The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 23, 1890, Image 4

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Wliy Millionaire Smith Went to I (
Work for $1.30 Per Day.
Bread, Bolted and Baled.
They Got Bed in the Face.
A man who was riding down
Yesterday a somewhat formida­
on a New York third avenue
ble looking parcel arrived by ex-1'
23, 1890. i
William H. Smith, a millionaire, press addressed to “The Hungry train
the other day became involv­
interested in coal and salt mining, .Subs of The Oregonian Chapel.” ' ed in an interesting dilemma which
The Boy of the Day
has a bill of $2.60 against the Ret­ Everybody who has any knowledge 1 afforded amusement to all those
sof Salt Mining company, of York.' ; of the printing business will under- 1 passengers who became aware of it..
The boy of to-day, while he has
Livingston county, for two days’; i stand this address, but for the ben­ He was seated directly behind the I
many advantages over the boy of
work as a common laborer in the efit of those who know nothing last cross seat in the car. In front
twenty or thirty years ago, has also
Retsof mines. The bill will proba­ about such matters it may be stated of
' him was a young woman who
many stumbling blocks in his path.
bly be disputed, but Mr. Smith that the “chapel” of a printing of­ was devoting her time to watching I (
His case is one calling for consider­ I
doesn't care, for acting upon knowl­ fice is a society formed of the prin­ the windows on the opposite side of J
ation, and is not to be dismissed bj’ I
edge gained during the two days ters employed in the office, and is the street as the train sped along. I
a wave of the hand. “What shall
that he took his place with the lab­ so-called from the pious character She was young and pretty. With-1
I do?” is a query in the minds of
orers in the mines, he has purchas­ and clerical appearance of these out her knowledge a few tresses of
50,000 boys in the United States to­
ed a valuable bit of salt territory gentleman. The “subs,” of whom her blonde hair had escaped from
day who have not decided on a pro­ I
which promises to net him a hand­ there are about twenty around the under her bonnet, and had fallen
fession or trade.
over the shoulder of the man be­
some profit.
The great obstacle in the path of Smith presented himself at the Oregonian composing room, are
hind her, and had in some unex­
the boy of to-day who starts out to office of the Retsof company the gentlemen not regularly employed,
plained manner become fastened
seek an opening to learn a trade is other day and asked for work. He but who are on hand every after­
around one of the buttons of his
the rules made and rigidly enforced was engaged as a common laborer noon and evening when work be­
coat. He made one or two delicate
by the men who should have their at $1.30 a day, and sent down into gins ready to “sub,” or act as a
attempts to remove the wandering
welfare nearest at heart,the knights the mine. On the third day he
tresses, but was so timid that he
of labor and the trade unions. These pleadad sickness and was granted a may wish to attend church or thea­
only entangled them the more. He
bodies, every member of which had lay-off. He was well enough, how­ tre, or who may be sick or lazy or
there with a frightened but
a better show than the boy of today ever, to drive to the farmhouse of . from any other cause disinclined to
expression upon his face
has, have by-laws which forbid an S. H. Gray, who owned a valuable work. When “subs” are scarce they
to move.
employer from taking more than tract of salt territory which the Ret­ are made much of and get plenty
A climax was put to his predica­
one apprentice to several journey­ sof people had been negotiating for. of work, but when there are many ment by the young woman’s arising
men. Shops which, fifteen years Smith said he was an employe of . of them and the work given to them or rather attempting to do so, at
ago, had fifteen boys on the way to­ the Retsof Salt company and asked amounts only to a day or two each Fourteenth street. She had only ’
wards learning a trade and being Ar. Gray what he would take for in a week, they are styled “hungry got half way out of her seat, when
subs,” and sometimes the title is
able to earn good wages, now run his land.
she felt a violent tug at her hair..
only three to five. While such ac­ “Two hudred dollars per acre for not a misnomer.
She resumed her seat and turned
The parcel above mentioned was
tion ok the part of these bodies pre-' the 400 acres,” was the reply, and
around to learn the true situation, j
vents a “duke,” or half-finished ap-1 the wordg bad barely beci‘ uttered turned over to the subs, and when In a moment her complexion rival- i
prentice, from coming in competi- wben the indisposed miner pulled opened was found to contain a loaf ed that of the unfortunate young
tion with them in the matter of wa-1 ¡fio.OOO in bills from his overalls to , of what was originally intended to man, and her attempts to release I
ges, it cannot fail to prove a perni- bjnd the bargain. An agreement be bread, but which, in the matters I herself convulsed the witnesses I
cious one in the end. The boy who, wag drawn Up whereby Gray was to , of weight and hardness, came much I with laughter. Her fingers trem-1
has no chance to learn a trade can-. transfer his entire estate for $80,000 i nearer being a stone.
Attached to it by several French bled and after fumbling away until
not become a producer. He must anj
Smith returned to the shaft
the guard hail closed the gait in;
be supported by those who work. j and announced that he had recov- nails and gimlet-pointed screws was vain attempts to release her' . she
The chances are against his becom- i ered from his indisposition, and he a card showing that it was a New gave one violent yank at the two
ing a tax-payer. They are in favor at once resumed his work under­ Year’s giit to the subs from G. R. tresses, breaking them off and leav-I
Washburn, “the one-horse job prin-
of his becoming a bad man. While ground.
ing the ends still entwined on the 1
” of Waitsburg. Wash. Mr.
a few journeymen profit by this
Mr. Gray happening to meet an
miserable button. Although the
rule to the extent of a few dollars, officer of the Retsof company on ( Washburn was once a poor hungry man saw them and was painfully
the community and country at large the same day, remarked that he , “sub” himself, and having now ac- conscious of their presence, he did
are heavy iosers. There are plenty had finally concluded a bargain , quired vast wealth, is able to have not dare to remove them until the
of cases in Detroit and every other with one of their men. The expla- a stove and bake his bread regular­ young woman had left the car at j
city, where fathers, bound by this nations that followed were not cal ly. The loaf is evidently a missfit, the next station. For the rest of
rule, and believing it to be a good culated to put the Retsof people in as it is fit for nothing but to place
the way to the city hall he kept his
thing, have made loafers of their a good humor. They called the in a street crossing! and was proba­
head buried in his newspaper.—
sons who are barred out.
men up from the mine in order to bly sent through the same pious New York Sun.
The question is not, therefore, allow Mr. Gray to identify the par­ spirit which leads some, when they
He Loves His.Hoine.
"How much can I earn, and how ty of the second part in the sale he have killed an animal, to send a
To the Cape Codder, like the Ice­
long must I serve as a machinist, had just consummated, and when
cabinetmaker, stovemoulder, etc?” Smith was pointed out he was preserve the loaf from injury Mr. lander and the Swiss, his native
but rather, “How can I manage to promptly discharged. The Retsof Washburn put three screw bolts province is the best the sun shines
secure a place as an apprentice?” i people were deeply chagrined over through different quarter sections | on. So unique, emphatic and per­
The second obstruction did not the way they had been outwitted, of it, with large tin washers on each Sonal the cape and its townshave
exist, cither, fifteen years ago. If and were willing to raise Smith’s side, the whole screwed tight and become to those reared there that a creamery
anyone had predicted twenty years ante, but it was too late. They then bound around with bale rope. cape man can find nowhere else so
The “subs” are not likely to be glorious a home, so full of such
ago that the time would soon come had “passed” and Mr. Smith had
out of bread for a time, and are sweet memories. The cape colors
when the girls of the country would “called.”
usurp the places rightfully belong­ The millionaire culprit received thinking of getting up a six day him all his life—the roots and fibers
ing to the boys, and thereby become his dismissal philosopically and in gnaw-as-you-please match to see of him. He may get beyond, but
a menace to their future, he would extraordinary good humor. In a who can get away with the biggest he never gets over the cape.
Make him a merchant at Manilla
have been called crazy. And yet business-like manner he presented hunk of the loaf, the winner to take
that time is here, and from Maine his bill for two days’ labor at the the remainder and leave town, on or Calcutta, a whaler at the north
And constanly
to Texas the girl has crowded the office, but it was not honored. He being furnished with a “tie pass” pole, mate in Australian waters, a
boy out and is keeping him out. It told the rest of the people that he over any trans-continental railroad. millionaire on Fifth avenue, a farm­
began first with the stores. There was abundantly able to stand it, The iron bolts, tin washeis and bale er in Minnseota, and the cape sticks
was a time when every clerk behind and that he inteded to sink a shaft rope will be returned to Mr. Wash­ to him still. He will feel in odd
a drygoods counter was a boy or a on his new purchase and start op­ burn. with an admonition to put hours, to his life’s end, the creek
the bolts in a coffin and use the tide on which he floated inshore as
man. To-day, in the north more position.
rope in a way to do him and the a boy, the hunger of the salt marsh
especially, the boy and man have
community the most good.—Ore­ in haying time, the cold splash of
been cast adrift, and the girl has
the sea spray at the harbor’s mouth,,
come in to fill their places at half ness, as well as a good joke. He gonian.
the wages. It is so in postoffices, had been approached on the subject A Young Bride’s Adventure. the spring of the boat over tho bar,
when he came boue from fishing,
banks, insurance offices, lumber of­ of investing in Western New York
Boston hospitality has a peculiar with the wind rising on shore out of
fices, railroad headquarters and salt lands, but had never been sat­
method of its own. Visiting stran­ gray light clouds seaward, the blast
many other places, and it is still isfied as to the prospect of profit.
have discovered that the en­ of the wet northeaster in the Sep­
spreading. Even the grocery clerk The Retsof people guarded their in­
here it is not custom­ tember morning when, under the,
and the hardware salesman are terests so closely that ho could get
introductions. Of dripping branches, he picked up |
losing their places. It was a move nothing from them, so in the garb
of introducing the windfall of golden and crimson I
for economy’s sake, and there can of a common laborer, he secured
may be carried to excess; but then apples, the big-flaked snow of the ■
be no question but what it has been
there is an opposite extreme.
December night when he beaued'
a great saving. The average girl he desired to know, and secured
For instance, a young and pretty his first sweetheart home from sing­
at $5 per week will sell just as
bride from New England was in­ ing school; and he will see, in!
many goods as the average young as the Retsof people were about to
to a dinner party on Common­ dreams, perhaps, the trailing ar- j
man at $10. She makes just as close negotiations for it. Smith is
avenue the other night, the butus among the gray mosses on
good a stenographer or typewriter extensively interested in coal and
being that the festive the thin edge of a spring snow bank
at half or two-thirds of a man’s oil lands in Pennsylvania. The
her especial honor. the bubbling spring at the hill-foot
land he purchased from Gray is be­
Nevertheless, upon arriving with near tide-water, the fat crimson
But the question goes farther
her husband, she was surprised to roses under his mother’s windows,
than that of the salary—of the sav­ Western New York.
find herself shoved off into a corner with a clump of Aaron’s rod or lilac
ing of a few dollars. Every girl
without being presented to any
takes a place which by right should
Sheriff Thomas of Atlanta, Ga., one, and permitted to remain, after for a back ground, the yellow dawn
| of an October morning across his
go to some boy. The business of received a letter from Plattsmouth’
a brief word with the hostess, un­ misty moors, and the fog of the
this country, or any other country, Neb., the other day in which the
noticed and alone. When the but­ i chill pond among the pine trees,
can never be turned over t > the fe­ writer says that he is a young
ler did finally appear and announce and above all the blue sea within
male sex to be conducted, and yet Englishman and is anxious to de­
that the repast was ready, the host its headline, on which go the white­
what is to be the result if this gin his connubial career under the
offered her his arm; but at the table winged ships to that great, far-off
movement is continued?
Fifty auspices of an African damsel.
no attention was paid to her, save world which the boy had heard of
thousand females will have held Henry James Lambert is the seek­
by an old dowager at the farther and the grown man knows so well.
places and drawn wages and kept er after a black bride and the par­
end of the board, who seemed to be
50,000 boys from learning the avo­ ticular damsel for whom he seeks
Occult Peculiarities.
astonishingly deaf.
cation and learning it so thorough­ in a daughter of an ex slave who
“My dear,” shouted the old lady,
occult scientist, James Fra-'
ly that they can conduct it. They proposes to present any white man
I as the soup succeeded the oysters, I zier by name, is reaping a rich har-1
will not only have deprived the boy who weds her with a dower of $15,-
I “pray tell me how long you have vest among guileless folks at Onset '
of his wages, meanwhile, but will 000.
been married?”
Bay, Mass.
have made idlers and vagabonds of In this event he offers to pay $500
James says he is not a spiritual-'
a good share of them. There will ! to the person who directs him to
but he talks smoothly in San­
the guest of honor, also loudly, so
be just that much loss of business i her house,
and Egyptian and other Ori-
As to marrying her the would-be
energy and talent to the country,
languages. He performs his
groom says : “I will cleave to her
to say nothing of wages.
by means of dark and im-,
I do not say that a girl or woman until death takes us apart, so help
methods of occultism.
has no moral right to go out and me God," adding that he is a mem­
Two women, paralytics, from I
earn her own living, but anyone ber of the Methodist Episcopal
Pittsburg, where Frazier used to j
married very long?”
who will investigate the matter will Church, and means business. He
are at his cottage for treat-1
“Not yet a week madame,” re­
find that such action on their part i promises to send his photograph if
One is Mrs. Flynn, and she I
sponded the bride, louder still this
is most commonly not a matter of |afiked.______
is completely in his power. Six
stern necessity one time out of ten. •Gwsell Harrison's Diffidence.
“Oh!” said the dowager, as if re- other diseased or crippled persons
They want better clothes than the
Russell Harrison is frequently to I lieved, and thereupon relapsed into are also there. Frazier has a part-;
family income gives them—they be seen about the Gilsey House. silence. But the removal of the ner, the young wife of George A. |
are through school, or hate it—they His manner is self-contained and roast woke her up again.
Barnard, of Pittsburg. Mr. Barn­
desire to throw off parental restraint solemn, not to say shy. Everyone
“My dear,” she remarked, “I did ard is rich and old, and recently
and the monotony of home life. knows him by sight, but he keeps not understand how long you said joined the magic circle in Frazier’s ■
Also in nine cases out of ten, if you away from the other guests of the you had been married.”
' cottage. The sorcerer’s doctrine is
will follow them up you will find hotel end spends a great part of the
“Exactly five days,” screamed I that all fleshly ills are due to evil'
the girl working for three or four time in his apartment, where there the young matron, flushing, half j . spirits. Or.e of his pastimes is the
years, or just long enough to have is usually a great amount of writ­ with embarressment. half with an- ; i explosion of fire-crackers to scare
kept a boy from learning the busi- ing going on. He has grown a lit- ger.
spirits away. He magnetizes the
ness, and then “stepping off” as a i tie stout since his return from Eur-
“Ah! yes,” rejoined the old wo- i tea his patients drink and mesmer­
wife. She has simply earned her ope, and he is the picture of a self­ I man. having apparently heard this izes the sidewalks they walk on.
self some fine clothes, got through contained, well-fed and amiable time “And my dear, how many, The sorcerer warns his victims
with her work as easily as possible, man. The crown of his head is children did vou say you had so against the snakes which he savs
present ______
in the
’ ’
...... always _______
., air.
and everybody but herself has bee n visible to the naked eye from a far?”
There is some talk of mobbing him,
the loser.— V. Qtnid, »» Detroit Dree considerable distance both fore and
The above is a literal fact.— Boe- ■ but Frazier says he has * been
ton Cor.
' mohbsd
mohb«d before and doesn’t mind it.
M c M innville ,
O regon .
Both in Public and Private Improvements and Popu
lation of the Beautiful and well situated
Demonstrates that the Nucleus for a Great City
has been formed. During the last two
years in the neighborhood of
$200,000 Have been Spent for Public Improvements
It is the Only City in Oregon that Owns and Operates
soon the
No city in the
and Ring of a Street Car Line will be heard.
>, »• *
illamette \ alley presents a better field for the operation of Capital
The Manufactories of the Town
Are comparatively few in number, but still they employ a large number of people.
are the McMinnville Flouring mills, with a capacity of One Hundred Bar­
rels of
per day; two lumber yards, with sash and door factories in connection; a
and cheese factory, wit a capacity of one thousand pounds of butter per day; a
furniture factory, yet in its infancy, but with the surety of increased operation in the near
The Population of the City is 2,500
increasing; faster in proportion than other cities of the same size
in Oregon. The surrounding country is exceedingly productive, a larger yield per acre,
being raised within a radius of ten miles than in any other section of the State. YAM­
HILL County is known as
“The Banner County of Oregon,
And McMinnville is the county seat and metropolis of the Banner county
♦> H - » H
8 ♦
This city is receiving deserved comment from the
press of the State, and it is the intention of the propri­
etors of
The Telephone-Register
To issue on February 1st a Mammoth edition devo­
ted entirely to McMinnville. Her business interests
and business men will each receive attention in their
respective columns in the issue, together with a history
of the town from its first settlement to date. The edu­
cational facilities will receive their portion, together
with interesting statistics, Banking, Commercial, Ex­
press, Freight, Municipal, Building, Religious and Fra­
ternal will given.
Articles by prominent people;
sketches of the Lawyers, Doctors, County and City of­
ficials are being prepared, making it, as a whole, a pa­
per which should be read and distributed throughout
the State and Union in order to give the outside popu­
lation a correct picture of McMinnville, the banner
town of the banner county of the banner state.
price of
paper will be 10 cents, a sum which you can easily afford to spend in
order to let your friends know the true merits of our city. This i> the first edition of a
newspaper devoted entirely to McMinnville, and it will lie complete with superb portraits
of her business and professional men, with views of the principal buildings and points of
Send in Your Orders Immediately for Copies.