ADVERTISE THE TOWN. all night on a mvd flat . POSTOFFICE BUSINESS. For steel sir.'.s go to P. D. Glenn. Real Elate. Try t'i".t imported Japan tea at the A Sample of the Inquiries Received The Danger Befalling a Searcher for Hon. Johu Wannamaker Make, His An­ Union lodge No. 43 to G. F. Tucker, Weekly by This Taper. Real Estate In Astoria. nual Report. Red Front grocery. lot 187, in Masonic cemetery, McMinn, Thursday, January 9, 1890. “Pearl Top” lamp chimneys; laige Everyone knows that this city should McMinnville people are investing in This office is in leceipt of the report of ville, $4. | size, 10c., at C. Griesen's. be advertised. Literature of some kind Astoria real estate, among them Wm. the postmaster-general. The success or F. W. Martin and wife to M. D. and POSTOFFICE HOURS. Call on P. D. Glenn, opposite livery : should be piinted for distribution. The Gilson, who has found the length, the failure of any administration is judged Elizabeth J. Coulter 27.10 acres, part of From 7 a in. to 7 p. m From 8:30 p. stable to do your plumbing. I newspapers of the city can not devote breadth and the depth of one of Astoria's more from the manner in which the local Nehemiah Martin, D. L. C.; also blocks ni. to 9 p. m. The Lindsay company played Richi- i all their space to descriptions of the city mud flats. It seems that he desired to postoffice is conducted If Tom, Dick 3 and 4, F. W. Martin’s addition to Mc­ Money order hours from 7 a. tn. to 6 p. ni. lieu last night to a good house. Sunday from 3 p. m. to 3:30 p. in and surrounding country. It is neces­ look up some acre property on the Lewis and Harry get every letter and paper Minnville ;$2,790. Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail N. E. Deskin to Samuel Longley lot 3, Clyde Apperson is confined to bis home sary for the citizens of this city to pré­ and Clarke river, and accompanied by L that is supposed to have been mailed to north closes at 3:20 p. tn. ami 9 p. iu . I with every sympton of the grippe. paie something for the many inquirers. Loughary left this city for Astoria. On them, the administration at Washington in block 8, Deskin’s addition to Newberg; Prof. Galloway was giving some les­ If you think that tuatter could not be the 31st of December while the judge was is thought to be a glorious success. But, $50. THE MARKET REPORT. sons in iicrsemanship on the streets yes­ distributed to advantage to our city read warming his shins in front of a good coal if, on the contrary, one of the maiiv Lee and Emma Laughlin to Jeremiah Potatoes . 'p bushel $ O) terday. the following letters we have received fire, William started in a dugout to find millions of letters is lost, the powers that Williams lot in North Y'amhill; $10. (iiickens, young V $2 00 to 2 50 Mrs. Dr. Burton, of Oakland, Cal., a during the past week : John B. Fuson and Harriet Hadley to old........ doz 3 50 to 4 00 the land. The sea began to roll a little be are accused of all the misdemeanors former resident of this city, is visiting 10 • (Clear sides lb. Jacob Holzworth 17.12 acres, part E agle S prings , C oryell C o ., Tex.,) too high for the canoe, so he put for a imaginable. We quote some his'xuicai 8 friends here. Bacon ¿Shoulders lb Dec. 6, 1889. ) mud fiat which contained a solitary tree. points from the report as follows: John Cary, I). L. C. ;$510. 12 10 to (Hams p lb .. T. B. Merry was in town yesterday. 10 E ditor T elephoxe -R eoister —l’lease J. F. Allison and wife to Bird Parrish lord Pails "I have the honor to state that to the Lara tin 5 10 g P a (1 j|on tins He thinks the prospects for the electric­ send me a sample copy of your paper The tide was coming in, and in due 10 8 to course of time our Yatnhiller was forced postmaster-general of the United States lot 129, 130 and 131, in Dayton ;$350. 20 motor are good. Eggs. “W dozen i and all other iutormation obtainable re- 50 Butter, Creamery, 'fi roll B. Dobmeir to Wm. Geldard 160 acres, Wanted.—A girl capable of performing [ lating to your city. I want to leave to climb the tree or get wet. He never is committed the management of the Butter, dull, fresh V roll 40 sec. 12; $500. took water before so he took the tree. largest business concern in the world, se. all kinds of housework. Enquire at W. 20 Brine ...... 1» pound. 15 to I Texas and am hunting up a new home. E. E. and Hattie M. Goucher to C. A. 4 to T. Booth <$ Son's. 5 When tho tide went down the sea quiet­ consisting of a central establishment Dried apples, dull, 'fi pd. 6 to 8 Dried plums, dull, Vi pd. J ames H. G atos . ed, and the party made for the mainland with almost 60,000 branches, and em Wallace 2x100 feet of w. side of e. Si lot The Leader at Corvallis is now an all 8 6 to Dried prunes, dull, V( pd. S enatobia , T ate C o ., Miss.,) where they built a fire ar.d William rais­ ploying over 150,000 people. Its agents 2, block 16, Minnville; $50. at home printed paper, seven col ­ 6 to 8 Driedpeaches,dull, Pi every interest of commerce and so j acres, part Thos. M. Wright, D. L. C.; I J ames N. S porke . ainette to the coast. The chair appoint­ svrup of sarsaparilla. Boils, The Lewis & Dryden Railroad Guide compound B uvant , B vtler C o ., Kans.,) ed a committee consisting of H. Ballet ciety. The people, from whom alone $1,300. pimples and erysipelas flee before it. David and Louise C. Walthall to Lou­ man was ill the city the ¡alter part of Cleanses and enriches the blood. Sold Dec. 24,1889. J -his all-pervading agency springs into last week. T elephone -R egister P rop ’ s : Sira— Thomas Langdon and C. C. Linden, to action, and by whose encouragement ise N. Woods, lots 3 and 4 and part of I by Rogers Bros. prepare some statistics and report on th< ■lone it can supply their jealous needs, 25 and 26, Hobson’s addition to New­ Wm. Kuns, the Independence baker, A merciful man—who keeps hi-, stock Send me a sample copy of vout paper, has been in town several days, visiting in prime condition by the use of Wright’s last issue ; also some back ones, if pos­ evening of December 28th, at which firm «imply want the system administered berg : $900. the committee on statistics returned th. his best girl. Jesse Edwards and wife to David Walt-1 Arabian condition powders. Curescolds, sible. Yours, with such efficiency and economy that it following report: “We find the amoun P. D. Glenn carries a full line of pipe I ¡stem per, inflamed lungs, heaves. < • ives H enry J erday . shall offer them more and more accom- hall jr., north Jj block 20, Edward’s ad-' of grain in this immediate vicinity an and fittings. Give him a call. Opposite glossy coat. Sold by Rogers Bros. A labaster , J osco C o ., Mich.,) nodations and tax them less and less. dilion to Newberg; $135. livery stable. The council committee on fire ami wa­ Dec. 23, 1889. j that would be shipped from this point The only method I can suggest by which Hosea A. Snell and wife to Richard L. ; A young lady of German descent wishes ter are negotiating with Chicago and San E ditor T elephone -R egister : Sir— had we facilites to handle it, to be one «11 their desiies may be gratified, is not Churchman, lots 6, 7 and 8 and south Ja ' employment at house work. Call at Francisco firms for the purchase ot new Can you give me information concerning hundred thousand bushels per annum; merely to talk about the application of of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 10, Sheridan;! hose, a hose cart and a hook-and-ladder postoffice tailor shop. truck for the McMinnville fire depart­ the climate, and the possibilities for number of beeves fatted, one thousan- msiness principles to the department; it $900. A. It. Apperson has traded his fine ment. a liai d-working mechanic in Yam­ head; hogs, one thousand head; hay- <8 really to apply them. It is not to Robt. W. Snell and wife to Richard L i swell-body cutter to C. A. Wallace for a There will be Presbyterian services at hill county. Your paper has been one thousand tons, flouring milis, capac­ work in poor quarters; it is not to trans­ Churchman, north % of lots 1, 2 and 3, ; share of creamery stock. the Opera house on Sunday, January 12, seen in our neighborhood several times ity, fifty barrels per day ; furniture facto tort mails afoot w hen they should g > in block 18, Sheridan ; $140. Wanted—Work. Millinery preferred. both morning and evening at the usual iv, etc; large area of tillable lind unoc­ A. B. Faulconer et ux to C. H. Van j Call on or address Mrs. A. E. Stuart, boms. Rev W. A. Willison, of l’o t- and several families of us intend to leave railroad trains; it is not to tolerate do- cupied ; amount of merchandise sold an milliner, McMinnville, Or. Horn, lots 1 mid 8 and east Ja of lots 2 land, officiating. All are cordially in­ for Oregon about the first of May. Will oval or listless employes if belter ones you send me several copies of the “Re. Dually, $50,090. Besides the water pow­ can be had ; it is not, finally, to keep un­ and 7, block 19, Faulconer,s 2d addition McMudville will be our name when vited. sources or Oregon,” the same as you er alreadv utilized we find that the Yam willingly abreast of the times. It is al­ to Sheridan; $137. the thaw commences. It is about time Several houses have been built by the for us to think of pavements. owners of the Oak Park property and sent to Mr. Irwin, of this town. I would hill river, by building a ditch one-hal ways to lead the times. S. A. D. Walker and wife to G. F. and O. V. Watkins, the surveyor, has re- are now for sale. The compiiiv will like to have your opinion of Y'amhill mile in extent at comparatively no co«t A. E. Bullock, lota 5, 6, 7 and 8, block In twenty years the transactions of the terned to town and is prepared to do all build houses for people who purclia e county. Fiom what I can learn by read­ could be brought here with a twenty-four postoffice department have doubled. In 11, Mrs. P. W. Chandler's addition to lots tn the addition for the actual eost < f kinds of work at the shortest notice. ing, I think Yamhiil county is as good a foot head and afford unlimited power.’ ten years more, by all the laws of McMinnville; $150. labor and material. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE. Parties knowing themselves indebted county as is in the state, but some of the It is expected that this committee, or a growth, they will nearly have doubled Edward and Flora Gillespie to J. T. The John S. Lindsay company played to Kay & Todd will confer a favorbv set­ part of it, will meet with the board of people who will leave w hen I do think again. To-day’s work, the routine forms, Byers, 83 acres, sec. 5, t. 3 s.,r. 5 w.; tling the account on or before January Ingomar at the opera house Monday n-glit. This is spoken of as one of the that Jackson countv is the best county trade to-morrow night, at which time the the methods of o|>eration. the relations $803. 15, 1800. best plays ever presented to a McMinn­ Please be sure and answer this letter matter of building a railroad from Salem J. B. and A. C. Gardner to Wheelock Several parties from Dayton and ether ville audience. The company rendered to tide water will be thoroughly dis of clerks and officials are almost as crude Simmons, 6,107 square feet in the city ot and oblige a homeseeker. towns a tended the performance of the Lady of Lyons Tuesday evening. is they were in the beginning. The cussed. Y'ours truly, Lady of Lyons at ttie opera hosse Tues­ point of the great question which con­ McMinnville; $900. This is poetry, you bet: day night. J erry T homas . Novel Advertising. Wm. Hall and wife to Leo J. Patter­ Mud, mild, the beautiful mud. tinually fo-ces itself forward i«, how long SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. Apperson will commence his fifth an­ S pringfield , Ohio,) son, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Mrs. Chand­ That would raise a spud in the street. Considerable merriment was caused this outgrown system shall continue as nual clearance sale next Monday, Jan­ Oh. this mud. this read-headed mud. Dec. 27, 1889. ) ler’s addition to McMinnville; $300. it is.” uary 13th. See announcement on an­ This thick, gummy mild’s liar.! to beat. I E ditor T elephone -R egister : Sir— not long since at Tacoma by the novel B. P. Cardwell and wife to Frank M. method of advertising adopted by th< other page. “ I propose that there be twenty-six The big edition of the T elephone -R eg Y our notice stating that sample copie­ Humboldt House, corner of Fourteenth Hnddleson, lots 6 and 7, block 2, Lip­ postal districts estihlished by the post ­ Jas. Fletcher went out to the hills the ister devoted to McMinnville will be a paper would be sent free to people de­ Never Fail to Protect their Contents against Both Fire and Burglars. first of the week to hunt coyotes, but beauty. Forty two cuts have already : and A streets. One day a man was hired master-general according to population pincott’s addition to Dayton; $175. siring one has been seen by me, and j did not find any. He found about three been ordered for the paper. Y'ott should to parade a wheelbarrow with but one and territory, each office in the district ARE you made miserable by Indigestion, feet of snow, however. send one ot the papers to vour friends in write you to send me one and all othei brick in it all day, and his behavior was to be visited at stated times and records Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, all s afe and ock ompany information you may have on hand con ­ the East. They will cost you ten cents Y ’ ellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a posi­ A new string band lias been organized Factor»', CINCINNATI, OHIO. cerning Oregon. Send the paper to C. so outside the ordinary that he fooled made and kept showing, first, the ca­ tive cure; sold by Kogers Bros. in the city, consisting ot five pieces and apiece. even the police. In the morning this pacity of the postmaster; second, his A NASAL Injector free with each bottle wdl be ready for business after Feb, 1st. SALESROOMS : The weekness and debility which re­ A. Bradley, 204 South Sixth st., Spring­ man took eight bricks and left one at personal attention to his duties; third, of Shiloh's i atarrli Reuiert ot him last night. The law breaker was a fifths mills; university tax one-seventh beginning indicated in the e.rly records representativo journal—the trade THE CHAMPION Between Portland and Corvallis. the postal system has grown marvelously. Blood-purlller, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla leads Cures asthma and bronchitis. Cannot be j the revenue officer for 1889 it is seen that journal, so to speak—of American Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. exce led for whooping cough. Heals . neatly $403 was received for licenses to I colored man named J. R. Wallace, who mills; military tax, one-fifth mill, mak In fifteen years its advancement has all others ir. age, merit, and popularity. It advertisers. It tells the intending LEAVR A It RIVE ing six mills in all. The net valuation of will serve a one-year term. The crime lungs and threat. Sold by Rogers Bros. | use the fraudulent butter in Portland.— I up the system, improves the appetite, been even more astonishing, as the fol­ tones Portland . 7 :30 a m McMinn’ 10:13 a hi and inexperienced advertiser in strengthens the nerves, and vitalizes the for which he will pay the penalty is that the state ¡ b $101,586,472, a six mill tax Will Holm in is now proprietor of the ' llefcomr, McMinn ’ 10:13 a tn <’orvallis. 12:25 p I!) lowing figures are enough to show : Blood. Just what you need. Try it. Cook house, having taken charge on i (’orvall N 1 :.‘»O p in McMinn’ of larceny, he having plead guilty to the upon which will raise a revenue of $609.- 3:11 p m plain comprehensive articles how, “ I am selling your goods freely, and more . 5.936 McMinn’ 3:44 pm Portland. G:2<)p m when anti where to advertise; how Tuesday of this week. Wo wish Will j A Long creek girl named Short, long stealing of a watch. There are now 312 518.83, or $574,689.10 for general expens­ First-class offices. of AVer’s Sarsaparilla than of all other Mood­ Second class offices loved a certain big .Mr. Little; while Mr- 1,873 medicines put together.”—R. A. McWilliams, abundant success, and hope iiis house I At Albany and Corvallis coime« t with to write an advertisement; how to Grand Rapids, Mich. . 4.766 will soon become the envy of all on the | Lnlle, little thinking of Short, loved a men under Waiden McKinnon’s roof, es, $14,512.35 for university, and $20,. Third-class offices . . trains of Oregon Pacific. display one; what newspapers or Fourth-class offices ....... little lass named Long. To make a long .34,889 317.27 for military. Of this amount Mar ­ with the census constantly increasing. west side. Express Train Daily, except Sunday — story short, Little proposed to Long, ami other media to use; how much to 47,466 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, M ms . LEA A ft. ARRIVE There are at present Just 116 news-1 Short longed to be with Little’s short­ Mr. Misener lias brought his share of ion county will pay to the general ex­ Carriers....................... 8.830 Price ; six bottles, $•>. Worth $5 a bottle. Portland . 4:50 pm M .00 p m exjiend—in fact discources on ev­ papers published in Oregon. Ot these comings. SoSho.-t, meeting Long, threat­ them, having landed nineteen there last pense fund $35,738.60; to the uuiversitv Subcarriers................... . 2.035 McMinn’ 5:45 a m| 9:00 am ery point that admits of profitable four are published in Benton county, five ened to marry Little before Long, winch month, lie thinks he will bring no less fund, $902.49, and to the military fund, — 10,835 Through tickets to all points South and discussion. If you advertise at all, in Linn, five in Lane and six in Yamhill, j caused Little in a short time to marry thin thirty-live during January.— States- $2,165.97, or $37,904.59 in all. In addi­ Ry mail ser., total empy 8 5,640 East via California Notice to Taxpayers. In Portland twenty-one aie issued, thiee Long. Query: Did tall Short love big man. Contractors tion to this Marion county haB levied a Star routes................. Ticket offices. No 134, c«»rner First and Printers’ Ink can hep you. Per­ of th“se being dai.ies. Little less because big Little loved little 6,534 Notice is hereby given that the tax book8 Alder street«, Portland, Oregon; corner haps you expend but Ten Dollars a Surprise Parties. county tax of nine mills, school five mills Steamboat................ of Yamhill county. Oregon, for the year Long? 134 Front and F streets, Portland The state tax levy has just been made year in advertising; if so, Printers’ 1889, are now in my hands for the collection 2,113 Last Fi idav evening several couples of and indigent soldiers’ tax of two-tenths Railroad....................... and is six mills. This, together with E r ROGERS Probate Court. of taxes, and that myself, or deputy, will R KOK LI II Ink may show you how to obtain Sub-star route ........... .10,396 mill, fourteen and two-tenths mills, or Manager. Asst. G F. ><• rt. will W added, as specified by section 2795, upon a decree and order of sale of the real and recommendations. My motto—1 will A Salemite was interviewed by the his cook should be rising so fast in this Revised Statutes—pay your taxes or costs property herein described, in favor of John and must have employment. Address, Pendleton Tribune recently regarding the Mit rtleff — KN»,. — . , McMinnville, world. The banker playfully alludes to When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria Aspinwall, plaintiff, and George L W will be made. F. A. 8., Box 0., McMinnville, Oregon. Burton and Elenor Burton, defendants, for Oregon, January 1, 1890, Mr. W. T. building of the railroad to the sea. The T J HARRIS, Sheriff. the time when he was a surveyor and the sum of $68.62 with interest thereon from B. CLARK Shnrtleff to Mrs. A. O. Knott; Rev. employed Mr. Barin as cook for his crew. PROPRIETOR. Messrs. George Anderson and John interview was as follows : “How are you the 23d lay of November, 18*9. at the rate Remlev are the champions in timber cut­ getting along with that laihoad you’re I Wiley- Knowles, officiating. of 10 per cent, per annum, and cos:« of this JOHN DERBY, JESSE EDWARD8. However, when Mr Thompson was work­ ting, having cut and placed in the water : Advertised Letters. writ. I did on 4th day of December. 1889. Hied. ing at the forge in Oregon City, with an in the short space of twelve days 110,000 j going to build from Salem to the sea?” duly levy upon the «lefendants’ real proper­ The lollowtng list of letters remaining i ty situate in Yamhill county, Oregon, and Furniture of all the Latest Styles made to feet of lumber. If there is any two men asked a Pendleton man of a Salemite up \\ A tkins —On Thursday, January 21, open treatise on surveying near the an­ (fescribed as follows, to-wit: who can beat this, let them step to the j in Portland a day or two since. “Oh, 1890, at Lafayette, ot dropsy, N. J. vil, in order, that he might study and in the postoffice at McMinnville, Oregon, ’ order In Oak, Ash or any Wood The southwest quarter of the northcast Proprietors of The McMinnville front.— Centralia Xeus. Watkins. Mr. Watkins is the father work, he was his own cook. January 8, 1890, for two weeks, will be I quarter section 36 in township 2 south of first-rate; we’ve got the bill boards desired. ot O. V. Watkins, the surveyor. He I -ange 4 west of the Willamette meridian, A small boy who licked a piece of rail-' painted, and our Statesman’s just whoop­ sent to the dead letter office as “un- TILE The Hyers. has been sick for ttie past five months. containing 40 acres of land FINE WORKMANSHIP A SPECIALTY! road iron to-day, left enough of his ing up things in great shape. That road i claimed,” if not called for: Now. therefore, by virtue of said execu­ TILE tongue when he got loose to make a 1 J ohnson —Cn Wednesday evening Inez, To music loving people tho Hyers sis­ Albertson,W. F. tion, on Saturday. Chapin, Jane will be the western outlet of the entiie satisfactory lunch for a dog which fol­ daughter of C. D. Johnson, of pneumo ters in “Out of Bondage” was a treat. Loy, John Newcomb, Mollie *> Situated at the Southwest corner of the ! THE 11th DAY OF JANUARY. 1890, I Orders taken for all kinds of work and lowed him. The boy is now wrapped in ' Vanderbilt system a year hence.” Keep ni i. Netherton, J. B. Smith, Porter Fair Grounds. All sizes of These celebrated colored singers are the anguish and bitter regret. at the hour of 11 o’clock a. m., at the court­ I satisfaction guaranteed. Call at factory your eye on this. Miss Johnson was one of the best liked Yamhill, J. Pattvs of their race, and everyone who Taylor, John house door, McMinnville, in said county and see specimens of furniture, First-Class Drain Tile The best anodyne and expectorant for Wolford, J. M. THE REV Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon young ladies in the town. She was tak- I attended the show pronounced it first and state, I will sell at public auction the the cure of colds and coughs and all 1 Ind .says: “Both myself and wife owe! en ill Tuesday, but nothing serious was j When calling for the above please say kept constantly on hand at lowest living above described real property of said de­ Do not buy without first seeing the furni­ clasB in every pa'ticular. The singing th oat, lung and bronchial troubles, is. our lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure. ' i fendants, to the highest bidder for cash in ture manufactured here in your own state prices EDWARDS & DERBY, “advertised.” J. C. C ooper , anticipated. The news of her death was : undoubtedly. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Sold by Rogers Bros to satisfy said judgment, costs and by the sisters was fine. We do not rec­ 41- McMi inville, Oregon hend, and countv Postmaster. accruing costs Ask your druggist for it, and, at the SHILOH'S cure will immediately relieve i a great surprise. Her death Occurred ollect ever having seen in McMinnville a B. CLARK. Dated this 5th «lav of December. 1889 same’tinie, for Ayer’s almanac, which ¡8 Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis; ’ just as this paper was ready for the press finer voice than that of Miss Madah (Dec 12 19) * T. J HARRIS, ftee to a1). sold by Roger« Ri os. so the scanty notice. Hyers. Sheriff of Yamhill County, Or. Prices Coasistent with Good Work. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. ! I I I I I II I" I Hoping that our many friends and cus­ tomers enjoyed a Merry Christinas, we wish you all a Happy New Year. Yours truly, ROGERS BROS. We are still selling Drugs and Medicines at the L owest R . I I I ' I I I T~l I T «ALL’S SAFES ARE THE BEST. SECOND HAND SAFES AT A BARGAIN. Combination Locks Furnished and Repairing a Specialty. HALT ’S STANDARD SAFES H V » S Southern Pacific Cffiiipiiny's Lincs THE MOl.YT SHASTA ROLTE l*iilliiiiiii Buffet Sleepers L C , R R E Red Front Grocery E D D F F R R 0 0 N N T T Printer's Ink Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, TRIPLETT & BOND. PEOPLE’S MARKET. Furniture Factory, Edwards & Derby, FACTORY Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.