BLANKETS COMFORTS COMFORTS BLANKETS OREGON BLANKETS FROM $3.00 UP. Great Bargains in Overcoats, Chinchilla Coats and Vests, Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, etc, at KAY & TODD’S. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. AMONG THE BEDOUINS. catch the falling raius, and to that Christ neighbor’s landmark! Cursed lie ho that Bat soon after the last battle came. His­ refers when speaking to the Samaritan maketh the blind to wander out of the tory portrays it, poetry chants it, painting woman about a spiritual supply he said he way,” and then there rolled up from all colors it, and all ages admire that last The elections of this fall have been would, if asked, have given her ‘‘living the spaces lietween the mountains that one struggle to keep in possession the wooden generally a rebuke and a warning to EIGHTH SERMON OF DR. TALMAGE ON water,” that is, water from a flowing word with which the devout of earth close cross on which Jesus was said to have ex­ HARDING i. HEATH. Publisher». RECENT TOUR IN PALESTINE. HIS the republican party. The election in spring in distinction from the water of their prayers and the glorified of heaven pired. It was a battle in which mingled that well, which was rain water. But why finish their doxologies, “Amen! Amen!”— the fury of devils and the grandeur of Ohio has been a rebuke and a warning did Jacob make a reservoir there when that scene only to be surpassed by the angels. Thousands of dead Christians on aUBSCRlPTION RATES. to the demiK-ratic party. Father of Such us Dwell iu Tents ‘"The there is plenty of water all around and times which are coming, when the this side. Thousands of dead Mohammed­ A year ago the democrats carried and Have Cattle”—How the Patriarch, abundance of springs and fountains and churches and the academies of music ans on the other side. The battle was hot­ ■>u» ,‘opy. per year, inadrsace........ I l 00 »<:« Qep'y, six month» in ad rance.... Lived In Tent»—Jacob’» Well—The Plain seemingly no need of that reservoil ? Why and the auditoriums of earth, no test close around the wooden cross upheld . 1 00 Ohio. This year they lost it. Why? did Jacob go to the vast expense of boring longer large enough to hold the wor­ by the bishop of Ptolemais, himself wound­ A year ago the current of popular of Eselraelon-Armageddon. and digging a well perhaps two hundred shipers of God; the parks, the mountain ed and dying. And when the bishop of favor in the nation generally did not B rooklyn , N ov . 16.—This morning in feet deep as first completed, when, by go­ sides, the great natural amphitheatres of Ptolemais dropped dead, the bishop of Entered at the )>ostoffice at McMinnville set in the democratic direction witli the Academy of Music in this city, and ing a little way off, he could have water the valleys, shall be filled with the out­ Lydda seized the cross and again lifted it, Oregon, as second-class matter. anything like the force it showed this this evening at The Christian Herald serv­ from other fountains at little or no ex­ pouring populations of the earth and carrying it onward into a wilder and shall reply to mountain, as fiercer fight, and sword against javelin, year. There was no great resentment ice in the New York Academy of Music, Dr. pense? Ah, Jacob waa wise. He wanted mountain TlIK ADVERTTflXG RATES of Tlir. TEI.E- Talmage preached the eighth of the series his own well. Quarrels and wars might Mount Gerizim to Mount Ebal, and all the and battle ax upon helmet, and piercing against a tariff bill then and no abound ­ fhoxe -R egister are liberal, taking in of sermons be is giving on his tour in arise with other tribes and the supply of people between shall ascribe riches and spear against splintering shield. Horses consideration the circulation. ¡Single ing disgust witli the temper, attitude Palestine. At both services the respective water might lie cut off, so tho shovels and honor and glory and dominion and victory and men tumbled into heterogeneous death. inch, $1.00; each subsequent inch. wore crowded to their utmost pickaxes aud boring instruments were or­ to God the Lamb, and there shall arise an Now the wooden cross on which the armies Special inducements for yearly or semi- and conduct of tiie dominant party in buildings capacity in five minutes after the doors dered, and the well of nearly four thousand amen like the Ixtoming of the heavens of Christians had kept their eye begins to yeatly contracts. congress, as there lias been this year. were opened, and all who came later were years ago was suuk through the solid rock. mingling with the thunder of the seas. waver, liegins to descend. It fails! and the Yet last year the democrats carried unable to get in. Dr. Talmage's subject THE liEARTBliOKEN FATHER. When Jaceb thus wisely insisted on hav­ wailing of the Christian host at its disap­ J ob VV’ obk N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted On and on we ride, until now we have pearance drowns the huzza of the vic- ! at reasonable rates Our facilities are Ohio and this year tiie democrats lost was ‘‘Among the Bedouins,” and his text ing his own well he taught us not to bo the best in Yamhill county and as good it. In the superb sweep of democratic Num. X, 31: ‘‘Forasmuch as thou knowest unnecessarily dependent on others. Inde­ come to Shiloh, a dead city on a bill sur­ furious Moslems. as any in the state A complct«» “team we are to encamp in the wilderness.” pendence of business character, indepen­ rounded by rocks, sheep, goats, olive gar­ TIIE TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS. triumph, which lias won for us Massa- how plant insures quick work. Night after night we have slept in tent dence of moral character, independence dens aud vineyards. Here good Eli fell 1 But that standard of the cross only I * * « - chusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode X in backward and broke his neck, and lay dead 1 seemed to fall. It rides the sky today in Palestine. There are villages XX A IO U — • “ ““ “ »■' < •« V • large —» — * of • V of A A religious KrfXXpq 1 C- character. XI I. X (IV VV.a • ax J your \J < I A V/ own VV U RlWOr.UTTO.X3 OF UoSDOLENCE AND ALL OBIT- , Island, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Bedouins without a house, and for three • well of grace, your own well of courage, at the news from his bad boys, Phineasand triumph. Five hundred million souls, the uary l’oetry will lx? charged for at regular I Kansas and other unexpected states, thousand years the people of those places , your own well of divine supply. If you are Hoplini; and life is not worth living after | mightiest army of the ages, are following 1 advertising rates. have lived in black tents, made out of dyed an invalid you have a right to be depen­ one’s children have turned out badly, and it and where that goes they will go, across aud has elected an unprecedented skins, and when the winds and storms dent on others. But if God has given you more fortunate was Eli, instantly expiring the earth and up the mighty steeps of the A ll C ommuxicatioxs M ust 1» e S igned B y i the person who sends them, not for pub-! democratic majority to congress, Ohio wore out and tore loose those coverings good health, common sense, and two eyes under such tidings, than those parents heavens. In the Twelfth century it seemed lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non 1 stands alone, conspicuous in her loneli­ others of the same kind took their places. and two ears and two hands and two feet, who, their children recreant and profligate, I to go down, but in the Nineteenth century de nlume.” but for a guarantee of good ' Noah lived in a font: Abraham in a tent. he equipped you for independence of all the live on with broken hearts to see them failn. No publications will ho published • ness as the only state held by democ­ Jacob pitched his teuton the mountain. universe except himself. If he had meant going down into deeper and deeper plunge. it is the mightiest symbol of glory aud tri­ umph, and means more than any other unless so signed. racy a year ago and lost to democracy Isaac pitched his tent in the valley. Lot you to be dependent on others you would There are fathers and mothers here today standard, whether inscribed with eagle, or « « » to whom death would be happy release be ­ now. Some congressmen were gained pitched his tent toward Sodom. In a tent have been built with a cord around your A ddress A i . l C ommuxh ations . EtriiF.R For. i lion, or bear, or star, or crescent. That the editorial or business departments, to by a retaliatory gerrymander, but the the woman .Tael nailed Sisera, the general, waist to tie fast to somebody else. No; you cause of their recreant sous. And if there which Saladin trampled outlie plain of to the ground, first having given him sour are built with common sense to fashion be recreant sons here present, and your Esdraelon I lift today for your marshal 1 T iie T elephone -R egister . McMinnville, state ticket was defeated. Oregon. milk called “leben” as a soporific to make your own opinions, with eyes to find your parents be far away, why not bow your For such an event there must be an him sleep soundly, that being the effect of own way, with ears to select your own mu- head in repentance, aud at the close of this ing. The cross! The cross! The foot of it planted in the earth it saves, the top of it S ample C opies O f T he T elephone -R egis ­ adequate reason and the reason is not such nutrition, as modern travelers can sic, ....................... . to - fight - with hands your own battles. service go to the telegraph office and put pointing to the heavens to which it will ter will l>e mailed to any person in the it on the wing of the lightning that you take you, and the outspread beam of it testify The Syrian army in a tent. The There is only one being iu the universe far to seek. The democrats of Ohio United States or Europe, who desires one, bave turned from your evil ways? Before free of charge made a bad use of their victory of a ancient battle shout was “To your tents, whose advice you need and that is God. another twenty-four hours have passed like outstretched arms of invitation to all O Israel!” Paul was a tent maker. In- ' Have your own well and the Lord will fill nations. Kneel at its foot. Lift your eye deed, Isaiah, magnificently poetic, indi I it. Dig it if need be through two hundred take your feet off the sad hearts of the old to its victim. Swear eternal allegiance to W e I xvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele ­ year ago. homestead. Homo to tliy God, O prod ­ Having the power to elect a demo ­ cates that all the human race live under a phone -R egister with any other paper feet of solid rock. Dig it with your pen, its power. And as that mighty symbol of published in Yamhill county ig it with your yard stick, or dig it igal! cratic senator they elected instead a blue tent when he says that God “stretch- j or di^ pain and triumph is kept before us, we Many, many letters do I get in purport will realize how insignificant are the little eth out the heavens as a curtain and ; with your shovel, or dig it with your Bible, man of mere money, a railroad king, a spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in, ?» ” . j saying: My son is in your cities; we have crosses we are called to liear, and will more YOUNG man ! build for YOURSELF, All eubecribere who e- which democracy stands. If demo­ and crunch of broken bones and death. age, what would I do, and what would my ■ den decease under bad news from his boys the roll of the drums and the clear call of BEASTS OF PRF.V NO LONGER THERE. family do, and what would my flocks and : and find close by what is called the the clarions and tho thunder of the can­ fore the classical age, and if we are ever cratic legislators or administrative offi­ “Meadow of the Feast.” While this an­ nonades. And then I bear the wild rush to learn anything about pre-exilic Israel cers are unfaithful to tiie charge thus I am glad tn say that for the most part herds do? Forward, ye brigade of pick-1 cient city was iu the height of its prosper­ as of million of troops in retreat, and then Palestine is clear of beasts of prey. The and crowbars, and go down into the on the soil of Palestine itself, it mu-t he given to them they will merit and leopards, which Jeremiah says cannot axes depths of these rocks and make me inde­ ! ity on this “Meadow of the Feast” there the shout of victory as from fourteen by the help of the spade. pretty surely reeicve a rebuke similar change their spots, have all disappeared, pendent of all except him who fills the was an annual ball, where the maidens of hundred million throats, aud then a song and the lions t hat once were common ail bottles of the clouds! I must have my own the city amid clapping cymbals and a blare as though all t he armies of earth and heav­ to that administered in Onio. of trumpets danced in glee, upon which en were joining It, clapping cymbals, beat- The wheat scab, an apparently new ” The lesson of Ohio is plain. It is a through this land, and used by all the well! Young man, drop cigars and cigarettes ■ thousands of spectators gazed. But no iDgthe time—“The kingdoms of this world disease in this country, is a fungus at­ warning against unfaithfulness to dem­ prophets for illustrations of cruelty and wrath, have retreated before the discharges wine cups and the Sunday excursions, i dance since the world stood ever broke up are become the kingdoms of our Lotti and tacking the wheat heads, producing a ocratic principles and against tiie be- of gunpowder, of which they have an in­ and and build your own house, and have your in such a strange way as the one the Bible of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever whitish covering of the glumes and trayal of the people’s cause.—.V. Y. describable fear. But for the most part own wardrobe, and be your own capitalist! , describes. One night while by the light of and ever.” A National Event. Palestine is what it originally was. With “Why, I have only five hundred dollars in­ the lamps and torches these gayeties went i preventing the formation of the grain lYor/rl. the one exception of a wire thread reach­ come a year!” s«iys some one. Then spend ; ; on, two hundred Benjamites, who had been The bolding of the World's Fair in a city liencath. It has appeared this year in ing from Joppa to Jerusalem «and from four hundred dollars of it in living, and 10 ■ hidden behind the rocks and among the scarcely fifty years old will be a remarka­ various sections, notably in Ohio. Jerusalem to Nazareth and from Nazareth per cent, of it, or fifty dollars, in benevo­ trees, dashed upon the scene. They came ble event, but whether it will really bene­ REPUDIATE REED’S RULES. to Tiberias and from Tiberias to Damas­ lence, and the ot her fifty in beginning to not to injure 0» destroy, but wishing to set fit this nation as much as the discovery of The democrats should now be care- The people have transferred the con­ cus, that one nerve of civilization, the tele­ dig your own well. Or if you have a thou­ up households of their own, the women of the Restorative Nervine by Dr Franklin graphic wire (for we found ourselves only sand dollars a year spend eight hundred their own land having been slain in battle, Mills is doubtful. This is just what the ul in the measures brought before the trol of the house of representatives to a few minutes off from Brooklyn «and New dollars of it in living, 10 per cent., or one by preconcerted arrangement each one American people need to cure their exces­ people. Pure democratic measures are nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, diz­ the democratic party. The causes of York while standing by Lake Galilee), hundred dollars, in benevolence, and the of the two hundred Benjamites seized the sive ziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, nervous de­ the ones needed. With the exercise of one whom he chose for the queen of his with that one exception Palestine is just as remaining one hundred in beginning to dig to the political revolution are apparent bility. dullness, confusion of mind, etc. It care and judgement the country is safe always wa«. your own well. The largest bird that ever , ! home and carried her away to large estate acts like a charm. Trial bottles and fine the most superficial observer. One of it Nothing surprised me so much as the flew' through the air was hatched out of and beautiful residence, for these two hun­ book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," for the democrats for a long term of them is the new code of mlcs under persistence of everything. A sheep or one egg, and the greatest estate was brood- 1 dred Benjamites had inherited the wealth I with uncqualed testimonials, free at Rogers years, without, another turnover may­ Bros. It is warranted to contain no opium, of a nation. which lx>th the minority and the ma­ horse falls dead, and though the sky may ed out of one dollar. be expected. The independent thinkers morphine or dangerous drugs. 1 BEXJAStITE COUBISHIP. GOD WILL DO HIS PART. jority of tiie house have been deprived one minute before be clear of all wings in As today near Shiloh we look al the of this country control its destiny. five minutes after the skies are black with I suppose when Jacob began to dig this «100,000 to Loan. i of their ancient privileges. Under this eagles cawing, screaming, plunging, fight well, on whose curb we are now seated this “Meadow of the Feast,” where the maidens The Oregon legislature will soon new system the speaker, with a few ing for room, contending for largest mor­ December hood , it was a dry season then danced that night, and at the mountain Money to loan upon real estate in up which the Benjamites carried meet and the members will feel better ■ chosen spirits constituting tlie majority sels of the extinct quadruped. Ah, now I as now, and some one comes up and says: gorge their brides, we la-think ourselves of the Yamhill county, for tt term of years. understand the force of Christ ’ s illustra ­ “ Now, Jacob, suppose you get the well in the middle of the session if they do a : of the committee ou rules, has deter- tion when he said, “Wheresoever the car­ fifty feet deep or two hundred feet deep 1 better land and the better times in which For terms write to or call upon F. W. good piece of work at the loginning. ! mined what bills should be passed, what cass is there will the eagles l>e gathered to­ and there should be no water to fill it, ' we live, when such scenes are an impossi­ Fenton, attorney at law, McMinnville, iA-t them »tart in with a good big ap­ their form should tie, and when the gether.” The longevity of those eagles is would you not feel silly?” People passing bility, anil amid orderly groups and with Oregon. They live fifty and sixty and along the road and looking down from prayer and benediction, and breath of propriation for the appearance of Ore­ I vote should lie taken. Tho members of wonderfiil. sometimes a hundred years. Ah, that ex­ Mount Gerizim or Mount Ebal near by orange blossoms, and the roll of the wed­ i both the majority and the minority gon at the World's fair. They have plains what David meant when he said, would laugh and say, “That is Jacob’s ding march, marriage is solemnized and howled nbout their progressive qualities ' have been deprived of the authority to “Thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” I well, a great hole in the reck, illustrating with oath recorded in heaven, two im­ . Circular«. Recelet ind Or«»r Becks. Notts tn« ottor Commercial blank». Etc., from mat oMe». 0- •sr« by mall promptly forr irtod HARDING A HEATH. kr»prt«t»r». Pma « Car, f*r —• Tobirr« McMinn villa, urepon BOOKS . DISEASES OF MEN!| AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. ■o AT THE LOWEST PRICES; AT HEWITT BROS’ BOOK STORE. 2sÆc2>ÆinnTrille, Oregon.