Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. M c M innville . O regon . F riday , august 30,1889. VOL. I. NO. 30 i HARRISON AND CLEVELAND. The Croat Heat of Siberia Inheritance of Injuries, WH AT DRUMMERS COST. WHAT IS A CLOSED SEA*.’ A BROTHER’S VENGEANCE. he would not suffer much and might not even be able to know for what he was The Two Presidents Contrasted Tlie Enormous Sum* Spent Annu­ [ The Behring Sea Controversy a Tbe Penalty a Trapper Exacted Prof. A. Weismann, of Freiburg, Ger­ Siberia is generally regarded as a region shot. No, he would torture him and by a Correspondent. ally by Traveling Salesmen. Subject of Great Importance. for His Sister’s Ruin. many, lias made some experiments on of ice and cold, but according to Mr. Geo. gloat over his sufferings. Mr. Harrison ’ s administration lacks mutilation. On October 17, 1887, he “ Tlie money used in a single year to The Behring sea controversy lias as­ The Fort Robinson (Neb.) correspond- ■ No Indian could devise a more cruel Kennan, it is, in summer time, about as of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat writes as j death than did the trapper for his vic­ sumed such grave importance in the had the tails removed from seven female one element important to success. It hot a place as there is on the face of the foot the salary and expense bills of the and five male white mice. On Novem­ lacks the subtle and indescribable some­ globe. In one of his remarkable Siber­ traveling salesmen of the United States follows: “Just above Julesburg, on the ; tim. .... .......... . ...... r__ As m he ™_.„ neared the camp on the minds of public officials and private citi­ thing called interest. You can’t tell why, ian narratives, given in the Century Mag­ would pay off the entire national debt Platte river, is a rock, at the foot ofMissouri his thirst for vengeance in- zens that it is wortli while to supplement ber 16th the first brood appeared. These which —v .i. was enacted *~'1 _ a . tragedy i.. many | creaged, and it was a whole day before the history of the case, as published the and all subsequent broods were removed says the Washington correspondent of azine, Mr. Kennan thus relates one of his and leave a few dollar« over.” This rather startling statement was years ago, the mere recital of which lie could trust himself to enter camp, so other day, by a restatement of the position from the cage. Up to December 17, the Philadelphia Telegraph, but it is not hot weather experiences: makes my blood run cold. The stoiv great was his fear that at the sight of his of both parties, Canada and the United 1888, 333 young were born, and in none interesting. “The farther we went up the Irtes'h made by a junior member of one of our In his official family are men like the hotter became tbe weather, and the large dry goods houses of this city, who of them was there any sign of the mutj. was told me in Montana by a trap|x;r partner his feelings would overcome lnm States. Our government holds that our pur­ lation being inherited. In cage 2, fifteen Blaine, Wanamaker, and Rusk, with more barren the stepix*. until it was easy has a force of about fiftv travelers under over fitteen years ago, who vouched for and lie would kill the scoundrel on the the trutli of what he stated. The spot. But, controlling himself by a chase of Alaska carried with it the ex­ young, of December 2,1887, were placed, personalities out of the ordinary. But to imagine that we were in an Arabian or liis immediate charge. As proof of his I speak of—near old Julesburg—is a mighty effort, he calmly entered the clusive jurisdiction over Behring sea, their tails having been removed. These, even the latter’e riding on a hay-cart and a north African desert. The thermome­ assertion he presented these particulars: lonelv spot in a canyon, surrounded by camp and greeted his former friend, who claiming this body of water as mare clau­ up to December 17, 1888, produced 233 his bareback riding have failed to hold ter ranged day after day from 90 to 103 “There is hardly a wholesale, jobbing or high bluffs, wheie the frowning rocks pretended to be very glad to see him. sum, or a closed sea, ceded to us by Rus young, all with normal tails. In cage 3, the public attention for more than a mo­ degrees in tbe shade; the atnvisphere commission house in any line of business render the loneliness and silence op­ He said not a word about the letter he sia, and therefore as completely under fourteen young of the second generation, ment. Mr. Blaine’s brilliant moves on was suffocating; ever}-leaf and blade of in the United States that does not have pressive and cause the visitors to hasten had received, and by neither act or word the dominion cf the United states as with tails removed, were placed, and up the diplomatic chess board have received grass as far as tbe eye could reach, had at least a single representative, and from their departure from the gloomy dell to a showed anything was wrong. When Hudson’s bay is of Canada. Our statute to December 17, 1888, they produced 141 but passing notice, l’roctor, Miller, and been absolutely burned dead by the one lone man the force ranges up as high more cheerful landscajo on the open spring came the skins were packed and passed by congress last winter rests up­ young, all quite normal. The experi­ Noble do nothing to get themselves talk­ fierce sunshine; great columns of sand as 125 or 130 men, and there may lx* one prairie and the-banks ul the beautiful sent to Benton, where the partners soon on our alleged right to exercise the same ment was carried, with a negative result, ed about. Wanamaker may fairly claim l'JO to 150 feet in height swept slowly and or two houses with even more. The av­ down through five generations of mu­ to be an exception, but he is only one majestically across the sun-scorched erage of tlie most reliable estimates plac­ Platte river. followed them. The boats were loaded control over the waters of Behring sea tilated animals’. The length of tail of out of eight, and there is a coldness about plain ; and we could trace the progress of es the total number of commercial tour­ that we do over the main land of Alaska. Many years ago two young men came ami everything pi epared for going down k The Canadians, on the other hand, as­ new-born mice varies from 10.5 milli­ the interest in him. from the East, and, ascending the Mis- the river. The brother had a will made, a mounted Kirghix five miles away by the ists in this country, at 250,000, and this In public life men had better be inter­ dost his horse’s hoofs raised from the does not mean peddlers, but only those ouri from Council Bluffs far into Mon­ leaving thename of the person blank. sert that Behring sea is not and never meters to 12 millimeters. In the series This powder . never __ varies. ____ A marvel _____ of tilla, engaged in the business of trapping esting than great. The names of many step]«. I suffered intensely from heat who sell goods at wholesale. He then proposed to his partner that in­ was, regarded sb an inland or land-lock­ of experiments, 849 young were produced purity, strenet* strength ---- and ’ ~ wholesomeness. ’ More “The railroad fares, charges for carry­ economical tri .nan the ordinary kinds, and and buying furs. They were bosom stead of going down the Missouri river ed sea, like Hudson’s bay, but is the by mutilated progenitors, and in no case men are made immortal because of this and thirst, and had to protect myself cannot lx? sold in competition with multi­ friends and prospered in all Uieir under­ subtle spell. Interestingly wise, foolish, from the fierce sunshine by swathing my ing sample baggage by freight or express, was a mouse produced with its tail less northern part of the Pacific ocean, and with the boats they would send the furs tude, of low test, short weight alum or phos­ The author eccentric, ugly, ambitious, enthusiastic, body in four thicknesses of blankets, and hotel bills and numerous incidental trav­ phate powder. Sold only in cans. R ovai . takings. Money flowed into their bands down, while they would cross the moun­ belongs to the high seas over which in­ than 10.5 millimeters. B aking P owokr C o , 106 Wall St., N. Y/ from the sales of furs, and they soon be­ tains, visit the trappers on the Platte, ternational law gives no exclusive juris­ points out. that, while it might be said or even interestingly wicked, and a man putting a big down pillow over my legs. eling expenses of these men will range i came quite wealthy. Still they stayed buy their furs, take them down the diction to any nation. The Canadians that experiments through a far greater has the ears and eyes of the public. I could not hold my hand in that sun­ four dollars and twelve dollars per day, number of generations were needed, the Fame follows even in the train of folly if shine five minutes without pain, and but some men will spend twenty-five 2. F. GALBREATH. E. E. GOUCHER. in the West that had been so generous Platte, and meet their own fleet of boats fairly quote, in support of their view, the to them, and, loving their wild and free with another at Plattsmouth, on the Mis­ definition given by Vattel of an inland or so-called cases of inheritance of mutila­ it possesses interest. Gen. Butler is in­ wrapping my body in four thicknesses of dollars in a single day for these purposes Calbreath & Goucher. life, continued to trap, hunt and buy souri. (rain was, of course, the argu­ land-locked sea, which “must be entire­ tion all imply that the mutilation is im­ teresting because he is ugly and unique. heavy woolen blanketing gave me at once without resorting to any extravagance. furs. At last they became so enamored ment used, and it did not require any ly surrounded by by the territory of the pressed on the immediately following Boulanger’s power is that he knows how a sensation of coolness. Mine was the Take, for instance, some of the carpet, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. of their mountain home they determined urging to get the partner to agree. He nation claiming jurisdiction, and must generations. A mother breaks her fin­ to hold public interest. And look at our southern or sunny side of the taran­ clothing or fancy goods men who carry M c M innville , - - - O regon . to make it their permanent abiding did not want to return to St. Louis, and have no other communication with tlie ger, and her daughter has the joint of tfwn Tom Ochiltree and Fireworks For­ tas, and I finally became so exhausted ten or fifteen trunks full of samples, take (Office over Braly’s Bank.) aker. place. with the fierce heat, and had such a a packer with them, and hire a hotel the longer he could defer his visit there, ocean than by a channel of which that her corresponding finger imperfect. A Examples are too numerous, great and strange feeling of fanitness, uausea, and parlor to display their goods whenever cow has her horn torn off, and in due One of the young men had a fair sister he reasoned, the better it would be for nation may take possession.” S, A. YOUNG, M. D. The Canadians say that while this def­ course gives birth to a one-horned calf. small, to go into. I merely want to re­ suffocation, that I asked Mr. Frust to they open their trunks. But the number in St. Louis, where one of the partners him. Tlie brother also said they would inition describes Hudson’s bay, it does Moreover, there are many cases of muti­ mark upon the absence of this electro­ change sides with me, and give me a of these men is comparatively small and went every year to sell their furs. The establish a branch trading post on the Physician & Surgeon. girl, infatuated by the tales of adven­ Platte, somewhere near old Fort Lara­ not describe Behring sea. which is not lation which have been made hundreds magnetic influence about Gen. Harrison brief respite, lie wrapped himself up six dollars a day will fairly represent the average expenses of the 250,000 men. You M c M inxvii . i .1, - • - . O regon . ture told by her brother, longed to visit mie, and thus increase their future pro­ surrounded by our territory, and is con­ of years without result. For instance, and his household. A few months in the in a blanket, put a pillow over his legs, Office and residence on D street. All the West, and begged so hard to be al­ fits. To all this the partner readily as­ nected with the Pacific by wide chan­ Settegast shows that all the crows but White house, and they are already an and managed to endure it until evening. have $1,500,000 |>er day for ex|x*nses calls promptly answered day or night. lowed to accompany him to his moun­ sented, and after seeing their boats safe­ nels. Canada denies that tlie United tbe rook have bristly feathers on their “old story.” Familiar as I bupik > sc <1 myself to l>e with alone. Multiply this by 363 and you When Mr. Cleveland entered the White beaks. Rooks, too, have thesa feathers States therefore is entitled to exclusive tain home that he finally consented and ly started down the Missouii they set Siberia, I little thought, when 1 crossed have $547,500,000 as the amount expend­ promised that the very next year she out across the country for Laramie. They control of the waters of Behring sea out­ w hile nestlings, but later on lose them house he was something entirely new tbe frontier, that I should find in it a ed in one year. “The item of salaries is nearly as large. should go back with him. She did so, finally Btruck the olil overland trail and side the prescribed three-mile limit from by perpetually pushing the beak and original. lie was something tbe north African desert, with whirling sand Practicing Physician and Surgeon, and for a whole year lived in followed it down the Platte to .Jules Ber­ our coasts. into the ground in search of food. There world had never seen before. His de­ columns and sunshine from which I Few men are paid less than $900 a year. The question forsettienient, therefore, is are a great many cases which at first velopment, his movements, his opera­ should be obliged to protect my limbs The largest numtier receive between $1500 a cabin in the Bear Paw mountains. nard’s. Here they stopped for several LAFAYETTE, OREGON'- whether Behring sea is part of the high sight appear to prove the inheritance of tions were watched with all the interest with blankets. I laughed at a Russian and $2500, either in salaries or commis­ When it became time for the furs to be days, and under some pretext or another, Jan. 21, *8S. marketed the girl, who had become the brother induced his partner to ac­ seas. On this point tlie most eminent ge­ injuries. As an example of how easy it that attaches to a new discovery. He officer in Omsk, who told me that the sions. A less number are paid from somewhat tired of mountain life, asked company him to the lonely pass de­ ographers of the world are against the is to be deceived, Weismann relates that was always developing new traitsand re­ heat in the valley of the Irtes’h was often $3,000 to $5,000, those receiving the latter her brother to go down to St. Louis with scribed in the opening lines of this story. view of our government. The able au­ a friend had a vertical scar (with comb­ peating new surprises. His nature, his so intense as to cause nausea and faint­ amount lieing comparatively small. But there are traveling salesman who are al* the furs, and return when they were Here he disarmed him, tied him se­ thor of au open letter to the New York like striae) on the left ear, the result of a peculiarities, and curious characteristics ing. and who advised me not to travel were those of an unknown creature, they sword-wound. On the left ear of this Sun says on this point : sold. Both partners were to go with iier, curely and informed his victim that he between 11 o’clock in the morning and ways in demand at $10,000 to $15,000 a Has the most complete stock of harness Tlie pre-eminence of the Germans in gentleman's daughter was a curious had never been studied. He was a nov­ 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when the day year, but they are few and far between. but just as they were on the eve of start­ was going to kill him. At first the part­ in the county. At present 12 set of sin­ geographical science is admitted, and it similar marking. But it was ultimately elty. He was interesting—most intensely was cloudless and hot. The idea of hav­ The lower salaried men predominate, as ing, information of a large take of buffalo ner thought it was only a joke, but when is gle harness, hand made, in prices believed that without exception they robes by the Indians on the Yellowstone the brother produced from his pocket regard Behring sea as a part of the Pa­ noticed that on the right ear of the father so. He had to be examined from a dis­ ing a sunstroke in Siberia, anil the sug­ might be supposed, and an average of ranging from $12 to 230, and 8 induced the brother to go there, and, in­ the letter from his mother and read it to cific. The same may be said of the best cy­ was an appearance precisely similar to tance and close by with the naked eye gestion not to travel there in the middle $1,800 per year is not far out of the way. set of team harness as cheap trusting bis darling sister to the care of him, the guilty man knew but too well clopaedias. Brockliaus’ Conversations that on tlie left ear of the daughter. On and under a glass. From the moment of the day, seemed tome so preposterous Figuring 250,000 men at an average sala* Lexikon, of which a new edition has re­ closer examination of the father’s left he entered the White house, almost until ary of $1,800 a year gives a total of $450,- AS ANY PLACE IN THE COUNTY his partner and friend he set out for the that his time had come. cently been published, says the Pacific ear, there was seen under the scar a the hour of his departure, he was the that I could not restrain from a smile of 000,000, according to my arithmetic. To Yellowstone, promising to join them Can be seen on the hooks in my shop. amusement. He assured me, however, He begged to be shot at once, but the is connected with the Atlantic ocean by I have competent workmen employed later in St. Louis with a cargo of furs, brother only tieil his victim securely to Behring strait. Our own chief encyclo­ linear streak, from which the strite ran, most written-about and talked-about of that he was talking seriously, and said this add $547,500.000 for exitensea, and to do all kinds of repairing and to make and thus to add to their yearly profits a you have $997.50',000 for these two the rock, and then informed him that he paedia, in describing Behring sea, says forming a comb-like structure. It was men, as Mrs. Cleveland was of women. that he had seen soldiers unconscious any harness ordered I also keep a full it is ‘ ‘ that part of the Pacific ocean which I don ’ t know why it is, but there isn ’ t this, doubtless a congenital variation, stock of oil and rubber robes, lap robes, snug sum. The girl was loath to leave must starve to death. Hastening bock lies immediately south of Behring strait.” for hours alter a fit of nausea and faint­ items. “But there are other items to be horse covers, saddles, etc. A full line of her brother, and wished to accompany to Bernard’s cabin, who was away, he and not the accidental scar, that the even a little bit of this about the Harri­ ing, brought on bv marching in the sun. A recent newspajier communication by rax for repairs constantly on hand. son family. They don’t do anything to shine. He did not know sunstroke by charged against the salesmen's account. him to the Yellowstone; but he urged left a note saying they had gone East, Professor Dall, an American writer, upon daughter had inherited.— Science. attract public attention to themselves, name, and seemed to think that the It is impossible to give an accurate esti­ her to go directly down the Missouri and then taking some chains and a ham­ Alaska, shows conclusively that he re­ Behring sea as the northern exten­ and this attention does not come of its symptoms which he descrilied were ]«- mate of the cost of trunks, samples and with liis partner, and not undertake so mer which he found. in a stable near the gards Is. sion of the Pacific. Mr. Robert Rayner, own free will. fatiguing a journey as that by the Yel­ cabin, returned to the rock. He forged who has recently written a notable article culiar effects of the Irtes’h valley heat, other requisites of the traveling men, but If Cleveland but smiled on a baby at a but it was evidently sunstroke that lie the items ax we figure them in our store lowstone route. He said their mother, a collar out of the chain and fastened it on the Behring sea question, addressed The ladies of the shah’s harem are will give something to judge from. Our who also lived in St. Louis, would be about his victim’s neck. Then he drove a letter to Dr. II. Supan, who is widely now seen abroad unveiled, save one or public reception the newspapers publish­ had seen.” regarded as tbe most eminent of living fifty men require 150 trunks, costing $8 ed a long story about the circumstance, anxious, and he promised he would not a staple into the rock and fastened the geographers, asking his opinion. The two of the handsomer or more flighty of M c M innville , orf . gon . each or $1,200. These men require two be long in. joining them, when they chain to it. This done he calmly sat editor of Petermann’x Mitteilungen replied the numbei, who sometimes, when driv­ and it was much talked about. Harrison sets of samples yearly—one in the spring draining, would all have a happy time. The down to see his enemy starve. On the that “all geographers consider Behring ing in their “glass coaches” purposely all but gets down on the floor to play and one in the fall. The cost of these Paper Hanging and Mackinaw Boats were well manned with third day the partner signed the deed sea as a part of the Pacific.” give a rattier liberal display of their flor­ with babies and no one remarks it. The When he was only seven years old two sets of samples is alout $1,000 per To a mind of fair historical and geo ­ newspaper man is in danger of ostracism friendly Indians, and provided with id charms to passers-by in carriages or with some powdered ink which the Carriage Painting. Prince Hartl had an unexpected match annum. Of this $50,000 worth of goods graphical intelligence, it is not easy to who writes about the McKee children; every comfc -rt-tlie country afforded. on horseback. The legends of tattoed brother had. It bequeathed all his prop­ Prompt Attention to Orders from When the little fleet sailed the brother erty to the injured girl. The brother understand why, if Behring sea can be Greek princes, notwithstanding, it is yet the president of the United States is with a small American boy of his own that are required for samples every year age. It was at a school entertainment the Country. struck out across the country for tbe witnessed and also attached an old trap , ­ claimed as a closed sea by tlie United quite certain that as a rule, no man save subject to the rule of this youngster of at Tokio and it began by Prince Hartl a considerable |ortion is lost, while most of it is so soiled and damaged by constant (States Russia might not say to Sweden two years. This phenomenal grandfather the king enters the royal harem, or, hav­ Yellowstone, where be arrived in due per’s name as a witness. The brother noticing that the young American kept handling that it lias to be sold at a heavy M c M innville national bank . time, but a very sick man. He was then wrote letters for the man to sign,, and to Germany that the Baltic was a ing done so, leaves it alive. carries the child about in his arms, and on his Tam o’Shanter cap in the princely reduction from the actual cost or else compelled :to remain so long at the Crow- saying he had fallen very ill while cross­ closed sea; for Behring sea washes Rus­ The means of getting rid of those who may be led by him to take interest in a presence. m ’ mi NNVILLE, OREGON. given away. To cover this depreciation Indian cam p that the river froze up be­ ing the plains and. was about to die. sian territory on the west, just as the have ceased to plcaBe is simple yet in­ game ot marbles. “Go and tell that boy to take off his make an allowance of 33*, percent, upon Baltic does Sweden. The president of the United States rid ­ Transacts a General Banking Business, fore be got iwell, and so he could not go These letters were dated cn the Platte, genious. There is no sewing up in sacks hat!” ordered the small prince to his the cost of the samples, or alxiut $17,000 The Black sea even, which has no no casting from towers, no bowstring, no ing down Pennsylvania avenue with an In the spring he grew bet­ but did not say at wliat point. All these President............................... I. W. COWLS down at all. aid-de-camp. per year. Trunks do not need renewing Vice President............ LEE LAUGHLIN ter and madt i his way to Benton, where documents the brother compelled his other communication with the ocean poisoning. A provincial general is in­ infant in his arms! Another: The pres­ Before the officer could reach the of- everv year, but repairs and replacing lost than by a channel held by Turkey, is ident, when the rest of the family are formed that lie will be favored with a Ooskier........................ CLARK BRALY he awaited th e return of his partner and partner to sign. er ’ s sister, though nothing of the like a young game cock. He Won tlie Prize. ?■*-’ Klven t*xls institution a repute but ‘ew schools attain, securing r they had callei 1 at his mother’s house, made a will giving everything to his recognized wives and favorites. The Facts About Railways. The tableaux and exercises went on he bail ceased to breathe, when they al.h L°.ur ftaduates proOtable employ A story which is vouched for by throwing of the handkerchief is no in­ t*ot, tx>tn as book-keepers and stenographers and said the old lady wan well and hearty mother and sister, and once more fled to quietly after that prelude, and when sup­ proceeded with the inquest.” mdenu admitted at any lime. Catalogue free Charles E. I’otts, of Troy, illustrates the vention and has not gone out of practice. In another place: The Canadian Pacific railway extends the w ild mountains. There he lived for when they left h er. per-time came Prince llaru was seen eat­ A- r. ABMSTBOXU, Principal. Portland, Or. “The bodv of a drowned man «as These conflic ting reports greatly ten years, never again coming East, and force of originality. A business man of The number of legitimate wives (orakdi) farther east and west than any other ing pink and white ice cream elbow to worried the bre eated experiments made long and circumsta atial account • of the deaths from heart failure in these times ; and Jeweler. ruin of his sister, ai id wound up b) ' say- the Intention Age, is due the important by an experienced English navigator at much to the surprise of people who have It is claimed that the fastest time on than heretofore, but a new cause for' “The Inquisition held on the body of only seen him sitting behind the desk of Holmes deseasts I tecember 8, 1853. We sociological fact that the condition of Santander, on tbe north coast of Spain, Dealer In All Kinds ot Watches, Jewetrj. Plated Ware. ing that the girl, unable to bear her the supreme court, robed in his volum­ record was made over the Philadelphia death has been coined, and the nervous j of the sai