BLANKETS COMFORTS COMFORTS BLANKETS OREGON BLANKETS FROM *3.00 UP. Great Bargains in Overcoats, Chinchilla Coats and Vests, Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, etc, at KAY & TODD’S. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. lion th part of a second. I will prove it. pomp of heaven in procession cherubic, Toe promise is, “Before they call I will an­ seraphic, arclumgelic. The next most swer.” That means at your first motion memorable and glorious dream was that ot In all the democratic triumphs toward such prayerful exercise the bless­ John BuDyan. his pillow the cold stone ot ing will come, and if the prayer be made the floor of Bedford jail, from which be chieved last Tuesday there is none WONDERFUL ITINERARY OF CHRIST’S HARDING &. HEATH, Publishers. at 10 o’clock at night it will be answered saw the celestial city, and so many enter­ greater or more important than the WALK TO NAZARETH. five minutes before ten. “Before they call ing it he cried out in his dream, “I wish election of a democratic legislative as­ I will answer.” myself among them." sembly in the state of New York. For Uetliel and the Sea of Galilee—Fare­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Well, you say, I am clear discouraged RUSO BY RUNG THEY ROSE. about my son, and lam gettingon in years, many years the republicans have con­ well to the Historic Mountains Around The next most wonderful dream was $2 00 )ue Copy, per year, in advance.. and I fear I will not live to see him con ­ that ot Washington sleeping on the ground ):.e Copy, six months in advance . 1 00 trolled the assembly, and have persist­ Jerusalem—Awful Tragedies of the verted. Perhaps not. Nevertheless I at Valley Forge, his head on a white pil­ ently refused to redistriet the state, (ic­ Olden Tinies. think yon will find him in the temple, the lowcase cf snow, where he saw the vision ing jietitioned several times to do so. heavenly temple. There has not been an of a nation emancipated. Columbus slept BROOKLYN, Nov. 9.—Today Dr. Talmage Entered at the j1.00; each subsequent inch. >.75. preached it again in the New York Academy and they succeeded in sketching the hawks after the grass of thirty summers has slept on a barber's pillow, but went up the Special inducements for yearly or semi- cratic majority. It is only necessary to of Music which The Christian Herold con­ in the sky and the panthers crawling out greened the top of your grave that your ladder till he could see all England quake refer to the great democratic majorities y early contracts. tinues to rent for these services. During from the jungle, but they fail to give the son may be found in the earthly temple. with the factories he set going. Akenside • rolled up for Tilden, Cleveland and the six meetings thus far held in New wanness, the earnestness, the supernatural It may be lift v years from uow when some slept on a butcher’s pillow, and took the J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted morning t he towers are chiming the matins ladder up till he saw other generations at reasonable rates Our facilities are Hill to make this injustice more appar­ York 90,000 people have endeavored to courage, the infinite self sacrifice of Rizpah, of the glorified in heaven that you shall helped by his scholarship. tlie best in Yamhill county and as good ent. The result of this particular vic­ hear Dr. Talmage preach. Of these 30,000 the mother. A mother in the quiet home watching by the casket of a dead child for ' find him in the higher temjl^ which has John Ashworth slept on a poor man's .is any in the state A complete st cam I tory is of great importance to the na­ have l>een admitted and 60,000 have been “ no need of candle or of sun, for the Lord r pillow, but took the ladder up until he one night exerts the artist to his utmost, ■ plant insures quick work. turned away for lack of accommodation. God and the Lamb are the light thereof. ” ! tional democratic party. Through it but who is sufficient to put upon canvas a could see hLs prayers and exertions bring­ Following is the sermon from the text, * * * ZN R ejoli :- tions of C ondolence and \ ll O bit - all differences of factions, each with its I “So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward I mother for six months of midnights guard­ Cheer up, Christian father and mother! | ing thousands of the destitute in England nary Poetry will be charged for at regular Cheer up! Where Joseph and Mary found ¡ ing her whole family, dead and gibbeted to salvation and heaven. Nearly all those presidential candidate, may lie satisfac­ the north” (Ezekiel viii, 5): advertising rates. their lx»y you will find yours—in the tem- 1 who are today great in merchandise, in At 1 o’clock on a December afternoon upon the mountains? a’&fn11 to remove into new quarters in the west room of the Brick torily settled. The polities of New, through Go home, Rizpah! You must be awfully . pie. You sec, God could not afford to do ' statesmanship, in law, in medicine, in art, Damascus gate we are passing out A ll C ommunications M ust R e S igned B y lock, now being completed, I desire to Reduce my Stock to the the person who sends them, not for pub­ York are always ¡icculiar. There are I of Jerusalem for a journey northward. Ho! tired. You are sacrificing your reason and otherwise. One of the things he has posi­ in literature, were once at the foot of the Lowest Possible Limit before that time, and to that lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non three prominent candidates for the j for Bethel, with its stairs, the bottom step your life for those whom you can never J tively promised in the Bible is that he will ladder, and ill their boyhood had a pillow de plume,” but for a guarantee of good presidential nomination in 1892, Whit­ of which was a stone pillow; and Jacob’s bring back again to your bosom. As I say ! answer earnest, and believing prayer. Fail­ hard as Jacob’s. They who are born at the end shall offer great inducements to the ing to do that he would wreck bis own faith. No publications v. ill be published that from the darkest midnight of the top of the ladder are apt to spend their well, with its immortal colloquy; and Naz­ public in the way of ney, Cleveland and Hill, tlie latterbe- areth, with its divine boy in his father’s century Rizpah turns upon me and cries: throne, and the foundations of his palace lives in coming down, while those who are unless so signed. * * * ,, yw ing the most popular at home. There carpenter shop, and the most glorious lake “How dare you tell me to go home? I am would give way, and the bank of heaven at the foot, and their head on a liowlder, if I A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither for a mother. I am not tired. You might as would suspend payment, and the dark they have the right kind of dream, are al­ the editorial or business departments, to is not a possibility of the different fac­ that ever rippled or flashed— well expect God to get tired as for a mother word “repudiation” would be written most snre to rise. Blue Galilee, sweet Galilee, T iif . T ele phone -R egister . McMinnville, tions unitingon exPresident Cleveland; to get tired. I cared for those boys when across the sky, and the eternal government The lake where Jesus loved to be; I notice that those angels, either in com­ Oregon. They can lie united on either of the * and Damascus, with its crooked street I ■ they lay on my breast in infancy, and I would I xj disbanded and God himself would ing down or going up on Jacob’s ladder, ■ will not forsake them now that they are become an exile. Keep on with your ¡ S ample C opies O f T iie T elephone -R egis ­ others. The eyes of the whole people called Straight, and a hundred places ' took it rung by rung. They did not leap ter will be mailed to any person in the charged and surcharged with apostolic, . dead. Interrupt me not. There stoops an prayer, and you will jet find your child in I to the bottom nor jump to the top. So you United States or Europe, who desires one, are turned toward New York, patiently evangelistic, prophetic,, kinglj’ ■ eagle that I must drive back with my the temple, either the temple here or the' are to rise. Faith added to faith, good waiting amicable settlement of these and Christly reminiscences. free of charge J agonized cry. There is a panther I must temple above. deed to good deed, industry to industry, * < A CHRISTIAN WOMAN’S PRAYER. differences. How will it lie, how may In traveling along the roads of Palestine ! beat back with my club!” consecration to consecration, until you Wr. I nvite Y ou T o C omi ’ ark T he T ei . e - j Do you know what that scene by our ; Out on the western prairies was a happy ¡ reach the top, rung by rung. Gradual go­ In all classes of goods, and sweeping reductions, especially in lines that 1'H oxe -K egistkk with unv oilier paper it l>e accomplished? Just this way— I am impressed, as I could not otherwise ! i roadside in Palestine makes me think of? are liable to become the least unseasonable. This Stock, but isolated home. Father, mother and I ing up from a block of granite to pillar of published in Yamhill county. elect Grover Cleveland to the United have been, with the fact t hat Christ for the ! It is no unusual scene. Right here in these child. By the sale of cattle quite a large , throne. most part went afoot. We find him occa- , however, is the neatest and freshest, and em­ States senate, where he would lie an sionally ‘ three cities by the American sea coast, sum of money was one night in that cabin, i ' That night at Bethel I stood in front of on a boat, and once riding in a tri- I braces the latest styles in the j there are a thousand cases this moment and the father was away. A robber who I my tent and looked up, and the heavens All «ubacribers icho do not reccite their honor to his own state as well as to the umphal procession, as it is sometimes city nt the present paper regularly " ¡11 confer a faror by im­ nation. Here his rare talents could called, although it seems to me that the i worse than that. Mothers watching boys had heard of the money one night looked were full of ladders, first a ladder of time, mediately reporting the tame to thin office. find employment; his keen perception hosannas of the crowd could not have made : j that the rum saloon, that annex of hell, in at the window, and the wife and mother ; . clouds, then a ladder of stars, and all up a ride on a stubborn, unimpressive and i j has gibbeted in a living death. Boys hung of that home saw him and she was help- ' and down the heavens were angels of beau­ having arrived on of men and measures would lie of un­ funny creature like that which pattered ’ ! in chains of evil habit they cannot break. less. Her chi hl by her side, she knelt down 1 ty, angels of consolation, angels of God, October 1st. It was ordered in Thursday. November 13, 1890. told value in the affairs of the nation; with him into Jerusalem very much of a The father may go to sleep after waiting and praycil among other things for all | ascending and descending. “Surely, God «season but was delayed on the road, so in­ 12 o’clock at night for the ruined prodigals who were wandering up and | i is in this place," said Jacob, “and I knew in a short time he would lieconte the triumph. But we are made to understand until boy to come home and, giving it up, he down the world. The robber heard her , it not.” But to-night God is in this place stead of having plenty of time to work it off the whole busi- that generally he walked. How much that democratic leader on that tloor, and means only those know who have gone may say, “Mother, come to bed; there’s no prayer and was overwhelmed and en­ j and I know it. ne8S niust be accomplished in a brief period. Now is the op)x>rtunitv for McKinley’s bill is a long one, but not after March I, 1893, would have a dem­ over the distance traversed by Christ. use sitting up any longer.” But mother tered the cabin and knelt beside her ■ long enough to reach the syrup in «100,000 to Lou. ocratic majority in Ixith branches of We are accustomed to read that Bethany will not go to bed. It is 1 o’clock in the and began to pray. He had come to j It is half-past 1. It is 2 o’clock. 1 rob that house, but the prayer of that ' Ohio. congress with him, anil Whitney or is two miles from Jerusalem. Well, any morning. man in ordinary health can walk two It is half-past 2 when he comes staggering woman for prodigals reminded him of his Money to Ioan upon real estate in We notice the McKinley bill places Hill in the White House. The repub­ miles without fatigue. But not more than through the hall. mother and her prayers before he became Do you say that young man is yet .alive? a vagabond, and from that hour he began Yamhill county, for a term of years. Haliti of Gilead on the free list ; so far licans are in the slough of despond, and one man out of a thousand can walk from he is dead. Dead to his father’s en­ a new life. Years after that woman was For terms write to or call upon F. W. he had an eye to business; he needs with care and wisdom the democrats Bethany to Jerusalem without exhaustion. No; treaties. Dead to his mother’s prayers. a city in a great audience, and the ora­ Fenton, attorney at law, McMinnville, can settle their petty jealousies and It is over the Mount of Olives, and you Dead to the family altar where he was in some now. tor who came on the platform and plead must climb up among the rolling stones come off more than victorious in 1S92. and descend where exertion is necessary to reared. Dead to all the noble ambitions gloriously for righteousness and God was Oregon. ---- IN It is called a landslide, yet by it the keep you from falling prostrate. I, who that once inspired him. Twice dead. Only the man who many years before had looked A National Event. a corpse of what he once was. Gibbeted into the cabin on the prairie as a robber. am accustomed to walk fifteen or twenty HE IS AN AMERICAN. navy commenced by Secretary \\ hit- The holding of the World's Fair in a city miles without lassitude, tried part of this before God and man and angels and devils. The speaker and the auditor immediately ney will be completed. road over the Mount of Olives, and confess Chained in a death that will not loosen its i recognized each other. After so long a scarcely fifty years old will be a remarka­ Ata lianquet given to Gen. Pryor re ­ ble event, but whether it will really bene­ “Little drops of water, I would not want to try it often, such de­ cold grasp. His father is asleep, his broth­ I time a mother’s praj'ers answered. this nation as much as the discovery of Little grains of sand, cently in New York, Channcy M. De­ mand does it make upon one’s physical ers are asleep, his sisters are asleep; but But we must hurry on, for the muleteers fit Restorative Nervine by Dr Franklin Make the mighty ocean pew, being calk'd upon for a speech, energies. Yet Christ walked it twice a his mother is watching him, watching him and baggage men have been ordered to the is doubtful. This is just what the And the pleasant land." the night. After he has gone up to bed ' pitch our tents for to-night at Bethel. It Mills American people need to cure their exces­ after s]teaking nlniut tlie distinguished day—in the morning from Bethany to in and fallen into a drunken sleep his mother ■ is already getting so dark that we have to sive nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, diz­ Jerusalem, and in the evening from Jeru­ Every democratic* representative acts of various men around the board, salem to Bethany. will go up to h is room and see that he is give up all idea of guiding the horses, and ziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, nervous de­ said: properly covered, and before she turns out leave them to their own sagacity. We ride bility, dullness, confusion of mind, etc. It turned out of Ids seat by Mr. Reed’s VIEW FROM MOUNT SCOPUS. like a charm. Trial bottles and tine “If I were asked to name the most Likewise it seemed a small thing that the light will put a kiss upon his bloated down amid mud cabins and into ravines, acts house has been re-elected, and Mr. lips. “Mother, why don’t you go to bed?” where the horses leap from depth to depth, book on “Nervous and Heart Diseases,” Christ walked from Jerusalem to Naza ­ successful character in American life, with unequaled testimonials, free at Rogers Rowell, the Lonl High executioner of reth. But it will take us four days of hard “Ah!” she says, “I cannot go to bed. Iam rocks below rocks, rocks under rocks. Bros. It is warranted to contain no opium, Whoa! Whoa! We dismount in this morphine or dangerous drugs. the committee on elections, has l>een the unswerving determination and the horseback riding, sometimes on a trot and Rizpah watching the slain!” 1 place, memorable for many things in Bible A POINTED POLITICAL SUGGESTION. beaten. If this is not an age of poetry courage of the true American, the man sometimes on a gallop, to do it this week. , history, the two more prominent a theo- And what are the political parties of this who knows duty and it alone when The way is mountainous in the extreme. • it certainly is one of poetic justice.— seminary, where of old they made public service demands it, the man who To those who went up to the Tip Top ’ country doing for such cases? They are i logical Hretmiiter. I taking care not to hurt the feelings of the ministers, and for Jacob’s dream. The wars in war and is for peaee in peace, I house on Mount Washington before the [ jackals and buzzards that roost on the students of this Bethel Theological semi­ railroad was laid I will say that this Tlie Oregon railroad commission will would name General W. T. Sherman. journey from Jerusalem to Nazareth is shelves of the grog shops and hoot aliove nary were called “sons of the prophets.” We have a large quantity of “But if I were to name the typical like seven such American journeys. So, the dead. I am often asked to what polit­ Here the young men were fitted for the doubtless find some mighty interesting ministry, and those of us who ever had the ical party I belong, and I now declare my reading when Gov. Pennoyer sends his American, the man who loves and be­ all up aud down and across and recrossing opinion of the political part ies t oday. Each ' advantage of such institutions will ever- Palestine, Jesus walked. Ahab rode. I message to tlie legislature. Tlie peo­ lieves in his country beyond every­ David rode. Solomon rode. Herod rode. one is worse than the other, and the only ¡ lastingly be grateful, and in the calendar Which we will place on board care ple’» treasury has a strong defender in thing else, the man, who, determining Antony rode. But Jesus walked. With consolation in regard to them is that they . of saints, which I read with especial affec­ in Hillsboro for are the doctors of divinity who blessed the honest and fearless man tliey have once in what direction duty leads, can­ swollen ankles and sore muscles of the have putrefied until they have no more ¡ tion, power to rot. Ob, that comparatively me with their care. legs, and bruised heel and stiff joints and chosen for chief executor of the state.— not be swerved from Ids path, the man I thank God that from these theological S6.75 per 1,000 Call early and secure bargains while stock is full in all departments. panting lungs and faint head, along the tame scene upon which Rizpah looked! who is doggedly persistent in what he roads and where there were no roads at She looked upon only seven of the slain. seminaries there is now coming forth a floeeburn Review. magnificent crop cf young ministers, who Address all orders to American motherhood and American wife ­ believes to be right, the man who all Jesus walked. Mr. Lodge allows it to be supposed thinks not of self, but of his country We tried to get a new horse other than hood this moment are looking upon sev­ are taking the pulpits in all parts of the land. I hail their coming, and tell that he thinks the McKinley tariff re­ and its needs, I would name Grover that on which we bad ridden on the jour­ enty of the slain, upon seven hundred of these young brothers to shake off the som­ slain, upon seventy thous.and of the Hillsboro, Oregon. sponsible for the republican defeat, Cleveland. What he lias accomplished ney to the sea, for he had faults which the nolence of centuries, and get out from un­ our close acquaintanceship had developed. slain. Woe! woe! woe! though lie is careful not to say so plain­ is the very highest tribute to American But after some experimenting with other My only consolation on this subject is der the dusty shelves of theological discus­ ly. He does say, however, that th* re­ citizenship. A country lawyer in the quadrupeds of that species, aud finding that foreign capitalists arc buying up tlie sions which have no practical be.aring on age, which needs to get rid of its sins sult of the elections would have been city of Buffalo, lie shed lustre tqioii the that all horses, like their riders, have American brework's. The present owners this see that the doom of that business is com­ and have its sorrows comforted. Many of faults, we concluded to choose a saddle on less dixsterous if his federal election high profession which he bad chosen. that beast whose faults we were most pre­ ing as surely as that God is not dead. They our pulpits are «lying of humdrum. People bill ha«l lieen passed. If Mr. Lodge As the mayor of his native city he pre­ pared to pity or resist. We rode down are unloading upon foreign capitalists, do not go to church because they cannot and Mr. Reod will bring about the pas­ sented as his record a dean and eco­ through the valley and then up on Mount and when we can get these breweries into endure the technicalities and profound ex­ hands of people living on the other planations of nothing, and sermons about sage of that bill in the next session of nomical administration. Coining into Scopus and. as our dragoman tells us that the is the last opportunity we shall have side of the sea our political p«*irties will the “eternal generation of the son,” and congress, and go into the presidential the highest position in the land with­ this of looking at Jerusalem, we turn our cease to be afraid of the liquor traffic, and the difference between sub-lapsarianisni election upon it a* an issue, they will out previous experience and witli horse’s head toward the city and take a at their conventions nominating presiden­ and supra-lapsarianism, and about who I wasn’t. There ought to lie «as find themselves wiser, albeit sadder scarcely a precedent to guide him in long, sa«i .*iud thrilling look at the relig- tial candidates will put in their platform Melchisedec a plank as big as the biggest plank of the much difference between the modes of pre­ iras capital of our planet. This is the politicians, before the end of 1892. Dr- the conditions which surrounded him, most impressive view of the most tremen­ biggest ocean steamer, saying: “Resolved senting truth now and in olden time as be­ ecfoniem. unanimously that we always have been tween a lightning express rail train and a lie won the affections of his party and dous city of all time. bout. commanded the respect of his oppo On and around this hill the armies of the and always will be opposed to alcoholism.” canal Years ago 1 went up to the door of a fac­ But I must spur on our Arab steed, and It is too bad isn't it, that according nent.s. I find myself in one <>f the crusaders at the first sight of the city we come in sight of Beeroth, said to tory in New England. On the outside door to tlie bulletin issue«! by th«- census proudest positions of my life in lieiilg threw themselves on their faces in worship. here Here most of the besieging armies en­ be the place where Joseph and Mary missed I saw tl:e words, “No admittance.” I went office we have only a population of 62,- permitted to present to you Grover camped the night before opening their vol- the boy Jesus on the way from Jerusalem in and came to another door over which 480,550? When all along we have been Cleveland as tlie typical American.” i leys of death against Jerusalem. Our last to Nazareth, going home now from a great were the words, “No admittance.” Of natiomal festival. “Where is my child. course I went id1, and came to the third dear! certain that it would exceed 65,- It is needless to say that the wiumth look! Farewell, Mount Zion, Mount Mo- Jesus?” says Mary. “Where is my child. door inscribed with the words, “No admit­ 000,000. It is also a shattering ot an­ ot this eulogy coming from tlie man 1 riab, Mount of Olives, Mount Calvary! Jesus?” says Joseph. Among the thou­ tance.’’ Having entered this I found the I Will we never see them again? Never. other idol to learn as we do from the who has lieen so frequently suggested The world is so large and time is so short, sands that are returning from Jerusalem people iaside making pins, beautiful pins, same bulletin that the percentage of In­ iLs the republican candidate caused ad­ . and there are so many things we have they thought that certainly he was walk- useful pins, and nothing but pins. So over on in the crowd. They described him, the outoide door of many of the churches crease for the last ten years was only miring amazement, and his words sent never seen at all, that we cannot afford to ! ing sayiDg: “He is 12 years old, and of light has been practically written ihe words, duplicate visits or sec anything more than 24.57 against 30.08 for the decade lie- a thrill through the gathering which once. Farewell, yonder thrones of gray complexion and blue eyes. A lost child!” “No admittance.” Some have entered and tween 1870 mid 1880, and it isn’t much found its vent in long continued ap­ . rock, and the three thousand years of Great excitement in all the crowd. Noth­ have come to the inside door, and found architecture and battlefields. Farewell, ing so stirs folks as the news that a child the words, “No admittance.” But, per­ consolation to read the explanation plause. sacred, sanguinary, triumphant, humili­ is lost. I shall net forget the scene when, sisting, they have come inside, and fon nd which Mr. Porter gives—inaccuracies ated Jerusalem'. Across this valley of the in a great outdoor meeting, I was preach­ ns sounding out our little niceties of belief, in the census of 1870—for tills apparent Kansas courts have been called tqioii Kedron with my right hand I throw theca ing, and some one stepped on the platform pointing out our little differences of theo­ ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE falling off in growth.______ to decide whether a church raffle is a kiss of valedictory. Our last look, like our and said that a child was lost. We went logical sentimeut—making pins! “ANGELS ASCENDING AND DESCENDING, on with the religious service, but all our littery under the recent anti-lottery first look, an «igitation of body, mind «md minds were on the lost child. But most distinguished was Bethel for Washington is down in the’census bill. Papers are daily received con­ soul indescribable. After a while a man brought. o>2 the plat­ I that famous dream which Jacob had, his returns for 349,516 inhabitant*, while taining matter that by a plain, com­ THE CORPSE CUT INTO TWELVE PIECES. form a beautiful little tot that looked like bead on a collection of stones. He had no And now, like Ezekiel in my text, I lift Oregon is down for only 312,490. Yet mon sens«' interpretation ¿of the law up mine eyes the way toward the north. a piece of heaven dropped down, and said, trouble in this rocky region in finding a Washington has never cast as many should exclude them from the mails. Near here was one of the worst tragedies “Here is that child.” And I forgot all that rocky pillow. There is hardly anything 11 was preaching about, and lifted the child else but stone. Yet the people of those votes by twenty jier cent, as Oregon, or If the courts hokl that a raffle is a lot­ of the ages mentioned in the Bible. A hos­ to my shoulder and said, “Here is the lost j lands have a way of drawing their outer pitable old man coming home .it eventide in round numbers by 15,000. The ex­ tery, ami that they should do so is from his work in the fields finds two stran­ child, and the mother will come and get i garment up over their head and face, and planation is that in Washington the plain, the question if dealing ill futures gers, a husband and wife, proposing to • her right away, or I will take her home such a pillow I suppose Jacob ha«l under add her to my own brood'.” And some I his head. The plural was used in the census was fully taken, while in Oregon on margins lie not also a lottery is lodge in the street because no shelter is of­ and 1368 Market St.. San Francisco. Cai cried and some shouted, and amid all that | Bible story, and you find it Was not a pil-1 there was really no census at all. As bound to come up. It is to be hoped fered them, and inrites them to come in crowd I instantly detected the mother. Ev- : low of stone, but of stones, I suppose, so ! and .spend the night in his home. Dur ­ Washington show* 3->0,OO0 inhabitants the courts will construe the term “lot­ ing the night the ruffians of the neigh­ erybody had to get out of her way or be that if one pro veil to be of uneven surface THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER JOB OFFICE with 60,000 voters, Oregon with 75,000 tery" most lilierally, and make it em­ borhood conspired together, and sur­ walked over. Hats were nothing and he would turn over in the night and take ’ IS THE MOST COMPLETE PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT another stone, for with such a hard bolster I shoulders were nothing «and heads were voters cannot have less than loo,mm in­ brace every form of hazard from the rounded the house, and left the wom­ j nothing in her pathway, and I realized he would often change in the night. Well, IN THE COUNTY. an dead on the doorstep, «and the something of what must have been Mary’s that night God l«uilt in Jacob’s drcam a ALL CLASSES OF WOCK ARE TURNED OUT QUICKLY ANO SATISFACTORILY habitants. This also is just about the simplest to the greatest. husband, to rally in revenge the twelve anxiety when she lost Jesus, and what her long splendid ladder, the feet of it on Permanently cured witlioatCutting, Burn­ S»t W“’ Ltttw head«, Not« h««dt. Memo. heads. Bill h«ada Circular«. R«e«lpt proportion of inhabitant s to voters in ' ing or Dilating A perfectly painles« treat­ tribes, cut the-corpse of the woman into and Ord«r Bosks. Notes and other Commercial blanks, Etc., from that office Or- when she found her boy in the either side of the tire. Blaine can’t find a shorter route to hisi your neighbors where to get it. ground in front, of her teut, and when ” put on your wishes about your Consulting Physician, The greatest dream of all time was that political hades than the one .Blackburn I Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is a vulture begins to lower out of the seilles, child, “via the throne of God.” How long of St. John, with his bead on the rocks ot ST. PAIL DISPENSARY. says he lias started out on.— Sa'>ni' »old by us on a guaran tee. ¡teures con­ noonday sky seeking its prey among the will such a good wish take to get to its Patmos, and in that vision he heard the ( orner First ami Pine Sts . over Portland 2iÆcliÆin.ïiTrille, Oregon. sumption Sold by Iloworth and Co National Bank, F orth xn, O rzoox . gibbets Rizpah rises, her lofig hair fly destinationNot quite as long_as the mil- seven trumpets sounded, and saw all the THE TELEPIIONE-REGISTER. SETTLE THE DIFFERNCES. DB. TALMAGE'S JOURNEY ing in the wind, and swinging her arms wildly about shoos away the bird of prey until it retreats to its eyrie. At night she rests under theshadow of her tent, and sometimes falls into a drowsiness or half sleep. But the step of a jackal among the dry leaves or the panting of a hyena arouses her, and with the fury of a maniac she rushes out upon the rock crying, “Away! Away!” and then, examining the gibbets to see that they still keep their burden, re­ turns again to her tent till some swooping wing from the midnight sky or some growling monster on the rock again wakes her. BARGAIN SALE f BARGAINS! Dry Goods, Fancy Goods. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ladies' and Cents' Furnishing Goods TRUNKS, VA LISES. ETC. I Brick For Sale! We also Carry a Fine Line of FIRST CLASS BRICK. BROWNSVILLE AND OREGON CITY GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices. R. JACOBSON, J. S. ADAMS, Third Street. McMinnville.' AWARDED I c o (/) ONLY GRAND PRIZE a 05 Do Not Fail to see these icliines Before Purchasing. äß 3 o £ o o in HEWITT BROS.. McMinnville, Oregon. OflLY PERFECT j EY/ING MECWlis-v, PACIFIC COAST AGENCY, FAMILY USE. STRICTURE! . SCHOOL .. BOOKS . DISEASES OF MEN! AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY AT THE LOWEST PRICES: AT HEWITT BROS' BOOK STORE, Statesman. Í