COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. COURTING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. STARVING RAILROAD LABORER*. THE BROOD SOW. The three dz-;ors of tnis city have l>een on th” move for the past three The council met as per adjournment The Workmen on the Astoria and South i How Swine Should be Bred and Subse­ Jededlali Serojjjçins Falls Through his weeks. A > rge number of the cases are Coast Railroad in a State of Des­ quently Cared for. Shirt. all present except Councilmen Johnson titution. Thursday, January 2;*., 181)0. i of the grippe nature. and Wright. The fellow who wrote the following ar- Not a thousand miles from Puckerville G. E. Johnson district deputy of the On motion the general ordinance No. 1 The following article from the Astoria ; tide about sows seems to know a whole lives an old bachelor, whom we shall call A. O. U. W., will visit Chanty Lodge riWTOIHCE HOURS. 1 No. 7 of this city on Friday evening of 96 providing for construction of side­ ■ Transcript shows that something must lot about hogs. Genius of this kind Jedediah Scroggins; his birth took place be “wrong in the camp,” on the Astoria should not go unrewarded, so we pnb- on Raccoon creek. Posey county, Ind., From 7 « ni. to 7 p‘. ni From 8:30 p. I this week. A full attendance is desired. walk" was taken up and read. ni. to9p. m. and South Coast railroad. Following is ! lish the literary effort for the benefit of and his early manhood was passed in On motion ordinance No. 96 was read u R. C. C. C. — Red Cross Cough Cure. Money order hours from 7 a. in. to 6 p. m. ; ’ i Will remove the most obstinate cough. once in full, twice by title and placed up­ the story told; i the farmers: tbe same place. Your correspondent at Sunday from 3 p. m. to 3:30 p. m Mail south closes at 9:30 a. ni. Mail i Cures asthma and bronchitis. Cannot be on its final passage. Ordinance passed. “Another gang of men, about fifty in Puckerville anxious to obtain items for “ Too much care cannot be bestowed excelled for whooping cough. Heals north closes at 3:20 p. in. and 9 p. in. Ordinance No. 97 requiring certain number, came in from the railroad camp on the sows at this season of the year your valuable paper, accosted this well- I lungs and throat. Sold by Rogers Bros. sidewalks being made was read and on the Lewis and Clarke, about six that are intended for breeders. The to-do bachelor with the inquiry as to tiie market REPORT. The following appears in the Macleay | I miles from town. The men are in the practice of letting sows run in the feed­ why he had always remained in a state , VUlUUHl ’ll. i amended. column 114 in LUV the »J14»VIIV11 Silverton Appeal: “ - Mr. most destitute circumstances having ing lot with no other food than haid corn ol eelebacy. Shifting his quid of fine cut Potatoes On motion ordinance No. 97 as amend ­ j,Í?., -j! Oscar Eoff and Miss Carter (his moth- Chickens, young J doz. $2 < ki to 2 .">0 er’s hired girl) eloped last week and ed was read once in full, twice by title their pockets full of time checks and not and cold water is a mistake too often to the other side of bis mouth, he re­ 50 to 4 'MJ old.......... Stdoz were married. They returned home, and placed upon its final passage. Ordi­ a cent of money. They can’t even get practiced by Western farmers, says the plied : 10 (Clear sides P lb. and Oscar is sick abed.” « Batson -Shoulders lb warm on their checks. They have noth- Pacific Farmer. They should be separ­ nance passed. “Well, you see I never had any han­ 12 to 1enetrated the skin of time; granted. since Christmas. We have worked all as is given in breeding the best mares. meetin’ one night. Great Gollies I but pounds for $100; pickles, in 5 gallon kegs. it. It straggled This finished the business of the eve- day in ice and snow, shivering with Discard the old way of turning your didn’t I take to her. I 8’pose 1 would j $1 15; coffees range from 25 to 35 cents p its neck and held it njn ixinnd; coal oil. very linn. (<' $2.75 "Pcase; until it died. cold, and at night sleeping in barns and newly purchased boar in with a lot of have married her had it not been for an salt of all kinds advanced $2 00 per ton, Leading physicians recommend Ayer s The council did not adjourn but spent Btables with the snow sifting through up­ : sows; but give him the best i>en on the allfired bad acccrdent that happened me and is very firm on us, and little or no covering to keep I farm; give him the same care as you the first and only time T ever went I The Purest Drugs and Medi­ .... .. ““ cines Kept in Stock; and none LOCAL AND GENERAL. blood, strengthens the nerve, and vital- UI)td someone made a motion to aujourn,, us from freezing. During all this time j would a stallion. There is no danger of sparkin’ her or any any other gal. I but Pure Drugs used in Filling wc have bad nothing to cat but izes the system. Popular experience j which was seconded and the council ad-1 his getting too fat in service season with You see thar war to be meetin' that Sun- j Judge Loughary is in Astoria. has long placed this medicine at the j jonnle(i to Monday night. beans and bread with uccassionally a proper exercise. After a sow is bred, day, and the old lady, my mother, says: Prescriptions. head of tonic alteratives. Snow again; when will it stop? little salt Jiork, all of the |>oorcst quality. put her in a warm, quiet place by herself ‘Jedediah, if you want to go I’ll slip J NOTES. Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. N. L. New The weather is anything but Oregon. The lire department asked the council The men could at different times have for a few days, and you will have more your dad’s true-blucs to you.’ Now, have resigned as president and vice- for $1000 having $.300 on hand. Tiie con­ sold their time checks at a small dis­ even litters, and stronger pigs, and it they war dad’s knee-breeches, but they Mrs. A. Smith is again seriously ill; a president of the aid society of the P. relapse. church, and at a meeting of the society templated apparatus will cost $1300. The count, but they have bad so much confi­ will eventually have a tendency to war jist right for me. So I rigged myself Mrs. J. E. Brooks is siek with rlieu- held Friday last Mrs. Bewley vyas elect- council should grant this request and dence in tiie road and contractors, and | change bad luck to success in the breed- up and went over to meetin’. Araminta ed president and Mrs. Nelson vice-presi- then we would have fire apparatus in the assurances that their money would Iing pen.” matic fever. war tliar, but I war orful skeered and 1 dent. The society will meet at the resi- j be paid in a few days that they have bashful; however, I mustered up cour­ The grippers are nearly all out on the dence of Mrs. A. Washburne to morrow. ' keeping witli the water works. OLD NEPTUNE ON A TEAR. Councilman Burt's suggesting, that the worked along without murmuring. Now- age and kinder sidled up to her and axed street again. The blockade on the overland railroad.1 Home-made candy, 15c. p:r pound, at has stopped the travel for a longer council do something about sewers was over two months’pay is due them, and How tlieOcean Raved and Tossed Around her if I could see her home, I never Tlllam >ok Rock. C. Grissen’s. could remember what she said, but the length of time than was expected when a good one. The question agitating the though they believe that their checks the roads were first stopped. The mail will be paid, they cannot live on assnr- ! At the office of Major Ilandbury, Unit first thing I knowed we war walking citizens now is, “What shall I do with Five feet of snow in the foot hills from from the far East comes over the Union my waste water.” Let the council or­ ances. This morning fifty of us were' ed States engineer, is to be seen a “dor- along together. Well, I Bparked her latest reports. Pacific and this road has been blockaded Try that imported Japan tea at the for three weeks. People expecting mail der sewers, they must be buiit sooner or sent away without breakfast, and to-1 nick” of basalt, weighing sixty-two that night, and war given tbe only lied Red Front grocery. from the Atlantic cities have about con- later. With sewers the water closets of morrow about 150 more will be turned j pounds, which was brought up from Til­ in the settin’ room to sleep in. It war lamook light by Mr. McClure, lampist late when I went to bed and I didn’t go ! the city need not be retired from active loose. The Elleford-Brophy company dis-1 eluded to wait, “We have all been treated shamefully. of this district, lie reports that a most to sleep for a long time for thinkin’ of | banded in Portland. ' ’ The matter 1 has at last been settled service. About Half of them are in a Use Gold Medal Borax soap. It is the i A newspaper run by a minister tells all precarious condition now. Something We have done our work well, as onr fearful storm was experienced at the Araminta. When I did go to sleep I [aboutit: “The La Grippe, as it is de- should be done for them immediately. time checks show, and that work has rock last Wednesday, and that the dor- slept allfired sound, and may I die if I best. At C. Grissen’s. , [ nominated by those who have more “Pearl Top” lamp chimneys; large ■ technical knowledge than brains, is They are in the prime of life and it is a benefitted some one. Why then, cannot nick was thrown up by the force of the breakfast warn’t on the table when I j size, 10c., at C. Grissen’s. I nothing more .......................... than the ‘colds’ our ances pity that they should be cast aside. we get something to eat, at least I do waves and fell on the roof of the light- waked in the morning—not five feet If vou don’t take theTELEPiioNF.-KEois- ’ |°rs wrestled with from the time the fig Some of them are old and gray headed not know, nor do I care, who is to ' keeper’s house, 110 feet above the sea from my lied. The old woman winked : k you von don’t cet Ie»ve "as discarded as a garment and and we would they were “wasting their ¡ blame, but I know who have rights that level, breaking a hole in the roof. The at Araminta, and they went into tbe kit-! ter get the news. people began to live in houses.” fragrance on the desert air,” but they are must be maintained, and who have suf­ waves were so high that the water came chen so as to give me a chance to git up, I Clark Braly is attending United States Owing to the blockade on the overland not. We would ask the city physician fered wrongs that must lie remedied. down the chimnej' of the boiler house of I s’pose. I looked for dad’s true-blues, | court at Portland as a juror. routes we have received no Eastern E. N. I*ord has sold his interest in tiie I mail for over two weeks. We iiave not to inspect the condition ot one in the Something must be done for the men, the fog siren in torrents and poured out that he sot great Btore by, and tliar un­ McMinnville flouring mills. heard from the cuts, with which we will rear of tiie Shobe building on D street. and at the same tune for the town i through the tubes of the boiler. The der the table were two pesky bull purps . Chas. Cook, the carpenter, is suffering illustrate the McMinnville edition of this It is very corpulent and in our opinion Starving men are not accountable for chimney is about 130 feet above sea with dad’s true-blues—one tuggin’ at severely with the influenza. PaPcr> 8,nce ‘5eJ.£r8tuof l^e ",on‘h' their actions, and if 200 are left here in i level. one leg and one at t’other—seein’ which From the Brownsville Woolen Mills, J ; This unexpected difhculty will delay the is troubled with dropsy. It is a bad case destitute circumstances you may imagine I and should be attended to at once. The spray entered the cowl of the could pull the hardest. I thought in my I Two more cases of diphtheria have ap-| paper about two weeks. It will be is-I peared in the family of J. C. Cooper. i sued on the 15tli of February, if nothing Jones is now known as “The great oi>- what will follow. They will be glad to chimney over the lamp, which is 150 feet soul they’d pull them in two. I was When you want a good hotel go to the ■ else occurs. This is not the fault of the ! jector.” ’ He is honest in bis objections get into a prison where they can at least 1 above sea level, and run in streams to afeerd to git up lest they might a turned ; Commercial house. The finest tables in | publishers, but entirely due to the -now but it is strange that a lumber merchant get warm and something to eat.” tbe bottom of the building. A panel of on my bare legs; however, dreckly they | the vlalev. ¡blockade. ____________ Wc will also Offer Bargains in At a late hour this afternoon an effort ■ iron fence near the light was swept away worked the waistbands round a leettle should object to new sidewalks. Mr. D. C. Hacklev, of Cleveland, I A Pleasant Gathering. After seventeen years of jawbone some was being made to secure the old demo­ ' by the waves, One of the keepers was forncnce the bed[>ost; that I thought Wash, was in the city last week. He) Tuesdav eveIlin of this week about of our citizens will have a sidewalk built, cratic headquarters for the men to sleep | up in the lighthouse when the stone was was my chance, so I balanced myself | returned Monday. sixty young and middle-aged people It seems funny that some of our most in, and to get the city council together to i thrown on the roof of the liglitkeepcr’s out over the bedpost, lioldin’ on with ' If you want a sample copy of this pa­ gathered at the C. P. church, from which travelled streets have not been improved provide food. It was proposed that tho ■ house, and lie saw the water rolling it one hand while I reached out with the In General. We will give Immense Bargains in per inform us of tbe fact by postal card place they proceeded to the residence of with sidewalks before this. The thing workmen deposit their time checks with about as if it were a cork. As the rock other. I grabbed the waistbands, but, and it will be sent to you. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop. The sur-; that started tiie building of sidewalks tbe city auditor as security for the pay­ came from the bottom of the sea, down Oh, Gollies! them two big pups war too Old papers for sale at this office for 25 cents per huudred. They are just the prise was complete, no member of the was Council (irissen falling on a poor ment of their hoard at the different ho- where McGinty went, he may have cast much for me. They pulled me off my familv having been informed that they | sidewalk and barkin his shin. Two great | tels. It is now pretty well assured that ! it up at the siren, perhaps. At all events balance, and my Sunday-go-meetin’ thing for various purposes. We will be satisfied if you will see our Goods and l’riees liefore I their money will be here sometime next the incident shows that those who live flax linen shirt, with its stout hem, that purchasing. Last Satuiday County Clerk Hobbs is­ might expect company. They were more j benefits have originated from the fall of i week. had a hole burnt in the tail by Sister Sal in lighthoures should not cast stones. sued a license to wed to Ed Nichols and than equal to the occasion, however, for ; little things. The instance related above | Resolutions. Ida J. Ingle, both of Dayton. in less time than it takes to tell it, the I >s one and the other was when one of leavin’ the hot iron settin' on it, catched Tillamook Railroad Meeting. W hereas , The solemn messenger of on the |»ost and I couldn’t git back nor The Commercial house managed by whole company had been provided for | °ur town cows decorated Councilman From the Headlight we learn the fol­ forward. When 1 got in this fix them McCall & Holman, is fast gaining promi­ i and were being entertained in the most j Wright’s s dewalk with an entirely origi- death has invaded our Grange and tak­ P. S.---AII Parties having Accounts with us would confer a favor by nence by the good meals given. ■ pleasing manner. These visitors were a I nal design We will have new sidewalks en from our ranks a beloved and honor­ lowing particulars of a railroad meeting I devilish purps left orf on dad’s true- KAY & TODD. The sheriff will start on his annual tax few of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop’s personal | ®nd the cows are shut up. Let some of ed member, Sister L. C. Reid, and while held January 11th: blues and commenced to bark nt me. settling on or before January 15, 1890. collecting tour next Monday. The levy friends, who desired to show their re-' the other conncilinen distinguish them- we bow in sorrow to the inevitable sum­ J. W. Morton was chosen president The tarnal noise they made brought in this year is 22 mills on the dollar. mons, we trust that she for whom we and G. O. Nolan secretary. Araminta and her mam. At sight of spect and friendship, and this was done : selves. J. W. Cowls has the thanks of the in tangible form in the shape of a heauti-, Last week we mentioned the matter of mourn, and the life that has forever fad­ On motion the chair appointed a com­ them I made one more plunge more public school for some fine large maps ful silver fruit stand, a dozen silver fruit ■ publishing the citv ordinances. We ed from our view has bloomed again in mittee of three to draft resolutions ex­ desperate than any that went before, which he presented to the district. Do you think the hem of that shirt knives, and fruit spoon. J. E. Magers would not have done so had we thought everlasting peace and happiness on the pressive of the sense of the meeting. E. C. Larkinson, of Washington, D. C. Committee consisted of I. T. Manlsbv, at the time of the disposition of one of bright shores of eternity, and our loss, broke? Not much; but the collar button made the presentation and Mr. Bishop was in the city last Saturday. He is a! W. C. King and A. P. Wilson. did, and I went right through that shirt special examiner in the pension bureau, j responded in a most happy strain. The the members of the honorable body of sad as it is, is her eternal gain. The meeting was addressed by I. T. cofluminix right onto tiie floor, strikin’ a Sister Reid will be missed, but not for­ The leading paper of the county is the j evening was spent in various games and city councilmen to introduce a resolution T elrphonr -R egwter . This you can be pastimes, and at a seasonable hour the to the effect that the local papers pub­ gotten. Her good precepts taught will Maulsby in which he discussed the bene­ leg of the table, knockin' it over and sure of. Our subscription books show | jolly company one by one hade Mr. and lish them gratis. Suppose the member, | remain with us through life. fits to be derived from the Salem and Al­ smashin’ up the dishes. I struck the that fact. Mrs. Bishop good-bye and wished them ! who is troubled as described, was reso- i She was possessed of rare intelligence bany railroads. puncheon floor, which give way, and I, Wm. Galloway leaves to-morrow for happiness and prosperity in their new j luted to distribute spectacles to the : and endowed with those noble traits of Judge W. H. Cooper followed in a dishes and all, brought up in a trough of Salem to attend the annual meeting of home. They went to Salem yestei day, j council at his own expense, would he do i mind and heart which elevates mankind. pointed speech saying, that he wanted to i soft soap in the cellar, out of which I the State Board ot Agriculture. He will where they will visit a few days before | it? It is possible that they are needed, Without display she helped the needy, know whether there would be depot. ■ I scrambled as best I could, grabbed dad’s talk railroad also. „ . t L [ taking up their residence in Portland. I but would the good done overcome the ! encouraged the timid, and was ever facilities at the town of Tillamook, also true-blues and lit out for home, with the Services at the C. I . church next Sun-1 ■ whether Tillamook bay would be the ter­ infernal bull purps arter me, yelpin’ expense of the spectacles? Everything j ready to raise tiie fallen. Railroad Collision. day at the usual hours. Sickness com­ minus of the Salem road. every jump, and Araminta and her , has its price — alvertisementsinnewspa- She taught no virtue but what she pelled me to discontinue services last 9 o clock Mondav evening a col- , Sunday. W. K nowi . es . L. J. Johnson made a few brief re­ marm screamin’ arter the purps. Final­ ,. About . . , pers as well as peanuts and candv. practiced. She was a faithful wife, a de­ hsion occurred between two trains on the ----------------------- - ' marks stating that McMinnville would ly I left ’em all behind, to do what they voted mother, a kind and true friend. Melvin Lynch and Miss .Minnie Lynch Portland & Willamette Valley railway, i K l siness men meet . of this city, have gone to Wheatland. Her example is worthv of emulation subscribe liberally and that wc should pleased with my shirt that war left bang­ Their | Miss Lynch will remain there some near Oswego, fortunately without any TI,,-y Evince a Willingness topnt know what the company was going to do in’ on the bedpost.” serious damage being done. The north- sJi°»liler» to the wheel to AiWertiM -------------- I,n every walk of life. months studying music. the City. Another Meeting; To-Morrow Therefore, be it resolved by McMinn­ before we subscribe any money to the Ileal Estate. Speciul services are still continued at' bound train consisted of several cars Night railroad company. ville Grange: the Baptist church every evening at 7:30 loaded with hay with a passenger coach Rena A. Foster R. L. Churchman, R. R. Hayes stated that the Salem lot 6 in block 8 in to Fanlconer Last Saturday night quite a goodly! That in the death of Sister Reid the o’clock. They are conducted by the pas­ | in the rear, and the south-bound train ’s addition company wanted to build down the I order loses a loved and honored sister tor and Principal Brownson. to Sheridan; $60. consisted of a locomotive with a passen- number of business men met at the city 8. ('. Foster and wife to R. L. Church­ McMinnville lias paid for her water | ger coach attached, Wlien the collision hall to take some steps toward advertis-! antl an »«five and faithful member, the South Trask and that route had not been works and electric lights, and is now occurred Charles Young, engineer of the ing the town. J. E. Magers was called ! husband a true and devoted wife, the surveyed yet and that we did not know man, lot 5 in block 8, Sheridan ; $500. ready to subscribe liberally toward build- ■ Thos. Murphy and wife to G. W. whether that would be a practical route south-bound train jumped to the ground to the chair, and C. Grissen chosen sec- daughters and son a kind, affectionate or not. ing a railroad to the sea.— Mercury. Fiske, 20.96 acres in t 3 s, r 2 w and retary. j and indulgent mother, and society an in 96.94 acres in John J. Hash’s D. L. C.; Potatoes and apples are scarce articles j and cut his face somewhat severely. No On motion it was decided that Tilla-! Wm. Galloway stated the object of the ' telligent and upright woman. else — was — injured. of the engines in this city. It seems as if plenty of ap | one --------- j ------- One --------------- ------ meeting was to take some steps toward I Resolved, that we tender our heartfelt mook county is friendly towards the $1800. Geo. W. Fiske to Carl Adolf, same; pies could be in the market a this season tore the pilot off the other and broke the building of any railroad to this county. $2000. if proper care was taken in packing. front truck, but the damage altogether advertising the town and adjacent coun- [ sympathies to the afflicted family. On motion, the following resolution Resolved, that these resolutions bo John C- Hiett and wife to Chas. F. try. FIBE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE. $200,000 to loan by the American Mort- i was slight. Aixon, 4 acres in t 3 s, r 2 and ,3 3 w, and i F. W. Fenton stated object of meeting spread on the records of tliis Grange and was adopted: gage Co., on farm land, for a term ot I ---------------------- It (let« There. Reeolred, that we ask the Salem Rail­ 105 34 acres in t 3 s, r 2 w and 40 acres years. No commission, no brokerage. originally was to raise money to adver­ a certified copy be sent to the family, F. W. Fenton, attorney at McMinnville. and a copy be furnished the local papers road company to send a representative t 2 s , r 2 w; $1601. The following from the BWcome indi­ tise the town. to our county, to explain to us their def­ G. L. Baker et ux to Thomas Willis Articles of incorporation were filed on cates that electricity is not slow when A. J. Apperson stated that he thought for publication. inite proposition in regard to the build­ lot 7 and 8 in block G, McMinnville; Tuesday, incorporating the First Baptist attached to even such large bodies as the best means to do conceited and effi­ ing of the road to this county. Blaine's Brother. $150. church of Sheridan. A. Gwinn, Dr. J. street cars: A lady carrying an umbrella cient work would be to organize a board j Fields are incorporators, and the proper­ W. L. Bradshaw and wife to A. Land Sharks Abroad. At Washington it is considerably a entered the Second street electric car at of immigration. ty is valued at $2500. Gottsche. lots 3 and 4, block 41, Lafay­ SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST mystery that the late M. G. Lane, of The Eugene Flegirter says there are 1 ette ; $900. Clark Bralv was also in favor of organ­ If you want job printing you should Morrison street, yesterday, Before she 8alem, should not go by the same name several parties traveling over the state i could take a seat the car plunged for­ S. J. Dunn et ux to Wm. Galloway, izing. have it done at t iis office. Our lates as h's full brother, Jas. G. Blaine. A working a little timber land racket. block 12, Mrs. Chandler’s 2d addition to are the lowest and the work is of the ward with an awkwark jerk. The wo­ Mr. Gallowa • moved to call a mass j best. The amount of work turned out is man, in attempting to regain her equili­ meeting for next Friday night for the dispatch says: According to Dorchester, They get some person to take up a tim­ McMinnville; $800. and wife to Achsah J. Dunn, Never Fail to Protect their Contents against Both Fire and Burglars. a good testimonial. brium, whacked her umbrella against purpose of organizing a hoard of immi­ superintendent of Indian schools, who ber claim, for which they agree to pay - n Jas. of Agee lot 6, Fairlawn subdivision ; $1000. ' recently returned from a visit to Oregon, him a certain sum after he has proved. There are 31 counties in Oregon, and the head of a man who was reading tiie gration ; carried. J. S. Otis to W. L. Hanna, 126 acres, I Lane always claimed to be a brother of The man is asked to pay them $50 as a newspapers are published in all; the to­ J. E. Magers suggested that the liberal part of A. It. Elder DLC and James alus afe and ock ompany tal number being 121 in the state; 12 are newspaper. “Oh, sir, I beg a thousand James G. Blaine. Years ago, however, daily, 3 semi-weekly, 95 weekly, 2 semi­ pardons,” said the woman with a flushed publishers of our local papers be request- on account of some family tronble, into guarantee of good faith. Tiieir contract' Rumages DLC; $5550. ’ Factory, CINCINNATI, OHIO. states that they will do all the filing and I Wm. M. Case and wife to David N. face. “These car men are so reckless. rd to distribute several hundred dodgers, monthly and 9 monthly. the details of which the old teacher Brown, 125 acres part of Robt. Beer’s SALESROOMS : The want of the west side was laid be­ Hope you are not seriously injured, sir.” : calling the attention of the public to the would rarely go, he had left the Blaine make out all the papers. All a man has j land claim, t 4 s, r 2 w; $1000. to do is to allow them to use their name. fore Manager Kohler, of the Southern “Oh, no, ma'atn, I’m married.” aforesaid meeting. 'lew York City; Portland, Me.; Boston; Philadelphia; Cleveland; Chicago; household, changing his name and never Now, this would be all right if the agree­ David N. Brown and wife to John Sell­ Louisville; St. Louis; Kansas City; Omaha; Minneapolis; St. Paul ; New Orleans ; Pacific railroad last week. It was the On motion of Mr. Apperson, J. E. Ma" 1. O. O. F. Officers. extension of the road to Junction City, resuming it. He had instructed Dr. ment were carried out to the letter, but wood, part of Robt. Beer’s land claim, t San Francisco; Los Angeles; San Diego; Portland, Oreg.; Nashville, Tenn* geis, Win. Galloway and F. W. Fenton 4 s, r 2 w; $3000. and was favorably received. Dorchester with a message for his broth­ there are numerous devices resorted to Saturday night the officers of Occi- i Richmond, Va.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Evansville, Ind.; Atlanta, Ga. Lucinda Caldwell to Celia Caldwell, The mail failed to arrive on Wednes­ dental Lodge No. 30, I. O. O. F., of this were appointed a committee to draft a er, the secretary of state, which the nowadays to secure fees without render acre in Carlton ; $300. plan of organization. day night. It is probable that tbe re- superintendent had promised to, and ing valuable services. When a nan puts ■ M. D. Smith and wife to J. R. Cald­ Sale of Cattle. eent snow-fall on the already deep snow city were installed. They are as follows : FOR Dys|K Dsia and Liver Complaint you Died did, deliver. The truth of the story is up $50 as a “guarantee of good faith” he j well, one-twelfth of an acre in Carlton; in the mountains has effectually block­ C. R. Cook, N. G. ; C. F. Daniels, V. G. ; . Iiave a printed guarantee on every bottle of There will be sold on February 1, 1890 Shiloh’s Vitalixer. It never fails to cure. aded tbe road.— Headlight. E. N. Ford, R. Sec. ; C. H. Iiemstreel, j G arrison .—At Baker City on Jan. 17th, vouched for by officials from the Indian should lie very careful and not put it in : [ $50. 1890, of congestion of the stomach Mil­ bureau. Lucy Grazier et al to James Johnson, in McMinnville, fifteen head of cattle: Sold by Rogers Bros. The Ladies Aid Society of the C. P. P. Sec.; Wm. Holl, Treas. ; S. F. Hard­ the hands of a faithless or irresponsible ARE you made miserable by Indigestion, six cows, six calves and three two-year- ton P. Garrison, aged 41 years and 10 church presented Mrs. A. Washburne ing, Con. ; J. E. Brooks, W. The true reason why he changed his party, where be may never hear from it l,lJ acres near Lafayette; $150. Constipation, Dizziness, I xihs of Appetite, months. : old steers. Will be sold for one-half United States to J. F. Funk, home ­ with a silver card case, a token of their Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vitalina* is a posi­ name is known to several persons in this again. It is well to be on your guard i Friendship Lodge No. 12 of the Re- cash down, the balance until Sept. 1st, tive cure; sold by Rogers Bros. Mr. Garrison was well known in this stead, 80.16 acres. esteem. It was presented during a sur­ beckah degree installed officers Tuesday city being brother to Mrs. W. C. Hem state but there is no reason why it should and know who you are dealing with. Do without interest, with note and approved prise party held at her residence. A NAHAL Injector free with each bottle D. P. Stratton and wife to J. K. Samp- be told through the newspapers. He is i security. L. H. M organ . of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy; ¡»rice 50 rents. A merciful man—who keeps his stock night, and had a fine supper after the bree and son of Mrs. John Carlin. He dead and the time for saying the truth not part with your hard earned money : son and Geo. W. Perkins, n yi of s w '7, Boid by Rogen Bros. ceremonies. The officers of the lodge I section 4, 1 3 s, r 2 w ; $1015. Cattle Moving. unless you are sure of getting something in prime condition by the use of Wright’s was born in this county on March 21st, WHY will you cough when Shiloh's cure was while he was alive. Arabian condition powders. Cures colds, arc : F. M. Linville and wife to H. E. Barn ­ for it. 1848. He leaves a wife and six children. Owing to the severe weather, deep will give immediate reieif Price 10 eta, 30 distemper, inflamed lungs, heaves. Gives hart, s e '4 of s w >4 and lot 3, of section Mrs. E. Fellows, N. G. ; Miss Maggie L eabo .—Wednesday morning, at 1:30, The Only One. snow anti short feed, cattlemen on the cts, and $1. Sold by Rogers Bros. i 3 and 4, t 2 s, r 5 w : $1000. glossy coat. Sold by Rogers Bros. A Railroad Scheme. Wright, V. G. : C. F. Daniels, R. See. ; Perry Leaho, son of J. Leabo, near this SHILOH'S Catarrh Remedy, a positive The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul J. U. Smith to Mattie E. Koutz, 100 Uintah range in Montana, are gathering cure for Catarrh. Diptberia and Canker C. A. Wallace has entered the real es­ E. N. Ford, P. Sec. ; Mrs. W. T. Booth, city, aged 10 years. A prominent gentleman living on the ' acres of the Sidnev Smith land claim. together all their cattle for the purpose Mouth. Sold by Rogers Bros. railway is the only line running solid tate firm <>f of Knight & Co., and the Con. ; S. F. Harding, W. Two weeks ago or so the boy, while narrow guage, at the depot awaiting the ' John Dempsey to Kate D. Dempsey, name of the new firm is Knight, Wood & . HACKMETACK.” a lastand frairranK of shipping them into Kansas and Ne vestibuled, electric lighted and steam lassoing a calf, became entangled in the South-bound train, was giving the par­ land in Noitli Yamhill; $100. ; price 25 and 50 cent«. Sold by^ Wallace. They will occupy the neat Cattle Starving;. braska to feed. It is estimated that over perfume heated trains between Chicago, Milwau­ Rogers Bros. rope; the result; a broken arm. The new office adjoining the grocery store of [ ticulars of a great railroad scheme, which E. L. Weed and C. II. Hopfield to 50,OCX) cattle will be shipped into these kee, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Wallaett it Todd, Wm. Gallowav’s brother who resides arm was frostbitten before arriving at THE REV Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon as he seemed to believe it, and it is uni­ j Clara M. Weed, lot 3, block 22, Row­ i states during the next two months. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ind .says: ‘ IJoth myself and wife owe The Lafayette l.rdyi . has changed its at Weiser, Idaho and is engaged in the home, and the condition of the system que, we give pointedly. The Southern land’s addition to McMinnville; $200. our lives to Shiloh’s Consumption Cure.” The IZ itella Eoound of for paregoric, drops, soothing syrups, and in cars to where feed can be obtained. by postal card, the address of all living convinced. ary ; but it shows what can really be cir ­ sult in the building of a fast boat of light 1 castor oil. It is Its guarantee The "wit” of the West Shore, who tells Reports from all the ranges east of the For further particulars apply to the crushed rock from this claim show: is thirty years' use |4easaiit. by millions of mothers. verv witty stories, etc., gets $7.00 ner mountains are bad. Some stockmen pre­ male and female descendants of Revolu­ nearest coupon ticket agent, or address culated as a fact among some people. It draft to ply on the waters between New -, about 20 “colors,” the heft of very small Castoria destroys worms and allavs fever- tionary officers and soldiers of 1776, and, week. We read the first paper contain­ dict a loss of at least 50 per cent. i is to be hoped, though, that the narrow port, South Beach, Yaquina, Toledo and : shot. If the residue of small gravel and sihness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour when possible, the name and state of tbe J. W. CaBey, Trav. Pass’r Agent, No. .33 gauge be made a standard gauge and be intermediate points. A boat of the kind gold exhibited was not “salted,” the Es- curd, cures diarrhoea and wind coli<- Cas- ing the "wit’s” productions and we have been much annoyed by it because the Cheapest, strongest and best—Wright's ; ancestor. Wonder if W. H. Brearly, Stark St., Portland, Ore. contains ^millions, and capitalizing tori a relieves teething troubles, cures con­ extended to the main track.— Albany would be of great accommodation to the I I tella point is not yet seen. We would sug­ compound syrup ol sarsaparilla. Boils, proprietor of the Detroit Journal, is con­ the stock at $1,500,000, 1,500 shares at stipation and flatulency CasO»ria assimi­ Democrat, ’’ lue food, regulates the stomach and varied interests of the bay. gest to Lee Fairchild that he append pimples and erysipelas tlee before it. $1,000 each, which is talked of, is not a lates Children Cry for bowels, giving healthy and natural *leep. notes to the page devoted expressly to Cleanses and enriches the blood. Sold i templating a raid upon the national trea. , loony scheme by any means — Oregon Castoria is the chiKlren'n panacea — the snrv. by Rogers Bros. Pitcher’s Castoria. h impeli in the IFoi Shore. Pitcher’s Castoria. Children Cryfoz I City Courier. mother's friend. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. Fine Perfume»«, Toilet Soaps, Tootli Soaps and Washes, Face Powders, Combs and Brushes; and all Toilet Requisites, at Rogers Bros. At Actual Cost Price During January! Children’s and Boy’s Overcoats, and Men’s Shoes. K ay & T odd HALL’S SAFES ARE THE BEST. SECOND HAND SAFES AT A BARGAIN. Combination Locks Furnished and Repairing a Specialty. HALLS STANDARD SAFES M S L C ,