MEN have fought aud died for this Flag. We do not ask you to light and die. but would be pleased to give yon a re­ ceipt for the £ for one year. Price, $2. Take Every Year. B est P aper in the C ounty . HARDING & HEATH. llruprUU. McMinnville. Oregon. P ublic O pinion , M. D. f Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. REGISTER Established August. 1881. TELEPHONE Established June. 1886 M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , august 28, i89o. Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. I LIFE ON LAKE TITICACA. ’ These are used for the variegated pave­ VOL. II. NO. 30. ORIGIN OF NAMES. Tlie Argentine Republic. a great and rapid development of The Seven Wonders. ments in the courts of tlie better houses. wealth in the provinces of the littoral Todd, Ootid, Deady, Nasmith, The Argentine is a republic in name Lake Titicaca rests in the elevated Tlie Indians, avoid, however, the more Compred with the seven wonders of et al. only; in reality it is an oligarchy com­ where the European immigration has the world Classified by the aneienta, plateau between tlie eastern and west­ exposed portions of the lake, as violent been directed. The growth of a few ern ranges of the Andes. Names are derived from every con­ posed of men who mbke of politics a storms oceasionly sweep over is. At towns along the river coast has been there are seven times seven wonders The mean elevation of its suface is such times even the steamboats find it ceivable object in nature, colors, places, commerce. In the old days the sole now. The fabled Colossus of Rhodes, 12,505 feet al>ove tlie level of the sea, or necessary to change their course, and the abstract qualities, life and even object of the conquistadores was to ac­ prodigious. The creation of fortunes the Alexandrian lighthouse, the hang­ by means of commerce and speculation alx>ut twice that of the summit of Mt. passengers are especially liable to sea­ death itself. Todd is nothing more nor quire wealth rapidly, and such remains ing gardens of Babykm, sink into insig has Iteen incredibly great. But politi­ the ideal of the Argentines of to-day. Washington, White Mountains. less than the German tod, death, with sickness. cal and nodal progress have not been nificanee beside the achievements of it lies northwest and southeast. Its A Peruvian gentleman, for fourteen an added d. Dodd is from the Nor- in the colonial days the Spanish or Cre­ achieved in a corresponding degree. In­ modern times, The Colossus of Rhodes ole population of the towns lived as Its greatest length and width are about years a purser on Pacific steamships weigon Danish dod, death and the deed the dishonesty, immorality and was, in all probability, a myth, while 120 and 50 miles respectively. It holds without a touch of seasickness, expe­ name Dodson, a Scandinavian patro­ functionaries and parasites, profiting cynicism of the Argentine functionar- the Bartholdi statue is an accomplished the well known distinction of lieing rienced a severe attack of this uupleas- nymic, means simply “son of death.” by the labor of slaves and subdued In­ are so remarkable that the suggestion fact, and undoubtedly equal in jxiint of tlie loftiest lake in tlie world upon ant malady during a storm on tlie lake. Dodsley, the English footman who dian, tribes, and their aim was wealth, achievement to any of the seven won­ which any considerable navigation is Not far from Puno is a little fishing made himself a scholar, is a corruption never civilization. Hence we look in has been seriously made of subjecting ders of tile ancients,«lot excepting even the finances of the republic to foreign vain in the old provincial capitals for carried on. At present two small steam­ ‘own, the huts being built on the steep, of lhsl's Lea—Death’s Meadow. There tutelage, as has l»een done in the ease of the pyramids. As a matter of fact, the boats make regular trips on the lake rocky hillside and the balsas drawn up are a large class of names ending in traces of past splendor, or for monu­ Kgypt. To imagine that reform can real wonders of the world, albeit they between Puno, in Peru, and Chililaya, 011 the shore. The lake furnishes abun­ “worth,” an old English dialect mean­ ments, such as testify to the civic care come from the Argentine nation itself, liave eeased for the most |>art to be in Bolivia. dance of good fish, and the surface near ing place, and among the Ellsworths, of the common weal. I11 the provin­ in spite of its traditions of malversation wonders by reason of familiarity, rep- This steainlioat service supplements shore swarms witli a variety of water Leavenworths and other worths, we cial capitals we find the offices of the Heise. Sign, and Ornaaental Painter and dishonesty, would be rash. To sent inventions rather than engineer­ the railway system from Mollendo to fowl. Several islands are inhabitated. find the name Dodsworth, “the place representatives of the authority of hope in the influx of foreigners, ing and architectural skill. The print­ ELSIA WRIGHT. Puno, and together with a well equiped The largest is Titicaca, sacred in Peru­ of death.” Paradoxical as it may seem Spain and a church on which no su­ place ing press, the telegraph, the railway, The Only Sign Writer in the County. •■MJ perfluous adornment lias been wasted, whose descendants lieoome Argentine Carrie* the Largest Assortment of stage line from ('hililaya, completes the vian annals, for on its bleak northern Corpses live at Nashua, New Hamp­ but we see no business or educational citizens is difficult, pastieularly wheu the steamboat, the photograph, the tel­ Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most • connection Ix-tween the Pacific and I^a end is tlie spot where Maneo Capac, di­ shire, and there is a living corpse at Harness anti saddles and also the escope, the self-binding reaper are in Artistic Style. foundations, and no evidences of unso­ one sees the facility with which these themselves wonders of which the Paz. Tlie present terminus of the rail ­ Duxbury, Vermont. Deadman is a vine messenger from his father, the LARGEST STOCK IN YAMHILL COUNTY. Designs furnished for Decorations. cial sentiments. After the declaration descendants assimilate the worst quali­ Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re­ way is Puno. Neither this nor any sun, first stepped. He eertainly chose well known name along the Massachu­ of independence the intestine strife, ties of the natives, their immorality, Egyptians and Greeks never dreamed. Remember Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ pairing other line of railway reaches La Paz, a bleak and unpromising spot from setts coast, and is occasionally met with But in the line of engineering skill, Neatly Done nishing a Specialty their unscrupulousness and their pride. as has lai'll correctly affirmed by some whence to start on his ixmeficent mis­ in New Hampshire. Dyde is the name which for years agitated tlie country, which was the most prominent feature Work taken hv Contract or by the Day. Ex- Robes. Whips and all the Necessaries The sons of foreigners are more Argen ­ American publications. The distance sion. are Kept in Stock in Endless of a Canadian family that announces had rarely other than motives of selfish tine than the creoles, more material, of thi' original seven wonders, there are * periehced men employed. Variety. from Mollendo to Arequipa is 107 miles, On Titicaca and Coati, near by, are its decease in the past participle. Tod- ambition, for to hold j>ower in Spanish and more aggressive. The Creoles are now so many proud triumphs that it is Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. Call and See Stock. Store on Third Street, and from the latter city to Puno 218 tlie ruins of tlie various so-called pal­ •lleben, the Russian general of engineers America lias always signified to possess by no means an easy mutter to name more or less aristocrats, and are gener­ McMinnville, Oregon. miles, in all 325 miles from the ocean aces of the later Incas anil temples for who gained a reputation in the Crimean the means of rapidly acquiring wealth. the foremost seven. A writer in the ally well brought up in the Spanish H. BALLINGER. August number of Frank Ledu-'n Pop- to the lake. Ik*tw«*n Arequipa and the priests and virgins of tlie sun. war by his conduct at the siege of Se- After the cessations of the wars of Fed­ fashion. The Argentine of the new eralists and Unitarians, and tlie forma ­ Puno the road crosses the crest of tlie These islands now lielong to Bolivia, bastopoi, was the possessor of a name alar Monthly, however, lias named tlie race is the son of parvenus who have A ttorney at L aw . Cordillera, or Western Andes, reaching and for political reasons no one is al­ that meant death in life. Slaughter is tion of the actual republic, with its con­ seven which api»ear to him the best en­ gone out from, Europe on emigrant at Crucero Alto, the elevation of 14,666 lowed to land on them without special the name of a prominent southern fam­ stitution toi-dimnf on tlie model of that titled to the pre-eminence of being rec­ ships, anti remained vulgar and ignor ­ Office in Fletcher building. Third Street, ognized as the seven leading wonders feet, making it without doubt the lofti­ permission front tlie government. ily, and Slay is the name of an English of the United States, the race for wealth ant in spite of their wealth. The chil­ est railway in actual operation in South Among these monuments of the past Journalist of the sixties. Slain is still became all the more furious as the de­ of the world. The list, as he arranges McMinnville. Oregon dren of such parents are generally the velopment of the commercial relations America. it, comprises the Fourth bridge, in able to breathe, and Kilt is not so “ kilt live to-day a few Indians, really but most impertinent, graceless, vicious, From Puno across tlie lake to Chili­ serfs in a land once ruled by their an­ entoirely” as to be incapacitated for do­ of tlie country helped to create the Scotland; New York’s new underground DR. J. C. MICHAUX laya is 104 miles, and 36 miles thence cestors. On the southern end of Titi­ ing a thriving grocery trade in Ohio. great fortunes of the Creole edanciero» coarse-mouthed, and irrepressible young aqueduct, which is 30 miles long, on an AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. men that ever stepped. Their only by stage to La Paz. average 150 feet underground, and cut caca is a large sheltered bay,with pleas­ Matthew P. Deady, is associate justice or cattle breeders Piqued by jealousy, Practicing Physician and Surgeon, From Juliaca, on the Puno division ant hills sloping up from the shore, in Oregon. Even the Latin and French the other Creoles threw themselves in­ thoughts are of money, pleasure and through rock; the Eiflel tower; the of the above railways, is a branch ex­ with cultivated fields and the huts of have contributed some mortuary names to politics and became venal function­ dress. The young generations are not Brooklyn bridge; the St. Gothard tun­ LAFAYETTE, OREGON- tending northwest. This is known as the natives. Both here, however, and for Mors and Mort, the Latin and aries, the aim being always personal of a moral calibre to undertake to reform nel lietween Switzerland and Italy, be­ Jac.‘JI. ’9«. the Cuzco division, but at present it on tlie plateaus surrounding the lake, French for death, anil Cadover, the enrichment at the expense of the na­ their country.— Theodore Child in Hrr- gun at a height of 1,340 feet, and cut In building formerly occupied by Me Minnville News Co only reaches Santa Rosa, a distance of the climate is severe and the conditions name closely resembling the Latin tion. Nowadays the Argentine polit­ per* Weekly. for nine and one-half miles through S. A. YOUNG, M. D. 82 miles from Juliaca and less than one of life hard, and furnish a good com­ cadaver, corpse, are found in all parts ical men, with very few notable excep­ Fightin'g Microbes. solid rock; the improvements at Hell third tlie distance to Cuzco. mentary on the genius of the Inca race. of the United States. Coffin, Graves, tions that might be counted on the fin­ Physician & Surgeon, “The newest thing in the medical Gate, and tlie jetties at the mouth of The ancient capital of the I ncas has Corn will not ripen, or with the most Tombs and Charnal are also members of gers of one hand, from the president world, ” yesterday said a leading physi­ the Mississippi. It is easy to take ex­ M c M inx ville . - O regon . not yet been disturbed by the whistle extreme difficulty. The only cereals this sad list. Names which have been down to the humblest local leader, are ceptions to tliis list. There are proba­ of the locomotive, but it is proposed to capable of cultivation are barley, quin­ changed to the English words that venal without concealment and with­ cian who keeps abreast with the sci­ bly few intelligent people who will not Office and resilience on I) street. All ence, “ is the cure for diphtheria. It is calls promptly answered day or night. extend the main line around the south­ oa, and canagua. The summer and sound most like them can be given by out shame. They are rapacious para­ B. CLARK, PROPRIETOR. ern nothing less than curing tlint danger­ dispute t lie claims of some one or other shore of the lake to La Paz,and the rainy season is from Novemlter to the score. Doolittle from De l’Hotel, sites, like the conquistadores, like the I. r. GALBREATH. E. ous disease by inoculating the patient of these achievements. The Eiflel tow­ E. K. E. GOUCHER. colonial functionaries, and like the am­ branch to Cuzco. Marell. During this time whatever ag­ Toogood f.tom Turgeaud, Tarbox from with erysipelas. Dr. Babtchinsky.of St. er, ' for example, lofty as it is, should The two small steam boats, of some ricultural lalxir is to lx1 done must be Tarlxiis, Lemon from Le Main, Desli- bitious adventurers who furnished tlie Furniture of all the Latest Styles made to scarcely lie permitted to crowd out the Calbreath & Goucher. Petersburg, recently accidentally dis- 60 tons burden, now running on the accomplished. Even during this season ong from Des-Champs, are eases in dictators and tyrants of tlie first Half of order in Oak, Ash or any Wood Suez canal, ami the engineering feat of covered the antagonism which exists PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, lake, were built in England as gun­ sleet is not uncommon, and snow lies whiih French names have lared ill in the present century. Only at rare in­ desired. between the diphtheria microbe anil removing the obstructions at Hell Gate M c M innville , ... O regon . boats for the Peruvian government. low on the surrounding mountains. becoming Angelicized. It may be some tervals does a good, patriotic man that of erysipelas by observing how the is hardly to Is- compared with the FINE WORKMANSHIP A SPECIALTY! Before the construction of the railway, By birth and experience inured to tlie satisfaction to the surviving members spring up and do something for tlie ( Office over Braly’s Bank.) sudden appearance of erysifielas in a building of the Pacific railroads. The they were brought in sections on the rigors of such a climate, witli bare legs of the family of Death to know that country, which in tlie normal and in­ patient suffering with diphtheria caus­ Siberian railroad also is entitled to dis­ Orders taken for all kinds of work anil backs of men and animals from Arica, and feet, the natives seem not much af­ their own name was formerly D’Aeth, iquitous . state of things prospers, ed a speedy cure of the latter. pute the claim of some of the wonders satisfaction guaranteed, ('all at factory and set upon the shores of the lake. fected by the cold. Lake Titicaca never that of a town as well. As many names not on account of its government, but in the list, while the Bartholdi statue The doctor ’ s own son was stricken SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC and see specimens of furniture, Not proving necessary as a protection freezes over, yet ice forms near tlie were originally given on account of in spite of it. The citizens are always is scarcely to lie crowded out, not only with a severe attack of diphtheria, and PHYSICIAN. Do not buy without first seeing the furni­ against Bolivia, they were remodled shore. In winter the temperature is personal characteristics, such as Black, crying out against their rulers, but as all the remedies which bail l>een ap­ for its colossal pro|s>rtion but by reason Office at if F. Fuller's drug store. Resi­ ture manufactured here in your own state for merchant service and have made often below tlie freezing ]x>int. Yet Strong, Short, etc., so might some of they take no means to change their plied proved fruitless, death seemed in­ of the skill required to. produce the re­ lience, first house south of Baptist church, and county regular trips for several years. They the lake must tend to equalize tlie tem­ these names have descended from some condition. Whj’ do they not act in­ McMinnville. Or. evitable. Suddenly the symptoms of sults aimed at. There are several B. CLARK. are not fast boats, but speed is not nec­ perature. On tlie Bolivian side, at 5 p. pale-faced or sickly man of the six- stead of talking-? This question is nat­ erysipelas set in, when the lad seemed cantilever bridges, also, some one of essary where the only competition is m. of Nov. 26, I found tlie temperture tenth century. A cruel nickname, ural. The answer is not easy to give in nearly half «lead, and not the slightest which is likely to suggest itself to engi­ Prices Consistent with Good Work. witli Indian “balsas.” The lake is very of tlie air 52° F., and that of the water fastened upon a man by his fellows, a few words. Briefly, we may .say that cause could lie assigned for this new neers its having goixl grounds for dis­ deep in many ports, but unfortunately 58°. At 7 a. m, the following day, in has often become a family name. Cir­ the citizens do nothing and can do no­ complication, and its attendant dan­ puting the place in the list of seven. johx iikrbv , jkssk rnwinns. near Puno and Chililaya it is quite thing against their parasitic rulers, be­ Sample rooms in connection. the gulf of Puno,, the temperature of cumstances the most trivial give a man gers seemed only to hasten the approach To many unfamiliar with the problem shallow, especially in Puno bay, re­ the air was 42° and of tlie water 57°. a name. A Scotch Highlander was cause they are not organized and not o------ o of the almost certain demise of the vic­ to be solved it may seem as if the Jetties quiring considerable dredging. The In the middle of the day no doubt tlie once striking a blow at the forge when prepared or educated for republican in­ tim. During the next few hours his of the Mississippi were hardly entitled Is now fitted lip in first class order. fuel used on these boats is unique in air is warmer than the lake. To the he broke the anvil. A bystander re­ stitutions. In the political struggles Proprietors of The McMinnville condition grew visibly worse, and every to a place in the list. There are no steamboat navigation. Coal is very ex­ north of Titicaca, toward Cuzco, there marked: “You are 11a smith,” and there are rarely questions of principles, Accommodations as good as can be moment the dying out of the scarcely mighty buttresses of stone, no marvel­ pensive. To run each boat one hour re­ are some populous towns and tlie ix-o- from that day he was called Nasmyth, but always questions of persons. Pres­ eundin the city. flickering spark of life was apprehend­ ous structures by human hands to ar­ I quires 400 pounds of coal, costing four ple are largely engaged in earing for and is the ancester of the celebrated ident succeeds president, but tlie aim of ed. But on the following morning rest attention—only long lines of wil­ 8. E. MESSINGER, Manager. dollars. Llama dung, however, collect­ tlie enormous herds of cattle of tlie Scotch engineer, James Nasmyth—in all is equally selfish, and even if the the exhaustion had diminished consid­ low basket work, filled with mud and Situated at the Southwest corner of the ed in great quantities by the Indians M c M innville Oregon Nesmith. Such names as we opposition were transformed into tlie erably, the patient improved rapidly gravel and sunk in the river channel. great land owners. Fair Grounds. All sizes of government, the whole result would be and sold in sacks containing four bush­ For this labor each receives about $25 have been considering are fast vanish­ that one set of parasites would take the and in a comparatively short time was But see what has been accomplished First-Class Drain Tile els at 10 cents t»er sack. Eight sacks by such simple means, suggested by ing. It is but kindness to one's de ­ per year, besides which they are al­ place of another. In tlie five South completely restored to health. This ac­ the genius of Captain Eads. Here is kept constantly on hand at lowest living of dung run the boat one hour and cost CARLIN & HIGH, Proprietors scendanta to change an objectionable cidental combination of the two mi ­ lowed some of the sterile land for cul ­ American republics that I have just prices EDWARDS .t DERBY. but 80 cents, only one-fifth the expense the problem: A river, necessary to the Goods of all description« moved and care­ name, for which we are not responsible McMi inville, Oregon. of coal. The fire thus furnished is suf­ tivation. Their poverty can be judged visited—the Argentine, Uruguay, Par­ crobes called to Babtchinksy’s mind ful handling guaranteed. Collections will 41- and the man who does so should be aguay, Chili and Peru— tlie political the doctrine to which Cantani had held. inland commerce of a continent, whose by tlie fact, vouched for a Peruvian be made monthly Hauling of ail kinds ficiently hot, but is quite unsteady,and praised, not censured or laughed at done cheap Soon after the recovery of his child waters continually bear vast quantities conditions are more or less the same. witli much waste, causing the engineer gentleman of wealth and position, that the doctor was called to the bedside of of sand anil gravel toward the sea. A although a whole sheep can be had for They are ruled by presidents who are II. CLAY BURCH, and firemen some annoyance. M. D. L. RHODES, B F. RHODES. Deserted Her Home. a diphtheria patient, who was danger­ cubic mile of solid earth, it has been es­ 50 centa, these Indians are to jxx»r io as absolute autocrats as tlie Czar of This same fuel is used in all this re­ • NOTARY.) ously affected. He was treating an ery­ timated, is thus Isirne down the Missis­ eat meat. Three weeks ago Effie Solomons, a Russia, and even more so, because they Real Estate, Collection, Insurance gion for cooking. Tn this connection it Strong drinks have to a large extent sipelas ease at the same time, and, en­ sippi every year. When the stream may be o.” interest to state that on the fifteen-year-old girl, lived in the town are safe from the intrusion or influence couraged by the experience which he met the waters of the gulf, the current taken the place of the comparatively and Employment Agent. locomotives that run between Mollendo of Tracy, San Joaquin county, where of European criticism. The president had with his own son, he decided to was cheeked by the inflowing tides, and Puno is used a fuel called “yareta” harmless “chlcha,” adding to their her father keeps a barber shop. About of the Argentine or tlie president of inoculate the jxiison of the erj'si|»elas and a great burden of earthly matter a moss like form of vegetation which misery. They live in little adobe houses this time there went to Solomon’s shop Chili is master of the whole adminis­ Real Estate, Insurance, Collection, microbe into the lower jaw of his diph­ was deposited while the river spread grows in dense conical masses from one with earth floor and usually grass- a stranger, carrying under his arm a trative organization of the country so theria patient. The latter recovered out over u great extent of territory. thatched roof. To keep warm they Any business entrusted to me will receive to two feet in diameter. It contains barber’s kit. He was a smooth-looking completely that no legal or constitu­ without the application of any other Navigation was rendered uncertain amt and Loan Brokers. have a small door, and for a window pronipt attention, and SATISFACTION considerable resinous matter, and chap, a deft hand at the business, and tional means can be brought to bear ef­ remedy. From this time forth Dr. dangerous, anil millions of dollars ex­ GUARANTEED. one little opening from four to six makes a hot fire. It grows on the lofty was given a chair at once on applica­ ficaciously against his personal will or Babtchinsky hesitated no longer to ex­ pended in dredging brought no practic­ McMinnville - - Oregon. O ffice with \V T S iiurtleff . plateaus and mountains, is cheaper inches square. On the Bolivian plateau tion. Further still, Solomons invited caprice. He not only disposes of the tend his practice in this direction. As al results. The river could beat the the condition of the Indian seems more Office in old Post-office Building. than coal, and is used in considerable the stranger to grow warm by his fire­ armed force of the country, but the en­ he did not always have erysipelas pa­ United States government in a contest favorable. Yet everywhere they ap ­ quantities. side, which invitation was promptly tire administrative |x*rsonnel is liis crea­ tients on hand when he needed the waged on that line. Then came Cap­ The Leaders In ture and at his devotion. Thus the When the depth of water will allow pear fairly contented. They have no accepted. poison, lie established an artlfieal breed­ tain Eads with a proposition to gather M c M innville national bank . two small steamers also ply on the riv­ Yankee love of change; no dreams of The pleasing youg barlier took occa­ manipulation of the whole electoral er of erysipelas bacillartee. He succeed­ the willows along the shores, make political advancement haunt them. Corner Third and C streets, in Braly block. er Desaguadero, as far as Nasacara. sion to ingratiate himself with Effie, machinery is under his control, and the ed in saving twelve cases in his diph­ them into crates or mattresses, fill them The river Desaguadero forms the only Seeing them, one can understand how the daughter of the house, and in a few citizens enjoy in consequence a right of «’MINNVILLE, OREGON. theria patients by applying the erysip­ with mini and gravel, place them in outlet for Lake Titicaca, and though it they were content under the paternal days they were both missing. The voting that is purely platonic. They elas microlie. Only two patients died, parallel where a channel was wanted, And all kinds of despotism of the Incas. They are qui ­ Transacts a General Banking Business, is a stream of considerable size, it is ev­ anxious father queried in vain around may vote, it true in many cases, as because the inoculatory microbe was and set the river to doing its own dig- ident tliat more water flows into the et, stupid and superstitious. Yet they the town of Tracy, but finally learned much as they please, but no account is eftete, jierhaps. But this need not cause by means of a quickened current. That President.............................. J. W. COWLS lake than finds its way out by this have not forgotten their origin. The that the couple had walked to Liver­ taken of their suffrages. The whole us to doubt the effectiveness of the new was the basis of tlie jetty system, which Vice President............ l.EE LAUGHLIN channel. Owing to its great area and very air in Peru is full of the past. Sto­ more and had then taken a cart and apparatus of republicanism in there treatment, for the following example has more than doubled tlie depth of Cashier........................ J. L. STRATTON its position, no doubt a vast amount is ries of the glories of the Incas, and of driven to Stockton. From that point countries is a farce, and, in spite of the will demonstrate that it is still con­ the channel at the mouth of the most Sells sight exchange ami telegraphic lost by evaporation. In fact the water, treasures buried and not yet found, are all trace of the recreant barber and his sonorous speeches of after-dinner ora­ firmed by another ease. transfers nn Portland, San Franco and New important river on tlie glolie. The York. though apparently fresh in the deeper everywhere current and everywhere ix.1- companion was lost. tors, they have-not yet begun to enjoy waters continued to deposit sand and Six children were stricken almost lieved. Collections made on ail accessible points. psrts, 'has, near tlie shore, an alkaline Solomons then communicated with even tlie most elementary political lib­ simultaneously with diphtheria in one gravel between the jetties and the Interest allowed on timo deposits, In a great cathedral I saw an Indian taste. the police of this city and Officer An­ erty. In practice the continuous polit­ shores, the willows sprouted and grew, Ofiice hours from 9 a. id. to 4 p m. The small steamboats mentioned do witli rapt face worshiping before an thony was detailed to hunt the girl up. ical perturbation which is the normal family. Five of them were inoculated anil thus solid banks of earth were with the erysipelas Itacillarue, and image of the Christ. But tlie image not comprise all the navigation that Yesterday morning he traced the girl state of South American republics, rare­ they recovered in a wonderfully short formes] anil protected by tresis. It is Hot Water Boilers, was' decked out in tlie full garb of an takes place on lake Titicaca. Formerly ly affects the nation more than siqter- Inca. Even in his religion—and lie is to 30 Quincy place, where she was in flcially, so far as concerns the public time. The sixth chilli had been at once only necessary to extend the line of Wash Basins. Etc. they made trips around the lake to va­ very a house of ill-fame, and at once arrested removed to a remote part of the city willow baskets from time to time, as religious—the Indian seenis to be J s HIBB4, • Proprietor. rious small ]x>rts, picking up cargoes. peace. In the capitals there is a cer­ thinking of the past, when, instead of her. She was taken to the city prison tain amount of agitation. I11 the pro­ and died of the dread disease. Strange occasion demands, in order to carry the Now tlie trade between Puno and ( ’ hil ­ Fresh Meats of all kinds constantly on WE CAN FIT YOUR HOUSE and put in what is known as bird cage channel still further into the gulf. The ilaya and the Desaguadero river takes belonging to a servile race,people of liis No. 1, where she was visited by her vincial centers tlie agitation is confined as this method is in itself, it is no less hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s WITH HOT AND COLD jetty system is a grand triumph of sim­ singular than the progress of the erysip ­ Stock blood held sway over a country em ­ all their time, and their place [in other WATER. aunt. Instead of tears of repentance, to small circles. The great mass of T hird S treet , M c M innville , O e . localities is in part taken by the In­ bracing the present limits of Ecuador, the young giri said she would rather go the population scattered over immense elas is a jiainless and quiet one, not un­ plicity, but fairly entitled, by reason of accompanied by favorable results upon tlie result« obtained to be reckoned dian and liis balsa. The balsa of lake Peru, Bolivia and Chili. Apparently in first class order. Titicaca is an interesting craft. It is he lias lost much by the Spanish con-: to the Magdalen asylum than return to areas remains indifferent and absorbed the general conditions of the patient among the leading seven wonders of TRIPLETTA BOND, All work done in labor or vegetative pastoral existence. her home.—,Shn Trancitco Examiner. Give us a Call. while the cure of the diphtheria is be­ tlie world.— Mam-heder Union. Proprietors of the constructed of tlie reeds tliat grow quest. In contact with’a higher civil-i In the Argentine the jxipuiation is ing effected. Whether the theory that ization he has not held his own. A so- abundantly in tlie shallow places. I reckoned at 4,000,000, nine-tenths of GLENN Ar GRIFFITH. A Story-book Romance. Lecturer's Profits. the erysipelas microbe destroys the dip- These are lx»und together into huge called Christian conquest accomplished; which are whites of Caucasian race, de­ Third St. McMinnville. theria poison is founded upon fact, or is The neatest place in »lie city Animals tlie material, moral and religious de ­ bundles of the desired length. Two of From Stamford, Conn., comes the tale Who wouldn't be a lecturer? Major scendants of the conquistadores and of carefully selec'ed for killing insuring the these bundles fastened together and generation of tlie Indian of the Amies. Pond pays Stanley $50,000 for fifty lec­ subsequent colonists. There are aixiut simply a delusion, leaving the cause of of an inheritance w hich reads like the finest meat Poultry, etc , bought ami Administrator ’ s Notice. those wonderful recoveries to be sought sold Highest market price paid for every­ turned up at tlie ends, in canoe fashion —.Won Baity tures, the largest sum ever paid a lec­ 3,000,000 natives, 800,000 foreigners, plot of an English sensational novel. thing. for in other quarters, we care less at the NOTICE is hereby given that the under­ form tlie raft or balsa proper. Two A crippled music teacherof that place turer, I lielieve. Last winter, so he 300,000 cross-breeds or metis, and 100,- signed John H. Walker has been appointed smaller bundles form rude gunwales. present moment for the solution of this Chinese Justice. tells me, he paid George Kennan $20-, 000 Indians. The white population is had by strictest economy saved, some by the county court of Yamhill county, Or­ purely scientific question, as our inter­ egon. administrator of the estate of James A sail is made of the- same materials, 000 and his expenses for two hundred almost exclusively of Latin origin, the thirty* years ago, about 1,500,with which A. Walker, deceased. est centers primarily in the result, The Chinese have a very summary lectures, 1 he intended to buy a home for himself and Max O’Rell, who lectured Anglo-Saxon and Slav elements not All persons, therefore, having claims and by tltisaivl U long pole the Indian which alone is satisfactory to the lay­ against said estate are hereby notified and makes his way for a considerable dis­ method of dealing with’violators of tlie for fifty niglita, sailed home with elev­ exceeding 100,000 individuals, The man. The close and controlling ob­ and his mother. Jic always ke|»t the pt Watchmaker required to present the same with proper tance. Speed is not necessary, for he law and rogues generally. Punishment , en thousand good American dollars in 800,000 foreigners are the result of re­ servations to which physicians will money beside his bed, and one night it to the undersigned at the law of-1 ■¿/.a and Jeweler. vouchers was stolen. All search was unavailing tice of F \V Feptqo, lit McMinnville, Ore­ | is in 110 hurry. These balsas liave been of offenses with them is pretty certain his pocket. No, more than that, for the cent immigration, and includes 400,000 0«.i.r I. All Kindt ol Walchtt. Jewelr,. Platsd Ware gon, wi'lhiii six months from this date, ; used for many generations. A com- and fearfully severe, whether just or Cassell publishing company paid hint! Italians, and 150,000 Spaniards—or in subject the new metho»I will soon dem­ and the |xx»r fellow took up his work " ¡¡IK*« And SpKUcldt. McMltlNVI|.|.U OR. JOHN II WALKER. onstrate whether Dr. Babtchinsky has not. During the progress of a large fire several thousand dollars in royalties. It other words the scum of the two most again with a weary heart. But the se­ 7-17-2» Ailinini-traicr of said Estate. |mentary on the Indian character is , found the real enemy of the diphtheria F. W. Fenton, attorney foréstate. 1 furnished by the following incident: some thieves entered a building for the certainly pays to be successful! quel of the tali' is that not long since the backward and degenerate nations of microlx* and that we are rid of a foe 1 When unable to use his sail his sail, he purpose of plundering amid the general music teacher, still |xx*r and olMcure,re­ Europe. In the modernization of the which annually demands the lives of ' must paddle his craft slowly and lalxir- confusion. They were observed by the I It is a very remarkable fact that in Argentine—that is to say, in the great ceived a letter from a man in Australia j iously by means of his pole, a gentle- police, who instead of following and ar-1 less than a score of years the dynamo progressive movement of the past twen­ thousands of our little ones.— ('¡win- whose name he had never even heard, natfi Enquirer. should have reached so high a state of —ON—— ! man, desiring to improve their condi- : resting them, very quietly fastened the saying that he was oil the point of death ty .years—England has found the cap-1 ---------- --------------- tion, procured some oars with broad I door upon them so that they could not development that so far as efficiency is ital and Latin Europe has provided the A Are company at Winsted, Conn., and that he had stolen the money, and blades for their use, but these tliey re- ' I esetipe, and left them to perish in tlie ’ concerned there is little left to be done, workers. Latin Europe lias sent across j being unable recently to get any but a so greatly had it thriven in his hands fused, remarking that poles had served ! : burning ruins. There was no trial, no i ' Tlie tiest dynamos today actually re- the ocean a million human beings. : small stream from the hose, made an that he hatl amassed 11 large fortune, all On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit. their fathers well and hence were good ; conviction, but being caught in tiie per-1 , turn as electrical energy more than 90 England has sent countless millions of' examination and found about eight of which he had willed to the musk­ Lowest Rates and no Commissions. . enough for thetu also. From the north- jietration of a crime they were left to , percent of the power used in driving capitals for use in banks, railways, land inches of an eel's tail sticking out of teacher. Not long after the Austrab jn lern parts of the lake tlie Indians bring suffer the punishment tliey had dared them. Much beyond this we cannot companies and government loans. the nozzle of the bone pipe. The pipe was gathered to bis fathers, and his orothen.who wish to examin» I froit and vegetables to Puno for sale. to brave. Such a disposition of crimin­ hope to go, for we have no material of Meanwhile the Creoles liave continued , wax uuacrewed from the hose and the lawyers informed the American that he .Tall on or address :j th)1 paper, or obtain estimates als would prove a strong incentive to infnite conductivity, no insulator From the islands of Taqueii and Soto rale, and tlie mass of the natives i astonished firemen fished a live eel out hatl fallen heir to an estate worth over W. T. SHURTLEFF. on advertising space when in Chicago, k M find it on file at 1 are brought pebblqg—from the former honesty, or at least a check against ¡111- against magnetism, and no perfect iu- to __________ ______ of the pipe that weighed nearly three (20,000,000. The moral of this tale is have remained indolent and vegetative the Advertisinf Agency g ¡black ordrab.and from the latter white. | i bricator. — Electrical World. proper conduct,. At J. I. Knight A Co.’s MeMinnvile, Or. There has thus taken place pounds. whatever the reader pleases. 1 I I Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov't Report, Aug, 17, 1889. ABSOLUTELY PURE J. B. ROHR, HEWITT BROS. B ooks , stationery Musical Goods and Instrnmeuts of all Kinds. Furniture Factory, «J. D. Baker Al ZD., The St. Charles Hotel. Edwards à Derby, FACTORY liti TRUCK AND DRAY CO., RHODES & RHODES, Money to Loan PLUMBING PIPE WORK, IS GLENN & GRIEFITH. Bath Tubs and Sinks, Eurisko Market, PEOPLE’S MARKET. WM. HOLL, Improved Farm Property INSURANCE NEGOTIATED. 4flUCDT|CCD