4 ff M c M innville . O regon . F riday . N ovember i , 1889. œH^E^rJVrëÎ.’S^Consolidated Feb. I, 1889. LEAVENING POWER ROUMANIA’S QUEEN. Some Timely Personal Notes. An Oregon Forest I Feathered Architects. IMPROVED THE IDEA VOL. I. NO. 39 Personal and Pertinent Executrix Sale of Kcal Estate. — Among P e curiosities of nature there How a Printer Inserted a Bright The favorite novel of the late Wilkie Notice is hereby given that under and by A Lite Devoted to the Welfare ' 1 lenry Bradley, head porter of the La- Prof. John M. Bloss contributed the virtue of an order of the county court of are none better worthy of study than the Collins was “The Woman in White.” Of the rariou Baking Powder* Qin* of Her Admiring Subjects. following article to the To]>eka, Kansas, Idea and Lost His Job. I layette hotel, Philadelphia, is said to Yamhill countv. state of Oregon, of date nests of birds. The skill displayed by Gov. Biggs, of Delaware, cleared a October Sth, 18&) in the matter of the estate tnted from actual tert«. "Carmen Sylva,” the pen name of the | have made $100,000 out of his position, Daily Capital, of September 27th. He these little architects is simply wonderful, of James F. Bewlev. deceases!, the under­ A printer told the story. large profit on his peaches this season. tells of visiting a great forest, where signed executrix of the estate will on Satur­ R0TAL (PurOWWMBMWM queen of Roumania, has become familiar lie owns a $15,000 house, in which he storm and death seem never to have en­ and one is lost in wonder at the knowl­ “I had a job,” he said, “in a Monroe Vice-President Morton is impatient to day, the to most readers within a few years, and lives in great comfort and some luxury. edge and perseverance of these feathered street fiction foundry—one of those print have congress convene. He is anxious NINTH DAY OF.NOVEMBER. many are more or less instructed as to Fortunately for Mr. Bradley he did not tered: A. D„ 18X0, duly sed at public auction, for ‘Tn the summer of 1888, while visiting builders. Especially is this the case of shops where they publish stories of the to have something to do. details of her somewhat romantic histo­ turn his attention to literature; handling cash tn hand, at the court house door at pensile birds, that suspend their habita­ ‘Skeleton Hunter’s Last Gurgling Gasp’ trunks is a much more remunerative in Oregon I was induced to take a deer The Prince of Wales has been obliged McMinnville, Oregon, al the hour of 10 ry- tions on branches, sometimes even hang order by the card. It is the rankest ’clock a. m. of said day. the following reai hunt in the Cascade mountains. Our to cut off his cigarettes. ’E smokes a o premises A queen who is beautiful, gilted, com­ profession. ing them over the water. of decedent, to-wit: kind of rot, and is liable to give a printer pipe at present, don’tcherknow. parly left the railroad at Oakland, and passionate, an enlightened, true n other Charles A. Dana, of the Sun, who was T ract N o . 1. The weaver bird, which embraces sev­ blood-poisoning if he handles much of it. drove in carriages far up into the foot ­ of the people, a queen stricken with a with Linen n and Stanton in the latter’s Harriet Beecher Stowe savs that her Beginning at the northcast corner of the eral varieties, is one of the most ingen­ It is the sort of literature that induces hills, where leaving our vehicles and Solomon Hades donation land claim. No. great grief, yet putting away her agony office in Washington on the night after ious of the pensile birds. It generally little boys to gel up in the night, steal declining years would be happier if 38, in 15 s, r 6 w. and running thence north HOIIIR (Su Francisco)............ MAJRffiM to battle for the good of other sufferers Lincoln’s re-election in 1864, says that mounted on horseback, we began our as­ hangs its nest on a twig over the water, somebody bad accused her of plagiarism. 85 degrees welt 18.1<> chains: thence south the old man’s pocketbook, buy guns, I 5 degrees east 78.33 chains to a post set on CIA*........................................ with a fiery, persistent courage, a queen during that exciting time, Mr. Lincoln, cent to the high table lands. and so low down that if a monkey at ­ Digby Bell made $7,000 on the league and start out West to rescue the im ­ south boundary of said claim : thence cast “The route lay over a precipitous series loving with an immense love nature, a instead of nervously pacing the floor, BR. FRJCIT ............................■BSSBi 18.0» chains to the southeast corner of said of knobs connected by high and narrow tempts to steal Hie eggs, which it is apt periled maiden from the lair of the rob­ baseball championship—all by bets. It claim ; thence north 5 degrees west 76.75 read pages of extracts fiom Petroleum simple life and mortality in darkness to do, the twig bends with its weight and »ROW FUlliCroT.)...................... aaM is seldom that a Bell strikes so many ber chieftain and restore her to her chains to the place of beginning, containing and misery—such a sovereign, and her Nasby’s humorous writings, to his own ridges. The path which had been cut a cold bath is the consequence. The 130.36 acres. notes at once. agonized parents. COKRISS..................................... ■■■ amusement and to the intense disgust of through the forest twenty-five years ago Mahali weaver bird of South Africa, is a chronicle cling in the memory. T ract N o . 2. “ There were twenty printers and six Prince Lucien Bonaparte has come in ­ had long since been obscured by fallen UCUR*S..................................... MB Beginning at a )>oint north 85 degrees Royal birth and station get their most Secretary of War Stanton. very small bird with an ambition to live liars, each a full-fledged Ananias, work ­ to a fortune of $150,000 by the death of west 18 16 chains distant from the northeast timber and undergrowth. SHUT'S ........................................... *■ touching grace from qualities of character of the Solomon Fades donation land The wife of Hie late S. S. Cox was his “The logs when not too large, we com­ in a very large house, and industry ing in the place. The liars sat at a table his nephew, Paul Amadeus Francis corner that the humblest peasant woman may claim. No 38, in t 5 s. r 6 w, and running HARrbRD’S (None Such), when not fresh.. I inseparable companion, she shared all pelled our horses to leap, while we de­ enough to build it for itself. The shape in one end of the room grinding out Coutts Stuart. tlience north 85 degrees west 4.35 chains to possess in equal strength, if not in equal his plans and made his life her own. FKARL (Andrews & Co.)............................. ■ a corner of the Wm Chapman donation fended our eyes from the overhanging of the nest is similar to an oil flask, but, those unwholesome stories as fast as we The late king of Bavaria left debts land charm of expression and revelation. in the center of the Yambill One day I got which will be paid off at the rate of river ; claim ROMFORD’S - (Phosphale), when not fresh.. ■■■■ Carmen Sylva was born Princess of Weid Mr. and Mrs. Cox were not only a de­ bushes, and at the same time managed of course, greatly magnified in dimension could put them in type. thence up the center of said stream voted couple, but she was like a paitner our camp equipage and Winchesters. To and very rough on the outside. a wad of copy that was positively sicken­ $275,000 a year, The last payment will the following bearings ami distances, to- a little Rliine principality near Ehren- Report* of Government Chemists. wit: North 76 degrees west 7.50 chains The sociable weaver birds unite their ing. It was about a lovely girl who had to him in his business, sharing his confi­ a novice this was both an arduous and lie made in 1905. north TOJi degrees west 8 50 chains, " The Royal Baking Powder is composed of breitstein. She was brought up in all efforts and make a kind of thatched roof, been captured and torn from her home dence in everything. Mr. Cox has left dangerous task. 56 degrees west 16 50 chains to a pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not the repressions of the rigid etiquette of Thomas A. Edison says his hair liaB north point in the center of river due south of under which, or rather in which they MS. of an unfinished book which he in ­ by a heartless white desperado and his turned gray since he was made an Italian “Finally we found ourselves upon a contain either alum or phosphates, or other in­ German noble and royal existence, and southeast corner of the John P Wood do­ build their nests. Sometimes this struc­ band of bloodthirsty Apaches. The girl jurious substances.-E dw aid G. L ove , Ph.D." her childhood was wholly uncompanion­ tended tol>e his life work. He wrote very long and narrow ridge with precipi­ land claim. No 44. in t 5 s, r6w. count Gray hair is the cross of the nation ture is ten feet square. Each nest is thence north 2.42 chains to the southeast the most of it at his desk in congress, was in a desperate fix. She either had legion of hard workers. tous sides, and on top just wide enough ’■ The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly ed save by a most tenderly loved invalid corner of the said Wood* data; theme where the scene is laid. the purest and most reliable baking powder for a pathway for a single horse. Had it shut out from every other, although all to marry the villain or become his wife, 75 degrees west 4.90 chains to a post brother. The republican and democratic candi­ south are under the same roof, and while the offered to the public. set on the south boundary of said claim, be didn ’ t care which, and he was then Mrs. Hallam Tennyson, the daughter- not been for the scattering trees on the Shut away from the society of other •• H enry A. M ott , M. D., Ph. D.” whole community join in building the on his way to a cave in the mountains, dates for governor of Massachusetts are from which an alder, 16 Inches in diameter, in-law of the poet, lives with her hus­ sides of the ridge, which, to some extent bears north 56', degrees east 91 links dis “The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual­ children, she threw herself ujion outdoor roof, each pair builds its own nest. The where he was going to have the cere­ graduates of Harvard. Brackett be­ tant; thence south 5 degrees east 79.85 obstructed our view of the abyss below, ity and highest in strength of any baking pow­ life for interest and society, and made band’s family, and h..s entire charge of longed to the class of 1865 and Russell chains to a post; thence cast 36.91 chains Io commencement is interwoven with the a post set on west boundary of lot No I; der of which I have knowledge. close and tender acquaintance with ani­ the dairy connected with the poet’s es­ we would have turned back in dismay. branches of the trees, the whole struc­ mony performed. to that ol 1877. “ That night they camped in a rocky thence north o degrees west 64 43 chains to But we were assured that this dangerous ■' Wx. M c M ubtrie , Ph. D.” mals, trees, flowers and birds. She was tate on the Isle of Wight The milk and ture being very neat and compact. Mayor Fitter, of Philadelphia, is try­ the place o! Ireginning, containing 290 55 gorge, 200 miles from nowhere, and • All Alum baking powders, no matter how very severely tasked with studies, her butter ot this dairy are in great demand ridge, 800 feet above the canyons upon The palm-swift of Jamaica, so called bound the unfortunate maiden to a tree ing to obtain the consent of Mrs. Cleve­ acres in Yamhill county, Oregon. high their strength, are to be avoided as dan­ either side, terminated in a grand and T rait N o . 3. gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas recreation being only a change in work, and bring a good price. It is a coinci­ from its rapid flight, builds a curious with the usual buckskin thong3, which land to deliver the opening address at too freely, or under climatic changes suffer de­ and she was herself possessed of most dence that the son-in-law of our laureate, beautiful plateau, beyond where there Beginning at a stone set north 5 degrees nest, which hangs to the spathe of a co ­ terioration. the fair to be held next month for the 13.76 chains distant from the south­ strenuous ideas of a future filled with la­ James Russell Lowell, has a famous were deer and bear innumerable else our coanut palm. The exterior is of cotton cut deep into her tender wrists. Then benefit of the Quaker city's Medico- west west corner of the Solomon Fades donation they all laid down and went to sleep. In land claim. No. 66, in t 6s. rd w. and them e bor as a teacher she believed, and for dairy at Soithborough, Mass., and the hearts had failed us. r F. 8. ocke running east '25 chains to southwest comer “The ridge was finally traversed and and the interior of feathers, the walls be­ the meantime Old Zeke, the Hairy Chirurgical hospital. that career Bhe determined to prepare. butter at Deerfoot farm is as well known tract No 2 above described : thence north People who believe that there is some­ ft of degrees we were repaid for all our trials, not with ing very strong and compact. Some­ Scout, who was on the trail, sneaked up west 79.85 chains to the northwest Hsnespathic Physician and Surgeon, But the teaching future—which indeed in the New York as the Boston markets. times it builds several nests and glues at daylight, when people sleep the sound ­ thing in a name will be interested to the sight of deer or bear, but with the corner of said tract No. 2; thence south 75 came to her—was a little other in scope LAFAYETTE, OREGON. A school-girl frolic was given in honor sight of a forest more grand and beauti­ them together, leaving an opening be­ est. Zeke sailed in and killed twenty- know that John Ripper, mate of an degrees west 25.88 chains; thence south ft degrees east 73.15 chains to the place of be professional calls promptly attended day than she dreamed, inasmuch as she had of Mrs. Cleveland by her college mates tween them like a gallery. five or thirty Indians with the butt end American bark which.recently reached containing 11*1 63 acres in Yamhill or night. not simply children and youthful subjects during her recent trip to Buffalo. The ful than I had over conceivod. The lanceolate honey-eater builds a ot his trusty rifle. He didn’t want to New York,|lias been arrested charged ginning, countv, Oregon. (33) [Office at old Printing office.] “The forest contained about 640 acres. but a whole nation to be her pupils, a refreshments were crackers passed nest in the shape of a hammock and sus­ T rait N o . 4. nation too, to which she had always around in paper sacks, and the pickles It was situated on a level plateau on the pends it by the end to a small twig, It shoot for fear he would waken the others. with assaulting a sailor on the high seas. Beginning at the southwest corner of the J. V. CALBREATH. E. E. GOUCHER. Then, after he cut a notch for each corpse Mary Anderson has won a high posi­ Solomon Fades donation land claim. been most strongly drawn, and whose were out in force, while sardines were northwest side of a mountain peak which is made of grass and wool mixed with on his gunstock and hung the coarse, tion as a maker of bread. She writes to No 66, in 16 s. r6w, and running thence rose from 800 to 1000 feet higher and the down of .certain flowers. This queen she had declared she would like to nest east 61.91 chains to southwest corner of lot eaten with fingers instead of forks, and Calbreath & Goucher. be when it was as remote a possibility as relished as in the old days of dormitories protected the forest from all the western is very deep and comfortable and may black scalp locks to his belt, he released the London Timet giving her recipe for or tract No 1, above described; theme the girl, hoisted her under his arm, the staff of life. She is cosmopolitan in north 5 degrees west 13.90 chain* to the PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, that she should be Empress of China. But and'earlv rising. The occasion was en­ storms. probably' have suggested to man the corner of trad No. 2. above de- jumped into the saddle and rode away. her tastes, being an American who southeast In this forest there were but two kinds M c M inn vti .Lt, ... O regon . when in 1866, Prince Charles, of Hohen- scrilrcd; thence west (¡1 91 chains to south­ livened by reminiscences of school-day of trees, Oregon pine and red cedar. hammock. “ He rode at full speed for forty-eight westcomer of trad No .:. *bore ttacribwd makes English bread out of Hungarian The tailor bird which is a native of In­ zollern, was made ruler of Roumania, he escapades, when oysters were fried over (Office over Braly’s Bank.) thence south 5 degrees east 13.7(1 chains to miles without stopping. When night When we had reached a central point in flour and French yeast. She says: dia, is quite expert in sewing. It makes remembered a young princess whom he a gas jet and cheese toasted on hairpins. the place of beginning, containing 85.42 in the bold scout pulled rein and “Bread, if made as I have described, acres in Yamhill county. Oregon. the forest we stopped for an hour to drink a long nest of leaves, which it sews to- closed 1 had caught in Lis arms as she was fall­ S, A. YOUNG, M. D. went into camp. First he picketed his T ract N o . ft . “Dancing in the barn,” or coach house in its magnificence. will not turn sour, and will be sweet and getlier with the fiber of a plant first pierc­ ing down a palace stairs in Berlin some Beginning at tlie northwest corner of the “All the trees appeared to have begun ing holes in them with its beak. In the horse, then built a fire, fixed a cot of moist for at least eight or ten days if Physician & Surgeon, years before. Her capacities lie knew; has been the favorite novelty in the fash­ W L C Fades donation land claim. No ionable world this Beason. Mrs. K. W. their growth the same year and each to hollow formed it deposits a quantity of leaves for the girl, and got her some­ kept in a pan.” It is said that William 38, in t 6 s, r6 w, and running thence Booth M c M issvills , . . . Oasaox. her ardent desire to do useful work, and, chains; thence south 42l, degrees east peshaps, too, something of her interest Vanderbilt set the fashion at Newport, have kept equal pace with each other. cotton thus preparing a soft, warm nest thing to eat out of his saddle-bags. This Winter, the critic, considers Mary a 6.93 7.03 chains to a corner set in Survey No. is where I got in my work. Office and residence on D street. All in Roumania ; he begged her to share and it was immediately taken upatX-en- They were from four and a half to five for its young. great genius as a bread-maker. 741, Yamhill County Records of Surveys; calle promptly answered day or night. “The first thing Zeke took out of the south llti degrees east 6 20 chains his life of authority, tabor, and ox and other favorite resorts. The charm feet through at the base and for the first > C. Avery Orr, who accompanies the thence Astonishes the Natives. to corner set in said Survey No. 741; thence bags was several thick slices of fresh Vi ­ of the barn is that it requires less formal ­ 200 feet the trunkB seemed to diminish comparative exile. In 186!) they were United States eclipse expedition to east 4.12 chains to a post set on south lain li­ DR. J. C. MICHAUX enna bread with honey on them. Next ity and simpler dressing. At Mrs. Van- but little in their diameters, while the The natives of tropical conntries are ' married. They had but one child, the Africa, is anxious to make certain an­ dar y of the W. L C. Fades claim, from cold boiled ham, cut thin, an apple thropological studies. Upon reaching which an alder, 8 inches in diameter, liears ' ewe lamb of her mother’s heart. At 4 lerbilt’s dance the ladies were requested last fifty feet they rapidly tapered to seldom so much astonished as when came south 63 degrees east 66 links, and an alder. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, yeara old she died, and the poor mother to leave their diamonds at home, which pointed cones on the sides of which were they are first introduced to snow and ice. pipe with a short, crispy upper crust, the coast of Africa Mr. Orr will leave the 12 inches in diameter, hears north 85)4 'le grees west 35 links distant; thence south and last a tender spring chicken roasted could find no relief from her agony save was a very sensible request, as the com­ to be found the only branches by which The congealing of water is a phenome- 1 expedition and, accompanied by five 4.50 chains to a post, from which an alder. LAFAYETTE. OREGON- a delicate brown. Mind you, he bad all bination of diamonds and hayseed would the trees were sheltered. non they are slow to comprehend. A 1 in ceaseless work. black and five white men, all fully 4 inches in diameter, bears south 891, de­ Jan, 21. *89. “Investigation showed that each tree few months ago Sir William McGregor this stuff in a pair of saddle-bags in the armed, will strike out for the interior, gree* east 133 links distant; thence east She had already learned the Rouman­ have been incongruous. .M 37 chains to a post set on the east boun­ ian language, and now her people be- ; Miss Emma Eames, of Boston, who is occupied a space about thirty feet square enticed several New Guinea natives to wilds of the Rocky mountains, 300 miles visiting many of the native tribes, whose dary of the W. L C. Fades donation land from civilization, in the year 1836. It each was perfectly straight and stood the hitherto unsealed summit of Mount came her children indeed. She began to tlie bright particular star at the grand manner of living he will closely observe, claim; tlience north 22.50 chains to the northeast corner of said Fades claim; stimulate the national characteristics, to opera, Paris, says that all her real study perpendicular as if set by the plummet, Owen Stanley, the loftiest peak in British made me sick, but I resolved that the photographing and measuring them, thence west 64.50 chains to the place of Iw- poor girl should have one good feed if I nor had a single tree fallen, and nothing Australasia. On the barren summit, ginning, a xi containing 136 3n a< res in develop and foeter native industries, to was done in America. Miss Eames ac­ noting their habits and manners and Yamhill county, Oregon died for it. So I shoved in another par­ 1* fitted to do 25 per cent better work than encourage the weaiing of the national knowledges great obligations to Professor covered the ground except the decaying nearly a thousand feet above the zone of 1 studying all the characteristics peculiar T ract N o . 6. like this, completing the bill of to each tribe. •ver before. 1 costume, to establish schools and chari­ Paine, of Boston, who kept her “digging needles. Although these trees were vegetation, big icicles were found, great- agraph Beginning at the southeast corner of the fare: hundreds of years old yet each seemed ly to the amazement of the natives, who table institutions, to soften, broaden and away at ancient music—ever so old”; It appears that Hugo Zieman, the I. N. Branson donation land claim. No. 67, “After getting the girl started Zeke in 16 s, r 6 w, and running thence north 5 Do not fail to civilize the curiously isolate and haughty and as for dramatic action and the use of in the vigor of youth. The tops although were much astonished w hen they touched chef of the White house, has followed in degrees west 52 68 chains; thence west fierce and haughty race whom she had the voice she adds :“1 acquired very little seemingly small made a dense leafy can­ them, and insisted that their fingers had reached into the saddle-bag and pulled the footsteps of Hadji Hassein Ghooly 21.66 chains to a post set 34 links south of out a bowl of steaming hot consomme the northeast corner of .he B B Branson chosen from predeliction. that was new to me over here.” Miss opy perhaps fifty feet in thickness and been burned. A year ago, when Mr. Ehlers ascend- and a broiled fresh mackerel, some dev" Khan. Zieman dislikes notoriety, and donation land claim, No 37, in t 5 *, r 6 w ; almost utterly impenetrable to the sun ­ Though she had always written verses Clara Louise Kellogg received all her Before deciding about school for the com­ thence south 42 30 chains to a corner set in the recent new «paper accounts of how a od Mount Killima-Njaro, in Africa, his iled crabs, cold slaw, potato salad, a ing year. No. 741, Yamhill County Records of she knew nothing of the art of poet and musical education in this country, too. light. crazy doctor inoculated him with the Survey native porters, who had lived all their Surveys; thence south 4s degrees east 3.50 half fry, veal cutlets breaded, with to ­ “As we sat in raid-forest and looked author, and she now set herself to study Miss Eames is said to be unaffected and Elixir of Youth have offended him. He chains to a comer in said Survey No. lives near the base of the great moun­ mato sauce, green corn on the cob, some outward the trunks of these lofty trees it. But the Russo-Turkish war came to unphoileil by her remarkable success. T. G. BROWNSON, President. has also been called in print “President 741 ;thence south 27 degrees east 6,37 chains to a post set in said Survey No. 741 ; obstructed our vision and we seemed to tain, pulled off the boots with which clam chowder, stewed turkey, a portion turn Roumania into a battle field ami fill tlience south Id degrees east I M No one is better qualified by opportun­ be walled in by lofty columns. they had been provided as they ap ­ of rice pudding, two cups of chocolate, Harrison’s pie-maker," “cook,” “hash­ chains it with sick and wounded soldiers and to northwest comer of W L. C slinger," etc. These paragraphs aroused Z-iadies, ity and experience to form a correct proached the snow line and plunged pork tenderloin, Rochefort cheese, and a It was 3 o'clock when we entered this Fades donation land claim ; tlience east suffering homes. The princess devoted as to the relative |>opularity of forest and the July sun was beaming merrily into the snow with their bare bottle of Bass' ale, Saratoga chips, a the ire of the chef and he regretted that 16.50 chains to the place of beginning, con­ -¿attention. I herself to the solace of all this misery, so judgment 120 06 acres in Yamhill county, certain widely read novels than Miss El­ from a cloudless sky, yet within there feet. They lost no time in plunging out plate of vanilla ice cream, a Chinese pa­ he had ever become a promiuent mem­ taining Oregon. tenderly, so efficiently, that her grateful len M. Coe, librarian of the New York was only a somber twilight in which the again, and lay writhing on the ground, per napkin, sliced cucumbers, some ber of the administration. Fame, he T rait N o . 7. subjects raised a statue to her as the Beginning at tlie northeast corner of the Miss Coe pre­ long whitish gray trunks of cedar and insisting that their feet had been severe­ California grapes, and a niekel-plated finds, has its drawbacks. A new invention for Dress-l utting that “mother of the wounded” at the end of free circulating library, II B. Branson donation land claim, No. can be used by a lady and gentleman and Emperor William, of Germany, is 37, dicts that “Ben Hur” will outlast "Rob­ pine stood out in relief as the pillarB of ly burned. Some of the Central African nut cracker.” in t 5 s, r 6 w, and running thence north Îiye perfect fit Price of scale, including a the war. much displeased with the models sub ­ ert Elsmere ” in public favor. “ Ben natives who have been introduced into 19 chains to northwest comer of I. N. Bran­ “ Did it go? ” asked an interested lis ­ some mighty dome. •y of full instructions, can be had by call­ With the recognition of the indepen­ mitted to him for a monument ot his son donation land claim; thence east 19.t*> ing on or addressing “An hour spent here amply repaid us Germany last winter mistook the first tener. chains to the northeast corner of said I. N. dence of Roumania came the coronation Hur” has passed “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” grandfather, William I. He has said Branson donation land claim ; thence north which in 1886 headed the list of fiction snow storm they saw for a flight of but ­ “ No, it didn ’ t said the printer sadly, for our two hours of toil. It was the of its rulers, and the princess became that not one of them deserves a prize. 5 degrees west 14.91 chains hi the south boundary of the John P Woods donation queen of that only realm she bail long in greatest demand. “Ben Hur”is the only forest I have ever seen where storm terflies. Lieut. Von Francois says the “but I did. The boss came to me next Many of the most famous sculptors in land claim. No. 44, intftn, r6w; thence single volume of fiction most sought for mistake was a very natural one. One morning with a proof slip and wanted to and death seem never to have entered. ” LEAPING TAILOR OF McMINNVILL decided could ever make sovereignly en­ in the Maimonides library in New York. day when he was ascendinding a tribu­ know who was writing that story. I Germany refuse to compete, claiming south 7ft degrees west 25.72 chains to the durable to her. south west corner ot the said Wood* claim; Second door south of Postoffice. Considering its theme this testimony to tary of the Congo he saw for the first said the author was making a stagger in that the prizes were too small a reward thence south 51 degrees west 33 51 chain* to Quetn Victoria ’ s Crown. With peace came her first book—trans­ time the air filler, with a great swarm of that direction, but wasn’t giving the girl for the labor required in the preparation a point in the cenlr-r ot Yamhill rivr: lations from Roumanian into German tli.' merits of “Ben Hur’, as accorded by Queen Victoria’s crown, kept with of white butterfles, and he says the spec­ south 16k degrees west up center ol of models. If it it is any consolation to thence the popular verdict is significant. a fair show.”— Chicago Times. said river 7 chains to the north Inmndarv of verse by Carmen Sylva. other royal regalia, under strong guard Emperor William to know that the same the B. B. Branson donation land claim; tacle closely resembled a gentle fall of Sw iftly followed a volume of original disadvantage has operated in this coun­ thence south 17.50 chains to a corner set in Young Girl Mormons. llou Postage Stamps are Made. at the old Tower, and worn only on snow. poems, and since then she has published Survey No. 742, Yamhill County Records of Mas the most complete stock of harness state occasions, is one of the most costly The seductive summer drink, so popu­ try against the production of a fitting de­ Surveys; thence east 29.75 chains; thence a long list of books, poems, novels, tales, The design of the stamp is engraved insignias now in existence. To begin lar in our latitude during the dog days, in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ The steamship Wyoming of the Guion sign for the Grant monument, the fact is north 10chains; thence west2.75chains; gle harness, hand made, in prices aphorisms and lastly has been translat­ on steel, and, in printing, plates are with, theie are twenty diamonds around thence north 7 60 chains: thence east x produces upon the untutored savage line brought to this port yesterday 110 now suggested to him. chains to the place ot Ix-ginning. containing ranging from $12 to 330. and 8 ing Roumanian folk-songs into both Ger­ used on which 200 stamps have been en­ the circlet or head-band, each worth Mormon converts mostly from Thuringia. when first brought to his notice as un ­ Mayor F«augrand, of Montreal, has 138 acres in 5 amhill county, Oregon. set of team harness as cheap man and English. Some of her songs of graved. Two men are kept busy at work ♦7,000, or $150,000 for the set. Besides T ract N o . 8. pleasant an effect as an unexpected Over half of them were young girls be­ sued La Minerve the organ of the Domin­ AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY sorrow and toil haye great beauty, covering these with colored inks, and these twenty there are two extra large electric shock. King Dinah of West tween the ages of 13 and 18. The entire Beginning at the southwest corner of the ion government, for libel for having as­ Win < ’ . Met'lure donation land claim. No. strength, subtle sensitiveness of feeling passing them to a man and a girl who center diamonds, each valued at $10,000, Africa has been one of the recent sight­ lot was grouped in families and efforts to Can be seen on the hooks in my shop. serted that he has no right to the deco­ 58, in 15 a, r 6 w, and running thence west I have competent workmen employed and appreciation, and in these, as in her are equally busy printing them with making $20,000 more; fifty-four smaller seers in Paris. An attempt was made discover any of them who were without 1 chain to northwest corner of I! B. Bran­ to do all kinds of repairing and to make sweet, wholesome sympathies, her aspi­ large rolling hand presses. Three of diamonds, placed at the angles of the one day to explain to him the nature of legal or natural guardians, so they could ration of the Legion of Honor which lie son donation land claim; theme south any harness ordered. I also keep a full received when Gen. Boulanger was the 14 92 chains to the center of Yamhill river; stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, rations, her nobly bénéficient life, she these little squads are employed all the others, each valued at $500; four crosses, ice by introducing him to an iced drink. be detained were without avail. Super­ French minister of war. The chief-jus­ thence down the center of said stream the horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of appeals to the world, and very satisfv- time. After the small sheets of paper each worth $60,000, and composed of following bearings and distances, to-wit: The unusual sensation greatly startled intendent Simpson, of Castle Garden, tice of the province, Sir R. R. Dorion, North 37 degrees extra* for repairs constantly on hand. east 11 chains- north 16k ingly realizes its ideal of queenhood and containing 200 printed stamps are dried twenty-five diamonds; four large dia­ said, however, that he was confident that His Majesty, aed he dashed the cooling degrees east 13.50 chains: north 51 degrws womanhood. Her dearest friends, her enough they are sent into another room monds on top of crosses, each having a draught on the floor as soon as he had many of the elder people who claimed to has been asked to issue a peremptory east 33 50 chains to the southwest corner of M c M innville national bank . most enthusiastic tribute payers are busy and gummed. The gum used for this money value of $5,000; twelve diamonds order that Gen. Boulanger come to Mont­ John P. Woods donation hind claim. tasted it. be the parents of the girls were not re­ real at once to testify that Beaugrand's the No. 44. in 15 s, r6 w; thence north k degree Corner Third and C streets, in Braly block. toilers, sorrowing, troubled folk and chil­ purpose is a peculiar composition made in the fleur-de-lis, $50,000; eighteen It is s aid that our Alaskan Eskimos lated to them in any way. west 17 50 chains to a stone, from which a decoration is legitimate and was given thorn,5 inches in diameter, marked C. S. BT, dren ;who has the homage and love of of the powder of dried potato and other smaller diamonds contained in the same, think the weather is uncomfortably sul­ M’ m INNVII.LE, OREGON. When they came to Castle Garden bears north 40 minutes east 470'4 link« dis­ these has them herself, not her rank ; vegetables mixed with water. After $10,000; pearls, diamonds and rubies try when the temperature is at the freez­ they were in charge of an elder, an Eng­ by President Grevv of France. As Bou­ tant. and a thorn, 3 inches in diameter, Transacts a General Banking Business, and the queen of Roumania must do, as having been again dried, this time on upon arches and circlets, not mentioned ing point, while the Central African lishman whose name could not be learn­ langer is now on the Island ot Jersey it bears north 1 degree east 520 links distant; is held that he must answer a summons thence west 36 chains to a stone, from little racks, fanned by steam power for before, $50,000; also forty-one small dia­ shivers in great distress in a tempera­ ed as be came as a saloon passenger. President............................ I. W. COWLS well as dream, noble things. which an oak, 5 inches in diameter liears about an hour, then put between sheets monds, formed in roses and monograms, ture of sixty degrees above zero.— New When he entered Castle Garden he be­ from British courts. Vice President........... LEE LAUGHLIN north 87% degrees east 21 links distant; The late “Doc” Crawford was the thence south 45.63 chains to the place of lo­ A Bull Run Incident. of pasteboard and pressed in hydraulic $25,000; twenty-six diamonds in upper York Sun. Cashier........................ J. L. STRATTON came rather officious and was ejected ginning. containing 124.52 acres in Yamhill prince of modern gamblers. Not long county. Oregon presses capable of applying a weight of cross, $15,500; two circles of pearls about from the Garden by Superintendent Sells sight exchange and telegraphic An Expert Blind Man. While Gen. Beckwith was on duty in 2000 tons. The next thing is to cut the the rim of the head piece, $15,000 each. ago l>e went to Australia, but luck was All said eight tracts containing 1.194.78 transfer* on Portland. 8an Franco and New Simpson’s orders. The entire let after Washington as commissary the battle of sheets in two, each sheet of course when The total money value of this relic in Y.rk. It is almost incredible that Simon Col­ being registered, was taken by Agent against him. He had beaten King Rol­ acres tract so. 9. Collections made on all accessible points. Bull Run was fought. Among the hun­ cut containing 100 stamps. This is done any jeweler’s market in the world would lins of Marietta, who has been blind for Gibson of the Guion line, to the pier of akaua at Honolulu out of $6700, and Beginning at a point 10 chains and 50 Interest allowed on time deposits. when he reached Melbourne was in pos- links south of the northeast corner of tlie dreds of war correspondents then located bv a girl with a large pair of shears, cut­ be at least $600,000, metal and all in­ twenty-seven years, is an expert carpet Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. the old Dominion Steamship company, land claim ot William Chapman in and hovering about Washington was ting by hand being preferred to that by cluded. weaver, makes and prints paper flour whence they sailed for Newport News, session of about $65,000. Six months ago donation and wife, in 15 s, r 6 w of Willamette me­ the aditor-in-chief of a Chicago daily pa­ machinery, which would destroy too sacks in colors, doing the printing on a From there they will take the cars for he returned to San Francisco penniless. ridian. and running tlience west 2 chains ; per—a man who has achieved national many stamps. They are then passed to Nauck brothers, the well known gym­ Washington hand press and with a per­ Salt Lake City and learn what Mormon­ Borrowing $5000 from a friend he went thence south 1 chain ; thence east 2 chains, thence north 1 chain to place of beginning: to Paris to work the visitors at the expo­ containing reputation. This journalist was very another squad of workers who perforate nasts, arrived in New York from Liver­ fect register, but that is vouched for by one fifth acres more or less in ism really is.— N. Y. Timet. Sample rooms in connection. sition. Whether be won or lost is not S’ainhill county, Oregon. Also the follow­ anxious to go to the front but the means the paper between the stamps. Next pool recently. Their combined weight is the Marietta Times. I have known him ing premises, to-wit: Being lot numbered known, but certain it is that Crawford is 5 in block number of conveyance were scarce. In his ex­ they are pressed once more and then 1000 pounds. They are under engage­ for seven or eight years, and have seen o------ •o 1 What is Fog? (12) twelve of the town dead and that with him die various se­ lots of the town of Sheridan, in Yamhill tremity the editor asked Capt. Beckwith packed and labeled and stowed away, to ment to two Boston managers. They had him frequently on the streets of his town Is now fitted up in first class order. county, Oregon. for a horse and was furnished with a be sent out to the various offices when a hard time to get there because there cane in hand, walking rapidly, making In an interesting letter to science, H. crets of the gambler’s profession. (Saving and excepting from lot No. 8 k Accommodations as good as can be splendid and very valuable animal, on ordered. If a single stamp is torn or in wasn’t a berth big enogh to aecommdate all the ins and outs, going downstairs in­ A. Hazen, of Washington, givesaome in­ Emile Zola is a comparatively young ot an acre heretofore deeded to (School Dis found in the city. trict No. 60—by deed recorded in lock which he rode down to the vicinity , of ' any way mutilated the whole sheet of 100 them. Emil is seven feet, six inches to a basement or upstairs in a business teresting and valuable information re­ ■ man. not yet having reached his fiftieth ” page 327. of the Records of Deeds for 8. £. MESSINGER, Manager. the battle. When tlie raw union troops I stamps is burned. Not less than 500,000 high and weighs 620 pounds, while Wil­ office, never miking a mistake and never specting the properties and nature of fog. . year. Says a recent observer: “His "W, Yammil county. Oregon ) were routed the editor fancied his prec-1 are said to be burned every week from helm is also seven feet, six inches high being hurt. A year ago he made a canoe He says that it is admitted that fog is i countenance still gives an impression of Said tracts will be sold separately. M c M innville Deeds at exj>ense of purchaser ious hide was a trophy of particular this cause. The greatest care is taken and weighs 480 pounds. They bad to from his own design and the same boat simply a cloud composed of water durt, , youth. For that matter bis entire per- Dated this 10th day of October. A. D , value to Beauregard’s victorious troops, i in counting the sheets of stamps, to keep take cabinB on deck, and beds were pre­ won a race in the regatta upon the Sus­ or solid spheres of water from 1-7000 to 1- ■ sona ity reveals an astonishing vivacity. 1889 LUCY K BEWLEY. and he made a desperate ride of it back the employes from pilfering them ; and it pared for them on the floor. quehanna at Columbia. He is the pat­ 1000 of an inch in diameter. Many liave > He talks with charming volubility, and Executrix of said Estate CARLIN A HIGH. Proprietors to Washington. • H(S fright did not end is said that during the past twenty years tz entee of a brush handle, makes fishing supposed that a dust particle must be F W. F estos . i becomes enthusiastic himself, unable to Good« of all descriptions moved and care­ (Oct 11:40) Attorney for Estate. When Daniel Webster said that New i nets and cane seated chairs. His latest' the nucleus of each sphere, but an ex- resist ¡.he flow of his own images and ful handling guaranteed. Collections will with his arrival under the shadow of the not a single sheet has been lost in this b* made monthly Hauling of a:l kinds capital, for he thrust Capt. Beckwith’s wav. During the process of manufactur­ Hampshire was a good state—to emigrate ’ triumph is the mastery of the type-writ’ I amination under the microscope of evap- thoughts. His face lights up most ex­ done cheap jaded steed into the first livery stable he ing the sheets are counted eleven times. from—he little dreamed that his humor­ | er. He bought one some months ago! orated fog has proved that such is not pressively. His forehead wrinkles slight­ came to, and it was months before the ous recommendation would be taken so and is now able to operate it quickly and the case. Briefly stated the cause of fog ly as the conversation increases in inten­ THE NADJY BAR! In a quiet, clever way Senator Quay, literally by the coming generation. correctly. He is said to be an expert is as follows: It is essential I owner found it, and then discovered it that there sity. , ...» ----------------------- ---------- ------------- r »», — -» »».. »» je»»»..** His » eyes, die soft »_• eyes peculiar w to IN THB COOK HOUSE. by the merest chance. Meanwhile the of Pennsylvania, is placing his presiden­ Large tracts of land in Maine, Vermont, i euchre player, but I cannot vouch for be no wind. ' The sky must be clear. I near sighted peraocs, remain dreamy, Watchmaker •locked with the Choicest Wines, I.iq- great editor had scurried back to his tial boom on a strong foundation. “Quay and Massachusetts are literally depopu­ ' that, though it is scarcely more notable The air must be >e saturated or nearly so. | : veiled, tranquil behind his glasses. At and Jeweler. •rs and Cigars—Domestic and Imported. desk, whence he fought the rebels gal­ and Foraker" is a combination which lated, and inducements are being held than many things already mentioned I The formation of fog is a purely mechan- . the slightest compliment bi* glance seeks will have considerable strength at the Th* Seat Bar in the City lantly and safely for the ensuing four out to Swedish colonists to settle upon ! have known him to do.— Philadelphia ical process, unaccompanied by heat.— l the floor and he seems to want to run Dealer la *11 KlaSa at Watch*«, tarelry. Pt*M War* republican national