MEN have fought anil ■lied for this Flag. We do not ask you to light and die. but would lx* pleased to give ,von*a re­ ceipt’for the TEI.EI’IIOU: REGISTER for one year. Price, $2. B est P ai - ei : ix the COI XTV. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , fELÈVHONEES,E^àb!’ishe*U’une.' t'sK Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. i i june 12, i89o An Ohl-Fnsliioned Love Song.1 How Sounds are Made Visible. chains, and other objects which give VOL. II. NO. 19, Fatalism and Faitli. j are to view them in the light of Calvary HE ROHE ACROSS SIBERIA« Among the most interesting results order and outline to the vague monot­ 1 Fatalism, complete and unmitigated, and wait till we can see as we are seen, The Most Remarkable Ride on Tell me what within her cvet ot its investigations that modem sci­ ony of a landscape. Pythagoras, who ! is at tiie foundation of all Oriental re­ for this world fa Christ’s, and must Makes the forgotten Spring arise. Record Just Accomplished. A ttorney at L aw . CAPLIN IIIGII, Proprietors And all the dav. if kind she looks. ence has revealed to us is the fact that went further than others of the same ligion and philosophy, all ancient or subserve his purpose. Our position, to a tune like tinkling brooks; Flow school, proceeded to the great detail in G« mm 1 s of all descriptions moved ami « are-, modern pantheism and most of the va­ therefore, as before the abettors of It is a matter of astonishment to a musical sounds can, so to speak, im­ Tell me whv if but her voice Office in Fletcher building, Third Street, ful handling guaranteed. Collections will i Falls on men's ears, their souls rejoice; print themselves upon matter and pro exemplfying the power of music in rious types of agnosticism. While this heathen philosophy is impregnable; great many that in this age of feat» of be made monthly Hauling of al kinds McMinnville. Oregon Tell me whv, if only she duee definite forms as unerringly and giving form to matter. He made the has been the point at which all the in­ the fatalism is all theirs, the union of endurance so little lias been heard of «Ione cheat» ___________ . ¡loth come mt*» the com panic surely as the electric needle can record bol«l assertion—for which he was called fidel systems have assailed the Christ­ sovereign power with infinite love fa W \ I: I>s. As if a moon lit up a star? JO»X »EKW. the motions of tiie fluitl which is dis­ a madman—that the octave gave our ian faith, it has nevertheless been the ours. We have reason as well as they order. Since the famous ride to Khiva, Tell me this that’s writ above, charged from a distant battery. Sound globe its present form. We would not goal which they have all reached by We realize the facts and mysteries of perhaps the most notable achievement And 1 will tell you why I love. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, is a thing so ethereal to fancy, that its like to enumerate all the treatises that their own speculations. They have dif­ life as fully as they, but are not embit­ of tiie kind was that lust year of Comet Tell me why the foolish wind very nature long baffled the penetra­ have been written or to allude to the fered from Christianity in that their tered by them. We see nothing to be Asayeff, who, it will be remembered, Is in her tresses ever kind, LAFAYETTE. OREtlON derision which has been show­ predestination, instead of being quali­ gained by putting out the light we rode from Lubeen (in Poland) to Paris. And only blows them in sueli wise. tion of men, and we cannot wonder endless ' As lends’ her beauty some surprise; ered upon this philisopher for his ap­ fied by any concession to the play of have. We prefer faith to pessimism— Few are aware, however, that lx»th that the recondite aspect of its power to Tell me why the changing year . 'an change from spring if she appear; which we specially allude should have parently wild and meaningless asser­ free will or any feasible plan of ulti­ incarnate love to the tyranny of “un­ Burnaby’s and AsayetTs feats arc now tion. But we will remark—in strange mate and superabounding good, has conscious will."— Z’cr. Dr. F. F. Ellin­ living surpassed. A Siberian Cossaek, Tell me whv to see her face S, A. YOUNG, M. D. remained entirely unknown until a Begets in ail folks else a grace agreement with such a hypothesis—the been a real fatalism—changeless, hope­ wood, in the Homiletic Review for Dmetrec Pjcshkoffby name, fa uow on Situated at the Southwest corner of the That makes them fair, us love of her comparatively recent period. Yet if we Fair Grounds. All size- of experiments of Chaldni have revealed less, remorseless. Scoffers have long Ju nr. Physician & Surgeon. a ride from Blagovjeehensk, in Eastern Bid to a gentler nature? reflect upon the constitution of sound, ' that whenever an octave is sounded on pointed with indignation at the Christ­ Siberia, to St. Petersburg. Blagovjec. First-Class Drain Tilt* M c M inxvili . k . O regon . fell me why. if she but go, we shall see nothing very surprising in It Sizzled tlic Blood. the glass plate the sand, whatever its ian doctrine that a child inherits a hensk fa a Cossaek station on the Am­ Alone, across the fields of snow, the fact that it can be productive of Office and residence on I* street. All kept constantly on hand at lowest living All fancies of the Springs of old previous position might have been, in­ moral bias from its parents, but nowa­ our, in lattitude 50 degrees north, lon­ prices EDWARDS A DEKBY. We are indebted to Frank Smith of «•alls promptly answered day or night. form. When an elastic body vibrates, Within a lover’s breast grew bold: variably ranges itself in form of a circle. days agnostic biologists carry the law A\ liitewater for a graphic description of gitude 127 degress east and the distance 41- McMi in ville, Oregon. Tell me why. when her be sees, it imparts its vibrations to the sur­ Within him stirs an April breeze; Into this phase of the subject, however, of heredity to an extreme which no hy- the manner in which a Piute Indian I’jeshkoff will have to cover tx'fore he E. E. GOfCIIEn. F. C II.BKEITII. J. F. rounding atmosphere. The air vibrat­ And all that in his secret heart ' we do not intend to go, beyond remark­ per-Calvinist ever thought of, and the prepared ltis deadly arrows. He gath­ reaches his destination fa als>ut 8,000 Most sacredly was set apart. ing in response to the movements of Calbreath & Goucher. ing that a vast literature of dreams and cavillers at “original sin” have bt'come ered a dozen or more rattlesnake heads versts, or 5,100 English mill's. The in­ And most was hidden, tben awakes, the body is itself tiie sound, though not At the sweet joy her coming makes speculations existed in antiquity—to eloquent in praise of Buddhism, which and put them in a spherical earthen trepid rider set out on the 7th of No- PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS, DEALEKS IN Tell me these that ’ s writ above, recognized by us as such until these vi- ’ « which belongs the doctrine of the har­ handicaps each child with the accumu­ vessel. With these he put half a pint vember last, and on the 27th of Febru­ Ami I will tell you why I love. M c M innville , - - - O iwgon . — It. ('. Bunner in Scribner’» brations have been conveyed to our ear. mony of the spheres—connected with lated demerit of pre-existent lieings of a species of a large red ant that is ary, 113 days afterwards, at 2 o'clock in But as a breeze will cause a twig to stir, (Office over Braly’s Bank.) ----- ----- ----------------- and as the slightest whisper of a wind the subject of which we have l>een with whom he ha«i no connection found herealiouts. The bite of this ant the afternoon, arrived at Ornek (55 de­ SOCIETY IN HAYTI. will create motions among the leaves, treating. In modem 111110-. the little whatever. The Christian doctrine im­ fa more |a>isonous than tliât of a bee. grees north, 74 degress east) having ac­ Robt. G. Black. M. D., that has been done in the way of scien­ putes punishable guilt only so far as Upon these he )»oured a bit of water, complished 4,000 versts, or nearly 3300 AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Some ol’the Peculiar Things Done and lift them to a new position from tific investigation has lieen recorded each one’s free choice makes the sin and then sealed up with moist eartli miles of his journey. On the third of that which they occupied in the dead PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHER, ai Dancing Parties. aliove. But the field is an ample one, his own; the dying infant who has no this vessel. He then dug a hole two last month he resumed his task and fa and tranquil calm preceding, so simi­ T hird S treet . M c M inx ville , O r . ojien for any experimentalist; ,aml if expected to arrive in St. Petersburg at The average ball in Port-au-Prince, a larly the^harmonious vibrations of tiie the moderns would only investigate it clioite is saved by grace; but upon ev­ feet deep in the ground, in wliicli he the end of the month. All calls promptly answered Office over ery Buddhist, however short lived, built a roaring fire, and then put in air will evidently have their effect in genuine society affair, has some inter­ the Music store as much as the ancients dreamed there rests an heirloom of destiny which some stones. When the interior of the The hero of this remarkable feat, • In building formerly occupied bv Me esting characteristics. You are ex­ altering the conditions of the body they about it, discoveries not only interesting man of some education fa (*oniniander Minnville News « 'o only countless transmigrations can dis ­ hole and the stones were red 4iot he impinge on, no less than the breezes pected to arrive about 6 o'clock in the J.D. Baker MD., but surprising might be expected.— J. of a hundred in on«» of the < ’«waack reg­ evening and stay until daybreak. Your which strike tiie leaves. Experiment F. Robotham, in CaMell’a Family Mag­ charge. If we turn to Mohammedism made a place in tiie Isittom for the iments stationed on the Amour, and we find a doctrine of fate, clear, express earthen vessel ami put it in. About it has amply proved that the human voice SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC host, not your hostess, is the conspicu­ azine. has bad therefore to obtain leave of ab­ PHYSICIAN. ous personage. She is nobody and no- alone is capable of printing form upon STORIES OF JESSE JAMES. and emphatic. The Koran resorts to and u)K)n it lie put the coals and hot sence from his duties to enabk* him to no euphuism or circumlocution in de ­ stones and upon the top he built a fierce matter as successfully and as distinctly wli re in particular—that is, according office at B F. Fuller’s drug store. Resi­ carry out his project. Th«» ride fa re­ dence, first house south of Baptist church, to Hayti’s code, says a correspondent to as a violin bow drawn across the edges New Light on the Character of claring it. Thus in Sura lxxiv, 3, 4, we fire, and kept it up for twenty-four enough on acotunt of the McMinnville. Or. B. CLARK. PROPRIETOR. the Philadelphia American. Your host of a plate. The discoverer of this great the Famous Missouri Bandit. road: “Thus doth God cause to err hours. Then he dug out his vessel and markable distance to lie covered, th«» many dan­ whom he pleases, and directcth standing off with a long pole he diseu- fact is a lady, Mrs. Watts Hughes. “Jesse James, the Missouri bandit, has selected a few of his gentlemen o---- gers and difficulties of the read, and the whom lie pleases. ’ ’ Again, Sura xx, 4, gaged the top and let the fumes escape. The experiments are conducted as fol ­ possessed many manly- qualities, ” feel ­ friends to assist him in receiving. They trying nature of the climate of the dis­ Furniture of all the Latest Styies made to meet the guests upon their arrival and lows: A hollow receiver is procured, ingly exclaimed Uncle Dick Henderson says: “The fate of everyman have we He insisted that haound around his neck." With (he face it would have killed him. The escort the ladies to their dressing room, over the mouth of which is stretched at the Brunswick last week. “I knew more remarkable than any other cir- desired. o------ o and, waiting for them, take them down an elastic membrane. The surface of him well. He was turned into a nem­ lower forms of religious belief—fetich mass left in the vessel was a «lark brown cuntctanc«' is the fact that the same worship, animism, serpent worship, de ­ the membrane is covered with a semi" esis after the Pinkertons threw that paste. FINE WORKMANSHIP A SPECIALTY! to the grand salon, where the women, Is now fitted tip in first class order. To test the efficacy of his concoction horse will carry I’jeshkoff from one end young and old, are seated around the fluid paste, of such consistency that bomb through the window of the Sam­ mon worship—the case is still worse. ---- o—— of his journey to the other. This ani­ The only deities that are lvcognized in very light impressions can be cas- uels residence and blew oil ’ the arm of Accommodations as good as can be the Indian with his hunting knife room and left to themselves, and the mal, which on its arrival in St. Peters­ Orders taken for all kinds of work and these rude faiths are generally supposed found in the city. iy received. The singer then approach­ Jesse's mother. Ever after that occur­ made a cut in his bare leg just liclow burg, will l»e as much an object of ad­ satisfaction guaranteed Call at factory gentlemen congregating out on the gal ing the apparatus sings onto the mem­ to l>e malevolent lieings, who have not rence lxith Frank and Jesse declared the knee, and let tiie l»l«xxl run down miration as its rider, is of the ordinary leries until a dance is called, when the S. £. MESSINGER, Manager. and see specimens of furniture, partners are chosen and the wallflowers brane, exercising the greatest care that war on the Pinkerton men. The kill­ only’ fixed an evil fate upon men, but his ankle. Then, taking a stick, he Cossack bred, It was bom in Kilieria Do not buy without first seeing the furni­ his notes are singulary steady and per­ ing of Jesse James by Bob Ford was tiie whose active and eontiniu'd function is dipped it into tiie |s>ison anil touched M. I». I.. RHODE.«, i:. F. RHODES. and was purchased by ('apt. Pjeahkoff ture manufacture«! here in your own state are brought forward. But tiie «lance fectly accurate in the intonation of the cowardly act of a treacherous, un­ to torment them. Looking at the dark it to the descending bl.xxl at the ankle. for 150 rubles, or £15. It is thirteen NOTARY. > over, there is no pleasant gossiping lie ­ and county fact« of life, and having no revelation It immediately Ix-gan to sizzk* as if it years old, and of a light grey color. In B. CLARK. tween the sexes—nositting on tiie stairs given sound. At once the musical note grateful fiend. Bob wasn’t ‘ eating reg­ and all that, but the ladies are straight­ mirrors itself on the paste, and in the ular’ when Jesse took him to his home, of a merciful God, their votaries have were cooking the blood, and the poison height it is only 1 arshine 15 versaks, way lead back to their seats and again most upexpeeted forms. The statement gave him shelter and treated him well. simply lieen inspired witli dread, and followed the blood right up the leg, siz­ and is therefore much under the aver­ Prices Consistent with Good Work. left to meditate or chatter among them­ will doubtless not readily lx- believed One day Jesse was dusting off a picture all their religious rites have been de­ zling its way until tiie Indian -ern|x*d age size. At Omsk it uniierweut au selves. Two buffets have been set up when we say that the forms of flowers, and had his back turned, Bob shot him vised for appeasing tiie powers that the blood off* with the\knife. He as­ examination at the hands of General Real Estate. Insurance, Collection, for tiie occasion, one for the gentlemen as perfect as if they were drawn, occur from behind. Of course you know that, dominate and distress the World. And sured our informant that had he allow­ Taube and various officers of the staff, —out on the gallery as a rule—where among the rest, and, indeed, contribute but very few people ever learned what yet we are asked to lxdieve that even ed it to reach the mouth of the wound and was report.*.! to lie in excellent con­ and Loan Brokers. drinks and cigars are served, the other the majority of the figures. Daisies, picture Jesse was dusting when he got this widespread horror, this universal he would lmvcdied instantly. Banning dition, save that the hair on its luck A SIX ROOMED BOI SE AND TWO near the salon, for the ladies, supplied with every petal exactly shaped, are his death wound. It was the large nightmare of heathen superstition is Herald. McMinnville - Oregon. had lx*en worn away by the constant “ Lots, 110x1(10 feet, price, .$800; or with better than the Calvinistic creed. If we common; lilies, as symmetrically made picture of his dear old, white three lots. lflOxlAO feet,$000; or four lots, with light wines and confections. A friction of the saddle. In the person of Office in oloun SIMPSON. their slippered feet, and the effect of erence of sound will lay, side by side bitterly. He stopped and intpiired the in which all forms of materialism arc is no harlsir there, and great difficulty sure taking the |>o«xl as lx*ing equal to Transacts a General Banking Bnsincss, these bright stockings is some compen­ with the starfish an anemone. Occas­ cause of her sorrow. As she handed fatalistic in their relation to moral re- has heretofore lieen experien<*d in get­ 36 jxiunds avoirdupois, would be alxiut Administrators Notice. l'resident............................. J- W. COWLS sation for tiie ennui they must endure ionally the vibrations—presumably ow­ him *70 in greenbacks, she cried out qxmsibility. James Buechner assures ting tiie ore off to ship«. Now that the 11 j stone. The fixxl of the horse con­ Vice President......... LEE LAUGHLIN ^OTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT that the men so merry outside may en­ ing to an unconscious augmentation of convulsively: “Its all I have in the us that “what is called man’s soul or submerged railway lias been built, it fa Cashier .... J. 1.. STRATTON ■L’ the undersigned John 11. Walker has force on the part of the singer—will im­ world. My huabaud’s corpse is in the mind is now almost universally con­ a simple matter. It runs out into deep sists of oats and hay. Capt. 1’jesb- been appointed l\y the County court of Yam­ joy their ball. print themselves in tiie form of shells, baggage car. Tears came to the eyes ol ceded as equivalent to a function of the water, ami an iron tower, seventy feet koff has nohxl in the diary which he Sei's sight exchange and telegraphic hill county,Oregon, administrator of the es­ The horseback parties up into the transfer* on Portlnn«l, San Franco ami New tate of James A. Walker, deceased. beautifully voluted, the wrinkles in the the train roblier. Going into his pocket sul»stance of the brain." Walter Bage- high, work««! by a counter-balance keeps the weight of each of these eon* York. All persons, therefore, having claims mountains are a marked feature of Hay­ scroll being so incisively indented that suuied tx*r diem, and has olieerved that he returned the $70 and added two hot suggests that the newly-born child runs from the cliff’s to th«1 waiting ves­ Collections matte on all accessible points. against said estate are hereby notified and ti’s better social life. The cavalcade required to present the same with proper starts off at daybreak, or perhaps even when photographed they ap]>ear as if crisp one-hundred dollar bills to it, has his destiny inscrilied upon his nerv­ sels, which are moored lsiw and stem the appetite of his st«*d increases as Interest allowed on lime deposits. vouchers to the undersigned at the law of­ Office hours front !> a. iu . to 4 p m. creases in the picture. Suddenly de­ which he forced the widow to accept. ous tissues. Mr. Buckle assures us that in tiie roadstead. When the tower ar­ the distance travelled I xnniiiic » greater. fice of F W Fenton, at McMinnville. Ore­ earlier; the objective point being some At the start 8 ]x»unds of «sits and 10 certain underlying but undefinable laws gon within six months from this date. rives at tiie ship, its top, bearing its pounds of hay |ier day were sufficient mountain cabin, where the contents of serting these marine forms as capric­ He never would rob a cripple or an old, of society, as indicated by statistics, Dated Mav 7. 1890 iously as it took them up, the sound gray haired woman either. He once load of ore, is aliout even witli the ves­ to satisfy it, but by the time Omsk wax tiie hampers will lie spread, and possi­ JOHN 11. WALER, control human action irrespective of Administrator of of said Estate bly beds provided for a night or two. will create ferns, suspend bunches of took an overcoat off ¡his own back to in choice or moral resjMinsibility. Even sel's deck. As soon as tiie iron is l«iad- reached 30 ]x>un«fa of the former com. J S It IBB-«, - - - Proprietor. F. W Fenton. Attornev for estate. Through the heat of the day, from 9 fruit, and otherwise adorn with similar the streets of Liberty,Mo., to give to an Accidents and tiie averages of forgetful­ ed on to tile ship the weight of tiie modify and 15 pounds of the latter (May 8-18) until 4, the party will loll about in the emblems the surface. There is, of ol.l shivering man who ha«i been turn­ ness or neglect are the subjects of com­ counter-lialances pulls the tower back were required, Ax for drink, for the Fresh Meats of nil kinds constantly on hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s to the cliff, where it runs up the mouth dense shade, eating fruit, singing and course much room for conjecture in the ed out into tiie cold by an unfeeling stock explanation of these various forms. son-in-law. I could name many othei putation. To support his position he of a chute and automatically opens its greater portion of the journey, thus far, playing cards, the delicious mountain T hibo B tbeet . M c M ikxville , O b . the horse has drank no water in the cites the average of suicides or the num­ mouth. The chute comes down from liquid form, being obliged to lx* content air making it hard for a stranger to l»e- Some facts, however, we know for cer­ instances. ber of letter deposited yearly on which “ Little Jesse James ’ the son of the tain. When tiie sound is producing lieve that lie is in the tropics, and won­ TRIPLETT & d BOND. the superscription has lieen forgotten. the mines, ami when it has droppisl on to quench its thirst by snow snatched der why a sanitarium is not built upon flowers on the paste, the singer can at dead bandit, is making quite an in­ Thus underlying all human activity tiie tower enough «»re to overcome the up on the road. An English horst* i«- Proprietors of the pleasure increase the number of petals come out of tiie sale of pebbles from his weight on tiie counterpoise, the tower ductsl to such necessity would n«M sur­ the invigorating heights. there is an unknown force, a vague, su­ The Haytian gentleman who would by gradually making the tone ascend. father’s grave to the tourists who fre­ start- away to sea again. vive tiie or«le:d, but most Cossack hors­ preme something—call it deity or call ---------- «-•«---------- express the utmost courtesy to a strang­ At each fraction of a tone on which his quent the old homestead at Kearney, it fate—which controls human affairs The neatest place in the city Animals es are used to it an«t receive no lisra. Mo. Mrs. Jesse James is a pretty, quiet voice rises a new petal is added to the Down on Agriculture. er in Port-au-Prince invites him to use carefully selected for killing—insuring the whatever. irresistibly. That which differentiates iinest meat Poultry, etc , bought and his bath, the highest distinction he can flower. He can thus, by a careful little wontan, who fully appreciated the Christianity is the fact that, while it The line of route fnsu Bagovjech- said Highest market price paid for every­ The basest fraud on earth is agricul ­ oiler, and one most gratefully appreci­ management of his breath, increase devotion of her husband. She says her lot's represent God as the originator thin; eiisk lay through Streijlens«, Vereb- ture. The deadiesl ignis fatus that ever a pygmy daisy that lies first imprinted husband never came home drunk, and ated if the stranger is staying at the anu controller of all thing, it yet re­ glittered to Iteguile ami dazzled to lie- nev«xlinsk, Irkutsk,, and hotel of the capital. Every Hay tian on the paste to a gigantic sunflower, oc­ was at all times kind and attentive. spects the freedom of the human will, . tray is agriculture. We speak with Tomsk and at each of tlic-e places stop­ with any claims w hatever to respecti- cupying nearly the whole surface. In Yet he was a criminal in the eyes of the which Mohammedism does not, which feeling on this subject, ami we've been pages were made, amounting in all to the other forms — r. g., the shells — this Law, and finally met an ignominous bility even, has a bath, a large swim­ Watchmaker materialism does not. Not only the glittcreil and beguiled anil dazzled twenty-five days. To obtain the exact ming bath as a rule, through which addition of piece by piece does not ap­ death by lx*ing shot in the back by tiie word of God, but our own reason tells ami deceived by the same arch de­ time son I/O west Rates and no Commissions. Such results of modern science as the ney, charged with more crime than he he had ordained: another says that he har«l winter cloueil down on us, and with such accommodation us is usually The Honest Waiter. of Winthrop Messinger.) Thus you see Mr. V ern <» n is a standard precedeing brings us to the threshold ever committed. His devoted widow foresaw and then resolved to off« 't the lambs died in the shell. No won­ accorded to susjx-eted |xx>p)e. He ws* animal, both in breeding ami performance. There was an occurrence not long ago of . an interesting antiquity. The Greeks, is a living monument to his devotion what he had foreseen. Neither is cor­ der that Cain killed liis brother. He treated at first very rudely by l.fa offi­ ’all on or ad«lress: zDissowcr’TTonsr. in the city of Minneapolis, which well who were certainly innocent of any as a husband, even though all the rect—or, at least neither can know he was a tiller of tiie ground. The wonder cial captors, and was only released ou Mr. V ernon ha golden chestnut, weighs illustrates tlie making of virtue a neces­ such research into the mysteries of world may despise his memory as a is correct. God is not subject to our ■ is that lie did not kill his father and furnishing sufficient evidence that be W. T. SHURTLEFF, 1,200 ]»ounds. and is without question one of the speediest and gamiest stallions in the sity and profiting thereby. A lady, sound as we have just described, held hunted bandit who met an untimely conditions of time an«l space. It is im­ I then weep liecause he did not have a bad no design« on the life or property At J. I. Knight Co.’s MeMinnvile. Or. world than whose name there is none I tetter in the person of Pythagoras, his school death from a man who accepted shelter possible that he whose knowledge and | grandfather to kill.— 117«//«« H'nila t Or.) of the citizens. ZZe "STZ'ill Stasid. will encompass all things should l>e af- I Journal. Capt I’icelikoffs dress <*onsist of a known in the theatrical world, was and numerous natural philosophers ; and food beneath his roof.” At the following places during the season playing an engagement at the Grand. who followed him, the doctrine that fected by our notions of order and ae- short wadded coat, a fur cap, long fur ending with July 1, 1890: Live Frog in a Rock. A colored dentist in Macon, Georgia, lxx»ts and fur gloves, etc. As an ex­ quencc. The whole universe, witli afl Sheridan Monday. Tuesday and Wed­ She stopped, of course, at the West. music is the principle form of nature its farthest extended history, stood lx- uses no instrument except his lingers in tra protection from the ld he wears a nesday. One day she was engaged in looking and that every shape in the natural Many well-authenticated stories of McMinnville- Thursday. Friday and Sat­ over her wardrobe, or a portion of it, in figure in the animate and inanimate the finding of live toads and frogs in fore him from all eternity as one con­ extracting teeth. By means of long short fur overcoat, and a Imshalik, or Sign, ;tnd Oriiiiini nliil Paintei urday. her room, and, being busy, had her world was determined and created by solid rock, are on record, and that such ception and as one purpose. The too practice his fingers have lieeome as <*owl, which is drawn over his cap when The Only Sign Writer in the County. luncheon sent to her room. When it the divine infusion of music into the things are possible was demonstrated frrequent mistake of human formulas strong as forceps, ami lie claims that it fa windy. His arms are a revolver, The citizens of Oregon now have a chance came her stage diamonds, made of the formless matter of chaos. “By what­ here on Thursday afternoon, when a is that they to undertake to reason out he can pull teeth faster and with less a sword, and a “reeneiMtl,” or a two- Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most to breed for speed, size and road qualities for a very low price Address; purest paste, were scattered about on ever means it were introduced,” says workman engaged in Varley ay. Ex­ perienced men employed. tle juggling with his napkin, he se­ have been infused into matter so as to stone. Of course, the occurrence created do with many things is simply to l>e- Animals aneing proved were unusually large and very brilliant love. An«l this leads directly to the script. which will lie published. iment« stationed in that <-ity gave • sion at the stage entrance on “pressing to produce the forms of flowers, trees, but the frog was perfectly blind. There chief differential which Christianity can learn the exact cost business from Miss---- ,----- hotel.” he shells and other natural objects, spon­ was only a line where the mouth presents in contrast with the fatali-ms •'Mark Twain’.’, friends wish to con­ grand Imnquet in hi« honor. The found the lady and restored to her the taneously and without any previous should have l>een. and on the feet there i of false systems, viz., that while sin and test the claim that Edwin I loot h fa the route by which he will reach St. Peters­ burg, lies through Tioutnen, Perm and of any proposed line of diamond cross, which, he plausibly set suggestion of the form by pencil or the was a dark, horny substance. Mr. Ev- death abound, as all must see, the gos- lazic-1 man in the world. Kazan. In Russian military circles | i»el alone reveals a superaliounding hand of man; to see the same power, erill at once took charge of the curiosity I forth, had become entangled in a nap- tn A moriran M Jules Ferry ha- shaven off his hfa f«*at fa exciting the liveliest interest advertising in American i kin. She was so delighted with the when exercised upon a chaos of grains and put it in a tin can, but the frog 'grace. It is enough for us that the 1 fellow’s honesty that slie bestowed on of sand, at once throw the sand into died yesterday morning. He brought whole scheme is one of redemption, that side whiskers, which leaves the carica­ and the Russian war department are has permanently cured thovsaxds napers by addressing of Ii cases turist- nothing but his now: to «iz: up­ informed l»y telegram whenever he pronounced by doctors hope­ I him a five dollar bill. This is a true patterns of symmetry, whose lines and it down town and it was examined | the Lamb was slain from tiie foumla- • reache« any town of iirqxirtance. less. If you have premonitory symp­ ' story, and one which will not be incor­ curves might very easily, if we were with interest by a large number of peo- [ tion of the world—nay that he made on. ------------------ ------------------------- Geo. P. Rowell & Co., toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of porated among those in the Sunday- disposed to carry out the analogy be pie, and afterwards it was presented to the worbl and made it for an infinitely Berte Harte fa. a very cateftil worker— Mrs. Art«»r fa one of *V1 t William >1111.011« Waldorf • Breathing,