M c M innville . O regon . F riday . N ovember 8.1889. VOL I. NO. 40. Executrix Sale of Ileal Estât«* ASTORIA The Monuou Question. viding the castings or forgings are not of women, the wives and female relatives bring equipment, stores, etc., from either - - ................................. ,j j too heavy; the work has been found to of the warriors. These women show a San Francisco or some Australian )>ort.. In their recently published report the Interesting Extracts From the great deal of bravery, sometimes even The possession of Pago Pago harbor, or i The Seaport of Oregon--Ad va li­ I Utah commission insists that polygamy Notice is hereby given that under and by i be Eood and the charges reasonable. Log of Midshipman Ballinger, virtue of an order of tlie county court of tages Which Nature has The Adams arrived in Apia harbor, more than the men, and are to be found the control of it, by the V. S. govern- j is still carried on secretly. To overcome Yamhill countv, state of Oregon, of dat»* of the Atlatns, U. 8. N. Placed Within its | Samoa, on the 29th of November, 1887. close to the heels of the fighting men inent, would give us a much needed 8th. 1889 in the matter of the estate this they recommend that the term of October Grasp. of James F. Bewley. decea«e«l the under­ coaling and recruiting station in the Mr. J. G. Ballinger who lias establish­ ■ Apia is the principal port of the Samoan when fighting is going on. They, be­ imprisonment for unlawful cohabitation signed executrix or the estate will on Satur­ ed an agricultural implement business 1 islands, both as regards imports and ex­ sides supplying food and water, carry South Pacific, besides one of the best day. the There is no more historical spot in Ore­ be extemled to at least two years tor the in this city, received his honoianle dis­ ports. This port is situated on the north ammunitior* and attend to the wounded. and most protected barters in the world. NINTH DAY OF.NOVEMBER. first and three years for the second of ­ gon than Astoria. Named after Astor, A. D., 1889, duly sell at public auction, for charge from the n»”V several months 1 side of Upola. about nine miles w»st by ’ They also assist in knitting baskets of Should it ever tecome necessary to forti­ fense ; that it be made a penal offense cash who, in 1810 established a trading station in hand, at the court house door at ago. When graduating from the naval north of Saluafata. The harbor itself is i banana aud cocoanut leaves which, fy the harbor a few torpedoes placed at for a woman to enter into the marriage McMinnville. Oregon, at th«- hour of n at this point and brought into prominence academy of Annapolis, he was ordered to only a break in the coral reefs around when filled with sand, make good breast­ the efitrance and two or three heavy o'clock a. in of said day. the following real by Washington Irving’s celebrated work relation with any man knowing him to premises of decedent, to-wit: report for duty on the U. S. ship Adams, the island. The population is mostly works. Most Samoan forts are protected rifled guns planted on the mountain side have a wtfe living and tmdivorced, “ Astoria, ” it has been known to the read ­ T ract No. 1. then at Honolulu, for a two years’ cruise natives, the whites not numbering 100 1 this way ami hy rifle pits anil stockades near the entr ..-e to the harbor would Beginning at the northeast corner of the ing public for many decades. When the coupled, however, with the provision suffice. in order to complete the requirements of souls. of brush. Solomon Fades donation land claim. No. that in cases where a |M>lvganious wife is This govern inent should take vigorous Columbia river became known as the called as a witness against her husband, 38, in 15 s, r H w. ami running then«*e north the government. Mr. Ballinger has Tlie town proper consists of but one The Samoan mode of warfare is adapt­ great commercial highway of the west, 85 degrees west 18.16 chains; thence south kindly loaned us the log which lie kept street running along or near the teach ed to the nature of the groutd over measures towards preserving the welfare this point at the mouth of the stream her testimony could not be used in any 5degrees east 78,:t'l chains toa post set on during the cruise, and as he was in Sa­ and having a row of buildings on each which they have to fight. Some general of America is in Samoa, for during the boundary of said claim: thence east future prosecution against her, and a south 18.09 chains to the southeast corner of said moa during the troubles there, it is in- , side. These buildings are mostly frame plan of attack is made,, but is seldom past two years they have not had fair was considered of the utmost importance. like provision as to the husband; that claim; thence north 5 degrees west 76.75 It was the natural seaport of the new teresting reading From it we glean buildings erected on (he European plan closely fqllowed out.' Each chief has his treatment at the hands of Germany. chains to the place of ’ eginning, containing empire, and as such attracted the atten­ the person who refuses to take the oath 139.36 acre«. the following description of the polls vis- ; and modern conveniences. Back from band of men under his immediate direc" T rait N o . 2. The New Gold Fields. tion of the Hudson Bay and other com­ that he or she is not cohabiting with ited, through the eves of a midshipman i the waters edge are groupeil native huts tion, and each man fights as it were by B«*giuning at a point north 85 ilcgrees mercial companies which were battling more than one husband and wife in the of the U. 8. navy. i containing the native part of the inhabi­ himself. The men take advantage of west 18 16 «'hams distant from the northeast One of the first African explorers who for the trade of this portion of the coun-1 marriage relation, as the ease may be, corner of the Solomon Fades »lonntion. land In approaching Honolulu from the tants I ot Apia. everything in the way of cover they can .' try. It is many years since we landed shall be excluded from making a location claim. No 38, in t.’is rfiw. and running eastward the first prominent feature on There are very few facilities for obtain­ find, and the whole line moves and acts made his way across that continent re-‘ north 85 decrees west 4.35 chains to at its wharf on an ocean steamer, and and settlement upon public lands; that thence cords that at one place in the far inter ­ a corner of the tt nt Chapman donation the coast line is a truncated conical bill i ing coal and repairing at Apia. The as a skirmish line. Very little order is the laws with reference to the immigra ­ land claim in the center of the Yamhill (an extinct volcano) called Diamond < coal is very expensive and hard to ob­ inaintaine«!, but still they appear to ost In regard to the prohibition of immi­ plain at the foot of the Eastern range of war ships were in port. Ships’ supplies plied by the Germans with the test of coveries in the Transvaal Republic of of Portland capitalists and no connection gration, the report says; ‘‘While we set on the south boundary of -aid < laini. Hameopathic Physician and Surgeon, which an alder, 16 Inches in diameter, of mountains. It is a very busy and en­ can be obtained if ordered by steamer arms and plenty of ammunition. After South Africa go far to confirm the theory with the interior except by means of the forbid the immigration of the non-pro­ from tear« nortli 50’4 degrees east 91 links dis LAFAYETTE, OREGON. terprising town of 20,000 inhabitants, a from the colonies. Fresh meat and veg- the fight on Mataafa point the forces of that the gold mines yet to be explored in Columbia, it is not at all surprising that selyting, peace-loving, docile Chinaman, taut; tbence south 5 degrees cast 7V.s> professional calls promptly attended day large portion of whom are whites. It is Astoria has not developed her resources chains to a post; thence east 36.91 chains to elables can be obtained readily. Fruit Tamasese were moved up the coast to South Africa may be as productive as or night. post set oil west teundary of lot No 1; those were in California or Australia. or displayed enterprise commensurate because we fear future danger from his a thence (.33) (Office at old Printing office.) in a direct route between San Francisco, is very cheap and good. north .5 degrees west «d 43 «liains to Saluafata and adjoining villages. The coming, while we forbid the landirg on with her advantages. But a new era the place,of teginning. containing 2f»l 55 Cal., and Australia, besides being in ths There are two steamers leaving and stronghold of Tamasese was al Lautu- One town has sprung up—Johannes­ our shores of contract laborers, because acres in Vanillin county. Oregon. has dawned for this, the seaport of Ore­ 4. F. CAl.BRE.ATII. E. K. GOtTHER. line of communication between America arriving at Apia from the colonies, viz., anuu on a ridge of hills. These hills burg—on the edge of the gold fields, T rot N o . 3. they cbea|icn the wages of American gon aud we firmly believe that in the that now contains 40,000 inhabitants. and China Whalers put into Honolulu the Richmond (English) and the Lubec when crowned by palisades and earth­ Beginning at a st»>ne set north 5 «legre» « tern citizens, and paupers because they next decade more advancement will be The yield in six months of the present Calbreath & Goucher. west 13.76 eliains distant from the south­ in great numbers to refit and buy stores. (German). It is sometimes found pos­ works were deemed almost impregnable become a burden, there is far greater west corner of tlie Solomon Fades donation The Oceanic Steamship company(Spreck sible to order coal and other provisions ami were tiie scene of many bloody year of these mines has been $4,000,000. made than in all the years since the es­ reason for closing our doors as a nation land PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS, claim. No. <«i, in t 6s, r6 w. ami them <■ tablishment of the place. The great fac­ These mines are several hundred miles les A Co.) has three steamers plying be ­ running east 25 chains to southwest corner by them. battles. The American and English M c M innville , ... O regon , beyond the famous diamond mines of tor of growth the railroad, has been call­ and forbidding citizenship to the hordes of tract No 2 above de» ritetl: thence nortli tween San Francisco and Australian The natives are a fine, well-made and consulates were fortified by piling boxes who are brought here to swell the tanks 5 degrees west 79.8.5 chains to th«* northwest ( Office over Braly’s Bank.) ports, each taking two months to make intelligent people. They are lighter in and bags tilled with sand around inside Kimberly. The latter mines are already ed into requisition and already real estate of an organized body, which teaches corner of said tract No. 2; thence south 7.« has advanced and new life appears to be connected with the sea coast by a rail ­ degrees w«*st 25.88 chains, tlienee aoutli .5 the round trip, and stopping once a color than the llawaiians and the na­ the fences. At the British consulate them in advance to hate our government, degrees east 73.15 chains to the place of lie S, A. YOUNG. M. D. month at Honolulu. One other steamer tives of the neightering islands. Their the captains of the Adams and Lizard, road. Miners are now flocking to the infused into the community. The termi­ denominates its executive, lawmakers, ginning, containing ll«> «3 acres in A'nniliill owned by the same company makes two color is an olive, which turns brown Captains Leary and l’elly, respectively, goldmines in the Transvaal republic in nus of the profiosed road will be near Al­ judges and prosecutors, as persecutors, county. Oregon. Physician & Surgeon. T rai t N o . 4. trips a month to Honolulu anil return. when exposed to the hot sun. In char­ caused hospital tents to be erected for great ntimters. In all such mining ex­ bany, and this will connect the rich Wil­ and instill into every mind the constant Beginning at the southwest corner of tlie lamette valley with ABtoria. It is not Mi'Mivxvn.LK. - - • O rrgox . All four carry the U. S. mail and the citements there is a great deal cf fiction acter they are a quiet, inoffensive race, the benefit of the wounded. Doctors Solomon Hades «lunation lamí claim, reasonable to believe that after railroad teaching that their pretended revelations No. «1. into«, r erly s|>eaking of a reaper machine is 38. real ophir is in Masbuna land. But it 6.93 chains; tlienee south 42*¿ degrees east up Nuanu valley, the reefs. these places. The Germans bad covered with ocean traffic. It will be only a few of unknown antiquity. The elder Pliny 7.03 chains to a corner set in Survey No. There are two telephone companies The Samoan language is a very simple a greater part of the grouml upon which may be noted that ophir is always moved 741, Yamhill County Records of Surveys; who was born when Christ was but nine ­ years before this railroad will be com­ doing a flourishing business, the Mutual one to learn. This alphabet contains Tamasese’s forces were fortified with along to the richest mines that are tlienee south 11% degrees east 6 2» chain« teen years of age and >lio in his mature pleted and then we exjiect to see a revo ­ I found. However, on the theory that to corner set in said Survey No. 741 ; tlienee ---- ON— and Bell, respectively. The city also fourteen letters, they are A, E, I, O, U, German flags, and also some of the land age became a naturalist ns well as a his ­ east 4.12 chains to a post seton south bonn- has a good system anil a very efficient |«>- F, L, M, N, G, S, T, V and 1’. The let­ between them and Malietoa'« camp, so Solomon procured his gold for the tem­ lution in trade centers in Oregon. Asto­ torian described a rearer used in his day dar y of the W. I. C. Fades « laini, from ria has waited long and patiently for her ple from the southwest coast of Africa, which an alder, 8 inches in diameter, bear« lice force. ters have the English sound except g that an attack from Mataafa on Tamas­ rights to be acknowledged, and the time hy the < 'owlaml Gauls. This clumsy de­ south 63 degrees i*ast .56 links, and an aidin'. Among the many large and commo­ which has the sound of ng in ring. Thus ese must be made over and on German i ophir might as well be located in the On Short or I«ong Time in .Sums to suit 12 inches in diameter, bears north 85*4 *l<* vice, which would hardly compare with a is at hand when she will rise or tall by lowest Rates and no Commissions. grees west X> links distant; tbence south dious store houses, one notices a great I’ago Pago is pronounced Pango Pango. ground. Tamasese's men could fire mysterious Masbuna land as elsewhere, McCormick 1889, A. D. consisting of a 4..56 chains to a ¡Mist, from which an alder. her own merits. until the next famous discovery is made many brick, iron and stone buildings. During tlie stay of the Adams the with impunity on Malietoa men from te- 4 inches indiaiueter, bi'ars smith 80'-« de­ There are very many evidences of wagon or cart provided with shafts, into grees The various government buildings are jieopie aboard had a good chance to ob­ rieatli the folds of the German flag. But in Africa. Nothing of consequence has east 133 links distant; tlienee cast which one or two oxen are yoked with thrift and enterprise in Astoria, and the teen rejiorted for Bome years in Central 54 37 chains to a |>ost set on the east boun­ | 'all on or address J large, substantial and elegant. The pal­ serve the native customs anil native Mataafa did not dare fire on Tamasese tlieir heads facing the dashboard ; that is dary of tlie AV. L C. Fades donation land present era is one of substantial progress. of the king is a very handsome build­ people. The people are undoubtedly for fear the Germans would turn Africa. Vague accounts are given from thence nortli 22.56 chains to the providing, of course, they used dash­ claim; W. T. SHURTLEFF, ace New buildings have been erected iti time to time of natives who have both northeast corner of saiil Fades claim; ing and the grounds are extensive and the most friendly and the most hospi­ against them. At J. I. Knight Co.’s McMinnvile, Or. gold and ivory to exchange for goods. many places, and three live, daily pa]>ers board in those days. To the hind part tlienee west 64.50 chains to the place of lie admirably laid out. The private resi- table of any of the South sea islanders. At present writing (January, 1889) the of the cart, or to what would be the fore ginning, aid containing 13» 3» acres in idences are in some cases large, hand­ They will share their last morsel of food news of an attack on Mataafa by a com­ Africa, as a gold-bearing country, is vir­ —Aitorian, Pioneer and Trantcript— well part, this curious mat bine being run tail Yarnhill county, Oregon supported by the business men are infus ­ gin ground. The theory has long pre ­ T rait N o . 6. Ladies, some buildings, surrounded by spacious with a stranger and will always reply bined force of Tamasese men and < ier- first, was attached a bar provided with at tlie southeast < «truer of the grounds, abounding in tropical trees, when spoken to in the most polite way mans from the German war ships there vailed that it is the richest gold country ing life and activity into all business in­ sharp spikes set at an angle which ad­ I. Beginning N. Branson donation land « laini. No. 67. -¿ù-tterxtiorx I shrubs and flowers. There are several imaginable. They are, however, arrant has been received. The reason for Ger-1 in the world. This theory is partly sup­ dustries. These are the criteria by which in 16 s. r 6 w. and running thence north 5 mitted af their coming to gether at the the growth and prosperity of any city degrees west 52 68 ehains; tlienie west hotels and boarding houses in the city, liars and beggars. The women are usu-. man interference appears to have been ported by tradition and in part by such chains to a |M>st set 31 links south of accounts as have been given from time can be judged, and when newspapers base a short distance, say an inch, from 21.66 tlie northeast corner of ihc I! It B hmo M on account of Mataafa’« refusal to dis­ A new invention for Dress-Cutting that the best being the Royal Hawaiian hotel ally virtuous. where they were driven into the bar be­ donation maitain a sickly existence, the city is to time by explorers. Tiie isolated trav ­ land claim. No 37. in t 5 s, rfiw; can be used by a lady and gentleman and and a summer hotel down the coast near The reason for the late uprising of the arm himself and party at the bidding of ner set in doomed and the handwriting on the wall fore mentioned. Each of these early thence south 42 30 «-hail giye perfect tit Price of scale, including a the Waikiki bathing resort. natives in Samoa against the Tatnasese- the captain of the German ship Olga. eler could do little in the way of gather­ Survey No. 741. Yamhill bounty Itoconls of key of full instructions, can he had by call­ rea|s*rs were provided with two men, can be plainly discerned. Another pro­ ing information about the mineral re ­ Surveys; them e south 48 degrees east 3.50 There are numerous churches, in ad­ Brandeis government is due entirely to He was told to bring all arms possessed ing on or addressing one to drive and the other to rake in the to a corner in said Survey No. dition to reading and club rooms. Then the action ot the German government in by himself and adherents on board the sources of the African continent. This ject that will help Astoria in her devel­ heads of the wheat as they were rut chains 741 ;tlienci* south 27 degrees cast 6.37 chains opment is an open river, and she has was not his b siness. These early ex ­ a post set in saul Survey No. 741: there are also a numbei of secret socie­ backing up the German firm in Apia. Olga, and he very sensibly refused to do off by the sharp toothed combing ma­ to tlienee south 64 degrees east 4 52 ties and an armory with well stockeil ar­ From the start and before Malietoa was so. Had be done so, he wouki have ploréis only incidentally mention the equal interest witli the inland empire in chine. A machine similar in all its chains to northwest corner of W I,, e. de- the construction of the locks at the Cas ­ finding of gold, as if it were really of no senal and three or four companies of in­ transported the German government, been at the mercy of Germany, Rrandeis Failes donation lanti «-laini; tbence east great importance in comparison with cades. With obstructions to navigate in tails to the one just described, was used 16.60chains to the place of beginning, con­ fantry which ip in a fairly goo'l state of represente«! hy the German trading and Tamasese. Second door south of Postoffice. in |England up to about the time of taining 120 »6 ai re« in Yaniliill county, this great river removed the wheat out ­ discipline. firm, has had its eye on Samoa, and for I’ago Pago barter is situated on the other objects to be attained. But when­ George III. In 1199 an Englishman by Oregon. put of the inland empire would seek tide ever the fact is clearly demonstrated T ra « i N o . 7. The aspect of the country looking back the last two years it has been obvious to south side of the Island of Tutuila. It is The the name of Boyce was awarded the first Beginning at the northeast corner of the from Honolulu is barren and wild. The all people making it a study, that the the best harbor in Samoa, being com­ that there are great and rich gold fields water at the wharves of this city patent on a reaping device. The first B. B Branson d<.nation land < lain.. No. range of hills to the northward and east­ German firm has gradually sought to pletely landlocked and having a good in Africa nothing in the climate nor in citizens understand this, and are in sym­ American patent was taken out in 1803 37, in 15». rii w, aud running thence north pathy with any movement which The Has the most complete stock of harness ward is composed of volcanic rocks which obtain the management of Samoan af­ the hostility of the native population will 1!) chains to northwest corner of 1. N. Bran­ firm bottom for holding purposes. The by the firm of French <4 Hawkins. Then son donation land claim ; thence east 19.115 in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ rise up very suddenly anil are but slight­ fairs, in order to advance its own inter­ inner harbor is about two miles in length keep hack those who are in search of the Dalles may undertake to utilize the river came the Ten E\ck and Cojie and Cooper chains to the northeast corner of said 1. N. gle harness, hand made, in prices ly covered with verdure. The principal ests, without giving any thought to the and nearly one-half mile wide, the long golden fleece. The discovery of vast as a channel of commerce. They are patents, which were issued in 1825. tn Branson donation land claim: thence north ranging from 112 to WO, and 8 degrees west 14.91 chains to the south pass from Honolulu across the range is welfare or happiness of the Samoan direction being east and west. The har­ gofll fields in Africa might be disastrous anxious to see all improvements in the 1828 a preacher by the name of Beil in­ 5 boundary set of team harness as cheap of the John 1' Woods donation river pushed to an early completion, to the natives, but it would introduce a rather a steep grade for about five miles, people. This action culminated in the bor was originally the crater of a huge lun.I claim. No. II. in 16 a, r6w; thence AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY when the roa«l winds down the edge of a transportation of King Malietoa and his volcano, the entrance to the harbor be­ crude civilization, the pioneer of a better knowing that they will eventually solve vented a rude reaper in Scotland which south 75 degrees west 25.72 chains lo the went the way of all the world without south west corner of the said Woods claim : Can be *een on the hooks in mv shop. precipice of some 2000 feet and is so prominent chiefs, and high chief Tama­ ing the outlet by which the lava reached one which will one day take possession the freight problem in their favor. thence south 51 degrees west 33 51 chains to Astoria is the Venice of the Northwest, practical results. The first machines to a point in the center of Yamhill river; I have competent workmen employed steep as to be hard to descend. Through sese was put upon the throne of Samoa of the entire African continent. — San the sea. There is no difficulty in enter ­ to do all kinds of repairing and to make It is built in the river on piling and dock command public attention were those thence south 16*4 degrees west up center of any harness ordered I also keep a full this pass and ilown Nuanu valley toward and kept there by the German gunboats. ing the harbor unde, sail as the trades l'rancitco Evening Bulletin. river 7 chains to the nortli tenmlarv of can bo constructed almost around the made on the plans furnished by the Man said stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, Honolulu the wind rushes with consiiler- the 11. II. Branson donation land claim; The Adams left Samoa for the Tongas blow directly in. It is passible with a ning patent which was issued in 1831. thence south 17450 chains to a corner set in horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of city. Travel is not done by vehicle, but able force, bringing clouds of spray anil and when si e returned the adherents of good working ship to teat out against extras for repairs constantly or hand. Survey No. 742. Yamhill County Records of by boats, and these can be seen on the Obed Hussey and C. H. McCormick in­ Surveys; thence east 29.75 chain- thence rain. the old Malieto.*. resolved no longer to the trades. vented the first machines in 1833 and north 10 chains; thence vest 2.75 chains I Thera is located in Ivanhoe, a suburb bay coursing in every direction. One M c M innville national bank . The climate is delightful for the great­ submit to a government repugnant to the The scenery in I’ago Pago harbor is of this city, and old tumble-down adobe runs to Ft. Canby, another to the jetty 1834, respectively, which proved to the thence north 7 .5» chains: thence cast s er part of the year, especially when the Samoan people, and began to arm them­ wild and beautiful. The mountains to the place ot beginning, containing world that the harvesting problem was chain« Corner Third and C «treots, in Braly block. 1.38 acres in Yamhill county, Oregon northeast trade wind is blowing. ft is selves secretly and prepare for a struggle. which almost surmount the harbor, rise liouse, claimed to have been the abiding and Ft. Stephens, still another to Ilwaco forever solved.— St. J.oui* Republic. iiact No. 8. m ’MINNVH.LE, OREGON. said that when the southerly ami south This was brought about by a proclama­ from very near the waters edge, some­ place, years ago, of a noted bandit. The and Skipanon. Astoria needs no roads. Beginning at the southwest corner of the ruin is located about three-quarters of a The river is her highway and this will westerly winds prevail the natives are Buflalo in Eastern Oreg-on. tion of Mr. Brandeis, Tamesese ’ s premier times directly from it. There is very Wm C. McClure donation land claim. No. Transacts a General Banking Business, .58, in 15 s, r 6 w. and running tlienee west somewhat affected with small ailments, telling them to disperse to their homes. little space for building purposes or for mile from the little village of Ivanhoe, always be utilized for commerce and Seeing the note in regard to the buffa ­ and parties on their way to and from the pleasure. In a few years we expect to 1 chain to northwest corner of 11 11. Bran­ President............................ J. W. COWLS such as gastric troubles, intermittent fe­ The latter part of August Brandeis led a cultivation immediately around the har­ donation land claim. thence south Vice President......... LEE LAUGHLIN vers, etc. The barometer varies bet ween party against a small number of Malietoa bor, and in some places the hills come little "tienta” have time an«l again no­ see wharves along the whole shore line lo calf now on exhibition in Portland son 14.92 chains to the center of Yamhill river; Cashier J. L. STRATTON 30.3 and 30.1 with all winds except south­ men, who were in the bush back of so close to the waters edge that it is ex­ ticed Mexicans digging around the place of the peninsula, where any deep-sea f calls to mind the fact that at no very theme down the center of said stream the and inquiry revealed the ’fact that this going vessel can load or unload her car­ distant day the bison was a denizen of following bearings and distances, to-wit: Sells «ight exchange anil telegraphic erly wiien it usually falls below 30 in­ Apia. After the loss of eight or ten kill­ ceedingly difficult to follow the shore ex­ Nortli 37 degrees east II chains- north 16J4 Eastern Oregon. digging was for ths purpose of unearthing go. transfer» on Portland, San Franco and Sew ches. degrees east 18.5» eliaina; oorth 51 degree­ ed and wounded he was driven back ; it cept on foot and over a rough narrow In a biography of Kit Uaison, the fact east 33.50 chains to the soutline«! corner of York. There is no doubt that the future of Supplies of all kinds are easily obtain­ was in this skirmish that the first heads path. The sides of the mountains are treasure sup]>ose The principle articles of export are su­ pour in from the different villages along The people here are like all Samoans, thence south 4.5.63 chain« to th ■ place of te- plowed up the skeleton of a buffalo gar, coffee in small quantities, fruit, the coast, and Tamasese and his follow­ poor and hospitable, and are the greatest trudge wearily home in the “calm and other industries may be ex|>ected as soon which was barely covere«! with soil and ginning. containing 124 52 acres in Yamhill Is now fitted up in first class order. Oregon bides, wool, oil and whalebone. Im­ ers retired wholly within Nulinuu point, beggars living. If it was not for this bail stilly night” tell strange stories of un­ as the commercial facilities are fully de in an excellent state of preservation. county. All said eight tracts containing 1 191.78 Accommodations as good as can be earthly noises and shadow figures flitting veloped. Astoria now boasts of 7000 a« ’ re« ports, wines, spirits and manufactured where they were protected hy the Ger ­ habit of asking for shillings they would found in the city. TROT 1W>. 9. in and around the ruined “casa.” population ; but this will double in the From observations while riding the goods of all kinds, machinery and imple­ man gunboat Addler. A patrol of Ger­ be charming. range it is judge«l that this buffaloship Beginning at ;$ ¡Mjint 10 « haiiiN and 3. E. MESSINGER, Manager. Whether the noises and apparitions are next two or three years, and the seaport ments. man sailors was also stationed before The U. S. government has had by rea­ had probably succumbed to the rigors of link« «out!; of tiie northeast «■erncr of the donation laml claim ot Willimn •'liapmaii Owing to the lack of facilities for re­ Tamasese’s house on Nulinuu point to son of a treaty a coaling station at Pago the output of a fevered imagination, pro­ of Oregon will be the second city in the winter in the early fifties. M c M innville ami wife, in t 5 «. r <» tv of Willamette me­ duced by Los Angeles whiskey or wheth­ state. pairing hull and copper, ships have teen protect him. Pago harbor. The spot of ground con­ Three miles west of the Newsome ridian. and running thence went 2 chain«; obliged to go to San Francisco for a dry­ tlienee «outh 1 chain ; thence ea^t 2 chain® ; On the 12th of September, 1S88, a part trolled by the government for the cod­ er they are caused by people whe believe . place on the ranch now owned by E, G. An 1 nstantaneoiiM Divorce- tlicn«*e north 1 chain to place of beginning; dock. The government has caused to of Tamasese's men crossed over to Mau- ing station is situated in Tagatoga and is there is treasure hidden around the ruins i Conant, a few years before, the Ewell containing one fifth arrew more or le«« in CARLIN A HIGH, Proprietors and want to frighten away searchers af­ be built on the east side of the harbor, tatu point in canoes and made an attack Yamhill county, Oregon. Also the follow­ 75 or 100 feet from high water mark. brothers had uuearthed a buffalo skele ­ A newly appointed justice of the peace Goods of all description^ moved and care­ Being lot numbered ful handling guaranteed, Collections will opposite the lighthouse, a patent ship to upon Mataafa's men stationed there. The ground is low and exposed. There ter wealth, we leave the reader to guess. in this town was asked wtiat he would ton while breaking sod, and several ing promises, to-wit 5 hi block number < 12) twelve of the town be made monthly Hauling of ad kinds answer the place of a dry dock. This The fight commenced at 12:50 and lasted is no shed of any kind protecting the But certain it is that unearthly noises lots of the 1 owii of Sheridan, in Yamhill miles from there, on Bear creek, the charge to marry a forlorn-looking couple done cheap <-ounty, Oregon. Bhip may be described as a sort of cradle till two or three o’clock the next morn­ spot, and as a consequence coal dumped 1 have been iieard around that |>ortion of that had appeared to him from the back- first settlers found several of them. ' Saving and excepting from lot No. K % , Ivanhoe for some time. or cage enclosing the ship and support­ ing, the 13th. The Tamasese party was there suffers a great deal from the sun How these remains of the bisou, or of an acre heretofore deeded to School Dis­ woods. The J. P. thought lie could per­ THE NADJY BAR! ing her along the length of her keel. forced up the coast toward Salfuata and and rain. The haiter of Pago Pago is No. HD by deed recorded in book form the ceremony for 50 cents. The buffalo, «atne to be found in this locality trict Profit in Diamonds. I “W,” page 327. of the Records of Deeds for IN THK COOK HOUSE. The ship is so constructed that the and also off the point into the sea. The one that would be valuable to the man allowed that he might raise that only is a mystery beyond ken. The Yamhill county. Oregon j Stocked with the Choicest Wines, Liq- weight of the ship is equally distributed, firing was very brisk, especially the first United States in various ways. First. tracts will lie «old «eparatcly. ‘‘The biggest profits in the jewelry bus- sum. After tlie ceremony was performed bones were not petrified and were not i ( Said an and Cigars -Domestic anil Imported. Deeds at expense of purchaser and so that the pressure on any spot of hour, from one to two p. m. The loss It is a convenient place for an American | iness are in diamonds,” remarked a well the justice called for liis fee. After con­ decayed to any great extent, and they Da to»! th?« 1wth dav of Oetolicr, A. D , Tlxe Best Bar In tixe City ground shal I not exceed I hat of a loco- was about equal and as far as could be coaling station. Second. It would be I known dealer in precious stones to a siderable fumbling in the pockets of his were at the surface of the ground. |SWI Ll’< Y K BEWLEY. WM. MARTIN. Proprietor. mot ive. The ship thus enclosed is lifted I learned about six killed and fourteen an excellent place for a rendezvous for | friend the other day. “In no other part overalls the bridegroom thought he liad Tlierefore, Kit Carson undoubtedly saw <»f said Estate up out of the water by an engine to an , wounded. Several heads were taken by our Pacific fleet should there be any I of the trade are prices kept at such an either lost the half dollar or left it “to the buffalo on the plains of Deschutes' F. W. F k . xtox Executrix . inclined plane upon which a line of rails | the Mataafa men. It is an old Samoan trouble between the U. S. and the in­ inflated figure. No jeweller will tell a hum.” The J. 1’. having no desire to ' above the mouth of Crooked river, as he Attorney for E«ta1c. Oct 11 : has been laid down, and is hauled up j custom to decapicitate a foe in battle habitants of the neighboring islands. j man outside the trade the true value of a lose so large a sum as 50 cents, calmly j states to his biographer. clear of the water. The engine now iu , when possible; the trophy being taken Besides Samoa is nearly in a direct line 1 stone. He may appraise it at a certain informed the rustic youth that he was 11 It is strange that while the scientists ! .'vpawriting. Penmanship, Correspondente, Bus use is powerful enough to lift a vessel of before the king by the victor with an between the British colonies and San figure with a guarantee to buy it back at “unmarried.” A bystamler came to the and naturalists have been ransacking ie«s and Legal Forms ^radically taught at th 1,700 tons. A'essels of greater tonnage | explanation of the way he got it. It is Francisco, and the British and American that price any time less a small per cent, rescue and loanetl the young man half a i tire fossi I l^eds of Camp creek, which is Portland Business College. The thorough work done in each of our seven can be raised high enough out of the considered a disgrace to loose one’s ships plying between Sidney and San j They can afford to do that for the dia­ i dollar which was handed to His Honor, . just across Maury range from Newsome tepartments nas given this institution a reputa water to admit of their screws being re- head in battle, so that the people are Francisco coul«I stop in Pago Pago for re­ Watchmaker _— ------- and ---------------- whose iiead — waters are separ- mond loses nothing by age, an«l then the i The justice then remarked to the couple i creek Ion such as but tew schools attain, securing c Hundreds of our graduates profitable employ ' moved and their hulls cleaned. very careful to get their dead and pairs if necessary. ” ' Oceanic " — and Jeweler. The steam-1 are that the owner stone that they were again married and at lib- ; ated from Bear creek by a low ridge, • « : «■ chances *•*•*•' m « A- ancav viiv VT ’IIVI of the L1IK7 SlUUU pent, both as book-keepers and stenographer* There are two machine shops at w hich j wounded off the field as soon as possible, ship company’s vessels pass near Pago will not want to part with it.—Cincinnati ertv to resume their journey.— Trog 1 they should overlook the remain« of kedents admitted at any time. Catalogue tie» D«al«r »« All KiM' el Watches Jewelry. Plated Wait *. P. aBISTRONti. Frlsclpsl. Partías«, Or. litis possible to repair machinery, pro-1 The *onimissorat is composed entirety Pago twice a month, and could readily I Enquirer. ! more recent animal«. Time». Clacks and Spectacles McMUHNVlLLE OW SAMOA AND SAMOANS. I POWDER Absolutely Pure. 4 MONEY TO LOAN t A » Improved Farm Property INSURANCE NEGOTIATED. E. WRIGHT < The St. Charles Hotel. TRUCK AND DRAY CO., r i WM. HOLL, *