THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE MARRIAGE OF TIIE ttV, telephone WILL BE CELEBRATE!» By issuing a MAMMOTH EXTRA deroted entirely to McMinnville. Look for it. The PEOPLE Know ----- THE VALUE OF----- A NEWS MEDIUM THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER ENJOYS THE I.ARG > EST OIR1 ELATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER PFB I.1SIIED IN YAMHILL COUNTY r Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , REGISTER Established August, 1881 TELEPHONE Established June, 1886 ASTROLOGY FOR DECEMBER H. BALLINGER, A ttorney at How to Guide Your Conduct During; the Month by the Stars. L aw Office in Fletcher building, Third Street. Jupiter now transits the place of the total eclipse of the sun of the 1st of January last, observes the seer ZadkieL developing the trade and commerce of D r . F. S. L ocke . San Francisco, and probably causing re­ newed shocks of earthquakes in tlie Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. ninety-nine degrees of west longitude. LAFAYETTE, OREGON. The stationary position of Saturn in Vir­ Professional calls promptly attended day go 3 degrees and 55 miuntes afflicts with or night. . . B ) Office at ol.l Printing office. a certain royal horoscope. The king of the Belgians and M. Rochefort will be K. E. GOVCHKB. companions in misfortune now, for Sa­ .1. CAÏ.BKEATI1. turn afflicts the moon’s place in their Calbreath & Goucher, horoscopes. The conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Libra 26 degrees and 6 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, minuteB brings a sorry Christmas to per­ M c M innville , - - - O regon . sons born on or about the 19th of Octo­ (Office over Braly’s Bank.) ber, particularly to those born in 1849 and 1865. The conjunction of Mars and S, A. YOUNG. M. D. Uranus in Libra 26 degrees and 6 min­ utes bring a sorry Christmas to persons This ___ powder r ____ _____ never varies. _____ _ A marvel of Physician & Surgeon, purity, strength and wholesomeness. More born on or about the 19th of October, McMtxsviLUt. - Oaxoox. economical than tlie ordina y kinds, and particularly to those born in 1849 and cannot be sold in competition with multi­ 1865. The conjunction of Mercury and Office and residence on I> street. All tude of low test, short weight alum or phos­ phate powder. Sold only in cans. R oyal Jupiter in Capricornus 16 degrees 4 min­ i alls promptly answered day or night. B aking P owder C o , 106 Wall St., N. Y utes benefits all who were born on or near the 7th of January, especially those DK. J. C. MICHAUX born in 1866, or 1854, or 1819. The 4th, 8th, 18th, 21st, 23d, 25th and 27th of this Sample rooms in connection. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, month are fortunate birthday anniver­ o------ o saries (excepting for those who were LAFAYETTE. OREGON- Is now fitted up in first class order. born when the moon held either the Jan, 21, W. Accommodations as good as can be fourth degree of Virgo or the twenty­ found in the city. seventh degree of Libra). The 22d inst. is an evil birthday anniversary for those S. £. MESSINGER, Manager. I who were born in either 1870, 1867, 1855,1849, 1845, 1835, 1832 or 1826. On DEALERS IN the other hand, it is fortunate for those born in either 1857, 1854, 1835, 1846, 1838, 1834, 1834, 1830 or 1829. Tbe king of Greece finds fate pressing him bard. If so be «tire nod call for your tickets via the Toward tbe close of this year we shall AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. hear of a destructive earthquake in South America. Raphael's Prophetic Messenger says: “The new moon occurs early in the morning of the 23d, at which time the In building formerly occupied by Me I end of Virgo will be rising, and Mars Minnville News Co —THE— will be located in the first house, Hersch­ el will be on the cusp of the second, Mercury on the cnsp of the third, with H lights therein, and Saturn will just have passed the cusp of the twelfth house. -----ON The oriental jiosition of Mars, he being It is positively the shortest anti finnt in quartile aspect to Jupiter, is ver}- un­ line to Chicago and the east -a nd south and favorable for the United Kingdom, and On Short or Long Time in Sums to suit the only sleeping and dining car through will people serious dissensions in the line to lowest Rates and no Commissions. land, distress, panics and failures in the Omaha, KaniiM City, and nil Missouri money market; also many fires and ac­ Hiver Point. cidents, more especially in the eastern, | ’all on or address :| Its magnificent steel track, unsurp ssed southern and midland counties. The train ------ ----------- service and elegant (lining v and I luminaries in square aspect to Saturn W. T. SHURTLEFF, sleeping cars has honestly earned for it the will cause the death of great and noble title of At J. I. Knight A Co.’s McMinnvile, Or. persons, and probably some sickness in the royal family. Uranus on the cusp of Tlie Royal IRoiite the second is unfavorable for money, trade and commerce, and a marked fall­ ^ù_tterLtion. I Others may imitate,but none can surpass it ing off in the customs receipts may be Our motto is “always on time ’’ expected. Mercury on the cusp of the Be sure and ask ticket agents for tickets third in semi-square to Jupiter will dam­ A new invention for Dress-Cutting that via this celebrated route and take none age the railway interests and depress W H MEAD, G A can lie used by a lady and gentleman and others. giye perfect fit Price of scale, including a the market value of their shares. Saturn No, 4 Washington street, Portland. Or key of full instructions, can he had by call­ near the twelfth, and heavily afflicted, ing on or addressing points to much crime, robbery and Notice of Final Settlement. theft, and that pauperism will increase Notice is hereby given that the under­ greatly. Jupiter in the forth in square administrator of the estate of Elzira LEADING TAILOR OF MeMINNVILL signed, Stater deceased, lias filed his final account to Mars denotes a windy month, with a of his ailministration of said estate in the higher temperature than usual, many Second door south of Postoilice. county court of Yamhill county. Oregon and said court has fixed the 7th day of Jan­ squalls and probably thnnder. Earth­ uary, WOO. at the hour of 10 o’clock, a m.. quakes will occur in the southern coun­ at the county court room at McMinnville, tries of Europe. Oregon, as tiie time anil place for hearing the same. Following are the admonitions for each Therefore, all persons interested in said day in the month : estate are hereby notified and required to Has the most complete stock of harness 1. Sunday—Travel and visit thy aiqiear at said time and place and show in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ cause, if any there be. why said estate be ■ friends. gle harness, hand made, m prices not finally settled and said administrator 2. A doubtful day. Be very careful. discharged ranging from 112 to $.30, and 8 Dated this 28th day of November. 1880, 3. Still very doubtful. set of team harness as cheap ‘ F. W. FENTON. 4. Buy, deal, ask favors, and hire Administrator of said Estate. AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY I servants before 3 p. m. Can be seen on the hooks in my shop. 5. Avoid the fair, and do not travel. I have competent workmen employed 6. Sell till noon, after which doubtful. to do all kinds of repairing and to make .Won:. J 00.04». L. st 115 Jwati h in the world. I’.rtect any harness ordered. I also keep a full i. Travel and negotiate business in timekeeper Warranted heavy, stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, "XSOLID GOLD hunting’ cases. the morning. horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of IBoth ladies and pent's sizes, «with works mid cases of 8. Sunday—Travel and court the fair. extras for repairs constantly on hand. /equal value. Oxi: FE::«OMin ^eath totality can secure one 9. Sell before 4 p. m., but do not buy. /Tn*»’, together with our large and xaiiidbl** line of Household 10. An nnpropitions day; be very Maniples. These sample», as well as the watch, are free. All the w. rk yon careful. need do is to show what we send you to those who call—your friends and neighbors mid those about you—that always results 11. Court, marry; for other purposes in valuable trade for us, which holds foryearsv. he r once started, and thus we are repaid. We pay all express, freight, etc. After the day is unprotitious. you know all, if you would like to go to work for us. you can House. Sign, and Orh.uneiital Painter earn from «?« to SlIO per week and upwards. Address, 12. Travel, ask favors, deal with law­ Stinson «fc Co., llox *1«, Portland» Maine. yers, buy and push thy business. The Only Sign Writer in the County. 13. Very doubtful influences prevail tfa have the Exclusive Contrôlât Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most this day. Artistic Style. 14. Buy in the afternoon before 6. Designs furnished for Decorations 15. Sunday—Sign no writings this Remember Paper Hanging aners and negotiate thy business to tite ! utmost. M c M innville national bank . 19. Much uncertainty prevails; be- Corner Third and C streets, in Braly block. ware. 20. Sell, but for alight else the day is m ’ m INNVH.LE, OREGON. evil. Transacts a General Banki ng Business, 21. Court, marry and hire servants be­ Anu don't have to offer a prize to eel! this fore 1 p. m. President.............................I. W. COWLS Goode, for its the BEST MADE. Every Can holds 22. Sunday—Travel and visit all thy Vice President.......... LEE LAUGHLIN ONE AND ONE HALF FOUNDS. friends. Cashier..................... J. L. STRATTON 23. Buy up to 1 p. m., after which be J. N. HENDERSON. Sells sight exchange and telegraphic careful. transfers on Portland. San Franco anil New MC. MINNVILLE, ORE. York. 24. Ask favors and buy carefully. Collections maile on all accessible points. 25. Christmas day—Court and marry. Interest allowed on time deposits. 2G. Sell; for a ught else the day is evil. Office hours from 9 a. ni. to 4 p m. 27. Buy, travel, negotiate business, and push thy affairs. M c M innville 28. An uncertain day; be careful. 29. Sunday—Keep quiet; the day is unprotitious. W. J. El- CARLIN & HIGH, Proprietors vrite«: "I 30. A most uncertain day; postpone Goods of all descriptions moved and care­ our album at 1 visit. Mr matters of irn portance. ful handling guaranteed. Collections will mticlins be made monthly Hauling of a 1 kinds day 's work." 31. Buy, ask favors, and push thy bus­ quileaswcil: done cheap * ’« K*'« ea- iness. ettera. Every McMinnville. Oregon POWDER Absolutely Pure. The St Charles Hotel. HEWITT BROS. R ooks , stationery ¡ARE YOU GOING EAST? Musical Goods and Instrnmeuts of all Kinds. MONEY TO LOAN Improved Farm Property INSURANCE NEGOTIATED. F. ZIRKEL, E. WRIGHT J. B. ROHR, TRUCK AND DRAY CO <*ne who takes hold of tltisgrami THE NADJY BAR! IN THE COOK HOUSE. Stocked with the Choicest Wines, ora and Cigars—Domestic and Imported. Tlxe Best Bar in tKe City WM. MARTIN. Proprietor. Euriskc Market, BOND A WEBB. Proprietor? Fresh Meats of all kinds constantly on band. Highest price paid for Butcher’s stock T hird S treet . M c M i ^ nviiti . (Y r . i giand proliis Shall we start YOU in Jhis business, trader : Write tous and leant all nlmi t it •< r youiself We are starting many; «e •. ill stmt you ii y < ti don t delay until auothTgeis ahead of you in youi pmt u take hold you will be able to pit k up g d«l fast D.f’ jleCild — i hi account of a forced mnnatm ;un r's sale 1 ii»,0170 ten dollar l,hoh>|.'r:i]>li Albimi. t > l.t-< I io the l•• .pl - fi r < aeh. Hound in !;• x-.i < rim*on Silk \ i S t l’lii’li. (Iiannhiglv decorated in«idc«. H •nd-< • ■ >«••.» a!b:tni- in !l:j world. Largest Size. Greatest bargain’ ever known. Ag- uts wanted. Liberal terms. Dig nvmey tor ag‘-nt«. Anron>’iin become a successful agent. Sells ii-. if pur­ chase. Agents lake thousands of <-r r, can do as well as any one. V:ill information aud tern • fr»u«, to those who write for ».line, witli particular« and ii-rrii« :’..i our Eeniily Bibles, Books and Periodicals. After y n kn-o. a.I, »!.■ ul 1 yon conclude to go no further, n by no liiirni i- done Address E. C. ALLL.X i UC AlUUMA M aine . M flIIE* MV V Ell QTId" I IwCllw °r others,who wish to exarr.-n* this paper. Of obtain estimates on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at the Advertising Agency pf LORD&THOMAS. D. S. Terry’s Life Insurance. The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company has sued Sarah Althea Terry, Clinton II. Terry and C. G. Sayle ad­ ministrator of the estate of David S. Terry, deceased, to compel them to ac­ cept the amount of a $5,000 life insurance policy which the late Mr. Terry had on bis life, less $166.95, which he owed the company as a premium. The company says it is informed that Mr. Terry died intestate in Lathrop, Cal., on the 14th of last August, and as there is dispute as to who is entitled to the life insurance tbe company asks permission to pay the money into court and let the heirs settle their differences among themselves. oreg - on . Uses of Very’ Higli Towers. T hursday , D ecember Tlie Great Artesian Basin. 19, issò . A Chinese Romance. VOL. I. NO. 46. A Wrecker I Life. Luxury in tlie Tomb. An obscure American girl, born and I “There goes a man whose life was iu-1 Mrs. Henry Hiller, wife of the late Dr. It appears that we are really going to In the upper San Joaquin valley, or have a second, revised, and enlarged edi­ what is more commonly termed the Tu- grown to womanhood on tbe island oi ined by forgetting the simple character 0 Hiller, of Wilmington, Mass., lias made tion of Eiffel's tower in London. Prob­ lare valley, is to be found the greatest Martinique, became empress of France, said a prominent railroad man yester­ for herself a burial robe at a cost of $20,• ably the first object of the promoters of artesian basin in California, if not in the but the story of a woman’s life even day, pointing to a ragged, besotted man OOJ. The robe is made of w hite Ottanian such a tower would be to make it pay; United States. It covers a territory six- i more remarkable than that of Josephine shambling along the street unmindful of silk, corded heavily. There is also a wilderness of white silk lace running in but there are other uses of a lofty struc­ ty miles in length, and from fifteen to conies from China. the rain. ture of this kind might be applied to, twenty miles in length, and is gradually More than forty years ago, when Tseng “He was a train dispatcher on the perpendicular |>anels aud tucked ai d and its interest to ourselves and many extending. Many of these wells dis­ Kwo Yon was governor general of tbe Ohio and Mississippi once, having work­ gathered and fluted UDtil it stands out to others would be that it would undoubt­ charge over 2,000,000 gallons every twen­ Chinese province of Kwong Yung, a ed up to that position from messenger a distance of five inches. Between tlie edly afford valuablo means of scientific ty-four hours, and there is one in the pretty and bashful little girl about elev­ boy in the telegraph office. One Sun­ panels of silk and lace are intermediate observation, especially of a meterologi- Smith colony in Kern county which en years old was sold to him as a slave. day he had onlv two trains on his divi­ panels constructed solely of daisies made cal character. The proposed tower flows 3.000,000 gallons every twenty-four The governor's wife liked the little girl, sion, an express train running west and in France of pure silk after an original would allow of an inquiry into the at­ hours. Such a well is said to be capable whose name was Cbi Shi, and under­ a fast stock train running east. The day design. It is estimated that 3000 of these mospheric conditions up to 1,200 feet. of irrigating two sections of land, and a took to raise her as one of her own fam­ was warm and sultry, and Bill, for that daisies are sewed into the gowu. The Instruments for measuring the beat of good-sized canal is required to carry tbe ily. Cbi Shi was bright and quick and is his name, had hard work to keep robe opens in front and is fastened by the sun’s rays, such as black bulb ther­ water. Another well spouts water to the at sixteen she was the mo6t beautiful awake. He knew that as soon as he 200 solid silver books. mometers tn vacuo, and actinometers., height of thiity feet whenever the well and cultivated girl in the province. It made the meeting point for the trains be When the doctor’s funeral took place* disposed at the top and bottom of the is uncapped. Just south of Tulaie lake was time for her to be settled in life. could doze, and be impatiently awaited year ago, the corpse was carried to its tower would also give very interesting and within a radius of ten miles, there The old governor, as well as his wife, the time. When the trains were close resting place in a silk-lined, gold-plated, readings, tlie instruments at the highest are about three dozen of these wells, av­ was much attached to her, and was will­ enough together lor him to figure a meet­ and elaborately carved casket of solid station probably showing an excess of eraging a flow of nearly 2,000,000 gal­ ing to furnish a dowry, but it was impos­ ing point he sent an order to the passen­ uiahoganv, enclosed in anothei casket the sun’s heat over the other, because lons to the well for every twenty-four sible to find her a suitable husband. ger train to meet and pass the stock extravagantly appointed. The body is of the atmospheric humidity intervening hours. Some of these wells send up There was an insurmountable barrier. train at a little station called Willow guarded night and day. The widow during the interval has between the earth’s immediate service considerable natural inflammable gas; Chi Shi was big-footed. Being a slave, Valley, Gxing the time at 12:50. To the and an altitude of 1,200 feet. Thermom­ and there is a well near Tulare lake, her feet had never been compressed in stock train he sent an order that it could been constructing two casket» and sarco­ eters disposed at various heights, and where, it is said, coffee can be made by infancy, and when Bhe grew up to wom­ have until 1:25 to make Willow Valley phagi, one for her husband and one for properly screened from radiation, would the heat furnished by the gas as it comes anhood she wore sandals as large as the for the passenger. See tlie mistake? lie herself, which surpass anything ever show the temperature of the atmosphere up out of the well. A short time ago the shoes of a fashionable American young forgot the 0, and hence gave the stock seen. The material is solid mahogany, at different levels; the air would probab­ well borers working on the farm of Clias. lady. Poor Chi Shi’s feet were agains* train thirty-five minutes more time than specially imported and elaborately pol« ly be found colder on rising higher and Lamberson, near Tulare lake, brought her. All her beauty and accomplish­ he should. Bill saw his mistake ten ished and carved. Corded silk, costing higher, giving this curious result—that up peices of petrified wood with their au­ ments went for nothing. Many a wealthy minutes after he had made it, but it was $40 a yard, is used for lining. The the sun would be warmer at the top gers when at a depth of 1000 feet. How young Chinaman would have been glad too late there being no telegraph stations hinges and knobs are of solid gold, one than at the bottom ; but, in the absence it came there is a matter for conjecture. to take her, had her feet been modeled between the points where the trains were knob weighing six pounds. of the sun, the air would be colder at the During the summer a gentleman living according to Chinese etiquette, but they given the orders and the meeting point. The niansouleum will be of hammered top. At night the distribution of the in Kern county was surprised one day at were not, and she therefore could not be He sent for the superintendent and or­ granite. In the feur wall» will be built temperature in the atmosphere is known finding several small fishes in a trough admitted to society. dered out the wrecking crew, then sat at windows, through which it is planned to to be the reverse of the day-time. On a where the water ran out of an artesian For a long time the governor did not the key pale as death, awaiting have rays of coloied light enter, a differ­ fine clear night the temperature will be well located on his ranch. At first he know what to do with little Shi, but at news of the collision. It came. Tlie ent light from each window, which, found higher at 1,000 feet than it is on supposed that some one was trying to last it occurred to him to place her in passenger train reached Willow Valley blending, will fall upon the caskets rest­ the earth, while on a cloudy night it will play a joke on him. He took the fishes the emperor’s harem. That was es­ on time, waited the required thirty min­ ing side by side. Within the caskets be much tlie same at both stations; but out cf the trough, but his surprise knew teemed an honor in China. It was true utes under the tim> card rules for the will stand, each on four brass legs, and we have much to learn on the laws of no bounds the next morning he found the emperor might never see her, for he freight train and then pulled out. Three chair» of magnificent design will be cut terrestrial radiation, and the proposed quite a number of the finny tribe swim- had several hundred wives, but she minutes later the two trains mot on a in the mausoleum for the accommoda­ tower would be very useful in that re­ ming around. There was but one way to would be taken care of all her life. Chi curve, both running at a high rate of tion of sightseers. Mrs. Hiller will soon hold a reception spect. Of course an observer would be account for their being there. They had Shi consented, and she became a mem­ speed. Fourteen lives were lost in the expected to race day and night up and come up out of the artesian well. An ber of the harem. Almost by chance collision, besides $100,000 worth of prop­ for the exhibition of the caskets, in the down a tower, 1,200 feet high, to make examination of the fishes bj’ different tlie emperor became acquainted with her erty destroyed. Bill resigned at once invitation» to which is a picture of the observations and read thermometers; persons resulted in their being pronounc­ and was fascinated by her beauty and and the next day disappeared. For a coffin, with “Admit One,” written be­ this would be too great, and indeed an ed a species that is to be found in the intelligence. He did not mind her big long lime it was thought he had commit­ neath. The total outlay by Mr». Biller unnecessary devotion to science. The Owens river country, situated almost di­ feet, for, being an emperor, he could af­ ted suicide, but I met him on the street will not be far short of $5,, and hasn’t showed up bs unlikely to produce a most unpleas­ of Jamaica rum; and for every two rus; “dogs can’t climb trees.” yet.” After the above is digested tie would be directly connected with the ant sensation.— British Medical Journal. “Can’t climb trees!” responded the quarts one pint of the best champagne. looks in his almanac, finds another story army, or connected with its military op ­ Never use the wine from damaged bot. colonel; “but the catfish was close upon erations, would not fall short of 4,003,- that is due, and thus sets it forth : “They Forgot Something. in Yaquina, of a Wisconsin lady, ties or leaky corks, as it will be sure to him, and lie had to climb.— Forest and 000. Germany could now put into the tell, now there, who years ago, when quit« a “Now, you’re sure you have every­ Stream. deprave and perhaps entirely spoil your field an army of 2,650,000, which will little girl, swallowed a needle. That was thing in the trunk, my dear?” asked ---- much as fifteen years ago, aud last punch. After you have well incorpor­ doubtless be increased by tlie proposed as Mr. Younglove, before beginning the True Eloquence. week the same identical needle worked ated these liquors add cream or mer changes in the military law to more than back-breaking process of roping his out of the right ami of lier youngest ingue mixture.”— American Analyst. There was a most touching scene in 3,000,000. Austria has prepared for war child, a healthy boy baby, 4 months old. wife’s trunk when they were about to start for a little trip West. an Arizona courtroom a few days ago— a force numbering about 1,300,000. The Ingersoll on Immortality. The value of the life-saving serviue is that of a son, a lawyer, defending his Italian army, upon a war footing, num­ “Yes, dear,” she said, “I’ve every Colonel Robert Ingersoll, writing to father, who was charged with the crime bers about 2,500,000, while the Russian shown anew by the superintendent’» re­ single thing in.” the author of a recent book on immortal­ of murder. The father of Assistant City army has resources in troops which port for the past year. Tbe number oi “Well, be sure, now; I wouldn’t un­ rescued persons was 7.903 and the value rope and rerope this thing again for a ity makes this literal statement of his Attorney Callen, of San Diego, Cal., re­ amount up to 5,000,000.—A'etf York Star. I of propertv in estimated at $6O,O0Q«O0O. fifty-dollar bill.” And, half an hour la­ belief in the possibility of a life beyond cently shot and killed a man, as he ; The cost of the whole service is less than The Need* of the Field ter, when he was lying on the floor, the grave: “If we admit the existence claimed, in self-defense. The son took one sixth of that sum. and the superin­ of a God of infinite wisdom and compas ­ charge of bis father’s case and went into panting and gasping from his efforts, Winter is coming on and tbe fields will tendent is amply justified in asking Jor sion we must say that there must be a Arizona to defend him. He is known as Mrs. Younglove said sweetly: be at rest for a time. The soil will not an increase of pay tor the hardy »urf- “There, dear, I have forgotten some­ world better than this; but bow do we one of the most eloquent lawyers in be taxed to give up its strength, but it | men. thing after all. How careless of me! account for one worse than this? That Southern California, and that in the de­ will lie out in the rain, snow, sunshine I is to say, if injustice triumphs here, why fense of his father his eloquence did not Would you mind opening the trunk, The astonishing njwa comes that Em­ and frost, and renew itself for the work not there? If honesty goes without forsake him, is well shown by this little dear, and putting in my dressing sacque? peror William of Germany thinks of re­ of another season. Nature will faithfully I entirely forgot it, and 1 really can’t get dread in this world, why not in an­ extract from his plea before the jury: perform its task toward enriching the turning to Constantinople. Naturally “If every mountain side from where along without it. And here’s my box of other? Certainly Gcd will be no better soil which the hand of man has exhaust­ the sultan is alarmed, as a visit from then than now. Still, it may be possible yonder scaffold in the court house stands handkerchiefs ; and my slippers are here ed, but man can and will, if he is wise, William is an expensive luxury, ft Be­ in the closet, and—oh, here are my cuffs that a God of infinite love and compas­ to the relator’s home in Kansas, far do his f>art. lie should consider hi» gins to look as though the young trnfier- sion will reward those who suffer. away where his wife and children await and collars and my little shoulder shawl. or was fonder of tlie Sublime Porte “Love and hope are universal. As our Christmas coming, unconscious that fields and carefully, through fall and win-1 I believe I left my box of ribbons in the 1 ter, and summer too. save up all the fer­ Ilian of beer. . long as men hope there will probably lie this hearing is going on, were covered I drawer—yes, here it is, and my common tilizing elements of the farm. Almost Sarasate has tiecome a greater idol to fan, too, and one of your shirts. Here’s in heart and brain a splendid dream of with scaffolds, and hungering for bis I every farmer has land that may be called | certain New York women, young and immortality. It may be that we live no body, and if every valley between were j my rubber* and waterproof and my little “hungry.” It needs nourishment, and impressionable, than was Kyrle Belle* black turban and the basque to my blue more; that we go back to unconscious yearning to give it a burial place, I still | responds liberally to all the food you can or Herbert Kelcey. His photographs dust, and yet the heart will always say: suit, and my watered silk sash, and my should say that he would have been a give it.— Ex. are selling at a rapid rate and hia mail little workbox that I’ll be sure to need ‘Perhaps there is another life.’ But coward and unworthy of the love I bear before we get home. How careless I whether there is or not, let us all paint him were he to have left me fatherless ( At Not th Lansing, Tompkins county is filled with scented notes. BntSara- am, anyhow! Hurry and open the on the canvas ot the future a picture by doing less than he was unfortunately New York, lives the oldest postmaster in* sate cares only for notes of his art—not that delights and satisfies the soul. We compelled to do.” trunk, dear; it’s most tram time!” • the United States in point of service. His for notes of tlie heart. know that in this world after joy conies It is not given to many young nr.en to | name is Boswell Beardsley, and for sixty- grief, as after day comes night, and it Children Cry for a father in a court of justice, but four years lie has distributed mail to his Children Cry fOT may be that there is some world where defend in this thin case Mr. Mr. Callen upppsh - ' j neighbors. 11« Aa held this office under . Callen wn« was mn«t most « success- He i. has after grief comes jov, as after night comes in "eijoiseo sjoqo^id day.” Pitcher’« C a «tori a. fill and hi» lather was discharged. | nineteen successive president».