THE COMING EXPOSITION. MET AND METED. WEATHER BULLETIN THE CHINESE PHEASANT. A full line of carpets at Bingham’s. Pay up. Extensive 1‘reparatlons Bring Wade--- The Oregon Press Association at Newport, ’ W. T. Baxter, of Tillamook, is in tlie What new enterprise can lie started? No. 25, for week ending Saturday, Introduced By O. N. Denny—Th. Finest Oregon. An Active Scene. of Game Birds. j August 24, 1889. I c >ty- There v ill be no service at the ('. P. Friday, August 30, 1889. At a meeting of the executive commit­ Tlie Oregon Press association has met Bedroom sets from $20 to $75 at Bing- The temperature for the past week has church next Sunday. The following interesting letter was I ham’s. and meted a dose for patent medicine written by F. J. DeNeven, of Corvallis, been about or slightly below the nor­ tee of the Portland Industrial Fair asso­ Mrs. F. Prevost left Tuesday morning THE MARKET RETORT. for a visit to her parents. Bargains in crockery and glassware at men which will be as disgusting to them to the Breeder and Sportsman, of San mal, ranging from 40 to 90 degrees, with ciation Monday evening, Mr. E. W. Al­ This market report is corrected Thurs­ len was elected superintendent of the as their medicine is to other people. Francisco. He says: the mean about 66 degrees. A fine line of rings at Holl’s. Buy one | C. Grissen’s. day noon of each week by A. J. Apperson for a present to your girl. floors and exhibits. Mr. Kohler will A new stock of goods will soon arrive There were several remarkable features Showers of rain fell in the Willamette “The Mongolian pheasant, introduced m ’ mixxvii LLt . MARKET. at Bingham’s. in this meeting, the most remarkable, into the Willamette valley by Hon. O.N. valley and along the coaBt on Sundav continue to attend to tlie clerical busi­ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lougbary returned ........ f) bushel $ 90 Potatoes Hop pickers are receiving 55 cents per however, belonging to Bob Johnson, of Denny in 1885, is probably, with the ex­ and Monday. In the southern part of ness of the fair. There is plenty of busi­ 2 50 from Newport Wednesday. ■j! doz $2 00 " to ‘ Chickens, young box tins season. ¥ doz 3 50 to 4 00 old the Corvallis Times. Take a Pill?” Mrs. S .P. M. Briggs and mother, Mrs. ception of the wild turkey, the finest Benton county the rainfall was very ness for him to attend to. 10 ________ . lb. (Clear sides V Waglev, left Tuesday for Chehalis. Exhibitors are already at work putting “Whose?” ‘ Why. Ayer’s, of course." Dr. S. A. Young left Wednesday morn­ Brother Bell’s aviordupois was largely game bird in the United States to-day. heavy on Sunday, accompanied by hail. s ~ Bacon ____Ji J Shoulders ‘ ’ V lb. AYER ’ S ni.IJJ are the best. They regu­ ing for Tillamook. 11 10 to added to, a free dinner makes him smile. (Hams ............... Real estate transactions of l’oitland They are large, exceedingly palatable, In Linn county, near Albany, hail about up gorgeous signs, building platforms late Digestion, cure Biliousness. Colie. anti 10 • . ¡In 10 pd pails foot up nearly $9.000,000 since January and oases and already some heavy goods T. H. Stephens, of Lafayette, was in He increased his physique so much that the size of a pea fell. There is no report Constipation, relieve Sick Headache. Neu­ very prolific, gamey and shy—and aside 9 8 to *'ar'1 (In 5 gallon tins . 1st. the city Wednesday. 15 he cannot sit in the president’s chair for from the wild turkey, is the only game of any rain in any other part of the state are in the building. The flower garden ralgia. and Rheumatism. They contain no Eggs. V dozen calomel a»d are «agar-coated. Mild, but 50 Butter, Creamery, ¥ roll Fine woolen blankets from $2.00 to the coming year. Chas. Nickell, of the bird I am aware of, that, after reaching during the week. The showers were is all laid out in circles, ovals and fancy effective, they are tlie favorite family med­ Miss. Carrie Wilson left for Portland '25 to 30 Butter, dull, fresh ft roll $10.00 per pair at Bingham ’ s. shaped beds, and the din of preparation Monday morning, where she will teach icine. As an after-dinner pill, used by Jacksonville Times, will wear a hole in maturity, has no terror for the pot-hunt­ beneficial to the grasses and late garden 15 Brine ¥ pound. 12 to resounds throughout the building. The thousands. school. 4 to 5 Dried apples, dull, ¥ p»l. Watermelons at Wallace & Todd’s, his pants this year holding the seat. products. Little, if any, damage was er—as one frequently hears that interest­ silk weaver who is to have a loom in the 8 I» to Drie»l plums, dull, ¥ pd. Misses Laura and Annie McGuire ar­ from 5 to 50 cents. Yamhill melons. Ayer’s Pills, The meeting was noted for its good ing specimen exclaim alter an unsatisfac­ done to the sacked wheat or wheat fair, lias sent on samples of the handker­ 8 (J to Dried prunes, dull, ¥ pd. rived home Saturday night from The Prcparvtl by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co . Lowell. M m . 6 to 8 Driedpeaches.dull, ¥ pd It is estimated that 150,000 men are speeches and essays, at least the speak­ tory hunt, “that bird has come to stay, stacks in the fields. The atmosphere chiefs he is going to weave. They have Buui by all DruggiaU and Dealer* In Medicine. Dalles. ......... . It sack 1 00 to 1 10 Flour ........... ................. now on on a strike in London, England. ers essayed to make them. was considerably cleared of smoke by woven in the center a picture of the ex­ you bet.” Sugars, declined cent 11, 12, and 13 position building which is very nicely Miss Ollie Brown who lias been visit ­ Vermont gilt is the latest style in pounds for $1 00; pickles, in 5 gallon kegs. The Albany Herald introduced a Tr .in The fully matured birds weigh as high the showers, and they had a tendency to done. The samples are in pink, blue Il 25; coffees range from 25 to 35 cents "y ing her grandfather Capt. Handley has crockery, for sale at Wallace & Todd’s. of thought which we thought it never as 5 pounds each for cocks, and 3^ to 4 dampen the forest fires. The sunshine and gray silk, with a handsome border, pound: coal oil. very firm, laxative and nutritiou», inches in circumference. large animals to purchase sheep. Of derick. who was slain in the duel by sheep; 3 cows, 2 giving milk; 3 good They still nest in the groves along the turned Tuesday. with the medicinal virtues of plant, O. V. Allen has sold his interest in the late, many sheep have been driven Judge David S. Terry, was the original sets ol work harness; 1 good set of buggy foothills, and this spring I found a grouse An Irishman was planting shade trees known to be most beneficial to the The West Shore for August is at hand I when a passing lady said: “You’re dig­ purchaser of Albany’s hand engine, harness; 1 top buggy; 1 3'., inch Stude­ sitting on a nest containing about a doz- Graphic across Snake river, and large numbers to S. Hobson. ' human system, forming the ONLY PER­ and contains its usuai amount of reading ging out the holes, are you, Mr. Hagger­ which is now for sale. He presented it baker wagon; 1 cart; 2 walking plows; en eggs of her own laying and 5 eggs laid that were herded in Baker county are FECT REMEDY to act gently yet matter and pictures. 1 sulky plow; 1 cultivator; 2 good bundle by a Mongolian pheasant hen—which all i Born.—August 19, 1889, to the wife of now on the range east of Snake river, in ty?” “No mum, Oi’m diggin’ out the to ths city of San Francisco, from whom racks Charles Matthews, a fine boy. promptly on the ; 1 post rack; 1 lumber rack; 1 four hatched and grew to maturity together. Idaho. They have changed their allegi­ it was purchased by Albany. So it has Come and see our Earhtiff organs, they dirt and lavin’ the holes.” section iron harrow; 1 spring tooth har- The nest was underneath a fir bush at N. L. Wiley and family have been vis­ ance, but have not gone far and are a history. are the latest in style and tone. At the The First National bank of Whatcom rew; 1 Acme harrow; 1 Deering self­ the edge of an opening, and instead of iting for several days at Bellevue. really in the same range country. news store $35 to $125. -AND TO — Last Monday as Mr. and Mrs. W. II. binder, run only two years; 2 mowers, destroying the nest of the grouse, in this has been organized. Will I>. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller, A. B. Ap­ an old newspaper man, is among the di­ Reynolds, of this city, were on their way and various other agricultural imple­ instance at least, they seemed extremely | Hurrah for the new sidewalks that are I ' The news comes that a company has ■ being built in various parts of town. person and Mrs. Laura Patty are whiling rectors. This is the first instance of an out from the coast, they ran over a log ments. desirous of assisting the mother grouse been formed in New York by the North­ — SO THAT — editor accumulating enough boodle to at the crossing of Beaver creek on the away the time at Newport. Terms of Sale—All sums under $10 in the successful performance of her J Emory Hodson, of Lexington, former­ ern Pacific )>eople, with a capital stock PURE BLOOD, line of the new road, and the wagon was cash. On sums from the first $10 up 10 household duties. start a bank. ly of this place, was here on a visit last of $2,000,009, for the purpose of starting The city property at the river upon upset. The occupants were thrown to cent discount for cash. On time will REFRESHING SLEEP, It is not a difficult task to raise them week. ' and running steamboat lines on the Sufferers from indigestion, loss ol ap­ the ground and Mrs. Reynolds was hurt, per which the water works will be located is give 12 months with interest at 8 per in yards, as many suppose. They can­ Sound. The old Washington steamboat HEALTH and STRENGTH being cleared of the brush. petite, liver or kidney complaint, rheu­ but not seriously. Charles Poole has been engaged to cent, with good security. not be domesticated, however, but may , teach at the Chehalem mountain school­ company will form the nucleus of the matism or neuralgia, would do well to 1 Naturally follow. Every one it using it The county commissioners of Walla give J. A. T odd . be crossed with ordinary fowls, though I ] new organization, and several new J. C. Cooper has received his blank ’s Sarsaparilla a trial. For all and all are delighted with it. Ask your house. Walla have taken $2000 worth of stock in such Ayer fail to see the advantage gained by such steamers will be added. Two will j druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu« disorders, no medicine is so effect­ bonds and has bad them tilled out and A Tribute. the county Agricultural society. a cross. Miss Laura Detraer, of Poitland, re ­ ply between Victoria and Seattle, ive as this when faithfully and persever- signed by his bondsmen who are J. S. factured only by the The first few »lays after being hatched, turned ' home from a visit at this place and a very fine passenger steamer I A party of young gentlemen were out Cooper, W. J. Garrison, J. L. Rogers, Mrs. L. Bettman is in San Francisco ingly used. last week. the birds must be fed on larvae, bugs, etc. ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. for the Alaska route will be built at Jacob Wortman, Chas. Grissen, F. W. selecting a stock of goods for the fall Past Grand Commander William H. Redmond and E. W. Wallace. They serenading on last Sunday night, and one which can be obtained with a little care Sax FaAHcisco, C al . a cost of $400,000. Of course the N. I’., I trade, which will arrive shortly. Peckham, of the thirty-third degree of have been forwarded to Washington and of the ladies thus favored sends the fol­ and attention. After a few day’s care in ■ F. E. Hobson and T. J. Hoover are will naturally book its passengers over > L ockvd lx . K v. NxwYoax, N.Y. working in the Graphic office. They are Jones »St Co., are building a fine large Masons, has resigned as member of the his commission will be here in due course lowing lines: this manner, they may be handled the j both good-hearted fellows. its own boats, and their promises to be J shed in which to store lumber. Their Cerneau consistory No. 1, of the thirty- of time. Citation How- softly an»! sweetly the music floats same as domestic chicks. They soon some lively competition by both rail and yard is full of the finest lumber. second degree of New York city. By On the summer air, under starlight skies, learn the call of their foster mother, and School commences at the academy sound divisions when the new service is As we hear the voice of the serenade, this action Peckham severs ¡his connec ­ The instruments of the Oregon State In the county coutt of the state ot Ore­ rush for food at her call as eagerly as do ' September 10th. The prospect is that inaugurated. It must, however, be a Use Wright's Arabian Condition Pow­ While in quiet, dreaming rest we lie Weather Bureau have arrived at the ordinary chickens. I have at present two we will have a fine school this coming good service indeed to be able to sup­ gon, for the county of Yamhill. ders if you take pride in seeing your tion with the Scottish rite of Masonry, Central office in Portland. They will be In the matter of the estate of James i plant the present lines in popular esti­ stock look well. Sold by Rogers Bros. “Some years ago Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ distributed to the various yoluntarv ob­ Yes music hath charms; and in hush of pairs which are three-fourths grown that year. McCulloch, deceased. 1 have raised from eggs this season. A night mation.— Ex. toral cured me ol asthma after the best Everybody should save their straw, as rapidly as possible. There To August »McCulloch. Jerne McCulloch, J. L. Rogers and the writer spent sev- Its voice in peaceful cadence swells, neighbor also has six others which he as there is lots ol stock of various kinds skill had failed to give me relief. servers will be an exhibit of the instruments of And the soul is borne upward with strange raised, so I speak from experience. ereral days at Newport. Both were sick, medical Hugh McCullo"h, George McCulloch, DeafnesR Can’t l»e Cared A few weeks since, being again troubled coming from Eastern Oregon, and feed is delight this bureau made at the state fair, Salem, William McCulloch, Gubeet McCul­ one on crabs and the other on the sea. with the disease, I was promptly relieved and also at the Industrial exposition in As we list to the song of “Beautiful Bells.’. liable to be scarce next spring. by local application, as they cannot reach Peterson for September is already on loch, and all the unknown heirs of James Durham left for Corvallis Mon- by the same remedy.”—F. S. Hassler, Portland. This will be a new and inter­ our table. The steel engraving, “Pick a ■lames McCulloch, deceased, by name P rohibitionist . the diseased portion of the ear. There is The County Fair. day to superintend the putting on of tlie Editor Argu>, Table Rock. Nebr. only one way to cure deafness, anil that esting feature of these gatherings and “unknown heirs.” Greeting: Back” is a charming picture; the wood iron roof of the new public school at that j is by (institutional remedies. Deafness CARLTON The city has purchased lot 8 of block shoubl be looked on by all the people, In the name of the state of Oregon, The farmers of this county should do illustration, “The Young Family” is ex­ place. I is caused by an inflamed condition of the you are hereby cited and required to ap­ 10. Chandler's second addition to this etc. all in their power to make the coming ceedingly pretty. The illustrated article, Cool. mucus lining of the Eustachian tube. pear in the county court of the state of Miss Ella Espey, of Portland, returned city, paying $125 for it. Moreland run-1 Several “trusties” have lately escaped gives a variety of head dresses and cos­ When this tube gets inflame»l you have Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, at home on Monday after an extended visit ning from this lot to the river will he; from the penitentiary at Walla Walla, county fair a success. Bring in your tumes, and describes them in a charm­ Oh, those gentle showers. a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, the court room thereof, at McMinnville, with friends in Salem, Derrv ami Mc­ purchased, and the city will then own in [ and the other day a drummer on the biggest pumpkin, all your fine stock, ing way. Miss Bowman’s serial “In St. What about our seaside pleasure-seek ­ and when it is entirely closed, Deafness tn the county of Yamhill, on Tuesday, the neighborhood of 2 acres upon which train, who wore a suit with stripes so and have a good time. The grounds Tammany Parish,” ends most touching­ Minnville. is the result, and unless the inflamation the 3.1 day of September, 188», at ill the water and electric plant will be io- i loud they could be heard above the roar have as fine a camp ground as can be ly, while the other continued story, “Ted ers. The T ei . epiioke -R koister job office Mr. W. A. Howe and wife are among can be taken out and this tube restored o’clock in the forenoon of that day, then of the cars, was surrounded by officers found in the state and are as well sup­ and I” concludes in as sprightly’a man­ has been overrun with job work for the ¡ cated. to its normal conditior., hearing will be and there to show cause, if any you as it commenced. The short stories the many at the coast. past two weeks. The presses are run- ¡ Tlio California papers say that the Prig at Waitsburg, under the impression that plied with water. Give the fair a send- ner destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten have, why the following described real exceptionally good and the fashion ning continually. Natalia, which foundered in the harbor he was an escaped convict. He had off, do all in your power to make it a ! are Mr. J. I. Knight, of McMinnville, was are caused by catarrh, which is nothing estate should not lie sold as prayed for in some difficulty in establishing his identi­ success, for in its success depends a great and household notes are as complete as in Carlton last week on biz. of Monterey in 1834, is to be raised, or at but an inflamed condition of the mucus the )>etition of John McCulloch, adminis­ Opium it is sai»l is sold in Poi tlaml for : least what is left of her copper sheathing ty until he offered his cheek for examin­ deal the success of the county. If you ¡ever. The “Talk By A Trained Nurse” less per pound than the duty upon it. j is to be brought to the suiface. It is said ation. “Only a drummer,” sighed the are not supplied with a catalogue address gives useful and much needed directions trator of saiil estate, to-wit: The south­ Louis Grazier is doing quite a business surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for west quarter of the northwest quarter of This means smuggling ami not only Mon­ that this is the same vessel that brought disappointed officers, as they left him in C. W. Talmage, or call at this office and for “Lifting and Moving A Helpless Per­ insuring in our town. He is a rustler. any case of Deafness,(caused by catarrh,) section (12) twelve and the northwest golians are engaged in it. son.” Altogether this number thorough­ get one._______________ Napoleon back to France from the Isle disgust.—East Oregonian. Bige and his mamma say those melons that we cannot cure by taking Hall’s quarter of the northwest quarter of sec­ ly maintains “Peterson’s high reputa­ Tom Rogers has returned from Tilla- ¡ of Elba in 1815. The Apportionment. presented by Mr. D. W. Laughlin were Catarrh Cure. -Send for circnlars, free. Gen. Boulanger, like a great many tion. Terms: Two Dollars a year. Ad­ tion (13) thirteen, in t 5 s, r6 w of the mook and reports having taken up a fino just fine. “Thanks.” F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. Willamette meridian, in Yamhill county, A writer in the Breeder and Sportsman noted men, is superstitious. He is care­ The amount of state school fund for dress Peterson’s Magazine, 306 Chestnut body of timber land. The timber is in writing up the stock farms of Oregon ful not to get out of bed on the left side, street, Philadelphia. Oregon, and containing 100 acres. Oh, yes; Harry has some fine photos spruce ami is very valuable. left out the I'.roadmead farm of Yamhill and if his path is crossed by a black cat Yamhill county, was apportioned among Notice To I.umbemien. This citation is published iu the Mc­ his face on card. Get in, ladies, or On petition of Receiver Scott, of the of The man with a pompadour attended ¡ county owned by Ladd Reed, of Port­ he does nothing of political importance ; the various school districtsoil last Monday Minnville T elephone -R egister for four Sealed bids will be received at the of­ weeks by order of Hon. L Ixrughary, Oregonian railway. Judge Deady Mon­ they will soon be gone. the Press association, and the worst joke land. No finer stock can be found in the j forUwenty-four hours. His followers re- | by Superintendent L. II. Baker, day made an order in the United .states There is considerable over 100,000 bu. fice of the street commissioner up to Sept. ■ judge of said court, of date Julv 2d, 1889. ....... of the meeting was played on him. He I state. The farm should receive mention call that on the day of his sentence he — The amount per capital is $1.40. at any rate for it is one of the best on recklessly went under a ladder in front will not meet with the boys again. [1. s] Witness, the Hon L. Loughary, Superintendent Baker will hold the circuit court allowing him to borrow of wheat already stored in our ware­ 1st for furnishing the city with rough this Pacific coast not excepting Califor­ of his house in Portland place. It is warrants until the return of Deputy $8180 to pay taxes on the road. During houses and lots to come yet. lumber suitable for cross walks and side- | judge of the county court of the state of Win. Kuns who lately burned out at nia. rumored that he is a firm believer in Treasurer John Wortman, as there is the years in which the suit was going on _____ ______ ___ _____________ Mr. B. _ F. Blood, , who has been visit- walks. Bids bv the thousand feet deliv­ | Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, and Dallas left for that city Monday. He in­ palmistry and takes stock in the words probably county school money on hand between the O. R. & N. Co. and the Ore­ ing in California, returned last weak sat- ’ the seal of said court hereto affixed, this are desired. H. L. H eath , There is a whistling well in Logan of tends to put in a bakery at this place if gonian railway company in regard to the a gypsy who examined his hand and Street Commissioner. ! 2d day of July, A. D., 188ft. satisfactory arrangements can be made. county, which warns people of approach­ told him that his chief ambition would and ready for distribution. Mr. Wort­ lease, the court compelled the O. R. & isfied that there is no place like Webfoot. Attest: J. W. H obbs , Clerk. man is now in the mountains with his ing storms from six to twelve hours in one day be satisfied. N. Co. to pay the taxes. Now, the re­ Why don’t someone stock up a drug Notice. Mr. L. F ox of Salt Creek, brought into advance. I F enton & F enton , family but is daily expected home. Il is 135 feet deep, ami sends ceiver must borrow the money to pay store in Carlton. That is what she wants this office a plate of Gross prunes which Attorneys for Estate. Aug 2:30) The tallest politician in Pennsylvania a strong current of air, which, as it Co-l’artnership Notice. About the middle of September I will them. The sale of the Oregonian roads now. A harness shop would also do surprised us in size and flavor. He is out escapes through the apertures about the is State Senator W. A. Martin, of Adams i hold a sale at my ranch when I will sell to the Southern Pacific Co. is not con­ well. delivering them for 75 cents per bushel. pump, whistles in a loud, Hute-like tone county. He measures 6 feet 4 inches, Notice is hereby given that J. A. summated yet, something always turn­ Administrators Siile. stock, machinery, etc. Ix>ok out for the Lafayette will give a grand harvest Geo. H. Dawes of North Yamhill will ! ' that is distinctly audible to even- person and is one of six brothers, all remark­ Waugaman has associated himself in ing up at the last moment to prevent the J. A. T odd . ball on Friday, Sept. 6th, and we under- 1 ably tall men. There are five of these business with me. The new firm will sale being completed.—Oregonian. give a lecture in this city at the opera ' in the township. Notice is hereby given that under and by stand Mr. James Olds will give the sup­ house on the second Sunday in Septem­ Second Adventists disagree as to the six brothers now living, and not one of Elegant New Dining Car. virtue of an order of the county court of Monday’s afternoon train contained per. If so, that will be worth all the [ ber. The lecture will be on free thought. ■ . date of the ending of the world; some i them is under six feet in height. Boyd continue business under the name and Yamhill county, Oregon, of »late August title of Grissen & Waugaman. All per ­ will run daily , commencing August 22, several people of this state who have money expended. Let everybody go. Martin, a well-known democratic politi­ 1889. in the matter of tlie estate of It will be a great day for McMinnville 1 i place the event as near as the 6th or 7tb cian of Harrisburg, is the deceased mem­ sons knowing themselves indebted to the never visited the west side. They were: over the Oregon Railway & Navigation 6th, Fox. ' of October next, while others put it as ; Samuel McCutcheon, the under­ when she is lighted with electricity and Co., Oregon Short Line and Union Pa signed aitniini-trator of »leceased, ber of the brotherhood. When placed old firm will please call on me for settle­ J. P. Wager, of the East Oregonian; I.L. -aid »-state will, on water flows through three miles of mains j far away as the vear 2001. The prophets on the scales together the six Martin ment, as the books will have to be closed. Campbell, editor of the Eugene City Children Enjoy cific Ry., between Portland and Missouri and pipes. These improvements will : who have given the world the most time boys weighed 1240 pounds. C iias , G rissen . river The cuisine and service are un­ SATURDAY, THE 21st DAY SEPT., 18H0. Guard ; J.B.Eddy,editor ol the Pendleton Senator wherein to spoil will escape the chagrin duly sell at public auction, at tlie court The pleasant flavor, gentle action and excelled. bring population. McMinnville, Ore,, August 26th, 1889. Tribune; F.W. Beach, editor of the Lake ­ Martin thinks that he and his four I of failure. Dead prophets are not dis- house door, at McMinnville, Oregon, at tlie soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when view Examiner: — . Rand, editor of the brothers coulil thrash Sullivan and Kil- Mr. L. H. Baker, county school super­ I turbed by ridicule. Notice. hour of 1 o’clock p. m of said »lay, all the Robbery at Dayton. Oregon City Enterprise; Chas. Nickell, in need of a laxative, and if the father or rain. intendent, has moved to this city and right, title anil interest of said decedent in. la,111(s sold niv stock K of gruv .erlw l(J According to a French physiologist the Tuesday morning brought dismay to editor of the Jacksonville Times. They mother be costive or bilious the most , , Having groceries to of or to the following real estate, to-wit: will reside here. People who desire to I wing of the ordinary housefly makes 330 gratifying results ollow its use, so tha ij . H Henderson of this citv, I request McMinnville is situated in the best Rob. Harris and D. A. Snyder, of Day­ expressed themselves as well pleased The south half of t tie donation luml claim see him on business can now find him strokes in one second ; the wing of the best familv remedy known ami b1, rties owin me to come and^tt|e. of Wayman C Hembree, and described as county in the state but is seldom heard with the country. Their passes called it is «*V the any time they wish. i . • . . . .. every fnmilxr family oHrYiilrl should hovn have o a bottle. j bumble bee, 240; the wing of the honey of outside of tlie countv. During the past ton. Upon opening up their stores it was for transportation on the east side, but ava follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point two I can be found at the grocery store. ami twenty-oue-bundredth » 2 29) chains J. G. Wisecarver, who lives three miles : bee, 190; the wing of the wasp, 110; the week we have visited Corvallis and can found that during the night both had at the instigation of the T elephone -R eg ­ •I. J. C ollari ». west and 23 !<8 < hains south from the north­ I from town, brought to this office several wing of the dragon fly, 28; the wing of see a marked difference in the two towns. been broken into and all the cutlery and ister the general passenger agent was east corner of section 29; thence north hi What I n Castoria? apples from last year. This shows how- ¡the sparrow. 13; the wing of the wild McMinnville has better streets, better jewelry had been stolen. The person telegraphed to, who kindly made them chains; thence south »Cldegrees 10 minutes fruit can lie preserve»! in the glorious ; duck, 9; the wing of the house pigeon, 8; buildings, will have a better electrical who did the job wanted cutlery bad as good for the west side. When Baby was sick, we