The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 06, 1889, Image 1

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    M c M innville ,
Sonic Very Interesting Reminis­
cences by P. T. Barnum.
I knew and admired Mr. Greeley years
before I had a peisonal introduction to
him. I was then a Jacksonian democrat,
and, of course, opposed to him in poli­
tics. He came one day into the ofli. e of
the Christian Messenger, in Fulton street,
where I happened to be calling. It was
election day and politics ran high, lie
asked Mr. Finch, the bookkeeper, wheth­
er Dr. Sawyer had voted yet, ami, al­
though Mr. Greeley did not know me, I
at once said: "There is no use for you to
drum tip the clergy to vote. 1 will liet
you $25 that the democrats will elect
their ticket.” He felt in his pocket and
said: “I have only got $5; I will bet
you that.” Yet, really expecting defeat,
I did not want to bet at all, so I said:
“Oh, no; I will not bet unless you make
it 25.” “Finch,” said Greeley, "lend
me $20, and I will take that bet.”
Finch replied : “You would better not
This powder never varies. A marvel of bet, Mr. Greeley; this is Barnum, the
purity, strength and wholesomeness More
economical than the ordina y kinds, anil museum man, and he will be sure to
cannot be sol«l in competition witli multi­ beat you in some way.” “Never mind,”
tude of low test, short weight alum or phos­
phate powder. Sold onlv in cans. R oyal ! said Greeley, “I will bet him.” I was,
B aking I’ owhkr C o . 106 Wall St., N. Y. ’ in fact, sorry to do this, but we put our
“stakes” into Mr. Finch’s bands. To
my surprise, the democrats carried it,
although it was charged that it was done
by fraud. From that time Mr. Greeley
Calbreath & Goucher,
and I became warm personal friends.
His peculiarities, especially that of ab-
M c M innville ,
... O regon . sentminledness, have often been de­
(Office over Braly’s Bank.)
scribed, and I have witnessed many cu­
rious instances.
One Sunday at Dr.
S, A. YOUNG, M. D.
Chapin’s church my daughter Caroline
was with me, and after service, as we
Physician & Surgeon.
were about stepping on a horsecar, Mr.
M c M innville .
O regon . Greeley did the same. My daughter
Office and residence on I) street. All urged me to introduce her, so I said to
call» promptly answered day or night.
him: “Mr. Greeley, this is my eldest
daughter, Caroline.” He looked at her,
passed 1 is eyes down as far as her feet
and up again to her face, but made no
Practicing Physieian and Surgeon, motion of recognition. Caroline felt mor­
tified, and said afterwards: ‘•Well, fath-
er, that is the most curious introduction
I ever l ad to any person, W hat was
Jan, SI, ’88.
the man thinking about?
Years afterward, when I was president
of the World’s fair held in Reservoir
Square, now Bryant Park, in New York,
Has the most complete stock of harness Mr. Greeley was one of the directors,
in the county At present 12 set of sin­ and was always the first man present at
gle harness, hand made, in prices
the directors’ meeting. He would sit and
ranging from $12 to $30, and 8
talk with me a few minutes, and then in­
set of tear i harness as cheap
variably fall asleep, and remain so until
AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY awakened by the arrival of other direc­
tors. When the association was about
Can be seen on the hooks in my shop.
I have competent workmen employed dissolving and wanted to close up its af­
to do all kinds of repairing and to make fairs, it was stated at a directors’ meet"
any harness ordered. I also keep a full
stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, that the city held a bill of several thous­
horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of and dollars against us for taxes. Mr.
ras for repairs constantly on hand.
Greeley said : “Now, gentlemen, if you
will api>oint me a coinmitte of one to
wait upon the mayor, I will propose to
him that thecitv shall take our iron fence
around the square as payment in full for
House. Sign, and Ornamentai Painter the taxes. Of course the mayor and I
don’t agree politically, but we will not
M c M innville , O regon .
be mear about a thing of that kind, and
I think I can fix it.”
I had occasion to go to Europe a week
Paper Hanging and
Carriage Painting, afterwaid, and was absent nearly two
years, during which time the Crystal
Prompt Attention to Orders from palace burned. Soon after my re­
the Country.
turn I was standing at the door of my
museum, when Mr. Greeley passed, and
M c M innville national bank . I extended my hand in great joy to greet
him after so long an absence. He paid
no attention to this movement, but stood
Transacts a General Banki ng Business,
as if we had parted only the «lay before.
President........................... J. W. COWLS “Well, Barnum,” ho said, “I think the
Vice President.......... LEE LAUGHLIN mayor will agree to my proposition about
Cashier.........................CLARK BRALY that iron fence; I am going to see him
again to-morrow and hope we shall ar­
Sells exchange on Portland. San Fran­ range it.”
cisco and New York.
During the Rebellion Mr. Greeley of­
Interest allowed on time deposits.
ten called on me at the museum ; at one
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p ni.
time when our cause looked the darkest
and McClellan’s army was lying idle, to
tiie dissatisfaction and dismay of most of
our Northern patriots, Mr. Greeley walk­
ed into my office. “Oh,” said he, “if
McClellan would only start that army!
Next session begins on Monday, the ltlth It does try my patience beyond meas­
of September, 1889
Free scholarships from « very coanty in ure.”
tiie State Apply to votir County Superin­
“Yes indeed,” I replied, “I would
tendent. F ree tcitiox after J ax . 1, 1890.
Four Courses . Classical, Scientific. Lit­ gladly give half I possess if I coulc be
erary and a short English Course in which assured that we should be successful and
there is no Latin, Greek French or German.
The English is pre-eminently a Business the Uuion preserved, Don’t you almost
Corn se For Catalogues or other informa­ give it up, Mr. Greeley?”
tion. address
"Oh, no,” he drawled out’ “I don’t
give it up. My faith is stronger than
that of he old woman driving her horse
down Ini! who sai«l she trusted in Provi­
dence until the breeching broke and then
she gave up. My trust in Providence is
Typewriting. Penmanship, Correspondent«, Bus greater than that. We must subdue the
and Legal Forms taactlcally taught at th
Portland Business College. rebellion an«l abolish slavery. But it is
The thorough work done tn each ot our severe a dreadful dark time and very trying to
lopartmenu nos given this institution a repute
ton such as but few schools attain, securing 11 our patience.”
lundreds of our graduates profitable employ
While I resided in New York Mr-
aoot, both as book-keepers and stenographers
■■dents admitted at any lime. Catalogue free Greeley often called on me, and on one
A. F. 1BM8TB0VG. Principal, Portland, Or.
occasion staved with me over a week.
He could never write except by raising
the desk as high as his head. I arrang­
ed in my library a desk of that kind ex­
Sample rooms in connection.
pressly for his use, and there he sat and
wrote every day, his private secretary
o------ o
calling or his manuscript for the Trib­
Is now fitted up in first class order.
. Accommodations as good as can be
He wore a pair of thick-soled cowhide
found in the city.
boots, and I begged him while in the
house and at his work to take them off
S. £. MESSINGER, Manager.
and put on a pair of my slippers. He
peremptorily refused, and said, “he was
used to the b«x>ts, and it was all right.”
I insisted that slippers would be more
Stocked with the Choicest Wines, Liq- comfortable, add to his pleasure, and
ers and Cigars—Domestic and Imported.
even prolong his life. “I guesB not,”
Th.» Best Ear in. tlxe City sai«l Mr. Greeley, “but if it did, that
WM. MARTIN. Proprietor.
would not be of much consequence. It
is not the length of a man’s lite, but the
good or evil which he does while here
that counts.” I urged him to take off
his coat and slip on one of mv loose dres­
sing gowns, which he also declined but
and Jeweler. finally accepted.
He l ad many political callers at my
•«alar In All Kind« st Wltche«. Jewelry. Plated Ware.
residence, asking favors or making sug­
Clocks and Spectacle«. McMINNVILLE. OR.
gestions. He always answered them
firmly and somewhat dictatorial!}*. He
evidently understood them perfectly,
and all the subjects they brought before
Diaymsn. him. On one occasion a seedv-looking
Xioods of all descriptions moved ami care­ individual called and asked for Mr. Gree­
ley. At first I hesitated about admitting
ful handling guaranteed.
him, but he said that he and Greeley
Collections will be made monthly.
Hauling of all kinds done eh«*ap^9 were old "cronies” and he must see him.
Absolutely Pure.
The St. Charles Hotel.
oreg - on .
F riday , S eptember
VOL. I. NO. 31.
How Moorish Wives Are Treated.!
llow They Trot in Russia.
that he could not falter. When ho re­ THE EMPEROR OF CHINA. ]
As soon ns they met Mr. Greeley said
Mr. Walter Winans, who has a regard
“Sam have you got around again? What It Was Delivered Over the Victim turned from the fatal field, while the His Absolute Power and Tre­
The Moslem women are not such com­
dark wing of the archangel of death was
have you been doing?” “Sam,” who
1 the American trotter, has a contribu­
mendous Responsibilities.
j plete slaves to their husbands as is gen- for
of Judge Terry’s Cruel Skill.
on trotting in Russia, in Illustra­
casting its shadow upon his brow, his
had a red nose, which indicated what
He is exempt, it is true, from the dan- J
The following funeral oration pro­ greatest anxiety was for the performance
an English periodica), that is of in­
took from Jeddah to Tangier had his tions,
his principal occupation was, replied,
ger of assassination, except possibly by
to American readers Mr. Winana
“Well, Greelev, I have been trying hard nounced bv Colonel E. D. Baker, on the of his duty. He felt that all his strength
wife with him. She was his only wife. terest
poison; but not only is lie the ultimate
in bis article:
and, though only eighteen years of age, save
to make a living, and 1 can’t do it; I occasion of the burial of Senator David and life belonged to the cause to which
referee on all subjects connected with
“In Moscow and St. Petersburg a
had been married to him five years and
want you to get me some place in the C. Boderick, who was shot by the late he had devoted them.
to be considered a trotter, must
“Baker,” said he—and to me they government from 200,000,000 of people had had three children, one of whom horse,
Custom lienee, no matter if it is only a Judge Terry, has passed into history as
one of the finest eulogies ever delivered. they were his last words—“Baker, when singularly liable to colossal disaster from was dead and the other two left behind trot
three versts (about two miles) not
famine, flood, earthquake and epidemic,
thun at the rate of twenty inilee
“Now Sam, what is the use?” said Mr. The senator was killed by Judge Terry, I was struck I had to stand firm, but the
at their home in Fez, whence they*came, slower
Greeley; “if I could do that you would in a duel in California on September 13th, blow blinded and I could not.” I trust and liable also for all their submissive- ' He had twice before performed the ptl- an
1 hour; in fact that jane is much too
be ilrunk in two days, and only disgrace 1859:
to win laces, where the time taken
that it is no shame to my manhood that ness, to the maddest burst of insurrec­ grim age to Mecca, anJ had each time slow
A senator lies deail in our midst! He tears blinded me as he said it. Of his tionary fury; not only lias he to satisfy been
yourself and give the collector the chance
accompanied by liis young wife. for
1 the three versts is often five minutes
is wrapped in a bloody shroud, and we, to last hour I have no heart to speak. He these millions as if they were in some , This time they were taking her mother or
to lampoon me.”
« less; t^at is at the rate of over twenty-
“Now, Horace,” replieil Sam, “you whom his toils and cares were given, are was the last of his race; there was no sense a divine being, and to control with them, and, indeed, the thoughtful four
miles an hour.
have helped me a good many times; and about to bear him to the place appointed kindred hand to smooth his couch or them without a standing army; not only , and considerate way in which he treated
“In Russia three versts is tiie minimum
I have promiseil you often to reform ; but for all the living. It is not fit that such wipe the death damp from bis brow ; but has lie to resist a permanent menace of them occasioned me a goal deal of sur- distance
trotted, and a horse that can
if you try me once more, yon may de- a man should pass to the tomb unherald­ round that dying bed strong men, the invasion from the north and intermittent prise. This biggoted Mussulman— trot
the two miles in five minutes can do
[>end I will stick to my resolutions, and ed ; it is not fit that such a death should friends of his early manhood, the devoted threats of invasion by the coast; not j looked upon by his European brethern one
mile in a good deal less than half the
you will have saved me from the poor­ call forth no rebuke, or be followed by adherents of later life, bowed in irre­ only has lie to control a huge civil ser­ as a jealous tyiant of women, as one ut- time
—say in two minutes, twenty-seven
no public lamentation. It is this con­ pressible grief, “and lifted up their vice, the most corrupt in the world, and 1 terly incapable of appreciating their high- or
« eight seconds.
“Well, Sam, it is very discouraging,” viction which impels the gathering of voices and wept.”
"The Russian racing droaky is low and
er qualities and merely using them as a
Baid Mr. Greeley, "but I will try you this assemblage. We are here of every
and heavier than the Amer­
But, fellow citizens, the voice of la­ most ]>owerful, but he has to remember 1 means wherewith to gratify his coarse four-wheeled
nation and pursuit, of every creed and mentation is not uttered by private that he is mantcheou emperor, anil to passions—could certainly have shamed ican sulky, and the tracks are at least
onee more.”
Slipping off his dressing gown and put­ character, each in his capacity of citizen, friendship aloud—the blow that struck maintain the ascendency of his house many of them in this matter. The ship three seconds slower than ours. So in
ting on his coat, he took “Sam” into a to swell the mournful tribute which the his manly breast has touched the heart and clan against millions upon millions was lying in the bay about a mile from comparing
the trotters of the two nation«,
Fifth avenue stage, and rode down to majesty of the |ieople offers to the unre­ of a people, and as the sad tidings of subjects who, deep aB is their rever­ the city of Tangier. The sea was run­ a Russian horse which trots two mile« in
ence for his office, have never forgotten '
the Custom house. On his return I ask­ plying dead.
spread, a general gloom prevails. Who
ning pretty high, and before they came five minutes, is about equal to an Ameri­
ed him if he got a place for Sam.
He lies to-day surrounded by little of shall now speak lor California?—who that the d.rnasty is a dynasty of intrud­ alongside both ladies were very sick. can one that trots a mile in two minute«
"Yes,” he said, “I have got him a funeral pomp. No banners droop over who will be the interpreter of the wants ers. “Out with the Tartar!” is the cry Gent'y he lifted them aboard and laid and twenty seconds.
for which exery etn««eror of China listens,
*" ♦
place where he can keep the wolf from the bier, no melancholy music floats up­ of the Pacific coast?
them down in a quiet corner, while he
the door, if he only has the pluck on the reluctant air. The hopes of high “Ah. who that gallant spirit shall resume, and there axe men iu the empire with rushed al tout to seek the beet place on
“As three versts in six minutes is the
and determination to do it. But I am hearted friends droop like fading Mowers Leap from Eutoraa* bank, and call us from whom he must deal cautiously, because deck whereon to fix his tent. Then he slowest a horse can go to be called a
the tomb!”
they attract Chinese as opposed to Tartar
afraid it is too late.”
upon his breast, and the struggling sigh
tore open liis packages and drew out trotter in Russia, the s|>eed of a horse is
But the last words must be spoken, loyalty.
“How can you have the patience,” I
from them carpets and pillows and cur­ spoken of there by the number of sec­
and the imperious mandate of death
To hold such a position might strain
asked, “to follow up such fellows and weeps. Around him are those who had must be fulfilled. Thus, O brave heart I
tains, and in a short while a well-fitted onds less than six minutes he takes to
the abilities erf the ablest, and the Em­
known him best and loved him longest;
help them to such an extent?”
we bear thee to thy rest. Thus, sur­ press Tsze Chi has so held it that the tent was ready, and into it he carried the trot the distance in. For instance, if be
"Oh,” he replied, “onee in a while we who have shared the triumph and en­ rounded by tens of thousands, we leave
two women and laid them down and can trot in 5:40, his speed is called ‘with­
throne was never so powerful; that overt
can save a poor fellow, and that pays for dured the defeat. Near him are the thee to the equal grave!
made them comfortable. There they out twenty,’ that is, twenty minutes off
insurrection has disappeared; that the
the mistakes we make in helping those gravest and noblest of the state, possess­
lay till the next day, as much like to the six minutes. In the same way a horse
national patriotism—using that word for bundles of clothes as anything else, for which could trot in five minutes would
who have not the good sense to help ed by a grief at once earnest and sincere;
Cheap Drinking
want of another to describe Chinese con­
while beyond, the masses of the people
even their face and hands were invisible, be spoken of as‘without a minute’ horse.
tent witli themselves—is distinctly high­
Mr. Greeley and I were among the whom he loved, and for whom his life
"The price of a horse keeps increasing
anti I really believe they did not move
The other evening a portly, well-dress­
pall-bearers at the funeral of Alice Carey. was given, gather like a thunder cloud of ed man walked into an avenue saloon. er than ever; that a treasury which was once although in a few hours, as soon more and more as he can trot in lers
a morass of debt and iraud raises money
Approaching the coffin before the re­ swelling and indignant grief.
as we had got through the straits and seconds almost double his price.
Business was «lull. He ordered whisky.
In such a presence, fellow citizens, let The barkeeper set out the bottle and at six per cent., and pays the interest entered the Mediterranean the sea be­
mains were finally covered, he remarked :
“The Russians have taken to using the
“Alice has lived to a reasonable age; it us linger for a moment at the portals of placed a tumbler of ice water behind the like an European state; that the militia came perfectly calm, and a great deal of American sulkies, and are discarding the
is about the proper time for her to die. the tomb, whose shadowy arches vibrate whisky glass. The gentleman poured has developed into a dangerous though their indisposition must have been of native harness with a yoke using instead
She has done much good during her lite.” to the public heart, to speak a few brief the smaller glass full, and as he slow-moving arioy; that the power of that inexplicable nature which would the ‘Dutch collar.’
As we rode from the house to the Church words of the man, and of his death. Up raised it to his lips his elbow was touch­ the Mussulman «sectaries, 5,000,000 of have tried the patience of many a Chris­
“The horses in their races have each a
of the Strangers, Dr. Deems, who was in to the time of his arrival in California, ed. He looked around and put down them, has been pulverized; that the tian husband considerably. But he track to themselves, and if there are
the same carriage, discoursed life and his life had been passed among events the untasted glass. A dilapidated tramp Mussulman kingdom of Kashgar has busied himself about and lit a fire, and more than three horse« in a race, it has
been made a Chinese province, filled presently rurned out a nice little dinner, to be trotted in heals. If a driver < arriea
death, which Mr. Greeley summed up incident to such a character. Fearless, stood there asking the price of a drink.
with Chinese peasants; that Russia has and did not lose his temper a bit because a whip he has to carry extra weight.
with his belief that in the great here­ selfreliant, open in his enmities, warm
“1 never refuse a man the price of a
after universal harmony, holiness and in his friendships, nedde 1 tohis opinions, drink when he asks for it honestly,’’said been driven back from Kuldja and they would have none of it, but only Three officials, beside« the judge, watch
happiness votild at last be established. and marching directly to his purpose the well-dressed one. “It shows that no France arrested at Tonquin, and that gazed sorrowfully at the provisions that each race one for each horse ; anti if the
At the funeral of the younger sister, through and over all opposition, his ca­ matter how poor he is, no matter what Chinese ambassadors are treated through­ were to be wasted. Then he made them horse ho lias to w atch breaks more than
Phoebe, which took place a few months reer was checkered with success and de­ misfortune has come over him, he has out Europe as the representatives of one some tea. and then some coffee, and left three times in a race, or gallops more
afterward, Mr. Greeley was in anything feat ; but even in defeat his energies were not lost his manliness. Here, my poor of the great powers of the world—a pow­ nothing untried tn the whole category of than a certain number of strides in a
er not to be neglected much less af­ things to make them comfortable, pa­ break, a mounted man is sent to order
but a pleasant state of mind. “Now, strengthened and his career developed.
fellow, is a-----Fudge, I felt in the wrong
When he reached these shores, his pocket. Oh, pshaw, here. No, hang it! fronted, without the gravest reason.
that girl,” said he, “had full twenty
tiently sitting there funning them, or the driver to lesve the track. Thia
China is more solid and contented at anon starting up to get them some water feature of the Russian system of racing
more years in her. She had no business keen observation taught him at once that Ah, mv pocket-book. I)—n it, I left that
to die at this time of life. There is some­ tie trod a broad field, and that a higher at home, too. Here, I’ve got it in my home and immeasurably more powerful or any other thing they might want. might Ire adopted in this country with
thing about it I cannot understand,” career was before him. He had no false watchpocket. Humph, only 15 cents! abroad than when the empress, a lady When, the next morning, the ladies had good effect.”
and other remarks to the same effect.
pride; sprung from a people ami a race My poor friend, I am sorry ; I am deeply probably with crippled feet, who has been induced to look over the side of the
The Chinese Wall.
A certain Sunday happened to come whose vocation was labor, lie toiled with sorry; but I have only the price of my never since girlhoid been outside the ship, and had convinced themselves that
on Christmas day. Mr. Greeley and I bis own hands, and sprang at a bound drink, which I owe the barkeeper here. park wall of the palace in Pekin, took up the sea was as calm as it possibly could
The Chinese wall is no myth, contrary
each owned pews in Dr. Chapin’s church, from the workshop to the legislative hall. I have no money for you. My change is the jade sceptre, which she has wielded be, and that therefore they could not to recent assertions. Built 1.700 year«
and were punctual attendants
We ex­ From that time there congregated around in my other clothes. Hold on, though. through a generation with so firm and any longer be Hick, then did they bestir before America was discovered, 1,600
pected a grand sermon from Dr. Chapin him and against him the elements of Here, you shall have your drink, never­ skilled a hand! And yet Europe has therriBelves and do their proper work in miles of it still remains erect. A corree-
known nothing of her, not even her attending to the house and doing the
on that Christmas morning, but, much success and defeat—strong friendships, theless.”
pondent who recently rode two days
name-. That, in this era of communica­ cooking. They took great pride in mak­
to our disappointment, a note was re­ bitter enmities, high praise, malignant
He poured the ice water into the
from l’ekin and mounted it« ramparts
ceived from him just as the services calumnies—but he trod with a free and spittoon, poured^ialf the whisky in the tion, when every newspaper knows every­ ing the tent look clean and neat, and al­ said:
were about to begin, stating that he was proud step that onward path which has smaller glass into the tumbler, handed it thing, and news even from China arrives together they seeme«! to be a very hap­
I could see it climbing the mountains
instantaneously, where correspondents
ill and could not attend. At first it was led him to glory and the grave.
to the tramp, who swallowed it at a gulp
py couple.
and going down the valley as far as my
thought best to adjourn the meeting, but
Fellow citizens! the man whose body and disappeared; drank his own, laid are as numerous as languages, and tiie
The pilgrims scramble on boaril with eyes could reach. It did nut diminish in
finally a iavman offered his services, lies before you was your senator. From down the 15 cents, ate an olive, a herring far East Is not only watched through a great agility and with no regard what- strength nor size at the various points I
which we accepted, in conducting the the moment of his election his character sandwich, a couple of crackers, a piece of microscope, but swept of its treasures ev_r for dignity or decency. A ladder, visited, arid its masonry would havelieen
preliminary portion of the services. haB been maligned, his motives attacked, cheese, and walked out as steadily as a with a small-tooth comb, is surely a of course, is always welcome, but if one good work for the American builders of
Meanwhile Mr. Greeley was asked to go liis courage impeached and his patriot­ judge, with the glow of a generouB strange fact.
is not handy they are quite capable of to-day. It is about 25 feet high, and at
into the pulpit and say something as a ism assaileil. It has been a system tending thought still brightening his eye. A mo­
rf’liief Justice Fuller.
swarming up ropes or climbing up the the top it is so wide that two carriages
substitute for Dr. Chapin’s sermon. He to one end. What was his crime? Re­ ment later he and the tramp were head­
The Chief Justice of the United States Bides. If the women are unable to help could drive «breast along it and the hulie
walked up without any hesitation, with view his history—consider his public act. ing up the avemte together.
lives on a beautiful knoll in the suburbs themselves they are handed up like any of one would not touch those of the other.
his old white overcoat on. A lady from weigh his private character—and before
“That is the first time I’ve seen it did of Washington, writes M. D., in July other bundles. For an hour or tao ufter
Its exterior walls are of blue brick of
Kentucky, who was then living in New- the grave encloses forever—judge be­ just that way,” said the barkeeper, xs he
a size that they look like massive
Wide Awake. His elegant home called
York, and attended Dr. Chapin’s church, tween him and his enemies!
recovered his breath.— Washington Post. “Belmont,” with turrets and spires, monium of yelling demons. Every­ stones, these aie filled iu with earth and
was sitting next to me. She had the
As a man— to be judged in his private
body seems to lie fighting with paved with brick at the top. The grass
Southern prejudice against Mr. Greely relations—who was his superior? It was Enterprise of the Chicago Man. built of rough light-colored stone, is only everybody else.
Screams of dis­ and the moss have now grown over the
a few rods from the Fourteenth-street
which too generally prevailed, and she his boast, and amid the general license
tress, yells of furious anger, threats and top of this great wall. No arches now
declared that she “had a great mind to of a new country it was a proud one, that
The man who possesses but fifteen
prayers, curses and blessings succeded guanl it, and it stands amid the snowy
go out, for she never wanted to see nor his most scrutinizing enemy could fix no cents, for which he desires to get the and capitol. As I was hurriedly passing each other in bewildering and rapid con­ mountains a monument of the aluiond-
hear Horace Greeley.” I begged her to single act of immorality upon him ! Tem­ largest drink of whisky possible, will ex­
fusion. The gesticulation is startling. eyed men who thus, 2000 years ago,
remain and she concluded to do so. In perate, decorous, self-restrained, he ercise more inventive genius than an Ed­ rain I saw three little girls all in a flutter Arabs certainly excel Frenchmen in this sought to protect their homes snd those
consideration of the fact that Mr. Gree­ passed tbrough'all tho excitement of Cal­ ison in schemes for the accomplishment
accomplishment. The disturbance while of their descendants for all time to come.
ley was a miserable speaker, I was much ifornia unstained. No man could charge of his purpose. The other day one of gossamers, with school bags tucked away it lasts is something awful, and is pro­
afraid the prejudices of the Kentucky him with broken faith or violated trust; them repaired to tho refectory of James out of the wet—running to catch the car. duced by the search after an«i identifica­
It W hs Robert Bonner.
lady would, after hearing him, be strong­ of habits simple or inexpensive, he had McGorry and called for a slug of Mr. Just behind them walked a scholarly- tion of baggage and selection of sites for
old gentleman picked
er against him than ever. He began in no lust of gain. He overreached no man’s Hunter’s rye. Mr. Casey, who is in
erecting tents or spreading carpets. Wo­ up Pioctor Knott’s left fore foot, examin-
a low, drawling tone, by saving that the weakness in a bargain, and withheld charge in the absence of Mr. McGarry,
men are no less forward in this business ed the lieel and then remarked: “Tell Mr.
celebration of Christmas was a very from no man his just dues. Never, in the put up the regulatian bottle and glasses, under the umbrella.
they are in any other, even among Bryant that his horse needs to have his
“Oh, papa; papa! do hurry up; you’re
proper thing for all professing Christians history of the state, has there been a cit­ whereupon the man proceeded to pour
us. One fat old Degress we took up at heels trimmed if he would win a race
to engage in. “Of course,” said he, izen who has borne public relations mere out a drink which would have only need­
three Little maids stopped and turned Tangier came on board, and instantly an«l continue a winner on the track. Hit
“this is not absolutely the anniversary stainless in all respects than lie.
ed the addition of soap and towels tc con­
took a fancy to a part of the deck which heel is too long, it strikes the ground first
of the birth of Christ; it is generally
One year ago to-day I performed a stitute an alcohol bath. Mr. Cusey no­ back to hold and pull and tug away at three grave, long-bearded Moirs ha«l tak­
ami cracks his quarter, shortening his
conceded by learned biblical scholars duty such as I perform to-day over the ticed this abuse of Mr. McGarry’s hospi­
en possession of the night before. Fu­
that Christmas really occurred on or remains of Senator Fergusson, who died tality and said: “That will cost you a take his place in the crowded car packed riously she ordered them away, and as stride. Shoe him so that lie will strike
level on his feet and he will lie a better
about the month of August; but, as this as Broderick died, tangled in the meshes quarter, my friend.” The man replied with a rainy-morning crowd.
“Papa” took hold of the strap, and at first they seemed too much lost in horse in every way.” "And who says
day has been fixed upon as the anniver­ of the code of honor. To-day there is a that he had but 15 cents in the world,and
astonishment to comply with her molest
sary of the Savior’s birth, it perhaps more eminent sacrifice. To-day I renew the hard-hearted Mr. Casey proceeded and the rosy little daughters kept fast request, she proceeded to give them a so?” was the sneering question of the
does not make much difference.” Mr. my protest; to-day I utter yours. The to return the whisky to the bottle. hold of him to steady themselves in the practical demonstration of her meaning surlv groom “Robert Bonner, of New
Greeley drawled along in this wav for code of honor is a delusion and a snare; The man sadly withdrew. As he crossed swayii ig throng. The dripping umbrella by preparing to pull up the carpets on York. My best wishes to your employer
more than an hour and a half, giving us it palters with the hope of true courage, the street his face brightened. A happy leanec I against the door, and the gentle­ which they were sitting. On this they for his fine horse, for lie is a beauty, and
new ideas, new thoughts and much valu­ and binds it to the feet ot crafty and crue] idea seemed to have occurred to him. man chatted pleasantly with the con- started up, and not only let her take the if correctly slial will do good work.”
able information. Every person present, skill. It surrounds its victims with the He dropped in at the establishment pre­ ductoi , helped an old colored woman . best spot forself and her husband, who The groom’s hat came off at once as lie
1 think, was deeply interested in his dis­ pomp and grace of the procession, but sided over by Tom Newman, and reitera­ with « huge basket of clothes to place it stood by looking on in a half-frightened beuan to apologize and explain that so
course. Toward the close of his remarks leaves him bleeding on the altar. It is a ted his request for rye, saying: “Please beside ' him‘and when the “tranBfeis” I manner, but also served her submissive­ many |>eople came alsiut the stable to
the Kentucky lady said to me: “Mr. shield, blazoned with the name of chiv­ give me a big daslr of bitters.” The glass were (given for Pennsylvania avenue and ly in bringing up her boxes and massing l«x»k at Prator that he did not really
know when to lie civil. Th« stable boys
the lit tie family “changed cars” a mur­
Barnum, the man is a horrible speaker, alry, to cover the malignity of murder.
was heavily charged w ith bitters and the
them around her, while she squatted on pulled off their cajis to the owner of
but I declare I never was more edified in
It substitutes cold and deliberate prep­ man poureii out the same appalling dose
her haunches aixl treated them to her
my life; he is really a wonderful man, aration for courageous and manly im­ which had started Mr. Casey. “Hold the fa< es of those left. “Who was that views of things in general.— Cornhill Maud S., the queen of the turf, as the
unpretentious old gentleman walked
and I shall never again feel the slightest pulse, and arms the one to disarm the on,” said Newman, “that drink is worth
across the stable yard to see Spokane,
The conductor walked through, very
---------- ♦♦♦----------
prejudice against him.”
other; it may prevent fraud between a quarter.” The man laid down his
the winner of tiie Derby.— Chicago Inter-
Lawyer anti Editor.
A lady friend in Hightstown, N. J., practiced duelists, who should be forever three nickels and said it was alj straigt .t, and l«x>ked very proud as he
having read and heard much of Mr. without its pale, but it makes the mere he had. Then he tossed off the
Queer world this! A lawyer and an
Greeley, begged me to induce him to “trick of the weapon” superior to the drink, paused at the lunch counter a Fuller and he rides on my car every day. editor Btood on a street corner in an Ohio No Money in Chicken Ranches.
give a lecture for a charitable purpose. noblest cause and truest courage. Its moment, and then bowed himself ont.
tovrn and saw a man murdered in cold
We know of no poultry farms in Eng-
I asked him, and he readily consented to pretense of equality is a lie—it is equal His happy idea was the bitters. The family.. They ain’t a bit proud nor stuck blood. The murderer is a rich man, and
or elsewhere that have not proved
do it. I met the lady a month or to af" in all the form, it is unjust in all the sub­ bitters had so interfered with the
after committing the deed he said to the
Mr. Chief lawyer and editor: “Here is a thousand ; disastrous pecuniary failures. We have
terward, and she was exuberant in her stance—the habitude of arms, the early whisky that it could not be poured back shoddy ones every time.
expression of gratitude to me for having training, the Bectional custom, the liie of into the bottle. It was a great scheme. Justice talks to us conductors just as dollars Joi each of you, defemi me before known many fotin«led under all kinds of
kind, and good as he does to the presi­ the court and the people for the crime I I conditions, and very many thousands ot
influenced the great man to visit Hights­ leisure, all these are advantages which
dent- We hope he may stay on our line have committed.” They took the money pounds lost in the attempts. There are
town. Said she: “1 was honored by no negotiation can neutralize and which
If newspapers were printed on gold
no poultry farms in France or Italy, eggs
his making our house his home during no courage can overcome.
and defended him in their own way and and chickens being produced by the
with ink made out of silver, and the sub­ forever!”
his stay, and I really felt our home was
And now, as the shadow turns toward scription price put down to ten cents per
Three young women of Wichita, Kan­
small cultivators. Poultry is a by pro­
hallowed by his presence; but, oh, Mr. the east, and we prepare to bear these year, some poor deluded specimen of
sas, who recently cowliided a young editor through his paper and the lawyer duct; where it can lx* produced, aa it is by
Barnum. did you ever hear such a tedi­ poor remains to their last resting place, humanity would kick because there was
liis mouth. The murderer
man« in that city are described as the through
through their joint efforts was acquitted. the peasants, without extra cost, it is pro­
ous, terrible speaker? He began his let us not seek to repress the generous not a diamond set in every corner of each
“dr.nghters of well-known and pronai- But see the difference—mark the result. fitable, but it has never vet l«een prove«!
lecture by saying in his monotonous pride which prompts the recital of noble page.
nent people,” and as “moving in the The peosle said : “The editor la a scound­ that it can be made to jnty for rent of
voice: ‘It has been said that I am the deeds and manly virtues. He rose un­
first circles.” Doubltees tbis circum­ rel, and did no for pay. Lo! we will stop land and building, goal skill««] atten­
poorest public speaker in America,” aided and alone; he began without fam­
Bell, the South Carolina impostor,tells stance goes far to console the victim of his paper and no longer patronize him.” dance and labor, conveyance to market
and I think that is really true, but what ily or fortune, in the face of difficulties; the negroes that each of them must have
The paper was stopped—the editor ruin-.
their admonition.
It must. lie said, ed financially anil reduced to a pauper, •. and interest of capital. Our advice is
he said enchanted every hearer.”
he inherited poverty and obscurity; he a pair of wings, price $5, for the “rise” though, that a Wichita “first circle” ap­ But of the lawyer the jieople said : “He not to embark in a pursuit which afford«
died a senator in congress, having writ­ on Judgment Day, and he has taken a
an able man, deeply learned in the nHnrieroua examples of failure and not
The oldest man in the civilized world ten his name in the history of the great great many $-5 bills. If he were to lie ar­ pt «ars to be something within whose law­ is
law. and deserves great cre«lit for having
... .
is living at Barez, Hungary. His name struggle for the rights of the people rested now it is said that 500 negroes ful. round there ie ample scope and verge obtained the acquittal of a man guilty of one of “«**■ Tl><* •'Htabbshmenta aJ-
enough for a gooil deal of imperfect mnrder! We will give him our law busi- vertised as poultry farina are busineasea
is Nagy Ferenz. He was born one year against the despotism of organization would go upon his bond.
breeding. It is easily conceivable that ncss an«l pay big fe«s.” They made him for the sale of exhibition poultry at fancy
before Napoleon Bonaparte, and is, there­ and the corruption of power.
great public good may. result from cow- a judge and as such he sent his partner, prirea, and not farms in the proper sense
fore, one hundred and twenty years of
Capt. W. S. Lurty, who is the republi­
He leaves in the hearts of liis friends
editor, to the work-house, and, said of the word.— London Field
hiding a Wichita man, but it should be the
age. The date of his birth is well estab­
he was a bad man, and should not only !
lished by local history and the events of the tenderest and proudest recollections. can candidate for attorney-general of Vir­ done by his ov. n sex. Young ladles who be deprived of the means of living, but i Joaquin .Miller contemplates purchas­
I He was honest, faithful, earnest, sincere, ginia, is a cousin of Stonewall Jackson. cowhide are no gentle man.— Er.
his life.
ing a yacht and leaving Han I ranciaco
I generous and brave; he felt in all the Capt. Lurty won bis rank in the service
_ . the
... ............................
We „
’t indorse
act of an e«litor | for u cruise in the South seas. He may
Warren Humes is the oldest guide in j
or ■*>«>«.•«
against disco««: Robert Ixiuis Stevenson, who it
in laboring
inoonng for
>vr what
wum is
m wrong
.»>1« <><
there ! Kreat cn8ls of hls ilfe tllat lle was a lead’ of the Confederate army. After the war
The king of the Cannibal islands
islatxla used in
the Adirondacks. I He
’ 1 has
__ 1___
unit has
hnq killed
Iritlail over ' er
pr iu
in the rank«.
hi« high
hit’ll duty
«lutv he served as United States district-at­ to have many donjes’Jc broils when he what is right for money but how ariont ■ I hobnobbing with cannibals and oilier ec­
for forty-five years and
ranks, that it was his
centric people.
the lawyer?— I.rare/worth Times.
4,000 deer am! more than 200 bears.
| to uphold the interest of the masses; torney under a commission from Grant, qcooked his servants.