SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Copy. per year, in advance........ Oue Copy, six months in advance.... Entered at the iios toftice at McMinnville Oregon, as second-ela«B matter. R ates of T he T f . i e - are liberal, taking in consideration the circulation. Single inch. $1.00; each subsequent inch, $.75. Special inducements for yearly or semi- yearly contracts. T he advertising phone -R egistf . r * » J03 W okk N batlx Axil Qrll KI.Y E xei ctkd at reasonable rates Our facilities are the best in Yamhill county and as good ns any nthe state A complete steam plant insures quick work. „ . * . Ki-oi.iTmxn or C'osnoi.Ksci ixd ai . l O bit - uarv Poetry will be charged for at regular rates. » a « «« A ll C ommunications M i st B e . S i <;.\ el » B y the person who sends them, not for pub­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non deplume.” but for a guarantee of good faith. No publications will !»<* published unless so signed. \ * * • A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or the editorial or business departments, to T he T elephone -R egister . McMinnville. Oregon. ■» * - S ample C opt » O f T he Tf&ri’Hoxr-R egis ­ ter will be mailed to any person in the United »States or Europe, who desires one, free of charge . * • Wr. I nvite Y ou To C ompare T he T ele - phone -R egister with any oilier paper published in Yamhill county AU subscribers who do no! receive their paper regularly will confer a favor by im- mediately reporting the same to this office. The elections of this year, while wid­ ening the field of clioiee fora demo­ cratic president, have not diminished I the importance of the electoral vote of i I New Y'ork to the democratic party. It is -earcely within the range of pos- [ sibilitics that a democratic president can lie elected in 1892 without the vote of New York. The causes which produced the swift but astonishing revolution in the elec­ tions this year will not exist—at least in the same degree of potency—two years hence. Speaker Reed's domineer­ ing insolence will only lie a memory. The Force bill will lie a forgotten men­ ace. Quay will have lieen unloaded. The local issues which have contribut­ ed to the result will have been elimi­ nated. And the most potent cause of all—the tariff' aliominations and its higher prices—may lie in a measure mitigated liefore 1892. The democratic party will need New York's vote in that election to make the victory sure nml complete. And the widening of the field of selection fora candidate by the nationalizing of the party in voting strength, as it has long beeti nationalized in spirit and in principles, is therefore a matter of congratulation. For it may appear then, in view of the rivalry of leaders or the bitterness of factions here, that a candidate from outside the state would be more sure of carrying New York than any citizen of tho great common­ wealth. New York will lie needed, though a New York candidate may not be.—-V. Y. World. GAG LAW IN THE SENATE. Thursday. December 4, 1890. James E. Boyd, the democratic gov­ ernor elect of Nebraska, has lieen not­ ified by John Powers, the Farmers Al­ liance candidate,that his (Boyd’s) elec­ tion will lie contested. It seems a little queer to those not familiar with modern methods of ad­ vertising that the newspapers should all lie full of the horrors of Stanley's rear column in Africa just as that gen­ tleman is liegininga lecture tour in this cjuntry. To the iniatiated there is nothing queer about it. \Ve«rei>f the opinion that it i- en­ tirely too «»>11 to eliooHe the next presi­ dent of tile United Stall's, There is a good deal of work to lie done liefore July, MM, Wr have got leaders enough—what we want is organiza- tion and continued effort lor a year and a half—not in the interest of any individual, blit in tin- interest of the demoei'atie party. Tlic Washington correspondent of the TrHtutv reports, as if with author­ ity, that the majority in the senate will certainly adopt some sort of gag law early in the coming session in order to pass the Force bill and a partisan re­ apportionment bill. This is not surprising. The republi­ can majority in the senate has licen raised from six to fourteen by the par­ tisan packing of that laxly for the ex­ press pur]wise of making it an obstacle in the way of any purjMise the people might manifest to deprive the republi­ can party of power and to undo repuli- lican partisan legislation. The déliant spirit which promted the packing now prompts the adoption of a gag rule to enable the party to com­ plete the legislation which the jieople have so emphatically condemned, lie- fore surrendering the power which the people have commanded thcmjto lay down. The senate Ims got on without a gag law for a hundred years; no reason for a change exists now; except the deter­ mination of the party in power, at all costs, to wreak its will liefore its lease of power expires. The democratic senators should make use of every par­ liamentary device to prevent the threat­ ened denial of free debate. REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ABOUT GALILEE. Fnll Report of the Brooklyn Dirine’a Latest Sermon in the Series Descriptive of His Trip Through the Land Where Jesus Lived and Died. B rooklyn , N ov . 30.—Rev. Dr. Talmage preached today the tenth of his series of sermons on his Palestine tour, describ­ ing his experiences on the lake whose waters were once stilled at the command of Christ. The sermon, which'was de­ livered in the Brooklyn Academy of Music in the morning and aa usual repeated be­ fore an enormous audience .at the Chris­ tian Herald service in New York in the evening, was from the text:, “He entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land”—Mark iv, 1. It is Monday morning in our Palestine experiences, and the sky is a blue Galilee above, as in tho boat we sail the blue Gali­ lee beneath. It is thirteen miles long and six miles wide, but the atmosphere is so clear it seems as if I cnnld cast a stone from beach to beach. The lake looks as though it had been let down on silver pul­ leys from the heavens and were a section of the sea of glass that St. John describes as a part of the celestial landscape. Lake Galilee is a depression of six hundred feet in which the river Jordan widens and tarries a little, for the river Jordan comes in at its north side and departs from its south side; so this lake lias its cradle and its grave. Its white satin cradle is among the snows of Mount Hermon where the Jor­ dan starts, and its sepulcher is the Dead sea into which the Jordan empties. Lake Como of Italy, Lake Geneva of Switzer­ land, Ixike Lomond of Scotland, Lake Winnipesaukco of America are larger, bnt Lake Galilee is the greatest diamond that ever dropped from the finger of the clouds, and whether encamped on its banks as v.-e were yesterday and worshiping at its crys­ tal altars or wading into its waves, which make an ordinary bath solemn as a bap­ tism, or now putting out upon its spark­ ling surface in a boat, it is something to talk about and pray about and sing about until tho lips with which we now describe it can neither talk nor pray nor sing. THE I.AXE HAS MANY NAMES. As sometimes a beautiful child in a neighborhood has a half dozen pct names, and some of the neighbors call her by one name and others by another, so this pet lake of the planet has a profusion of names. Ask the Arab as he, goes by what this sheet of water is, and lie will call it Tabariyeli. Ask Moses of the Ohl Testa­ , ment, anil he calls it Sea of Chinnereth. Ask Matthew, and he calls it Sea of Gali lee. Ask Luke, and he calls it Sea of Gen­ nesaret. Ask John, and he calls it Sea of Tiberias. Ask Josephus and Ensebins, and they have other names ready. But to me it appears a child of the sky, a star of the hills, a rhapsody of tho mountains, the baptismal bowl of the world's temple, the smile of the great God. Many kinds of fish are found in these waters, every kind of tree upon its bank, from those that grow 1 iu the torrid zone to those in the frigid, from the palm to the cedar. Of the two hundred and thirty war ships Josephus maneuvred on these waters—for Jo6«phus was a warrior ns well as a his­ torian—there remains not one piece of a hulk, or one patch of a canvas, or one splinter of an oar. But return to America we never will until we have had a sail upon this inland sea. Not from a wharf, bnt : from a beach covered with black and white ' pebbles, we go on board a boat of about ten i or twelve tons, to lie propelled partly by 1 sail anil partly by oar. The mast leans so far forward that it seems about to fall, ' but we find it was purposely so built, and the rope through a pulley managesto hoist and let down the sail. It is a rough boat, . CHEAPER HORSES, and as far as possible removed from a Venetian gondola or a sportsman s yacht. It ought to be good news to a num- With a common saw nml hammer and ax l>er of people who are hovering on the many of yon could make a (letter one. edge of prosperity that there is a glut Four barefooted Arabs, instead of sitting down to their oars, stand, as they always in the horse market, and that the price do in rowing, and pull away from shore. I of horses will soon bring the noble an­ insist on helping, for there is nothing more exhilarating to me than rowing, but I soon imal within reach of the humblest. enough of the clumsy oars and the It is asserted that the increase of have wielding them while cable and electric street railroads ac­ In standing post ure. ; counts for this cheapening of the horse We put our overcoats and shawls on a whose price has fallen more than 59 small deck in the stern of the boat,”the I very kind of a deck where Christ lay on a per cent. fisherman's coat when of old a tempest I Unless some one gets a corner on ponneed upon tlip fishing smack of the equine product, therefore, horseback­ affrighted disciples. Ospreys and wild I riding will develop and the family ducks and kiugtisbers fly overhead or dip their wings into the lake, mistaking it for carry-all will lieconie even a commoner a fragment of fallen sky. Can it be that sight than it is upon the roads of our those Bible stories about sudden storms on outlying districts. The comparatively this lake are true? Is it possible that a poor man will lie enabled to add years sea of such seeming placidity of temper could ever rise and rage at the heavens? It to his life by the judicious use of the does not seem as if this happy family of horse which has once been the humil­ elements could have ever had a falling out, iated motive power of a street car. The and tho water strike at the clouds and the silent and dangerous bicycle will dis­ I clouds strike at tho water. shot any one and have no ambition to be I shot, I said: "Let us stay by the western i shore.” But we look over to the hills ol Gadara, on the other side, down which two i thousand swine after being possessed by the devil ran into the lake, and bringing down on Christ for permitting it the wrath | of all the stock raisers of that country be cause of this ruining of the pork business. You see that Satan is a spirit of bad taste.' Why did he not say: ‘ Let. me go into those birds, whole flocks of which fly over Gali­ lee?” No: that would havo lieen too high. “Why not let me go into the sheep which wander over these hills?” No: that would ' have been too gentle. ‘ Rather let me gc : into these swine. I want to be with the| denizens of the mire. I want to associate : with tho inhabitants of the filth. Great is I mud! I prefer bristles to wings. I would • rather root than fly. I like snout hotter than wing.” THE SCOFFIXG OF IXFIDELITY. Infidelity scoffs at the idea that those swine should have run into the lake. But it was quite natural that under the hea* and burning of that demoniac possession they would start for the water to get cool ed off. Would that all the swine thus pos­ sessed had plunged to the same drowning, for this day the descendants of some id those porcine creatures retain the demons, and as the devils were cast ont of man into them they now afflict the human lace with the devils of scrofula, that comes from eat ing ttie unclean meat! The healthiest peo pic on earth are the Israelites, because they follow the bill of faro which God in the book ol Leviticus gave to the human race, and onr splendid French Dr. Pasteur and our glorious German Dr. Koch may go on with their good work of killing parasites in the human system; but until the world corrects its diet, and goes liack to the divine regulation at tho beginning, the human race will continue to bo possessed of the devils of microbe and parasite. But I did not mean to cross over to tho eastern side of Lake Galilee even in discussion. Pull away, ye Arab oarsmen! And we come along tho shore near by which stand great precipices of brown and red and gray limestone crowned by basalt, in the sides of which are vast caverns, sometimes the: hiding place of bandits, and sometimes the ’ home of honest shepherds, and sometime» ] the dwelling place of pigeons and vultures ■ and eagles. During one of Herod’s wars: his enemies hid in these mountain caverns and the sides were too steep for Herod’s army to descend, and the attempt to climb in the face of armed men would have called down extermi nation. So Herod had great cages of wood, iron bound, made and filled them with soldiers and let them down from the top of the precipices until t hey gave signal that they were level with the caverns, and then from these cages they stepped out to the mouth of the cav­ erns, and having set enough grass and wood on fire to fill the caverns with smoke and strangulation, tho hidden people would come forth to die; and if not coming forth voluntarily Herod's men would pull them out with long iron hooks, and Jose­ phus says that one father, rather than sub­ mit to the attacking army, flung his wife and seven children down the precipice and thru leaped after them to his own death. WE WANT. TO FKEACH CAPEBXAVM. The father, Chuza, the Herodian courtier, I worn out with anxiety as *wcll as by the rapid journey to and from Cana, is soon in restful unconsciousness. Joanna was a Christian before, bnt I warrant she was more of a Christian afterward. Did the father Chuza accept the Christ who had cured his boy? Is there in all the earth a parent so ungrateful for the convalescence or restoration of an imperiled child as not to go into a room and kneel .down and make surrender to the almighty love that came to the rescue? Do net mix up this case with the angry discussions about Christian science, but accept the doctrine, as old as the Bible, that God does answer prayer for the sick. I That Capernaum boy was not the only illustration of tho fact that prayer, is | mightier than a typhoid fever. And there ! is not a doctor of large practice but has ' come into the sitje room of some hopeless case and, in a cheerful manner if he were a Christian, or with a liewildered manner . if he wore a skeptic, said: “Well, what' have you been doing with this patient? What have you been giving him? The pulse is better. The crisis is past. After all, I think he will get well.” Prayer will yet be acknowledged in the world’s materia medica. and the cry is just as appropriate now as when Chuza, the courtier from Capernaum, uttered in Christ’s hearing, “Come down ere rny child die!” Jf the prayer be not answered in the way we wish, it is because God has something better for the child than earthly recovery, and there arc thousands of men and women now alive in answer to fathers’ and mothers’ prayers, myself one of the multi­ tude. For I have heard my parents tell how when at three years of age scarlet fever seemed to have done its full work on me, and the physicians had said there was no more use of their coming and they had left a few simple directions to make the remaining hours peaceful, and according to the custom in those times in country places the neighbors had already come in and made the shroud, the forlorn case sud­ denly brightened and the prayer “Come down ere my child die!” was answered in a recovery that has not been followed by a moment's sickness from that time to this. FOR YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS M c M innville PRAYER THE MIGHTIEST AGENCY. The mightiest agency in the universe is prayer, and it turns even the Almighty. It decides the destinies of individuals, fam.- lies and nations. During our sad civil war a gentleman was a guest at the White House in Washington, and he gives this in cident. He says: “I had lieen spending three weeks in the White House with Mr. Lincoln as his guest. One night—it was just after the battle of Bull Run—I was restless and could not sleep. I was repeat­ ing the part which I was to take iu a pub­ lic performance. The hour was past mid­ night. Indeed, it was coming near to the dawn when I heard low tones proceeding from a private room where the president slept. The door was partly open. 1 in­ stinctively walked in, and there I saw a sight which I shall never forget. It was the president kneeling before an open Bible. “But,” says some one, “why was it that Christ, coming to save the world, should spend so much of his time on and around so solitary a place as Lake Galilee? There is only one city of any size on its beach, and both the western and eastern shores are a solitude, broken only by the sounds coming from the mud hovels of the de­ graded. Why dicl not Christ begin at Babylon the mighty, at Athens the learned, at Cairo the historic, Rt Thebes the hun­ dred gated, at Rome the triumphant? If Christ was going to save the world, why not go where the world’s people dwell? Would a man, wishing to revolutionize for good tho American continent, pass his time amid the fishing huts on the shores of Newfoundland?” My friends, Galilee was the hub of the wheel of civilization and art, and the center of a population that staggers real­ ization. On the shore of the lake wo sail today stood nine groat cities—Scyth- opolis. Tarich, Hippos, Gamala, Chora- zin, Capernaum, Bcthsaida, Magdala, Tiberias—and many villages the smallest of which had 15,000 inhabitants, accord­ ing to Josephus, and reaching from the beach back into the country in all direc­ tions. Palaces, temples, coliseums, gym­ nasiums, amphitheatres, towers, gardens terraced on (lie hillsides, fountains be­ wildering with sunlight, baths upon whose mosaic floors kings trod; while this lake, from where the Jordan enters it to where the Jordan leaves it. was beautiful with all styles of shallop or dreadful with all kiuds of war galley. Nour thousand ships, his­ tory says, were at one time upon these wa­ ters. Battles were fought t here, which shocked al! nations with their conse- quences. Hero mingling blood with pure and sparkling L Go To The S. HOWORTH & pharmacy , PROPRIETORS s Their Immense Stock is I AM) THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON Now, ye Arab oarsmen, row on with swifter stroke, for we want before noon to land at Capernaum, the three years’ home of Jesus. But liefore arrival there we are to have a new experience. The lake that hail been a smooth surface begins to break up into roughness. The air, which all the morning made our sail almost useless, sud denly takes hold of our boat with a grip astonishing, and our poor craft begins to roll and pitch and tumble, and in five min­ utes wo puss from a calm to violence. The contour of this lake among the hills is an Something certainly ought to l>e invitation to hurricanes. I used to won- done to prevent Wall street gambling der why it was that ou so limited a sheet of water a bestormed boat in Christ's time disturbing the entire financial system did not put back to shore when a liurri- of the country whenever certain indi­ cane was coining. I wonder no more. viduals desire it. What that some­ On that lake an atmospheric fury gives no warning, and the change we saw in five thing shall I m - we ietive the statesmen minutes made me feel tiiat tho boat in of the country to decide, ««nd if they which Christ sailed may have been skill­ fail to do it the time will surely come fully managed when the tempest struck it when outraged poople will rise in their and the wild, Importunate cry went up, “Lord save us or we perish!” 1 hail all along might and wipe Wall street out of ex­ that morning been reading from the New istence. Testament the story of occurrences on and around that lake. But onr Bible was Bob Ingersoll is called an infidel, but closed now, and it was ns much as we could do to hold fast, and wish for the land. If the following beautiful sentences which the winds anil the waves had continued to fell from his lips a few days ago L ad increase in violence the following fifteen one to lielieve that his ease is not alto­ minutes ¡nthe same ratio as iu the first gether hopeless. five, and we hail licen still nt their mercy, our bones would have been bleaching in “Over the grave bends Love sobbing, the bottom of Lake Gennesaret instead cl and by her side stands Hope and whis­ our being Imre to tell the story. pers: 'We shall meet again. Before all But the same power that rescued the life is death, and after all death is life. fishermen of old today safely landed our . foam. party. AVliat a Christ for rough weather! The falling leaf, touched with the hec­ All the sailor boys ought to fly to him as In her last throes Jud a?a fought with Rome. tic ffush'tliat testifiesof autumns death, Upon those sea fights looked Vespasian did those Galilean mariners. All you iu is in a subtler sense, a prophecy of the forecastle, and all you who run up and Titus and Trajan and whole empires. From one of these naval encounters so spring.' ” and down the slippery ratlines take to sea with you him who with a quiet word sent many of the dead floated to the beach they tho winds back through the mountain could not soon enough be entombed, and a Since July Secretary Windom has gorges. Sonic of you Jack Tars to whom plague was threatened. Twelve hundred put out 198,000,000 by the purchase of these words will come need to “tuck ship” soldiers escaping from these vessels of war bonds and the prepayment of interest. auil change your course if you arc going to were one day massacred in the amphithea­ get across this sea of life safely and gain tre at Tiberias. For three hundred years This was done in order to relieve the the heavenly harbor. Belay there! Ready that almost continuous city encircling PULL AWAY, OARSMEN. money stringency in Wall street, the appear from our streets and its victims Lake Galilee was the metropolis of our Pull away, oarsmen! On onr right bank about! Heim's a-lee! Mainsail haul! abode of the greatest gambling scheme will no longer fill our hospitals, for arc the hot .sulphur baths, so hot they are planet. It was to the very heart of the Star of peace! tieam o'er the billow on earth. The speculators have made even a hardened cyclist would prefer scalding, and the waters must cool off a world that Jesus came to soothe its sor­ Bless the out that aigiis tor thee; the sailor's lonely pillow. rows, and pardon its sins, and heal its sick, millions through this stringency. It is the horse if he could get him for less long while before baud or foot can endure Far, far al sea. and emancipate its enslaved and reanimate their temperature. Volcanoes have been about time that laws were formulated than the cost of a wheel. Here at Capernaum, the Arabs having in its dead. boiling these waters for centuries, l-'onr to control this colossal combination of TAKE THE SUGGESTION. When horses may lie bought for cats springs roll their resources into two great their aims c arried ns ashore to the only And let the church and the world take capital wicli is used against interests and dogs the western plains may lie swimming reservoirs. King Herod here place where our Lord ever bail a pastorate, the suggestion. While the solitary places which effect every man, woman and rid of cats and mice anil the eastern tried to bathe off the results of his excesses, and we stepped atnid the rnins of tlir are not to be neglected, we must strike for and Pliny and Josephus describe the spurt- church where he preached again and again child in the United Stater. eit may gather roses for his cheeks in ingsont of these volcanic heats, and Joshua and again—tiie synagogue whose rich ; the great cities, if this world is ever to be and Moses knew about them, and this mo­ sculpturing lay there, not as when others taken for Christ. Evangelize all the earth the Ill-idle paths of bis pari;.-. Tlie expenses for the year in the ad­ ment long lines of pilgrims from all parts sco it in springtime covered with weeds | except the cities and in one year the cities of the earth are waiting fortheir turn to and loathsome with reptiles, but in that would corrupt the earth. But bring the ministration of the United States have THE CASE OF MR. PARNELL.. step into the steaming restoratives. December weather completely uncovered I cities and all the world will come. Bring lieen large and in all probability a defic­ Let the boat, as far as possible and not to our agitated and intense gaze. On one i London and England will come. Bring it of about 875.9110,900 will lie staring Under Parnell's ]s>litical leadership run aground, hug the western shore of '.he stone of I hat synagogue is the sculpturing ! Paris and France will com?. Bring Berlin the people in the face at the end of the “those Irish fellows" have grown from I lake that vc may see the city of Tiberias, of a pot, of manna, an artistic commemora­ ! and Germany will come. BringSt. Peters- year. The surplus has lieen knocked in a dozen incapaldcs to a ]*>tential party : once a great capital, of the architecture of tion of the time when tho Israelites were I burg and Russia will come, Bring Vienna land Austria will come. Bring Cairo anil the head and where has these millions that can muster at least ninety tight-I . which a few mosaics and fallen pillars and fed by manna in the wilderness, and to 1 come. Bring the near three pedestals, and here and there a broken which sculpturing no doubt Christ pointed gone? Has money lieen more plentiful | ing memliers on the floor of the house and shattered frieze remain, mijjhtily sug­ upward while he was preaching that ser­ ' million people in this cluster of cities on since the republican administration ! i when they are all out of England's i gestive of the time when Herod Antipas mon on this very spot in which he said, i the Atlantic coast and all America will stepped into office? Are you liettcr fix-1 coercion prisons); and lor the List ten ! had a palace here and reigned with an “Not as your fathers did cat manna and soon see the salvation of God. Ministers and pomp and cruelty aud are dead; he that eateth of this bread shall i of religiou! let us intensify our evangel- ed financially than you were? Have1 years they have made themselves so opulence abomination that paralyzes tho fingers of live forever.” Wonderful Capernaum! I ism. Editorsand publishers! purify your you sold the prisluctsof your lalsir for: troublesome to every opposing minis-' the historian when he conies tp write it, Scene of more miracles than any place in printing presses! Asylums of merry! en- more money than you had in the years ; try, and especially to 1 he present Un­ and the fingers of the painter when he at­ all the earth! Blind eyes kindling with i large your plans of endeavor! And in tend of this absurd and belittling gone by? And why this present lack ionist “combine," that they have liter­ tempts to transfer it to’canvas. I suppose the morning. Withered arms made to I and wicked rivalry among our cities as to one of the worst men that ever pulsate. lepers blooming into health. The of money, this financial distress? j ally made good Mr. Parnell's declara­ hewa3 : which happens to have the most men and lived. And what a contrast of character dead girl reanimated. A surplus in the treasury of the Uni-: tion at the opening of the tight—that, comes at every moment to the thoughtful JH I women and children, not realizing that the These Arab tents which on this __ Decem- ted States is as good a thing as a snrplus until justice was done to Ireland, they traveler iu Palestine, whether he walks her day I find in Palestine disappear, and more useless and bad people a city has the I worse it is off, and a city which has ten in your own treasury. Don’t you think would make it impossible for any party the beach of this lake or sails as we now I see Capernaum as it was when Jesus was I thousand good ¡people is more to be ad- do these waters! . pastor of the church here. Look at that so? • whatsoever to legislate adequately for SIDE BY SIDE. wealthy home, the architecture, the mar­ i mired than a city with one hundred thon- Side by side are the two great characters ble front, the upholstery, the slaves in uni­ . sand bad people, let us take a moral census, Great Biitian. It is no wonder then and see how many good men and good wo­ The secretary of the treasury -ent to tile Tories and their organs and allies of thia lake region, Jesus and Herod An- form at the doorway. It is the residence men arc leading forth, how large a genera­ congress Monday the following esti­ tipas. And did any age produce any such of a courtier of Herod, probably Chuza by tion of good children who will consecrate mate of expenses of the government are supremely anxious that the Irish antipodes, any such antitheses, any such name, bis wife Joanna, a Christian disci­ themselves and consecrate the round world Nationalists should abrogate the lead­ opposites? Kindness and cruelty, holiness ple. But something is the matter. The for the fiscal year ending June .'ioth, to holiness and to God. Oh, thou blessed ership of Parnell. They are like the, and filth, generosity and meanness, self slaves are in great excitement, and the Christ, who didst come to the mighty cities 1892: courtier liviug there runs down the front sacrifice and selfishness, the supernal and wolve- in the old lable. advising the! the infernal, midnoon and midnight. The steps and takes a horse and puts him at encircling Lake Galilee! come in mercy to Legislative establishment s sheep to get rid of the faithful shepherd father of this Herod Antipas was a genins full run across the country. The boy of 1 all our great cit ies of today’. Executive establishment dog that had so long safe guarded them. , at assassination. He could manufacture that nobleman is dying of typhoid fever. ' Thou who didst put thy hand on the white Judicial establishment .. . mane of the foaming billows of Gennesaret Foreign intercourse .. But the Irish people have taken a few I ' more reasons for putting people out of this All the doctors have failed to give relief. and make them lie down at thy feet, hush ' life than any man in all history. He sends But about live miles up the country, at Military establishment . lessons in political science of late; and ' for Hyrcanus to conic from Babylon to Cana, there is a divine doctor. Jesus by all the raging passions of the world! Oh, Naval establishment they are not going to accede to this re- i Jerusalem to be made high priest, and name, and the agonized father has gone thou blessed Christ, who on the night Indian affairs................. I Pensions................................ quest of the Tory wolves, who would | slays him. He has his brother-in-law while for him, aud with what earnestness those when the disciples were trying to cross this lake and “the wind was contrary,” after Public work........................ fain exterminate them, as they are do- | in bathing with him drowned by the king's can understand who have had a dying nine hours of rowing had made only three attendants. He slays his wife anil his child in the house. This courtier cries to Postal sen ice..................... ing at this hour in Donegal. miles, didst come stepping on water that wife's mother and two of bis sons and bis Christ. "Conic down ere my child die!’’ Permanent annual appro­ While the father is absent, and at 1 at the touch of thy foot hardened into uncle, and filled a volume of atrocities, the priations ......... ....... 122,47«, MIS A I'atal Mistake. last chapter of which was t he massacre of o’clock in the afternoon, the peoplo watch­ crystal, meet all our shipping, whether on ing the dying boy see a change in the placid or stormy seas, and say to all thy Grand total . .^407,077,133 i Physicians make no more fatal mistake all the babes at Bethlehem. With such a father as Herod the Great countenance, anil Jqanna, the mother, on people now, by whatever style of tempest The estimates for 1891 were 8341,128,- than when they inform patients that ner­ : you are not surprised that this Herod An one side of his couch, says: "Why, this dar­ tossed or driven, as thou didst to the 973, and the appropriations *414,425,-! vous heart troubles come trom the stomach ; tipas. whose palace stood on the banks of ling is getting well; the fever has broken. drenched disciples in the cyclone: “Be of K33. For 1891 estimates for pensions’ ami are of little consequence. I)r. Frank­ i this lake we now sail, was a combination See the prespiration on his forehead. Did good cheer. It is I. Be not afraid!” Thank God that I have seen this lake of was something over s:«,500.000, while lin Miles the noted Indiana specialist has ■ of wolf, reptile and hyena: while the' any of you give him any new kiuil of medi­ Christly memories, and I can say with ' Christ who walked yonder bunks and sailed I cine?'’ "No," is the answer. The boy an appropriation for nearly 8124,090,000 proven the contrary in hi< new book on ■ these waters was so good tiiat almost every turns on his pillow, his delirium gone, and Robert McCheyne, the ascended minister “ Heart Disease, ” which may he had free at was necessitated for new measures. for something to cat and says: I of Scotland, who, seated on the banks of R»»ger> Eros. who guarantees ami recom­ ! rood of this scenery is associated with some asks wise word or sonic kindly deed, and all | “Where’» father?” Oh, he lias gone up 1 this lake, wrote in his last, sick days, and The public works estimates were $19,- mends Dr Miles unequaled new heart cure, I literature aud all art and all earth and all to Cana to get a young doctor of about 31 1 just before he crossed the Jordan, not the 000,000 anil nearly $38,000,000 was ap­ which has the largest sale of any heart heaven are put to the utmost effort in try ' years of age. But no doctor is needed now i Jordan that empties into Galilee, but the propriated. The estimates for perma­ remedy in the world. It cures nervous and ■ ing to express how grand and glorious and in this house at Capernaum. The people ! Jordan that empties into the “sea of glass nent anmud appropriations were about organic heart disease, short breath, flutter­ 1 lovely he was anil is aud is to be. The look at the sun dial to see what time it is, mingled with lire,” these sweet words, fit 8102.000,000 and the amount appropria­ ing pain or tenderness iu tho side, arm or : Christly and llenxlic characters asdiffer- and sec it is ju-t past noon and 1 o'clock to be played by human fingers on strung strings of eart hly lute, or by angelic fingers shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother­ 1 ent as the two lakes we visit, and not far Then tiiey start out and meet the return­ on seraphic harps: teli $127,tl00,000. father and ,-.s soon as they come within ing dropsy, etc. His Restorative Nervine apart Galilee and the Dead sea; the one ing It is not that the wild gazelle flower banked and the other bituminous speaking distance they shout .at tho top of cures headache, Ilfs, etc. Mile«' Nervine I.iver Piljs. Comes down to drink thy tide, and blasted: the one bovereil over by the their vfiiees: "Your boy is getting well.” Bat he that was pierced to save from heil "Is it possible:■" says the father. "When mercy of Christ, tho other blasted by the Act on a new prinnpk—regulating the Oft wandered by thy side. l'or lume back, siile or chest, use Shiloh's liver, stomach and bowels through the Porous did the change for the better take place?” Graceful around thee the mountains meet, Plaster Price 25 cents. S,,Ll by wrath of God; the one full of finny tribes nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Mile’s Pill> Howortli sporting in the clear depths, the other for­ “One o'clock” i i the answer. “Why,” says Thou calm, reposing sea; and < 'o. speedily cure billiousness. bad taste, torpid ever lifeless; the waters of the one sweet the courtier, "that is just the hour that But ah! far more, the beautiful feet liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for Of Jesus walked o’er thee. Shiloh'- Cough and Consomption Cure is and pleasant to the taste, the other bitter Jesus said to me ‘Thy son liveth.' Ono men, women and children. Smallest, mdd O Saviour ’. gone to God’s right hand, o'clock: ” and sharp and disgusting. Awfnl Dead sold bv ns on a guarantee. It cures con ­ est. surest! 50 doses, 25 cts Samples free Yet the same Saviour still, sumption Sold by Howortli and Co GLADNESS OX THEIB COCXTEXAXCE. sea! Glorious Genuesaret, at Rogers Bros. Graved on thy heart is this lovely strand As they gather at tho evening meal what We will not attempt to cross to the And every fragrant hill. I'OR Dyspepsia and Liver Compluint you eastern side of this lake, as I had thought gladness on all the countenances in that THE REV Geo. II. Thayer. Bourbon Ind ,savs: "Both myself and wife owe have a printed guarantee on every Imttl’e of to do, for those regions are inhabited by a home at Capernaum! The mother, Joan­ For weak eyes a wash of weak salt and our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Shiloh's Vitalizer, It never fails to cure. thieving and murderous race, and one na, has not had sleep for many nights, and Soul bv Howortli ami Co. I must go thoroughly armed, and as I nevei she now falls off into delightful slumber. water will prove of much benefit. Sold by Rogers Bros So Original! So Novel! So New! NOBBIEST So Complete! GOODS IN So Cheap! So Gay! Be Sure and See It Appropriate Gifts for all Kinds of Folks, » CLOTHING AND OVER COATS LITTLE OR BIG GO TO All Kinds of Prices KAY & TODD, GREAT OR SMALL! We are Pleasing Them All. THE CLOTHIERS. A Large and Varied Assortment of IF YOU WANT A Fine Fitting SUIT or OVERCOAT to DRESSING CASES, GO TO SCRAP BOOKS, KAY & TODD, ALBUMS, The Merchant Tailors. HAND MIRRORS, BRUSHES, They never overcharge for anything ! PERFUMERIES you They never make a mis­ OUR LOW PRICES MAKE THESE BEAUTIFUL GOODS ALL GREAT BARGAINS. SEE TTS. Your patronage is always appreciated, and yon may rest assured it will be our constant aim to give our customers the best goods that ran be obtained, and at reasonable prices. J A. k 4 fit. They will treat you white and give you more for your money than any other firm in the County. (io and See KAY & TODD’S Goods Before You Buy KAY A TODI) S. HOWORTH & CO., PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS t ’ S HARDING t HEATH. Publishers. I NEW YORK IN 1892. % THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER.