The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 27, 1889, Image 1

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    M c M innville . O regon . F riday . S eptember
Consolidated Feb. 1,1889.
VOL. I. NO. 34.
of interest from the Nebraska labor bu­ Whittier’«« Work anil lxjweU’«.
reau of 1887-8. One inquiry made of a
John G. Whittier never write« «era
A Thrilling Talc of Rescue From
Farm mortgages and their lelation to number of farmers iu all sections of the
Beautiful AV omen AMioae < at < er» . nature ha« been kind to Oregon, for it
the Waters of thè Conciliatigli. | the material prosperity or the reverse of state elicited the fact that the percentage when in the mood. But when the erw
Have Been a Scandal in
gave her a great river for a commercial
the farmer, especially in the West, have of losses^was greatest among the owners • live impulse seizes him he is one of th«
highway ; it gave her noble forests of fine
Mrs. George E. Turner and her three- formed the subject of a great number of of the largest farms—i. e., farms of 320 most self-absorbed of literary work««.
Women, sprung from families where timber, wheat lands of inexhaustible fer­
montlis-old son are in the city, says the references in tbe newspapers. In many acres and over— and the lowest percent­ When he sits down to his desk to writ«
every female member in their own and tility, waters abounding in the finest
out the first draft of some jioem that baa
St. Louis Pepublii. They were at Johns­ of these references a pessimistic view of ,
age among those owning farms of from suddenly taken form in his mind, ba
the preceding generation have been far kinds of fish and fowl, grand mountains,
town, I’a., during the terrible flood that the condition of the farmers has been |
80 to 160 acres. Another inquiry was writes fluently and easily, never at a loaa
above reproach, have spurned all the where «leer continue to roam, and last,
wiped out that city and drowned so many taken. The question is made the sub­
made regarding the cause of farmers' for a word or a phrase and never leaving
traditions of their race and have Louden but not least, it gave her a climate and
of its inhabitants, and their escape from ject of a paper by Mr. W. F. Mappin in ,
failures. Only a very small proportion off until the draft is completed. The flmt
Boil fitted for the luxuriant production of
the oaths of evil with unswerving feet.
death may well be set down as a modern the September number of the Popular (
of the farmers addresser! alleged the pres draft, so fine and true are his artistic
Take, for instance, the ease of the all- all the fruits of the temperate zone. The
miracle. Mrs. Turner is on her way to Science Quarterly, in which a different ,
sure ot mortgages as a cause of their Iierceptions, undergoes hut a few change«
notorious Mrs. Biackford, whose career
El Paso, Tex., to join Iter husband, who view is presented. The writer in ques- (
embarrassment. After reading this pa­ and these changes an- nearly alway«
added more than one chapter to tiie an­ the strawberry, the blackberry and the
is one of the best known residents of that tion declares that while it is true that
per of Mr. Mappin’s one cannot avoid trifling and unim|>ortant. The children
nals of European scandal. She was born raspberry grow to perfection in Oregon,
city. To a reporter she yesterday re­ the volume of land mortgages, especially i
the reflection that the state statisticians, of his fancy Bpring into l>eing, as it were,
of a highly respectable family of Penn­ and so does that most beautiful and
luctantly told her story:
in the West, is constantly swelling, it is , esjiecially in the west, would do a very
sylvania, her father having been a Pres­ healthful of all fruits, the grape. The
full-grown and garbed,
“I never cared about having anything also true that there are very meager .
valuable piece of work by prosecuting a
byterian clergyman of high standing.
Like Whittier, James Russell Lowell
printed about our dreadful experience,” resources of statistical and other data on ,
concerted investigation based on uniform is also fitful and capricious as a writer,
She was related to several prominent winding its way over trellises and walls,
she said, “but I don’t supposo it will do which to ground a judgment that this in- j
inquiries into this question of farm mort­ and writes only when in the mood. Hi»
and celebrated personages of her native its large and handsome g*een leaves con-
any harm, so I will tell you something dicates a disheartening outlook for the |
gages and tlicir bearings on the pros|>er- moods, though, are always fruitful, «nd
state. She was possessed of exquisite trusting finely with the purple clusters
about it.
On the dreadful afternoon small farmer, and that in the absence of j
ity of the farmer.
I beauty and almost irresistible fascina­ that are the bright beads that glitter on
have given us some of the most perfect
when the dam of the South Fork II tint reliable statistics mere rumor has been
tion. One of the leading lawyers in Nature’s necklace vine.
gems of our literature. It is an abiding
ing and Fishing club’s lake gave way I drawn upon in order to spread the alarm.
The grape, like the peach »nd orange
Philadelphia, who had charge of iter af­
tradition of literary Boston that Lowell’«
was ill in a room in mv father-in-law’s Regarding the dearth of reliable infor­
fairs after the death of her husband, when in perfection, belongs to that small
house. My baby, then only seven days mation upon the subject, the writer , There is something terrible in the way ’"Vision of Sir Iaiunfal" one of the moat
related to the writer the following story, class of fruits that nevercloy the appe-
old, was at my side. I heard about noon points out that up to 1879 no state west science is aiding the military powers of exquisite products of his genius, waa
_ _ _ vanes.
____ __
of which depicts this woman anil others of tite. A fine bunoh of ripe grapes is ever
This powder
A marvel
that the water was rising rapidly in Stony of Ohio had an organized bureau of labor ( Europe in developing new engines for de­ written dining the brief space of forty­
purity, strength anti wholesomeness. More
life. The Austrian, French and eight hours tiie poet all the time remain­
economical than the ordina y kinds, and her class, better than whole paces of fresh and lair and new ; and yet, despite
creek and Conemaugh river, but I never statistics, and that of those now existing stroying
cad not be sold in competition with multi­ analysis description could do:
the fact that the grape will grow on land
armies are being supplied with ing in a mild frenzy that prevented both
tude of low test, short weight alum or phos­
After the settling up of the deceased that is comparatively worthless for grain
only the Illinois and the Nebraska bu- ] magazine repeating rifles that will fire
phate powder. Sold only in cans. R oyal
eating and sleeping. Naturally a tew
leans have made any compilations fifty
DjkKiao P owdkb Co , 106 Wall St, N. Y. Mr. Blackford’s estate only a few thou­ or vegetables, that Oregon is fitted by
cartridges a minute. Germany is |H«rainent of this kind ill a measure unfit«
sand dollars remained for his widow and soil -and climate for the cultivation of
which throw much light on the economic j
tiie torrent came down the valley from | [ situation of farmers as a whole or small ( last in the field with a contract for 800,- him for regular and continued labor.
More German Militarism.
her little girl. “Now, Mrs. Biackford,” table grapes, in distinction from the wine
000 of the “Mannlichet” rifles, to lie When he was editor of the Allanlic,
the mountain.
quoth her legal adviser, “you are a grapes of California, despite these facts
D r . F. 8. L ocke ,
j farmers in particular. He further calls ready
More militarism for Germany. From
by the 1st of May 1890. The range his disinclination to lalior, save at rare
young and very beautiful woman. Go to that the growing of grapes for the table Berlin it is positively declared that Bis­
attention to tlie fact that tables giving ( of these rifles was proved in a startling
tt««tM$athic Physician and Surgeon,
intervals, coupled with his incurable ab-
Washington, engage a handsome suit of is a neglected industry among our people. mark
is arranging for a further increase heartrending cries 1 never before heard, i merely the amount of mortgage indebt- , manner the other day, when an Austrian sent-iniiidcdness, kept himself and th«
rooms and entertain elegantly, There Not enough Concords or Delawares are ( of the army in view of the ttrengthening
edness are of little value, for the reason ( soldier was killed by one at target prac­
contributors and publisher« in trouble
and I sincerely hope that I will never
Professional calls promptly attended day are so many wealthy single gentlemen
raised to supply the Portland market. of
, the military establishments of Ger­ hear them again. I was frightened and that the records kept by the county re- tice
w night.
at a reputed distance of over two the greater part of the time. Even now
attrac ted to Washington during the ses­ The large and showy grapes of California many
corders always show the original amount miles
, S3 i
[Office at old Printing office. 1
’« neighbors.
The reiclistag, at
and a half. Austria has had her when Iris publishers have announced •
sion of congress that you will have no fill our stalls. Of foreign stock, they are ; the coming session, will, as a matter of nervous, and scarcely knew what to do. of indebtedness, although the notes se- ,
filled for this arm, but the Ger­ new book by ]<owell are on the anxious
E. E. OOVCHKR. difficulty in winning a rich husband.”
exeellent for wine making, but the skin torn),
be asked to sanction the increase, less infant at my side. I had fallen into
man rifles will use cartridges of the fam­ seat, so tardy and unreliable are hi« in­
In language too coarse and too vile to ad­ of the California grape is thick, and the | but in a matter of this kind, the chancel­
almost equal to their face value.
ous smokeless powder. Herr Falken­ stalments of copy, until the last sheet ia
Calbreath & Goucher.
a doze before the breaking of the dam,
mit of transcription here, his lovely flavor inferior in «prightliness to the lor
So much as regards the need of dis- ( stein the inventor of this powder, is him­
] has never failed to carry liis point and it was the roar of tiie angry torrents
safely in the liaml« of the printer— Chirac
client announced her determination of grapes of Oregon, which date from na- whether
the reichstag likes it or not. His and the shouts of the people that aroused criminination in dealing with statistics , self an Austrian, and his invention was go Timet.
O regon . devot ing herself to a life of wickedness. tive American stock.
| first great service to the old Eni|ietor me. Our house was a large frame struct­ of Western mortgage business. As re- ( offered to the Vienna war office and de­
She came to Europe and she fulfilled her
The history of the vine is most inter- William,
(Office over Braly’s Bank. I
the present Frederick’s grand­ ure built on a solid foundation. The gards (lie business itself, the writer ( clined before its purchase at Berlin.
\ Prospérons('hinew Doctor.
esting. Its cultivation in Europe and father,
was about a quarter of a century great wall of water rushed down with al­ makes no doubt that it is large, and that Herr Falkenstein was three years ago
In this most famous of her infamous Asia is of great antiquity. All varieties (
3, A. YOUNG, M. D.
ago, when William was simple king of most indescribable speed and force.
A celebrity among the Chinese of Naa
practicing as a chemist in an Austrian
class there was no trace of the false sen­ have been obtained from a single siiecies, ]
Prussia, and with Ilohenzollern instinct When 1 heard the roar the great waves would show a steady growth. This town, and also taking a great interest in Francisco is their great doctor, Li 1’eTal.
Physician & Surgeon.
brings us at once to the question whether
citit rinifera, the typical vine believed to , was bent or. having au army which would
firearms. Hearing of the smokeless gun lie has been in this country for nearly
had reached our house. A frame house
weep over the woes of “La Dame aux have been of Persian origin. Domesti- j
mean business. The parliament objected came down with the current ami struck the present magnitude or prospective in­ powder invented by the French General thirty years anil has a larger income from
( ) regon .
Camelias ” She knew neither shame cated from a very early period, it ha6 ,
and Bismarck role rough shod over par­ , our kitchen, detaching it from the build­ crease of the business tlireatcns'to work Lebel he took a journey to France on his profession than any white practition­
Oifioe and residence on I) street. All nor repentance, nor even the one holy
yielded an extraordinary numlter of va- liament
and strengthened the army. Lt ing proper. When the water had nearly injury to the industrial interests of the purpose to discover liow this iiowdcr was er in the city. Ilis patients all come to
eaAs promptly answered day or night.
instinct that often lingers in the hearts rieties. In France there are 1400 varie- |
his present movement he has the cordial , reached the second floor of our house borrowing farmers. The materials for made. Of course he failed to get any of the office when able, and Li Po Tai site
of women, otherwise wholly depraved, ties, and in th© g*-dens about Geneva (
co-operation, doubtless, of the young em­ j mv father-in-law came into the room and formiug a judgment upon this question the powder, tor the French are jealously up, habited in gorgeous silk and brocade«,
namely, that of maternal love. There 500. To this typ cfcl vine is due all the |
peror, who ¡3 more of liis grandfather’s I begged him to save my child. He may be found, the writer says, in the guarding the secret, but he was ho for­ in a little den of an office overlooking the
was no reason whatever for iter entrance
Practicing Physician and Surgeon, upon the path that leadeth unto perdi­ VI ¡ties of Europe and the East. The , way of thinking than of his own father’s grabbed the little fellow and ran to the story of the rise and growth of Western tunate as to pick up a few exploded car­ plaza, and feels pulses all day long. The
monks of old Europe are held in rever- way.
The German army, now on a peace next room, the door slamming as he faun mortgages. Their rise lias lieeu tridges on the rifle-practice ground at 8a- patients arc mostly white people, who
tion. In contemplating the career and ence because they helped to cultivate a |
footing, consists of 427,274 men and 18,- went out. Just then the water poured due to the need of money on the pait of tory, and from these he learned that the come to him after a varied round of their
the character of such a creature one is taste for classic literature, but their im­
118 officers, of which Prussia alone fur­ into my room, tearing out the window settlers who, locating on unimproved powder was made without saltpetre. Six own physicians, or at the instigation of
Jan. 21, ’83.
tempted to believe m the old legends of mortal service to mankind was their de- j
330,629 men and 13,098 officers, : and knocking down the plaster. All this land, more or less remote from means of months later Falkenstein, after a long some resurrected an I enthusiastic pa­
infants changed in their cradles by the
communication, have found their outlay course of experiments, found out Lebel's tients. Li l*o Tia rests the |<atiento* el­
votion to viticulture and pomology. The , and that, with the facilities for mobiliz­
I time the house was rocking and the timb-
fairies who took away the natural child recreation of the monks was the multi- ■
for several years gteater than their in­
i ers were creaking as though the whole come, owing to the expense of necessary secret and hastened to Vienna with a bows on a blue silk cushion and proceed«
and left an unatural imp in its stead.
plication of the grape, the apple, the men, 312,000 horses and 3,000 guns,
packet of smokeless powder cartridges. to feel their right pulse with his tliree-
structure was about to collapse. Not­
Another instance, well known to
la fitted to do 23 per cent better work than American residents in Europe, is that of plum and tho pear into many varieties. would seem to be sufficient for most any withstanding my weak condition, I jump­ improvements, implements, etc. The The Austrian war office repelled him in hooked ami long-clawed fingers. He feels
borrowing of money from the East thus the manner of the last century. They the right poise to .ascertain the condition
It is the Bishop of Ely in Richard the possible emergency; but this is not Bis­
erer before.
bed up and tried to reach the door; the
a beautiful woman who came thither Third that has the finest strawberries.
marck’s and tho German emperor’s view. ] water was then very deep and it had so became a necessity to the making of any said they could not believe in a battle­ of the brain, stomach ami kidneys, and
from the United States ostensibly to Wine making was of course the natural
Do not fail to
The establishment of the German em­ , sprung the door and frame that I could satisfactory progress in the development field without smoke, Falkenstein there­ then grast« the left wrist to find out
study music. She was past tiie age of consequent of grape culture, and the first
pire eighteen years ago gave Europe a i not open it, pull as hard as 1 might. All of the country, and under those eirctim- upon went to Berlin, where Marshal von about the heart, liver and lungs. Al­
(girlhood. She came of a thoroughly re­ wines of Europe date back to some an­
feeliDg of alarm and insecurity, and tiiis ■ the time I was thinking of mv child and tances the placing of a mortgage on a Moltke gave him a very different recep­ though he knows practically nothing of
spectable family. She was in command
farm might be regarded as an evidence of tion. Within a mouth his powder was anatomy as our physicians know it, he
Before deciding about school for the com- of an income sufficient for all her wants, cient convent wall of the middle ages. led to the competition in armaments my relatives in the house.
I thrift rather than of the contrary. The tested, approved, adopted and the inven­ makes a wonderful diagnosis «>f a case.
It was the monks of that day who found which has kept the whole continent in a
ibg year
and she was placed under the chaperon­ out that the worthless, chalky soil of
more rapid development of the new
age of a well-known American family Champagne was capable of producing state of armed preparation since. Louis door I junqied back to the lied ami soon West in comparison with the old West is tion was liought of him at a libera) price. He charges *10 a week for his services,
T. G. BROWNSON. President.
According to Count Waldersee, the ac­ including his medicines, and patient«
the water had it floating. Tho plaster on
living in the city in which she was to grapes from which the most delicate
attributed by the writer in no small de­
pursue her studies. Without any tea- wines could be produced. To the old peace,” and had he possessed means and the ceiling began to drop, and as the gree to the ai<I of capital secured by tive successor of Von Moltke on the < ier- either come to his office and drink the
son, and withont any temptation, she monks of Europe, therefore, is due the material to keep the largest and best water continued to rise higher in tho the mortgages on farms. The invest­ man staff, the use of Hinokeiess powder tissanes or take packages of myateriena
hurled herself headlong into the ranks of double credit that they not only culti­ standing army in Europe he might have room 1 saw that I had but one chance in ments made in Western farm mortgages will quadruple the slaughtering effects ol stuff home and make their own hat
made good the' declaration in the scuse
firearms in battle. It makes one shud­ drinks.
M m the most complete stock of harness the demi-monde. Her career made vated a taste for the classic tongues in of compulsory peace. After Konning-1 a thousand to escape. When the water proved satisfactory, and a demand for
notions that put-
i* the county. At present 12 set of sin­
which Anacreon and Horace sang, but
in 1866, and Sedan later, Germany on the bed I saw a rafter where the plas­ securities of this kind grew in the East. will be, either on sea or Jand. At Flume zle and interest his patients.
gle harness, hand made, in prices
its scandals. Like Mrs. Blackford, she they cultivated the vine so successfully raatz,
became the guardian ot peace by reason
At length the demand grew to be greater
He treats them to a severe court« of
ranging from $12 to $30, and S
scorned hypocrisy, and openly an­ that they gave the world a better wine of prodigious armaments. The process ' ter had fallen from the ceiling I made than the supply. Solicitors were paid tiie trial of this smokeless powder by the
field artillery of the Seventh Saxon corps antidotes for genuine pjisoning, if they
set of team harness as cheap
nounced her intention of living as she than ever moistened the eloquent lips of has been painful, however, and injurious ' a herculanean effort and reached it, hold­
large commissions to secure investments recently in its inameuvres before the confess to ever having eaten that deadly
AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY j liked and doing what she pleased. Her Pericles or crowned the cups of Antony to every state in Europe. None will dis­ ing to it with all mj" might. The water of tliis kind; the farmers were induced to king of Saxony was peihaps the most drug, lie next commands them not to
j still br lliant but now largely artificial and Cleopatra.
arm. Whenever Bisraark accuses another
borrow more money than they ought conclusive yet attempted. After several cat shellfish or uncooked fruit, to let
Can be seen on the hooks in my shop.
beauty occasionally attracts the glance
Eastern United States is richer in true power of hostile intent he is secretly ar­ withstanding that my head was almost ever to have had, all sorts of induce­ hours of cannonading, the air over the alone poultry, fried meats, eggs, watery
I bare competent workmen employed of her former friends. They knew their
to do all kinds of repairing and to make
grapes than any part of the world, there ranging to extend and amplify < iermany’s touching the ceiling. 1 held to that raf­ ments being held out to them to borrow. battle-ground was perfectly clear, Not vegetables, all liquors and everything
any harness ordered. I also keep a full fair countrywoman in the days of her being seven or eight species, four of military establishment, for the reason, 1 ter for three hours and forty minutes.
Failures of crops in 1886, 1887 and 1888 even a puff of smoke showed itself, The sour. For these thirty years Li Po Tnl
stock of oil «nd rubbe- robes, lap robes, modest and unassuming manners and
horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of
which have yielded excellent cultivated not that he fears Russia or Austria or Oh, but it was terrible. When 1 saw led to embarrassment among the farm­ new powder requires bronze cannon an<l has made his patients drink hot water.
res for repairs constantly on hand.
varieties. The wild grapes of America Italy, but France. With Austria and j
ers. and as a result many Western farms
I like Dante in his pilgrimage through the are the northern Fox grape, tbe southern Italy Germany is in treaty offensive and instead of receding I concluded that 1 are passing into Eastern hands. The it is stated that all the steel guns will Dysiicpsia, cancers and tumors are his
have to go. On the sea, and especially s|>ecialties. Ilis income from his profes­
i Inferno, they can but “look on her and Fox grape, the summer grape and the defensive. France is tiie only state in was liable to drown even if my strength
writer’s conclusion, from his survey of for harbor defense or attack, there have sion is estimated at more than $6,000 per
then pass on.” She has no need of help winter or frost grape. From our north­ Europe Germany feels anxious about, enabled me to hold to the rafter I was
' the history of Western farm mortgages, been extraordinary improvements in war month.—.Yew York Medical Timet.
or pity. She leads a very gay life, ern Fox grape, which is also found in and the growing military strength of standing near the wall and when the
' is that on the whole the growth of farm
and mortgages to their present immense vol­ engines, as well as on land, especially
I mm ,
Japan, have come the Isabella, the Con­ France is the cause of the proposed
in tor|>edoes. A new fish tor|>cdo, of
Hiss Margaret Blaine.
the lux tries and influence that she en- cord, the Catawba and many other ex­ strengthening of the German army now. tore out the laths with the other, My
ume instead of indicating lack of pros­ which there was a trial a few weeks ago
M c M innville , oregon .
in Austria, a great improvement having
Mrs. Blackford died of drink when she
A re|>ort from Agusta, Me , says there
house outside, knew I was in that room,
been made by an Austrian officer, goes is every reason to believe that the rumor
i was only a little over forty. The notor- Fox grape, alBO found in Japan andon marck will do anything, and liis strength and made an effort to get to me. He prosperity.
Paper Hanging anti
While, however, insisting that Western at the rate of 35 miles an hour. Length of Miss Margaret Blaine's betrothal to
| ious Mrs. Beecher, who fled front the the Himalayas, comes the Scuppernong. is found in the co-operation of England pulled off the boards and I crawled out
Carriage Painting. I United States after trying to shoot a From the summer grape (i-ititletticalit) with the Anstro-Italian-German alliance. I through tho aperture with the assistance farm mortgages have been indications of of the toqiedo, 5,h. yards, and it carries the famous musical coin;>oaer Walter J.
have come the Cynthiana, Norton's, Vir­ It is easy to understand, in view of < !er-'
prosperity as a whole, the writer admits
Prompt Attention to Orders from former lover, did indeed achieve mar­ ginia, Heibemont, etc. From the winter many’s external dangers, why Bismarck of those on the outside of course. My that there is another side to the matter. a charge of 225 pounds of dynamite or DamroHch of New York is genuine, and
gun-cotton in lieu of 50 |<ounds of gun­ that when the Blaines have returned to
aunt was rescueil at the same time from
the Country.
Western loans have elements of weak­ powder. A charge of 50 pounds cf dy- Washington the engagement will be for­
has since mysteriously disappeared, and or frost grape (ritw cordifolia} comes the has had to perforin the part of an acrobat another room.
Elvira. The origin of the Delaware is or juggler in his internal policy. He iias i
ness as well as of strength. Among the
“We were assisted to a housetop w Inch elements of strength he places the fol­ 1 narnite is enough to send the largest iron mally announced. The attachment be­
BcMUHiVILLE NATIONAL BANK. no one knows what has become of her. not known, but it is probably a seedling used all parties by turns as they suit his
A beantift.l and gifted young prima
I threatened to topple over at any minute lowing, viz., (1) the certainty that iua ' clad afloat to the bottom of the sea. For tween the two is said to have formed at
Owner Third and <’ streets, in Braly block. donna, an American, who went some of the Catawba. There are many hy­ purixjses. To disarm socialism as an in­
1 a time it was thought that vessels could least a year ago, when Miss Margaret
ternal irritant he has adopted some of ami throw us into the raging torrent. To series of years the lands pledged as se­ be protected against torpedoes by steel was in New York on a visit. Mrs Blaine
years ago to sing in Russia, and who be­ brids of excelient quality.
Vineyaids were planted in Virginia as the fundamental tenets of that svstem as
curity will advance in price; (2; tire ' wire nets; but the heads of tiie torjiedoes knew of their affection for each other,
came the mistress of the heir to an atis-
nearly eight feet to another housetop,
TEansacts a General Banking Business,
tociatic family, retained to Paris and early as 1610, and wine was sent to Eng­ to state control and care of labor, reviv­ where we found shelter in an attic. In character of the people who seek the ! are now fitted with knives, which, pro- and both she and her husband were not
President........... .............. I. W. COWLS diet*, here of typhoid fever soon after the land in 1612. In North Carolina in 1750 ing the idea of unlimited obligation of the going from one housetop to another I West to make homes for themselves, ■ pelled as they are, will cut through any displeased, as the Btor.v runs. Whoa
these being usually young and energetic, > w ire yet invented.— Pitteburg Pott.
Vfee President . ....LEE LAUGHLIN birth of her infant. A terrible and trag­ winemaking had become a successful state to look out for the welfare of each floated across on a washstand.
they got settled in their Bar Harbor cot­
and (3) tbe larger margin of profits which,
. J. L. STRATTON ic incident marked the catastrophe of though small industry. It will be re­ individual and to regulate the details of
tage last June, Damrosch Imcatne their
membered that when the ships of Sir daily life. He has played liberals against
owing to a fresh and exceedingly fertile
A Beaut 1 fill Woman I am.ver.
guest and .Mis. Blaine gave a luncheoa
Betts sight exchange and tele
legraphic her brief, erring life. The physician Walter Raleigh, under Richaid Gren­ clericals, clericals against liberals, and i out of the room he, with the assistance soil, the Western farmer lias over bis
transfer* ou Portland, 8an Franco a ami New called in to attend her telegraphed to
This afternoon Miss Kate L. Pier, who | ' in his honor. Datnrosch remained el
1 of my mother-in-law, floated him across
her mother in America as soon as the ville, discovered the coast of North Caro­ both against socialists; but there is one a stretch of water on a pillow. When he competitor of the East. Among the ele­ practises law in Milwaukee, argued a the Blaine cottage some two weeks or
CoUecXtons made hr all accessible points. case assumed a hopeless form. The poor lina the sailors were astonished at the thing certain. So long as Bismarck lives
ments of weakness the writer calls at­
case before the supreme court, lieing the more, and during his slay everything
Interest allowed on time deposits
reached the nearest house lie was passed
lady reached Paris only a few hours after luxuriant growth of the wild grapes of there will be no change in the onerous ■ from person to person until lie reached tention to a “growing feeling of contempt first lady to appear in such a capacity ! was done to make his visit an enjoyable
Offise hours from 9 a. in. to 4 p nt.
her unhappy child luid expired. She that section. Early in this century the military system. Indeed, it is impossi­ 1 Moxliam, three miles distant, where he with which the farmers’ calling is re­ before that august l>ody. She made a one. September 4th, Mr. Damroecli re
knew nothing of her wrong-doing and be­ culture of the native grape was begun at ble that there should be v. ithout disaster. was on high ground and out of danger. garded,” a feeling which has a special strong and logical presentation, and was turned, and this time was accotn;«nied
lieved her to be still the fair, innocent iGeorgetown, D. C., by Major John Ad- Austria and Germany are outwardly and My relatives and myself bad other trying element of danger for the energetic por­ accorded the most respectful attention. ' by Mr. Carnegie, the Pennsylvania iroo
girl that had left her some few years be­ um, who first produced the Catawba, through necessity friendly now, but the ■ difficulties to overcome but we were al) tion of the population. The slowness o The lady’s opponent was John J. Sutton, king. < «ossipe have it that during hi«
fore. The nurse, thinking that the youug but its culture did not become an impor­ Hapsburgs, like the France people, will \ saved except my aunt Mrs. Mary Turner returns from fanning may beget dissatis-f of Columbus, who was very deferential visit Mr. DainrOflch offered his hand la
k'YMVTtting. PemnansMp, Correspondence, Bus mother had been a married woman, tant industry until 1849, when Nicholas never forget the abasement they have
faction among this class and lead them to
¿a and Legal Forms practically taught at th
in his references to opposing counsel. - marriage and it was accepted, with th«
who was drowned. The flood occurred
Portland Business College. brought as a consolation the little infant Longworth, of Cincinnati, after thirty suffered at the hands of victorious Ger­ l ; on Friday and it was the next Sunday al- encumber themselves in order to have Miss Pier was attired in black silk, and approval of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine. *
years’ experiment with foreign grapes, many, whose policy of nationalization
the means to push their o|*erations more
The thorough work done in each of our severs
♦ ♦♦
teaartatents has given this Institution a reputu to the aged woman. The wretched and decided that the native grape must be reaches to the Adriatic, ami wiil some t ternoon when I saw my child. Strange I vigorously, or on too large a scale, or to a rich diamond a park led on her finger.
be such as but few schools attain, securing t bereaved parent realized the situation at
•wadreds of our graduates profitable employ a glance and fell fainting to the floor.
our reliance. In 1850 300 acres were day be developed. A bnck«set to < ier-
embark in outside ventures. Irresiionsi-
aant, both as book-keepers and Htencgrapner?
, given a thorough drenheing, never Sllf- j ble loan companies and the risk of crop years of age, a brunette, with bewitching
BbfiaaU admitted at any lime. Catalogue free
The late Mme. Musard was one of the planted with vines twelve miles from the many—any relaxation of armed vigilance fered seriously from its effects.
lie had built a street railway f.otn lb«
eyes and very heavy lashes, but her
< >ne
A. F. ABMSTBONQ, Principal, Portland, Or.
few American women in Europe that city, and 50,000 gallons of wine produced. —and Austria would not hesitate to at­ thing I «lid not tell you. During the long ailures are among other elements of] striking feature is her splendid black town depot to the town conrthoua«,«
tempt the retrieval of her lost fortunes
closed a liie of wrong-doing in splendor
period I was hanging to the rafter with overloaning which has been brought hair, which falls nearly to the floor in a distance of half a mile, ami had put os •
seven states was but 221,249 gallons. As i ’ — Si. Paul Prett.
i and luxury. Up to the last the gorgeous­
the water up tc tny neck my clothing was about and intensified by the abundance massive braid. Her mother and she couple of Ixiblailed cars, each propeltod
ness of her hotel, and her dresses and early as 1861 California had 10,500,000
aiinost ent rely torn off me, and when I of Eastern money seeking the Western graduated together from the law depart­ i by a seal-blown mule. He had, further,
Sample rooms in connection.
j her jewels were the talk of Paris. The vines.
ment of the iVisconsin university a year ! opened a hea<lquart«rs office and secured
A curious discovery connected with the was assisted through the aperture, 1 was market. According to the writer, owing
Since 1840 the consumption of wine
sale of the latter attracted crowds to the
o------ o
and botl now practice in Milwau­ s clerk, and as the “bobs” made their
given a pa r of my father-in-law's pants , to competition, security has been readily
Hotel Drouot for a week. The whole of has increased 400 per cent, while the im­ recent disastrous conflagration is reported
kee.— Marti too, Win. Special Io I'hieaqo ' first successful trips his l>oaom swelled
Is bow fitted up in fired class order.
j accepted which, had money been scarce, Herald.
the two rooms in that great auction mart portation has increased but 17* J per cent. by a Spokane paper. The safe of Mason
with pride, and lie turned to his vonng
Accommodations as good as can be were lined with showcases where spark­ From 1877 to 1884 the average annual Smith & Co. became cracked by the in­ It was no time to think of such matters; would have lieen rejected as insufficient, ■
man with tiie observation:
nxrnd in the city.
| and, singular as it may seem, many com-' The romantic story of the engagement
led this dazzling collection, a fortune in product of wine in America was 19,000,- tense heat, and their books were charred
“The road has a name—‘The Rush,
' panies risk tbe full value of tbe land of Cousul Jacob L. Doty to Princess I’a- ville Etroet Railway ami Tranait Can-
itself, beginning with the Empress Eu­ 000 gallons, while the average annual and baked to a blackened crisp, though
8. £. MESSINGER, Manager.
Sir Edwin Arnold and his wife called ' mortgaged. Naturally enough farmers
genie’s bridal necklace of large pearls importation was but 5,000,000 gallons; they remained intact. Not a figure coul 1
on the president Wednesday. Sir Edwin i who have Iteen fortunate to secure lorna of the Society Islands has been pany'—hut it seems profter that I al.ould
and going down to hand-mirrors and that is, we import but one-fifth of the be distinguished. One of tiie bookkeep­
is a fine-looking man who seems to take such terms from the loan companies are i ! punctuied by D. C. Atwater, who has have a *>»» title. Have von thought of the
glove buttoners set with gems. But she wine we consume. More than one-half ers while turning over the leaves, noticed
more pride in the fact that he is a jour­ ! often enough tempted in case of crop lived in Tahiti for years. He says: “The matter?”
was neither well-born nor well-bred. She of our wine product is raised in Califor­ that where I is finger, which was wet,
“I have, sir,” was the prompt reply,
than in his eminence as a poet. failuars or other embarrassment to let i real name of the alleged princess is I*a-
«Uxiked with the Choicest Wines. began life as a dish-washer and stair- nia. New York and Ohio are next great­ touched the page tiie figures appeared
ioma Brander. Her mother is a half- “and I beg to submit tiie title—'Presi­
•H tail Cigars- Domestic and Imported.
legible through the moisture. He pro­ He married an American, a daughter of the companies take tlieir land. Once i caste woman who is chief of one of the dent, secretary and treasurer of tbe
scrtibber at a hotel in Boston. She end­ est wine-growing states.
«X'feo Best Bet in. tKe City ed it in a madhouse, her once lovely face
It is worth noting that the Pacific cured a paint brush, dipped in water and tiie late Bev. R. Channing, at one time I tliis evil lias been recognized remedial small islands having a population of Rushville Street Railway and T—"til
chaplain ci the house of representatives. measures are naturally to be looked for, j
WM. MARTIN. Proprietor.
distorted by a stroke of facial paralysis states have two native varieties of grapes dampened tiie whole page and was grati­
Sir Edwin is a delightful conversational­ | and the writer states that under tbe lead ! about one hundred and fifty ¡>eople. l*a- Company and general manager of th«
which had caused the permanent closing that have been domesticated— Vitis Cal­
ist and has nothing of the coldness which ' of resi>onsible loan companies conserva- loma’s father was a Scotchman who lias western hemisphere.’ ”
of one of her eyes several years ago. ifornia and Vitii Ari^onica. In Southern Two bookkeepers then went to work and
‘ Splendid idea,” exclaimed tbe presi­
often pertains to an Englishman's man­ , tive measures are reacting against tins been dead for a long time. I’aloma is
Yet, inasmuch as she died neither poor Oregon all the varieties ot grapes that I by wetting the pages and carefully turn­
seventeen years of age. Her parent was dent, and the printing was at once or.
!I dangerous tendency.
nor foisaken, her end may be considered have sprung from the wild American ing the leaves, succeeded in a few days
I willing that she should marry Doty, but i dere«l.
great faith in the future of our country.
Reference has already been made to the ’ i the girl herself did not see it that way.
as more fortunate than most of her coun­ stock can be raised to perfection, and in in transferring all the accounts to a new
Wood, of *11 descriptions moved and care trywomen who have occupied a similar any part of Oregon three of tbe best va­ set of books. The Itooks are as black as
I fact that the official statistics bearing on There never was an engagement between Qfq]|<j Fen CfY fot
Children Cry for
ful handling guaranteed.
i the question of farm mortgages is »canty. them. Doty will never go back to Tahiti.
position.— Parit Letter to Pltiladrlotiia rieties of table grapes, the Concord, the j ink and the leaves crumble to pieces if
Collection, will be made monthly.
; Catawba and the Delaware can be made tonebed.
Pitcher’s Castoria i The writer however, extracts some faet* as he is not in high favoi at the island.”
Pitcher’s Castori«;
•^.Hauling ot all kimh «Ion«-< hesp^J Prett.
Absolutely Pure.
Sign, and Ornamental Painter
The St Charles Hotel.
! ' to ¿row luxuriantly.
The Oregon grape
grower gets nearly double the price for
his grapes that is paid in the Eastern
market, and his crop is secuie liecause
we have no early frosts, such as are not
infrequent in New York and New Eng­
land. Last year three or four little vil­
in Chautauqua county, N. Y., sold
worth of Concord grapes, send­
i them to the California market. Hie
of that county have many of
sold their farms and purchased
on Lake Erie suitable for gra[>e cul­
which pays better than farming.
From the Concord grape can be made
t excellent red wine and from the Del­
a white wine equal to the Cataw­
1 still wines of the East. There is no
why Concord and Delaware grape
be grown in Oregon in quantities
not only to supply the Portland
but the markets of Idaho and
1 Montana, Carefully packed these grapes
’ will lie in condition until November. The
grape reaches our market in a
fresh condition than our Oregon
and are of inferior flavor for the
Some day Oregon ought to have
a i grape-growing industry as valuable as
of Ohio and Western New York.—
Mortgages an<l the Fanner.