RUSSIAN EMANCIPATION. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. | THE NICARAGUA CANAL. Special Display OF LARGEST AND FINEST OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA on After a trial of a quarter of a century ' The text that has this week been pMU* j the emancipation act is now acknowl- i lisned of the agreement between the go*. Mil hem hriSr l onipiiiiii's Lines, wXVikVKW»SSV»'-'- ■ ' s -X I edged to have utterly failed, says a ernment cf Nicaragua and the Marit: me - " "" •- —'■ ~~~ -■ ■— SUBSCRIPTION RZ1TE8. j writer in the Nineteenth Century. The Canal company of Nicaragua by which THF MVT SBASTI ROI TH $2 00 reports of Russian officials, of statistical are settled the difficulties ar>-’,Dg from Oae Copy, per year, inadvance.......... Time Between Ono Copy, six months in ad vac».... 1 00 professors at Moscow, such as Jansen the company having thony’ ^ jt neces. Portland and San Francisco. sarv to secure a concessi',n (‘ora the re_ « . . ... . ~ ... and the nihilists with Stepinak at their Entered at the poetoffice at McMinnville . 39 HOURS! Oregon, as second-class matter. I head, all alike agree that the misery of public of Costa Bica, a view of the mal. ----------------—----------------------------- the rural class is greater than even in ter which was rese atcj Nicaragua as California Exprès» Train« Run Daily i BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRAN­ T he advertising R ates or T he T ele - the days of serfdom; cultivation is at tending to imKair its lights and as in­ P hone -R egister arc liberal, in |owest ebb) fbe yield wretched, and ■ . . taking ........ compatible -, ith tbe (erms o( the Car . for Infants and Children CISCO ! consideration the circulation. Single inch, 11.00; each subsequent inch. >.75. than in any other European country. denas-Mo- 10Ca] contract. By the terms LFAVS \RR1VK. Special inducements for yearly or semi- Each peasant must plow, sow and reap of thi' agreement the canal company “Cantoria is so well adapted to children that Castoria cures Colic. CoMtipat on, Portland 4.00 p m San Francisco 7.45 pin yearly contracts. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation, San Fran. 7 :00 p nvPortlainl 10.45 pm [ recommend i t aa superior to any prescription as his neighbors do. The three-field to adhere strictly to the stipula­ •* * IF known to me.” II. A. A rcher . M. D., Ixx-al Passenger Daily, except Sunday A ll C ommunication « M ust B e S igned B y system of corn, green crops, and fallow, tions of that contract in the operation Hl So. Oxfora St., Brooklyn, N. Y. the person who semis them, not for pub­ LEAVE. ARRIVE Kills Worms, gires sleep, and promote* di­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non which was abandoned in all good agri’ of the canal on its completion, and to Portla .nl. 8:05 a in Eugene. 2:40 p in gestion. de plume,” but for a guarantee of good culture long ago, goes on with disastrous regard as null any other engagements Eugene. 9 :00 a m|Portland . 3 45 p m Without injurious medication. faith. No publications will be published results. As the lots are changed by the contracted by it that may be incompatible Piilhiiiiii BnfTet Sleepers T he C rntatr C ompany . 77 Murray Street. N. Y. unless so signed. mir at their pleasure, after every year, with the Cardenas-Mendooal contract, or Tourist Sleeping Cars, J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted the temporary owner does not care to with the rights of Nicaragua, whose ex­ at reasonable rates Our facilities are Fur accommodation of Second Class Pa» manure, etc., or even to improve his the best in Yamhill county and as good sengers attached to express train». clusive sovereignity over the canal and as any in the state. A complete steam land. Although the rent is sometimes its ports the company recognize and The 8 P. Company’s Ferry makes eon- plant insures quick work. I neetion with all the regular trains on the as low as two shillings an acre, the peas­ bind itself to respect. In return the Ea«t Side Division from foot of F street P! A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or ant can not live. government of Nicaragua revokes the WEST SIOE DIVISION the editorial or business departments, to CO GO Agriculture is a business requiring orders prohibiting the formal commence­ T he T elephone -R egister , McMinnville. Between Portland and Corvallis. capital, knowledge and sufficient amount ment of the works of construction of the Oregon. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday » * » LEAVE | AR1-.IVE S ample < opizs Or T he T elephose -R egis - of land to enable different crops to be canal, and approves the plans therefor 03 Portland . 7:30 a m McMinn’ 10:13 a in tek will be mailed to any person in the grown, so that if one fails it does not which have been presented, with the ex­ i McMinn’ 10:13 a m Corvallis . 12:33p m United State, or Europe, who desires one, mean starvation, for another may suc­ ception of the port on the Atlantic, Corvallis 1:3»» p m McMinn’ 3 :U p 111 free of charge 1 McMinn’ 3:44 p m Portland . <> :30 p m ceed. The Russian peasant has none of which must be constructed on shores W e I nvite Y ou io C ompare T iie T ei . e - these qualifications. The peasant pro­ and in waters strictly Nicaraguan, and CD At Albany and Corvallis connect with phoxe -R egister with ar.v other paper trains of Oregon Pacific CD prietors can neither pay the money owing guarantees to the company all the rights O published in Yamhill county Express Train Daily, except Sunday to the government for their land, nor necessary for the construction of the We will Continue to Sell CD LEAAE. ARRIVE AH subscribers who do not receive their even the state and communal taxes, and canal in accordance with the Cardenas Portland. 4:50 pm 8.00 p m McMinn’ 5:15 am 9:00 a m paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ are flogged by hundreds for non-payment. Menocal contract, and to the extent of mediately reporting the same to this office. Through tickets to all points South and CD In one district of Novgorod 1,500 peas- the legal power of the republic— Brad- East via California CD CD ants were thus condemned in 1887. Five streets. Ticket offices. No 134. corner Firut and Thursday, January 2. 1890. Alder streets, Portland, Oregon; corner hundred and fifty had already been I Front and F streets, Portland From the Brownsville Woolen Mills, Appearances would indicate that flogged when the inspector interceded R KOEHLER, E. P ROGERS. France is preparing for another war. Manager. Asst. (1 F. A P Agt Julius A. Stratton of Seattle, Wash, for the remainder. Certain prominent people in the employ Widespread famine is found over a formerly of Salem, has seceived his com­ of the French government, says the Bos mission as prosecuting attorney of the great part of the country. Usurers, the ton Advertiser, recently wrote to large •"3 We will also Offer Bargains in third judicial district from the governor. bane of peasant proprietors in all coun­ brokers in the United States asking for tries, are in possession of the situation. He has appointed Hon. W. D. Fenton, The Koulaks and Jew “mir eaters” sup­ information as to the means for and the formerly of McMinnville, as deputy. ply money on mortgage, they foreclose, possibdity of making large shipments of San Francisco has 164 miles of street and, when the land is in their own pos­ American wheat to that country. They In General. We will give Immense Bargains in railways, 54 of which are operated by session, get the work done for nothing as have designated the ports of delivery and the time to be allowed in making horses, 85 by cable and 25 by steam interest. -------VIA TH«—— These “bondage laborers.” as they are »hi pments, but have left the matter of motors. Her several street railroads Cascade Division' now completed, represents an investment of $12,000,000, called, are, in fact, slaves, and are nearly price open fo future agreement. This CD making it the Shortest, Best* We will be satisfied if you will see our Goods and Prices before certainly would seem to indicate tha*- and give direct employment to not less starved, while the small plots are often and Quickest. purchasing. reunited into considerable estates, and France, while not perhaps desiring war, than 3,000 men.____________ The Dining Car line. Tho Direct Route. certainly does not intend to be left in the their new owners consider they have No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low­ lurch in case a war should suddenly Our delinquent subscribers will please only rights and no duties. est Rates to Chicago and all remember that the first of the year is a Meanwhile, as forced labor is at an arise. A war that should involve Rus­ points East. Tickets sold sia and Germany and blockade the ports good time to turn over a new leaf and end. and free labor is of the worst pos- to all Prominent Points P. S.—All Parties having Accounts with us would confer a favor by throughout the East and Southeast pay up for the paper one year in advance, | sible kind, the old land owners can get of India and send the price of American settling on or before January 15, 1890. KAY & TODO. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep­ also pay np the delinquent subscription. i nothing done. They have tried to em- wheat up with a rush. Then American ing Cars It does net seem much to you but over ! ploy machines, bought by borrowing farmers would realize that they had two Reservations can be secured in advance. $1200 of delinquent subscriptions is quite | from the banks, and are now unable to competing nations on this continent to To hut Bound raaeengera. contend with. Both Canada and the a big pile for us. Pay np and have a I repay tbe money. Be caeful and do not make n mistake clear conscience. 1 The upper class has been ruined, with Argentine are becoming large exporters but be sure to take the I no advantage to the peasant. “ The of cereals and breadstuffs. If Sheridan can ba ve a railroad to the I wasteful culture of the cottier,” Stepniak Northern Pacific Raiload. sea so much better for Yamhill county, calls it, “on these small plots is so bad Bell’s telephone monopoly is confront­ And see that your tickets read via but, if one road is to be built, and no that the general welfare of the country,” ed with two dangerous enemies. Gray’s THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to avoid changes and serious delat e occa­ others, McMinnville will have it, for she says Professor Jansen, “is in danger by telautograph is one of these and Essick’s sioned by other routes. is ready to “put up tho stuff” and means the small yield of the soil. In spite of type-writing telegraph the other. The Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run business. McMinnville wishes all the the philantrophic intentions of the late former device transmits writing perfect­ on regular expies« trains full length of towns in the county success but it must czar, he is believed to have aimed at ly, and properly applied would take the the line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quickest time. be understood that she intends to hang diminishing the power of the nobles as place of the telephone, having the addi­ on to the big end of the horn. Genera Office Of the Company, No, 121 much as improving the condition of the tional advantage of greater secrecy. The Fl rat St., Cor Wahlngton, Portami, Or. peasants, lie succeeded. The nobles latter device is not so well known. The The Capital Journal of Salem in an in many districts are ruined, and there system has been in operation between A D CHARLTON. article depicting the enthusiasm at the is nothing between the unlimited power I Chicago and New Y’ork for some time, Asst General Passenger Agent. McMinnville railroad meeting says;—On ' of the autocrat and his 90,000,000 sub-! using one of the I’o6tal Telegraph com­ the whole, the committee of this city I jects, five-sixth of whom are peasants. pany’s wires. Its use in short circuits Soon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price. feel more than ever encouraged. As in In order to give our many customers the benefit of was proven practically some time ago, addition to the assistance from McMinn­ but kept secret. Robbed of technical? Low Prices we have placed a line of Men's and TANNER’S ONLY REPORT. ville, subscription papers are circulating Price Ranges $50 up. For full particulars apply to ties, the system is simply one by which Youth's Overcoats and Suits, ranging in size from 33 all over Tillamook county, in the interest the : investment co , J. I. KNIGHT CO.. . . - m j a tvpe writer at one end of the line is to 40 on our center counter at Cost to Close Them Out. According to r.x-t ommisstoner Tail-1 . . .. , , . . 49 Stark St.. Portland, Or. of the Salem, Astoria and Eastern. JAS. FLETCHER WITHOUT CHANGE man” Riding Gang Plow, and the ‘‘Canton Clipper” Tricyle standard for admission to the bar and a Sermunizers upon extravagance in fe­ Notice is hereby given that the under ­ Riding Plow, sold by Martin A Sanders, of this city He wants pensions for all dependent stricter code for those who have been ad- Boot & Shoe Dealer. male attire are respectively requested to | We consider the* "Flying Dutchman ” to be the better signed, John McCulloch, administrator of persons who have had sons or brothers ! Close connections at Portland for Ssn Fren- the estate of James McCulloch, deceased, plow for the following reasons, viz., (1) runs lighter; (2) provide themselves with fresh illustra I cisco und Puget Sc..nd points. does better work; (3) has better rolling cutters; (4) is more on the pension list, no matter whether . __ ___ ~ has filed his final account of his adminis­ tions from the untamed Northwest. of said estate in the county court of easily adjusted to land; (5) stronger, and, in our opinion, they were dependent on the soldiers or , Here is a characteristic article from tration Yamhill county, Oregon, and said court more durable. Yours truly, A 1 Iron ßteaiu*lnp8 leave Portland and San not Dependent in TaiRer ’ s vernacular ! “ Brick ” Pomeroy ’ s Advance Thought: FCSITIVEL ’ y r.. . I R. L H olman , has fixed January 7, 1889, at the hour of 10 The New York Herald recently pub­ Frsaemeo every four (4) days, mak Mgiiert ■ , K H olman o ’ clock, a. m , at the county court room at ing the trip in trf) hour*. | “And now comes the astute supreme McMinnville. Oregon, as the time and lished dispatches from 19 states showing means poor. It is probable that if these recoui-1 court of Pennsylvania with a decision place for hearing the same. that the prospects for the adoption of the («bin............ $lb 00 I Steerage.......... 18 00 Therefore, all persons interested in said Stop in and see us whether you wish to Australian ballot law are excellent in alt mendations were adopted the pension that marriages on Sunday are null and estate I Hound Trip— unlimited..................... 3000 are hereby notified and required to trade or not. We want to get acquainted with of them. In many instances modifica­ charge would be at least doubled There void, because of the law that contracts appear at said time and place and show you. J. G. BALLINGER & CO. tions are required ; but the disposition to is a change of contract with the pen-1 entered into on Sunday are not binding cause, if any there be. why said estate be not finally settled and said administrator F. hlELNI IIMEhER For further particular« inquire of any agent regard the new system as a desirable sioncr in nearly every case, while the on either party. If that be so, the con- discharged. of the Comp»n> or Dated this 5th dav of December, 1889. and necessary one is general among the absence of all merit in some of the sug- tract made by a sinner on Sunday to C. S. MELLEN. T‘ *’ LsS. *. JOHN McCULLOCH, leading officials. We are glad to »ay gestions is apparent on their face. Mr. j serve God rather than the lower passions I Administrator of said Estate. Genl. TraMc Manage, Partian». Oreg« i that in most of the states heard from the Tanner’s ingenuity in devising methods , of men is not binding, and tbe converted i F. W. F enton , Attorney for Estate (48) for scattering tiie public funds has been one must hang around the depot until democrats take the lead in favor of the Invest your money in THE YAQUINA ROUTE Second Door from Livery Stable, in Elsia Wright's Building, exercised to the utmost, and he lias been Monday before he can get a ticket that change. I helped by the noble army of pension at- i will be honored by the conductor. _.c- corner Third and F Streets. McMinnville, Oregon. ÍÍ A St. Paul newspaper prints a review torneys who, according to tbe report be- ■ cording to this decision children projected of the growth and business of that city poit before us, drew last year from the ■ on Sunday have no constitutional footing wtTcuur'eed ‘APHRODITINE" Is S old on a . during the year, which it sums up thus: poor soldier the cnonno'is sum of $1,363,- that observers of contracts must res- POSITIVE “More than $10,000,000 has been ex­ 583.47 for successful prosecutions alone. ' pect.” GUARANTEE The Stagg’s Farm of 120 acres, pended in new buildings; wholesale to cure any It is gratifying to know that this is form of nervous has been divided up into trade foots up $107,137,648, and a manu­ Mr. Tanner’s first and last report as a 1 A very peculiar will was recently filed disease, or any disorder of the facturing output of more than $52,000,. pension commissioner.—A’. in the probate court at Hagerstown, Md. World. generative or­ 000 speaks for itself. With real estate gans of either Captain II. Smith, son of the late Lewis sex whether ar- . _ transfers aggregating more than $22,000, 225 Mlles Shorter—20 hours less C. Smith, a former president of the BEFORE ____ ising ____ from ____ the ... AFTER TO UTILIZE NIAGARA FALLS. use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, It is situated time than by any other route. 000, St. Paul can be said to be gilt edged' Chesapeake and Ohio canal, who died in excessive or through youthful ludiscretiou, over indulg A feeling of great satisfaction and hope, cnec, Ac., such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakefur opposite the Yam­ Wit-First clan» through p«.»<>ng<-r and height M. Maginn, a mechanical engineer liv­ Kansas City, left the document. After ness, Bearing down Pains in the Baek, Seminal hill county fair fulness pervades the community.” line from Portland and all pointe In the Wil B—« Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­ ing at 2222 Wabash avenue, Chicago, some bequests he directs that his funeral al lametta valley to and from Fan Frenetico. Emissions, Lcucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem­ ground and is a SCI expense shall not exceed $30, and that ory, Loss of Power ami Impotency, which if ne­ To be Happy you should see that Immense Stock of Fine Table The T blkphone -R egister has received has been awarded a gold medal by the desirable location glected often lead to premature old age and insan ­ his body shall be wrapped in a cloth, ity. Price f 1.00 a box. 6 boxes fur |5.00 Sent by Time Sclictltilc (except Sundays). and Pocket Cutlery Just Received at much praise during the past week by Buffalo International Fair association for either for resi­ I*ave Albany 1:30 pin l^ave Taquina «:4S aa>- packed in unslacked lime, and some one mail on receipt of price. Leave Corvallis 1:40 pm l.eaveCor<'aUi«IO:35 an. friends of the paper, for its push and en­ his device for utilizing the power of Ni­ A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery *5.00 dences, market who shall receive $5 for his services is to order, to refund the money if a Permanent Arrive Yaqoina5:30 pm'Ar.-ive Albany 11:10 art ergy. High compliments have been paid agara Falls. Some time ago the busi­ gardening or fruit cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials O. & C. train» connect at Albany and Cor­ pour water into his coffin until the body from old and young, of both sexes, permanently it, and we hope that the course of the ness men of Buffalo offered a prize of vallis. is cremated. His will directs that the cured by APHRoniTiNK. Circular free. Address ranches, and is The above train» connect at YiqciKA with ! $100,000 for the best device for utilizing paper will always deserve tlrem. We within one-half THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. the Oregon heveloprrnvnt Co a. Line of Hleam- ashes shall be sent to Kansas City for Knives and Forks from 75 cents per set, up. A Specially Fine Line in «hip» WESTERN BRANCH, are here for the purpose of making mon­ i the power of tbe Niagara river current mile of this between Y equina and Kan Francisco. city, burial. The estate amounts to about BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR. Pocket Cutlery at low prices. Our stock of ey to be sure, but a newspaper owes opposite Buffalo. Mr. Maginn’s inven- Hailing Date*. and dry with beautiful High Sold by Rogers Bros , sole agents for Mc_ $50,000. something to its supporters, and we are , tion was not placed with the current FROM YAQUINA. Minnville. spring water. This Willamette Valley. Tuesday Ort 1st trying to render the obligations mutual i motors, although ne claims that the property will be Saturday, Oct 12th A country editor who takes an unusual by striving to put new life and energy electric power to be generated by it could sold in tracts to Wednesday. Ort 23rd gloomy view of the approaching winter, FROM 8AN FRANCISCO into the town which will surely advance ; oasily be transmitted from the falls to suit the purchas ­ Etc. cannot be Excelled in Quality or Price. bewails the hazaidons condition of his Willamette Valley, Monday Oct 7th the city toward its goal; the largest city ! Buffalo. er on from $100 F ridav', Ort 18th __ Mr. Maginn proposes to have excava- wearing apparel in the following delicate -------- |--------- in the valley outside of Portland. to $150 per acre. Tuesday Oct 29th i ted a cavity or drift at the foot of the manner: Lives of honest men oft re­ The rompanv reoervM the right to change This property is In our shop we make everything that can be madc’from Tin, Sheet «ailing date» without notice. Captain George B. Leavitt, of the : falls, in front of which the flow of water mind us that honest toil don’t stand a fast being pur­ N. Paneeogera from Portland and all Wil- Iron and Galvanized Iron, from a Tin Cup to the most whaling ship Spy, of the Pacific Steam will be continuous and of sufficient depth chance; more work we leave behind us, amette Valley Point» ran make clone connec­ chased. Stir your ­ bigger patches on our pants. Oh, those Whaling company, brings the first news to carry over all flow of ice without strik­ tion with the train» of the Yattvtxa Horn at selves and buy Albany or Corrallia, and If deatinrd to Sen of what may possibly be tin- discovery of ing the device. In this recess, upon pants, once new and glossy, now ate Is the oldest and most popular scientific and Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaqnina a tract. mechanical paper published and has the largest a hitherto unknown land, many miles stone foundations, will be a stationary patched with manv a hue, all because circidation the evening before date of railing. of any paper of its class in the world, jCffT* For further particulars call on bully illustrated. Rest class of Wood Enarav- directly north of Alaska. During a five iron truss frame, upon w' ’eh, on wheels, I subscribers linger, will not pay us what inps. Published weekly. Send for specimen The Oregon Pacific steamboats on the or address Wm. Galloway, E. E. Willamette River diviaion will h ave Port­ Price ?3 a year- Fn”r months’ trial, fl. years’ cruise just completed, one of the will be a traveling truss lrame sufficient­ is due. Then let them be up and doing, £2RlK, MUNN & CO., P ublishers . 361 Broadway, N.Y. land. south-bound. Monday. Wednesday Goucher, James Agee, McMinnville, vessels of the whaling tleet ventured ly heavy to earn- the water-wheel and ! send your mite, tho’ it be small, or when Is acknowledged to be the Best in the World. Three Car Loads Sold and Friday at ba tn. Arrive at Corvallir Oregon ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Thnndav and Saturday at 3:30 n. many miles further north than any other paraphernalia, this consisting of snow of winter strike ns we shall have H and Put on This Season. HODSON is Sole Agent for e regon and Wash­ Tuesday, Edition of Scientific American, v >ii. Leave Corvallis, north-bound. Monday , other. A few years ago officers discov­ an overshot wheel sixty feet in diameter, no pants at all. Executor’s Notice. Wednesday and Friday at X a m Arrive ington. A ureat success. Each issue contains colored Mthouraphic plates of country and city residen­ at Portland Tuesday. Thursday and Satur­ ered land which could not be found on several monster dynamos, and the gear­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings day at 3:30 p. m full plans and specifications for the use of The Tacoma News pronounces the al.; »nd any of the charts or accounted for in any­ ing necessary to work them. The travel­ signed, R. R Murry and Levi W. Murry, Before placing vour order for anything in the above lines, give us a call. On Monday. Wednesday and Friday both • nch as contemplate building. Price a year. have been by the county court of Yamhill way. A gale drove the steamer far north ing frame will be moved by hydraulic leged “infallible” cure for diphtheria, the 25cts. a copy. MUNN & CO., P ublishers . north and south-bound Ixrata lie over night county, Oregon, appointed ioi joint executors at ^alem, leaving there at <; a m. along the shore of the land, but the sea­ 1 pressure to engage or disengage the wa­ fumes of equal parts of both tar and of the estate of Mary „ Elizabel _ __ ______ _____2th Murry, de­ Paaaenger and freight rate* alwaya the low- ceased. turpentine burnt in the room, as utterly son was so late that the men did not stop ter-wheel with the falling water. This oat For infoination, apply to Men,ra. HUL- Therefore, all persons having claims Third «and C St«.. McMinnville. to explore. The men hold it was an un­ is said to be entirely feasible, hydraulic worthless. Tt:e “cures” that are said to Freight and Ticket Agent», 200 against said estate are hereby notified and ■ 40 years' experience ard have made over and ** rj Front -tract. Portland, Oregon; or to known land worthy of exploration at the pressure being used to move the heaviest have been peitormed must have been of ■ 100.(XM applications for American and For- required to present the same, duly verified, C. C. HOGUE, eign patents. Send for Handbook. Corres­ to the undersigned, at the law office of F Acting Ltn 1. Frt. A Pais. Agt , Oregon PaciM* proper season. No vessels have since ordinance and other great weights. Such severe tonsilitis, of a local nature merely, pondence strictly confidential. W. Fenton, at McMinnville. Oregon, within R. K. Co , CorvaPIa. Oregon. six months from the date hereof. been so far north. Leavitt thinks this a machine is calculated to develop over while diphtheria is a constitutional dis­ TRADE MARKS. C. H HASWEI,!., Jr., l)ated this 26th dav of December. 1889 case your mark is not registered in the Pat­ .1 S HIBBS, - - - Proprietor. may settle the question of an open polar 16,000-liorse power, and t’.ie electricity ease, the throat trouble being only a ent In Office, Gen I. Fit. A P-iaa. Agt., Oregon Development Watchmaker apply to M unn A Co., and procure R R. MURRY’. Co . Montgomery afreet, Kan Fraociaco. Cal. immediate protection. Send for Handbook. Fresh Meats of all kinds constantly on sea and ice drifts south of Point Barlow, generated might be transmitted to con­ local manifestation of the same. The LEVI W. MURRY. and Jeweler. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, map#, ■ hand. Highest price paid for Butcher'» Executors of said Estate. editor of the News speaks from sad ex ­ ttc., quickly procured. Address lie says the ice must find an outlet at siderable distances for use in running stock Dealer in All Kinds of Watches, Jewelry. Plated Were F. W F ewton . MUNN CO., Pateut Solicitor«. perience and as n warning to others. machinery and lighting. Clocks 2nd Spectacle« McWIMNVILlE Off some other place. T hieii S tuezt . M c M ixxvillc . O k . Att’y for E9tal* 51 G knerai . O ffice 361 Buoiiiiriv * > HARDING & HEATH, Publishers. Line of Underwear fDr M8"' Wo^S children. At Lowest Prices Qualiy Considered CASTORIA I £■ M S ull at & r j? rb F 3 <1 3 At Actual Cost Price During January! Q o The Great Transcontinental Route. 0 £ Í2Í Children’s and Boy’s Overcoats, and Men’s Shoes. 3 kta Pisit Mai K ay & T odd k ¡ î> w ADDITION Fine Line of Hats and Caps Fo[ Wit ARE SELLING FAST! Tt Is ZBvLilding' "CTp. nB-ix-y ISTcw Before Too T-jazte. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. t F. DIELSCHNEIDER, TO THE FARMERS. No Goods Misrepresented as to Tixeir Quality. Now is Your Chance ! The Celebrated French Sure, FAIRLAWN!” 5-ACRE TRACTS. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COM­ PANY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. I Happiness is the Cure All ! HODSON’S Job Printing Hardware, Tinware, Sieves. Ranges, £ 54 iwrnitsEji Elaborate and Expensive Galvanized Iron Cornice. Garry's Patent Steel Roofing O. O. HODSON, — Eurisko Market WM. HOLL,