured here in your own state in the time between that city and Buf­ never intentionally injured a single driven they tend to lift the ship bodily from the keel blocks that have sustain­ steel boilers 14 ft. 8 in by 10 ft., to ing in the recent murders. At The which you call “I” is different from and county. the other parcel* of human nature? falo, and when the resident declared creature on earth. He was simply B. CLARK. ed its weight hitherto, and from the work up to a pressure of 135 lbs. are to Dalles he was urged not to undertake “But you don’t know my came.” Good there was no difference, that 9 o’clock wrought up by the heat and the exer­ be used. The propeller will te three shores at the sides that have assisted its the trip alone, but fearing no personal friend, in ninety-nine cauces out of a la now fitted up in first class order. was 9 o’clock everywhere, the Buffalo cise to that piteh where he was not stability of equilibrium. The wedges bladed and of 15 ft. diameter. The violence, he started alone and unarmed hundred the causes »re the same—im­ Prices Consistent with Good Work. Accommodations as good as can be man took offense and the two quarreled. himself, and he struck the blow that were cut of such length as to admit of pumps for all purposes are of the well On his way through the Klickitat val­ pure blood—and that’s why Golden ound in the city. They were put out of the place by the ended the career of a friend, without so twenty inches driving. Eight inches known Blake type. They will supply ley be overtook three Yakima Indians Medical Discovery cure» ninety-nine of every hundred. You may be the 8. £. MESSINGER, Manager. M c M innville national bank . depot officers and continued the quar­ much us a thought of the consequen­ was found to be sufficient. This loos­ hydraulic power as well as water foi all on their.way to the agency, and all out exception. And you may not. But rel on the pavement. The traveler ces. Still the fact remains that he ened the shores and keel blocks enough the general requirements of the engine. rode on toward their destination. The would you rather be the exception, or Corner Third and C streets, in Braly block. would not allow the other man to go killed a man because that man told M c M innville to allow the workmen to knock and With all bunkers filled there will b< trail ran somewhere near where the would you rather be well? If you are M’MINNVILLE, OREGON. the exception it c «1» you nothing— away, and at last attacked him. The him he was talking too much. split them out of place. In about an 822 tons on board, enough to last foi present wagon road does, on the west­ you get your money 1 Butsupissw lounger proved to be the better man of Two tramps got into a box car on the hour the ship was clear of everything 7000 knot’s steaming. Transacts a General Banking Business, ern slope of the Simeoe mountains. The it cures you? I>et t • len Medical the two, and when he bad given the Pennsylvania road and decided to spend CARLIN 4 HIGH, Proprietors The engines are to be built by N. F. distance, (80 miles) being too great to Discovery take the r- except the forward keel blocks and trip President.............................. J. W. COWLS enemy a drubbing he attempted a sec­ Goods ot ail descriptions moved and care­ the night there. The train stopped an shores, and rested with full weight in Palmer Jr., & Co., of New York. The ful handling guaranteed. Collections will Vice President............ LEE LAUGHLIN ond time to go away, when he was hour at a side track in the country, to armor plates are to be rolled at the the cradle. be made monthly Hauling of a l kinds Cashier........................ J. L. STRATTON shot in the back by the angry and in­ wait for the passing of another train. done cheap The ways consist of upper and lower Bethlehem Steel Works, Bethlehem, The Physicians of the Sells eight exchange and telegraphic jured man from the East. Near by was a straw stack, and these divisions. Two long, parallel courses Pa. The cost of the entire structuri transfers on Portland, San Franco and New The case of Patsy Donan, a young two provident fellows went to it and of timber forming the lower ways are will be about two and one-half milliont- York. Collections made on all accessible points. man of the same city, is also novel and 'carried away enough to make them a first laid down on each side of the of dollars. It proposed to put the ai Interest allowed on time deposits. interesting. A man named Louder- comfortable bed. Then they saw an ship, thickly coated on their upper mor on while the ship is in the drv Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. mati had been spending the evening orchard, climbed the fence and went surfaces with grease, and extending dock. Travelling cranes will have to Real Estate, Collection, Insurance in one of the song and dance houses so after some fruit. When they came back well down into the water. Upon these be installed on each side of the dock for TAKE A STAND FOR HONEST FOOD. plentiful in St. Louis a few years ago, they found two other tramps in bed. are placed the upper ways correspond­ this purpose. The cranes are to be of and Employment Agent. and when he left the place alone at 11 They demanded a restoration of what ía length with the Bhip. They are forty tons capacity and will cost $50000 Gates & Henry, Props. o’clock be hade good night to the door­ might be called their domicile for the bolted down at their upper end to the apiece. Two will be for the Brooklyn « keeper, an acquaintance,and was found night, but the squatters refused to sur- lower ways. Upon these the cradle rests yard and two others are proposed for McMinnville, - Oregon. dead on the ground at the corner of ’ render possession. The first two were and the wedges already spoken of are the Norfolk, Va., yard for the putting Any business entrusted to me will receive Fifth and Pine streets in less than half ’ fighters, and they dashed at the other driven between the cradle and upper on the plates of the Texas. iirompt attention, and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. an hour. No one had heard a shot,yet , two and in a moment both of the inter­ ways to bring the vessel’s weight upon We have made a careful analysis of the Royal, Giant, Golden The following list of dates in connec­ Louderman had evidently been killed lopers were badly wounded by knive the latter. To release the hull the up­ tion with the Maine is of interest as Ornes with IV T SitvRTi.itrr. Gate, Dr. Price’s and Pioneer Baking Powders, purchased by us by a bullet. The case baffled the po­ ■ in the hands of the first two. The next per ways are sawed in two just below showing how long it takes to execute in the open market. One ounce of each powder yields in cubic lice for a time, but at last Patsy Donan morning the farmer found two dead the bolts and then nothing but friction the work and fulfill the legal require­ inches of available gas at ioo° F. as follows. W. T. 8UÜRTLEFF. H. J. LITTLE. was arrested and the crime brought , tramps lying near the haystack and holds the ship. Often a ship wll start ments in such cases: I woudered how they came there. NAME. Special Accommodations for Commercial home to him in a way that he could Built under act of congress approved of her own accord. In the case of the Travellers. not escape. When asked by the detec­ Two colored men quarreled about Maine rams were applied to start her, August 3, 1886. Designed by the navy ROYAL McMINNVILL. - OREGON Corner Second and E Streets, one block tives why he had killed Louderman, the distance from Hannibal to St. Jo, but they did not act. Meanwhile steel department Plans approved Novem­ Giant . from Cooks hotel. whom he had never seen, he said the • Mo. A stranger had asked them and wedges were being driven into the saw ber 1, 1887, Bids for materials opened Golden Gate fellow was singing “’Tis a flower from i they could not agree. They grew so cut. The ranis were removed and June 4, 1888. Contract for materials Dr. Priced my Angel Mother’s Grave.” The song ; angry in the discussion that one of while the wedges were still being driv­ signed June 15, 1888, with Messrs. Car­ Pioneer . . was at that time as much of a nuisance > them struck the other and was beaten en, tackles were booked on to each side negie, Phipps, & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. ---- ON T hos . P rice & S on , Analysts, as Annie Rooney has become here in i to death for his pains before the inquir­ and a strain put on them. The great First frame bent September 10, 1888. Sax Pramim. these latter days. He paid with his ing stranger and other persons could mass started imperceptibly into mo­ First keel plate laid October 11, 1888. interfere. life finally for the night’s hilarity. tion. The bottle of champagne was First rivet driven November 2, 1888, 11 We, the members of the Beard of Health of the City and On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit. Right in Chicago two teamsters met The Only Sign Writer in the County. broken and in less than a minute the o’clock a. m. First frame raised De-1 Lowest Rates and no Commissions. Cbunty of San Francisco, cordially approve and recommend the on a crossing, and each tried to get One of the most remarkable religious hull was floating in the water. The cember 5,1888. Vessel launch«! No-' Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most I ahead of the other. One had a very meetings in the history of the country vember 18, 1890. hour was 12:45 p. m. Artistic Style. • high load of trunks and the other had has just been held in Chicago. It was The first keel plate of the Maine was Designs furnished for Decorations. a great load of coal. The man with the a gathering of ministers of every de­ laid October 11, 1888, so that a little Unless some of our investigators of Remember Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ trunks was the more persistent and he nomination for the purpose of discus­ over two years have elapsed from com­ bacteria are mistaken, there seems to i nishing a Specialty got the crossing. His wagon wheel sing the fundamental principles of re­ mencement to completion of the shell. be hardly a situation where these mi-; -ZY.7 :NXt. TaToor. Work taken by Contract or by the Day. Ex­ rubbed against the breast of one of the ligion. The whole subject of discussion The hull was designed by Commodore nute organisms may not be found. perienced men employed. -PsrMsad*» Moil Essutltal Suburb- ! coal haulers horses, and the latter was the past, present and future of Is­ Theodore D. Wilson. The engines Thus Dr. Charles M. Cresson claims to Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. For the treatment of Nervous Diseases, l reined in his team long enough to rael. The gathering opened at noon were designed by Commodore G. W. have discovered typhoid bacilli in the ; especially those suffering from nervous ex­ ' heave a lamp of anthracite at the oth- with brief exercises, after which Rev. Melville, of the Bureau of Engineering. juice squeezed from some celery grown haustion and prostration, chronic diseases, and all those who need quiet and rest, good : er driver. The man, in attempting to E. P. Goodwin delivered an address The guns and equipments are to be near Philadelphia* and the Johns nursing, massage and constant medical j dodge it, half fell from his load and upon the attitude of nations and of supplied by the different bureaus of the Hopkins Hospital Bulletin for May, JOS. R. DAVIDSON, M. D. car*. At Mt. Tabor will be found pure air, absolutely free from malaria, good water, i clung part way down, grasping the Christians toward Israel, and Rev. Dr. navy department. It ranks as an ar- 1890, records some observations, by A. HENRY M. FISKE, M. D. The painter, paper hanger, kalsominer and beautiful surroundings and magnificent views. Ample references given if desired. decorator can be found during tliedav hard slender projection on his wagon and B. Fienthesal, one of the leading rabbis i mored cruiser of the first class. It is C. Abbott, upon bacteria found in the CHAS. McQUESTEN, M. D. at work, and will be very willing incfeed to For further particulars, address rhe physic­ trying to save himself. The coal man of the city, spoke upon the reasons why built of steel throughout. The dimen- interior of large hailstones which fell give estimates and furnish designs lor all T. J. LETOURNEX, M. D. ian in charge. i classes of work. On June 1. a shop will be lifted another piece of fuel, and know- Israelites do not accept Jesus as their • sions are as follows: Length over all, during the storm of April 26, 1890.— OSMON ROYAL, M. D.. ' opened opposite the Cook house. 15-8t Ing Members San Francisco Board »/Health. ing if he hit the man he would prob- I 107 Third St., Portland, Oregon Messiah. 324 ft. 41 In; on load water line, 318 ft Popular Science Monthly. Aug. 5. 1889- MURDER FOR TRIFLES. WM. HOLL, Watchmaker and Jeweler. La Internacional MEXICAN CIGARS, Rogers Bro’s. ELSIA WRIGHT. «J. D. Baker AT D., The St. Charles Hotel. TRUCK AND DRAY CO., S an F rancisco B oard of H ealth H. CLAY BURCH, THE COMMERCIAI STABLE I Royal Baking Powder Commended as Purest, Strongest and Wholesomest. Money to Loan Livery, Feed, and Sale! Everything New And Firstclass. SHURTLEFF & LITTLE, MONEY TO LOAN J. B. ROHR, Improved Farm Property House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter INSURANCE NEGOTIATED. COTTAGE SANITARIUM I GEO. RAMAGE. Royal Baking Powder. It is abso­ lutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and character. In our judgment it is impossible to make a purer or stronger Baking Powder than the Royal.