' ■ ■ The PEOPLE' Know ) advertisements inserted in rhe Telephoiie-llegLskr ----- THE VALUE OE------ « BRINI! THE REST RESULTS! ——o—.. Advrrtiirn thovld krtp tAi* in mind. >•'«/>- itanHnl rrifirnef of tHi» fuel ran be utrn nf hit oJSer. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That ol Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County oregon . T hursday . F ebruary ITALIAN ROYALTY. I A ttorney at L aw . OnraPMitRiiW The Si-lt-Abnegation of Hum­ bert. kiug, who bends forward, grasping the hand of Ilia pallid sufferer, niiglit say to him: “ Re of good cheer; you may yet recover.” Back of the king statuis Car­ dinal San Felice, Archbishop of Naples; Depretis. the then prime minister, now passed away; Mancini, duke of Aosta; Count San Severino, the prefect of Na­ ples; Duke San Donato, Major Sterpone, General Pasi, first a»ljntant of the king, and other well-known charai ters, whose (Kirtraits, though accurate aud character­ istic, are wisely suliordinale»! to the fig- ure of the king, who stands tn the center of the group. The moment is n dramatic one. The VOL. II. NO. 4. 27, i890. SSR&JttSUTS ! THE YAQUINA ROUTE. THAI IF ONI. or THE REASONS WHY TIG TELEPHONE REGISTER ENJOYS THE LARG EST < I i’t'lT.ATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUB f.lSHED IN YAMHILL!JilNTY f M c M innville , H. BALLINGER. A NEWS MEDIUM THE BEAUTIES OF MONACO. ’ Senator Vf‘Xt’8 Saloon. It was in the winter of 1872 that Geo. Pitta IX’s Ring. The Rev. Father Phelan haa in his Home of the Wonders of the Ex­ C. Vest, disregarding the advice of his I possession the ring that once graced the 1 quisite» Inland. friends that the time was not propitious I finger of Pope Pius the IX. The ring it the property of Robert Bagnall of for an ex-member of the confederate sen- now 1 The correspondent of the San Francisco VVe visited the chateau at Monaco, sit­ ate to aspire to the governorship of Mis- Ht. 1 Ixiuis, who accompanied Father Phe­ t’hronirlr writing from Rome has the fol­ uated on the summit of a high cliff over­ Office in Melcher building. Third Street. on his recent trip to the Eternal city. ' souri, put in an ap|>earance at the state lan I looking a sheltered bay, where grand lowing to way of Italian royalty : —AND- The late pope directed that upon his McMinnville. Oregon capital during a session of the legisla­ The personalty of the royal family of preparations are being made, says a vis­ death all his |>oHseMions, even down to 1 ture. Italy at once impresses the visitor who itor to this beautiful place, for the arriv­ 1 Jefferson City was in those days “wide his 1 jewels and clothing, be sold at public F. CALSMCATH. E. X. COVCHKR. is oliservant of the progress of events. It al of the Prince and his bride. J. open,” and George Vest always had a 1 auction and the proceeds be given to th* ' Everywhere can lie seen the arches is within the memory of those foreigners penchant for disporting upon the field of I poor. In the faee of spirited bidding 225 Mlles Shorter—20 hours less and columns already decked with branch­ who have lived in Italy even u few years time than by any other route. * the cloth of green. Vest dropped in on a from tlie college of cardinals, a wealthy PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS. es of olive and cedar, and the miles of than when King Humbert came to tlie ' game one night, and began to play with Roman lady secured the ring, At the SWFirat claw through pa««engrr anor boy, wan and pale with his disease, Time Schedule (except Kundavs). fidence of his people, with many compli­ their arrival. overtures to them through a third party 1-cave Albany 1 SO pmiLoave Yaqnina « 48 am S. A. YOUNG, M. 0. is aliout to be bo.-ne by the servers of the On all sides one sees evidence of the indication that there was no more money for the sale of ’.he ring. The lady’s offer cations to be met ami with a nation to l^avel'orv«lli«l:40 pm l-eaveConalli»l'':3o am Society of the White Cross beyond the to play for. Arrirc Yai|nina 5:J0 pm Ar ire Albany 11:10 am most lavish expenditure, from the mag­ guide full of vague ideas mid utopian O. 4 (' train* connect at Albany and Cor- Vest felt as though he was in a winning was gladlv accepted, and Mr. Bagnall reach of relatives or friends, for their en­ nificent Casino, which has brought to views of the meaning of the word '‘liber­ v elite. mood, and did not want to give up play­ became the posseseor of the jewel at a try could not be jiermitled, and with the M i M ixnvillk . - - - Owoox. Tho above train» connect atY«qi'iM with Charles 111 the princely fortune he has ty.” As a prince he had been reserved, Father Phelan satisfied the Oregon Itevrlopemont Co's. Line of Steam- little expression that the ghastly (a»-e is left to his successor, to the least details ing, end at last he said : “What is your round sum. even cold, in his demeanor, and seenteil Office »nd residence on D street. All •hip, between Yaqnln« and San Ftanclaca, himself that it was the Pontifical ring by saloon and your faro outfit here worth to still ca|>able of lie looks a grateful smile call« promptly answer«! day or night. N. B —Pa»«onx»r« from Portland and all WII- ot grounds, road.« and trees. In fact, no to manifest no interest in public affairs. the assurances of Monsignor Ricci, ma­ amette Valley Points ran make etna» Conner for tbe dying honor of the bearl-felt sym­ remote spot in this little kingdom but you?" The aentest observers naturally judged tlon with tho train» of the V*qris* Rom at jor domo for Pope Pius IX, now Cardinal pathy and grasp of the hand of his sov ­ “ Seven hundred dollars, ” replied the Albany or Corvallis, and if deatined to San has been thought worthy of the highest that this hermetically sealed man was Ricci. 1»R. .1. <’. MICHAUX ereign—a distinction he had never Franr'iaeo. should srrangc to arrive at Yaqaiaa banker. decoration of art. simplv indifferent to the requirements of 1.1» evening before date of «ailing. It is a massive seal ring, with an ex­ This A marvel Of dreamed of. On either hand the guards A I1I!N powder »M ViVI never IIWV» vanes »was»... _________ "All right, just put it up, and 1 will It is difficult to realizethat all this vast The Oregon Pacific -team bout a on the purity, strength and wholesoniem-««. More the position he would In the course of restrain the populace from their ardent quisite emerald setting, surrounded by Practicing Phyaician and Surgeon. play against it and give you a chance to economical than tlie ortlina y kinds, am! Willamette River division will leave Port­ expenditure is entirely owing to the events soon be called upon to occupy. 102 smaller stones, diamonds, sapphires, demonstrations of affection, but, break­ gaming tables established as late as win back your roll." land *outh-bomi sold in competition with multi­ The developments of the pvst few years tude of low tc«t, short weight alum or i>hos- and Friday-at 6 a nt. Arrivu at I ’ orvalli* pearls and rubies. Aside from its sacred UFATETTK. OREGON- ing through the bounds defined, the poor This was agreeable. Vest resumed 185«, while the present magnificent Ca­ Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 3Alp. pliat»1 powder. Sold only in cans. K oval have ahown how mistaken were the Ital­ tn. Leave Corvallis, north-bound. Monday. B aking PoWAXR i ' o . lAl Wall Pt.. N Y. ian people. They have lived to learn. A mother rushes forward, kneeling, with sino for gambling was not built till 1800. play, and in three hours had again won associations the ring ixrsseeaes an intrin­ Jas. «I. *3. sic value of many thousands ot dollars. Wednesday and Fritlny at a a tn Arrive out-stretche»! arms toward the king, and Up to that time Monaco was indeed a out the checks valued at |700, and the man of deeds instead of words. King at Portland Tuesday. Thursday ami Satur­ Surrounding the emerald are twentv-aix praying that she may be permitte»! to ac­ poor place; Prince and people had hard saloon was his. day at 3 30 p. til Humbert has patiently hided tlie time company her child. Her back is to the [»earls; extending around the sides are On Monday. Wednesday and Friday both “ It ’ s your saloon, George, ” said the time to subsist from the produce of a few when his strength, his council and hi* north and south-bound boats lie over night twenty diamonds; on each side of the Sample rooms in connection. spectator, but there is that in her action gambler, as he handed over the front ­ ( Formertv t'ook Howie. ) at Salem, leaving there at 6 a tn. vineyards and orchards scattered over courage were needed, Always keeping o-------o emerald is s tmall solitaire surrounded that tells the whole story of her relation the patches of s»-antv soil on the sides of door key. MeCALL 4 HOLMAN. - Praprieten. Passengar anti freight rata» alway» th» low- oí his )>eople to just enough in advance e»t For information, apply to Mesara. HUL­ to the apparently dying boy, who has, in Word had spread over the little city of by brilliants; on the corner facets of the Is now fitted up in first class order. *1 (tn to *2 fll> I' m D ay . l»e one of th«m, and yet constantly hold­ MAN A CO.. Freight sad Ticket Agents, -.'00 the mountains. seal are twenty-four stones, following the »jbedience to the rigors of pestilential Tills Hotel has Is-en thoroughly reno­ and WH Front street. Portland, Oregon; or to Since 1800 expensive roads have been the peculiar game that was being played, Accommodations as good as can be ing them to a higher standard, how un ­ vated. and is setting the beet tabla in the C. C. HOGVE, same arrangement, being set in triangu­ rules been taken from her humble home. and the saloon was tilled with a motley vafiev. Meals. 25 and .W cents Board Acting Gaa'l. Frt. & Paas. Agt . Oregon Pacific found in the city. ostentatious an»! wise have been his ex­ Tlie king, moved by the manifestation <4 cut through cliff and laid through valley. crowd ot legislators, lobbyists, peniten­ lar form ; below the doable row of dia­ and fudging. *KOB per week. R. R Co , Corvel'ls, Oregon. The stoney, barren hills have been amples of generosity and nobility of S. E. MESSINGER, Manager. « C. H. alBWUX, Jr., monds on each side appears a ruby and maternal affection, demanded of the di clothed with verdure, and handsome tiary guards, and the usual hangers-on character, as if, indeed, he were only do Gon'I. Frt. A Paso. Agt., Oregon Develop«»»» two sapphires. The entire arrangement rector of the h»>spital that an exception at the capitol. ” Co.. Montgomery »tre«t, San Francisco. Cal. villas have been erected on all sides, ing the duty of the humblest soldier in Mr. Vest accepted the keys, and as he 1 is in perfect artistic taste, and the jewe be made, and the mother, agonized a few while in additiou to the Casino is an ex­ the ranks of humanity. At Ischia, while is worthy a place in a royal collection. moments liefore at the separation from tensive rea'ling room, where are to be led the way to the liar, said : OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. the earthquake still make the ground The workmanship on this ring is esti­ “ Have something with the new pro ­ her child, followed joyfully into the hos ­ be kimh of I ’ hnnbing Supplies can All VIA ---- ON----- found papers and journals of all nation­ uncertain under his feet, he was with found at in v shop, and I am ready mated at $1,500, and the emerald is pital. The remainder of this incident is alities, a magnificently decorated thea­ prietor, gentlemen.” the sufferers in their Lour of desola­ to do all kinds of work in connec­ Northern Pacific (’ompanfü i.inex »9 worth *2,000 at the lowest valuation. Then, as he turued to the barkeeper, soon told, e.ntl is that the lad recovered, tion with tin- city water works. ter and concert room, where is to he tion, giving words of personal comfort Mr. Bagnall and Father-Phelan had some Satisfaction guaranteed Shop op­ and is to-lav, five years later, an hon­ heard each afternoon and evening what tie said: I WH SHASTA ROTTE’ * posite the City -Table« P. D GLENN anil courage, bringing order out of ored member of the Catbinieri, or chos­ On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit THE “I shall retain you in your p’resent ix>- ■ difficulty in keeping it, for when a high is said to be the finest band in Europe confusion, and besides his libera! contri lowest Rates and no Commissions. sitioc. Be kind enough to wait on the > church official obtained a glimpse ot it, en guards of Italian security. Time Between TRIPLETT & BOND. buttons in a general sense, seeking out The details of the painting are admira­ disi'oursing sweet music. demand was at once made that it be not It is tbe gambling public who pay for gentlemen.” Portlaiul and San Franctoco, the individual widow and orphan, leav­ Proprietor« of the bly managed. The characteristic types The gentlemen al) had something sev­ • allowed to be taken out ol the country, 30 HOURS! all this expenditure, ostensibly given so ing in every hand not only the sulis'.an- 'all on or addre«« : 1' Archbishop Croke was almost inconsoiat of the Nea|>olitan are artistically chosen, freely by the Prince de Monaco. For eral times around and several of them 1 tia! testimonial of relief, but a moral California Express Trains Run Daily ble when he learned that lie could not insisted on standing treat, "just to patro ­ l »nd their ai'tion and expression carefully W. T. SHURTLEFF BETWEEN PORTLAND ANO SAN FRAN­ The neatest place in the city Animals 1 force that meant more than broad to I i considered. There is a sad and serious me I see not the charm which draws the keep the treasure in Ireland. nite George. ” It was 3 o'clock before carefully «elec'e»! for killing insuring the old man with blanched hair and shak­ i’ hungry and despairing souls. At J. I. Knight A Co. 1 McMinnvile. Or. CISCO! air to the entire foreground, which is in ing, almost palsied hand, as strongly as the party broke up. Vest locked up him­ finest meat Poultry, etc . Ixmght amt At Naples, in 1884, in that terrible ca-1 soM Highest market price paid for every ­ The Intugli on the Judge. ARRIVE. striking contrast with the sunshine and LXAVK self and was escorted to the McCarthy it draws the young and thoughtless. lamity of cholera which brooded over a Portland 4 00 p niS»nFrancisco 7.45pm thing. brightness of nature beyond. The evi ­ house by a jovial and not wholly sober Au amusing scene was recently enact­ pm San Fran. 7:00 p m Portland I 10.45 -' ” ;— There can be seen day after day, the city, sitting, with its wonderful surround dence of a pestilential atmosphere is same faces, the old, the young, the crowd. ed in a country court room in Maine. Local Pa«senger Daily, except Sunday ings, like a bit of heaven transplanted to From Terminal or Interior Point» the shown in the braziers burning for the Upon parting he said : "Gentlemen. I The trial justice, a big pompous official ARRIVF UAVC. grave, the gay—all subject to the same earth, ami yet stricken with a plague 2 4»> p ni Ha« the moot complete stock of harness) Portia.id . Sib a n> Eugene. purposes of fumigation, both uear at excitement. And yet, so still is the sa­ shall dispose of inv saloon at noon to-day * wj||, a voiee like a trombone, took it up- that defi«l the efforts of science, he was 8:45 p m Eugene. 9:00 a m, Portland . in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ , ” . _____ , a witness, •----- a little hand and tip the distant steps and wind­ to the highest bidder st public sale i on himself to examine loon that with nine large tables sur- at hand—not for a few »lays only, as the gle harness, hand made, in price« ing stairways that lead in perspective to­ At 11 o clock a large crowd had gath- witlxervd old man, whose face was about world supposes—but for weeks, going , rounde»l each with at least from seventv- ranging from *12 to *30. ami 8 cred about the door» of the closed saloon as red and wrinkled as a smoked her- ward tlie entrance ot the lazaretto. Tourist Sleeping Cars, five to one hundre»! eager players, one set of team harness as cheap from be»iside to bedside, from hovel to Still, tlie greatest quality of the pic-1 For accommodation of Second Class Pas hears not a sound save the continual awaiting Vest's arrival. When became , ring hovel, grasping every hand, sitting by AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY senger« attach«! to express trains. he opene»! the place and invited all hands ' “What is your name?” inquired the tore is its conception in the interest in | monotone of the “croupier.” Faitri rot The» P. Company’s Ferry make« con­ every conch, ami not only bidding the Is the Line to Take Can be seen on the hooks i n my shop. suffering humanity shown lay the king inj to drink. nection with all the regular trains on the justice. jrui, Mrtdamrf rt Muntiruri. suffering creatures who hung on the I have competent workmen employed I East Sid«* Division from fixit of F «treet th»* grateful demonstrations of tlie ragged In the mean time the ex-proprietor “Why Squire,” said the astonished A magnificent cathedral not yet fin­ to ilo all kinds of repairing and to make , verge of eternity to be of g«*! heart, but W£»T SIDE DIVISION , peasantry and in the wonderfullv dra­ ished, begun by the late Prince who was and his partner had scurried around anJ witness, "you know tnv name as well as anvharnes« ordered I also keep a full inciting the poptiiace by his example to It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It rows I and rubber robe*, lap robe«, Between Partland and Cervallit. matic incident which forms its key-note. Through VESTIBULED TRAINS gathered to his fathers a lew months raised |500. They took Vest into a aide I do.” calmness in the hour of vital peril«, and horse cover«, saddle«, etc. A full line of Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. And it is another evidence of the kind­ room and had a hurried talk, the result Every Day in the Year to “Never you mind what I know or what extras for repair« constantly on hand leaving a personal gift to each that tolii ago, crowns one of the highest points LKAVK I ARRtVK ness of King Humbert, who could, if he of which was lie accepted |50(t cash for I don't know,” was th* caution given overlooking the Mediterranean. It is a 10:13 a in how great was the soul that dwelt under 7 30 a ni McMinn' Portland . would, sit constantly for bis jxirtrait to the saloon, which he had taken the nignt with magisterial severity. "I asked the 10:18 a m Corvalli« . 12:25 p ill McMinn' superb building, worthy to have been a forbidding exterior. It was a brave 3 44 p n> 1:80 p tn McMinn' No Change of Cars' Corvallis the note»! painters of the world, that he before in lieu of *700. Tlie money changed question in my official capacity, and you built from the proceeds of a better cause. and self-sacrificing act to go down among 3:44 p m Portland . <> :20 p m McMinn' has given hie time to a comparatively hands, ami Vest walke»l out into the bar­ are bound to answer under oath.” At Albany and Corvallis connect with I OMIMd 4 »IM1« < AIS those 10,000 »lea»! and »lying, not only in ; unknown artist, in whom he recognized room and announced: “Gentlemen, hav­ ( unsurpass«! I train« of Oregon Pacific With a contemptuous snort the witness its persona) sense, bnt also in view of his The Fashionable Girl’n “Slang.” ing disposed of my saloon at private aale, NoMxr. Nip, and Ornamental Painter Express Train Daily, cvcept Sunday gave his name and the questioning pro­ PILLAI l»RAHI^RMSLEEPKRX responsibilities to Italy The heir to the | merit, not only for a preliminary study UMAX. ARRIVE of his head, bnt for the numerous sit­ there will lie no auction to-day. Gentle­ ceeded. t Of Latest Equipment,) throne, the young prince of Naples, was Tbe Only Sign Writer in the Ceaaty. In her s|«ech the fashionable young Portland . 4 :5i) p ni R 00 p m tings re»)uired for the larger work. It is men, have something,-’ and indicating “Where do you live?” McMinn- 5:45 am U :00 am ¡TGI RIST NI,urn« (IBS yet a boy. and the single life of King lady has her vocabulary as she has her H<>nies fittoil up in the Neate.-l and Most satisfactory to recor»l also that Queen the bar with a wave of his hand, be Best that»an be construct«! and in Through tickets to all points South*an»l “Wai’, I mum! ejaculated Hie old Humbert hung between the unity of Ita code. Latterly she has permitted the Artistic Style. which awomniofiations are for hol­ East via California Margaret, who ought to know hie faee threw down a *20 bill. man. “Why,” he continued, appealing ly and, perhaps, an utter confusion. Be using by herself of a good many English der« of First »>• b«-ond-c|!iss Tick­ Designs furnished for Decorations Ticket offices. No 134, corner First and beet, declare« that as a portrait it has no The bartender was about to tnad<- to the laughing listeners, "I’ve lived in ets, and love.) as is Queen Margaret, it could not' expressions. She says “fancy” always Alder streets, Portland. Oregon, corner change. but Vest said: “You may keep this yere town all my life, and so's he," Remember Paper Hanging and Insi.t.- Fur­ Front and F streets. Portland RI RfilU im HIM REN. be expecteil that even if she could have superior. for “suppose,” and she never says nishing a Specialty The royal family of Italy is as demo ­ tie change for your services as my bar­ pointing to the justice, “an’, b’gosh, to R KOEHLER E I’. ROGER.- Continuous Line connecting with all assumed the regency in tbe event of the . "guess;" she says “chemist-’ for “drug­ Manager. Asst. G F. A r Agt A Work taken by Contracl orbv the Day. Ex- cratic as it is royal. No one could have keeper, and I desire here to testify to tbe hear him go on you’d think----- ” lines, affordtug direct ana unin­ king’s death, she could control the con gist,” "stop attomo" for "stay at home,” •periOMefi Ml employ«!. a deeper bold upon tbe affections of the fidelity to mv interests vou have shown terrupted service. "Silence!” thundered the irate magis­ fileting elements of a country so recently and she “ tuba ” oftener than she "takes Third Street. McMinnville. Oregon Pullman Sl«-per reservations can I* «wur- consolidated from petty provinces, and | people than the queen, whose many pri­ while in my employ, and to thank you trate, “Answer my question or I’ll fine a morning bath.” "Function” with her «1 in advance through auv agent of tlie roa»l and thoughtful lienefactions have ii|»on behalf of my late customers for the you for contempt of court. Thrnuoh TirLcK To «nd from all Points still pregnant with local prvdjudices. vate means any sort of a social gathering, lliruUKII IKhllSj,, \„ier » England The house of Savoy is of ancient lineage, I w,,n won all hearts and borne out tbe wide- courtesy with which you have ministered •** tieart» anu norne ouauwwiuw- Alarmed by the threat, the witness M c M innville national bank . vn»l Enrols' can 's' purchase»! at any ticket dating back to a former Humbert in tti" spread imptession derive»! from a study and a gay ball becomes a “rout.” to their wants.” Il «o be «uro and call for vonr ticket« named bis place of residence and the ex "Smart" expresses a considerable degree ofiice of this » oninany. via the Corner Third ami C streets, in Braly block. This sort of thing was kept up for a amination went on. ‘he lineamenta of a tender and lovely Full information • on, » ruing rate«, time year 1003. but the leaven of Piedmont of excellence which she applies equally of tram*, rout. - an»! other details furnished face. Stern even to rigidity as is the ap- half-hour, and Vest then left tbe pla»-e "What is your occupation ?” cannot so quickly modify th» entire mass • to a wedding or bonnet; "an awlully m 'MINNVH.LE. OREGON. on application to anv agent, or l«earance of the king, all Italy has and has never engaged in the drain-shop A. 1» CHARLTON. "Huh?” of Italy. i I fetching frock or gown” is very English Asst General Pa.«M>nger Agent. "What do you do for a living?” So it was a grave political re»iM>n»ibili- learned how great are the unostenta­ for an especially pretty dress. She likes business as a proprietor since—,St Louis i^" General Oflce Of the Company, No, 121 Flrat St., Cor. ahtygton, Portan«!» Or. ty to take the step which King Humbert tious acts he lias performed, and the word “clever,” too. When she sees Star Saying*. "Oh, git out, squire f Jest as if you now know that the hair that has whit­ Vice Prescient LEE LAUGHLIN don't know that I tend gardens in the did in behalf of a stricken city in that a fine painting she says: "That ’ s a 0 -THE ened so rapidly within the past ten years Oil of Peppermint. Cashier J. L. STRATTON summer season an' saw wood winters." | serious hour. Yet he »lid not for a tno- clever piece ot canvas.” She thinks has become so in the interests of the “As a private citizen I do know it, but . merit hesitate as to his action when hie Marshall Wilder an “awfully clever fel­ Sells sight exchange and telegraphic, When it is said that nine-tenths of all transfers on Portland, San Franco anil New ! I duty to humanity seemed so clearly de­ country he is serving so wisely and low,” and if you ask her does she bowl the oil of pep|>ermint used in the world as the court I know nothing about you,” faithfully. The young Prince of Naples, York. fined. That his courage and calmness she replies, modestly: “Yes, but 1 am comes from one little county in New explained the perspiring justice. I Collections made on all accessible point«. 1 now just arriving at the age of manhood, “Wai, squire,” remarked the puxzlod and power of mauly will gave strength not at all clever with the balls.” Some York state, it seems quite improbable, Interest allowed on time deposit«. ON SALE has yet his character to display and in to multitude»—before trembling with phrases she leans rather heavily upon, yet such is a fact, and, at that, the best witness, “if vou ksow somethin’ outside Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p tu. time his spurs to win. If there is any* ----- TO------ don’t kr.ow uoihin in It is positively the shortest and fin‘st fear—to resist that ghastly epidemic, is notably “such a blow” whan a rain quality only. Bnt a short distance east the courtroom line to Chicago amt the east and south and so much of a matter of history as to ad­ thing in noble lineage and in the exam­ postpones a visit or a friend dies, and of Rochester is located Lyons, the conn it, you’d better get out an' let somebody the only sleeping snd dining car through M c M innville ple of his origin he will not belie the mit of no question. There are to-day “such a pleasure” alike to hear Patti ty seat of Wayne county, whose name try this case that's got boss sense.” line to ’ s ory of the house of Savoy. The advice may have been well meant, thousands who owe their lives to the and spend a tiresome evening at the comes from the revolutionary hero, Gen. Omaha. Manta« City, and all Mla.ourl but it cost the witness $10. magnetism of this single man, who walk ­ house of some acquaintance. She has, Anthony Wayne, who, by his bustle, River Point. CARLIN A HIGH. Proprietors Sapphire« and Ruble«. ed with his wonderful nerve ami resolu­ too, an index expurgatoritu which she is earned tho sobriquet of “Mad Anthony.” Goods of all description* moved and care­ ST PAUL, ST. LOUIS. ful handling guaranteed. Collections will Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed tion in tlie midst of a |ie«tilence such as Wizard Edison, of electric fame, is very careful to respect. There are no It is a small county, bnt is one of the Judge Lyuch A mung the Bird». he made monthly Hauling of ail kinds train service and elegant dining and those who did not witness can scari-ely credited with saying that he haa used up more "stores” for her, they have become leading in point of agriculture in the Suspended from the co-nice over the AND ALL POINT» sleeping care has honestly earned for it the done cheap all the available stock of sapphires in "shops:” "servants" also have ceased great Empire state. Over 150,000 main entrance of the Nutt house in conceive of. title of And so it has been at other times and his phonograph and that he now has to to exist as such; they are “men ser­ pounds of the oil is now distilled in this Crawfordsville, Ind , is an English spar­ places duting the frequent calamities make an imitation stone for himself. vants” and “maids,” although she per­ county each year, in favorable seasons. row. One end ot a piece of twine ten which have befallen Italy, from tbe great Lapidary Wohrle, of Denver, who is an mits herself to designate as laundress, The crop is one that returns a fancy­ inches long is tied securely about the — a .< t — floods of Verona onward. There has authority on precious stones, doubts very housemaid or butler; “gentleman” she profit to the fanner, who never gets be­ bird’s neck and the other is fastened to Other« niav imitate,but none can surpass it maxi factvrxrs of been set before the people a series of ex­ much whether Edison ever said any­ avoids; "a man I know," she says, re­ low |2 a pound for his oil and from that a nest. The sparrow was hanged by ita Our motto is “always on time ” GEO. S. TAYLOR Ticket Agt. Be sure and ask ticket agent.« for tickets amples of self-abnegation such as no thing of the kind. Wehrle says that ferring to a male acquaintance; or “there price to |4 and |5. Twenty-five pounds f-iiows, and the execution was witnessed via this celebrated route and take none monarch of modern days has shown. It quantities of sapphires, or more properly tyre lots of delightful men out last of oil to the acre is the lowest average of by the guests of the hotel. Corner First and Oak Sts. others. W H MEAD, G. A is tbe man mightier than the monarch, blue corundum, are in the European night;” she confides to some sister belle the crop, and frequently it is double It fluttered at the end of the string for No. 4 Washington street, Portland, Or and who honors his position rather than markets, and that the supply, mainly who missed the opera; “all right” she that. ten minutes before it died, tbe other SUIlllIKMIS. Oil OaJse Meal and from India, is capable of indefinite ex­ never says, making “very well” do is honored by it. sparrows picking and pulling at it all tbe AU thfa and much more of the history pansion. He thinks that if Edison can it Jh better service, nor does she add An Alarm Bottle lor Poisons. In the circuit court of the state of <»r»>gon time and keeping up a great chatter. Ground Flaxseed. for Yamhill county. which Italy and her sovereign have been make a good enough sapphire for his "party” to dinner, speaking of such an A Chicago man has invented a bottle Arminda Kenn»*da, Plaintiff. | “You will notice,” said tbe manager making during the last ten yeirs, and phonographic use it is evident that he entertainment; her home no longer has stopper to be used exclusively for poi­ of tbe company, as he stepped in front vs Portland. Oregon. which I have watche»! with profound in­ doesn't need much of a sapphire. One a “parlor,” pure and simple, but a “blue James R. Kenneda. Defendant I sons. The superiority over the old-fash- of the curtain, “that the programme To James R Kenneda, said defendant: terest, has nmo back fresh to me by the who can make sapphires can make ru­ room,” a “red room,” a “Japanese ioued article lies in the construction of says that seven years are suppoae. to In the name of the state of Oregon, you sight of an important painting recently bies, and that has been tried again and room,” or ]K>ssib)y an "East parlor." the stopper. The projection which en­ elapse between the second and third arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the purchase»! by tbe city of Naples, and again. Rubies and sapphires are both ters the neck of the Ivottle is ground acts. In this case there'will be no sup­ above entitled suit on or before the 24th which depicts in a powerful manner one corundum, the difference lieing merely An Heiress Kept in a Cellar. glass with a small hole in one side position about it. The sheriff of this day of March, 1890. that being the first day of the incidents of tbe vist-. of King Hum­ in the color. Very few of these stones of the next regular term of said court, anil A wealthy land-owner of Volin recent­ through which protrudes a little rod or county has just taken possession of the if you fail so to answer for want thereof bert to that plague stnsen city in 1884. are found in the Rocky Mountain region. ly sent bis daughter with her governess trigger. The top of the stopper is cover­ stage, and I think that it will be about plaintiff will apply to the court fora decree dissolving the marriage contract now ex-1 It is an incident true in fact as to its de­ In Colorado some are obtained in the to see the Paris Exposition and enjoy ed with a small bell, inclosing cogwheels seven years before we can get the matter fating be; ween plaintiff and defendant, and tails, but more so, in the larger sense, as form of small crystals attached to the which are so arranged that when the settled. The audience is now dis­ for the care anil custody of Jennie Kenneda an impression of the relation of the king rock, but the individuals who know herself generally in that brilliant capital and Della Kenneda. minor children of for a while. On their arrival at Paris the stopper is removed the bell will ring. missed.” filaintiff, and for such other relief as prayed to even the humblest of his subjets in where to get them preserve their know governess took the young girl to her rel­ When it is laid down it rings again, and ledge as a secret. Tho quantity in any the hour of affliction. 1O.I19O ■ . FK EE to all or Verdict of a coroner’s jury in Dela­ atives’ residence, the relatives being of when returned to its place in the bottle This summons is published six weeks in applicants, aiui to !a»t reason*» cus­ For three years past an artist compar ­ event is only trifling. Most of the Amer­ tomers. It is better than ever. £v. the T elephone -R egister by order of Hon the lowest class of dav laborers and liv­ it again sounds an alarm. The mechan­ ware county, New York: “The jury ery penon ti'i.-ig Garden, Flower R. P. Boise, judge of said court, made at atively unknown to fame. Signor Nino ican supply comes from North Carolina, or Field SEEDS »S' old Kend for it, chambers at Salem, Oregon. December 21st, Carnevali, lias been at work upon a irge though tbe best are got in a small local- ing more by petty theft and burglary ism is so arranged -'oBsible to remove or replace the stop­ through the influence of Liquor and DETROIT. CAICH. canvas, some twelve hy eigbten fe t in ity in Pennsylvania. In other parts of (5) Attorney for Plaintiff was at once put in a cellar and told that per without first ringing the bell, thus carelessness on his part and while lying size, which Is historical as the repre-. the country a few are obtained. Tbe she would be kept with next to no food making it impossible for the druggist, if on West bounded track, and killed by tation of a heroic hour. The scene is >.' >-reat source of sapphires has for ages »¡¿¿¿¿ free until she would consent to marry the be is careful in the fillihg of his bottles, train No. 1 exonerating the company ííh"• 1 ÓO.OO. Befti the suburbs of Naples, in front of the | j L on the mountains of India. If Edison brother of her governess, who hoped by to deal out poison in the place of harm­ from blame.” atch tn tbe world Perfect convent called La Conoccbia, which was net Is them very badly he can send a timekeeper Warranted baavy, this forced marriage to become a pros­ less drugs, without receiving a warning sour gold hunting caaea. The Prince of Wales is still anxious to occupied during the prevalence of chol­ ship cer there and bring hack a thous- Both ladies and cent a aiiea, perous Volin proprietor. In spite of all as to the dangerous nature of the prepar­ with worka and catea of come to this country in the spring. His era as a lazaretto, or hospital, by the ; anil to. .’ or «0. amal mine ONt rrkSON in persecution, the young girl persisted in ations. each locality * » ortianu, Maine. The Duke of Fife has ent; red the Eng­ terward her father came to Paris and de­ Death notices of the ungodly are presum­ and Ingalls are the only members of the alive. A litter occupied by a lad of per­ lish House of Lords. He oug».‘ to make livered the unhappy prisoner. The guilty ably charged for at regular avertising upper house who kuow the difference haps 16 years has been rested on the ' rates. between news and gossip. parties have been arrested. some noise as a legislator. pavement for a few moments, that the OREGON DEVELOPMENT COM­ PANY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. Calbreath & Goucher. Physician & Surgeon. POWDER Absolutely Pure. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. The St. Charles Hotel MONEY TO LOAN Plumbers’ Supplies! Improved Farm Property INSURANCE NEGOTIATE#. PEOPLE’S MARKET. E. WRICHT Pillmai BafTet Nkptn To all Points East & South ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. J. B. ROHR, ARE YOU GOING EAST? (tap * bitafin toy, W ROYÄL K,“ DENVER. TRUCK AND DRAY CO, Miri liiari Oil taw, Raw & Boiled Linseed Oil, S eed annual The Royal Route East, North xP South.