The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, January 02, 1890, Image 1

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The PEOPLE Knowi
----- THE VALUE OF-----
Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County.
TELÈVHONEE,Esbt«bushe*“uni ’S b : Consolidated Feb. I, ¡889
M c M innville , O regon . T hursday , J anuary
Absolutely Pure.
The St. Charles Hotel.
Musical Goods and Instrnmeuts
of all Kinds.
Improved Farm Property
I The Roy a 1 Route ■
Eurisko Market.
VOL I. NO. 48.
2, i890.
we quit school we met a good deal, but
A Yamhill County Romance with my father considered me only a child Where They Don’t Call it Christ­
and did not object.
California Details.
inas, But the Feast of the
A ttorney at L aw
“John’s father got mixed up in some
Little Star.
The following article appeared in the speculation—a water ditch that was to
Office in Fletcher building, Third Street,
Sunday Examiner of December 22. The reclaim a lot of desert, I think—and got
I teel lonely and homesick at Christ­
McMinnville. Oregon
parties are from this vicinity, but does into financial troubles.
My father, mas time, although all the rest of the
??0LUTtLY r»’
anyone know who they are.
seeing his opportunity, bought up all his time I think myself the best of Ameri­
A party of hunters on their way up notes, forced payment and utterly ruined cans. So, perhaps, I am a partial wit­
D r . F. S. L ocke .
Russian river camped one day last week him. John’s father died shoilly after­ ness when I say that to me there seems
in the wild canyon toward Alexander wards.
a joyousness and merriment about
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon,
valley, on the left side of the river. Some
“His mother had been dead for years. Christmas in Poland peculiar to that
of the party crossed the river to a thick John had nothing left of his father’s country. There it is, above all things, a
Professional calls promptly attended day
clump of great redwood trees, hoping to property and bad to work on farms as a family festivity. Long journeys are made
or night.
Office at ol.l Printing office.
jump a deer in the timber and provide common hand and as a harvester during by the members of a scattered household
meat for their supper. They separated* the summer months. Then my father that all may be reunited uncer one roof­
one going around the timber to head off forbade me from having anything to do tree at the season of the Little Star.
anv game that the other, who followed a with him, and refused to let him come That is the way we speak of Christmas;
Calbreath & Goucher.
small trail into the woods, might scare to our home, nor would he employ him we have the Little Star tree, Little Star
up. The man in the timber crept slowly in any way.
carols, Little Star presents. It is the
Star of Bethlehem, of course, that is
M c M innville ,
- O begi ¡ON.
denly he heard a rustling of the dead accumulated a few hundred dollars, and commemorated in this way, and as the
! Office over Braly’s Bank.)
leaves, as if a deer had been disturbed then I eloped with him and we were mar­ star seems to be the thing in the beauti­
in its bed and had risen to look out for ried.
ful sacred story of the Nativitv that has
S, A. YOUNG. M. D.
the intruder. The spot from which the
My father never forgave me, and con­ impressed the Polish imag nation, it is
rustling came was hidden by a giant red­ tinued his persecutions. Children and natural that we should call our celebra­
This powder never varies. A marvel of
Physician & Surgeon.
purity, strength and wholesomeness. More wood, or, rather, several of the giant sickness came, but my ever-kind mother tion of Christmas eve by that name. In.
M c M imjcville .
O regon . economical than the ordin a v kinds, and trees growing together.
Dropping on assisted us as much as was possible with deed, if I could be allowed the privileges
cannot be sold in competition with multi­
Still we had of an Irishwoman in describing things
Office anti residence on D street. All tude of low test, short weight alum or phos- his hands and knees the hunter crawled out my father’s knowledge.
¡•alls promptly answered day or night.
fthate powder. Sold only in cans. R oyal to the tree, and pushing his rifle ahead a very hard time.
John worked along, Polish, I would say that it was Christ­
M aking P owder C o , 10G Wall St., N. Y
of him, peered around for the quary.
and my mother let ub have money when­ mas eve all day the day before Christ­
There arose from among the leaves no ever she had it, so we were never actual­ mas. Always there is snow on the
deer, but instead a pretty, golden-haired, ly in want. Still we didn’t do very well, ground in Poland. All day long there is
blue-eyed, doll-like little girl, apparently and mother thought we might do better the jingle of the sleigh-bells upon one’s
Practicing Physicia 1 and Surgeon, ' Sample looms in connection.
about six years old. He only saw her in California. We managed to save a ear and skating parties come and go.
for a moment. Then she ran, with a very little money, and with the help my This all takes place in the country if you
startled cry, directly toward him and the mother gave me we got to San Francisco. are fortunate, for the “season" does not
Is now fitted up in first class order.
tree and vanished. Not more than a My husband had friends there who ad­ begin in Polish cities till after Twelfth-
Jan. 21/83.
Accommodations as good as can be
dozen feet separated them when the vised him to come to Sonoma county and night, the 6th of January. Besides the
found in the city.
fairy-like apparition disappeared. Half we came.
sleighing and skating, shooting is the
S. E. MESSINGER, Manager.
“John got work on one of the farms proper diversion until the indoor cele­
thinking that his eyes had played a trick
on him, the puzzled hunter sprang over up the river, but it cost so much to keep bration begins, with the appearance of
dealers in
tbe spreading roots to find the sprite. me and the children in town that we the first star. Perhaps the children are
There was nothing in sight. He knew were as bad off as we had been in Ore­ eagerly on the lookout for it, thinking it
that there was no ranch within several gon. One day he discoveied this hollow is, indeed, the same star that guided the
miles and the appearance and disappear­ in the tree and brought us out here. It wise men. And now comes the Little
If so be sure and call for your tickets
ance of the yellow-haired child were so don't cost much to live here. When Star supper, a gala occasion, indeed,
via the
and school supplies .
sudden that he could not understand it. John is not otherwise busy he goes hunt­ where all must meet as friends and be
His wondenngs was interrupted by a ing and keeps us in meat. Mother still ore the meal begins must “break the
sends us money and we save some. Some wafer” with everybody, servants and
soft voice behind him:
dav we will have enough to enable John children included, as a token of good
“Good evening, sir.”
He turned and saw in the dark hollow to take up a ranch of his own.”
will. Old wrongs are here forgiven,
In building formerly occupici by Me
"Where is your husband?” asked the quarrels are forgotten, for the breaking
Minnville News Co
deer skin curtain. The grav skin was so newspaperman.
of the wafer is a token of peace and good
“He has gone to town for provisions will, and all must break it with each per­
near the color of the mossy trunk that
he had not noticed it. Now he saw that and for the mad.”
son present. Indeed, all must break it
The woman declared that she was
the curtain had a big hollo« from which
with each one twice—such is the pre­
the woman had come, while from behind nappy in her strange home and did not scribed ceremony—you breaking off a
------- ON--------
her dress showed the faces of several
bit of my piece, and then I taking some
tree tops or the rain that had come down
vonr piece to eat with you. The
It is positively the shortest and tin."st
almost without intermission during' the
children are in great glee; all this mys­
line to Chicago and the east and south and child that had so startled him.
On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit. rite only sleeping and dining car through
He answered the greeting, and, to
terious breaking and eating is a delight­
Lowest Kates and no Commissions.
line to
cover his surprise, asked for a drink of been there. No w.nd could reach the ful game to them, and then it is such a
. water. lie entered the hollow, and while
precious privilege to be allowed to have
she was dipping the water from a bucket but made their nest the warmer and a eupper with grown people, and to eat
| Tall on or address
| he looked around and saw that the place dryer for the contrast.
just what they do; That is one of the
Its magnificent steel track, unsurpassed
John was late in returning and was
features of the Little Star most esteemed
service and elegant
and was as nicely fitted up as any rancher’s
w. T. SHURTLEFF, train
’eeping cars has honestly earned for it the cabin.
When the hunters returned to not seen on that occasion, but two days by many little folks.
At J. I. Knight <!t Co.’s McMinnvile, Or.
title of
town they’ reported their find, and the
Beneath the tablecloth is spread some
Examiner correspondent went out to see to see the little family at Healdsburg hay, in memory of the bav-filled manger
the family that lived in a hollow tree. conveved by a big edition of the young where the little Jesus lay. On the table
He nad no difficulty at all in locating the woodchopper. The wife recognized her are a number of time-honored Little
visitor of two days before and called him
Star dishes that most always can be
Others may imitate,but none can surpass it big redwood from the directions they
to her.
Our motto is “always on time ”
gave him.
“You remember what I told you about found there at this time; but, strange as
A thin line of smoke arising from the our lives, said she. “Well, things have you may think it, roast turkey and plum­
Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets
\ new invention for Dress-Cutting that
via this celebrated route and take none base of the tree helped to guide the
can tie used by a lady and gentleman and others.
changed since then. This is my hus­ pudding are not among them. How
give perfect fit
Price of scale, including a
newspaper man to the spot.
band and he will tell you the remainder would you like in their stead seven dif-
key of full instructions, can be had by call- !
jerent kinds of fish, and cake with pop-
of our story.”
ing on or addressing
it, and before the curtain of deerskin
Notice of Final Settlement.
“Well,” said the man, “I got home pyseed in it? The fish need not abso-
stood the mother of the family, frying with the mail half an hour after you lutelv be of different kinds of species,
Notice is hereby given that the under-1 venison chops on a little stove on a left the other day.
I brought with me a but there must be seven different fish
signed, administrator of the estate of Elzira j wheelbarrow. Two little girls, the young­
right back for Ore- dishes. One of these is usually a soup,
Stater deceased, 1ms filed liis final account
and then with baked fish, fried fish, fish
of his administration of said estate in the i est the very picture of a wood fairy, were gon.”
Second door south of l’ostoffice.
county court of 5'amhill county, Oregon i playing among the dead leaves, while a
He took from his pocket as he spoke cakes, etc., it is not hard to make out
and said court lias fixed the “th dav of Jan­
fifteen-vear old boy was chopping wood an envelope postmarked McMinnville, the number. There are properly two
uary, 1890. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a ill.,
at the county court room at McMinnville, j a short distance off.
Oregon, and took from it a check on a soups, the other one being of almonds.
Oregon, as the time and place for hearing:
The surroundings weie curiously at San Francisco bank.
All the day the company has been fast­
the same.
ing, and they bring royal appetites to
Therefore, all persons interested in said ■ variance with the domestic employments.
Has the most complete stock of harness
estate are hereby- notified and required to No wilder spot could be found in all the
wife’s mother. In it she says that the the supper, so that the year through
in the county. At present 12 set of sin­
appear at said time and place and show I
The swollen river father who caused us so much pain and it seems as if scarcely another tasted so
cause, if any there be. ivliv said estate be dark redwood forests.
gle harness, hand made, in prices
not finally settled and said administrator was witbin a stone’s throw of the strange
hardship is dead and she asks us to re­ good. By the way, we do not call this
ranging from $12 to $30, and 8
residence. The roar of the swirling cur­ turn at once to the farm. So there’s the meal either supper, or dinner, but the
set of team harness as cheap
Dated this 28th dav of November. 1889.
rent as it beat against the bowlders that end of hard times for Eleanor and me.
“meal of the eve,” and, as you see, it is
Administrator of said Estate.
crowded its bed almost drowned the
like only itself. After the meal of the
Can be seen on the hooks in my shop.
voices. 5Vithin a hundred yards of the little stove and furniture off our hands eve, where shall I begin to describe all
I have competent workmen employed j
He have the Exclusive Control of
place the high, dark hills frowned gloom­ for a fair sum, and he now lives in the the festivities that follow it? The tree,
to do all kinds of repairing and to mak i
any harness ordered.
I also keep a full i
ily, and tbe wind rushing through the hollow redwood.”
the carols, the presents, the shopka. It
stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes. ;
narrow canyon added to the lonliness of
That afternoon the whole family took is not the last only that is specially
horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of I
the Bpot.
extras for repairs constantly on hand.
the train for the city on their way back Bolish. Tue rest of the world has carols
Across the river, at the base of the to the home from which they had been and presents and trees, but net in Polish
foothills, runs a wagon road, but tbe bo long exiled.
fashion. The tree, for instance, is not
river is swift and hard to ford at this
standing on the floor, but it is hung from
Antiquity of Christmas Toys.
point, and there is little to bring any one
the ceiling. Ab, ho»- many a one I have
into the dark chimp of redwoods.
The doll is thousands of years old ; it helped to decorate! Much as you deco­
Units»’. Sign, and Ornamental Painter |
The woman greeted the visitor cor­ has been found inside the graves of little rate yours, only with no presents upon
Roman children, and will be found again it, except the sweets and fruits that are
The Only Sign Writer in the County.
“We see so few people here,” said she by the archreologists of a future date for everybody. Then the presents—what
Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most
“that it is like the sun breaking through among the remains of our own culture. a world ol fun results from having to
Artistic Style.
the clouds when any one does come.”
The children ol Pompeii and Herculane­ look for them! All over the room they
Designs furnished for Decorations
“Is father there, mother?” called the um trundled hoops just as you and I did. are hidden, under sofas, behind mirrors,
Remember Taper Hanging and Inside Fur­
boy, hearing her voice.
And who knows whether the rocking inside of vases, beneath tlie table covers.
4m. don't haue to offer a prize to
sell thfe
nishing a Specialty
Goode, for Its the BEST MADE. Every Can holds
She looked so young that it'was a sur horse on which we rode in our young The place is turned upside down with
Work taken by Contract or by the Day. Ex­
prise to hear the sturdy woodchopper call days is not a lineal descendant of that the search, and that in itself s enough
perienced men employed.
“mother.” Her beauty had not yet proud charger into whose wooden flanks to make the children happy. But it is
Third Street. McMinnville, Oregon.
J. N. HENDERSON, faded.
the children of Francis I.’s time dug not they alone who are searching ; every
The tree in which their home was their spurs.
member of the company juins in the
The drum is also indestructible, and eager quest. The children are considered,
made was the largest in the clump.
M c M innville national bank .
Thirty or forty feet above the ground it setting time at naught across the centur­ but it is not especially their festival, as
Corner Third and C streets, in Braly block.
forks into three branches, each of which ies, it beats the Christmas-tide and New it seems to become more and moie every
< >
is a large tree of itself. At the ground Year summons that bids the tin soldier year in America.
the main trunk is probably sixty feet in prepare himself for war, and shall con­
While the carols are ringing out, there
«T' í
Transacts a General Banking Business,
circumference. Some time a fire was tinue to beat as long as there exist boy comes the tramp of the boys with the
kindled among its roots and this fire ate arms to wield the drumstiekB, and grown shopka at the front door. And wtiat is
. . J. 55 . C O5V LS
in the redwood and burned out the hol­ up people’s ears to be deafened by the ihe shopka? Literally the little stable;
Vice President .......... LEE LAI GULIN
low. It was perhaps fourteen feet wide, sound thereof. The tin soldier views the it is a show, with marionettes for actors,
and nine or ten feet deep. An ax bad future with calm; he will not lay down where is played a veision ol the story oi
Sells sight exchange
cut its corners smooth and cleared the his arms until the daj of general disarm­ the birth ol our Savior. It is one of the
transfers on Portland. San Francon
walls ol charcoal. Shelves of redwood ament, and theie is, as yet, no prospect old tare survivals of the sacreu dramas
one wlio takes buhl cl thi
Collections made on all accessible points.
Shall we start YOl in Jh:.«. business,
held cooking utensils and a look of a universal peace.
of the middle ages. This puppet lo<m
Interest allowed on time deposits.
reader ? Write to us an<1 learn nil ;«!•*. i
• • ■ m».:t
an* starting many ; we’.'.ill ata it y<*u it ' u <*■ .i t ...lay unti.
The toy sword also stands its ground ; and the perambulating expedition at the
and a rough bed and crib, also
Office hours from 9 a. in. to Ip m.
another get» abend of you in yom part <1 the < .>i.i.:i v L v..i
take hold you will be able to |ri* k op jcold f.t-t ft.r
of redwood, made up the furnitnre of the it is the nursery and symbol of the in­ tune of the Littie Star, is said to have
On account <>f it forced innnufnc-.ui* i s sale 1 ?£."»,OU■!> lev
dollar Photograph A ]>»um» ..i* t 1>. - it
room. Outside was a home-made table eradicable vice of our race—the lu.-t for originated with the students at the uni­
people f.*r
em-h. Bound in ID • .1 < r;ui-«>n .- Ik 5 -!v,-:
M c M innville
Flush. Charmingly decorated inside«. Ilantisome-t ulbiim« in th.
—a big slab of redwood on stakes let into battle. Harlequins, fool’s-cap ciowned, versity of Cracow, a very anciei.t institu­
world. Largest Size. Greatest liargnin-* ever km>v n. Ag. in
wanted. Liberal terms. Big money for agents. An v mic < an
anger holes—with benches made in sim­ and bell-ringing are also likely to endure tion you see—as far back as the twelfth
become a successful agent. Sells itself <>u sight—lii’le or no
talking necessary. Wherever shown, cverv >*m wants to pur­
•! chase.
ilar manner.
and are sure to be found among the centuiy. And as they collected money
Agents take thousands of orders nith i. j . Hy ,. ■. >r
CARI.IN * HIGH, Proprietors
before known. Great profits await every v. ork :. A gents are
5Vhen asked how she came to live in members of the toy world as long as tor lhe performance of their dolls they
making fortunes. Ladies make as mutb a« mtn. Yen. rv<.ri* r,
Goods of all descriptions moved and care­
can do as well ns any one. ’full information amt term« Crr«*,'
such a place tbe woman answered that there are fools to be found among the in­ «eie called the beggar students, of whom
to those who svrite fur »nine, with particulars and terms f< r out
ful handling guaranteed. Collections will
Family Bibles, Books and Periodicals. After you kn v, all,
be made monthly
Hauling of a 1 kinds
should you conclude to go no further, m by no harm is don *
her husband worked on the farms about habitants of our own. Gold laced knights in a much perverted manner, you have
Address E. C. ALLEN &. C*. , A huma »I ai . nr
done cheap
there and that as the place was bandy to with their swords at their sides, curly- perhaps heard in this present day. In
his work and they had no money to pay lo-.ked and satin-shod princesses, stal­ our degenerate times the shopka is man­
rent it suited them.
wart musketeers, moustached and top­ aged by street boys and strollers, but a
r.i rtf
On being pressed for further informa- booted, are all types which still hold great deal of the dialogue they use is
. ... — _ ___ .’erfect
timekeeper Warranted heavy,
The Chinese doll is young as very old and curious. Intepjlations,
SOLID gold huntinc cases. tiion, she finally told the following story : their own.
Both ladies and reut's sizes,
•Stocked with the Choicest 55 inei
with works and case* of I
“My husband and I were both born yet, but Bhe has a brilliant future before I however, are always in order, and many
jual value. ONE person in
ors and Cigars—Domestic and Imported.
-h totality can secure one | on the banks of the Yamhill river, in her.
political allusions and amusing charac­
e, together with our large
Th» Best Bar in. the City
and valuable line of Household
Oregon, where from childhood we . A Scotch society in London professes terizations of foreigners are brought in
Sample«. These samples, as well
WM, MARTIN. Proprietor.
as the watch, are free. All the work you
grew up on adjoining farms. Differences to have found a treasure in a portrait of quite in the spirit of the topical song of
need do is to show what we send you to those who call—your
friends and neighbors and those about you—that always results
—I don’t know exactly what they were— Robert Burns, painted by the famous which Americans are bo fond.
in valuable trade for us, w hich holds for years when once started,
and thus we are repaid. We pay all express, freight, etc. After
always existed between the two families, Sir Henry Reyburn, which was uu- American, by the way, does not figure
you know all, if you would like to go to work for us. you can
earn from £*¿4» to WHO per week and upwards. Address,
but John and myself went to the same earth somew here in an old picture shop, among the puppets or in the dialogue, as
Stla.on A- Co., Bo. Ml 2, 1-ortland. Malar.
country school, and didn’t pay any at­ and is supposed to have been lost for Poland has little acquaintance with
l|r|y£DT|QCD^ or others,who wish toexamiiv tention to the lawsuits and disputes be­
ninety years. An artist is restoring it them, indefatigable travelers though they
Fresh Meats of all kinds constantly Oil* AU 1 tn I I vLllw this paper, or obtain estimates
tween our parents. Until we were too with a view to exhibition in Edinburgh be. Among the wise men who come to
hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s , on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on flic at
old to go to school our parents didn’t and unlimited sale to some rich Ameri­ worship the divine child in the little
i 45 to 49 Randolph St.,
pay any attention to our intimacy. After can.
TffTTtt» S trfet . M«M innvilif . O b
the Adverting Ager o
play are apt to figure all lhe most popu-
R ooks ,
By issuing a MAMMOTH EXTRA ileroteil
entirely to McMinnville. Look for it.
lar heroes of sacred and profane history,
without the least regard to time or se­
quence. The whole is an odd survival of
an ancient thing, which, if it were new,
might be considered to be lacking in rev-
ence, but as every one who sees it has
known it from earliest childhood it seems
to them like a thing in the order of
nature, and without the pale of such crit­
icism. They simply never think of such
a thing.
Over the box in which the marionettes
perform is always a star. That is the
ever present emblem of the soascn.
There are stars in the shops, stars on the
Christmas trees, stars in one material or
another wherever they can possibly lie
After this the children, exhausted w th
pleasure, are sent to bed, but one impor­
tant thing is still to be done by the older
people. At twelve o’clock they must all
go to mass. Into the waiting sleighs
they bundle, and find the ride over the
gleaming snow quieting and restful after
the tumultuous amusement of the eve-
ning. From the beautiful service they
return, still perhaps singing quaint wor-
shipful carols. When they get home a
cup of tea or bouillon is awaiting them,
over which they discuss the events of the
eve, and with hearts more tender and
watm for their share in the beautiful fes­
tival they go to bed in the early hours ol
Christmas day. It has been a time of
many prayers and much merriment.—
Helena Modjeska,
' Uncle John’s Story of the Shoes.
Everybody in the world was barefooted
How the Japanese People Per­
a thousand years ago. There were no
forin this Delicate Op­
new Bhoes in the shops, and no o’ I ones
Harikari, a peculiar mode of suicide, in jn the attics. There were none at all in
the eyes of the nobility of Japan the the whole wide world, and probably no
most dignified and honorable way of all shops or attics either. In those good
violent deaths, the only means of restor old times, when all feet were bare, •
ing honor, revenge being impossible, has man could step on bis neighbor’s toes
seldom been witnessed by European or without bringing on spasms of agony,
American eyes. As the word “harakiri” for bunions and corns were unkown.
Finally, somebody—whether man cr
has crept into American politics, writes
Albert De I*eur, an explanation of its woman, nobody knows—made a pair oi
meaning in lapan may be interesting, shoes. Not of calf skins, with high heels,
and the reader can then judge if the boxed toes, and polished uppers, but fist,
rough “ foot-mats ” of woven reeds-
adaptation of the word is allowable.
Dueling is now and ever has been con­ These, when tied on with leather thongs,
demned by intelligent Japanese, as the kept the feet from the burning sands.
More and more people wore these
uniertainty of its results was considered
too hazardous to the settlement of its queer “foot-mats" until there were hun­
cause. For ages it has been the custom dreds, and thousands and hundreds of
in Japan, when a Samurai considered thousands of pairs in use. For everyday
himself insulted by one equal in rank, use they were light and strong. Some
that the injured party should proceed to were gaily colored and bound with fancy
his home, call together his family and thongs; and those of the soldiers wera
friends, inform them of the insult Buffer­ iron-bound, with strong nails in the
ed at the hands of his enemy, and set heels, and often whole soles of copper-
apart a day upon which to revenge him­ In the days when all the shoes were new
self and restore the family honor, in ana before people had begun to pinch
jured by the words or acts of his oppon their feet, they were used for queer pur­
poses. If a man purchased a piece of
ent, by committing “harakiri.”
In the first place a rope over two inch­ land, lie threw a shoe over it as a sign of
es thick, made out of the tendrils of the »wnership; if lie entered a house, he re­
lotus flower, was constructed by the un­ moved bis shoes as a sign of respect.
There is an old story of a shoemaker
married female members of the family,
and closely drawn around the house, it of Rome, long years ago, who thought
being the jiopular belief that objections, he must become a preacher. Taking
ble spirits would thereby be prevented liis brother, he started ont to tell the
A Railroad on Tree-Tops.
from entering the house and carrying heallien of France and Britain about
It may not be known outside of the way the soul of the suicide, The chatn- Christ. They were very poor, so they
neighborhood in which it is situated, but ber in which the ceremony was to take paid their way by making shoes. 5’ery
it is nevertheless a fact, that in Sonoma place was draped in yellow silk nice ones they made, and found plenty
county, Cal., there exists an original and or crape, the sunlight carefully of custom. For a long time they fol­
successful piece of railroad engineering excluded, the only illumination allow­ lowed these occupations, until at last, in
and building that ib not to be found in ed being that furnished by the everlast savage Britain, they were martyred. And
the books. In the upper part of the ing light burning in front of the family to this day, thd 25th ol October, the day
county named, near the coast, may be god, whose pedestal is placed about two upon which Crispin was killed, is called
seen an actual road-bed in the tree-tcps. ieet from the northern wall of the cham­ St. Crispin’s day, and every shoemaker
Between the Clipper Mills and Stua t ber. A foot-high platlorm about three in the world is called a son of St. Crispin.
Point, where the road crosses a deep feet long by two feet broad was placed
For hundreds and hundreds of years
ravine, the tiees are sawed off on alev.l in the center of the room, and the kalian* lieople have been wearing shoes of all
with the surrounding hills and the tim­ na (ordinary sword) ol the master of the kinds, of leather, wood and reeds; brass-
bers and ties laid on the stumps. In the household laid unscabbarded u|K>n the bound, iron-bound, gold-bound, with
center of the ravine mentioned two huge plaifoim, its point wrapped in a yellow narrow, pointed toes a foot long; but the
redwood trees, standing side by side, lilil. On each corner of this platform right shoe and the left shoe of each foot
form a substantial support. These giants was placed a small saucer, filled with were exactly the same Hliai*e. About
have been lopped off seventy-five ieet scented oil, in which a wick was burn­ the year 1800 a man invented “righto and
above the level of the creek. This ing.
lefts,” which was a step in the right di­
The family and friends of the noble to rection. Eighteen years later a man
natural tree bridge is considered one of
the wonders of the Golden State, and for commit suicide entered the room led by named Joseph Walker invented the shoe
safety and security far exceeds a bridge a priest, the latter bearing in his hands peg. Before this all the shoes had been
a full blooming lotus flower which he de sewn by hand, a long, slow process; but
framed in lhe most scientific manner
posited across the sword lying ui>on the now they were pegged.
How to Help Your Town.
platlorm, and the spectators took seats
Inventors now began to construct all
Go to some other place to get your around the room. The nobleman then kinds of curious machines for making
entered, dressed in pure white garments, shoes. Great buildings were erected,
printing done.
Buy of peddlars as much as possible with a yellow colored Bcarf encircling machinery put in and thousands of pairs
his body, and carrying in his hand a turned out every day, millions every
and neglect the home merchant.
If a stranger comes to town tell him little saucer in which burned a wick year. If one had sharp enough ears and
everything is overdone and predict a lighted previously from the evei lasting could listen and hear the clatter of the
light in front of the family god.
general crash of the town pretty soon.
millions of wooden shoes in China
Behind him came bis eldest son, if
Keep every cent you can get, don’t ad
Japan, France and Holland, the softer
over five years of age—if not, his neatest
vestise in your home paper, but buy a
thud of the leather shoes in our own
relative— carrying u|ton a platter made of
rubber stamp and use it on stationery,
country, and in other parts of Europe,
sandal wood the wakizaski.a dagger-like
fences, etc. It may save you a few
the slick of the sandals in the sleepy
weapon nine and one half inches long
dimes and make the home paper look as
lands of the EaBt, the swish of the snow
and obliquely cut on the left side. The
if it was issued in a one-horse town.
shoe over the Canada snow crust, or the
blade of this lancet-looking weapon was
If you are a farmer curse the town
ring ol the fourteen-ioot shoe of the
wrap|>ed in yellow crape, a lotus flower
where you trade as the meanest place
Jemdtland winter hunter, w hat would
being placed upon its liilt. Il generally
on earth. Talk this to your neighbors,
these sounds tel.? Would the footfalls
was an heirloom ol the family, and con­
and make them believe the business men
sav to the listener, “ .
sidered the most valuable article in its
are all robbers—it will make your prop­
all bound on errands oi mm
over U m
possession. It is the insli uinent with
erty more valuable.— Ex.
which harakiri was always committed.
dangerous places; these shoes do not
Patti’s Wonderful Career.
slip or falter, or tarry to do wrong; they
then kneel upon the platform with hie
It is a long distance from an Italian face toward the north and the wakizaskj belong to earth’s warriors, who are shod
tenement house in Bleecker street to the placed before him. The priest would with the preparation of the gospel of
magnificence of a castle in Wales. It is take the lotus flower from the Japanese peace?” 5Vould this be the answer of
a long step from the humble platform of sword and cut the leaves in pieces, strew­ them all? Alas, no! In the broad way
a Sunday school lecture room to the ing the Bame over the kneeling man. are many, many feet hurrying on to
stage of the Grand Opera house in Paris, After blessing him in this manner the death. Clogged and heavy, weary with
in St. Petersburg, in Milan, in London* lights in the corner saucer were blown sin, they stumble on, blind, reckless,
the Auditorium in Chicago. There is a out by th.' priest and the light carried by lost.
Little shoes, strong, willing, eager to
most significant difference between pen­ the suicide extinguished by his son or
ury and millionairedom, and an extra­ nearest relative, and the time for the do right, beware of the first step out of
the narrow way. There are mountains
ordinary transformation is it from a final act *i<l come.
enappy-eved little girl, playing tag in the
Alter recounting in a solemn voice the to climb, deserts to cross, rivers to ford;
down-town streets of New York, and the insult suffered by him from his enemy, but little shoes, little feet, if you listen
prima donna of the age, greeted, feeted, he invoked the spirit of his ancestors to to the gentle voice that said, “Follow
applauded by every man, woman and sae in what manner he upheld the fam­ Me,” you may avoid every danger and
child who knows what music means, or ily honor intrusted to him at his birtn, get out of every difficulty, and at last
admires prominent success and appre­ and rising upon his lelt knee he would find rest and peace and joy that will
ciates the extremeBt endeavors of lofty take hold of the wakizaski with his left not pass away.
hand, lift up l>is white robe with Ins A Fortunate 5Voman Phvaician.
The present sultan of Turkey is a son right hand, wrapping the end of the yel.
The daughter of the late Dr. Bliss, the
of a Kurd slave who was in the harem Of low sasli around hiB lelt wrist, and de- famous old physician who was the medi­
his leputed father. His real father, it is liberately and very olowlv insert tliedag- cal adviser ot several presidents and
believed, was an Armenian coachman, ger-like knife into his stomach above ilie whose name ha* been a household word
attached to the court. Far from being light hip hone and draw it acioes until in the capiial for forty years, is one of
mad, he has all the sharpness of an Ar­ within four or five inches of his left hip the rising physicians oi Washington. She
menian. He is an abject coward, and is bone. At the moment he inserted bis is a fair type of that class of brainy,
probably making a purse for himself, as knife his next of kin would take toe ka­ earnest women who take up the battle of
he is as ready as any pasha to take tana (ordinary sword) und with a swiit life piactically alone, but with unfailing
blow sever the head of the suicide from
courage. Dr. Clara Bliss-Hinds is not
the trunk. In every case of this de. only winning popularity in Washington
Sadi Carnot, the French president, has sciiption, when harakiri »a» committed as a piactiving physician, but is liecom-
a murky, leaden complexion, an exag in defense of liibulted honor, the luaUil. ing famous throughout the country as an
gerated nose and a closely-fitting black ing party was informed by the family ol advocate of woman's life insnrance and
beard. His demeanor is haughty, yet be the suicide of the act, by Bend­ ot the systematic callection of statistics
is fond of toying with an Egyptian cigar ing to him a soit of affidavit ol the next Is-aring npon the birth, life and death of
ette while dictating his letter, and he kiu of the deceased written upon yellow the human race. At Ids death, Dr.
uses late. He is musical and 52 and paper, wrapped in the leaves oi lhe lotus Bliss, alter a long and very successful
patronizes the drama. His eyebrows fl jwer, and if that gentleman would not
practice, left litile excepting an account
aie the only really prominent thing about be considered a craven, unlit for associ­
nook containing 120.000 of unpaid bills.
him, and his name is Mary.
ation with honorable men, he, too, would I have heard it said that Dr. Bliss pro­
then commit liarakiri in a somewhat
Neither Queen Victoria nor tlie Prin­ s.unlar manner The t.ouble would then longed the lives ot a greater number of
cess ol Wales ever carries money about be settled and no mrther enmity would public men than any other physician of
with them, and they are frequently sub­ exist between the families of the paities his time, The late H. F. Cox used to say
that Dr. Bliss had saved his life a half
ject to awkward and sometimes arnus ng
interested. A non-compliance, however, dozen times.
coutrelempts in consequence. Ou one
with this tiiue-lionoied custom of Japan
occasion last summer the Princess of
on the part of the person who gave the Stanley ’s African Book Monopoly.
Wales, when seeking admission to a insult has never been heard of, it is said,
There never was a shrewder or more
public entertainment in London, found
in that countrv.— Globe-be mocrat.
successful bookmaker than Henry M.
herself in the predicament of not pos­
sessing the two shillings required for the Seasoning that Vultures Dislike. Stanley. Every book which he pub.
iishes brings him a small fortune, and
payment of the entrance fee.
A physician who was in the Mexican his forthcoming work on his African ex­
The model convicts of the Stillwater war is authority for a very strange state­ periences will prove no exception to the
penitentiary are the Younger brothers. ment. The Mexicans devour large quan­ rule. It may not be generally known
Tuey have been inmates of the prison for tities of red pepper, eating it at all times that those who accompany Stanley on
thirteen years, and have never lost a and places, as their brethren in cooler his explorations are always placed under
climes enjoy sweetmeats.
He states contract by him to publish none of their
day because of bad conduct.
i that after a battle the whereabouts of the experiences until the explorer’s own
Prince George of Wales is the only | dead American soldiers could be detect- count is published. Thus young Her­
member of the Eng.ish royal family who | ed by the vulture:, which would not bert Ward, who is writing African arti­
speaks the language of his country with ' touch the highly seasoned bodies of the cles, is debarred from touching upon hia
a foreign accent.
dead greasers. From what the natural- actual Congo experiences. He can lead
. ists say about these charming birds one up to them, however, and thia be is
Mrs. Charles Crocker, the widow of would not think they were at all epicu­
doing in hie forthcoming articles, mak­
the railroad millionaire, who died re­ rean in their taste, but of course they
cently in San Francisco, left nearly $10,- 1 must draw the line somewhere, and per­ ing public interest the keener thereby
for Stanley's work. All this is excellent
haps it is on a meal seasoned with pep' capital for Stanley, and in this piece of
George Bancroft is the oldest living per but lacking salt, which lias always literary work, as in all his previous ones*
i been the symbol of hospitality.
he has played his cards most shrewdly.
graduate of Harvard.