The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, February 27, 1890, Image 4

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Jamaica Lore.
The Health of Canada.
How Birthmarks are Hidden.
The island negro is full of legends,
The Park toboggan slide is the,
correspondent writing from
on the subject of tfae conceal.
- -
__ Howard Pyle in Harper's Magazine. —
Montreal, and it is the most fre- rnpnt.
ment of nprcnnnl
personal rlnfnnt«
defects, says thn
the |
It is a pity that they should never quented, says a writer in the A’eic reason why the bodices Mme. Mod-
Eating an Orange.
have been regularly collected and England Magazine. There are two jeska appears in are always decor­
Until the last few years, since recorded, for the race of the old- chutes, both nearly a mile in length,
ated with a cluster of flowers or '
oranges have become popularized, it time house-slave-woman, who held and every night during the season
knot of ribbon just at the left of ,
was a matter of no little difficulty her audience breathless with the the toboggans are continually whiz­
their fastenings is that an ugly scar
and concern to those who desired to wonderful doings of “Anancy” and zing down them, traveling at the
on the breast, which looks as if it
•at gracefully to hit upon the best his wife, “Crooky,” and a son“ “Ta- rate of the “Flying Dutchman” of
might be the result of a wound
way to eat an orange. The thick, cooma,” is now almost passed away, world-wide railway repute. The
from a poignard—a souvenir of
easily broken skin of the Spanish All of the strange, out-of-the-way scene around the slide is very pic-
some past romance—must be con­
and Italian oranges admitted of but phenomena of tropical nature are turesque. A thick mantle of snow
cealed in some way. When this
little variation in method. The alive with suggestions of the super- is thrown over all the surroundings,
device becomes monotonous a little
skin was carefully removed, and natural and the mysteries to the Torches placed on either side of
scarf of silk will be trailed careless­
the fruit separated in its natural negro mind.
the shutes cast their shadows upon ly across the open corsage in diag­
sections and eaten piece by piece.
At various parts of the island the faces of the animated groups» onal lines, a tiny fan of lace will
With the thin, tough peel and ten­ arc subterranean rivers that here and outline for an instant the forms
spring out from the corner or a lit­
der interior skin of the Florida or­ and there make a sudden appear- of the travelers who fly past, leav-
tle knot of featners will wave softly
ange this was a matter of greater ance, to run swiftly for a few miles, ing a little cloud of snow in their
against the disfiguring mark.
difficulty. Fastidious people ob­ and then to disappear again in the wake. Montreal’s fairest and most
Pretty Mlle. Anthelme, who
jected to the style which is the de­ bowels of the earth. In places the famous divinities crowd together on
made such a successful debut in
light of childhood, viz., punching a water appears only in circular the landing-stage, awaiting impa­
the Nouveautés two yearB ago, is
hole in the orange with the forefin­ sink-holes, always brimming but tiently their turn to descend. Of
afflicted with a most undesirable
ger and extracting the juice by never overflowing, even in the wet course there is some danger in to­
and repulsive birthmark. She is a
pressure and suction, and soon the season, or never diminishing, even bogganing. That’s half the charm
pretty woman, with a tall, com­
fasion was set of dividing the orange in the dry. In one of the mountain [ of the thing. Down the far-strctch-
manding figure, dark hair and
in halves at the equator, if the ex­ fastnesses a negro pointed out to me I ing glare of ice, in the uncertain
1 eyes, but she is a sort of female
pression may be permitted, and such a gloomy pool, with neither I light, one can see a toboggan just
Esau, like Lucille Western, and
digging out the pulp with a tea­ inlet or outlet. To him it was the I shooting the dip, with another
has a thick growth of silky hair
spoon. Some genius improved up­ habitation of some monstrous suba- speeding along half-way down the
from her waist up. Of course her
on this by cutting off only a small queous creature named Croomie. I slide, and as the second toboggan
skin is carefully shaven above her
slice at the top of the orange, at the He told me that nobody ever dared | flies into the shadow the sense of
bodice, but it has a coarseness of
Arctic circle, so to speak, then with go near the margin, for Croomie | danger makes one’s veins tingle
texture and a blue tint which ne­
a sharp knife cutting out the core. would catch him and pull him un-J with pleasurable exeitement.
cessitates the fair Anthelme’s en­
A second circular cut just inside the der. I could gather nothing from I The physique of the Canadian
crusting with blazing jewels that
skin separates the pulp, and if the him but the bare facts, for when 11 people has become the admiration
part of her throat which evening
operation is skillfully performed pressed him for further details con-1 and despair of the world. The men
dress exposes.
the fruit can be eaten with a spoon cerning Croomie’s character and I are noted for their brawn and mus-
Sophie Croizette of the Theatre
without spilling a drop of the juice habits, he evidently took my ques-1 cle and their excellence in all ath-
Français had a deep vaccination
a recommendation which has made ! tions for covert ridicule, and with-1 letic exercises. The women are
scar far down her plump arm,
it more popular than any other drew himself into the shell of non-1 noted for their erect and graceful
which she used to conceal with a
method. The native Sicilian, who ’ comprehension.
| carriage. They do not amble, but
knot of ribbons or trail of flowers
does not care if he does get a little
Rattle and Ring
Car Line will
In their peculiar dialect the ne-1 walk military-wise, straight from and with a gold bracelet before she
of the juice smeared upon his coun­ groes possess a fund of quaint saws]the hips. The mingling of French
became so stout that the bracelet
tenance, takes his long, sharp knife and proverbs. “Alligator lay eggs, | and Scotch, English and Irish, has
had to be as large as a waistband.
No city in
Valley presents better
of Capital.
—every Sicilian carries a long, but him no fowl,” says one. “Fish-1 produced a distinct type of beauty
Speaking of the disfigurement one
sharp knife for family purposes, as ermen never say him fish t’ink,” | which combines the Anglo-Saxon
night to some friends one of the la­
he generally has a vendetta or two says another. Referring to the | race with the wit and vivacity of
on hand—and cuts the orange spir­ land crab, “Little crab hole spoil I the daughters of La Belle France, dies quietly picked up a wax taper
off the toilet table, and, holding it
ally around so that it becomes a big race horse.” Some of these 11 believe that no woman is ugly,
above the arm, allowed a single
long strip of pulp and peel, He quaint sayings show not only the | There certainly are no ugly women
of melted wax to fall over the
grabs this at either end and draws keen insight of the semi-savage in-1 in Canada—I do not think there is
When it hardened she dust­
it rapidly through his mouth, ab- to the characteristics of the voibe-1 one that can be honestly called
ed a little pink powder over it, and
sorbing the juice as it passes. It less creation, but also a wonder­ plain. The climate forbids any
Croizette’s scar was lost to sight.
is not pretty, but it is remarkrbly fully sly and cunning knowledge of such thing. All our Canadian
Croizette’s make-up box contained
effective. A modification of this the weakness of poor human na­ maidens are endowed with a health­
ever after a bit of wax taper.
style is practiced in the United ture.
ful ruddiness that is at once attract­
Suggestive Bookbinding.
States, and used to be known as the
‘“Duck and fowl feed togedder, ive and aggressive. This is the re­
Among them are
“New Orleans fashion.” It consists but no roost togedder.” “When a sult of plenty of fresh air and exer­ Edgar Saltus’ new book is bound
of dividing the orange diagonally man dead grass grow at him door.” cise, of snow-shoeing, skating, and in pale green, the color of absinthe. rels
lumber yards,
into four sections, cutting across the “Dog run for him character pig run dancing. Canadians rival all na­ He has made arrangements with (
creamery and cheese factory,
pounds of
core. It is not, however, considered for him life.” “Hungry dog cat tions in their skill and knowledge his publishers that this color is to .
good form by the many orange ex­ cockroach.” “Man bit by snake, of the two latter diversions.
be kept exclusively for the outside furniture factory,
him run away from lizard.” Such
of his literature, and no other au- ' future.
A Chinese Panacea.
Another fashion of eating an or­ are a few of the many score of the
thor is to haye the privilege of using
ange—which is considerable trou­ like sayings that pass current from
The Chinese consider ginseng it. This is going to set a fashion in
ble, and has but little to recom­ mouth to mouth of the merry black their most valuable vegetable reme­
bindings, and the probabilities are
mend it on the score of elegance— island peasantry.
dy, a superstition that has rebound­ that one is going to be able to tell
is to cut just through the skin at
ed to the profit of many a hoosier, an author’s befoks on sight, by the
Tlie Coining Man.
the equator, and by carefully turn­
for China offers a ready market for tint on the outside. Stevenson’s,
And is constanly increasing; faster in proportion
cities of
same size
ing the peel back, form a cup of the
I imagine that, when we look all that can ever be dug in this
skin at each pole of the orange. The back from our home in the unseen
yield per acre,
state. They readily pay in New plaid; Rider Haggard will have in Oregon.
pulp is then bitten off around and universe ages hence we shall see,
York $30 an ounce for the real Cor- something lurid, with lions and being
in any
section of
around, as a schoolboy cats an ap­ without much doubt, a race of men
ean article as medicine, and $2.50 savages on it. Howell’s will be in
ple. While this style keeps the differing from those of to-day much
is known as
for ours, and of course one is often virgin white, as suggestive of how
hands comparatively clean it smears as the man of to-day differs from
substituted for the other. The very harmless and milk-and-water thé
the face most unpleasantly. The his simious, perhaps simian, ances­
word is a Chinese one, signifying contents are, and how well suited
same objection may be urged against tors, writes Professor Thurston in
“the power of man,” so called be­ to the eye of the young person.
the fashion of peeling the orange on the North American Reriew. The
cause it is supposed by them to in­ Stevenson’s “Wrong Box” has been
a fork and holding it in that way brain will be developed to meet the
crease virility. And all this is be­ ! returned from three different quar­
while eating it.
more complex and serious taxation cause of the frequent fanciful re­
metropolis of
ters to its American publisher, with
Some people thrust a fork into of a more complex and trying civi­
semblance of some roots to the hu­ ! an indignant note from the purchas­
the core of an orange, peel the fruit lization; the vital powers will be
man body, legs and all. The hunt­ er, saying that the cover was defac­
and then slice it as one would an intensified; the man, reducing the
ing of these roots is pursued with ed with a torn scrap of newspaper
apple, losing thereby a large quan­ powers of nature still more com­
I all the ardor of gold-seeking. Large that stuck so tightly even hot water
tity of the juice. At a dinner table, pletely to his service,
if the orange knives are very sharp less on the exertions of his muscles pre8crve(1 in embroidered coverings i would not remove it—a warning to
—a circumstance which rarely hap­ and they will be correspondingly Ij inclosed ¡n cagcg of varying publishers not to trench too far up­
on the denseness of the general
pens, by the way—this is perhaps and comparatively less powerfill.
tbc whole being Jockcd jn
as good a way as any. It is simple though they will probably, never- bragg.bound chegtg an extraordi. public.
and makes no fuss, and there is an thelesB, I imagine, continue to grow larily finc spccimcn being vahied
The newspapers of the country
air of refinement about touching the
W ™l™lat $500’ and this for a Paltr-V root are calling with a loud voice upon
fruit only with the knife and fork, tionably have grown since the Mid­
named by us Panax, and classed as James Whitcomb Riley, the Hoosier
if it be gracefully done, which re­ dle Ages; the lungs must supply
a feeble tonic stimulant, and in a ■ Poet, to brace up. He seems to
commends it to many people.
aeration to a larger and more rapid­ country where a human life is not ! have a great deal of sympathy. A
ly circulated volume of blood richer valued at the paltry price of the literary society in Indianapolis pro­
Seed Corn 4,000 Years Ohl.
in the phosphatic elements especial­ rice it takes to sustain it!
poses to give him a reception as
During the season of 1889 a most
ly needed for the building up of
soon as he sobers up. His friend
remarkable crop was raised by Da­ brain and nerve; the digestion I
Reed When Angry,
Pink Fishback says that the drunk­
vid Drew, at Plymouth, N. II. In
must supply its nutriment in simi-
wben Speaker Thomas B. Reed enness of Mr. Riley was due to the
1888 Mr. Drew came into possession larly increased amount and altered I ge^g angry, says the New York Tri­
fact that the contract which he
of some corn grains found wrapped character and composition; the I
bj8 features assume their made with Major Pond turned out
with a rnumy in Egypt, supposed whole system must be capable of |mOst benignant aspect and an al-
to be very profitable to the major.
to be 4,000 years old. These were
more rapid, more thorough and most seraphic smile illuminates his Riley could not bear to see the ma­
planted and grew. It had many of
more manageable conversion of the I countenance. Those who know him jor making $400 while he only re­
the characteristics of real corn; the
energies of the natural forces to the besf gay that it is the time to stand ceived $200. Hence his poetic na­
leaves were alternate; it grew to be
uses of the intellect and the soul I from under.
ture gave way and he sought solace
•ver six feet high; the mid-ribs which inhabits it.
member of the Pennsylvania in the flowing bowl.
were white; but the product of the
stock, there is where the curious Why Women are Rarely Robbed, [delegation in congress was remind­ J Says a Washington newspaper:
ed, apropos of this peculiarity of “The most noted father of the house
part comes in. Instead of growing
Mr. Reed’s, of the reply an old and senate of the past was a man
ing in the ear like modern maize, it
hung in heavy clusters at the top, are not robbed on the public thor- [ Quaker lady made when she was altogether forgotten now. His name
on spikelets; there was no tassel; oughfares, for the majority of them told how lovely Quakeresses were was Nathaniel Macon, and Jefferson
no Bilk; each sprig was thickly carry every cent they possess in generally; what a charming simpli- called him the last of the Romans!
studded with grains, each provided their pocketbooks, which in turn city was theirs; how quiet they ap- He was a democrat from North Car­
with a separate husk, like wheat are carried in their hands. I sup­ peared; what a serene spirituality, olina, and he had a political career
pose, however, the reason thieves so far removed from all earthly of more than fifty-seven years. He
grains. ______ _________
do not snatch more of these money­ taint, shone in their faces.
The in a Shirt.
resigned from the senate when he
books is that they know well the
“That is all very nice and sweet was eighty years old, and died at
The following singular calcula­ chances are they would get little, to think about,” replied the old la­
tion of the number ef stitches in a even after successfully evading the dy, with a sly twinkle in her eye eighty-nine. He was for forty years
plain shirt has been made by a police, after an assault, of the kind clearly denoting that she herself in congress, and during the whole
• Leicester seamstress: Stitches in upon a woman. The great hand­ had “been there;” “that is all very of his career he never recommended
collar, four rows, 3,000: cross ends some silver-tipped Russian leather nice, but when they look like that a relative to office.”
of same, 500; buttonhole and sew­ affairs called purses are very at­ they are just a-boiling inside.”
Several persons who took part in
ing on button, 105; gathering neck tractive in themselves, but in nine
Can it be the Honorable the the foxhunt near Media, Pa., in the
and sewing on collar, 1,204; stitch­ J out of ten cases the inside of them Speaker of the House of Represen­ inteiest of Adjt-Gen. Hastings’ Gu-
ing the wristbands, 1,118; ends of ■ are “very lonesome.” A profes- tatives is “just a-boiling” whenever ! bernatorial aspirations have been
wristbands, 68; buttonholes in wrist­ j sional thief said once that it was he looks his most angelic?
convicted of offending the statute
bands, 148; hemming slits. 264 ; ! regarded as extra hazardous in his
against cruelty to animals. They
Murat Halstead has been hired, ■ should also be fined for inflicting a
gathering sleeves, 840; setting on profession to rob a woman, either
this paper
can easily afford to spend in
wristbands, 1,468; stitching on in the house or on the street, and it is said, to edit a portion of a New deathblow to a towering political
true merits
city. This
shoulder straps, 1,880; hemming the for two reasons: Firstly, that a magazine. This means, it is per- ambition.
bosom, 393; sewing in sleeves and woman always screams, and, sec­
; uv w
’ vivu 1
L-iv .uuniw.H. <«nvi
uiii|iiviv with
« h h superb portraits
and n it in ui i complete
making gussets, 3,050; sewing up ondly, she has seldom much to be Cincinnati on New York. His re­ Senator Hearst, of California, is
professional mon,
side seams of sleeves, 2,554 ; cord­ taken. A man, on the contrary, cent experiences in Ohio politics said to talk less and to listen most of
ing bosom, 1,104; “tapping" the either gives the thief a chance to
These are rare accomplishments in ;
sleeves, 1,526; sewing all other get away or fights, and then his emigrating.
a statesman.
seams and setting side gussets, watch, money or valuables are
Children Cry for
1,272; total number of stitches. 20,- much easier to get at.
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castoria.
M c M innville ,
O regon .
-- ----------------- -----------
Both in Public and Private Improvements and Popu
lation of the Beautiful and well situated
Demonsrates that the Nucleus for a Great City
has been formed. During the last two
years in the neighborhood of
$200,000 Have been Spent for Public Improvements
It is the Only City in Oregon that Owns and Operates
of a Street
soon the
the Willamette
the operation
The Manufactories of the Town
of Flour per day; two
but still they employ a large
Flouring mills,
a capacity of One Hundred
with sash and
connection; a
wit a
day; a
the surety of
operation the near
The Population of the City is 2,500
HILL County
surrounding country is
a radius of ten miles than
than other
productive, a larger
the State.
“The Banner County of Oregon,
And McMinnville is the county
the Banner county.
This city is receiving deserved comment from the
press of the State, and it is the intetnion of the propri­
etors of
The Telephone-Register
To issue on March 1st a Mammoth edition devo­
ted entirely to McMinnville. Her business interests
and business men will each receive attention in their
respective columns in the issue, together with a history
of the town from its first settlement to date. The edu­
cational facilities will receive their portion, together
with interesting statistics, Banking, Commercial, Ex­
press, Freight, Municipal, Building, Religious and Fra­
ternal will given.
Articles by prominent people;
sketches of the Lawyers, Doctors, County and City of­
ficials are being prepared, making it, as a whole, a pa­
per which should be read and distributed throughout
the State and Union in order to give the outside popu­
lation a correct picture of McMinnville, the ha rm
town of the banner county of the banner state.
price of
will be 10 cents, a
which you
order to
your friends know the
of our
i> the
newspaper devoted entirely to McMinnville,
will he
her business and
with views
the principal
edition of
Send in Your Orders Immediately for Copies,