THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER.1 HARDING 1 HEATH, Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. one Copy, per year, inadvance................. $2 00 ><:e Copy, six months in advace............. 1 00 Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville Oregon, as second-class matter. T he advertising R ates of T he T ele ­ phone -R egister are liberal, taking in consideration the circulation. Single inch. >1.00; each subsequent inch, |.75. Special inducements for yearly or semi- yearly contracts # * « A ll C ommcnications mist B e S igned B y the person who sends them, not for pub­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non de plume,” but for a guarantee of good faith. No publications will he published unless so signed. » * » J ob W ork N eatly A nd Q uickly E xecuted at reasonable rates Our facilities are the best in Yamhili county and as good as any in the state A complete steam plant insures quick work. . • . A ddress A ll C ommcxications . E ither F or the editorial or business departments, to T he T elephone -R egister . McMinnville. Oregon. •:c * S ample C opies O f T he T elephone -R egis ­ ter will be mailed to any person in the United States or Europe, who desires one, free of charge » «- • W e I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele ­ phone -R egister with any other paper published in Yamhill county. All rubecribert who do not receive their paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ mediately reporting the tame to thie office. Friday, September 6, 1889. Tin: WORLD’S EXPOSITION. WHAT’S UP NOW WHAT’S BIC DRIVE IN SHOES! WHAT’S NOW UP Geographically considered Chicago WHAT’S WHAT’S ________ | WHAT ’ S UP NOW should he the place of holding the World’s NOW UP WHAT’S fair of 1892. The Eastern states have had WHAT NOW WHAT’S UP their dav in the growth of this nation___ —■-*- ’ • S NOW UP WHAT’S and it m now time for them to step aside j WHAT’S NOW UP and let the “wild and wooly west” as Ì WHAT’S NOW UP WHAT’S WHAT ’ S they cor.sider it, come in for its share of greatness. For more reasons than one Chicago should be the site of the fair. It is cen­ trally located an KAY & TODD Dealers in Shoes, Clothing and Cent's. Furnishing Goods, -< R 1 Have reduced the price on the following line of Boots ami Shoes for the next days. “Cartorl* is to well Adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription Knowutome ” IL A. A bchxt ., M D . Hl So. Oxford Sk, Brooklyn, X. Y. Price. Reduced. $5.00 $6.50 Hand-Sewed Shoes...................... Fine Calf in Button. Lace and Con­ 2.50 4.00 2.00 gress 3.50 Men's Calf Boots, tipped sole 5.50 Buff Shoes............... 2.50 Fine Imported French Calf Shoes ill Button, Lace and Congress...........5.00 UJ i 1.00 OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA REMEMBER FOR Smitlicrn THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS The Latest Telegram!' Till. You van obtain these good, at our Rtore for the above prices. ticle. .So little is genuine, you know. The heathen ChiDee is a wonderful adul­ terator, and what the heathen don’t adulterate the “Melican man” does. We make a specialty of pure goods, and if there is anything we do pride our­ selves on it is selling MOI XT SHASTA Time Between KAY & TODD, Successors to Bishop & Kay, McMinnville, Oregon. KOI TE! Transcontinental Route. lutte Mi U. -------- VIA THE-------- and San Francisco. Cascade Division' now completed, 39 HOURS! making it the Shortest, Best' California Express Trains Kun Daily and Quickest. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRAN Tlie Dining Car line. The Direct Route CISCO ! No Delays. Fastest. Trains. low­ est Kates to Chicago and all LSAVK ARRIVE. Portland 4.00 p in ¡San Francisco 7.4*» pm points East. Tickets sold San Fran. 7:0G p m Portland 10.45 pm to all Prominent Points lethal Passenger Daily, except Sunday. throughout the East and Southcaat. Through Pullman Drawing Koon Sleep­ LEAVE. ARRIVE Portland . SA’» a m Eugene. 2 to p m ing Cars Eugene. . 0:00 a iu ‘Portland . 3:15 pm Reservations can be secured in advance. Portland R U interested in T Fall Stock! ! I'iicilir Compiiin’s Lines, The Great O. O. HODSON ( ) Will Soon Receive I TANNER-Y STINK. McMinnville at the present moment is Pillmii Buffrl S ights To Cast Botin«! Bfoicngfi». The G. A. R., should feel highly flat­ This stock selected with special re­ forging ahead in the wav of substantial Re eaefnl and do not make a mistake Tourist Sleeping Cars, tered at tie compliment paid the wives hut be sure to lake the improvements, faster than anv town in ference to the trade of this For accommodation of »Second Class Pas­ I and widows of veterans by Corporal Tan­ sengers attached to express trains. Oregon. ________________ vicinity will probably sur­ The 8 P. Company’s Ferry makes con­ ner, in a speech at the encampment in prise all who see it by the nection with all the regular trains on the Gen. Harrison now wishes that he bad Milwaukee. Tanner introduced a reso­ And roc that votir tickets read via East Side Division from foot of I' street extensive variety it offers not appointed Corporal Tanner, commis­ lution favoring the amendment of the THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneai>olia, to in every line of goods WEST SIDE DIVISION avoid changes and Beriona delavn nrrg- sioner of pensions. The corporal lias too laws, regarding pensions, by which the which we carry. It in­ Between Portland and Corvallis. fcioned by other routes. large a mouth for this administration. soldiers widows shall draw pensions un­ Through Emigrant Sleeping Can inn cludes the pick of the Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. on regular expies« trains full length of LEAVE |............. ARRIVE market in fresh Fall styles Mr. J. L. Travis assumed editorial til their death whether they remarry or BertliR free. Lowest rates. :1 ."> a in the line Portland . 7:30 a nil McMinn* and fabrics; not less as­ charge of the Yamhill Reporter with last not. It was rejected in the midst of a McMinn' 10:13 a in Corvallis. -•Cl’ ni Quickest tune. storm of laughter from the assembled Corvallis 1 :30 p m McMinn' 3 44 p 111 tonishing than the goods .—o----- week’s issue. We are pleased to note 3:25 p ni Portland . . (i :20 p m Genera Gttiee Of t lie Company. Na, ltl McMinn’ Boldiers. In a speech Tanner advocated will be the the improved appearance of the pa]>er. <’«»r XValiingtoii. Portand, Or. At Albany and Corvallis connect with Call and get a Brewing Free I its passage and the compliment is con­ -----o—— trains of Oregon Pacific A D CHARLTON. It is estimated that there are 31,000 tained in the following extract from the Express Train Daily, except Sunday Asst General Passenger Agent. people in this country who control three- speech. levai :. ARRIVE. I :50 p in | :in' H.OOpm Portland . fifths of the entire capital. No one would He said : Ü) Put on them. Our Fall opening 5:45 a in | mid. 9:00 am McMinn* find fault with this if it was not used as I want to say that to fail to adopt some will see the inauguration of Through > ’ m ts South and tickets to ail | For a little while although we are a political force by these few to control such rule is to place a premium upon im­ East via California morality. r ’ ■ have stood .... fl For years I in this T|Jl' |> ipve't' not glass-blowers. In the many. Ticke; offices. No 134, corner First ami SEA MIX encampment ____ ___ nt and voted against such I * * *' Abler streets. Portland, Oregon; corner plain words we are talking propositions; but since I have been pen­ Front and F streets, Portland The democratic party of Montana is sion commissioner I have changed front We have ever presided over. up our stock of Glassware. R KOEHLER, E. P. ROGER harmonious and in good working order entirely on such subjects. There is not Glassware, however, is only Manager. Asst. G F. A I „ > whether while the republican party is just the op­ a week there are not a great many You must see these goods one feature of our stock. you buy or not, and it will posite. We believe it is safe to say that cases that come to my knowledge where Simulions. We have the women have made lambskins of their give us great pleasure to Montana will join the already large ma­ virtue to retain a pension. have everybody call ami In the circuit court of the "tule of < h-ei’on jority of democrats. Most I'oiiiiilete Collection of Crockery i In plain English it means that in order examine, handle and priee for Yamhill county. to keep a soldier’s widow from being a a in. and 5« Ever put. on the Yamhill county John J. Flynn. PlaintiH*, these bargains, so that you The tax question is exciting much vs. prostitute it is necessary for the govern­ market. and from principal pointa in th« may be convinced of our comment irorn the papers of the country. Mary Flynn. Elizabeth United States. Canada and Europe ment to pay her a pension of $12 or $20 a Our bid for business is ability to make prices on I Flynn, Peter Flynn. Mary i The tax question needs discussion and month. I Ann Flynn. Margaret Hall. i the best quality of goods, nowhere as bad as in the state of Ore­ I Thomas Hull, James Flynn. Low Prices Consistent With Good Ekg»ni V-, ÍI íiiíhx Cais. The wives of our veterans must feel the like of which is unpre­ Ellen Flynn, ‘Catherine gon. A radical change in the assess­ Goods. highly pleased with this compliment Flynn. Andrew Flynn, Al­ cedented. ment law of this state is needed. Pullman Pulace Sleeping Cars, lred Flynn. Emma Flynn. paid to tlieir virtue by this no legged, Remember that this is Apperson Sarah Flynn,Cecelia Flynn, New Family Sleepers, run through General Sherman was forced out of loud mouthed blatherskite who has been Virginia Flynn and Ida who is doing this advertising to give j on Express Trains from Portland to Flynn, Defendants. his seat during a ride from Milwaukie raised to a position which is immensely you notice of the bargains to be oh- ' To the above named defendants : to Chicago the other day by some rattle­ beyond his ability by the republican ad­ Thin! Slreet. McMimnille. Or. tained at his store. In the name of the state of Oregon you ON \ll \ I HAVE EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN MY LINE. brained G. A. R. man. A seat was fin­ ministration. and each of you arc hereby notified ami r< - quired to appear and answer the complaint ally found for the old hero in another Kemember Filed against you in the above entitled suit THE TARIFF ILLUSTRATED. car. If Tanner had been there he would on or before tin* 23d day of September, lxsu, that being the first day of the next regular The protective tariff is a snare and it is have been crowned as a king. term of said court, next After due service of strange that some people cannot or will this summons upon you by publicAtion as The first trial of reaping and binding not allow themselves to think that a re­ by I aw provided, And if you ÎAil so to An­ swer, the pl.rintiff will Apply to the court machines ever made in Germany occured duction of it in some places and its total for the relief, pr a yeeople we give an example with ing the trip in GO hour»«. to-wit : One Night Only ! The homesti'Ad entry or cHimof John ISrOTE THESE PRICES! machinery the United States is in ad­ which we are familiar. The T ei . ephone - FlynN, as the s\me is descriheii i\ the puts $hi 00 j Bteei age ? 8 OU vance of all other nations. AN*d surveys At the Exited Stites 1 an er which you have in Second Reader ....................................... Twenty-ninth annual exhibition at lots onc , two ANd three of sectioN thirty- of 1 lie ('«»mpati.t or fort has been made to collect it and it your hand was bought in Portland and 6 Third Reader .......................................... four, ix t 4 s, r 6 w, ix Y.Amhill conxty, < »re- seems that if a few are allowed to go tax gon, coxtAixixg KiO Acres more or less, A.xd Fourth Reader...................................... C. J. SMITH, free we all should. No man is better cents per pound was paid for it. The for a decree tliAt pl.Aixtiff be p.ùd \11 sums SALEM, OREGON, freight rate to this coast is a little more Fifth Reader ........................................ Genl. (Manager of moxev due him upox s \id mortg.Age, to- than another in this free country but it Consolidation of Black Stars ! Nothing wit: The sum of $175.75, with ixterest E xchange O n R eaders F ree . seems as if the county court of this coun­ than $2.25 per hundred, making the Chi­ like them ’ The greatest ever here ! Don’t thereox from J \xu.\ry 5th, 18X4. \t the rite THE YAQUINA ROUTE. cago pape worth a little more than 6 fail to see them ! . . ... ,. (Introductory price $.30 of tex per cext per axmuii . axd the sum of ty makes a distinction. F.rst Arithmetic ’ Exchange 1.............. 15 $100, Attorxey’s fees, \xd costs ax - cents per pound delivered here. The ! 15—RENOWN EDA RT [STS—15 bursemexts, *.\xd for such other relief as The public debt has increased aliout a freight takes the place of the protective „ , . .. 1 Introductory price .60 Including the world-famed Black Baby iuay be just Second Arithmetic ’ Exchange ‘ 1 This suninioxs is published for six weeks million and a half during August owing tariff. The paper mill of this valley can Boy Quartette, introducing negro melodies CONTINUING ONE WEEK, and genuine plantation specialties. New ix the McMiNxville T li . i . piiom -P. egihtir to large pension iiayments. This seems produce paper as cheap, if not cheaper, music ’ New songs ! New specialties First Grammar, Introductory price. . . . by order of H on R. P Boise, judge of Don’t fail to see the grand uniform street like old times. The republican party is than the Eastern mill, no higher wages s.\i!♦. in power again. Corporal Tanner never being paid and wood being plenty. This drum Complete, Introductory price.............. major. Major Lew Hull State Board of Agriculture. paper buys its paper in Portland and vir ­ handled authority before in his life and Popular prices Reserved seats for sale ,,, , , t Introductory price................ he intends to handle it until it makes tually pays the freight oil the paper from at Rogers Bros.’ drug store. (Exchange................................ Simulions. him rich. The people are already sick Chicago to this place into the pockets of the paper company of this valley. Is it of him. _______________ McMinnville College is fitted In the circuit court of tin* state of Oregon 22.“ Mih-s Shorter—20 hours less not so? It is profit to the company, but time than hj any other route. for Yamhill county We are trying to find a laborer who not a benefit to us. Down with the ex­ to do 25 per cent better work W. T. Shurtleff. A. E. Wood. i has had bis wages raised in consequence The Dundee Mortgage and than ever before. Lt First < llirongh pa-wngfr and freiabl Trust Investments ompany ' of the republican protective policy.— New cessive tariff, both railroad and govern­ II»“- hwu Portland andati points in the Wil­ (LimitedPlaintiff, ment. York Herald. Premiums. lamette valley to and from Fan Franeneo vs We can show you more than you would George Shepherd ami Mary Time Seh<*ave Yaqnlna 0:<5 am rey and Sherman Hatch. their wages lowered if it were not for re­ publication of the contract with the Ca­ Mechanical Exhibit», for Works of I.ea ve « 'vi vaIII. 1:10 |U.i:la'aveC'orvalli«l0:!l5 uiu Defendants. publican protective policy. Digest that.— nadian Pacific railway company for the I Art and lor Fancy Work, for Arrive Y aqnina pm Ar.-ire Albany 11 ;lu au. Do not fail to send for cata­ To the above nanird defendants: Watchtower. Trials of Speed <>. AC train« eon nee 1 at Albany and Cor- logue before deciding about Pacific mail service, which lias passed ! In the name of the state of Oregon you vallia. Yon just tell us who and what they school for the coming year. and each of you are hereby notified and re­ the Imperial house o' commons. The Tl.e above linin', lonnect at Yaqcixa with are, we will do the counting. You have quired to appear and answer th«* complaint llie Ore-on Imvelopenwnt Co'«. Line of Steam T. G. BROV'NSON. Pres. contract provides that the service be­ of plaintiff filed in said cause in ahlpa I'l tween Yaqnina and San Fraiii Mco. made a statement, back it up by proof. I said court on or before the 23d day of tween Halifax in winter and Quebec in Sitiliim Dates. I September. 18X9. that being the first day of Theatrical men have queer methods of summer shall be one continuous and ! the next regular term of said court, next FROM YAQUINA Sept toll I 1 after due service of this summons upon you Willamette Valley, Monday, advertising. A successful actor recently complete service at intervals of four 1 by publication as by law provided, ami if Tuesday. Sept |7th built a wall in front of a cemetery. Apro­ weeks, the vessels to call at,Yokohama Important improvements made in the! LOAN BROKERS. NOTARIES PUBLIC AHO SEARCHERS OF RECORD. you fail to so answer, for want thereof, tin W ednesday, Sept 2Jth and Shanghai ; the period of transit be ­ Premium List. pos of cemetery walls, they used to tell a ( plaintiff will apply tothecourt fort FROM SAX FIIANCIBCO , lief prayed for in said complaiint, to-wit: W illainette Valiev,’ Wednesday, Sept 4th OPPOSITE THE POSTGFFiCE. good story of Jim Fish and his attitude tween Halifax and Hong Kong to be 732 ’ A decree foreclosing that certain mortgage Friday, “ ------- Sept 13tli toward such structures. A delegation hours and between Quebec and Hong | described in said complaint ami for an <>r- REDUCED RATES FOR FARES Saturday Sept 21st dcr of sale of the following real premises from a country town in which he had re­ Kong 684 hours. The run between Que­ Ul Kimis ol’ G ikm I s ill í'i’tlnick [‘rices Sunday, Sept 2Mtli described in said mortgage, to-wit : sided for a time when he was a boy, bec and Hong Kong will thus occupy 28L, Tlu company rc erreg the right change Beginning ata ¡»oint twenty-three 231 CALI. AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. chains and ninety-two < 92 (links, south nine sailing datcN without notice. waited upon him in the height of his days, and between Liverpool and Hong N. B.—PaMhengers from Portland and m H W|l degrees, thirt.v minutes < 9 degrees. :ui min­ prosperity, begging for a subscription to Kong about 36 days. Penalties are re­ Will be glad to show our Goods and con­ On all Transportation Lines to and from utes) west of the most northwesterly corn­ anieft* \alley Pointe can make r|n®e con ore the Fair. vince all that we mean Business er or Samuel .Shepherd’s land, Founty Stir tion with the train* of the Y aqtisa K ovte al put a wall around the old cemetery. quired for failure, and the contract is to ; A*ey ‘No. 57 <’,‘ recorded May It. 18X15. Albanv or CorvaIlia, and it dcatinrd to Sen “Not a cent,” said Fisk, “I won’t give run for ten years. The imperial subsidy Yamhill county, in township three Franciaeo, ehonld arrange to arrive at Yaquine you a cent. It’s a useless expense. No­ is $3(10,(W a year and the dominion sub­ (3)southot range four (4 west of the Wil­ the evening before date of Railing. 3=rices of -A.clm.issi©sx: lamette meridian, Oregon, at which point a body in the cemetery wants to get out sidy $100,(MM). The admiralty clauses Summer Excursions. Mrs. Morris & Co stone monument 7x10x10 inches marked provide that, among other things, the Ri iuiliilii r llu- Oregon I’acUii- impul.i and nobody out of it wants to get in.” “C 8 57 ’from which an oak four (.4 i in­ Men’s day ticket......... . 50c and vessels shal be constructed so as to be ches in diameter bears north eighty-three niniincr I'xi ursIniiR to Ynipilnn. D im rare Women’s day ticket 25c (83) degre.s, west nine (9j links, and tu ketr ni<- now on -lib*, good i-verv \V«-<1n«... Men’s season ticket . .$2 50 It has been nearly two months since used as cruisers and subject ?o purchase Of Portland, formerly of this city, has Women’s season ticket marked "(’S57C BT,' amt an oak four (4) 2i>; l hains and fifteen links to He should be awakened, and assistance The material, he asserts, will be less wtorXcd ‘APHRODITINE" a stone; thence north five degrees, forfy- and power given to our meagre fleet in i than one-half as expensive as marble. Is S old on a i five minutes 5 degrees 45 minutes east POSITIVE fifteen chains 15.» and eighty (80 /links; Behring sea to protect American rights ' He guarantees it whiter and to hold color Orders taken for all k I thence west forty (40 chains; thence south GUARANTEE satisfaction guaranteed in American waters, or never let bis vig­ perfectly, no matter in what kind of ‘ nine degrees and thirty minutes (9 degrees, to cure auy form of nervous and see specimens of fun ; 30minutes westtwenty-three( 23 ichAinsAmi orous ;?) foreign bolicv be mentioned in weather, an 1 warrants it to stand the disease, or any ninety-two ( 92 ) links to the i »! aco of l»< zin- the United States again. disorder of the wear of time for an indefinite period. Do not buy without lii> ; ning; cont a in ing seventy-five r<- \nd generative or­ seventy-s;k hundredths of An Acre 757 ture manufactured here The plan includes the manufacture of THF. gans of either When G. Glass first assumed charge of blocks, part y out of cane stigai from I And situAted in the (MMinty of Y \ nuill sex av hether ar­ and county st Ate of Oregon. BEFORE ising from ___ ___ the ... ___ AFTER the Reporter, it is reported that he went Louisiana, and partlv out of beet sugar excessive use Of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, And for a decree th \t plsintiu i»e p\i ! and saw Capt. Lafollett, of Sheridan, to from Kansas but wholly out of Ameri­ or through youthful indiscretion, over indulr I All sums -f money «Lie him upon sAid ence, Ac., such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakefur mortgAge. to wit ; The sum of $700, gold retain him as an editorial writer, lie can sugar, and the emplovinent of none ness, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Prices Consistent with Good Work. hi positively the ►borWt and fin ’ coin, together with interest thereon Weakness. Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­ asked the captain, who everyone knows , but American tools ami American wnrk- al ¡from I’ebruAry 1st, 1X89. At. x per cent peri line to ( hicago and the east and eoilth and Emissions. Ixjucorrhcea, Dizziness. Weak Mem­ Anudt.i't have to offer a prize____ to tell _____ thte Annum, the sums of $54 xo with interc«t I jh<-only fcloepjng an«t dining car il»rgqè^ ory, Loss of Power and Impotency. which if ne­ as a staunch republican, if he would write 1 men. Ccodt, for iLi the BEST MADE. Every Can holds glected often lead to premature old age and insan­ Reliable Opposition thereon from Februxry 1st. 18.X9 \t ten per for the paper. The captain says: “See ity. Price 11.00 a box. 6 boxes for $5.00 Sent by [»er cent Annum, And the xum of $100. Attorn- Omaha, Kanaaa City, aud al! Mla»unii ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. on receipt of priee. letter Point. ey’s fees, xnd for costs ad «I diibusements here Mr. Glass, you are a democrat are The great Lian amongst the war veter­ mail A WRITTEN : train service and elegant dining and iirtcMINNVILLE, ORE. slref-mg rar. has horn tly carne.l fur it th. Apnr.opiTiNE. Circular free. Address I by order of Hon R 1’. Boise, judge of 1 title of not?” “Yes sir.” “You are now run­ and wholly by his own cheek and not his cured bv THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. I s.Aid court. n;\dc AtStlem, Oregon. M*.v ning a republican paper in McMinnville ability lias risen to a place where he can WESTERN BRANCH, 22d. POSITIVELY BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR. are you not?” “Yessir.” “Well when be looked upon. The roaring of this in­ An Established Wholesale Watch Hcue tnuat .Sold by Kogers Bros . sole asents for Mc­ close out quickly • Large Mtock of Elgia you inform the |>eople of this county why significant ass in the ears of the veterans Minnville. WalUiam Watch*«, io Crat quality Gold Olle« Cases, at about Manufacturers Prices. The you turned republican, through the col­ have drowned thoughts ol the great, deeds only opportunity ever offered you to gATB ■ fl WF R T1 “’’ TWO WILL PROFITS, and be warranted iu AM VCR I Ivkilw oroth tr. i paper w ©ctam e-.t r. umns of the Reporter, I will write for the performed by Grant, Sherman, Hancock Tlieir Quialiy-. receiving only Abaolately Beiiahla !!■•- The iness will be conducted with the keeper*, and in Cases that carry with them on advertising space when in Chicago, wi Q k WE ARE BLOWING GLASS U r Biiujux <1 Ò fl A. J. APPERSON, TICKETS10 To Be Sold At Prices That Defy Competition! o. o. lazoiDSonsr •x Carries the Mammoth Stock of Yamhill County, SCHOOL BOOKS ROGERS - BROS! TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. I Oth. State Fair ! U te h CH M:! OREGON DEVELOPMENT COM­ PANY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. OVER $15,000 IN CASH McMinnville College. tar aitati kttMw Oregon Furniture Factory, BUGGIES CARRIAGES ! B. CLARK. PROPRIETOR. The Celebrated French Cure, F. DIELSCHNEIOER, W M, ROUTE," THE CITY STABLES, COLLARD, WATCHES AT COST! No Goods Misrepresented as to