S A end T en C ents word of praise is due the McMinn­ NEXT WEEK | Our Reader» can have the pleasure of , reading a long article on the working» of the Standard Oil Trust, prepared from an interview with John D. Rockefeller, Prwi-' dent of the greatest monopoly on the earth. If you do not take T he T elephone -R eg ­ ister , we will »end you one for five centt. ville T elephone -R egister for the enter­ prise shown in the Illustrated Edition is­ sued on the 27th inst. It is replete with well executed cuts and good descriptive matter.— Oregonian, March 29th. For McMinnvile Illustrated Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , Robt. G. Black, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHER, T hird S treet , M c M innville , O r . april io , 189 o . VOL. II. NO. 10, Intra, Mintra. Cutra, Corn. A MONSTER OF THE DEEP. Ten small hands upon the spread, Five forms kneeling beside the bed. Blue eyes, black eyes, curly head Carefill analysis of the workings of The Adventures of a Pearl-Div­ The Form Which it Takes—The Natives Prefer Gold in , electric roads goes to prove that when er on tlie Mexican Coin or Jewelry. ( Coast. operated with skill and discretion they Blonde, brunette; in a glee and a glow. (Yours are thirty and twenty are mine) Ten sweet eyes that sparkle and shine. HOARDING IN INDIA. Electric Honda. It is difficult to estimate the amount are i 50 per cent less expensive to run “Have I ever seen a sea sarpent?” The speaker, says a writer in the New of gold hoarded in India. But it was ap- 1 than horse railroads are. What does York Ledger, was a tall, red-faced man, prox ¡mated before the royal commission 1 this meau? One thing it means Is that Motherly Mary, age of 10, HR. B. F. FULLER. Evens the finger tips again, roads can be built that would be I a sea farer, at work upon a dilapidated on bimetalism at £130,000,000, which many Glances along the line, and then— of the question with horses. An. < boat which he pulled up on the sands. was the amount Imported during the out Physician and Surgeon. “Intra, Mintra. Cutra, Corn, is that roads not paying can be < “No, I can’t say that I have; but,” last fifty years, and is exclusive of the other Apple seed and apple thorn. on a dividend iiasis. In 1888 out ] seeing the disappointed look that came hoards for centuries past. The silver placed M c M innville . O regon . Wire, briar, limber lock. Three geese in a flock. was computed at about £170,000,000. < of ninteen horse roads reporting In New over the countenances of his young for Infanta and Children All calls promptly attended in the city Ruble, itoble, rabble and rout, questioners, he continued: “I’ve seen This yields for both gold and silver the Y< 'ork city, ten showed a deficiency. May be found at drug store Y O. U. T.— sum of £300,000,000, which represents Last year their net earnings were much O ut !” what's to my mind wuss.” CaatoHa cnrea Colic, <’>OMtipatf«fl, 8our 8tomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. “A mermaid,” suggested one of the nearly one-third of the value of the to- 1 better, but it is evident that a horse J. F. GALBREATH. E. E. GOUCHER. Sentence falls on curly head; Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prouiotM dl- tai amount of coin (£1,000,000,000) eeti- l road is not always a mine of wealth, al­ One wee digit is "gone and dead,” boys. waES' injurious medication. Nine-and-forty left on the spread. “No,” replied the old sailor, striking mated by Dr. Soetbeer to be in circula- I though it may be of fertilizers. A Calbreath & Goucher, T hk C xntaur C ompany . 77 Murray Street, N. Y. I point is the establishing of a new •'Intra, Mintra.” the fiat goes, the boat with his ealking-iron, “wuss tion in the world. The form which the third PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Who’ll be taken nobody knows. hoarding takes is that of bullion or coin i class of Investment of a solid, enduring nor that ” Only God may the lot dispose M c M innville , - - - O regon . “One day while lying in the port at and frequently themetai is made into nature. It is within everyone's knowl­ Is it more than a childish play? (Office over Braly’s Bank.) San Francisco a man came aboard and ornaments, partly used for the purpose i edge that the accumulation of capital Still you sigh and turn away asked me if I wanted, a job at $100 per of adornment and partly kept as a tends constantly to the reduction of in­ Why. what pain in the sight, I pray? month. I answered quickly I did, and hoard. As a rule the native prefers it terest to a minimum. There was a S, A. YOUNG, M. D. Ah, too true. "As,the fingers fall, a week later I was sailing down the in the form of ornaments for his family time when the long stocking and the One by one at the magic call, Till, at the last, chance reaches all coast to the gulf, shipped as a regular because it is hoard; and it Is also a source Iron cheet were the common bankers Physician & Surgeon, This powder never varies. A marvel of diver to the pearl fishery. It seems of gratification to him to possess these for the savings of the timid; and the “ So in the fateful days to come purity, strength and wholesomeness. More M c M innville , ... O regon . The lot shall fall in many a home, that they wanted a first-class pearl-div­ ornaments. The simplest form of jewel capital that was bold earned the double economical than the ordina y kinds, and That brea-is a heart and fills a tomb. Office and residence on D street. All cannot be sold in competition with multi­ ers to inspect the grounds, as they had or ornament worn by the native is the reward of its bravery and scarcity. As tude of low test, short weight alum or phos ­ MOST SIGHTLY ADDITION TO calls promptly answered day or night. “Shall fall, and fall and fall again, reason to believe that the natives were thick gold or silver wire twisted into Walter Bagehote, the economist, has phate powder. Sold only in cans. R oyal Like a law that counts or love but vain cheatin’ them. I made my quarters at bangles or bracelets. The latter are remarked, the English people have al­ B aking P owder C o , 1Ô6 Wall St., N. Y. Like a fate unheeding our woe and pain. DR. J. C. MICHAUX a little town called La Paz, just around made by the silversmith to whom the ways wanted to put their money into “ One by one, and who shall say From Terminal or Interior Points the the corner in the Gulf of California and native betakes himself when he has something that will yield 6 per cent; Whether the lot may fall this day saved a few rupees. These are soon and this is undoubtedly one reason why That calleth these dear babes away. a queer place it was. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, c ouAzr y ________ no A o . “I used to go out with a gang of six beaten up into the necessary article or English capital, free and fluent, Is so True, too true. Yet hold, dear friend. Evermore doth the lot depend LAFAYETTE. OREGON- or seven men, and when we got on the ornament and hoard. Silver is also much a power in the finance of the On him who loved, and loves to the end. ground each man would take a big bas­ hammered into brooches and torques in world, and why so much comes this k Lot 2. k Jan.21, ’ 88. K Lot 7. Lot 3. Blind, to our eyes, the fiat goes, ket and a rock fastened to a rope and immitation of knotted grass and leaves, way. As Mr. Bagebot says: “In most Who’il be taken, no mortal knows, k tu lower himself over, the rock carrying while armlets and such like are freely countries most men are content to fore­ !0 fiCRFS /odCffCS But, only Love will the lot dispose. * absorbs all the gold that pours into In­ ■ Electrical World. Situated at the Southwest corner of the Soon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price. The executioner Is known as Jokili- attention to it, thinkin’ it was mud. dia, and very much of the silver, al­ Fair Grounds. All sizes of bovo, or the Red Warrior, The mon- Then something jerked the line and I though the latter is the circulating me- Information About the Czar. First-Class Drain Tile .arch has deputed to four of the chiefs stood up. Well, lads, If I'd had any diumr As the natives get wealthy they S-CL57- ITow Before Too Inerte- NEXT DOOR TO OLD POSTOFFICE, The Czar Is said bv .in old comrade kept constantly on band at lowest living the power of sentencing to death. hair to speak of, and it hadn’t been wet prefer gold.— Chambers Journal. M c M innville , O regon to be an illiterate man. wdtlnganchool- Price Hanges $50 up. For full particulars apply to prices EDWARDS A DEBBY, Should any man offend one of these, or I reckon it’d stood on end and no joke. England in Mexico. 1 boy hand and «trewin r his m inuacript 41- McMimville. Oregon the laws of the country, he Is promptly J. I. KNIGHT A CO THE INVESTMENT CO., Right over me was a big somethin’ that Wo respectfully solicit the patronage of A curious phenomenon is present in with mistakes in spelling and JAS. FLETCHER A CO.. 49 Stark St., PortlandJOr. asked to go for a walk with Jokilibovo. the public did look like a blanket. It was twenty grammar. He prefers to reside at Real Estate Agents, McMinnville F. BARNEKOFF A CO., This walk excites very little notice foot one way and I don’t know how Mexican financial affairs. It is that 1 McMinnville Flouring Mills. the chateau of Gatecliitia chiefly liecaiiM* beyond the culprit's own immedi­ long the other, shaped like a big bird, while American capital, except that In- 1 the hour's distance >f that splendid vested in mines, is being withdrawn 1 ate circle of friends. Its direction is and whirlin’ round jist like a big buz- palace from Ht Petersburg gives him a from Mexico, British capital is flowing always the same, and it ends on an ex­ I am prepared to give better ecution hill with a blow from Red zard when it’s risin’. It was whirlln’ in and in greater volume than ever. 1 sense of comparative security from ON---- The few and simple pre­ terms on farm insurance t ian any Warrior's club. There Is a great knack round, as I said, cornin’ lower an’ low- The Inw ardness of this peculiar condi- aasasination. 1 other insurance agent in Yamhill in delivering the death blow aright, as er, and I made up my mind t'iat my tion of affairs seems to be that Ameri­ cautions it is thought necessary to take only chance was to make a break. So in this calm retreat are these; the whole county. the Swazi cranium Is not given to being I jerked at the line and dashed up. I can investigators seem to be more prac­ On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit. domain, including the palace, gardens, affected by ordinary knocks unless well reckon I got about half way when the tically acquainted with the possibilities Lowest Rates and no Commissions. of Mexico than their English cousins, park and forest, is surrounded by a planted at the base of the skull. big critter came whirlin' down. I was and are better able to see that for a time high wall, which Is again guarded by On the day of............. .................... 18.. within two feet of it, and its two big for value received I promise to pay to at least further investment« in Mexico an intrenched camp. The hundreds of Killed in Battle. Jail on or address: horns or somethin’, looked just as if sentries on the wall, many miles In ex­ the Oakland Home Insurance Co. or or Did you ever think how few people they was goin’ to grab me, when some­ are not advisable. At the same time it tent, are changed every hour. Every der................................. dollars in payment W. T. SHURTLEFF. of premium on Policy No. of said Com­ are killed during wars?” asked Thomas thin' happened. Whether it see me is a fact that United States offers a prof­ road and footpath is patrolled incessant^ pany, with 7 per cent interest from date Sloane, of Boston, as he sat in the Col­ and got scared or somethin' else got af­ itable field for enterprise that Ameri­ At. I. I- Knight A Co.’s McMinnvile. Or. ly, and no one is allowed to leave or until paid. onnade last evening. “Well, here Is a ter it, or what, I dunno, but it give me cans are not disposed tooverlook. But enter the railroad station or approach there is another reason for our examin­ It 1« understood and agreed that this memorandum I made recently regard­ a kind of a somerset, upsettin’ me, so the chateau without a pass. Last of all note is not negotiable. ing deaths In battle since 1856. The for a second I was most drowned, and ing the economical condition of Mexico the chief police search every corner of If this note is paid 60 days be­ to-day. The ascendency of British fore maturity all interest snail be entire number killed during these thir­ the next I knew the divers was haulin’ capital there is complete. Last year the palace at least twice a day. After ty-four years—exclusive of those who me Into the boat” waived. this free and easy existence of happy House, Sigi, and Ornamental Painter died from disease—is abont 2,253,0(10. "I’d seen the blanket fish, an', ac­ alone well on to $75,000,000 were sunk This is no fake. These notes In the Crimean war 750,000 were killed; cordin’ to the men, had a narrow es­ in railways, lands, mines, public secur­ confidence in his subjects, it is rot to be The Only Sign Writer in the County. will be taken on FARM PROPER­ the Italian war of 1859 resulted in the cape. You couldn’t get one to go near ities, banks and other enterprise«, wondered at that the Emperor dreads the disloyal precincts of the Hennitage Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most TY ONLY, and they give the farm­ slaughter of 45,000; in the American the place for two or three days. Of which with other investments consti­ Artistic Style. er seven or eight months time on civil war 800,000; in the Danish war, of course I dont want to run across one tute a tremendous mortgage on the re­ or the Winter Palace. his premium without interest. If 1864, 3,000; in the Austro-Prussian war again, but, between you and me. that sources of the republic, rendering the Des igns furnished for Decorations. Bismarck's Youngest Non. Rememl >er Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ you don’t believe it come and see 45,000; in the Franco-Prussian war— blanket fish I reckon, was the wuss maintenance of law and order a mat­ “ Billy ” Bismarck, as he is known to me. nishing a Specialty France 150,000, Germany 60,000; In the scared of the two. I’d jest as soon run ter of almost as much importance to his family and friends, is one of the Work ta ken by Contract orbv the Day. Ex­ C. W. TALMAGE. Turco-Rqssian war 250,000; the South across a sea-sarpent,” added the sailor Great Britain as to Mexico itself. Spec­ most popular society men in Berlin, a perience«? men employed. African wars 30,000; the Afghan wars thoughtfully, “In fact, I dunno but ially over the railway system of the member of many clubs, a Mt of a l d become entangled in the anchor New World is one of the most notable popular. --------- —.--------- ■ AUVCn fl 1/E DTIC tDC or ottwt.wSo wrth t' of vessels and the craft moves IldCHd th,. papw. Of obtain ntrmite, ing in grain in Chicago apparently | chains Ground Flaxseed. on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on lite at mysteriously away, to the horror of the features of this era. What the results Children Cry for contributes to the seriousness of his ex­ I superstitious sailors. Several such in­ . may be in Mexico is worth considering. Pitcher’s Castorla. —Pittsburg Dispatch. stances are on record. 30er; •ont Street. Portland, Oregon, the Advertising Agency of LORD&THOMAS. istence. CASTORIA All calls promptly answered the Music store Office over I ^ akih 6 POWDER .. v -x 1 H I'.A McMnSTISrVILLE, Absolutely Pure. OREGON ! Northern Pacific Railroad f . I T -j To all Points East & South Lol 4 Lots. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. WM. HOLL, Lohs. Lot !2: /j.Hdaus Lot/j. PEOPLE’S MARKET. TRUCK AND DRAY CO., HEWITT BROS. B ooks , stationery Galloway, Goucher* & A_a:ee, Musical Goods and Instrnmeuts of all Kinds. Lots in the Oak Park ADDITION ARE SELLING FAST! D avidson & S quire . mu i mœ Edwards & Derby, FACTORY MONEY TO LOAN Improved Farm Property INSURANCE NEGOTIATED. READ THIS AGREEMENT! J . B. ROHR, The St. Charles Hotel. Kombination Locks Furnished and Repairing a Specialty. HALLS STANDARD SAFES h 'U U Oil Oa:uy, Rav / S Boiled Linseed Oil, Horse Bills Printed at this Office! Furniture Factory,