j.K. is 2>» Thc lands known as the “fhi«». «m Scpteml»rr. 25, nini i. .oiw;,|(T„| ............• |h). 4’hecks au-i other cash item*. 13 ; an 4SÛ«M» 1X47. for l.eariiinr«*g«»n in I««.ver» in the »t«P. D. L. (’., this ¡»«»int In ing th«* northeast in a literary way and knew how to very near th«- mountain si«i«**, and as , retail dry g«xxl* store in Portland. The Bills of other Bank« < '<»n*id«‘rabl«‘ of Fractional paper currency, nickel* corner of th«* district. Tlieiic«* westerly teach seh«M»l, were di»*ipat«*d and finally fast as a small settlement consisting of xt«M-k of th«* hank is n«»t iqx»n the market, h if- i* - taken up in th«* thm*.*u-tioft an«! «* oih * jnitt 1X52 v lierr they hav«* n**i«led t«» «late. hi» time a few families is mad«- a school district proved unworthy of theexaltcd position tin* holders prefering to accept the divi ­ Si»eci«' f-'--- * • iHi.in,^ |H1( 1h. ||„. L. (»«»iitherly along the d«*v«»tion to tin* cause of |x»pular educa­ ically, mentally and morally. |,MV(. |„V|| I|(;l)1). j of Oregon at die ch»*«* of busiimss. Febru- Ualivided profit* »,7'9 (tt and tl *e iinimer wass|M*nt in hard lalnir « oh . Ili» L. H. B aker . The public schools an* indeed gtxxi, Shadden line, and th«* west lines <»1 J. tion evi«lenc«*? means of a higlier education cannot fa* to include thc lands of the*«* claims a* i get to exteiul tlu* medeof praise toth«»se tract of Imiil w hich a e»»inpany of Me- and t h c ii F. S bonds losecureeirculalioii 12.500 on •<1105-25 T otal excelled by any other eolleg«* in the given, to tlu* southw«*st « orncr of the i sturdy pioiun-r frontiersmen who I« m I tlu* <»n<* nf th«» Lvafling Institutions of I.earn­ Other stock*, I mhw I s . and mortg­ Milinvill«* j»copie lu»l«l in that pia«*«*, h«- taught «luring ing in the state. 7,169 .'Mi STATE OF < >RE«;«»X. <’«»CXTY OF YsMHII.I. »: ages state. We leave further comment to Staggs claim; this point being the »out h- w ay into this favore«! ami l»«*aiitiful | h » i - fa-iug «me of the Interested pctrlfe«. The th«* slimmer Due from approved reserv«* I. .1. L. STKATTO.X. « a*liier «.f th«* above Thence tion of <»m* of eartli’s fain*st r<*gions— j »copie who are connected with the var­ w«Mt «-orner of tlu* «listriet. Any d«*s«*ription of McMinnvill« agents pn»|M*ny wa* lw»uirht a year ago. *13,unn !>.2H9 07 named Bank. . Notarv Publi«* rbr <>rvg«»ti. **c««i* ilig in easterly course to tlu* »oiitlu ast when* ro||e«l th«- Oregon ami no sound the *latc that tlu* Baptists have, and so Checks ami other cash item» child I k ». >«l. H is e«lu<*atioii w a* <»l»tain- . .»cu/« This po»gram Bills of other banks ............ Excel lent t«IvsuilMgrs Afforded for Ob­ corner of W«*slcy H«»uek's land, his land < '«»RRKCT Atte»l : was heard save it5 own dashings.“ it has a strong constituency l»a« k of it. |K*ci<* was carried <»ut for year- mid finally ré­ ♦ •d l»\ his own « xeriion*. and tlu *uc- taining a Common School Education. C owls . i I w Legid tender ik »I«* s ............ lieing a part of the Isaiah Martin l>. L. 'I'I k - publi«* sch(M»ls arc th«* safeguards of The eolleg«* was «-harf«*r«*d by tlu* legis- \. .1 A i ’I’LR sox . I »ire to: ». *ult«*«l in hi* obtaining steady siliations ec»« h«- has ma«lc «»f lie is «hu- to thc i Ilcdempiion fund with I > 5 \V M CVMI’BELL.I No fa-tter criterion, hy w hich th«* en­ ( . and including thc lands of Wesl«*y our lilwrtii**. They arc the corner st« »lie latun* of 1X59. Bev. (L ('. ( handler, i per « cut. of circulation at tcai’iliiig. Eight y«*ars *.r i*o passed same. '•o-. .’S » Tlu*ncc of rcpubli<*an i list it ut i< »ns. All that is I). D., was the firs; pn*si«l«*nt. Fora Then* has Isen littl«* transfer of *t«M-k terprise, public spirit, ami go-a-head-it- Houck in the sch«M>| district. in t«*a< liiug tlie last three la^ng k|»elit 4.EO. V . I‘H ill.Es. I and that has been lM*tw«*en the stock ive-ness of the peopl«* of McMinnvill«* northeasterly, from the *outlu*ast <*or- done t«i advance their efficiency will re­ mimlx-r of years the college building in the .McMinnv ill«* «-ollvgv a* pr«»f«*ssor Liabilit I«*». holders. Holders of t he st«M*k consider may fa* estimated hy tin* immigrant nerof »aid land, »aid corner lieing also dound t<» tli<* |M*rmanent good of our st«x»erit, than in th«* Braly lands the place of Iteginning, and as attractiv<* as could I m * desir«*d. Ami, ami w as graduate«! in Marell of 1*79. with Judge Wm. \l. Banroy at Salem Ol i: « Ol NTY S< IIOOI.S. r<*g«»n during the years 1*79. I shii and |HM|. short Article «••» Tlieir <¿r«»wtl» anil <-h«*ck ‘«1.137 • » are <*ontemplaU* some three mil«** Th«- -<-h«M»l year now drawing to a , several years, and is »till rcmenilH-red Dm* l(> 'tali* banks ami bank«*»** lie rvc«»ntly located hen* and int«*nds then* uth and nearly «-lose has lx*en one of general pros|x*rity a» a most excellent t«*a<*lu*r and a rc- o | h ne<. a law office. Mr. Magers ha* to o|»cii mi office at an «in ly «late. Hr Total $323. M7 13 is on«* of tlie finest I »nil« lings in tlie city. th«* beautiful and «*<»nim(Nli«»us public so from cast to west. The taxable proj>- in this county. Seh«M»l* have been markabl«* disciplinarian. Prof. Mark Stat«* of <»regen. County «»f Yamhill, ss. I m * cii o ; i <* of th«* triist«*es of th«* McMinn­ is th«* l«M*al attorney and <*« »Ile«-ting agent I. .1 \«on W’ oi : tm \ x . Presitlvnt «»f the The bank's c«>m*s|)oiid«*nt.* ai*e the Han­ ville c« ll«*gi* Ibr several years ami is now tor several <*<»rp«»rati<»n* «loing l»u*ine** s«*h,r«*g«»c. th«* abov«* statemen I is trm* t<> the best of First National Bank «»f San l-'ram*is«*o, sc I kxy I s an* well graded ami ar«* manimd the real value «»f all pr«»|x*rty in the dis- rag<* s«*«*m» to hav«* I m * cii lM*tt«*r than in several y«*ars, and is »till rcnienilx*r«‘4l my kn<«wl<*dge and beli«*f is a Baptist in pdigion. a rcpul»li<-an in .I a « oh W ortmax . I>r«*si«l«?nt. and the Merchants’ National Bank, of « \I BIO VI H A «.«»I < HEIL by a corps of efficient teachers, hi fur-I i trict w hich iiiclu ami is a promin<*nt m<*nil»er «»f Subscribe«! and -worn to before me this P«»rtland. In addition t«i th«* hank niture, maps, « harts ami <»th«*r sc | i « m »1 Minnville. The district authorities« it shoiihl I m *. Then* is a strong ami ing ability, hut also Ixt-aiiM* of llu* r«*- .’»th day of March. lsiMi. the Maisoni«- |o«igc in thi* «-¡ty. The A Sn<*<*«*M*fttl i'lriti «»I* Thy-irimiM an«| *ur- building th«- bank ha* purchas«*d tin* aids, til«* sc I hmi I s art* <*<|uip|M‘«l second to should sec to it that an official rec­ «•v«*r-growing puhli«* «**ntim«*iit in sup- markal»l<* *reg«»ii pr«»|M*rty fronting on (’ stnvt, u | m » h none other in low n* of <*orr«**|x»ndiiig onl of the fa»mM>ar*u*s as now exist­ |M»rt of our puhiie schools. Another wile. Many ar«* the old *tiik«*n in this lioiiu*. But the IL I' B ii : i ». i Thc «li*<*iplin«*, instructmii ami moral las I W ij i.i \ m 11«»I i . I»ire«*tor<. III«* McMiniivilh* National Bank, «*njoy this. * •I % AI fr> M«< AIN. training given in these *ch«x»is is tlmr- the district clerk in making assessments th«* h«*art\ «•«»-operation of the t«*a«-hers day came w h«*u tlu* growth of llu* col­ II c W«» i : tm \ x .I an extensiv«* pra«-ti«*c. Tin y an* |M»pu- The portrait I m I ow which gra«*«*s this «»ugh and give* entire *ati*fa«-ti«»n I«» tlu* for taxes, and the records so«*ompil(*d in th«* higher institutions of l<*ariiiiig lege demaiuled larger grounds and a Tlie picture I m *I«» w of Jacob Wortman Jam«* McCain vnj«»y* the rcputati«»n lar ami their skill in surgery has I mm ii cohimn is a <-orix*ct r«*pr«*sentatioii of J. patrons. immi-diately filed with and record«*«! I»y with tlios« of th«* puhli«- »<-h«M»ls. No larger building, ami tlu* present <*x«*el- is a faitliful r<-pr«Mlucti<»ii of him. \V. (’owls, pivsident of the McMinn- of being one of I lie fa**t criminal law y«is shown !«» I m * mi ni, a* *<*v«*ral very «liffi- Th«- sch«M»ls derivt* their financial siq»- the eoiinty siiperillteiid<*nt of school* in lM*tt«*r <*videnc«* of this pivsent happy lent site was seenn*d. It is on«* of the Wortman was lx»rn in St. Johns, in the state and In* has fa*eu <*<»iiiH‘ct«*l p«»pu- Phis is a matter of public interest ami that in tin* re|M»rts from th«* vari«»us on th« Pacific c«»ast. No stranger visits in this ci»unty fa*si«|«** iiuiiktoiis ca*«** ti<*«* i* not «*oiifiii«*d t«» tin* city hut «*x- latloii in th«* annual distril»uti«»n «»f thc imp»rtaiict*. riu* * c I um »I ground* or |H»ints iii th«- comity w her«* bx-al t«*ach- it without I x*ing impress'd with its nat­ throughout the stale. I'he attorney*1 t«*mls thr«»iigllout the «'ounty and in interost accruing from the state irrodu- sit«* on which the pnsciit building* ers’ instilutc* ar<* hel«l. Th«*»«* men a|c ural lx*aiity and its fitness for a eolleg«* all adn it (hat Mr. M«*('aiii is a hard a«ljoining ciHinti«**. Num«*n»us |M*opl< cible sch«x»l fuml, and from l«x-al tax of stand contain* 4 acre*. I'he ground» p«*ar working luart ami hand with *it«*. I’ll«* present fine building, one of man to tight. I le i» t h«* old« st attorn«*y from long distan«*«** luiv«* <*<»iisiilt4*«i 4 mills t«»g(*tli<*r with the tuition paid ar«* valued at *3,099. The building wa* t«*a<*h«*rs of the puhli«- s <-I i « m >| s , lalM»ring tlu* very fast < «lucational buildings in in the county, I mh I i in years and in them ami such <*as«*s hav«* uidversally by non-rcshlvnt pupil* attending the erected at a cost of *19,006. The entire to elevat«* th«* rdu(*ati«»iial stamlar«!. tlu* state, was ore<*t«*d in 1**2. It is a practice. Hi* pra«*lie«* i* not <*«»iitin«*ls. value of th«* *<*I i « m »| building, ground», Th«*y an* c*|M-cially cntitleti t«» <-rc«lit. as four-story brick, with dining-hall in th« to Yamhill county or to tin* stale of a stamling in th«* m<*dieal pi*ob***i«»n The school y«*ar is «livim sc I i « m »1 «listri«*ts. Nearly all have g«»<»«l mental in S4*«*uriiig tlu* new building, and settled in 1*51 hi* parents nmv«*«I to (>r«*g«»n. Hi» ing |xn days of actual s«*h ing th«* rainy sea »on. I’he »«*I i « m >1 s6(Ml to s|ll,(NMi each. Nearly all of th«* untiring energy and groat zeal for llu* The doct«»i*M fatli- ette U livcrsity aii«l the Dalia* high public scli«x»l w«»rk. hi a«lditi«»n to a ground» have fa*en planted with shad«* new l»uil«lings ami *oim* of the <»bl «»m*s coli«*g«*. Ilev. E. (’. An«l«*r»on. D. I), iT is a physician sch«M»l. I |»on tin* comph'tion of his short va«*ation during the progn-s» of trocs. Thc ohservanee of Arbor are fiirnishe«l with th« lat«**t improve«! w i«lely known Ibr his *<*lmlarly ability and is noti prac- »ch«M»l «lay* lie <*nl«*r«*‘l th«* law «»llh-eof the seh«M»ls, exclusive of all legal holi­ was prosident for six years, a long«* i it this ti«*lllg 1*. C. Sullivan al Dalia*, Folk «•oiinty day s ob*erv«*«l, n«*arly three months in term than any of his predecessors, re­ «‘«Hinty fa-lllg l( s «*I i « m >| .»« »si«nis j» pref­ naries of th«* <*a*t. wa* «*l<*ctc«l a* the was one of a large family and In* b«*gan trict sch. F<*nt«»ii, iiow of Scnttlv pra'-tieing in Lafayette Imt in a *h«H't Wm. Galfoway. Th«‘sc gentlemen an perous <>iu* th«* college had ever known, I , A short time my. After «*.ompleting his stinlie* lie ami II family tell ii | m » ii him. Hurley, now ass<sitioll ill thc li«»spltal live school-men and give much of their and Ibero is roas«m to fa*lieve that this after th«* d«*ath of his father his ste|»- liegan teaching schiMil and work<*«l a* a Jlitlge Caple* ill Port land. In IKS9 Mr. department of th«* NortluTii Pa«-ific, tim«* and att«*iiti«»ir t«» tlu* iiiamigcm«*iit year w ill pr«»v<* even more prosperous mother «lied and tin* family of several farm-hand during the vacations. When McCain removed his office to this city, w li«»-<-quarters were then in Montana. of the sch«»ols. An iiis|M‘<*ti«»ii of tlu* than last. Afamt 7 imi volumes of clu»i<*«* small children w as taken to relatives in 17 years <>l, with an «*yc to rigid <* coii - a. n allin «; ek . tel«*seope w ill s « x » ii be on llu* groiliui*. marrfod *« m » ii after hi* return to Iowa summer. 11«- was out in the world, his in«-rt able changi-s int r<»diiced. Then* is now J. <». Ballinger w ho is «-arryhig <»n an the ahov«* partnership w as form«*d. Dr. to the teach«*!* in tlu* »laily «•oiidiu t of will s«M»i) add many ornam«*ntal tr«*«*» t«» patellt «l«*sks mid also with the In st of an exi-elleiit “liusiin*ss course” of three companied by hi» wife start«*«! for the him, and after a two years' resit Ivin v in impfoiiiriit busines* in thiscity. Whilc G(»ii<-hei is iiit«-n**l«*d in i»n»|M*rty in Ohio lie wen! to Wisconsin, when- h< then thinly settled territory of Oregon. the several s«-ho«»l*. th«* extensive planting all ivaiiy «lone chart», map*, cl«-. Th«*rc were report«*«! year», es|M*«-ially Ibr those who do not The trip took six month*, the party ar­ remaine«l five y«*ais. In th«* spring «»f «piit«* yoinig bis parents m«»v«*d to si’veral towns of tin* norlliwt-st; is a Tlie t«*acli«*rs an* «*x|H*ri<*ii«x*d in :h»*ir and ii«»w in tim* growing «*t»nfi7 | m * i - s «> iis lM*twe«‘ii 4 ami 29 wish to take a full coll«‘gt* coins«*. In riving here in Octol m * i * of’52. He land- 1K’»2 he cr<»sse«l the plain» to ( 'alitbrnia. Kansa* he attended thc puhli«- and |ov«*r of Iin<* horse* and |x»sx4*sses s«*v«*rnl, work. Prof. (o*o. A. P«i*b|«*s, is the The sc I i « m »I site was originally 2'. y«*ar* of age, of whom 2476 were en- th«* acadcmi«* department there ar«* (bur <*d in Portland with *1.25 in his p«M-ket Tin* country r«*lla Peters, Win n th«* district vot«*«l to erect the vat«- scho«»ls, and IIM»2 not attending Ix'ing given to th«* graduate of any one and s|M*nt that iiiiiii«*diately for s«»m< - came to On*g<*I hn »|*, the geiMTous d«»nati«»n of Iacres a«lja- | m » s <** «hiring th«- year S’>4,liu7.3«>; ninety- par<* favorably with th«»*«* of th«* very in telling how a block on S<*con«l str«*et eilueational advantages, so I miii(*d i a t e I v 1XK5 was til«* <*aiididate on that ti«*k«*l o]>ene«l a private school. In 1*56 he was ofier«*«l him for two months work. a Is«» served on th«* «-orps of teachers th«* «■eiil to «»Id sit«* till* district is iii«lel»t(*«i six teachers found employment at «ala­ fa st eolleg«*» of t lu* Pacific coast. Th«* In* ciit«*n*d th<* at the sp« «-ial elerlion Io fill th«* VH<-Hll«*y first five iii«»nths of the pivse’it year, to John t’«M»k, Es«)., wh«»se fin«* iarm lie* ranging from *2"» to*199 jer month. • Olltkxik of thc «*ollege i* full’of prom­ Th«* pro]M*rty is now worth hundreds of was elect<*d auditor of the «-ouiity, Or«*- law d< pari- in tin* boils«* of i<‘pr«‘sentativ« s <*HUs«*d thousand» of dollars. From Portlaml gon then Iwing a l«*rrit«»ry. ’ I ’ I k * «luties lie wa* <*oin|M*llcd to hand in his n*sig- adjoins th«* groumls and tin* city. E*tiniat«*d valm- of schoolhous«*.*, <*d,- ise. Those »«« king Imines in ()r«*g*on m«*iit o f t h «• by the death of Henry Warren, he went I«» Oregon City w here he en­ of th<* <>tb<-v corres|M»nd«*«l to the pres­ II. nation on ae«*ount <»f th«* jHvssiire of hi* l*'«»r a miiiil»«T of years pri«»r to 1*77 SINI. will do wi ll to r<*m«*mfa*r tlu* a«lvant- I niv«*rMily «»f was «1« ieated simply b<‘«*Hiis«* th«* |mrt y ent clerk ’ s. Mr. Cowls taught school gaged in st«*aml>oating which h«* fol ­ official i»usiiu*** a* «ounty siq»eriiiteiid- ami 1*7* the puhli«- s«*h<»ols were joint ly S«*<-ti«»n 69, I’itic VII, of th«- Am«-mle«l ages otter«*«! hero. I'he tuition is low. Kansas and at tin«» w«*i<- drawn ami Yamhill is a ri- He had taken up ami attende«! to tin* duties of the «»ffie<* ent. Prof. Baker is an exfvlleiit ti-ai-li- <*oiidu S c I kmi I Law has so far r«*«*eivvay will I m * a pr<»mim*nt feature in tlu* stat«* to liv«* in, will «•«•rtainly d«*gn*<* of L. L. t«»n. L«*\vis «-ounty, W«*st Virginia <»n Prof. Peebl«*s is a gradiiat«* <»f Willam­ th«* Baptist <-liiir«,h n«»w stands. Tin­ in the st I kmi I system of the stat«-. A «•aits«* many familit-s to settle in or near 4-onsi«leral»l<* pr«»|M*rty ami in 1*64, ernment, when the otfi«*«* vvas «•hang<*«l B., tli«* yoiing- J uii «* I, IH-54. In 1X65 his par« lit* <-r« »**«•« I ette University at Salem (>rt*g«»n. H«* public schools were si'parat«*«! from the t»ist<* for th«* lM*autiful should I m * ii*gi»ii ami *«*tl lcunty during a | m iì « m I <»f four years, He was Ibr s«‘verai y«*ars <-oiin«*4-te1.' M is* \V« mm I s is a s«-h«M»l. U) m > ii th«* r«*moval of the pul»-- children’« work. Ami, without at- BOTH DOING A GOOD BUSINESS. ment. S« h » ii th«*y liaugh Mr. Cowl* ha* intcrvstv«l hims«*lf in her« in Septem»»er of l*xu and in N«»- I iiiv«*rsity. I p_ accepta4»iy several terms in l«*a«liug building w as er«*<-t4*«l on the present Each, $50,000. Portraits of 11) yoiitI: I planted it. /A . ./. 7. Mr. Wortman has I m *« ii mayor of svvvriil nianufai-tiiriiig vnt«*rprisv* in V(*ml«*r vys app<»inte«l «I« pniv «li-trict oil th«* <*<»mpl- puhti«'*,.*4-h»« < of th«* ilistrici until 1X.SX ! judgm«*nt have I m * cii «li«playel«*rv<|, fr«»m hims«‘lf in them much. «•vivvs (*onsi«h*r>iti«»ii at his liamls, and Laiighaiy. 1SX9 is :‘X3. Th«- pverag«* daily attciul- j wh«*n thc new and commo«ii«»us build-; seh*eti«»n of »eh«M>l boils«- sites a* to From th«- banking institution* «»f a and i* yet yoinig. so faiue is ii«*arly *un* which in*titutioii h«* whs graduated in M«M INN VILLE NATIONAL BANK. h«- is always til«- lir*t ami generally the an«v is nearly .’’J-J. Tlu* r«*|M»rt of the ing—an «»rnament to th«* «-ity—wa; iN-aiity of surroundings ami h«*althful «•ity a person can d«*riv,* inlbrmation I'he McMinnvill«* National bank with largest giver on any subscription pap«-r to <»v«*rtaki* bim. All thc <-a*<*»of w hich 1*75 at th* age of 21 y«*ni*. (hie y«*ar .school clerk at tile la*t annual sehve the immediate bank d«M— not «lem»t«* tin* poverty of a • »tfi«*4?l*s <»f tile hank ar« J. W. (’owls, the McMinnville national bank was <»r- t<*iul«*«l w!th uiiiisiiid - ii «-< < thi- «-ounty. Aft«*r graduating, th«* Joseph Hol»«*rg is the *4*h«M»| clerk of “traim*«l the young i«l«*a how t«» »hoot” surroundings. m*«tiiiig in lM*autiful community, alth«»ugh sum«* |M*«»ple s»*eiii «l«M-t?»r lw*gan the pra«-ti«*<* of medicine this district. hip littl«* has I m * cii hainl<*ti dow n to lls. gr«»v«*s of oak ami fir, overlookinglM*au- to think that it long t hem we find th«* nam«*s of Van tiful farm* whicli in the springtime hav«* «•ontid«*nec in (in* mom*y making d«*nt ami J. L. Stration ca*hicr. er ship vv a* f«»nne«|. Dr. Calbn-ath fan Fr«»m that d:Te «» ii for a |M*ri«»«l of ten hut wc I ihvi * naim*«l those whom th«* hanging heavily la«l«n««l with au- solidity of a bank and it resources give W. 1). Fenton removed t«» S«*af tie. Mr. pr<»minciit ma«*»i» ami is as are all llu* has resign«*«! hi» | m »sition ami is now in- years sc I i « m »| were maintain«*«! a |M»rtion ohler citizens Iwar in ph*asan! in«*m«»ry. I Uli ma I fruits—ail these passing lik<- a umpicstioiialdc pr«M»f «»f the afiairs * of t«*reste«l in i*«*al estate *|M*«-ulation. I'he PROMINENT IN ALL THE COURTS Fenton ha* a large patr«»nag«* ami lias medi«*al nu-n in thfa city, a lover of of t*ach yea? during llu* t«*rritonal g«»\- Sin«-«* 1*77-7* tin f«»ih»wing tca<*hei*s pnn<»raina In'lbr«* bright, healthv child- a community, whether g«w><| or b »ad. I m * cii Ci»iimM*t«‘ii*g«»ii hom«*s. Th«* Men of Brains and Sagacity, inent «-ase in th«* rountv for tin* past We are not asliani«*«! of the showing of w lien th«* bank op<*ii<*«l its «loors. This «•ral tine <• »It* which an* all *li«>vviiig up mission of (>r«*g«»n as a state the «-ounty oh «low n to th«* present tim«*, viz., Pro­ not only break* th« monotony of * c | i « m »| tt ho take Uliarge of Complica­ few y«*ar*. the bank* of this city. j* not niM-cssary but the st«>ckholders arc w«*ll for the «-«»riling s«^is<»ii. of Yamhifi was laid oil* into s«*lux»l dis­ fess«»rs Aar«»n Frazier, L«*«* li. Baker, life, hut rrmlers it «-harming a a fairy ted I>i(Terences and Straighten THE I IRST NATIONAL BANK. F. W. Fenton was I m » hi on th«* 27th ali men of mean* an«l th« inv«**tmeiit i* tricts ill «-«»iiformity t«» llu* existing Blakt*, .1. A. (’. Frciiml, William- tai«-. Them out in Accordance ttilli of .hmnary. 1*5!» in B ímiik * «•ounty I'he pioneer bank of tlie «-ounty is |M*rmaiiant. th«*y having confid«*ii«i* in V \«»l NI,. M. I». MU school-lr ws. The «listriet, I herelbre, son. Pri«-«*, Jordan Urawfonl aml Miss Aimther promineiil fcatinv of *<-h«»<»l the First National Bank of thi* city, It the Teaching's <»i Blackstone. % l*hx-i«ÍH»i aii.l Surge«»“ with hh Ekleit- stniri. In 1*65 hit pannits moved to th«* pro»|M*rity ami tut nt«* gr«»w th of the from als»iit 1X59, has I m *«* ii known as l-ostcr, as principals, ami ussoi-iated life in the \\ illaim*tt<* valley is th«* gen­ wa* organized in 1KX5 and formally «•ity . Th«* bank although young i* fast I’ra«l I«*«-. this stat« ami sett le« I in thi* «•oiinty district N«». In ami *iimlry «-hang«** in with th«*se at snnilry tim«*» w «•!•«• the eral g«MM| lwaltli prevailing pi-cvailing among o|M*nc«l it* d«»w in*. att«*iidaiit ill* atlect the lu-alth ami the Wortman * mentiont*«! l»eiug *oii* of the bank at th«* <-l<>sc of business ar«* a little superior. At least the |x*«»pl« rea«I law in the ‘»ttic« of Killin «V Mnrc- teml* throughout th«- «*<»uiitv. Hi« failure «»f tlu* district t«» hav«* kept an Lizzi«* Handley, McDaniel, now wile spirits of th«- boys ami girl* of (Iregon; of.Ja<*ob Wortman, tlie main orga»iiz«*r I h*c«*mlM*r 11. is«». <»f other places m cm to think so ami re­ NO. 3K57. land at Portlaml nini w i* admitted to pra«-¡‘<*«- in tin- Hty i« «-xcvedinglv aixnirate official reconl of its l»oiiiidari«*s of (¿co. Wilcox. S. P. IL It. agent here; but with chcvks aglow with health ami «»f the hank. The majority of tin* stock tain them in preference. Th«- legal «IE 1 H E < «»N J>I T1ON th«* bar in l*M. A partnership wa- ¡arg«*. or to proviil«* a mapsh«»wing what lands (•rac«* Halina, Mary Martin, now wile eye* sparkling w ith intelhvtual vigor wa* ow n«*«I by tin* Wortman family, Of the McMinnvill«* National Bank at Mi­ m«*n of this «-ity ar«* Jew in mnnfaT hut fonm*«| with hi* l»roth**r W. !>.. then l>«M*t4»r Y<»mig wa* lM»rn in Sanga­ arc embrace«! in its territory it has I m *«* ii of Granville Baker, E*«|., of this city; they enter s<-h«»«»l in the fall of the year, Tin* otfi«*ers «*l«*ctc-<• <>f Im-iu mo\«*«| to this r?tv wh«*n* hi* l»n»th«*r 1M(i. (hiring the year Krf» hi* pnwnt* flrftou »•«••**. fxHiiularics. What we giv«- is a* th«* <«n*t*iian«l Sarah Mark, and probably or “freez<*-iq>s,’’ <*«»iitimie uninterrupt­ pr«*»id« nt and John Wortman, cashier. by all of them is g«xMÌ. Their names had preccede«l him several y«*ar*. er*»*•«•«I iIn* plain* with the train known $7 older resiilent.* have iiidicat«*«! from th«*re were «»th«Ts, win»*«* num«** we edly thn»ugh flu* entire winter, and b'^u-h *u«-«*<*s*ive annual election result«*«! t Loans and* iseomits ar«* Janies McCain. L. Loughary. F. W. Mr. Fenton is an influentirl democrat. astil«* “Bras- Kiioh Train,” call«*d ««» ; Overdraft.-. »< <-iir«*«i and nnsecur«*«! with no danger of sunstroke e«»ntinue their rv«*olk*etioii and observ ati«»n. Very fail«*«! to get. that . l.ir. 19 claims, etc ..................... (« intim li » on S eventh P aoì .. in value v ithin live year.. tvv«», are rememlM*r<*d for the gomI they nier month*. *(at«*m»*m*. iht* la*t stalcinem w ill show, w hi«-h is I»u<* from appmvrd r«-« rw agrnl- 1.S9U 12 fadow. i SCHOOL ADVANTAGES. MMINNVILLES BANKS. OUR LEGAL LIGHTS. • *