The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 10, 1890, Image 3

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    Ice cream soda at C. (irissens.
For liist-cl.iss dental work go to Dr.
G. S. Wright.
Thursday. July 10, 1890.
A few more of those extra quality
buggies at Johnson Nelson’s.
F or S ai . e —A span of well broken
young horses. See Wm. Galloway.
From 7 a m. to 7 p. m
From 8:30 p.
in. to 9 p. m.
The bonds of tlie new county officers
Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. were approved by the county court yes­
Sunday from 3 p. m. to 3:39 p. m
Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail
north closes at 3:29 p. in. and 9 p. in.
A fine cottage and two lots in a good
part of the city for sale. Enquire of
W. H. Logan.
George Owens has ills [Hire bred reg­
1 00
Potatoes ........................ ”8 bn $ 90 to
istered Durham bull, Billy Aekland,
< ‘hirkens, young
4 50 for service at $2 per <«w.
? loz 4 00 to
(Clear sides V 11».
Miss Nora ('ooper,ofthe T ei . ephoxe -
Bacon ¿»Shoulders y
R egisteii force, spent the fourth at
1 Hanis y lb ..
Independence and Salem.
. »In 10 jm I pails
,'ar'1 (In 5 gallon tins
The most reliable buggy can lie pur­
y dozen
chased at Johnson A Nelson's. The
Butter, Creamery, y roll
stock is of superior quality.
Butter, dull, fresh y roll
Brine .
y pound.
J. Evenden has purchased lots of
Dried apples, dull, y pd.
new furniture oil cloth, floor oilcloth,
Dried plums, dull, y pd.
etc. Call and examine them.
Dried prunes, dull, V pd.
Driedpeaches.dull, y pd
The Home Argand gasoline stove is
1 (M
. ...ysack 1 oo to
the stove to use during this hot weath­
er. Call and see one at H ih I soii ’ s .
We see by tlie Portland IPor/i/ that
MrruoDVT Erisi-crit. t'Hi m n —Services Antony Noltner, jr., was married to
every Sabbath at 11 a. in and 7:3o p
Miss Cora A. Smith, of this county, on
Sunday Si hool at 9:30 a. in
Wednesday July 2, 1890.
R ev 0. F llorxn. Pastor.
Those chairs in Evenden’s window
Ci Mni.Ki.AX • P resbyterian C iu rcii —
Services every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p are things of beauty, and if you pur­
Sunday School at 9:39 a. ’ll.
chase one, you will find them joy« for­
R f . v W iley K nowles , Pastor
ever, to say nothing of comfort.
B aitist C ir ri ii . Services every Sabbath
Wright's .Jamaica Ginger, strictly
at 11 a. nt. anil 7:30 p. in. Sunday School at
pure. Alt exellent remedy for cramps,
<J;55a. in.
R ev It. McKlLLor, Pastor.
C hristian C iiith ii services every Sabbath colic, and where a tonic for the stom­
ach and towels is required. Sold by
at It a. in. anil 7 p m
Rogers Bros.
R ev D r . B. E F i llek , Pastor
A summer friend—Wright’s Black­
berry Cordial. Once used always used
Local and General
Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to take.
John Maddock arrived here Tuesday. Indispensable for summer troubles.
Sold by Rogers Bros.
A bakery for sale in Astoria. Ap­
The popular summer excursions from
ply at this office.
valley points and return to Yaquina
Rev. Dillard Holman arrived in this all
via the Oregon Pacific are now in vogue
city yesterday morning.
and numerous [teople are taking ad­
Dr. G. 8. Wright has gained a repu­ vantage of tlie opportunity ottered to
visit Oregon’s Newport.
tation for fine plate work.
We noticed considerable smut in sev­ If yon wish a piano, call on Hewitt
Bros. Our instrument (the Steck) is
eral fields of oats the other day.
by far tlie best piano ever brought to
Miss Belle Buell, of Sheridan, is vis­ this
city. Call and see for yourselves
iting the family of A. J. Nelson.
if what we say is not true. ' Don’t be
The county clerk is preparing an ¡di­ gulled by a traveling man and by an
inferior instrument.
stract of mortgages for the assessor.
The following “notis” is [ioste<l on a
Th<‘ Dallas toys were done up Friday
fence in Tillamook connty: “If any
by the Salem nine. Score, 11 to 1.
or woman’s cow or oxen gits in
Newberg and Wheatland notes were man’s here
oats, his or her tail will lie
receiveil too late for publication last these
cut off as the ease may be. I am a
Christian man and pay my taxes, but
The bridge across Cozine creek, con­ d----- n a man who lets his critters loose,
necting Collegeside with the city, is in say I.
An eastern paper lias made tlie start­
('apt. Wylie, of Portland, was visit­ ing discover}» tnat flies are not so nu­
ing in the ’city during tlie early part of merous as they were last summer. It
will take an official count to make any
the week.
believe it says an Ex. An official
The liall and supper given by the Re­ body
would only mix the matter, par­
bekah lodge was a success. The ladies count
ticularly if the count was by Salem or
netted $85.
Portland enumerators.—Albany Demo­
“Uncle” George Terry was taken ill crat.
suddenly Tuesday and was taken home
M. L. Pipes, of Corvallis, formerly
in a carriage.
editor of the Leader, was appointed by
Pennoyer last week to tlie
S. P. M. Briggs and family s|ient the
Fourth in Chehalis, at fhe home of Mrs. circuit judgeship of the second judicial
district of Oregon to fill the vacancy
Briggs’ parents.
by the resignation of R. S. Beaii
Chas. Fenton, old-time Yamhiller, caused
has just lieen elected judge of the
now of Spokane Falls, arrived here Sat­ who
supreme court.
urday on a visit.
Wallace & Tixld are giving away
The farmers are anxiously waiting with
$50 worth of groceries purchased
for the weather to clear tqi in order to at their store, one of Webster’s dictiona­
«•omnience haying.
ries. This is a valuable ixxik and
Lost—A buckskin purse at tlie dance should to owned by every person in tlie
Friday night. A reward will lx- paid county. It contains 1615 pages, and is
illustrated with 1500 fine engravings.
fur its return to this offi<x‘.
Call and see the Ixxiks. This ¡« no
C. W. Talmage gives bonds as county slnxldy giveaway.
treasurer to the amount, of $2500. There
Dr. Minthorn, of tlie Oregon Land
is now 89 «-ents in the treasury.
Co., was in tlie city yesterday looking
Mrs. Chandler, near Ballston, mother around and milking advertising con­
of John Sargeant and E. C. Coleman, tracta. l'lie Oregon Land Co. have
died suddenly Sunday morning.
made a success of their business by hea­
A Japanese tea was given last night vy advertising, and they still continue
at the residence of W. C. Hembree. It to do it. Our real estate men should
follow their example.
was attended by all the ton tons.
The North Yamhill creamery asso­ A pass issued on Wednesday last to
ciation have about 30 patrons Ship-1 a bridal party over the Jacksonville,
merits of butter are made to Portland. St. Augustine and Halifax railroad,
gotten up especially for the occasion,
There has lieen quite a demand for I read as follows: “What fools these mor­
men in this city. Harvest is nearly tals be,” then the words: Pass Mr. and
here and the farmers are looking for Mrs. A. J. Waite to perpetual bliss.
Not good after divorce.
The celebration at Lafayette was a
The uniforms for the band, thirteen
success, a large numlier of people at­ in number, have arrived. The coats
tending. The band front this city fur­ are blue, trimmed in red and old gold
nished music.
and gilt epaulets. The pants are gray
The Yamhill County Association is with red stripes. The helmets are fitted
once more in the field and will play | with lamps, spears and plumes. The
luill. Messrs. Bray and Smith have suits are very showy and will give the
band a good appearance.— lilla moot:
signeil with the club.
J. L. Rogers is once more on the
The races at the fair ground were not
streets. He has lieen confined to the
house for the [Kist week with his second very well attended, owing to the cele­
brations being held in other towns in
dose of measles.
tlie county. The one-half mile dasli on
Strayed. — Person owning a white the 3rd was won by Lance D. On the
three-year-old heifer with underbit and 4th he won the racé but it was given to
split in each ear can have same by call­ another horse tocause of the jockey rid­
ing at the plaiv of W. A. Newman and ing Lancer D. dismounting before re­
paying costs.
turning to the stand.
C. H. Hewitt, a prominent attorney
The Astoria and South Coast railroad
of Portland, was shot and killeil Tues­ bonds
have been floated. S. A. Kean
day by Chas. Bellegarde, a Frenchman, &
Co. of New York consumated the
at Sellwooii. After the shooting Belle- deal.
were sold to English capi­
garde committed suicide by cutting his . talists. They
The road is now being built
throat with a razor.
and will soon reach the vallty at some
Once in seven years the tody is renew­ point. It is to to hoped that some of
ed. The blixxl must have the elements j ; tlie valley towns will see the advantages
of vitality. Wright’s Compound Syrup 1 j of this road and help it along.
of Sarsaparilla cleanses and enriches
A niekcl-in-tbe.slot machine in Bos-
the blood, and gives a new impetus to
¡ ton confronts the equestrian who
life. Sold by Rogers Bros.
i alights at tlie sidewalk with the legend
The other day Polk county, John written across its front: “Drop a nickel
Robbins killed a big wildcat that was in the slot and I'll hold your horse.”
trying to kill his pigs. Henry McCarter He puts in the nickel and the iron
and Jim amt George Magers captured hands unclasp, the bridle rein is dropped
only seven coyotes that were making into them and they close again. Hiere
their home in a hollow log.
you are. Tlie rider goes off atout his
In half an hour he returns.
Jeff Harris moved his plunder to La­ liusiness.
There is the machine and there is the
fayette Monday, and will start for a six horse.
But the first legend has disap-
weeks hunt in the mountains as soon [xiared and
in its place is the inscrip­
as he can gather together kindred spir­ . tion
living light: “Give
its. He has a fine mountain wagon, I me a quarterand I of
’ll let him go.”
purchased of Ballinger & Co.
Probate Court.
Tlie “Telephone-Register” Preminin« Dis­
tributed on the Fourth,
The following business in the probate
court has been done since our last re­
Guardianship of W. 1). McDonald;
Effie J. McDonald appointed guardian;
bond fixed at $3000; lxmd approved; in­
ventory approved.
Estate of W. H. Bingham; petition of
probate of will to lie heard July 8, 1890.
P. H. d’Arcy appointed to take deposi­
tion of J. W. Meredith on proof of will.
Report of commission on proof of will
and deposition of J. W. Merdith filed.
Proof sufficient: will admitted to pro­
bate; Marie Bingham appointed execu­
trix without lionds. Wm. Chrisman,
Jacob Wortman and ('. D. Johnson ap­
pointed appraisors.
Estate of James McGinnis; petition
to erect tombstone allowed.
Estate of James Walker; inventory
Guardianship of Lula Lyle; D. W.
Lyle appointed guardian. Bond fixed
at $600. Bond approved. L. F. Hall,
Reuben Everest and J. D. Carter ap­
pointed appraisors.
Estate of Geo. Skelton; citation served
on Geo. Skelton and Sarah O. Skelton,
and default entered. Citation to 1«
served by publication upon E. L. Skel­
ton, Mary Alexander, Anna McIntosh
and Chas. Skelton. Case continued to
Sept. 2, 1890, at 10 a. m.
Estate of E Williams; report of
sales of personal property filed and al-
lowed. Supplimentary inventory ap-
Estate of Andrew Ennis; second semi­
annual account filed and allowed, Ito-
port of sales of personal property tiled
and allowed.
For the Week Ending Saturday. July .N,
1890—U. S. Signal Service.
On Friday the Fourth, the premiums
ottered by the T elephone -R egister
were distributed. C. W. Holman, Ben
Sparks and J. L. Hewitt were the judg­
es, appointed to supervise the drawing.
The lucky number, which drew binder,
was 88, and was held by Geo. Oldham,
a farmer near Carlton. Number2, held
by John Nelson, of North Yamhill was
another lucky number, and got the
plow. Dwight Carlin of this city held
numlier 93 and received the seeder.
These men are farmers and have re­
ceived in addition to the T ei . ephonh -
R egister for one year the above men­
tioned premiums or articles correspond­
ing to their value from the agricultural
stock of Ballinger & Co.
in The Front Itow.
A moss-back settler, may the trilie
decrease, awoke one night—awakened
by the fleas, and saw, within the moon­
light in his shack’, here showing [latch­
es and there a crack, a spirit writing in
a book of gold;—Great ignorance had
made the moss-back bold, and to the
presence in the hut he said: “What
yer writin’ of?” The gliostlet raised its
head, and i\ith a voice that filled the
room answered, “The names of those
who try their town to boom.” “Is my
name there?” said Moss-back. "Nay,
not so,” replied the spectre. Poor Moss-
back spoke more low, but still with gall
and said, “I reckon you had better,
sonny, set me down as one who saves
his money.” The critter wrote and
sloped. The next night it came again
with more moonlight, and showed the
names of those as kickers known the
lies!, and lo! Old Moss-baek’s name
led all the rest.— Leigh Hunt.
That lie vll-llsli.
The octopus at the mouth of the Co­
lumbia river, it ap[x»ars, is like a Ban-
quois ghost and will not down. For a
month past the monster has been re-
peatedly seen by fishermen and several
attempts made to kill it with harpoons
and rilles, but without success. Adolph
Guntarson planted two bullets in Its
body about ten days ago and as it dis-
apjieared and was not seen again it was
thought he had killed it. This proved
not to be the case for yesterday evening
it was seen again by fishermen, just lie-
low Sand island.
It is getting wary of the Ixiats and
now on approach of one sinks out of
sight, the fishermen finding it impossi­
ble to get a shot at it. Several nets
have been ruined by the monster and
the salmon hunters are determined to
have its scalp and some of its tentacles.
—Astoria Pioneer.
T. O. Abbott of Tacoma, once of Al­
bany, and afterwards editor of a Day­
ton paper, secured a five-year contract
with the government for the [Xistoffiee,
and he put up a building costing $70,-
000 for that and other purposes, chiefly
relying upon the postofflce contract to
back up the investment. J. S. Clark­
son, first assistant postmaster general,
who is there, inspected tlie local post-
office and says the quarters will not do
at all and that the quarters will have to
l»e changed. Ruin now stares Abbott
in the face, so far as that building is
concerned. He has on his hands an
immense six story brick and stone edi­
fice outside the business district, divid­
ed up into rooms not one of which is
occupied. Abtott will make a fight and
a hard one to prevent a breaking of the
contract and a change of location.
III Eli.
G arrison —Ou Sunday, July 6, 1.890
near Amity, Abraham F Garrison
aged 80 years.
Mr. Garrison is a pioneer of Oregon
coming here in 1846. He has been a
resident of Yamhill county nearly all
the time since his arrival.
The following appeared in the Orego­
nian of Wednesday: Abraham E. Gar­
rison, a resident of Yamhill county
since 184«, died July 6, 1890, at his old
home near Amity. He was born in
Ohio, July 17, 1810, removed to Indi­
ana in his youth and thence to Missouri
whence he came to Oregon across the
plains in 184G. He married Margaret
Miller in 1829 and was the father of
fourteen children, ten of whom, five
sons ami five daughters, grew to man­
hood and womanhood. Of his later de­
scendents there are thirty-three grand­
children and twenty-four great grand­
children. Mr. Garrison was from early
life a local preacher of the Methodist
Episcopal church, and as such, as well
as a neighbor and friend, was widely
known among the pioneers of early Or­
egon. He was first lieutenant of a
a company in the Cayuse war, and for
his general service in our pioneer life is
entitled to an honorable and lasting
place in our annals. Mrs. Garrison
died in August, 1870.
Not in tlir “Book Trust«”
Tlie statement lias been widely circu-
iated, probably by parties who wished
The fore part of the week was ex­ it might be true, that John B. Alden,
tremely warm, latter part cool and publisher, of New York, Chicago and
cloudy, with local rains today.
j Atlanta, had joined tlie “Iiook trust,”
The temperature ranged from 90 to which is trying to monopolize the puli-
108 degrees on June 30 and July 1st, in : lieation of standard books, and to in­
all parts of the state except along the crease prices from 25 to 106 per cent.
coast. Local thunder showers prevailed Mr. Alden sends us word that he has
on the last two days of June and first I not joined the trust, and there is not
day of July. On June 29 a very severe I and never has been any probability of
thunder storm, accompanied with rain his joining it. The “literary revolution”
and hail was experienced a few miles which has accomplsibed such wonder­
north of Grant’s Pass, Josephine ful results within the past ten years, in
popularizing literature of tlie highest
The extreme heat of the fore part of character (no “trash" ever finds place
the week did very little injury to crops. on his list), still goes on. Instead of
The weather during the latter part of increasing prices, large reduction in
week was very beneficial to the grow­ prices has recently been made, particu-1
ing crops. Fall wheat is now generally» larly on copyright books by American
past the point that the weather could authors. A catalogue of '.Hi pages is
injure it. Spring wheat is doing re­ sent free to any applicant. One of the
markably well, and if no unforeseen latest issues from his press is “Stanley’s
cause interfere the yield will lie much Emin Pasha Expedition,” by Wauters,
greater than anticipated. The warm a very handsome, iarge-tyjie, illustrated
weather was beneficial to corn which is volume, reduced in priee from $2.00 to
growing well.
50 cents. This work tells a most inter­
Columbia county reports hay a fair esting and complete story, lieginning
crop, on uplands very good; in Wash­ with the conquest of the Soudan, and
ington county hay is an average crop; continuing through years of African
in Clackamas county fall wheat will be exploration, the revolt of tlie Mabdi,
ready to cut inside of two weeks, crops the siege of Khartoum, with the death
will lie average or more, spring wheat of Gordon, the return of Dr. Junker,
and oats growing well; in Yamhill, liesides the story of Stanley’s own ad­
Polk, Marion, Benton and Lane wheat ventures, including his successful relief
outlook is very promising, spring wheat expedition. It is one of the best and
will make more than was expected, most complete works issued u[xin the
corn, oats, hops and hay will average subject. Send Alden your address, and
well. Codlin moth doing some damage, you will receive his !Hi-page catalogue,
fall wheat will soon be ready to cut, and from time to time specimen pages
heads are well filled, In Douglas of his new publications. John B. Al­
county good crops are now assured, den, publisher, 393 Pearl St., New York,
Josephine anil Jackson counties will also Chicago and Atlanta.
have fair cereal crop, Fruit crop will
be large, except peaches, melons prom­
A City Policeman** Experience.
ise to be plentiful, berries are in abund­
j.ills and drastic purgatives so irritate
ance. Clatsop, Tillamook, Coos and :he Mineral
mucous coatings of the stomach aud bowels,
Curry counties wiil have very good ;hai they often leave the system in worm con-
lJtlon than liefore. In fact their cathartic ac-
crops, fully up to the average.
Hay is quite generally reported to be :ion is due to their irritation. The danger at­
tending their steady use is apparent. The new
short in western Oregon and reported laxative principle in Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla
to be an average crop in eastern Oregon, jets its cathartic action by increasing the mu-
secretions and. gently stimulating the stom­
Wasco county has indications of a bet­
ter wheat crop than for years, the same ach. it is purely vegetable, does not lose its
effect, is effective and absolutely safe to be taken
for Morrow county. Sherman and Gil­ occasionally or continously by the most delicate
liam counties report average crops. In persons.
Gus Videau, the well Known
Umatilla and Union counties reports
police officer of No. 1826 Howard
indicate yield of from 39 to 50 bushels ,
_ St., Sau Francisco, writes: ‘Af-
V ter mv own experience I firmly
per acre. Wallowa, Baker, Crook, 1
believe that Joy’s Vegetable
Grant and interior counties bid fair to
Sarsaparilla will cure the most
make average or more than average
obstinate cases of constipation.
yields. The present outlook is most en­
Although cured 1 am still ta­
couraging for a fine liarvest through­ king it. and never had my system so thoroughly
I regulated. By increasing or diminishing the
i dose one has absolute comnmud over hiiaseli
i with this valuable remedy.”
Pure Drugs,
Polite Attention.
Pure Chemicals,
Fair Dealing.
Fine Perfumes,
Lowest Prices.
Accuraey in Filling Prescriptions.
“ rriio Busiest Store in Town.”
As I am intending to make a
Business. Call Early and
Record of lived«.
Deeds that have been recorded
our last report:
R R Daniel and wife to H M Dan-
iel, lots 3 and 4 in block 24, Lafayette;
in my
Secure Great Bargains.
$ gog .
J A Todd and wife to Cora M Kay
lot 7 in block 15, McMinnville; $230.
Charley Davis to F F Shuck, lot 7
block G, Deskins add to Newla'fg; $40.
United States to Sarah E Smith, 558.-
Pendleton a Wool Center.
25 acres in t4 s r 3 w.
Pendleton is the marketing point for J M Kelty to G C Morris, lot G block
a large wool producing section. It is 15 Lafayette; $300.
learned so far this season 374,000 pounds G W Perkins to G C Morris, lot <1
of baled wool have been shipped by W. block 13 Lafayette; $300.
J. Furnish, agent for S. Koshland & Co Newton A Kirk to Elizabeth
of Boston, from Hamilton & Rourke’s Young 21} acres in t 3s r 2 w; $2500.
Edwin Wilcox to Agnes Reid, «38.5«
lower warehouse, and that 240,000
in t 3 s r 3 w; $1.
pounds of unbaled wool is yet on hand,
awaiting shipment. Wool is being J W Baird to W Kenon, loo acres in
shipped to Pendleton from Barnharts, 13 s r 5 w; $2500.
United States to Robt Beer and wife
Echo, Yoakum, and other points down
«40 acres in t 3 s r 1 w.
the line to be baled by Mr. Furnish.
T J Harris to H W Sitton, 1 acre in
About 400,000 pounds of sacked wool
Jailed tor Assault.
have been shipjied by E.H. Clark agent Yamhill county; $125.
A M Peery to Ella Jones, north} of
Xerxes Gant was arrested on a com­ for Christy & Wise, and others, from lot 217, Dayton; $700.
plaint of assault Monday, and was tak­ Hamilton A Rourke’s upper warehouse
Miss N E Deskins to J 1) Carter, lots
en liefore Justice Shurtleff, where he and 100,000 pounds yet remain. Wool 4 and 5 block G Deskin add to Newlierg
was bound over in the sum of $100. is still being received for shipment.
This he was unable to find, so he was It is probable that the amount of wool Jesse Edwards and Mary E K Ed­
taken to the ice box. On the way there
wards to N N Tibodo and Sadie Tibodo
he fought the marshal and acted in a son will reach a grand total of 1,250,000 lots 7, 8, 9, and north half of lots 13, 14
manner that will not do him much
and 15, block 55 Edwards add to New­
good. It seems that the complaint have been received by growers.— E. O berg; $56.15.
should have been assault with intent to
A Sample.
E J Wells to Wm Galloway lot 1
rape, as he forced a young girl into an
An eastern newspaper man recently block 24, Rowlands add to McMinnville
empty building, but was caught liefore
he had attempted the scheme. He is a got rome subscribers in Dallas under
Logan & Hash to W T Logan lots 5
hard crowd and is on his way to the an agreement to “write up” the town. and west half of lot 6 in block 17 Mc­
pen at a 2:40 gait.
Minnville; $300.
Tuesday his case was brought before makes it look as if he got more sub­ A R Logan to the McMinnville (
the justice and lie was given $5 and
Building, and Improvement Co. lot 5|
costs. He languishes in the Central Dallas. Here is the writeup in full: and west half of lot 6 block 17. Bond
Dallas, is 10 miles southeast of Indepen­
dence the county seat of Polk county. $3000.
Found a Harrison Medal.
It is something of a rival to the latter N. C. Maris and wife and A. P. Oliver
While digging for relics in the old town and probably exceeds that place to Evan W. Evans 23.73 acres in t 3
Chinook burying ground at New Asto­ in population by one or two hundred. r 2 w; $600.
Newton and Oliver Bolton to S P Eby
ria recently, J. M. Long and a com­ It has aspirations to become the county
panion unearthed one of the old Harri­ seat of Polk, and will strive to bring 1 acre in t 3 s r 2 w; $100.
George W Hardwick to G T Hard­
son “Log Cabin” medals. The lettering the question of re-location liefore the
stands out very clearly, and the outlines voters of the county at an early day.” wick lots [, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, sec 20
t 2 s r 3 w; $500.
of the cabin are quite plain, though the Dallas people are mad.
; J. D. Carter to Newlierg Building
medal is somewhat corroded. The date,
A Lesson in Electricity.
i and Merchantile association, lot 4 block
1.840, is all there. It is supposed that
of Salem had a lesson in elec-! 6 Deskins addition to Newberg; $350.
some tricky trader brought a lot of these
cheap medals out to the coast and ex­ tricity Saturday. A telephone line Jesse Edwards to James N. Linton
changed them at a high valuation for broke and fell across the electric rail­ lots 1 and 2 block 55 Edwards addition
furs. The diggers also found a pair of way wire, touching the ground. A to Newberg; $100.
silver and a pair of copper bracelets.— team of horses driven by John Red­
John Robinson Coming.
mond ran into it and were thrown to
Astoria Columbian.
the ground, where they lay quivering John Robinson’s great show was in
The Boom Town Wail.
in agony. Mr. Redmond took a spade this city last Tuesday. The weather
It is necessary for the newspapers of that was in the wagon and tried to sev­ was A'ery inclement and diminished
The ladies of this city request every­
one to meet at the court house Friday
Albany and other towns whose er the wire, but was unsuccessful, being the attendance. Those who were for­
night of this week at 7:30 o'clock, to; One of the things needed in this city population has been expanded to twice quite severely burned about the wrist. tunate enough to witness the perform­
make th«» necessary preparations for a is a white laundry. The Chinese have
Dr. Rowland, in front of whose house ances, were well repaid for their attend­
ball, the funds to be used in purchasing the monojxily of tlie laundry business, its size, to now make the cry that the
the accident occurred, chopped the wire ance. There was no lagging in the in­
a large ting for the courthouse.
and are getting extremely exorbitant in
in two with an ax. It was fifteen min­ terest manifested in the show, Excel-
Port Adams and Wm. Yung are lo their charges. ’ Their work is not up to ' more than one half the people. Salem utes before the poor brutes could get up lent artists were in abundance, The
eating timber claims on the North white work by one-half.
Trask for a party of McMinnville peo getic person would start a laundry in "K*ve i,er al,out 4,500 or possibly and fully half an hour liefore they riding was the best ever seen in this
city. The trapeze and gymnastic fea-
pie. It is fine timber. Plenty of water ! this city they would receive the hearty '
Albany and other boom towns In could be driven away.
game and fish makes their camp the support of our people. There is only ' the »amy proportion. McMinnville has
tures were far above the average, Tlie
Excursion Rates.
rendevous for sports from this vicinity. |
chariot and hurdle racing was exciting
one Chinese laundry in town, and it claimed from 1500 to 2000 and the cen-
The citizens of the towns on the east and excellent. Mr. John Lowlow, the
Miss Mattie McCato, who has lieen does not take a Celestial very long to 8US 8*ves lls totween 2500 and 3000.
confined to her lied for the past thre«>
side are making an effort to induce the most humorous of clowns and jolliest of
weeks with a severe attack of inflama- find out that he has a chance to make ^°n * cr-V, you can tell all the lies you Southern Pacific railroad managers to fellows, kept the big tent resounding
' wa,,t after the census excitement dies
tory rheumatism, is now slowly im- monev.
sell excursion tickets to Yaquina bay with laughter anil applause. He has
proving, being able to get about the
during the summer. The Oregon Pa­ no equal as a clown in the American
Treasury Report.
house on crutches. However she is.
Precinct Officer».
«till very weak and lame.
cific has placed on sale excursion tick­ ring. It gives us pleasure to praise this
P. P. Gates the former treasurer of
The following precinct officers have ets to Yaquina and return for $3.50, vast aggregation, for it is one of tlie best
„Dr. G. \V. Goucher, of Amity, esti-! this county lias handed in liis report
mat«-s the numlier of people attending and the finances of the county are as ■ j tiled their bond and have been sworn a reduction of about one half the usual travelling. There are no roughs and
the Amity celebration at 4560. Every­ ‘ follows. There is 89 cents in the gener- i in by the county clerk.
regular rate. Should the S. P. Co. put rascals connected with it. Mr. Low-!
one who attended the celebration at
on sale a proportionately low rate tick, low is a kind pleasant, gentleman, and
iliat place say tliev had a fine time. al fund. The school fund contains'
Amity and Sheridan playeil ball, tlie 8.3UG7.02. Tin- institute fund contains Willamette; M Underwood, North et between Corvallis and this city and the press has a warm friend in him.
Amity toys winning by 25 to 24.
185. This comprises all the money on McMinnville; C. C. Linden, Willamina; check baggage through to the bay, The bills contracted in this city were
travel would be increased considerably. paid with promptness and urbanity,
During the windstorm last week two hand on July 1, 18!W. The exact in­ A. D. Runnels, North Fork; S. R. Bax­
Indians attempted to cross tlie rapids debtedness of the county on July 1, 1890 ter, Dayton; J. M. Wright, East Che- It is about time the S. P. Co. did some­ and there was none of the “catchv”and I
clap-trap which usually follows a cir­
near Celilo in a small boat, which soon according to the clerks exhibit is $12- lialeni; John Field, Sheridan; J. M. thing for the people.
became unmanageable and capsized. ! 919.05.
cus. We heartily recommend John
Kelty, Lafayette; W.T. Shurtleff, South
One of the txxlies was found in a fish­
Robinson to the public. The entertain­
wheel above the city; the other is sup­
ilton, Dayton; C. F. Butler, East Che- The mooted question as to whether ment given is wortli far more than the
posed to have been carried off in the
current.— Timm-Mountaineer.
Monday John Sullivan was adjudged lialem; A. L. Umphlet, Amity; W. F. or not the male elk sheds his horns each price of admission, and if you have
and was ordered to the asylum L. Wright, North McMinnville; J. W. spring, after the manner of deer, I never heard Lowlow. your circus ex­
The Southern Pacific surveyors who
was discussed by the press throughout perience has been a failure.— Martini-'
court. Tuesday he was James, Sheridan.
have Ix'en working at this place for tlie
the state a few years ago, without be­ | burg Inde{ien<lent, June S9.
past three weeks, finished their work taken
____ ______
there by
the deputy sheriff. Mr.
ing definitely settled, pro or eon. The Will exhibit at McMinnville July 29.
here last Monday and left on Tuesday | Sullivan left‘the Hemstock place Sat-
morninglor Lafayette. What tin» ob-l ,
. ,
.. .
buck elk at Dr. DeBar’s ranch near
jeet is of all the work they have been ! ur<’a»v 1,1 “
condition, and B rowxe -L awson ,—June 28, 1890, at Meilford settle«I the questsoil satisfac­
The next president of the state senate
the residence of the bride’s parents,
doing here no one seems* to
know for wandered to Carlton, where lie was
will lie Hon. Thomas Fl. Tongue —
sure. But it is safe to say there will be I found by’.he officers and brought to I near Newberg, Dennis Browne and torily so far ns his case was concerned, Statesman.
He has a very appropriate
Minila Lawson, J. M. Wright, J. P., by shedding his antlers both last season
«ome zv* radical
cltv v’for
f„r examination.
made liefore
long. ! this clt
, name. We predict that so far as his
lin«« vi-ill
... <!>..
and ot oAitv^ii
«•ours»' * they
will !. lie . » tor
the 1...»
____-__ -
and this, and now has his third set rap­ i being president of the senate is concern-
ter.— Sheridan Courier.
< Dr. Fuller is puting up a telephone. | Work on the new block is progessing. idly shooting heavenward.
jed bis name is McGinty.— Democrat.
Yon Will Find I Mean BUSINESS.
F. Dielschneider,
W ill Give You
sand Boys’clothing
Furnishing Goods!
will pay you well to call and see our good«
and prices before buying elsewhere.
Men's Suits from $4.50 Upward.
Our (îoods are New and Fù*esh.
Two Trains Daily.
<1. A. K. «'u.trr 1‘n.t.
Effective May 11th, 1890, the Union
Hall corner of Third and F street«,
Pacific system will establish two daily McMinnville, Or. Font meet« on the
and fourth Saturdays of each
trains lietween Portland ami Sjxikane second
month at 7:30 p. in. Transient com­
Falls. Pullman palace slcepeniand re­ rades cordially invited to attend.
clining chair cars will lie run lietween
J. B. G ardner , Commander.
Portland and S|tokane Falls without ' W yatt H arris ; Adjutant.
SHILOH'S cough and consumption cur«
This new arrangement will afford | is sold bv u.« on a guarantee. It cure- i ou
Rogers Bros.
lioth local and through passengers ad-|
Eor Kale.
ditional facilities. Tickets, detailisi
time of trains, and genera) information,
Next 30 days the farm of W. D. Fen­
can lie obtained iqsiii application to any ton, between Lafayette and Carlton.
ticket agent Union Pacific System.
j Price reasonable. Terms easy, Cail at
T. W. L ee ,
the farm or address Hicks C. Fenton,
Gen’l Pas«. Agent.
(’arlton, Or.
TH AT Hacking Cough can lie so quickly
W II.I. you suffer with dyspepsia and liv­
cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it er complaint ? Sliiloh's Vitalizer >« guaraii
Sold by Rogers Bros
Uwl to cure yon
Hold by Rogers Bro«.
Ouentions for Final J’roof*
Gates & Henry, Props.
Livery, Feed and Sale !
Everything New
And. Firstclass.
Sjiecial Accommodation« lor Commercial
Tlie General Land Office lias shorten­ Al) fanners desiring repairs for Deer-
ed anil revised the questions asked tlie I ing or McCormick binders please give
caimant and witnesses in making final orders for same to J. G. Ballinger A Co.
proof on homesteads and pre-emptions. as early as possible to insure arrival.
Many unimportant and lr.iras«ing ques­
‘ ATARRH cured, liealtb «nd »vert
tions have been omitted entirely, there I breath
secured by Shiloh’« catarrh remedy.
being now only thirty-seven questions, Price .'i0 cents. Nasal injector free Sold liy
whereas, formerly there were 103. This Royers Bro«
saves the settler considerable expense
U o«»<1 for MM*»
an<l annoyance.
Good fir wood can lie had f<»r I2.GR a
SLEEPLESS niglit«-. made uii-crable by
that terrible cougb. Sliiloh'« Cure is the coni. I ¿eave order* with
remedy for y«n. «•Idbr R«ger> Br«>
8. F. H tahom .
CROVP, Whooping cough and luonoliiti.
For lame bark, side or che«t line Shiloh’»
Corner Second ami F. Streets, one block I immediately relieved hy Sliiloh'« cure. Sold porous piaster; price 25 rents
SjJd by
Boger* Bro«
J by Rogers Bro,
from Cook« hotel.