MEN have fought and died for this Flag. We do not ask you to fight and die. but would tie pleased to give vou a re­ ceipt for the HAWIIN« Ü HEATH. Drunl«U. McMinnville. Oregon. TELEPHONE REGISTER ( for one year. Price, $2 % 7V//.r Every Year, B est P aper ix tiie C ouxty . 1’i BLic O pinion , M. D. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. Feb. 1,1889. M c M innville , oreg - on , T hursday , S eptember 4, i890. VOL. II. NO. 31. - --------- ---- ------ THE KKEUTZEIt SONATA. «1 when Mirza asked him what lay Surveys mankind from China to Peru, I RUSSIA. 50,000 sheep.” The Russian replied, “I India. The 4ft) churches and monas- Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889. under the cloud beyond thé rock of ad-1 The ntonogamoes marriage, for ex- i don’t know how many sheep 1 have The Kreutzer Sonata by Count Leo amant, so the story teller prudently ample, ignores the fact that man is es- j From a letter written in Russia by­ but I do know that I have more shep­ tries are a characteristic feature of the Tolstoi has created a great stir in two Rev. Dr. Sweeny, a pastor of the Christ ­ city. 1 took 450 steps to reach the top continents. The United States has forestalls further investigation by tak­ sentially polygamous animal. Of all the ian church, to Jackson Hart, a resident herd dogs to watch my sheep than you of one bell tower. It commands a fine ing himself off. He has an innate con ­ men and women who have been bom forbidden its passage througli tiie mails of Oakland, Cal., and member of the have sheep!” American machinery of view. Napoleon and his marshals saw Itreause of its Iteing obscene. As to the sciousness that the course of true love, into this world, not one in many mil­ Produce Exchange and published in all kinds is used here everywhere. Mc­ the city from its summit. truth of the matter people differ some whose current he has lteen tracing, be­ lions has even so much as heard of any the San Francisco Bulletin of August Cormick reapers cut Russian wheat. The Man With the Sash. say it is obscene while others claim for gins at marriage to assume something other system than polygamy. To sup­ 9th, we take the following. It is the Americans, also, have engineered and it great originality and purity. The of the character of a really raging tor­ pose that within a few brief centuries most interesting article on foreign trav­ built their railways. A man with little or no stomach to monogamy has been by law and by following is a criticism by Ambrose rent. Odessa is a city of universities and el we have read for a long time: Tolstoi hits hard; not one man or speak of can very well hang his trou­ talking so firmly established as effect ­ Bierce of the Exatninei-: Russian history dates 400 B. C. Her­ fine schools, of public libraries and mu­ i “Nothing in tiie Itook directly dis­ woman a year married but must wince ually to have stayed the momentum of odotus says the people lived a noman- seums, and is a great commercial empo­ sers on his hips, if they are light-weight closes the nuthor's views of the marri­ beneath his blow. They are all mem­ the original instinct is to hold that the dic life and without houses, with a rium. It is visited annually by 2,000 trousers, and manage to get through age relation. The horrible story of bers of a monstrous and dishonest con­ day of miracles is not only not past hut patriarchal form of government and steamers, 1,000 sailing under American the day very well without suspenders; but, as a matter of fact, lie never feels Posdnysehew’s matrimonial experience spiracy. They conceal their wounds has really only recently arrived. It idolatrous form of religion. Their his­ and English flags. anti swear that all is right and well implies, too, and entails, a blank blind ­ quite sure of himself or his clothes. He —an experience which, barring its tory for a thousand years was a series We visited also the city of Kief. It tragic finale, he affirms to be not an with them. They give their hell a ness to the most patent facts of easy of ups and downs, with a kind of a is called the Jerusalem of Russia. It is acquires an ungraceful habit of hitch­ individual but a general one—is related good character, but in their secret souls observation. With admirable gravity “time-about, dog-and-wolf” character. the mother of Russian towns and has ing up his trousers every few minutes— by himself. There is no more in it to they chafe and groan under their chain. the modern Caucasian has legislated Tartars, Slavonians and Scythian« withstood the angry seas of war for a sort of land marine motion, in imita­ Hoaxr, Sign, and Ornamental Painter show what Tolstoi thinks of the mat­ They come out from among their cor­ himself into theoretical monogamy, but were the chief actors in the play. But over 1000 years. It is replete with re- tion of the stage Jack Tar—or feeling ruption and dead men’s bones only to he has, as yet, not effecteda [repeal of ligious and historical recollections. A nervously with his hands to assure ELSIA WRIGHT. ters in hand than there is in the play give The Only Sign Writer in the County. the sepulcher another coating of the laws of nature, and has in truth in A. D. 864 Rurik founded the mon­ beautiful monument marks the site of himself that they are up. The man to show what the playwright thought. archy and his descendants held the Carries the Largest Assortment of Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most We arc always citing the authority whitewash and call attention to its shown very little disposition to disobey scepter for 700 years. The princes prop- the fountain at which the children of without suspenders is generally a cigar- Harness and 'Saddles and also the Artistic Style. manifold advantages as a dwelling. ettefsmoker, and that makes his troub­ them and observe his own. The men of Shakespeare by quotations from his ogated the Pagan religion until the Vladamir were liaptized. Opposite to it LARGEST STOCK IN YAMHILL COUNTY. Designs furnished for Decorations. plays—in which every sentiment is ob­ They are like the members of some of our time and race are in heart and time of Vladmir, the seventh Russian on a high hill is a monument to Vlad- les greater. If his hands are also wet Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re­ Remember Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ viously conceived with a view to its ar­ “Ancient and Honorable Order,” who life aliout as polygamous as their good sovereign. He is the George Wash­ amir, the great prince who, after his and dirty from his work, lie will try to pairing Neatly Pone nishing a .Specialty tistic fitness to the character of the im­ gravely repeat to others the falsehoods ancestors were before them, and every­ ington or Father of this Country; at own conversion to Christianity, in­ give a hitch up to his trousers with the by which they were themselves cheat­ body knows it who knows anything back of his hands or wrists, still hold­ Work taken by Contract orbv the Day. Ex­ Robes. Whips and all the Necessaries aginary person who utters it. leaet he gave the “First Code of Rus­ duced the Russian ¡»eople to accept it. are Kept in Stock in Endless perienced men employed. In the Kreutzer Sonota. however, ed into membership. The oatli alone worth knowing, with the sole excep­ sian Laws,” and introduced the Christ­ Baptism in Russia is immersion. The ing his cigarette. If he is sitting dowu Variety. Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. is. lacking, its place supplied by the tion of her to whom the knowledge in society or some place of amusement, Call and See Stock. Store on Third Street, the case is somewhat different. Where­ ian religion. Tartars, Lividonians, Russians got their baptism from the McMinnville. Oregon. as Shakespeare had in view a purely cowardice which dares not brave the would have greatest practical value— Lithuanians, Swedes, Poles and the Greek church and hence are immer- he must give the habitual hitebup to H. BALLINGER. artistic result, Tolstoi's intention is a resentment of conspirators and tlie fury the person whom all the powers of great Chingis Khan with his great sionists. I saw a Greek priest baptis­ his trousers when he arises. modem society seem in league to cheat purely moral one; his aim is not pleas­ of their dupes. ing his subjects at Moscow. The im­ The suspenderless young man play­ No human institution is perfect, nor —“ the young girl.” I speak only of army of Mongols kept the “kettle Ixiil- mersion was in a marble fountain and ing billiards gives trousers a hitebup ure hut instruction. To that end he ATTORNEY AT LAW. ing” for a few hundred years following. foregoes the advantage of those literarj- nearly so. None come within a worlds men; if asked what lies beneath the Then from the year 1358 A. I)., followed was administered “in the name of the every time lie chalks his cue. There is DEALERS IN width of accomplishing tiie purpose for rock of adamant I give warning that I Office in Fletcher building, Third Street, effects which he so well knows how to Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” The a street car line so over kind to its un­ which it was devised and all in time shalljtake myself away, leaving the the reigns of the Ivans—>the I, II, III, cathedral of St. Sophia at Kief is one of der-paid drivers that it allows them in produce, confining his exceptional and IV. Ivan the IV was the first McMinnville. Oregon powers to bald narrative, overlaid with become so perverted as to serve a con­ hardy inquirer rubbing his eyes and monarcli who assumed the title of the the richest, though not the largest I hot weather to work without coat, vest trary one. But of all institution, mar ­ or suspenderá. Ladies are obliged to see staring at the familiar hills of Bagbad, disquisitions deriving their only vitality Czar of Russia. He was called “John saw in Russia. The “Lavra” or great them, and they are always made ner­ I>R. J. C. MICHAUX riage as we have here, and as they evi ­ with sheep and camels grazing thereon. from the moral purpose everywhere the Terrible!” He would sink his monastry of Kief, grouped with church­ AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. visible. A man marries a woman. dently have It in Russia, most lament­ For I know no more of that matter steel-pointed stafT through the foot of es and cathedrals within massive walls vous for fear the poor drivers, when Practicing Physician and Surgeon, ably falls short of its design. Nay, it than he. making change, twisting brakesor beat­ They quarrel of course; their life is of an awaiting messenger and lean upon and superb belfry, over 300 feet in ing their mules, will forget, to hitch up is the one of all which is become most Another cause of the wretchedness of course wretched beyond the power of height, and the seven turrets resplen- it while reading the message. In a fit LAFAYETTE. OREGON- words to express. Jealousy naturally monstrously wrenched awry, to the the married state—and of this Tolstoi of rage he killed his own son. Theo­ eent with gold and silver, at once at­ at the proper moment. Their money service of evil. To have observed this— seems inadequately conscious—is that belts are on loosely and there is a gen­ J mi .SI.W. In building formerly occupied by Me ensuing, the man murders the woman. dore I, in whom ended Jhe “Rurik dy­ tract the attention of the traveler and Minnville News Co That is the “plot,” and it is absolutely to have had the intrepidity to affirm it marriage confers rights deemed incal­ nasty.” From 1604, A. D., wars and add much to the splendor of the city. eral untidiness aliout the susi>enderlenders next to the under­ foundation upon the rock of truth cerns ' beth, Catherine II, Alexander 1, Nich­ company their piety. Quite numerous J. D. Baker AT I)., Orders taken for all kinds of work and their nomena which he reports. shirt, the silk, flannel or cotton shirt obnoxious and who of all persons in the but the fact that they are held up by a 1 satisfaction guaranteed. Call at fa< :<»ry olas, Alexander II, are notorious in an1 these catacombs in Russia, and the SUHGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC and see specimens of furniture, Schopenhauer, I remember, explains world is least an accomplice—all this history. Alexander III is the present dead monks who immured themselves being outside. At the waist of the out­ man of such gigantic powers and so er skirt horizontal slits are cut and PHYSICIAN. Do not buy without first seeing the furni­ pure life as Tolstoi gives them an inter- 1 the shamefacedness of lovers, their ten­ begets an apprehension which grows to emperor. He is a young man of fine in order to gain the kingdom of heaven? to withdraw into nooks and cor­ distrust and from distrust to madness. health, inaggressive sort of fellow, fat, I saw one who died from being buried stitched like buttonholes. Through ' Office at B F. Fuller's drng store. Resi­ ture manufactured here in your own state est and importance which the world dency dence, first house south o( Baptist church, and county has been quick to recognize, and the 1 ners to do their wooing by the circum­ The apprehension is natural because and looks like Cleveland. up to his neck. It was done to fulfill a these slits the straps of the suspenders McMinnville. Or. B. CLARK. are brought and fastened on to the that they plan a erÿne—they reasonable; its successive stages of de­ Sunday-scholarly Mr. Wanamaker to stance ! I was warned not to come to Russia. vow of continence! He stands there affirm. « conspire to bring a human soul into the velopment are what you will, but the I was told that I would be watched just as he died. The priests tell the trousers. A broad licit or sash covers Prices Consistent with Good Work. Some of these convictions tire pecul­ world of woe. Like other criminals, culmination is disaster and the wreck and probably- exiled; at least I would pilgrims that he sinks a little every the waistband, slits and straps and the prefer to conspire in secret. Tol­ of peace. iarly Tolstoi’s own; others he holds in they 1 suffer much annoyance from officials year and when completely out of sight resulta is a licit effect witli a suspender JOHX DERBY. JESSE EDWARDS. common with all men and women ! stoi takes something of the same ground Of the somber phenomena of the and delays of passports and such things; the world will come to an end! comfort. Sample rooms in connection. With this invention on, a man can as to tiie nature of their offense. Mar­ marriage relation observable by men But I wanted the Russian experience, 1 gifted with that rarest of intellectual 1 The sights of Kief are too numerous o-------o equipments, the faculty of observation, 1 riage he thinks a sin, and being a relig­ like Tolstoi, with eyes in their heads, for, from my- boyhood, I had been an to mention in this letter. In a popula­ still play billiards and continue cigar­ regards the resulting and inevi­ brains behind the eyes, and not too admirer of Peter the Great, and had tion of 225,0ft) there are three or four ette smoking; be can wear his neglige and blessed wit h observation for its use. ionist ' Is now titled up in first class order. Proprietors of The McMinnville table wretchedness as its appointed much scruple in selecting points of read with avidity of Catherine II. as Americans. One who is a merchant silk or flannel, or flowing-1 tosomed lin­ Anybody can see, but observation 1 Accommodations as good as can be view outside the obscurity and confu­ well as much of the entire Russia. punishment. is another thing. It is something 1 ound in the city. told us that we were the only Califor­ en lawn shirts, without a vest, only a “Little did I think of her physical sion of a personal experience, a hundred more than discernment. Yet may be nians he had ever known to pass Hash about his waist, having no sus­ From Constantinople I crossed the S. E. MESSINGER, Manager. intellectual life,” says Posdny­ additional explanations might be ad­ Black Sea and struck the Russians first through the city. Like Home, it penders in sight. He nay dress like a something less than accurate under- and 1 Situated at the Southwest corner of the standing of the thing discerned. Such schew, in explanation of conjugal an­ duced, all more valid, in my judgment, in the Crimea. 1 The officials «came stands upon “seven hills,” and is fa­ dude or a steamboat mate if he will, M c M innville Fair Grounds. All sizes of “I could not understand than tiie one to which he pins his too aboard the ship first at Sebastopol, mous for factories, universities, cathe­ but he will always appear genteel and as it is, Tolstoi possess it in the highest tagonism. 1 manly and graceful, with no troubled First-Class Drain Tile degree. Nothing escapes him; his pen­ whence sprung our mutual hostility, ready faith; but those noted seem suf­ rend my passport, which was signed by drals anti golden crowned turrets. how clearly I see it now. This hos­ ficient. With regard to any matter Robt. T. Linclou (son of Abraham Lin­ We must leave it and tell you some­ expression on his face. He ap)x*ars to ' kept constantly on band at lowest living etration is astonishing: He searches but CARLIN A IIKill, Proprietors prices EDWARDS l f for Odessa, in southern were sacrificed to his ambition. Thus our popular notions, “a itook for young inseparableftoto marriages, as the mod­ established, particularly with England. RQ9sia> on theBtackZSi, a eit? having ended the greatest military catastrophe these, and suffered the same fate, piling except one, that has ever Itefallen any on top of each other and dying. They girls,” Nevertheless it is in my judg­ ern Vaucasian has the heroism to niain- A market lias also been found in Au­ a population of 225,000 souls. It is full army in ancient or modern times. must have trampled each other under McMINNVILl. «»REGAN ment most desirable that young girls' : «am it. to any single and simple cause stralia and elsewhere. ¡of fine hotels, manufactories, monu- Nearly a thousand cannons with “N" foot. Think of the mass of dying cat- should know—preferably through »heir ! is most unpbilosophical; our civiliza­ | ments and material prosperity. It is mark«l on them I saw in the Kremlin. ; tie prostrate in the ravine and another parents, who can spee& with the au­ tion is altogether too complex to admit News has just eorne from Europe that ■ the ]>ort from which Ruswia ‘its her These and counties treasures Napoleon ■ drove of one hundred stani[>eding in on thority of exiterivnre — the truth which of any such cheap and easy method. one of the largest forests in the world i grain and fruiu R u 8 g U j , noted for i left in Moscow when he deserted his ! top of them, the storm burying all in it enforces, namely: that marriage like Doubtless there are many factors in the is situated betwren the Ural and the I wheat-fields. One fanner near Odessa ---- ON-«— j army and fled to Paris. The march to one,common grave! This must have wealth, offers no hope of lasting happi- problem, a few of which, however, seem Oshkosh sea, on a veritable bed of ice. goo .000 acres and owns 1,000 reap-! J Moscow was the fatal mistake of the ! been terrible, for the bones of many of ’ ness. Despite the implication that . sufficiently obvious to any mind which The eround, it is said, is frozen to a ers for cutting his wheat. ____ . How will I great man. > them were broken. The sun dried out HflUCDTICCDU 01 otntrs.who wish* “they lived happily ever afterwards” it | having an historical outlook wider than depth of 16 meters. The forests can this fact compare with Colusa county On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit. AU VCI1 I Iwfellw this paper, or obtain estimates Moscow is growing in industries. It the top ones but the effluvia from those is not for nothing that the convention ­ its immreliate enviroment in time and properly be called a cool shade, and Lowest Rates and no Commissions. on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at wheat-raisers? Sheep raisers are big 1 has has more than eight hundred man- underneath is sickening. Everywhere al love story ends with the chime of space, with any enterprising Yankee would con- 45 <4 49 Rvidolph St, | AHR O TUAUIC I!U lvvl’ Slury men in Russia also. A California ufacturies. There arerailways and direct you go you find the same state of af­ | vert it into a summer resort. INSURANCE NE60TIATED. tF,Ad„rtvntA«.''cyof LUnU St 1 nUInMda wedding bell | h . As the Genius vanish- Comprehensive view sheep-raiser said to a Russian—“I have I water communication with China and fairs.” ( ABSOLUTELY PURE J. B. ROHR, HEWITT BROS. B ooks , stationery Musical Goods and Instrnmeuts of all Kinds. Furniture Factory, The St. Charles Hotel. Edwards à Derby, Si FACTORY SI TRUCK AND DRAY CO., RHODES & RHODES, Money to Loan PLUMBING PIPE WORK. IS GLENN & GRIEFITH. Bath Tubs and Sinks, Eurisko Market, PEOPLE’S MARKET. WM. HOLL, SHURTLEFF & LITTLE, MONEY TO LOAN I i Improved Farm Property