The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 02, 1890, Image 4

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    ---------------------------- --------------------------------- i------------------- «Ml I
In Male Attire.
THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER enough yet. 1 want a gold brick— The Latest New York Fashion
in Dogs.
I deal in ’em when I’m home; and
M c M innville ,
O regon .
The subject of woman donning
Dogs will be worn this season cut male attire in order to follow their
2, 1890. I want to see the prize you’ve
drawn in the lottery, and the pic­ latitudinally instead of longitudi­ lovers incognito to wars or other
BUNCO STEERER’S XMAS. ture you painted in Paris. And nally, as was the style last year. dangerous perils has been a favor­
when you're better we’ll see the A beast promenaded Fifth avenue ite one with poets from the early
How Little Willie Brought the town together. Meantime take this with his mistress recently, which
ballad singers to Mrs. Browning in
Ja.v to His Sick Father.
seat and credit me with the usual was presumably trimmed according the “Romaunt of the Page” and the
to the very’ latest fashion. It was Swedish tegner, in the beautiful
In a neat but humble room on cash discount.”
an ugly creature at best, but the story of “Axel.” But in modern
the east side of the city Mary Saw­
clipping machine had left it a per times women have less romantic
dust sat with her sewing on her lap
and her children playing on the grasped hip carpet-bag and de­ lect monstrosity. Its color was a reasons for the change of costume.
floor beside her. There were traces parted before Mary Sawdust could muddy’ brown where the matty Like George Sand, they may do it
curly hair had been allowed to re- in a spirit of adventure ; like Rosa
®f tears on her young face and a collect her scattered senses.
And on Christmas day the chil­ main. The head and shoulders had
quiver on her lip as she diligently
Bonheur and our own Dr. Mary
dren gathered about the beautiful been left shaggy and leonine. The
plied her needle, for it lacked but
Walker, because they find it more
I tree, and gave thanks to the kind body had been shaved to the skin,
two days of Christmas, and she had
comfortable, or like the hundreds
stranger who had buncoed himself except that three parallel narrow
no money with which to buy pres­
of cases which are constantly being
that they might’bc happy.— Puck.
bands of hair remained encircling noted by the newspapers because
ents for her little ones.
it a few’ inches apart. The legs they find that an apparent change
Fast Life in Paris.
“ Mamma,” said the little girl,
suddenly placing her hand on
A correspondent writing from Lon­ were trimmed clear down to the of sex enables them to make a bet­
her mother’s knee, “do you think don says: “The fast set in Paris is lower joint of each, where a bunch ter living. Rosa Bonheur wears
kind papa has caught a sucker on the one which is by far the most of fur was left, giving the animal trousers when at work, but resumes
the bridge to-day?”
prominent. A few respectable Ameri­ the appearance of walking on four her female attire in the evening.
“I do not know, darling,” replied cans are admitted to French society, sticks, with the ends thrust into She wears not only trousers, but a
Mary Sawdust; “we must hope for but their number is small. It is balls of dirty cotton batting. The full male outfit, including the
the best; but if he has, he will work true the young men who have been tail was bare, with a cheerfully French laborers’ blue smock and
him for all he is worth.”
driven out of America, cut the waving tuft of hair at its tip. The cap, when she goes to fairs to make
She turned to her work again heaviest dash here. Take Howell woman who owned him was evi­ studies for her cattle or wanders
with a deep sigh, and little Ethel Osborne, for instance—he who has dently proud of her grotesque pet. about the fields unaccompanied.
ran off" to join her brother Willie in been the subject of so much news­ He was rigged out to attract atten- The garb relieves her of the trouble
a merry game of “Catch the Jay.’’ paper comment of late years. A tention, and he did. The reflected of bundling up skirts when she car­
It was late when Her.ry Sawdust few days ago he left abruptly for interest that was turned toward the ries painting implements, and also
returned to his home, wearied with London, and according to the gos­ mistress didn’t seem to displease her. conceals her sex from rough men
his hard day’s work on the Brook­ sip of the American colony, he has
whom she is liable to meet. Louisa
Remarkable Powers.
lyn bridge. As he hung his dinner wired over for his theatrical con­
Lawton, the sculptress, also finds
The World's special from Colum- : it convenient to wear trousers and
pail on its accustomed hook and cert—Fay Templeton—to join him
threw himself into a chair his faith­ in England. It happens to be one bia, S. C., says:
coat when at work. Sarah Bern­
Daisy Robinson, an ordinary­ hardt in her studio assumes a black
ful wife noticed that his cheek wore of Osborne’s periods of reverses,
a hectic flush, while there was a and he has fled the town. His mag­ looking colored girl twelve years of velvet in which she is conscious
age, is exciting wonder in the town that she looks very charming.
strange glitter in his eyes.
nificent establishment will be sub­
“It is nothing,” he said; “it will let until his return, but he is sure of Bumpter, S. C., by inexplicable Mme. Dieulafov, the French explor­
pass off.” But the next morning to come back in time. Paris is his manifestations of some hidden force, er and scientist, who has done so
he awoke in a raging fever, and poor home, since he is afraid to return to which seems to follow her every much to increase our knowledge of
Mary Sawdust realized that her| New York, and it is- not likely that act. The first demonstration was Persian archaeology, also looks much
and Ring
Christmas was likely to be even a he will allow such trivial things as the falling over of a sideboard upon more coquettish and winsome in the
sadder one than she had looked for­ debts to drive him away from the the floor, and a short time after a costume she adopted while journey­
Ni o
water-bucket was thrown from the ing in strange lands than she does
ward to.
only city in the world where he can
“You must be very quiet to-day, pursue his little vagaries un­
in the skirts which she wears in
little ones,” said she to her chil­ punished. Osborne’s life since he shoulder. The mother, thinking Paris. Indeed, even in Paris, her
dren, “for poor papa is very sick, came here reads like a romance. that the room was haunted, moved only return to feminine costume is
and I can not leave his bedside.”
He had run away from New York into another, when the same agency in the substitution of skirts for
Little Willie was still and thought­ after owing everybody, refusing to moved tables over the floor, and trousers. The coat and vest, the
ful for some time after his mother pay his friends who had helped dishes, pitchers, smoothing irons shirt, collars and cuffs are still re­
left the room. Then he said softly him out in distress, and he came and other household articles could tained.
to his sister: “I wish 1 were a big here to live on his income of $25,000 not be kept in their place.
Sagacity of the Coyote.
An investigation of the strange
man, so that I might help papa or $30,000 a year. He began
Residents in the vicinity of the
while he is sick. I have often asked by losing nearly $50,000 the first power was made. In the girl’s
him to let me go with him to carry month of his arrival. Then he room was a bed, bureau, cupboard Philadelphia brewery have been
the gold brick and the directory of scraped together some cash, gave and a small chair. The household robbed of above 500 chickens in the
bank cashiers, but he says I am too his notes for what he owed, went crockeryware, or rather what was past few weeks, and until recently
little. I know what I will do. I down to Monte Carlo, and two left of it—for it had nearly all been were unable to ascertain the identity
will go out on the bridge and try months later came back $60,000 broken—was packed away in a of the thieves. A watch was set,
to win a roll. Oh. how pleasec ahead. He had meanwhile made a bucket under the bed. For a few and it was discovered that they
mama will be if I succeed; and coalition or partnership with a calm minutes the party was silently were coyotes. The full-grown ani­ furniture
what nice Christmas presents we and easy-going personage named awaiting developments, but gradu­ mals could not get into the chicken
wauld get!”
O’Keefe, who was a California gam­ ally a general conversation was in­ houses, but detailed their cubs to
Putting on his little ulster and bler who had been driven from the dulged in upon the subject, each crawl in through the holes left for
hat, he set forth on his mission. As Pacific slope to London, whence he member of the party keeping an chickens to enter. Once inside the
cubs killed the chickens and ptished
he was walking down the Bowery, had been driven in turn to Paris. I ! eye on Daisy.
Suddenly a large, heavy teacup them through the holes to the full-
he encountered a man who wore a saw him at the opera one night and
broad hat and a coat of quaint pat­ studied him for half an hour was thrown upon the floor. It spun grown coyotes waiting on the out­
And constanly
tern, and carried in his left hand through my glass. lie had the around a few times and then rolled side, who bore them away to their
an old-fashioned carpet-bag.
same fascination for me in life that into the fireplace. Cups, saucers, rendezvous in the adjacent hills and
“Please, sir,” said the child, clasp­ John Oakhurst. Bret Hart’s famous vases, shovel-tongues, candlesticks, ravines in that vicinity, which are
ing the stranger’s right hand in his gambler, had for me in fiction. kerosene lamps and fire dogs leaped swarming with these animals, and
slender little fingers, “how are all O’Keefe looks not unlike the ideal into the center of the room, some­ at night the air is vocal with their
known «
the folks in Chenango?”
Oakhurst, either. He is placid,
“Hey! what!” gasped the as- calm and suave to an extraordinary other times not being injured at all. forming a strange accompaniment
Daisy was removed to another to the deep bass of the elder con­
tonished provincial, turning his 1 degree. His regular features were
gaze from the tops of the houses to ' shaded by a silky moustache. His room, and the same similar occur- tingent— Virginia City Chronicle.
the childish gaze before him.
Ancient Holy Wine.
air of serenity, his imperturability, ences manifested themselves in the
“Oh, sir,” continued little Willie, and his clean, sleek, well-groomed new locality. While Daisy was
In the wonderful wine cellar un­
“poor papa is sick and I’m trying ' figure showed to wonderful advan­ eating the bedstead in the room was
the Hotel de Ville, in Bremen,
to earn money enough to buy him a tage beside the fat and puffy phy- actually wrenched to pieces by an
there are twelve cases of holy wine,
new ulster and some dye for his 1 sique of the bloated Osborne. Mr.
Doctors of medicine and divinity each case inscribed with the name
mustache. Won’t you please let O’Keefe. 1 am told, drinks milk and
of one of the apostles. This an­
me steer you into the joint? I am seltzer, and leaves the champagne were present at this strange sight,
cient wine was deposited in its pres­
such a little boy that I can not ’ and gin, the favorite drink of the and throughout the day the crowds
ent resting place 265 years ago.
work you myself; but Thirsty Bill, frequenters of Monte Carlo, to those that gathered around the house
have been so large that policemen One case of this wine, consisting of
dear papa’s friend, is there, and he : who want it.”
had to be detailed to keep out the oxhofts of 204 bottles, cost 500 rix-
can win a sucker’s roll every time
It Blooms One Day.
throng. As yet not the faintest dollars in 1624. Including the ex­
in great shape.”
A French paper gives a fascinat­ hint at a solution of the matter has pense of keeping up the cellar, in­
“Well. I swan!” exclaimed the
terest on the original outlay and in­
stranger; I’ve had ’em try this on ing account of a newly-discovered been given.
terests upon interests, one of those
me every time I’ve come to town flower, of which rumors have from She Cost Her Weight in Gohl.
would to-day cost 555,657,-
for the last ten years; but this is time to time reached the ears of
640 rix-dollars: three single bottles,
the youngest one I ever seen in the
snow flower, and is said to have ican lady who recently died at 2,273,812 rix-dollars; a glass, or the
“Oh, sir,” pleaded the child, been discovered by Count Anthos- American Flag in the Santa Cata- eighth part of a glass, is worth 340,-
476 rix-dollars. or $272,380, or at
“Christmas is coming and we have koff in the most northerly portion lir a mountains, Arizona, was, per­
the rate of 540 rix-dollars or $272
no presents. Papa is ill, and so of Siberia, where the ground is con­
per drop!
poor that he had no benzine to put tinually covered with frost. This
Her Ring is Her Mascot.
on his silker yesterday when he wonderful object shoots forth from
went out on the bridge, Won’t you the frozen soil only on the first day digging days of California she was
Miss Amelia B. Edwards, the
please come and be buncoed, and of each succeeding year. It shines a resident of Sonora, Mexico, in English author and Egyptologist,
but for a single day, then resolves which state she was born and grew dresses in quiet, conventional taste,
then mamma will be xo happy.
The stranger seemed deeply mov­ to its original elements. The leaves to womanhood. When seventeen but possesses one noticeable orna­
are three in number and are each years old a paternal uncle, bnt few ment, which, however, seldom leaves
ed by Willie’s simple tale.
“Take me home with you, child,” about three inches in diameter. years her senior, returned gold-lad­ its resting place in her jewel box.
he said, “and I will try to help you They are developed only on that en from the newly discovered mines This is a ring mounted with a scar*
side of the stem toward the north, and soon fell desperately in love abacus in gold. The Egyptian beetle,
In a few minutes he was stand­ and each seems covered with -micro­ with his own niece. He sought her for such it is, is said to have been
hand in marriage and was accept­
ing in Henry Sawdust’s cheerful scopic crystals of snow.
taken from the wrappings of a
but the church refused, on ac­
parlor, and learning from her lips
mummy, and is as old, perhaps, as
the story of their poverty and suff- shaped, its petal of the same length count of the near relationship of the the days of the Pharaohs. It is
as the leaves, and about half an pair, to solemnize the marriage.
green with age and green with the
“Would you like to see my hus- inch in width. On the third day Persuasion being in vain, he tried glitter of small emeralds. Although
band?” she asked, leading the wav the extremities of the anthers, which the power of gold to win the church she seldom puts it on her finger,
are five in number, show minute his way, and succeeded only by
to the little bedroom.
Miss Edwards is said to regard the
The sick man stirred uneasily on glistening specks like diamonds, payment of her w’eight in gold. She symbol of ancient Egypt as a sort
his cot as they entered, and feebly about the size of a pin’s head, which at that time weighed 117 pounds, of mascot, and to carry the scar-
are the seeds of this wonderful and against her in the scales the
abaeus ring with her constantly on
“Ah, do my eyes deceive me? flower. Anthoskoff collected some glittering dust was shoveled. The her travels.
Can this be my old friend Mr John­ of these seeds and carried them husband still had sufficient of this
The following incident is said to
with him to St. Petersburg. They world’s goods to provide a good
son of Elmira?”
happened during a perform­
The stranger turned aside and were placed in a pot of snow, where home.
Faust in Dublin: Satan
they remained for some time. On
wiped his eyes.
Faust through the
“Madam,” he said, “1 have been the 1st of the following January a man of culture and ambition, is trap-door which represented the
the president of a Hartford insur­
through its icy covering, and dis­ having his eldest son educated to gates of Hades. His Imperial Maj­
ance company for twenty years, but
be a cook. The boy has been trained esty got through all right—he was
this sight has completely unmanned played its beauties to the wonder­ by a famous chef at Brussels. He used to going below—but Faust, be­
me. And to think of your two in­ ing Russian royalty.
afterwards studied under the chef ing stout, got only about half Way
The death of Mr. Macdonald, of the Grand hotel, Paris, and has
nocent babes not having any Christ­
in, and no squeezing would get him order
mas presents. Well, it shall never manager of the London Times, was just been apprenticed for three years any farther. Suddenly an Irish­
be said of Hiram Duzenbury that j due doubtless to his chagrin and to M. Charpentier, chef of the Savoy man up in the gallery exclaimed:
he didn’t do one generous act in his j worry over the awful blunder which hotel. London.
“Thank Heaven! hell is full!”
i led him to give publicity to the
Prince Ferdinand, of Bulgaria,
Inventor Edison’s 6-year old girl
He turned to the sick man and Pigott forgeries. Macdonald, since
said gently: “Yes. I am Mr. John­ Mr. Delane’s death, has been the is said to be almost marvelously has been hunting a wife to share
son, of Elmira, and I met you at most influential man on the Times' bright. She is described as a fair his tottering throne, and it is be­
your uncle’s bank. Hush! Do not staff. He was really the editor of musician, a good draughtsman aud lieved that the Princess Louise of I
Orleans has accepted him.
she speaks in four languages
try to speak, for you are not strong that Pigott-headed journal.
Both in Public and Private Improvements and Popu
lation of the Beautiful and well situated
Demonstrates that the Nucleus for a Great City
has been formed. During the last two
years in the neighborhood of
$200,000 Have been Spent for Public Improvements
k ♦ -M- ♦ -<
It is the Only City in Oregon that Owns and Operates
soon the Rattle
of a Street Car Line will be heard.
the Willamette Valley presents a better field for the operation of Capital.
The Manufactories of the Town
Are comparatively few in number, but still they employ a large number of people.'
are the cMinnville Flouring mills, with a capacity of One Hundred Bar­
rels of
per day; two lumber yards, with sash and door factories in connection; a
creamery and
factory, wit a capacity of one thousand pounds of butter per day; a
factory, yet
its infancy, but with the surety of increased operation in the near
The Population of the City is 2,500
increasing; faster in proportion than other cities of tAe same size
in Oregon. The
country is exceedingly productive, a larger yield per acre,
being raised within a radius
ten miles than in any other section of the State YAM-
HILL County is
“The Banner County of Oregon,
And McMinnville is the county seat and metropolis of the Banner county
This city is receiving deserved comment from the
press of the State, and it is the intention of the propri­
etors of
The Telephone-Register
To issue on February 1st a Mammoth edition devo­
ted entirely to McMinnville. Her business interests
and business men will each receive attention in their
respective columns in the issue, together with a history
of the town from its first settlement to date. The edu­
cational facilities will receive their portion, together
with interesting statistics. Banking, Commercial, Ex­
press, Freight, Municipal, Building, Religious and Fra­
ternal will given. Articles by prominent people;
sketches of the Lawyers, Doctors, County and City of­
ficials are being prepared, making it, as a whole, a pa­
per which should be read and distributed throughout
the State and Union in order to give the outside popu­
lation a correct picture of McMinnville, the banner
town of the banner county of the banner state.
price of this paper will be 10 cents, a sum which you can easily afford to spend in
to let your friends
the true merits of our city. This is the first edition of a
newspaper devoted
to McMinnville, and it will be complete with superb portraits
of her business and professional men, with views of the principal buildings and points of
Send in Your Orders Immediately for Copies.