The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 27, 1889, Image 4

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M c M innville ,
O regon .
27, 1889-
Personal and Pertinent.
Private Secretary Halford’s illness is
said to be ilue to over-indulgence in
John L. Sullivan may find it difficult
to change from a law-breaker into a law­
Corporal Tanner’s resignation is met
with perfect resignation on the pait of
the public.
The prefect of the Seine has snubbed
Boulanger. The way of the agitator is
often hard.
Mrs. Cleveland recently shot a deer in
the Adirondacks. Who says she is lead­
ing an aimless life?
Robert Browning bears a striking re­
semblance to James O. Blaine. Nobody
even at campaign time, ever accused the
latter of writing poetry.
Edward Bellamy, the novelist, is a
slender, rather good-looking man who
wears a mustache and looks no more
“literary” than AVm. D. Howells.
R. I). Blackmore, the English novelist,
who gained immortality by writing “Lor­
na Doone” is growing old and now de­
votes most of his time to tending his
The White Cross University of Science
has decorated Geo. AV. Childs, James
Gordon Bennett, Thomas A. Edison,
John AV. Mackay Cvrus AV. Field and
AV. AV. Hubbell’
Ernest Benzon, the "Jubilee Plunger,”
whose book on how he squandered over
$1,000,000 in two years is having a run in
England, says that the worst form of
gambling consists in betting on cards.
King Dinah, of Africa, who has made
a sensation in Paris, has received au of­
fer from an American dime museum pro­
prietor to travel in thia country. To the
song “Dinah AVon’t You Come?” Dinah
sings “No.”
Emmons Blaine was married to Miss
McCormick, of Chicago, at Richfield
Springs, N. Y., on Sept. 26. Miss Mc­
Cormick is a tall, slender brunette and
resembles her father. She has a charm­
ing manner, quiet disposition anil, as has
been widely heralded, a large fortune.
Secretary Blaine and his family will go
to Richfield Springs in a few days. A
handsome suit of rooms has been en­
gaged for them at the Spring House. Mr.
Emmons Blaine and his bride will reside
in AA’ashington.
President Harrison has changed his i
demeanor in various important details
since he was elected to his present office.
He used to hang his head in a spiritless
way ami never looked anybody in the
eye. His manner waB what is known as
“slouching.” Now, however, he has
braced up. He holds his head high, his
shoulders back and there is a straight­
forward glance in his eyes new and then
when he is talking to an office-seeker.
He is more particular about his clothes
than he used to lie, and has really been
improved by his elevation.
Rather an Awkward Fix.
“Funny thing happened to me once,”
said the doctor. “I was at a little town
in the western part of Iowa last fall at a
place where I had stayed over night to
nee a friend and expected to go to Sioux
City next morning. The train was sched­
uled to leave at 10 o’clock, and shortly
after 9, having seen that my trunk was
duly checked, I decided to get my side- !
burns shaved off. so strolled into a har­
der shop nearly opposite the station. I
There was only one chair in the place, I
and that was run by a little fat barber.
He received me cordially, worked along 1
quite leisurely, and had one side nicely
ehaved when a bell began ringing fnri- I
ously and a man ran along the main
street yelling “Fire! Fire!” at the top of
his lungs. AVithont waiting to explain
or apologize, my fat friend threw down
razor and rushed out doors, leaving me
to await his return.
I sat very pa­
tiently for ten or fifteen minutes, or until
it was very near train time, and then I J
began to grow restive. It was absolutely
necessary for me to get to Sioux City the
Sime day and theie I sat with a beautiful I
sidewhisker on my left cheek and the ,
right one as bare as the palm of my
hand. Finally 1 threw away the cigar I '
was smoking and went outside where sat
a small lame boy, the only creature in
in sight. ‘AVhere in thunder’s the bar­
ber ?’ I asked.
“Oh he’s down ter the fire, mister.
Yer sec Billy’s foreman o’ther hook and
ladder company, an’spees ter be 'lected
chief o’ tiier department next spring an’
he don’t miss no fires, Billy don’t!”
“I groaned and went back in the shop;
it lacxed two minutes of train time, so
seizing the scissors I clipped off the left
whisker as close as I could, then rushed
for the depot just as the train pulled in.
I sneaked aboard and hid in the smoker
until we arrived in Sioux City, where I
had the job properly finished. Nice ex­
perience, wasn’t it?”
An Example for all Men.
Ex-Senator Ross, of Kansas, always
tails on his feet. Whenever lie retires
from office—as lie lias done several times
—lie steps into the nearest printing office
and goes to work at his trade as a com­
positor. Pretty soon lie steps up—or
down—and is next heard of as an editor,
from which it is not a long stride for him
to another office. And so he goes his
rounds. A few weeks ago lie was gover­
nor of New Mexico, and, as .governors of
territories go, a fairiy good one. Thence
lie went to fingering the type, and now
he is at work at the editorial desk again.
But lie is not likely to be out of office
long. Some change in himself or some
political elevation is pretty certain to
bring him into harmony with the popular
sentiment and give him another place
under the government.—/’, out the Hontoii
What is Castorio?
('astoria is Dr Samuel Pitcher’s prescrip­
tion for infants and children. It contains
neither opinili, morphine, nor other nar­
cotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for paregoric, drops, soothing syrups, and
castor oil. It is pleasant. Its’guarantee
is thirty years' use by million., of mothers.
<'astoria destroys worms and allays fever­
ishness. <'astoria prevents vomiting Sour
curd, cures diarrhoea and wind colic Cas­
tori» relieves teething troubles, cures con­
stipation and flatulency Cantoria assimi­
lates tnc food, regulates the stomach and
bowels, giving healthy anil natural sleep
Castori» is the children's panacea thé
mother's friend.
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castorla.
Are fully prepared to meet the demands of the
Fall trade for all kinds of Hardware
Agricultural Implements,
Pumps, Etc.
Our Stock of General Hard
in the county.
Our Prices Defy Competition
Davis Sewing Machine.
We have the Largest and Fin- |
est stock of Cutlery in the
\/ elxicles
Arched Steel Frame, Spring Tooth
Rose Disk Harrow
Made in Fonr Sections.
¡6 or 20 Incn Disks.
Ç A id t ? r * A R Ki í A. 1) DIITI
We have a machine quite unlike anvthng 4ter
New Principles, New Ideas.
It is the New High Arm “ DAVIS.”
it is new patern ; A New Model.
Did you ever see a sewing machine with •alylhi
Working Parts? If not you never saw thiawew m >
The old method of feeding from below la g&Uraig
done away, and all the complicated maohinery cww-
nected therewith taken out and dispensed with. B*
Machinery Underneath to clean or oil.
This New Feed method does not Step •t •««**.
hut Steps evenly over them.
There is Only One Tension to regulate. No boiae
to thread through.
It is a Mechanical Wonder, yet no mor« iii M h *
ing for what It Is. than what it will do.
It is the only machine having Steel Itell Started
for its needle bar.
The only machine having a Support ter the SMSte
after it leaves the needle bar.
This “ New Davis ” is as far ahead of the eld
chinos as the Telephone ia ahead of the speaking
Come and See for Yourself. It will par r«a
From Curiosity. We are so much interested laAMe
ourselves that we are anxious you should see, keoa,
tell an<l help us get these facts before the people
Ladies, come; Tailors, come; Mechanics, ccbm ;
Experts, come; Everybody Come and 8 m this naps
model machine and learn what it will do.
This magnificent property comprises 460 lots and lies in the very heart of the residence portion
of McMinnville. It is high, commanding a beautiful view of the valley. Many of the most prom­
inent residents of McMinnville are now purchasing property in “Oak Park Addition,” and many
elegant and substantial residences will be constructed there during the coming year. Water­
works and electric lights will be put in this summer, giving all the comforts of the choicest villa.
Lots are from 50x100 to 50x150, and blocks 200x215, with a 15-foot alley down the center of
each. The advantages of having an alley in each block are obvious.
“Oak Park Addition adjoins the depot of the Southern Pacific Railroad, the new county court
house, the elegant public school building, and is three blocks from Third street, the husineM
thorouhfare of McMinnville. “Oak Park Addition offers superior inducements to investors,
the settled policy of its proprietors being to steadily advance prices with its growth,
investments absolutely safe and profitable.
“Oak Park Addition will be planted in shade trees; cross and sidewalks constructed and streets graded. The proprietors are turning in 10 percent uf aU
sales as a fund for this purpose, This property is being offered for from to 25 to 50 per cent less than any other property in McMinnville of half the
tages. Prices of lots range from S25 up and are sold either on the cash or installment plan.
A plat of this growing addition can be seen at Jas. Fletcher & Co.’s and J. 1. Knight & Co., where all further informal ion and price of lots and blocks wil
be furnished. Also at office of Barnekoff & Co., McMinnville Flouring Mills.